#adam cole x reader x maxwell jacob friedman
judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
Our girl baybay
Pairing: Maxwell Jacob Friedman x Fem reader x Adam Cole
Description: When you keep being harassed by Orange Cassidy, your partners challenge him and Danhausen to a tag team match
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You felt frustrated as you slammed the door to the boys shared locker room having run away from Orange Cassidy who would not stop harassing you even though you were with not just one man but both MJF and Adam Cole. The tears pour as knocks hit against the door afraid to open the door until finally you open it only to see Max with adam next to him both instantly worried when they see your tear stained flushed face being pulled into their arms "What's wrong sweetie are you hurt?" you mumble that you wanted it to stop with tears flowing "Want what to stop dear? What happened?" you sigh as you remain in max's arms after all of you walk in the locker room sitting on the couch "Orange Cassidy has been messing with me and I just can't get him to stop" they both feel anger boil inside them as they hold you showering you with affection before changing into your matching ring gears and accompanying them in the ring for a promo which is interrupted halfway through by Orange Cassidy who just wouldn't leave you be despite how much you said no and fought back even throwing slaps and punches on him for how much he just kept bothering you. As cassidy talked max almost jumped out of the ring while adam held him back yelling "You better be glad that we're not beating your ass right now but we challenge you and Hausen to a tag team match next week!" max helps you out of the ring after adam leaves staring eye to eye with cassidy as he grabs the microphone from adam "One more thing to know, this girl is our girl Baybay!" smiling as the crowd adds "And you know it!" while the three of you walk hand in hand backstage sharing a group hug in your locker room sharing kisses together before watching the rest of Rampage heading back home and immediately holding both of them after you all showered and were laying on the couch watching tv "Thanks for earlier boys I didn't want you guys to think that.. something else was going on" they each lightly squeeze you as max gently lifts your face up to look at both men "We would never think that at all babygirl you don't have to ever think that we'd be mad because someone doesn't want to take the point that you're taken" you smile as the three of you head upstairs sharing a final tender kiss with each man before you were all tangled together watching tv with piper at your feet and the dogs on the floor in their beds all of you falling asleep and hour later limbs wrapped together with your head in the crook of max's neck and adam's chin placed lightly on top of your head.
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thesupreme316 · 9 months
Hi. I’ve read some of your fics and I was just wondering if your could do a x reader with either of the following (the Elite, Adam Cole, MJF, Ricky Starks, or one of the womens) I had a really shitty day at work and I wanted to know if you could do something where that after training the readers back hurts from taking bumps. My back is really bad to the point I have to go to the chiropractor along with my shoulder. I explained it badly because I feel like shit from work but just something really comforting
Honey, I hope your back is getting better (please don’t stress yourself). Imma do reactions so you can get the most comfort possible and sorry that this couldn’t come out sooner
AEW Stars React: Your back getting injured in training
Pairings: MJF x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Kenny Omega x Reader, Hangman Adam Page x Reader, Willow Nightingale x Reader, Adam Cole x Reader
Word Count: 875
Supreme Speaks: hey I hope that the anon who requested this iks having a better day. I was gonna do an imagine but it was easier and quicker for me to write reactions. I hope all of you reading this also has a great day and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: same instances in different fonts, barely proofread
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom
Kenny Omega
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Mans would notice the first time you landed wrong (Mans is the Bout machine)
He would try to correct you but ultimately decided to end the session to prevent an injury
I also think he is the one who constantly has an eye on you afterward; like you are not allowed to leave his line of sight
So you now have the task of sitting and being pretty while he fixes lunch/dinner
You are not allowed to walk around for long periods
Would give you tips on how to land safer in the future
I also say Kenny would put down a thicker landing mat for you once you are ready to train again
Would also praise you for trying to continue to train
“You are tougher than most of the boys in the back. Nick cried once from taking a bump wrong.”
Hangman Page
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Once you landed wrong and he saw how you reacted; you were immediately taken out of the ring
“Nope. No, no, no, we’re leaving and you’re getting a heating pad.”
Would immediately get you IcyHot/BioFreeze for your pains
Tries to distract you with discussions about other topics (favorite songs, movies, etc)
Would carry you every time you wanted to walk somewhere
Bathroom? You’re over his shoulder. Want to eat? You’re being held like a baby to the table
Listens to your rants, outbreaks, cries, anything at any time of the day
Would give you massages at any time
“Please do not move too much. I want you to be at 100% next time you practice”
Adam Cole
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Just like Page and Kenny, Cole doesn’t take this lightly (as he has suffered from back pains)
But I think you were landing safely and you just took too many bumps and they just started to hurt your back
Just to be on the safe side, he would book chiropractor appointments
He would go through the appointment to show that you’re not alone
Adam would also do his own observations to see if he needs to alter anything
Will readjust everything to make sure that you are comfortable
ALSO MANS WILL GET YOU FLOWERS EVERYDAY (I just see that whether it’s platonic or not)
“You’re gonna be okay and I’m so proud of you for taking everything like a champ.”
Also, he would have a bath waiting on you before you could walk in the door
That man will take care of you
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Okay listen….he would try to make fun of you at first
But when he noticed that you wouldn’t even give a snarky comeback, he changed his attitude
Will spend a shitload of money just to make you feel good
Appointments? Medicine? Massages? Compression shirts? You name it, he got it.
As you start to feel better, Max will start cracking jokes
“You are a strong individual who can take anything thrown at her….except for an arm drag”
Will reference you to make his opponent feel bad
“Y/N, who is smaller than you, had to stop wrestling temporarily cause she was carrying the weight of the industry on her back..unlike you shmuck.”
Ricky Starks
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Mans knows exactly how you feel
Will give you every piece of advice and equipment that helped him through his bad back
“Sleep on your stomach….or was it your side? Just go to sleep and tell me how you feel later on.”
Will make everything within arms reach for you
Doesn’t want you to enter the ring until a week later
Ensures you that you didn’t do anything wrong (wrestling is just hard at the end of the day)
Like Page, he will listen to what you have to say and will try his best to respond to it
Will support whatever you choose to do but will push you to keep going in the future
“I know it hurts now, but once you’re all better, you’ll forget this ever happened and flourish like the butterfly that you are…or something like that from Pinterest”
Willow Nightingale
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Okay, I think she would freak out about everything
Tbh, she wouldn’t know what to do as she is genuinely worried about you
You would find it endearing and a little bit distracting (in a good way) as she scrambles to help you
Would worry every time you left something up, doesn’t allow you to bend down
To comfort you; cuddles everyday…every fucking day… (you betta not decline em either)
Would take online advice to heart and hope that it genuinely helps you
I can see Willow looking up what to do to help you, but she would come across different conditions and would be convinced you have it
“Do you have Osteoporosis? No? Then you have Arthritis….No I’m not calling you old.”
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mjfsupremacy · 7 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 32
A/N: Now that I know how bad I've fucked the tl by literally just not checking the date lmao I'll be posting today and tomorrow lol. Just do me favour and don't think too hard on it.
Also, this would've been a great cliffhanger chapter, and I didn't do that to you. That's how amazing and kind and pretty and smart and hot I am. Bask in it.
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issdisgrace · 9 months
WARNINGS: Lingerie es stupido, hide your eyes if your under 18
A/N: I TOTALLY don’t have a thing for men in lingerie. Also getting back into wrestling soooo.
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seeingstarks · 10 months
no one better than you baby
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summary : you're in a moral dilemma on whether or not you should help adam turn on maxwell or the other way around. pairing : mjf x adam cole x afab!reader (use of wrestler names) cw : walked in on while getting dressed, angst if you squint, mention of anxiety, sexual suggestions, french-kissing, arm/ab touching, nicknames like babe/babygirl, basically wrestling fluff with a dash of smut! a/n : reblogs are very much appreciated! had this in the drafts for a week or so and finally had the inspo to finish it! enjoy! 💙 word count : 1,425 words tag list: @adamjf @josiewrites
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"adam, no, we can't." you pleaded while looking over into his icy blue eyes contemplating on whether or not tonight was the night to help adam turn on maxwell.
you'd been his valet ever since undisputed era and glued to his hip however found yourself wandering after making the move to all elite. maxwell was an asshole and nothing but, he seemed like a changed man when better than you bay bay became a thing.
adam kept the good guy act up for the cameras but he'd secretly been pitching ideas to you for weeks. little did he know that the devil himself caught your eye more than once and you'd been sneaking off to tell him of adam's plans. the devil was always one step ahead but with your help he'd be two steps further.
everything went according to plan except when stepping foot into your private locker room away from the two men you trusted most in your life, one as a brother and the other as a sort of school-girl crush. surely everyone in their right mind had to be head over heels for the maxwell jacob friedman.
with a soft sigh, you took a seat infront of your cheap vanity. it was nothing much just a re-furnished shelf painted your favorite color, a few lights adorning the top and a mirror propped up against it with makeup scattered about.
however one thing was out of place.. or rather wasn't there to begin with. you picked up the small black box and gave it a slight shake, wondering what it contained inside. you should've known the gift was from maxwell when pulling at the burberry ribbon and revealing the contents inside to be a ring in just your size.
taking the shiny object out of the box, your eyes sparkled from the reflection off the lights and pure wonder of how much it cost, had to be a fortune. it looked exactly like his dynamite diamond ring only perfect for your finger.
you slid the ring on and smiled seeing your reflection in the mirror, of course it suited you well. once getting up from the seat, you had noticed a neatly folded piece of paper on the ground that must've fallen from the box.
inside read, "thought of you when i found this. the only person prettier and better than any diamond is you, baby. maybe you could use it against adam tonight?"
a slight warmth grew on your cheeks when reading the words, maxwell never called you pretty to your face. only things like baby, toots, or beautiful.. but you only took it as a joke in passing. there was this one time he called you babygirl and you will never let him hear the end of it.
you nearly jumped from your seat when you heard someone knocking at the door, luckily it was just a seamstress dropping off your outfit for the night. ever since maxwell and adam teamed up you had matching gear with them.
throwing off your shorts, you swiftly put on your wrestling bottoms and while whipping your shirt toward whatever corner of the room another knock was heard on the door, "c'mon, i'm just trynna' get dressed here!" you half-yelled with a huff and opened the door realizing you were only wearing a bra once you came face to face with adam.
"oh, uh i'll just wait a few minutes- promise i didn't see anything." you chuckled at adam's response and watched as he shut his eyes.
you went toward a private part of the room and threw your double clothesline shirt on with the matching jacket, "i'm dressed now, mr. undisputed your eyes won't be burned." you gave him a smile.
"so, have you given anymore consideration to helping me turn on maxwell tonight?" adam questioned but you were deep in thought thinking about the devil himself.
adam snapped his fingers infront of you, a sort of way to try and bring you back to reality, "uh, y/n you still there?"
"oh, yeah.. mhm. i've given it some consideration. maybe tonight isn't the right night to turn on him. he's just starting to act like a face.. and well we're trying to get the crowd on his side."
"exactly, y/n. tonight would be the perfect night for it.. but i understand if you're not ready. it's all in your hands." adam looked at you sincerely, you had a lot to consider since both men wanted you to turn on the other one and you hadn't even seen max in person tonight except in passing. whichever choice you made you hoped it wouldn't ruin any friendships.
"i'll make my choice when we go out there, see you in five." you assured as adam soon exited, you took it upon yourself to do the finishing touches on your outfit and makeup.
you dragged your feet against the backstage floor, scrunching your nose up at the sound it made. squeaky.. must've been cleaned recently. a familiar feeling arose in your stomach, that being of anxiety.
you were fast approaching both men and had a very important decision to make, not only for the two you loved most but for a future feud in the company.
with a heavy sigh, you glanced down at your ring finger which was usually not adorned with such a shiny jewel but maxwell had grown on you the past month or so.. and adam he'd been there for all your ups and downs. this moment was more than your personal relationships.. it was about wrestling itself and what the fans wanted but you couldn't bare the thought of hurting maxwell.
or could you? only time would tell.
lights flashed bright, pyro went off, the crowd had been cheering and booing all night and it was finally time for the main event.
mawell's music hit first and then it mashed up with a mix of adam's. then it was your time to shine, you posed with the men as maxwell instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist, adam shooting him a knowing glare. a few rude members of the crowd were cat-calling you so maxwell took it upon himself to flip them off.
you were used to adam being cheered and mawwell always receiving a mix of boos and cheers however since the team up it was the best of both worlds.
you stood at ringside as the match went smoothly, cheering a little more for maxwell over adam and he seemed to take notice when taken advantage of in a shatter machine finisher. whoops.
in the end ftr still won over better than you bay bay despite your efforts of attempting to distract the referee but being careful enough not to get kicked out.
you made your way up the ring steps and hugged it out with both men, adam turning around and telling maxwell to hit him but instead it was you doing the dirty work.
one swift punch to the jaw, ring including left the crowd in gasps. even maxwell looked surprised for a moment or so while resting against the ropes in the corner or the ring.
he smirked deviously before standing up, "knew you'd make the right choice," he lowered his voice so only you could hear, "i see you took my advice now how about let's get outta' here and i take ya' on a proper date, babygirl?"
your eyes met with his chocolate ones, giving a nod. "yes. of course, maxwell. but first-"
before maxwell even had the chance to speak, you wrapped your arms and hand up around his muscly shoulders, dragging the other along his abs.
"don't forget we're in public baby- not that i mind but i don't wanna share you for our first time."
after listening you shushed him with a kissed which he deepened by wrapping his own strong arms around your finger, opening your mouth in response as he shoved his tongue down your throat, causing you to gasp for air.
you snaked your tongue around his, doing the same as a small moan escaped from the man's throat, "mm, babe."
you chuckled as the two of you eventually broke the kiss to catch a breath of air, still holding each other close. the crowd was off the rails already yelling about giving you and maxwell a ship name as you hid your blushing face into his shoulder.
"we're going to make a perfect wrestling couple."
"why just a wrestling couple?" you asked with a smirk.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 6 days
Hi can you write an MJF x reader where reader is MJF wife and is sitting at the barricade at Double or nothing where he returns and mentions how he isn’t leaving AEW?
I’m so happy that MJF is back!!!
Double or Nothing
MJF x Wife Reader
MJF Masterlist Main Masterlist
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It didn’t matter how many times I’d been fortunate enough to experience Max’s returns ringside. Every return was bigger and better than the last. It has been five months since I last found myself in this position. 5 months ago I sat in this exact spot cheering on my husband against his match with Joe at World’s End. I know that match didn’t end the way we wanted but that just meant his return would be ungodly. I watched Adam Cole enter the ring, devil mask in hand. It didn’t matter what he was saying, it would soon mean nothing. I couldn't help the nervous feeling in my stomach, I was internally counting down the seconds until the lights went out and the devil came home. As if on cue the lights went out. I watched Adam Cole frantically pace around the ring waiting to get jumped and yet nothing happened. Just then the video package played on the screens. I could sense the confusion in the fans. Some chanted his name while others questioned who was filming the video. It was obvious the hands were one of a female. I was the one that helped Max film it, we just had to throw them off just a bit. Just then my focus from the screen was broken when a fan yelled “Wait isn’t that MJF’s Wife!” Fuck, I got caught. I tried my best to ignore the comment as I awaited his entrance theme to play on the speakers. I thought the pop was big when Max returned at All Out back in 2022 but this was nothing in comparison. The crowd went crazy as Max made his way to the ring, ready to kill Adam Cole. For a moment it was as if Max would reunite with Cole but of course, that was false. For the past 5 months, Max hated how he allowed himself to get soft, he hated that he trusted someone other than me. Max was out for revenge. For a moment in time, some thought we would never see MJF in AEW again but AEW was his home. The other company would ruin him. Maxwell Jacob Friedman is NOT a PG guy. I couldn't help the smile on my face, he was home. The people loved him, they needed him. I can’t wait to see where this next adventure takes us. 
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deepdisireslonging · 6 years
Wrestling Masterlist
S = Smut     A = Angst   F = Fluff    AR = Answered Request
Adam Cole
    A Bunch of New Things (AR, S, F)
Adam “Hangman” Page
   Saddle Up (AR, S)
   Here for the Party (S)
   Height-Ho (F, S)
AJ Styles
   Tell Me (AR, S)
Aleister Black/Malaki Black
   Bite Me (AR, Ficlet, S)
   That’s Not My Name (AR, S)
   Into the Darkness (Challenge, Highlander Immortals AU)
   You’re Hot When You’re Angry (AR, Drabble, A, S)
Alexa Bliss
   What I Started (AR, S, F|F)
Baron Corbin
   Preparing for the Future (A, F, S, Breeding Kink)
   You’re in Charge (AR, Ficlet, S)
   That Scares Me (AR, Ficlet, F)
Becky Lynch
   I’ll Get Mine (AR, S, F|F)
Braun Strowman
   Past Looking (Male Reader, AR, S, F, M|M)
   Just a Touch (AR, S, F, Plus Sized!Reader)
   The Aftermath (AR, F, Ficlet)
Buddy Murphy/Buddy Matthews
   Plus One (TransMale!Reader, AR, F, M|M) 
Cesaro/ Claudio Castagnoli
   Pool Toss (Imagine)
   Only Yours (AR, A, S)
   Stop Bitting that Lip (AR, Ficlet, S)
   I Don’t Share (AR, Ficlet, S)
   Impatient (Ficlet, implied S)
   A Beautiful Trouble (AR, F, S, Curvy!Reader)
   Rain Check (F, A, Book/Coffee Shop AU)
Dean Ambrose/ Jon Moxley
   Not Just Fucking Friends (AR, Ficlet, S)
  Since When (AR, S, F, Breeding Kink)
  A Champion’s Reward (Mox, AR, S, Daddy/Biting Kink) 
  Bite Me (Vampire!Mox, A, Horror)
Dolph Ziggler
    Mutual Holds (Plus!Reader, AR, S, kinky af)
    Quite the Show (AR, S)
    Your Champion (AR, S, Age Difference)
Drake Maverick 
    The Process of a Birthday Wish (AR, S, F)
    My Favorite Things (AR, A, S, F)
    Prove It (AR, S, Plus!Reader)
Drew McIntyre
    Let Him Know (AR, S)
    Not Just Friends (AR, Ficlet, A)
EC3 (Ethan Carter III)
    Ego vs. Confidence (AR, F, S)
    Another Good Morning (AR, S, F)
    The Best of Accidents (AR, A, F)
Elias Samson 
  Elias Masterlist
Finn Balor/Prince Devitt
  Balor/Devitt Masterlist  
Jack Gallagher  
    Snow Kisses (F)
    Kitchen Secrets (F)
Jack Swagger/Jack Hager
   Don’t Rush This (AR, A, S, F)
Jey Uso
    For Honor and Love (AR, F, Implied S)
Jimmy Uso
   If We Get Caught (AR, Ficlet, S)
Jordan Devlin (NXT UK)
   Save It For Morning (AR, F, A)
   Let’s Get Away (AR, F)
   Par - Bat - Right (AR, F)
   Sex With Kalisto Would Include (AR, F, S, Gender-Neutral Reader)
Kenny Omega
  Kenny Omega Masterlist
Maxwell Jacob Friedman/ MJF
   A Tease of the Worst Kind (S, Ficlet)
   Finish Me (S, Ficlet)
   Power Struggle (Whump)
   STFU (S, Summer Song-Fic Playlist)
Mojo Rawley
    Flawless (Plus!Reader, AR, S)
   Just a Love Tap (AR, S, F|F)
    My King (S)
Noam Dar
    If My Lady Requests (AR, S, F)
    We’ve Missed You (AR, S, F)
    Fourth or Fifth of July (AR, F, S)
     Pt 2:  Trick and Treats (Finn/R/Noam Dar, AR, S)
Pete Dunne
     A Pretty Mess (AR, S, F, Sub!Pete)
Pete Dunne x Reader x Tyler Bate
     Which One? (AR, F, S, threesome)
Peyton Royce
     No More Whispers (AR, A, S, F|F)
Rezar (AOP)
     Hard Feelings (AR, A, S, Trans!OC)   
    Happy to Help (Male!Reader, AR, F, implied S, M|M)
    Dating/Sex With Ricochet Would Include... (AR, F, S, Headcanons)
Ricky Starks
   Broken Negotiations (A, Whump)
   Surrender (A, Whump)
Roman Reigns  
  Roman Reigns Masterlist 
Rosemary (TNA)
   Doubt Comes In (AR, A, F, S, F|F)
Sami Zayn  
    Cappuccino, Right? (F)
    To Heaven and Back (AR, F, A, S, Plus!Reader)
    I Can’t Breathe (AR, A, F, Ficlet)
    Not Letting Go (AR, F, S, Ficlet)
Samoa Joe
    Loyalties (AR, S)
    All His (S)
    Ready or Not (AR, S, Virgin!Reader)
Seth Rollins
    Any Other Night (AR, A, S)
    Break Each Other’s Hearts Again (AR, F, A, S) 
        Relapse (Alternate Ending) (A, S)
    Pretty Little Thing (AR, F, S)
    Why Not (AR, A, S)
    Because of You (AR, A, F, S)
    Break You Apart (AR, S, F, Ambrose!Reader)
    The Doctor Called (F)
    Getting Lucky (S, St. Patrick’s Day)
    I Can Wait (A, F)
    I Am More (A, F)
Tommaso Ciampa
    Angel of NXT (AR, S)
    I’m In Charge (AR, S)
   Do You Remember When (A, S)
   A Stranger in My Head (S, Horror)
   All the Better (S)
Will Ospreay
   A Good Handle on Things (S, F)
Xavier Woods
   Tongue Control (AR, S, F)
   Distraction at It’s Finest (S, F)
Three-some Fics
Other: Original Works and Series
  Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Elias Samson Underwater Wrestling: Champion of the Sea (AR, no pairing)
 Dom Drabble Collection: A series of requests for ‘some kinky, rough, spanking, Dom’ Roman Reigns, Jeff Hardy, Baron Corbin, Pete Dunn, Aleister Black 
 Sister in Arms: Finn can’t seem to shake the effects of his feud with Bray Wyatt, so an old friend comes to help. Then Y/N finds herself battling on two fronts: in the ring and in her mind.  [Series Masterlist] 
  At Any Cost:  Weeks of interruptions from either side led the reader and Elias to the Elimination Chamber. Not only is a Wrestlemania moment up for grabs, but also the chance to prove who is the better wrestler and the better man. [Series Masterlist]
  Finn Balor NSFW Alphabet: A unique version of the NSFW Alphabet to enjoy the differences between Finn and Balor and their relationship with the reader.  [Series Masterlist]  (In Process)
  Family Found:  When Y/N joins the journalism crew of WWE, she is trying to make a name for herself. Then her missing past begins to catch up to her, and she finds herself capable of filling a void she never thought could be filled again. [Series Masterlist]
  Thicker Than Blood (Family Found Rewrite): The Reader, newly shifted from NXT to Raw, makes an immediate statement. What follows is unprecedented wrestling: two companies destined to meet in head-to-head competition. And to boot, she has a personal battle to face. [Series Masterlist]
   Marvel/WWE Crossover: New tech in the rooms gives the reader the chance to meet her heroes.  Almost Real
   Terra’s Anti-Valentine’s Angst Challenge:  The Reader was betrayed by a close friend. When she’s saved from further pain, she can’t seem to do anything but run in the opposite direction, despite the positive possibilities. Broken Chances 
   Betrayal at Every Turn:  Serena has everything going for her. She’s on the rise in the women’s division, and she’s made powerful allies. When Serena’s world shatters, is she willing to accept help to pick up the pieces? Can she trust anyone? [Series Masterlist]
   Mox/Ambrose/Shaw NSFW Alphabet:  A unique version of the NSFW Alphabet to observe the differences between Jon’s many voices and his relationship with the reader. [Series Masterlist] (In process)
   Heartstrings: Ana Lupo has convinced herself of several things. All she needs is music, war is not coming, and she has no interest in Elias. Life after college has a way of proving her wrong. Can she find her center in the one who claims to know her heart the best, and keep him too? [Series Masterlist] 
   Haunted by the House of Black: {One Shot} What it would be like to feel like you’re being watched… by something not of this plane? Lingering touches that first startle, then intrigue? All of the ghostly members of the team take turns feeling up the reader until you give in and do your best to live through the pleasure.
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judgementdaysunshine · 5 months
The truth
Pairing: Maxwell Jacob Friedman x Fem reader x Adam Cole
Description: The relationship your boyfriend and you have with your shared friend changes after an unexpected threesome together
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You stand proud ringside after seeing your boyfriend Adam along with both his and your best friend Max standing in the ring on cloud nine after winning a big tag team match against Moxley and Yuta feeling a familiar warmth wash over you not just for adam but for max as well. The three of you have dinner to celebrate but weirdly enough none of you drank any alcohol but you realize why on the way home unable to keep your eyes off both men feeling yourself throb and twitch, you walk in your hotel room locking yourself in the bathroom and hopping in the shower getting out to find both men waiting for you feeling your heart shake erratically as they stepped closer to you while you stand in a towel "I wanted to tell you both for so long but I was afraid...to be vulnerable" the words crack your heart before sharing a soft kiss with max feeling chills on your body after adam removes the towel running his hands along your body feeling a mess as they switch places one minute sharing a kiss with adam as max strips you down then the next minute adam would kissing down your back while max nipped at your neck unable to hold back the airy whimpers and growing moans thankfully being in a penthouse that didn't having people nearby by and good thick ceilings and walls so no one could hear unless you were screaming, you moaned being between the two with with adam rubbing your clit while max licked and ate you out before you were sucking adam off and max was thrusting in you but not roughly rather slowly allowing the pleasure to build and flow. Despite the unexpected and intimate moment you felt more love and safety with max and adam as moans poured out with your arms wrapped around max's shoulders in a tender kiss while adam thrusted in you kissing your neck with all your hands intertwined together falling asleep after showering together wrapped between them waking up in max's arms to adam tangling strands of max's hair with his hand under your arm while the other caressed your face smiling before you share a kiss falling back asleep and waking up an hour later to max kissing your hand having breakfast together before you both confessed your feelings to max "You don't have to join us but we wanted you to know the truth" he smiles pulling adam into a kiss before sharing one with you walking in the arena hand in hand telling close friends of your new relationship becoming a well known throuple and joining them in Better than you Baybay and the fans adored the three of you even more than each of you were.
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mjfsupremacy · 7 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 23
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A/N: ENJOY. please don't get used to how many parts i'm dropping i just had to edit the timeline and then is motherfucker decided to wear pink and destroy my entire life.
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78 notes · View notes
mjfsupremacy · 7 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 25
A/N: See you with part 26 tomorrow! My TL is back after this!
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mjfsupremacy · 7 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 34
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A/N: Is It Over Now by Taylor Swift.
Last update until Wednesday now, I like to be 5 or 6 parts ahead, and I'm only 3, which makes me stressed, but guys, war is over!! 😭
Love you all so much. I hope I did them justice.
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62 notes · View notes
mjfsupremacy · 6 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 44
A/N: See you on Dynamite day! Part 43 also posted!
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60 notes · View notes
mjfsupremacy · 7 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 33
A/N: who woulda thought after all that talk, it ended up being Max who went on the lam 🫢
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68 notes · View notes
mjfsupremacy · 6 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 41
A/N: I'll see y'all again on Dynamite day for part 42! We're in their hard launch era now besties.
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74 notes · View notes
mjfsupremacy · 7 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 35
A/N: We're back again!
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61 notes · View notes
mjfsupremacy · 7 months
The Cat Distribution System
MJF x Reader SMAU - Part 37
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