Trump be like.... #scheiderman #impeachtrump #trumpmemes #seinfeld #ImpeachNow #IllegitimatePresident #teammueller #nyag
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I had to fix my mini-Mooch meme. Trump makes a good mini-Kim don't ya think? #impeachtrump #trumpmemes #drevil #AustinPowers #kimjongun
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We are living in #drstrangelove times. The #cubanmissilecrisis was a lovers quarrel by comparison. #impeachtrump #trumphell #trumpmemes #slimpickens
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Dr. Evil and Mini-Mooch dancing to #JustTheTwoOfUs #AustinPowers #DrEvil #DoctorEvil #MiniMe #IMissSeanSpicer #ImpeachTrump #ImpeachNow
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Saint tRump in Hell - Dietrich Bouts version #diericbouts #trumpmemes #trumphell #impeachtrump
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Disney's Hall of Presidents in limbo as theme park tries to work out what Robot Trump might say
Disney’s Hall of Presidents in limbo as theme park tries to work out what Robot Trump might say
In typical Trumptopian fashion, team Trump can’t come up with a unifying platitude for Disney Robot Trump to spew out of it’s animitronic mouth, so they have shut down the whole exhibit until they come up with something. Of course they refuse to work with the Disney people, so that could be awhile. The real tragedy is that we can’t just get Disney to replace @realdonaldtrump with a robot… Source:…
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New meme for #LyingTrump #PutinsPuppet as #TrumPinocchio 🍊🇷🇺💩🤡 #OrangeRussianTurdClown #TraitorTrump #ImpeachTrumpNOW #ImpeachTrump
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Presidents don't demand "Loyalty Oaths", but Nazis do...
Presidents don’t demand “Loyalty Oaths”, but Nazis do…
Presidents don’t demand “Loyalty Oaths”, but Nazis do…   For the head of an agency that must operate with impartiality by necessity, an overture like the one the president allegedly made to James Comey represents a massive red flag. Or more like a Nazi flag: … or a Hungarian neo-nazi group: Source: ‘Loyalty Freak’ Donald Trump Freaks Out FBI With Alleged Loyalty Pledge Save
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I had to make another when I discovered that someone else had already done the previous one 🤤 #TrumpRussia #RussianConnections #KremlinGate #ImpeachTrump #ImpeachNow #IllegitimatePresident #DoNothingForTrump #JustFollowTheMoney
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A little Photoshop fun this evening. I hate him so much. #ImpeachTrump #IllegitimatePresident #TheResistance #DoNothingForTrump
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Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel - The Washington Post
Expect to hear a LOT more about this in the coming weeks. Erik Prince also happens to be the brother of Trump’s education secretary Betsy DeVos, both of whom donated millions to get Trump elected. And Betsy Devos’ husband’s company Spectrum Health’s server was connected to Trump Tower and Alfa Bank and shared data – probably names and and addresses, used to target Michigan voters by Russian…
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Only 4 out of these 8 Dem. Senators need to commit to filibuster to #StopGorsuch and force McConnel to go nuclear! If you live in one of these states CALL THEM! Vote is this Friday!
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Trump’s commerce secretary oversaw Russia deal while at Bank of Cyprus – The Guardian Did I mention Cyprus and Wilbur Ross? This stuff happened after the Manafort dealings, as far as we know, but where there's smoke there's fire.
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US probes shady Manafort banking
US probes shady Manafort banking
Manafort had shady bank dealings for Russian oligarch with Bank of Cyprus. Sound familiar? It should – newly appointed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was the Vice Chairman of the Bank of Cyprus at the time. It’s hard to see these connections as coincidences anymore. WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Treasury Department agents have recently obtained information about offshore financial transactions involving…
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Real People, Real Lives: The Harm Caused By Judge Gorsuch // People For the American Way
Real People, Real Lives: The Harm Caused By Judge Gorsuch // People For the American Way
Gorsuch seems reasonable, but look at his horrible past decisions that have hurt real people and sided with big business over people. Read this and then call your Senator. If they are Dems, encourage a filibuster. If they are Republicans, chastise them: When Donald Trump was running for president, he outsourced his future selection of potential Supreme Court nominees to two right wing…
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Rogan’s List: Today’s “To-do” List Susan G. Rogan is a retired university librarian who gathers action items during the day and then updates her blog each morning in hopes that it will help others take some meaningful action.
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This website is not just another petition page to collect email addresses. This is an official effort from House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, and this site will be promoted significantly within the halls of Congress, including displaying it to all Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives in weekly Member meetings. Sign your name and send a message directly to your Rep. through their form.…
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