#act 2 still isn't cancelled. if it ever is i will be very clear about that
I have an important question. One that is not to take lightly in any regard... How's life been? :)
I wish I could say things are going well but honesty demands otherwise. One of those things where things started looking up and then my hopes were suddenly and swiftly dashed. The nonspecific 'personal life stuff' strikes again in full force. Things will be very different for myself and others in my life in the coming future.
I'm just tired, man. And it's the kind of tired that sleep can't fix.
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medusozoic · 1 year
*Sees constant warrior nun gifs/posts/begs to watch the show* …hmm, mayhaps this needs to be watched??? Possibly? Probably…. I can feel myself becoming convinced lol
YES it does need to be watched!!
Short convincing::
It has a great wlw pairing. As I'm sure you've noticed. Chemistry and buildup is amazing. Next up it has. So. Many. Hot. People. Also the characters are so goooood. And the show itself looks so beautiful!! Like the sets and the lighting and the effects. Plot is also pretty solid, BUT GET THROUGH THE FIRST HALF OF SEASON 1 FIRST. it gets better I promise.
(also I'm pretty sure you'd know this, but it did get cancelled, just saving you for potential disappointment)
LONG encouragement:
So. Numbered list time
1. Starting off with what tumblr is most obsessed with, avatrice. I don't even know how to describe how much I love their relationship. It was something that was very clear to me the second I started watching the show, and in a way that was so obvious it was like. They gotta end up together. Or it just doesn't make sense. The chemistry between the actresses is AMAZING and it makes so many scenes that much more intimate. Their characters and journey makes sense, nothing seems rushed and it's all just very sweet, intimate, caring, at times angsty, gentle and full of sparks
2. The actors. I really like that the show uses almost completely unknown actors, most of them only being known in their home country or not having landed big jobs before warrior nun. It's a diverse cast reflecting different parts of Europe and beyond. The acting itself is really good and the way the actors interact with the fandom really adds to the experience
3. The LOCATIONS. It's filmed in Spain, which makes for some beautiful locations. I really love these places and they add so much character and makes me feel like I'm traveling with them
4. The OTHER characters. So. In many shows with wlw pairings I tend to look at them for my favorite characters. NOT WITH THIS ONE. The other characters are just really amazing as well (especially my personal fav Camila <33) and I feel like tumblr tends to gloss over that. This show would still be SO good even without avatrice which is what makes it one of my favorite shows overall. The characters feel well rounded and each have their own journeys to go through. There's also so many different deep and fulfilling relationships that aren't romantic between them, which I love to see in a show. and also uhm. They happen to be very hot. Which certainly enhances the experience
5. The plot. Personally I'm not all that into religious stories, so can't say much on that. Some people really love that aspect (and yes, it's a large aspect of the show. I mean it's called warrior nun) but for me it doesn't add that much. However it's still a really cool show with amazing fantasy/sci-fi elements and REALLY cool fight scenes (some of the best I've ever seen if I dare say so). If you're afraid the religious aspect will be too much, don't. I'm an atheist with 0 interest in religion and sometimes I might cringe at some of the lines but it isn't a show preaching about how amazing god is or anything. It actually has some really interesting takes in religion itself
6. The costume design. Small one that's more specific to me, because I really like costume design and I love how they did the armor and stuff in the show
7. Kristina Tonteri Young. Should be enough reason to watch she's easily my favorite celebrity
8. So about season 1. It has a bit of a rough starts that some people still enjoyed, and some really didn't. I personally wasn't sold on the show at first, but it quickly got better. Right now I actually like rewatching early episodes to see how the characters developed. In my opinion season 2 is near perfection, and one of my favourite pieces of media EVER. Which says something because before season 2 I was still kind of embarrassed to tell people I watched a show called 'warrior nun' and season 2 actually made me get over that which is. Kind of impressive
9. Even my PARENTS liked it. Put it on when I was there and they normally shut everything off within seconds BUT THIS THEY ACTUALLY GOT INTERESTED IN
10. Boobs. Won't elaborate
11. I feel like I'm forgetting a lot. Anyways if you've read this far congrats!! It's a really really good show and I couldn't recommend it enough
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catcrazyx · 11 months
Hello! I found your Kaito/Saimota post. I'm not really part of this fandom anymore because it has become a very hostile space in recent years, but Kaito is very dear to me and I think you have your heart at the right spot, so a friendly word of advice: get your trans and queer friends in and talk about Kaito. Unless you're trans yourself (in which case, feel free to ignore me), we are not to ignore the inclusion of those slurs. Uplift trans voices and advocate that Kaito's personality isn't based on an awful line of writing. Those are the voices that matter and should be heard and if people still continue to hate, their problem obviously lays somewhere else. This is not meant to be offensive. I was part of earlier v3 fandom and I very well know what people tend to think, and it should absolutely be acknowledged that he's neither homo nor transphobic. Sincerely, a fellow Kaito fan that's just very tired of fighting
Hi! Thanks for this. I am not trans, although I do have trans and queer friends, and yeah definitely some who have told me they don't care that Kaito said such slur. However, the problem here is that, one trans person can't speak for the other, and my point with Kaito's slur is not to say the slur isn't offensive, because it is and must be to many trans people. The slur is indeed a slur and people have the right to be uncomfortable by its usage.
When I talk about the slur Kaito said not meaning anything, I'm not saying it doesn't mean anything for the audience, I mean that it doesn't mean anything for his character, because it absolutely doesn't. Kaito says that slur out of nowhere, no character acknowledges it, and Kaito never ever brings up any hint again to feeling different towards Kiyo. He said the slur in ch.2, if how Kiyo acted bothered Kaito that much to the point of saying that slur, then there's no explanation for him to not go all out on shaming and judging Kiyo in chapter 3. Instead Kaito is only mad at him for killing like Kaito is with any blackened.
That slur literally means nothing for Kaito's character, for Kiyo, for no one. It was a stupid gag by the writers. And this is not something that I think it matters getting a trans opinion on, because I'm not saying the slur is okay. It is something that its normalised in Japan, someone has pointed out other characters that used that word in other Japanese media, and idk if it meant anything in that media, but it's so clear how it didn't mean anything for Kaito's character, in writing, because it does not represent him at all in any way, it's really only representative of what is considered a gag in Japan, at least at the time.
I watched a video which talked about an anime that didn't age well. I didn't watch the anime, so I won't say, but I watched similar ones, so I'll talk about that. It's about for example, the male character being dominant and possessive over the female character. At the time, it was so normalised, it was hot, it was the personality of every male character in every romance anime, and everybody loved those male characters bc nobody associated what they did with something toxic or bad. But now? If people watched those animes again, the characters would be cancelled and buried alive like for how toxic and bad they were.
However, that's not even the case with Kaito, which is what makes all of this even more baffling and stupid. Kaito clearly has toxic masculinity traits, and that's part of his character as we see how obsessed he is with not showing weakness and some more common things he says like "men shouldn't apologise so easily". But homophobic??? You literally could not say he's homophobic if he didn't say that slur. Remove that slur from Kaito's speech, and does it change anything about Kaito's character? No, just people's perceptions of him. Which is what I mean. The slur meant absolutely nothing for Kaito as a *character*.
And I repeat, people have the right to find that slur uncomfortable, it was wrong for the writers to add it, but with how it was likely normalised, I believe that's why it's so easy for them to just put that in without it meaning anything. Some trans people may be offended, others may not, but that's really not my point and that's why I am not bringing trans people into the discussion.
I hope it makes sense..😔 im sorry if anything I say sounds offensive, it's not my intention.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Discipline- Maknae Line
How and why would Yandere Bangtan punish you?
Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse, mentions of violence, mentions of sexual interactions, yandere themes, Dom/sub-themes.
Unlike the other members, Jimin doesn't have a feeling of superiority over you. He doesn't see you as something helpless and vulnerable, or someone to control. He sees you as his other half. The problem is, is that he is extremely possessive and insecure, and that makes him unstable. He has put so much faith and trust into an ideal version of you, one that he created in his head, one that could feel exactly what he wanted and what he needed at all times. So whenever you don't live up to that expectation, when you fall short of predicting what he wants, he snaps.
Don't get me wrong, he isn't going to have a meltdown at every little thing, but enough of those little things build up into a clusterfuck of disappointment.
Look at last Tuesday for example.
- In the morning he wanted to hold your hand and cuddle in bed, but you got up and went to have breakfast instead.
- Next, when you were showering, he was hoping you would call him in to be with you. He wanted to be able to spend that little bit of extra time being close to you. But you didn't ask him.
- So while you showered he picked out the perfect outfit for your girl's-day-out lunch. But you refused to wear it, opting for something completely different. You didn't even thank him for the effort.
- Then the final straw came as you declined to take his credit card with you. If you were going out without him, he still wanted to be the one to spoil you. You might have thought you were being polite by not accepting his money, but he saw it as rejecting him.
So one temper tantrum later, a whole lot of smashed glass and a black eye you'd be too embarrassed to explain, you decided it was best to call and cancel with your friends. And besides, after Jimin gets mad, he apologizes a lot and becomes very sweet and gentle, so at least you had a day of pampering to look forward to.
Still, he'll leave you thinking back through the day trying so hard to figure out what it was that you did to upset him. He isn't going to tell you of course. That wouldn't make the connection real. You're supposed to just know what you did wrong!
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There are two different situations in play for Taehyung. As a Dom, he knows and accepts that there are times when he will need to correct you. You crave discipline and submission and he is more than happy to accept the responsibility and give it to you.
Usually, you're his well behaved little girl, but sometimes even you mess up.
As every sub knows, sometimes you go from being playful and provocative to being a bratty smartass without even realizing it. Although, some times you might do it on purpose. And whether it was an accident or not, you know very well that brats get spanked or flogged until they're put back in their place and can't sit down.
And for those special times when you deliberately misbehave or when you genuinely upset him, he has a particular punishment reserved for you. Go ahead, tell him no. Roll your eyes at him. Order him around. He'll make time in his schedule to remind you how you should behave. And he is going to love hearing you beg when he takes you to the brink of ecstasy over and over only to deny you. Or worse, he'll make you cum over and over. And again, and again, and again, until your crying for mercy from being overstimulated.
But all of these are honestly things you enjoy. Even the worst of it, you love. You like being manhandled and controlled and being made to cry from pleasure and pain. It's part of the fun.
The problem comes with how and why Taehyung really punishes you. Any D/s relationship is supposed to come with free communication and clear boundaries. However, both of those are repellent to Tae. He wants a perfectly obedient toy, not someone with thoughts and opinions. So when you try to bring up any limits, when you ask him to slow down or god forbid, when you use your safe word, something cruel comes out of him. You never would think so few words about how you're disappointing him, or how he expected more from you, could feel so terrible. Especially when he backs those cold remarks up by removing his time and affection from you for a few days.
Don't worry though, things will go right back to normal once you come to him apologizing and crying for him to not discard you.
And he knows you will.
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In the privacy of your own home, there isn't much that will make Jungkook mad. He's loving and caring, pretty easy going and so much fun to be with. But you will see all of that changes the second any outside attention is on him. Among his men and the public, he is a totally different person. There's a tightness to his jaw, a harshness to his stare. He's so controlled and intimidating, and he accepts nothing less than perfect compliance and respect from everyone.
So for when other people are around or on those good days when he lets you outside, there's a couple of things you'll need to quickly learn.
1. You belong to him. Jungkook doesn't let anyone take or even touch what's his and that applies to you also. You want to talk to someone else, you better ask permission first. And if by some horrible mistake someone starts to become too friendly with you, you better run back to Jungkook to let him deal with it.
2. You never question him. Not with a look, not with words. He tells you to do something, you say yes and move quick. Hell, if he tells you the sky is made of pancake batter, you thank him for letting you know and make sure to never ever say anything to the contrary.
3. You don't dare challenge him or risk embarrassing him. Like I said, you're his. And what kind of criminal organization could he run if he let even his own property stand up to him. While he would never give you the chance to make him look weak, if you did somehow happen to do so, he would need to make a very large and very public example out of you to smother any question to his leadership that you may have caused.
Break any of these guides and you should expect a swift reaction. Whether it be by physical means or by forcing you into a debased position, he will make sure he displays his authority.
In a sick way, he's kind of thankful when you do act out because it gives him the opportunity to provide a great lesson to his friends and enemies. He loves you but should you cross him, he'd be willing to beat you unconscious. So imagine what he'd do to them.
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little rant under the cut bc i need to say it somewhere
it's my last day at college for the year, and any elation i have at going home has been completely deflated when i remember what a fucking waste this year has been. i didn't like the majority of my classes, even the ones i was excited about. i managed to miss out on whatever "college experience" had always been promised to me. (this one might be a little my fault, but i insist it's not entirely. a lot of things where i would have met other college students were canceled or postponed bc of covid.) i'm ending the year with no new friends. any good memories i have of this year are tainted by the falling out i had with my former college friends in february. these friends have made no attempts to make amends or reach back out or show any signs that they miss me. (i wasn't planning to let the friendship continue anyways bc we aren't very compatible but it still hurts a little that i don't seem to mean very much to them.) any friendship i've tried to form with my roommate has crumbled with distance, awkwardness, and the fact that she continued to see these ex friends (who i introduced her to!) after our falling out, despite acting like she empathized with me during the argument. we've been living together for months and i'm still not sure if she secretly hates me!
not to go in too much on mental health, but mine has plummeted this year, and i've been more depressed than i ever have been in my life. i feel distant from the other people in my life. my friends from home seem to be way more settled in their new lives, with new friends and new permanent living situations. meanwhile i've just finished my second year at college and have no clear picture of my future. i don't know what i want to do or where i want to go. i always wanted to move somewhere with someone after graduation -- like in a roommate sense or something -- and i don't have anyone to do that with. returning home permanently isn't an option; 1. my small town is a dump and not a good place for opportunity, 2. most of the people i care about aren't staying. starting over for a third time next year doesn't seem like much of an option. i moved to a new housing assignment after the breaking off of my old friendships, but the new roommates haven't made much effort to get to know me. and i don't have many credits left for my degree, to the point where it'd be stupid to transfer and try again somewhere else. i don't think there's anything wrong with moving back home to figure things out in your 20s, but my family sure does. i feel like i'm at a crossroads with nowhere to go and no one to lean on in the process. i haven't progressed any since the day i moved in; if anything, i've regressed. and i don't know what to do now.
people keep telling me to just be happy it's over and i'm out of this bad situation. and mostly i am. but being away from campus isn't going to fully heal the hurt from this year. i'll be back in a few months anyways. and i'm going to be expected to make big decisions about my life soon, that i'm not ready to make. and underneath it all is the feeling that everyone (friends, family) is moving on, and i'm basically going back to nothing.
so yeah. that's my headspace this morning. this is pretty personal so please please do not rb.
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
I was (?) a Lyatt shipper who loved Flynn since S1 bc I love a good bad boy. I've been sympathetic to him since the 70s (ha!) when we found out about his wife and kid being murdered. So I found your blog and was loving all the Flynn stuff but I wasn't into Garcy. Thought "ew"--isn't he more like cool young uncle material for her? Fast forward to today and I have read every Garcy ff you have written and have fallen completely into the trash can. I know you prob hear this a lot lately...(1)
(2) but I wanted to thank you so much for writing The Tangled Web of Fate. What a masterpiece! You make the storyline in the same tone as canon somehow. You really have Flynn’s emotions and voice down pat. So good. Makes me believe in Garcy. In fact, makes me want Jessica and Logan to figure out their crap and that way everyone can be happy bc at this point I don’t want Jessica to be unhappy or go away either. Anyway, I went from Garcy sounds gross to GIVE ME MORE. So thanks?
(3) sorry. I feel panicked that we are running out of time (unoriginal pun) and might only get 5 more episodes and Flynn won’t get the full character development and happy ending he deserves. If it were up to you, would you give him a redemption arc and a happy ending or would you keep him as garbage boss? Also, dude is a full head taller than the industrial fridge in the bunker and they need to find a couch he can be comfy in. He looks like a giant living in a tiny house. My poor baby.
Ahaha. This delights me to no end, ngl. My powers are groooowing. And you have given me a lot to talk about here, so thanks. :)
Honestly, the people insisting on reading Garcy as familial/platonic/theorizing that Flynn is somehow Lucy’s son/they’re otherwise related are… very confusing to me? To say the least. Though to be totally frank, it’s often clearly by people who have an agenda in discrediting Garcy as a viable alternative to Lyatt (which they… probably don’t need to do, I mean for better or worse, the writers have made their preference/narrative direction clear. Alas). I obviously have no problem with people shipping whatever they want in whatever way they do, but… yeah, Garcy’s vibe ain’t platonic or familial (and if for some wild reason they DID end up Magically Related, like Flynn was somehow Lucy’s long-lost brother from an alternate universe or whatever, I wouldn’t stop shipping it, or even writing smut for it. I’d be like, “well writers, you got yourself into this with this far-fetched and illogical forced plot twist that does not fit with anything that has been written or acted beforehand, so I’m going to just go for Time Traveling Flowers in the Attic. Ooops?”) I’ve had plenty of posts with the way Flynn looks at/acts around Lucy (just saying, if my uncle looked at me like that, I would make sure never to be alone with him at family events) and the way she’s started to look back at him. And Goran Visnjic has straight up said that Flynn is “infatuated” with Lucy and we’ve had a lot of teasing about “does Flynn have a thing for Lucy” re: 2x06 that makes me wonder if we’re going to get some kind of more explicit confirmation of the way he feels about her. Goran has also encouraged us to read between the lines, so people can want it to be just a friendship (because they prefer another romantic partner for Lucy, and again, that’s fine, whatever) but he’s consciously acting it as a pretty romantic fascination. So yes. We aren’t just making that up.
Also, just saying, we KNOW who Flynn’s mom is, she’s a named and identified character, she appeared in an episode, Rittenhouse was originally sending Rufus, Lucy, and Assassin Goon to kill her in 1x15 with the aim of erasing Flynn from history. So “Flynn is Lucy’s son” is just… did you guys not notice Maria Thompkins? Who was awesome and I love her? Besides, if Flynn was Lucy’s son, she wouldn’t NEED time travel to meet him, and we know the journal is connected to new time tech (traveling on your own timeline). He couldn’t be anything less than her grandson and that would still be ludicrously complicated, as it would require Lucy to have Maria at some point while traveling in the past, then… straight up abandon her, then go back to her own timeline, then wait for Flynn to grow up, then travel back to meet him…. etc. It’s a mess. We know Flynn’s parents’ names (Asher Flynn and Maria Thompkins); hell, we know more about his family than we do about Wyatt’s. Why is no one theorizing that Wyatt is secretly Flynn and Lucy’s son? (I kid, I kid. But still. It makes about as much sense, if not more, which is to say it doesn’t.)
Anyway yes, I always felt like that was a pretty transparent attempt to make Garcy a non-romantic option in order to remove it as a shipper threat, but that doesn’t mean people can’t ship it as a friendship/brotp. I’m just saying, however, that it has been (at least certainly on Flynn/Goran’s end) played as a romantic thing, even if latent and unspoken and complicated. (Also, he went really quickly for the “honey…” and “what my wife failed to mention” lines in 1x11 and 2x04, so even if Flynn won’t admit it, he instinctively sees Lucy in some way as his wife.) So yes. Making them related would be a COMPLETELY illogical stretch, but… if they did that, yeah, I’d probably still ship it. (Shrug emoji.) Because I would recognize that the council had made a decision, but given as it was a stupid-ass decision, would elect to ignore it. (Insert Nick Fury gif here.)
Next, I am obviously glad that you are enjoying my fic and it has converted you to one of us. I started writing the Wyatt/Jessica stuff before she arrived back on the show and am rather pleased with how nicely it fits. Wyatt in canon needs a serious reality check, which I am hoping he gets. I obviously forgave Flynn for being a total fuckup and hurting everyone, I am absolutely willing to do the same for Wyatt, but he needs to have the “well shit I’ve been a selfish ass and am going to substantively make up for it” moment first. I hope the big finale moment is him finally owning up to his dickish behavior and putting everyone else first and otherwise reversing course. Because yeah. I’m judging.
Lastly, I WORRY ALL THE TIME ABOUT US GETTING CANCELLED AFTER THIS SEASON BECAUSE IT WOULD BE A TRAVESTY. A TRAVESTY. The short season has always hurt us narratively, though of course it’s great to get it, but then to cut it off there with no more space at all… god. It gives me the shudders just to think about. And one of the reasons is yes, give me my full redeemed-antihero Garcia Flynn redemption arc. Goran has talked a lot about how we’re seeing more of his real nature this season, and just yes. We saw throughout season 1 that Flynn hated to do a lot of what he was doing, but he did it anyway in the larger purpose of bringing down Rittenhouse (and nobody has yet acknowledged that he was right all along about them…we need more conversations/authentic character moments, guys, NOT SOAPY RELATIONSHIP DRAMA. JUST SAYING). He never really WANTED to be a garbage disaster, but he loved his wife and daughter more, and he was dedicated to taking Rittenhouse down to the point that he thought he couldn’t return to them even if he did save them. So no, he was not a character who was just out there burning shit down for the fun of it (though he does enjoy it in some ways, because… he’s a disaster). But Flynn’s character file in canon has him fighting in a lot of small-scale liberation wars (Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, etc) against occupying/oppressive regimes, and that’s basically what he’s doing with Rittenhouse. He is a good man with a very strong moral code, but also a very grey one. He has correctly identified the overall enemy and is dedicated to destroying them, but he won’t be the hero wringing his hands over it because “it’s not right” to use violence. Which the Time Team is leaning on themselves (they basically left Flynn in 1934 to be a hitman, so… no more judgey remarks about “he’s a killer” would be nice, guys. You know he is and you’re using that because you need it.)
So yes. Flynn doesn’t WANT to be a garbage disaster, so it would be cruel to keep him as one. He is sassy as hell, but he also seems happier working with the team than he ever really did alone (as Goran has also discussed). Again: MORE CONVERSATIONS!!! Did Flynn just see it as business in trying to take out the team before, since they were trying to stop him from taking down Rittenhouse, and now that they agree on who the threat is, he’s happy to work with them? Is Garcia “why do I even delegate” Flynn really trusting them (at least aside from Lucy, who he clearly does) to do what’s needed, or does he essentially think he still has to do it himself? DEVELOPMENT PLEASE!
I wanted Flynn to permanently join the team ever since 1x10 (as that episode threw me down the dumpster in SO many ways) so obviously, I want that to keep up. The 2x07 pic of him and Rufus clasping hands made me hella emotional (also: we still haven’t had a Flogan scene since Flynn arrived in 2x03 and Wyatt stormed out in a hissy fit…still judging for skipping the Messy Boys Trip in 2x05). I want him to be developed and integrated more into the team and made a part of them, because I’m a hopeless sucker for villain becomes weird family member and redeemed antihero and found family and enemies-to-lovers/enemies-to-friends. So yes. Please don’t screw it up, guys.
(Also yes. Yes, I noticed him being taller than the god damn fridge at the end of 2x05. He’s HUGE and it’s ridiculous.)
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