#admin malfunctions™
[Blog Closed.]
After about a year and a half of running this blog, I've decided that I have to close it down. This may or may not come as a surprise, given the fact that I haven't been posting things for a few days.
Tumblr has been malfunctioning more and more for me, and things seem to have changed for the worse in terms of how it is used, and it's been triggering my anxiety too much with the simple action of simply checking my notifications.
If I could stay here and provide you all with laughs and fun without triggering myself, then I would. I've had so much fun here, and being able to meet all of you has been an experience that made me smile.
There are 2,201 of you here with me, and I thank each and every one of you for supporting my blog and my posts. Genuinely, it means so much to me.
I hope everyone continues to stay safe and healthy and happy :)
- definitely-correct-bighit-stuff admin <3
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I am so sorry for the lack of quotes these days... It's Christmas season and orchestra rehearsals n concerts have been keeping me hostage these past few days.
But I'm back now!! I don't have any more concerts until christmas Eve so there hopefully won't be any more lapses in the daily quotes :]
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Hey sorry about the lack of quotes today and also two days ago! The scheduled stuff ran out a while ago so I've had to resort to typing and posting them on the day...life has been too busy for me to schedule them properly
Sorry yet again :(
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