bigcatrescue · 1 year
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*** ACTION ALERT *** Many of you may have seen, or at least heard about, the Superbowl ad for a new Fox Entertainment TV series “Animal Control” starring Joel McHale. In the ad, McHale is holding a baby cougar. If this had been filmed in the US after Dec. 20 it would have violated the Big Cat Public Safety Act that became law on that day. The law requires that if you are not one of the exempted people like the staff at a USDA licensed exhibitor or a veterinarian you must be kept at least 15 feet from a big cat if the cat is not behind a permanent barrier.
This commercial would violate the new law if it were filmed in the US. It was filmed in Canada, so the BCPSA does not apply. But it is still exploitation of the animal and sends the wrong message. Animals provided to the entertainment industry typically in our view are mistreated. And holding a cub like this sends the message that these big cats make good pets, encouraging people to acquire them. That never turns out well for the animal.
Disney owns Fox Entertainment and we have identified the individuals we believe are the decision-makers who can create a company policy of not exploiting big cats like this. Please take a moment to let them know that you object to this exploitation and urge them to stop.
#BigCatRescue #action #Alert #ActionAlert #bigcatswildlife #cougar #Panthers #mountainlion #Cubs #babyanimals #wildcats #wildlife #nature #naturelover #advocate #advocacy #advocacymatters #AdvocateForChange #BeTheirVoice #speakout #SpeakUp #savetheplanet #conservation #conservationmatters #conservationeducation #FoxNews #fox #FOXSPORTS #disney #disneyland
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stillwithhernothim · 6 years
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💥ACTION ALERT💥 Don’t assume others will. Take action yourself!! It takes all of us.... #Repost @poligonnational ・・・ This Thursday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for Mike Pompeo, the nominee for US Secretary of State. Call your Senators to oppose his nomination. Why? #Pompeo maintains strong relationships with Anti-Muslim hate groups and has called Muslim Americans 'a threat to America' and 'complicit' to acts of terrorism. This is beyond disturbing and extremely unfitting for any public office, let alone a position responsible for promoting global peace and stability and cultivating relationships with diverse leaders and nations. See our action alert at the link in our bio for a sample script you can use to make your voice heard on this critical vote. #congress #senate #Islamophobia #actionalert #stoppompeo
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OPPOSE H.R. 6666, the COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act Contact your U.S. Congressional Representative and ask them to vote NO on H.R. 6666 H.R. 6666 should be opposed because it provides federal funding to entities to create and enforce unrestricted surveillance, testing, tracing and quarantine mechanisms and has no set end date. There is simply no way to know how many inalienable rights protected under the U.S. Constitution could be infringed upon or taken away from citizens if this bill becomes law. It paves the way for forced coronavirus vaccination. To view the full alert, you can link directly and share: http://pb-site.com/l/rd2pt53pV/B1SvndkQU #NVIC @vaccinefreedom #HealthEquality #healthchoice #MedicalFreedom #InformedConsent #RhodeIsland #covid19 #virus #actionalert #Congress #Legislation https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWFUVMHQ0-/?igshid=iqqiq158lmnf
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I Need You to Make Some Calls About the Omnibus Bills
In the middle of the night, while most people were sleeping, the MN GOP decided to close budget negotiations and finalize omnibus conference committee bills that have largely been shaped behind closed doors. Negotiations with the Governor have been going on for less than a week and these bills still drastically under-fund essential services and are full of bad policy. These bills could get votes in the House and Senate TODAY. I need you to make some noise about this. 1. Call House Speaker Daudt (651-296-5364) and Senate Majority Leader Gazelak (651-296-4875) and tell them this is unacceptable. That you expect the legislature to negotiate with the Governor in good faith, openly and transparently, and to come up with a budget everyone can agree to without controversial policy provisions. 2. Call your Representative and Senator (Find them here) and tell them to vote NO on any budget bills that leave essential services like education, healthcare, the justice system, and transit under-funded to pay for tax cuts and that try to force through controversial policy provisions. 3. Call Governor Dayton (651-201-3400) and tell him to VETO any budget bills that leave essential services like education, healthcare, the justice system, and transit under-funded to pay for tax cuts and that try to force through controversial policy provisions. Let him know you support his veto even if it means a government shut down. Since these bills have been shaped in the dark, it's hard to know exactly what will be in them, but you can get a run down of the bad policy provisions they contained before "negotiations" started here. There's no reason to believe these have been removed. Thank you, WatchYourRepsMN -------------------- Do you find WatchYourRepsMN useful? Consider becoming a patron https://www.patreon.com/watchyourrepsmn
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harmreduction · 7 years
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ACTION ALERT: Congress is scheduled to vote this week on a resolution (H.J. Res 42) that would expand State's ability to drug test residents who apply for unemployment insurance. If this resolution were to pass, it would be the first step by Congress toward undoing federal restrictions on states conditioning receipt of unemployment and other forms of public assistance on a drug test. We need to show strong opposition to expand the use of drug testing for public assistance.
Call your Representative today! Your calls can make a difference. Let your Representative know that people who use drugs need the government to support them not punish them and take away life stabilizing benefits. Use the links below to help you find your Representative and call them today.
For finding your Representative: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
For their phone numbers (all area code 202): http://clerk.house.gov/member_info/ttd.aspx
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civicdirect · 6 years
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#IStandWithRavi #actionalert call #ice to #demand the #release of Ravi Ragbir, #executivedirector of New Sanctuary NYC and #half his #deportation. #civicaction
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justifiedmadness · 6 years
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@Regranned from @emergen.c.kitten - New York has one of highest number of criminal cases involving the Russian mafia (Trump deals w the Russian mafia) and we cannot allow Corrupt Trump’s pick to be planted in that position.. First off why is Trump even interviewing prospects? What kind of corrupt shit is that? #actionalert #takeaction #thegophatesyou #corruption #fraud #liar #theresistance #treason #impeachtrump #obstruction #trump #nationalembarrassment #crookedrepublicans #constitution #YOULIE #fakepresident #Racistpieceofshit - #regrann
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ACTION ALERT >>> Congressional Rules Committee to overturn Stream Protection Rule
ACTION ALERT >>> Congressional Rules Committee to overturn Stream Protection Rule
ACTION: Call House Committee on Rules members and urge them to vote NO on disapproving all 3 measures below. You can also post to them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RulesReps and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RulesReps/ When: January 30th, 2017, 5 pm What: H.J. Res. ___—Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior known as the Stream Protection Rule. (more stringent…
View On WordPress
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dispatchusa · 7 years
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#Repost @worldwidevitalpr with @repostapp ・・・ ACTION ALERT For those of you who want to support the long precedent of US Presidents refraining from personal gain and eliminating conflicts of interest see below for another easy action to take -- it takes about 30 seconds: Support Senator Warren's request to audit President Trump's finances for conflicts of interest. The woman who answered the phone at the Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office said the most effective way to be sure my support counted was to email two administrators, Katherine Siggerud and Timothy Minnelli. Their email addresses are: [email protected] [email protected] There is a third email address through which they're tracking people who are urging support for the audit -- [email protected]. Or, you can send ONE email addressed to: EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject line: Re: Audit for President Trump's financial concerns Dear Ms. Siggerud and Mr. Minnelli, I’m writing in support of Senator Elizabeth Warren's request for an audit of President Trump's finances, to prohibit conflicts of interest that would prevent him from carrying out the responsibilities of the office without corrupt influence. Sincerely, --- And please copy-paste this post to share. If you just click "share", then only the overlap of my friends and yours can see it. This really took about 30 seconds to do. An audit is essential immediately. #actionalert #conflictofinterests #donaldjtrump #thewhitehouse #PressCourt #media #ElizabethWarren#HillaryClinton
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sparksinthenight · 3 years
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token-white-friend · 7 years
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🚨🚨🚨ACTION ALERT🚨🚨🚨 DO YOU WANT TO PAY FOR INSTAGRAM/FB/SNAPCHAT/TUMBLR AND NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS NEWS THAT YOUR ISP/GOVT DEEMS AGAINST THEIR INTERESTS?? Ajit Pai has decided that all sounds great, and as FCC chairman, he has moved to end net neutrality. The FCC votes on this in December.
If net neutrality ends, the government and internet service providers can ban or block certain sites, charge extra for good service or for access to popular sites, and limit your freedom of access to information. WHAT YOU CAN DO: 1) call the FCC and read the prompt here to express your feelings that we NEED net neutrality 2) Text RESIST to 50409 to get numbers for and fax your Congresspeople. Tell them the FCC CANNOT vote to end net neutrality. 3) if you're given a voicemail, leave your name and approx. address to make sure your name is tallied. DO IT NOW THIS WILL HAPPEN IN DECEMBER IF YOU DONT. #netneutrality #internet #action #trump #fcc #action #actionneeded #actionalert
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bigcatrescue · 1 year
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ACTION ALERT: We heard the Alabama A & M University will be hosting the Brian Franzen’s Tigers via Loomis Brothers Circus show at the Agribition Center 4925 Moores Mill Rd, Huntsville, AL. I can't believe this is still happening in 2023 and we need you to roar out against it!
Shows are Jan 27th-29th 2023 --
PLEASE, go to the link below to use the easy quick form there to voice your opinion. Speak up for big cats who cannot speak up for themselves. YOU Can BE the DIFFERENCE between stopping the abuse or you can sit back, do nothing, and just ignore it while animals who have no voice continue to suffer.
#stop #stoptheabuse #circus #tigers #tiger #tiger #you #makeadifference #makeadifferencetoday #youcan #youcandoit #YouCanDoThis #betheirvoice #Alabama #university #bigcats #BigCatRescue #SpeakUp #speakout #ActionAlert
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ronnienews · 4 years
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verschwoerer · 4 years
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WTC 2001 15.04.2020 Auf dem Bild sieht man sehr schön den Partikelbeam (Mitte rechts). Man hat in drei Strahlen abwechselnd ( 1 Strahl ) auf das rechteckige Gebäude 7 von oben geschossen !! Man kann das auf anderen Bildern >nach der Zerstörung< anhand der drei kreisrunden Einschusslöchern im Bauschutt sehr gut erkennen! Am Ende der Bestrahlung wurde fachmännisch gesprengt, so daß die Reste der Außenmauern nach innen fielen! Beachte: Im Gebäude (belegt von ausschließlich Regierungsorganisationen) war niemand - keine toten Personen - !! Es gab dort nie eine forensische Untersuchung ! Die Reste des Gebäudes wurden nach Abkühlung durch schwere Wasserwerfer schnellstens abtransportiert !! Bild aus [email protected]; im Auftrag von; AE911Truth <[email protected]>
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MN Action Alert for Week of May 8th
If this was forwarded to you and you would like to receive these alerts via email, please sign up here.
This post contains a “Top Hits” list. These are the bills that have hearings scheduled or are going to the house or senate floor for a vote.
Once you are done with the “Top Hits” you may want to peruse the full list of bills to support and oppose.
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number. You can find your representative and senator at the Minnesota Legislature District Finder.
What to do: For each alert check the member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad). If the status of a bill says it’s going to the house/senate for a vote call your representative/senator and the governor. You don’t need to go into detail, you can simply state that you oppose / support the bill.  
Call the Governor
SF580 / HF 600 – Preemption bill that takes control to set minimum wage and other worker requirements away from cities and puts that power only at the state level. Different areas have different costs of living and different needs and should be able to set their local ordinances accordingly. There are slight differences between the House and Senate version that will go to conference committee, but both bills take away local control. Governor Dayton is hedging on whether he will veto this bill. He says it’s complex and he needs to see it first. Please urge him to veto this bill.
 SF702/HF809 & SF704/HF812 – A couple of anti-abortion bills. The governor has indicated he will veto these bills, please call and let him know you support the veto.
  Votes in the House
  The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. Please call your district representative.  
  HF390 –Another anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF1066 –Anti-protestor bill. Increase penalties for obstructing a road. These bills are specifically targeted against protests that use civil disobedience techniques. This bill has been added to the Public Safety Omnibus SF803 HF2058 – Makes it more expensive to build light-rail systems by removing eminent domain exceptions just for light-rail (not for any other types of transportation)
 HF729 - Elections Omnibus Bill. Limits the dates when a city, town or school district can hold a special election. All allowable dates are on Tuesdays eliminating any possibility for an area to decide to do a weekend election when turnout would be higher.
   Votes in the Senate
The following bills have cleared committee and, while they have not been schedule for a full vote yet, they could be voted on at any time. In the Senate, a bill can be put on a “special order” list and voted on with almost no notice so please do not wait for a scheduled vote. Call your district senator.  
SF1395 and SF1693 – Both undermine enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams. SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
SF676 - Anti-protestor bill. This one would increase penalties for obstructing traffic/transit to a misdemeanor with up to 3 years in prison.   SF1693 - Undermines enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
SF1395 – Similar to SF1693. Undermines enforcement of the riparian buffer rule. Riparian buffers are land buffers along waterways that help to keep chemicals and things like farm fertilizer runoff from entering the waterways and streams.
SF1490 - Numerous changes to the Metropolitan Council. Specific anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it.
SF514 - Elections Omnibus Bill. This bill contains two bad clauses. One will create a provisional ballot system in Minnesota. Since we have same day voter registration we are exempt from having a provisional ballot system. Instead of resolving voter issues on election day, voters will instead have to cast provisional ballots that may or may not be counted. This is unnecessary. The second clause would make election judge party affiliation public information. This role is non-partisan and this appears to be a change that would allow judicial decisions to be called into question for political gain.
  SF445 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training required for all police officers    
Monday May 8th
HF1866 – Reorganizes the Metropolitan Council including changing its board makeup and micromanaging its expenses. Additionally, there is an anti-mass transit provision that prevents the council from undertaking light rail projects (and only light rail) without the legislature approving it. This is attempt by the MN GOP to preempt the authority of the Met and control its decision making via legislation. The Senate version of this has already passed committee and is waiting for a vote. They are also putting this language in the Transportation omnibus, so they are pushing to pass this from multiple angles.
Hearing Time: Not specified. It will be whenever the chair calls the meeting after the 10am floor session
Committee: Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90027
Chair: Jim Knoblach
Bob Vogel, Lyndon Carlson, Sarah Anderson, Dave Baker, Tony Cornish, Greg Davids, Matt Dean, Bob Dettmer, Steve Drazkowski, Dan Fabian, Pat Garofalo, Bob Gunther, Rod Hamilton, Alice Hausman, Debra Hilstrom, Frank Hornstein, Tina Liebling, Jenifer Loon, Paul Marquart, Erin Murphy, Bud Nornes, Gene Pelowski, Jeanne Poppe, Paul Torkelson, Dean Urdahl, Jean Wagenius
  HF2621 (SUPPORT) – Increases penalties for female genital mutilation and allows parents and guardians to be held criminally liable.
Hearing Time: Not specified. It will be 30 minutes after the 10am floor session
Committee: Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance
Chair: Tony Cornish
Brian Johnson, Debra Hilstrom, Jamie Becker-Finn, John Considine, Raymond Dehn, Keith Franke, Matt Grossell, Jeff Howe, Kathy Lohmer, Eric Lucero, Jim Newberger, Marion O’Neill, Dave Pinto, JoAnn Ward, Zick Zerwas
  Tuesday – Friday
Nothing I’m monitoring has a hearing scheduled yet for these dates
  Omnibus Bills
 Negotiations between the GOP and the governor on the omnibus bills are happening, but for the most part meetings are not being scheduled. You can find the list of omnibus bills with bad provisions here. It can be a lot of dig through, so if you are looking for a single message than please call the governor (651-201-3400) and let him know you support a budget that fully funds programs and services and that you will not accept cuts to services to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.
 Additionally, please pick an issue or two from what we know about the omnibus bills listed to talk to the governor about. If a bill isn’t listed, it’s because I have no information about the current conference committee version. You can also continue to call the members of the conference committee
Learn more about my plans to expand WatchYourRepsMN and become a supporting member at https://www.patreon.com/watchyourrepsmn
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skeleton-richard · 7 years
Okay I never talk politics or whatever but I find this super important. The voting for the new administration posts is starting soon, and the one I’m most concerned with is Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. Pruitt has an extreme conflict of interests with the EPA, namely SUING it, supporting industry that adds to the problem, and saying climate change isn’t real. Basically this guy doesn’t care about our environment and will just destroy it more.
Please. I don’t want to live in the country in “By the Rivers of Babylon.” So, here’s info on what to do. Follow the link and call your senators, and even if you’re not American, please spread this so your American followers can see it.
I’ll be calling Senators Young and Donnelly tomorrow.
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