apeachymama · 6 years
@achitachi sent me:
once you get this, say five things you like about yourself, publicly. then send this to ten of your favorite followers! 🌈🌈
I've been avoiding it because I've felt low but I finally feel like doing it. Thanks for sending it to me!
1. I'm an incredible crocheter. I'm not quite a professional but I've come a long way in 6ish years. Especially the last few years when I actively started learning new things. I like to think that I'll just keep getting better.
2. I'm a pretty decent mom. Also not quite a professional in this area either but I do believe I have good instincts. My sweet girl turns 4 months old in a few days and she's safe, healthy, clean, developing properly- all because of me.
3. I'm also a pretty decent girlfriend. John and I have been together a year and a half, ish. We've supported each other through so many hard times, even before we dated. I'm patient when we argue, I rub his back after work, I do laundry and cook sometimes. I'm planning this amazing birthday party with his family. So. You're a lucky dude, John. You're welcome. ;)
4. Uhhhhhh I ran out of stuff. I only love my art and my family, I'm sorry.
Lol jk.
4. I like that I'm becoming more involved in different Tumblr communities. I'm a stay at home mom and I have 2 friends, that live far away from me. So finally deciding to start reaching out and trying to make online friends to create a support system for myself, was a hard decision. But I like that I finally made that decision.
5. I like my jokes. John is probably the only other person who likes my jokes besides me. But I think I'm hilarious.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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