#a snowball sling champion
tiredspacedragon · 11 months
First Impression: My first exposure to Kopeke was in Legends #8 Downfall, so this is an odd one. I didn't discover a lot of the pre-2004 story that existed outside of the Chronicles books until much later, so the first time I heard of Kopeke was reading about him, the newly appointed Chronicler, recording Hahli's account of the Mahri's mission. He doesn't exactly get much character there, my reaction to him basically began and ended with finding this new named character, who I assumed had been created for the book, interesting, mostly just for being the new Chronicler. I had a much stronger reaction when I encountered Kopeke later in much earlier material like MNOG, and discovered this was an established character who's been around since the beginning.
Impression Now: Oh he's lovely. I appreciate his uniqueness in being a Ko-Matoran who keeps to himself not because he wants to be alone, but because he's just shy. The little guy's probably a sweetheart once he warms up to you. I still find him a fascinating choice for the next Chronicler, though. Not that I think he's a bad choice; in fact it's very fitting for a member of the Chronicler's Company to become Chronicler themselves, especially the quietest of the bunch; but it makes me wonder if Greg had anything planned for the character going forward. I mean probably, given that so far being named Chronicler had been a euphemism for "you'll be a Toa in two story years."
Favourite Moment: I don't know if I have a favourite Kopeke moment in canon, honestly. That's the downside of being a character with so few appearances. That said, I do have a favourite Kopeke moment in fan content, specifically from Vrahno's Struggle in the Drifts. (Minor Spoiler Warning) Near the beginning of the video, Kopaka and Pohatu come across an ice sculpture of Kopaka, carved by Kopeke, left out on Ihu's hills because Kopeke is shy about his work. Pohatu notes the sculpture's quality, apart from the Akaku's scopes being on the wrong side. Kopaka then looks around warily before using his powers to reshape the sculpture's head so that the scopes are on the right side. Unfortunately, the sculpture is later destroyed in a confrontation with a squad of Kohrak, with most of it being completely smashed while the head is snapped clean off. At the end of the short, Kopeke ventures out to the site of the sculpture, taking in the destruction caused by the battle between the Toa and the Bohrok, until he finds the head of the smashed statue. He picks it up, examines it, notes that the scopes are on the right side, and says "Good," before unceremoniously dumping it in the snow and walking away. Perfection. (Spoilers Over)
Idea for a story: Well, Takua got his journeys across Mata Nui, helping the Turaga, solving mysteries, and facing down Rahi, and Hahli had her Kolhii tournament and her little quest to recover the crystals from those unexplained temples, so naturally Kopeke, as the newest Chronicler, is bound to go on a great journey of his own. I can see him tangled up in some adventure that has him crossing paths with the Toa and Glatorian as they seek out the Great Beings, perhaps even uncovering some of their secrets himself along the way.
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion so much as an uncommon one because so few people care about it, but I've never been a fan of Kopeke's redesign. I definitely prefer the sand blue Komau over the dark gray Matatu. I mean on the one hand I get it, they wanted to release Kopeke as a set alongside Matoro in 2003 and they didn't want both of them to have the same colour scheme, so they made Kopeke gray. Fair enough, but they didn't need to change his mask too. The lore explanation of his Komau being damaged in Kolhii practice and him choosing a Matatu to honour Nuju is nice, but I don't think it was necessary. Especially since it makes Kopeke less unique among the Ko-Matoran. Both Nuju and Kantai already have the Matatu covered, but no other known character in Ko-Koro wore a Komau. Like, it's not really a big deal, I just think his original design is better for him, that's all.
Favourite Relationship: Maybe a cop-out, but I enjoy Kopeke's relationship with the Chronicler's Company as a whole. We don't get to see him actually interacting one-on-one with very many characters ever, so I make do with enjoying his place in this group dynamic. I like to think he'll settle in eventually as he gets used to having these friends and slowly, but steadily, opens up to them.
Favourite Headcanon: So, in MNOG, Kopeke says this to Takua: "Wisdom is ever the burden of the Turaga. I do not expect it from you." Which is just a vicious thing to say. But Kopeke isn't really portrayed as rude otherwise, just shy, so I like to think that he didn't actually mean this as an insult. He probably meant it as a reassurance, as in "Hey, it's the Turaga's job to know what's going on all the time, I don't blame you for not being totally on top of things." And then after Takua left he probably spent the next while kicking himself over how incredibly rude he accidentally sounded. Poor guy.
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sepublic · 5 years
Vuata Maca
The legendary tree itself, the biggest in all of Okoto by the largest margin, and said to be the first tree in existence, planted by Uxar herself. Although Okotans had already lived in its branches prior to the Great Cataclysm, the arrival of the Skull Spiders caused all Okotans living in the Region of Jungle to congregate in its massive, overhanging branches.
           Its primary defense against the Skull Spiders is its massive girth and shape. The Vuata Maca consists, essentially, of massive, underground roots, followed by its colossal trunk, which is hundreds of feet wide, and the branches above that spread outward, housing its inhabitants. In order to access said inhabitants, the flightless Skull Spiders are forced to climb up the trunk, forcing them into a general area that defenders can keep track of and fire on, with gravity helping pull down the Skull Spiders. The Vuata Maca is able to recover quickly from the scars made by the Skull Spiders.
           Towering over the Region of Jungle, the Vuata Maca’s roots allow it to access nutrients across the entirety of the region, and it was these massive roots that kept it from being uprooted by the Great Cataclysm. Some theorize that the jungle energy hoarded within the Mask of Life released itself in the direction of the Vuata Maca because it was attracted by such a powerful object of nature.
           Regardless of whether or not this reason is valid, the Vuata Maca is able to supply more than just protection from the Skull Spiders, as its massive branches often have homes carved into them, or else built atop them from its wood, and even hanging from them. Sprouting from the Vuata Maca’s branches are gardens of flowers and its nutritious fruits, and the tree has wells of delicious sap that can also be mixed in with other ingredients to create a powerful glue, a commodity frequently distributed across Okoto. As a result of its high elevation, the Vuata Maca’s branches are also home to the Gukko, a species of massive, flying bird with intelligence, strong enough to carry multiple Okotans upon its back. Years of living atop the same tree of caused Macans and Gukko to grow an almost sacred kinship and bond.
           Due to the ease from which resources can be acquired, the Macans are fairly egalitarian, mostly getting what they desire by trading with one another. Outside items, such as the lush flora and exotic fauna below, is gathered and distributed by the Gukko Airforce, contributing to a massive economic system first started by Lein, a Macan of many generations ago who flew atop his Gukko to aid other Okotans following the Skull Spider emergence. Due to the Gukko Airforce’s abilities to traverse across all of Okoto, flying above any Skull Spiders, interaction and trade between the tribes has been achieved. The Gukko Airforce is practically the foundation of the Okotan economy, with the Vuata Maca being the hub for all of Okoto’s trading and commerce.
           Due to its powerful trading system, the Vuata Maca is comprised of many traders, and its location in the Region of Jungle allows it to host several hanging gardens, making most of the Macans related to gardening and agriculture as well. Markets are a frequent sight and visit. Members of the Gukko Airforce gather plants and occasionally hunt, with Macans being primarily vegetarian. Every Macan knows how to traverse the tree villages, becoming excellent climbers and jumpers, and rope bridges link buildings to one another. For the easily lost or new, several maps, provided by the Gukko Airforce, are dotted amongst the branches to help Macans navigate the Vuata Maca.
           The Macans are fairly egalitarian thanks to the ease of which resources are available, making them occasionally envied by other Okotans. This egalitarian system means that there isn’t much of a ruling council, as everyone tends to look out for themselves. To resolve conflicts, most Macans look to the Protector of Jungle, Vizuna, who is the final say in these matters. As Protector, Vizuna is also tasked with ensuring that traders don’t abuse their power or try to hoard resources, although this thankfully is a rare occurrence.
           There are many Macans. One particular group is the Gukko Airforce. Generations ago, in response to the formation of Mega Villages to shelter Okotans from the Skull Spiders, the Protector of Jungle at the time, Jagiri, needed a way to contact the other Protectors. A Macan by the name of Lein volunteered with his own solution, as he himself had managed to befriend a Gukko that he used to fly about. He offered to fly across Okoto, untouched by the flightless, ground-bound Skull Spiders, and act as a messenger and transport between the Mega Villages.
           With approval from Jagiri, Lein flew around the island, avoiding the Skull Spiders below as he and his Gukko steed delivered messages, information, and plans, helping Jagiri coordinate with the other Protectors. Lein’s efforts allowed him to keep the Mega Villages in contact with one another, and as his journeys continued, others began to request him to bring them certain items from places they themselves could not access, even offering payment. Lein, of course, accepted these offers and complied by these requests, delighting many as he brought foreign, new things for Okotans to look at.
           As time passed, Lein realized that he had inadvertently established a trading system, and inspired, he helped teach others to ride upon their Gukko and fly about Okoto. This group worked with Lein to help keep contact between the Mega Villages, with many running their own trading operations. With Lein leading these operations, the group, dubbed the Gukko Airforce, helped establish a trading system and economy amongst the Okotans, something that would have been otherwise impossible thanks to the seclusion forced by the Skull Spiders.
           Despite being one of Okoto’s great heroes for the way he allowed everyone to survive, Lein and his steed were not granted a happy ending. He and other Airforce members attempted to fly into airspace previous unexplored, over darker, ancient ruins, such as Destral and the City of the Mask Makers- And they never returned. Unbeknownst to them, Makuta had created counter-measures that patrolled the sky, keeping the Gukko Airforce from accessing certain areas and prohibiting their travel to certain safe lanes. Those that attempted to fly over the City of the Mask Makers would be shot down by the Skull Warriors, the Kal.
           Despite this, the Gukko Airforce continued its operations, eventually acting as the defenders of Vuata Maca, using their aerial advantage against the ascending Skull Spiders, and coordinating with the crew of the Aqua Magna into combating the swarms.
           Various Macans make their homes in the branches of the Vuata Maca, whom some even worship. For example is Kumo, a crafter and carver who specializes in making throwing disks and other objects, and helps trade in sports-related goods. Kumo likes to keep track and tally of all of the games and sports across Okoto, from the feats of Hewkii the Kolhii champion, to Kopeke, master of the Huai Snowball Sling. Kumo is likewise privy to gossip and loves to hear the latest news and stories, making him one of the first to greet Tamaru upon his return.
           Tuuli is one of the more successful traders and shopkeepers of the Vuata Maca. While she has never actually flown atop a Gukko before, Tuuli nevertheless coordinates with the rest of the Gukko Airforce to bring him goods and deliver her products to customers, paying them well and making good business with all she deals with. There are rumors that Tuuli is the descendant of Lein, but she thinks it is all baseless folktale that Kumo may have accidentally indulged in too much.
           Sanso is a local gardener who indulges in his hobby of collecting flora from across Okoto and cultivating them in his hanging gardens. While he has some hits and misses, he has nevertheless managed to amass a sizable garden of beautiful flowers, and other exotic flora. Many come to Sanso with offers to trade in exchange for some of his flowers. Many report Sanso to have a ‘beautiful’ smell, and he is a particular fan of Makani’s performances, often gifting the musician with special flowers grown and handpicked from his gardens.
           Makani himself is one of the Vuata Maca’s most beloved musicians. A natural at all of the instruments, many of which he carves, occasionally with assistance from Kumo, he frequently practices his songs and music-playing and likes to go about the branches, playing for all to hear. He is also a bit of a partyer, and Makani is frequently invited, occasionally paid, to go to celebrations and other events to perform. Interestingly, he is often seen with a flower in his hair given to him by Sanso.
           Orkahm is the resident farmer amidst the branches of the Vuata Maca. Whilst Sanso specializes in flowers, Orkahm is more invested in herbs, roots, and food ingredients. He often has ambitious gardens that he asks Kumo to help him construct in the branches, and Orkahm is even a bit of a geneticist, experimenting with hybrids to create tastier, more bountiful plants. Due to his avid hobby, career, and passion, Orkahm is often in need of Ussal manure, which acts as a potent fertilizer, and constantly orders it from Tuuli and others to get as much as he can.
           Kongu is the Captain of the Gukko Airforce. Having inherited the position from his mother, Kongu and his steed, Ka, lead the Airforce in their travels, delivering necessities, luxuries, bringing messages, and with Vizuna by his side coordinates the occasional defense against an attempted Skull Spider breach of the Vuata Maca’s branches. A no-nonsense flyer and pilot, Kongu is more invested in the practical, military applications of the Airforce, but at the same time notices the importance that the market and its luxuries provide to often hopeless Okotans. Believe it or not, but Kongu occasionally hides a sly sense of humor that slips out from time to time.
           Tamaru is another member of the Gukko Airforce, and one of its more unusual ones. Crippled with a fear of heights, easy air-sickness, and vertigo, Tamaru nevertheless lives for the report. He is dedicated to delivering information to others, as well as acting as a mailman, and he engages in the current workings and know-how of Okoto, intending to see how the war against the Skull Spiders turns out. As a result of this need and desire, Tamaru became a member of the Gukko Airforce, although his weaknesses force him to fly with others. As the man of news in Okoto, many often swarm Tamaru for messages from others, to send messages, and to learn about the current goings of the other Mega Villages. In his rare spare time, Tamaru loves to gab, with Kumo being a faithful audience member.
           Shu is a daredevil pilot of the Gukko Airforce, who loves to showboat her flying abilities atop her steed, often doing complicated maneuvers, spins, and dives, something Kongu is quick to lecture her about. Due to her wild, rowdy nature, Shu likes to hold Gukko races with other flyers, and if doing none of the above, has once been sighted trying out skydiving- Which, again, agitates Kongu. Despite her seemingly fearless nature, however, Shu is not dumb and is well aware of the threat that Skull Spiders pose, and refuses to underestimate them.
           Vira is the mapmaker of Okoto, and knows the layout of the entire island- Or as much as she can, if it weren’t for the mysterious, restricted airspace where flyers disappear and never return. A coordinator, Vira was the one who helped map out the branches of the Vuata Maca. With a natural penchant for exploration and an almost obsessive curiosity, Vira has taken to the Airforce to fly above Okoto, using her altitude and vantage point to map out the island. Her knowledge of the geography makes her vital in planning out flights, coordinating paths, and calculating times and distances. Vira makes her own personal profit making and selling maps to others, and she dreams of exploring Okoto, in honor of her disappeared lover, Harvali.
           The resident food connoisseur, chef, and diner, Boreas joined the Gukko Airforce in part to fuel his culinary passions. One of Orkahm’s most frequent customers, Boreas is an admirable chef, combining various herbs, spices, and other ingredients to create the most delectable dishes. Many will come to his small cottage, offering something in exchange for a delicious recipe. Boreas likes to use his position of the Airforce to visit other Okotans and try their cuisines and share cooking tips and recipes, and his part-time job is delivering and selling ingredients, some of which he needs to gather from the ground below; A job the fearless, but not foolish, Shu is willing to do for him.
           Taiki is a kindred spirit amongst the Gukko, and some joke that she IS part Gukko. Secretly, Taiki wishes this was the case. A member of the Gukko Airforce, she perhaps shares the closest bond with the Gukko birds, tending to them, making sure they are fed, and even playing with them. Taiki likes to travel around the branches, visiting other Gukko nests and helping the mothers with their eggs. Amusingly, Tamaru once saw Taiki actually sit on an egg in the vain hopes of helping it hatch, a sight Taiki has made him swear never to divulge. Taiki is particularly insistent on the mutual bond and respect between rider and Gukko. Taiki is often called ‘Featherhead’ by the others, but this is an endearing nickname.
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ellanainthetardis · 6 years
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I fully expect tonight France will be World Champion so first of all YEAAAAAAH! And now... Let’s go to the cityyyyyy!
[ff] or [ao3]
73. 22 Months & 10 Months (2)
“Which one of the babies do you want?”
Haymitch barked the question more than he asked it and he immediately regretted his tone. The tension in the small room as the hovercraft began his descent toward the Capitol was already reaching its peak. It had been two weeks of tension actually. Two weeks of Effie frantically designing and sewing proper outfits for the trip, packing only to unpack, roaming the house at night and scrubbing it from floors to ceilings all day. It had been a while since she had been so agitated, so fragile and…
“I will take Snowball.” Effie replied in a soft, almost faint voice.
She grabbed the leach Haymitch had just clipped on the dog’s blue sparkly collar. Their fingers brushed and she flashed him a poor excuse of a smile. He forced himself to smirk back but it was strained.
He hadn’t been able to relax either since Plutarch’s phone call.
It wasn’t just the perspective of her publicly acknowledging what had happened to her during the war when she could barely talk about it in private. It was the fact that they were heading to the Capitol – that they were now about to land in the Capitol– with their kids. All of their kids. It made him anxious, paranoid…
The Samoyed wasn’t used to the leach at all and he shook himself, probably hoping to get rid of it. Haymitch felt bad for him. They usually let him roam free but in the city… It would have been wiser to leave him behind but to whom? He had left the geese is Sae’s care but she was far too old to handle the dog. The Clarkes had offered but while they were close friends, it was such an imposition to leave Snowball to them for more than a week that Effie had refused. Besides, he knew just how much the dog could calm her down and make her feel safe and he knew it might come in handy at some point.
“Be careful out there, yeah?” he still requested. “He’s not used to all the cars and everything.”
She gave him a meek nod and crouched to scratch Snowball’s head, hoping to calm him down. After three hours trapped in the hovercraft, the Samoyed was understandably restless. Haymitch thought they all were.
“I’m taking April.” Katniss declared, not leaving much room for debate. She picked up the sleepy toddler who, far from protesting, simply grabbed the girl’s leather jacket with a hum, hugging her cat rag doll close to her chest. She had been sick twice on the way already, her young body not receptive to the flight.
Katniss had been fidgety for the last hour at least and she looked just as anxious as Haymitch felt. She looked ready to fight teeth and nails if necessary and the way she was holding April tight…
For a moment, he let himself wonder why they were doing this at all when it would have been so much easier to stay hidden in the Village.
“Do you want the luggage or the jellyfish?” Peeta asked, jolting his knees so Aidan would laugh in delight.
Haymitch’s son had made himself at home on the boy’s lap during the last hour of the flight and Peeta was the only one still sitting. Not just because of the baby, either. Peeta was the only one who didn’t look overly worried.
“I’m gonna leave the luggage to you.” he joked – or tried to but it came out harsher than intended. “I’m an old man now.”
“When it suits you.” Katniss mocked.
And then the hovercraft touched ground, jerking them all for a second, and any attempt to joke the situation away was forgotten. Haymitch strapped the baby carrier sling to his chest and after Effie made sure the babies were both suitably wrapped in their coats, scarves and beanies, they all exited the hovercraft.
As it turned out, Peeta had the best part of the deal because the hovercraft attendants insisted they would take care of their luggage.
They emerged out of the hovercraft on a military landing strip on the outskirt of the city, as agreed beforehand, to avoid too much press attention too soon. They were all aware they wouldn’t escape it forever but they wanted to control it as much as possible.  
“At last!” Plutarch exclaimed, quickly walking away from his slick black limo to meet them halfway with a big smile.
Uncharitably, Haymitch thought he had put on more weight since he had become Secretary of Communication and that the hair implants weren’t working that great for him. A sharp elbow in his side reminded him that voicing any of that aloud was probably a sure way to get scolded later on. He glanced at Effie, whose features were schooled in a polite pleasant expression, and he smirked. If she was still watching out for his manners, she was alright.
“Effie!” Plutarch exclaimed first, planting a daring kiss on her cheek despite the Samoyed’s protective grumbling. He then moved on to Katniss whose cheek he kissed too before patting April’s head with a stupid enchanted smile. “You do have a lovely girl.” he praised and then shook Peeta’s hands with enthusiasm before finally moving toward Haymitch with arms open wide.
It was very obvious Plutarch was going for a hug and Haymitch would have probably avoided it altogether if there hadn’t been another pointy elbow in his side. This time, he shot Effie a glare but she simply lifted an eyebrow. The whole thing lasted less than a second and when Plutarch finally closed in, all he could do was turn a little sideway to avoid Aidan getting crushed in the middle. The sideway hug didn’t deter Plutarch who clapped his shoulder twice before peering at the baby in the sling with another delighted smile.
It wasn’t that Haymitch didn’t like Plutarch. He had been happy to call the man a friend in Thirteen. They had shared a compartment, a vision about what they wanted Panem’s future to be… But then the actual taking of the Capitol had happened and… Katniss might be blaming Gale Hawthorne for what had happened to her sister but Haymitch had his own set of culprits. Coin hadn’t taken the decision to launch the Hummingbird Operation alone. Plutarch had been there every step of the way. And he hadn’t talked her out of it.
And it wasn’t something Haymitch could forgive.
“I am so happy to see all of you again!” the Secretary of Communication insisted, ushering them toward the limo that wouldn’t be really inconspicuous even in the city.
If he noticed the less than enthusiastic answer, he didn’t let on. Once they were all comfortably settled in the car, Effie made an effort to keep up with the conversation while Haymitch kept his baby girl close to his side and a protective hand on Aidan’s back. The dog had curled up on top of Effie’s feet. Katniss stared through the window with her jaw clenched and her fists bundled on her lap until Peeta covered one of her hands with his. The girl relaxed and smiled back at the boy.
Haymitch didn’t relax or smile. He was too far from the window to get a proper look and he wasn’t sure he wanted to anyway. Rationally, he knew everything would look different. The city had been badly damaged during the war and most of the buildings had been destroyed, entire blocks had collapsed… The layout would be different, it would be like being in another city entirely.
And yet…
He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or feeling even more dreadful when the car finally came to a stop after a good forty-five minutes drive. April had been awake and irritable for the last twenty of them, not used to being trapped in such a small space any more than the dog was. Effie had settled her on her lap but the toddler remained ill-tempered and they eventually figured she still wasn’t feeling that well. The hovercraft trip hadn’t agreed with her stomach and she refused water and food.
On that account, he was glad to arrive but knowing everything it would trigger…
The street was lined with impressive looking houses that seemed designed to make visitors feel insignificant. The display of wealth was so obvious it made him wrinkle his nose as soon as he stepped out of the car. Before he could make a comment though, the front door of the closest house opened and out came Elindra and Tadius.
They didn’t rush, of course, because it would have been inappropriate and Haymitch could feel the eyes of the neighbors spying on them from behind their curtains but they certainly looked eager enough. Elindra had pale pink hair nowadays and he had to swallow back a gibe as soon as he saw her.
Fortunately, the woman was more interested in the baby strapped to his chest than by him and thus she didn’t see his mocking expression.
“Oh, how you grew up…” she beamed, immediately stealing Aidan away from Haymitch. It was hard to resist the instinctive urge to grab the baby back. Not that he didn’t trust Elindra now but being back in the city… Finally, the Capitol looked up at him with a genuine smile that was a rare sight on her face and briefly squeezed his arm – partly in greetings, partly in thanks for finally agreeing to come, he figured. “Haymitch. Welcome home.”
This isn’t home, he wanted to say but he suffered the air kisses on his cheeks and her clucking of tongue when she declared he looked tired and should invest in some foundation powder. Soon enough, she had moved on to her daughter and granddaughter and he was facing Tadius’ outstretched hand. He shook it gladly, letting the Capitol pat his shoulder twice, knowing the Trinkets were honestly happy to see them. If anything, that made the trip worthwhile.
It had been a recurrent request of theirs for Haymitch and Effie to bring the children over.
There was a lot of noises and exclamations, greetings being exchanged, goodbyes when Plutarch declared he needed to go back to the office…
They were all herded inside the house by Elindra.
“Leave the luggage, Peeta dear, we have staff for that.” she chided the boy, nudging him toward the front door.
And there was a staff. A butler who supervised the others, a ballet of maids in dark uniforms, a couple of men… It made him uncomfortable so he took a good look around instead.  
The main hall was… cold. All marble and gold moldings that looked very grand but also very… soulless.
Effie leaned against his side, her eyes darting around, probably taking note of what had changed and what was the same… They hadn’t really discussed that, he realized, coming back to her parents’ house… It had been her idea but the last time she had been there they had kicked her out and…
“Alright!” Elindra declared, speaking loud to cover the different conversations that were going on and the joyful chaos of coats, scarves and hats being taken away by the maids. “I am sure you all must be very tired after that trip and would like to rest for an hour or two. Tea will be served at four in the small parlor for those of you who wish it.”
“That means everyone regardless of personal wishes.” Effie whispered blankly for Haymitch’s attention alone.
“Jenkins will show you to your respective rooms.” the Capitol continued, nodding at the butler who professionally nodded back.
“I think I can find the way by myself.” Effie replied, her tone polished to sound casual rather than confrontational.
Elindra blinked and, for a second, there was an odd tension between the two of them. Haymitch briefly wondered if being in the Capitol would destroy all the progress they had made. Effie hadn’t been happy in that house, he knew that – and he also knew only too well how some places could wake up old wounds.
“Naturally.” Tadius cut in with a good-natured chuckle. “The nursery is ready for the children. It is perfectly suitable, you will see. We had it refurbished a couple of years ago for Bryden and Timotheo. And we bought beds for the babies… They should be comfortable. I was assured it was the best on the market…”
“I am certain it will be perfect.” she agreed easily, her tone softening. .
“We thought you may like your old room.” Elindra said suddenly, a bit hesitant. “But there is another guest room closer to the nursery if you’d prefer. The maids can have it ready in a tick.”
Effie hesitated and Haymitch shuffled his weight on his feet because… Closer was better in his book. They had packed the baby monitors naturally but…
“Whatever you organized is fine, Mother.” she said eventually.
Elindra seemed to relax a little. “Very well. Katniss and Peeta are in the green guest room.”
“Thank you for having us, Mrs Trinket.” the boy timely offered. “Katniss and I really appreciate it.”
“Nonsense.” Effie’s mother dismissed with a brisk wave of her hand. “You are family, are you not? It won’t be said I let family go to a dreadful hotel when there are perfectly suitable guest rooms in my house.”
Haymitch felt Effie relax next to him. Acknowledging the kids as part of their extended family was a step in the right direction. Elindra flashed her a hesitant smile that she answered in kind. Still, he thought the peace might not last forever when he heard Elindra mutter to Tadius “Did they have to bring the dog?”. He quickly nudged his wife up the stairs, hoping she hadn’t heard. It would be stressful enough for all of them without their feud flaring back to life.  
The rest of the house was just as cold as the main hall.
Oh, it was all prestigious looking but… He couldn’t shake off the feeling it lacked everything of importance. There were elegant furniture but none of the clutter of a lived-in home, the walls were painted a sad shade of white, the framed paintings – while probably expensive and originals – looked bland,  most of the tables and dressers were see-through or metal when it wasn’t marble…
Effie paused on the first floor to push a door while the kids continued down the corridor, following the taciturn butler…
“This is the nursery.” she declared.
He peeked inside to find everything had been prepared for them. There were toys neatly aligned on shelves – although most of them had probably belonged to Effie and Lyssa first given the numerous amount of dolls, there were also a few that were clearly her nephews’ and some that were obviously brand new and more adapted for small children – soft plushy rugs on the floor and two identical beds made out of pale wood. The first thing Haymitch did was check April wouldn’t be able to get out if she tried to – and she did try to more and more.
“Katniss and Peeta’s bedroom is down the corridor.” Effie continued, adjusting her hold on April who had insisted on being carried at some point. She was still clutching Snowball’s leach in her other hand and the dog was getting impatient to be allowed to explore, he was sniffing around like crazy. “Ours is on the third floor with the master bedroom and Lyssa’s old room.”
One floor up from their kids…
He wasn’t sure he liked that.
“Lead the way.” he grumbled.
Neither of them suggested leaving the children in the nursery and Haymitch was already plotting how to get those two beds up in their bedroom – assuming they would fit.
He was aware Effie’s breathing wasn’t quite natural. She was clearly making an effort to remain collected but he wasn’t sure if it was because she was fighting a panic attack or because the house brought back memories. Sometimes she discreetly brushed her hand against the wall or her lips stretched into a small sad smile…
“You’re okay?” he asked eventually when she stopped in front of a closed door that he assumed to be their room.
“Yes.” she promised. “I simply never thought I would come back here again.” April was fussy in her arms and she pressed a kiss against her forehead. “I know, darling. It will get better.”
She pushed the door open to find their suitcases piled in a corner. Haymitch looked around eagerly, having been ready for a teenager’s room and disappointed by how… neutral the whole bedroom looked. He had seen two of her apartments over the years – and he had seen what she had done with his house – this wasn’t an Effie Trinket place to leave. The walls were a boring shade of caramel, the framed artworks on the wall were very generic and there was absolutely no personal touch. None at all. None of the eccentric colors he had gotten used to, no crazy spark, nothing.
“That’s your old room?” he scoffed, disappointed.
She placed April down on the immaculate bedcover before flashing him a smile over her shoulder. “My parents turned it into a guest room two weeks after I moved out.”
He wrinkled his nose, putting Aidan next to his sister. “Harsh.”
She shrugged it off with apparent casualness but he could see it still stung. He couldn’t imagine doing anything like that to their children.
He watched her dig into one of the suitcases, fishing out April’s huge stuffed dog that looked so much like Snowball – Snowball who was very busy investigating the en-suited bathroom for the moment but who would ask to be taken out very soon. He grabbed the water bowl from another suitcase and filled it with water for him, taking a second to shake his head at the amount of luggage they had. He traveled light – or he would have if Effie hadn’t insisted on packing up suits and public event appropriate outfits – but she had two suitcases for herself, one for each of the kids – clothes, baby related stuff and toys alike – and a bag full of Snowball’s stuff – his bed, the purple monkey, a spare collar and leach, a brand new dog harness in case he was being too difficult outside because they didn’t want to take any risk with his safety, his plate, his water bowl and a few chew toys. What had happened to the time he could live a month with a single bag?
“Here you go, my darling.” Effie hummed in the bedroom. Haymitch petted the dog for a couple of minutes, watching him lap the water eagerly. “And here for you, my jellyfish.”
When he walked out of the bathroom, Aidan was sucking on the bottle full of water they had packed for the trip. A similar bottle was capped on the bed next to April but the girl seemed happier cuddling her toy, curled up on the bed.
“You think she’s alright?” he worried, immediately feeling his daughter’s forehead. It was a little warm but nowhere near feverish.
“Just an upset stomach, I think.” Effie shook her head, taking the children’s shoes off since they were both on the bed. “The hovercraft didn’t agree with her and that car trip felt endless.”
He flopped down on the mattress next to their daughter who immediately used his thigh as a pillow. He ran his fingers through her disheveled blond hair, not quite reassured. “I give it two hours. If she’s still feeling sick I’m gonna ask your dad if he knows a good doctor.”
“Agreed.” Effie hummed, tickling Aidan’s tummy. The boy wriggled and laughed but soon grabbed his stuffed giraffe and crawled closer to his sister, his eyelids drooping. He hadn’t napped in the hovercraft and the trip was starting to take its toll. It wasn’t long before Snowball jumped on the bed to curl against the boy’s back, completing the mass of sleeping babies. Effie’s lips twitched with unabashed amusement. “Aren’t you all cute.”
Haymitch rolled his eyes but alternated between petting April’s hair and rubbing Aidan’s back when he wasn’t scratching the dog’s head. He took a couple of seconds, let it sink that they were all alright. Yes, they were in the city but that didn’t mean anything bad would happen. They would all take care of this anniversary stuff and their children would be safe with their grandparents, they would have fun – as much fun as possible with Elindra anyway – and they would get to spend some time with their cousins which was… Well, Haymitch wasn’t sure what it was. He had never expected to get a family that large but he wasn’t against it now that he was used to it.
“Are you alright?” Effie asked carefully, gently reaching out to brush his hair away from his face.
He snorted and looked up at her, a self-deprecating smirk on his lips. “Shouldn’t that be my line?”
Her smile was tentative and didn’t reach her eyes, still when she leaned in and stole a kiss, he didn’t protest.
“Apil too.” their daughter mumbled.
Effie chuckled and bent down to give the requested cuddle, careful not to wake Aidan who had fallen asleep, his little fist clutching his sister’s sweater. He watched her straighten up and kick off her heels before turning to the suitcases. He wasn’t surprised when she immediately started unpacking.
“Being in the Capitol feels weird.” she admitted after a couple of minutes.
“Don’t tell me.” he sighed, flopping down on his back and staring at the cream colored ceiling. Who painted ceilings? “You think Annie and Jo are already here?”
“They are only arriving tonight, aren’t they?” Effie frowned. “I am fairly sure that’s what Johanna told me.”
“And tomorrow the circus starts.” he grumbled, closing his eyes. He wasn’t eager to be paraded around again. He wasn’t eager at all.
It would start with a press conference for the surviving members of the Star Squad and the remaining victors. Then an official dinner at the presidential mansion, followed the next day by the commemoration ceremony and the unveiling of whatever statue was waiting at the City Circle – and how Katniss was going to go through that he wasn’t sure but they could probably get her excused if she didn’t feel like doing it – and the day after that there would be Paylor’s announcement and Effie’s big speech followed by the ball at the mansion. There would be more stuff afterwards, some interviews and campaigning for the next election that only concerned him.
Effie didn’t comment and kept on putting clothes away in the dresser and the wardrobe. He watched her carry their toiletry bags to the bathroom and gave her a small pout. “So, I don’t get to see your childhood bedroom but do I get to see embarrassing baby pictures?”
She came out of the bathroom with her lips pursed but a spark of amusement in her eyes. “I am afraid none of those exists.”
“Liar.” he accused. He would ask Tadius, he decided. He was interested in baby pictures. He wanted to see if their children looked like her younger self.
“Now, now, darling…” she chided, laugher in her voice. “Is that any way to talk to your wife?”
He shrugged, propping himself on his elbows. “My wife refuses to be embarrassed.”
“How disappointing of her.” she grinned, her hands on her hips. She studied him for a moment and then rolled her eyes. “Very well. If you insist.”
Before he could ask what she meant, she was kneeling next to the bed and blindly feeling around beneath it. He sat up straighter, watching her with curiosity – and jerking April who sighed as if it was a great inconvenience and sat up too, her rag doll and the stuffed dog both clutched to her chest, before reaching for her untouched bottle of water. His attention was momentarily diverted when his daughter shook the bottle in a commanding fashion with something akin to a demanding grunt.
“Words, sweetheart.” he reminded her.
They always encouraged her to talk rather than make noises but the unimpressed look she threw him at that second – so very similar to Effie’s pissed off one – made him roll his eyes and take the lid off the bottle. She sucked on it eagerly, which, he supposed, meant she felt better.
Meanwhile, there was a popping sound from under the bed and Effie exclaimed in triumph.
“The fuck you’re doing?” he frowned.
“Watch your tongue in front of the children.” Effie reminded him, half her body was under the bed now and when she finally came out, she had a couple of floorboards in her hand.
“Your mother’s okay with you destroying the floor work?” he mocked.
Effie tossed him a glare. “It has always been loose. I used the space as a hiding place.” It took some more work but she eventually managed to level out a square box from under the bed. She shifted to sit down before rubbing her palms together to get rid of the dust, her nose wrinkled. “There. Now you can make fun of my teenage self to your heart’s content.”
He eagerly snatched the box from her and opened it while she went to thoroughly wash her hands in the bathroom – he didn’t make fun of her for that, he knew only too well how she hated feeling dirty and how easily it could trigger a flashback.
He opened the box, smirking hard when he found what unmistakably was a pink diary. He set that aside for later consideration, not sure she would mind him poking around it or not. There were a couple of trinkets, a battered packet half full of cigarettes, a pink lighter that probably didn’t work anymore, a few folded sketches of ridiculous looking dresses… And at the very bottom.
He laughed when his fingers closed around the action figure. He couldn’t help himself. “Seriously?”
She leaned against the bathroom’s threshold and folded her arms in front of her chest, a teasing smile on her lips. “You wanted to mock my naïve self, didn’t you? Here is your chance.”
He inspected the toy, still chuckling. There had been action figures of all victors. They were toys for children mostly but he knew some crazy people collected them religiously. He had seen a couple of his from time to time, he had even signed some. The likeness had been good but now that he wasn’t sixteen it was really hard to tell, the action figure’s hands were empty but he knew it originally came with a set of plastic knives. Later, it had been re-edited with a knife and a bottle.
“Tell me, sweetheart…” he teased. “What did you do with that toy?”
She lifted her eyebrows in challenge. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He could just picture it. Her twelve year-old self romancing the action figure and inventing ridiculous stories in which he fell in love with her at first sight… And then, when she had been older…
His mind was saved from falling into the gutter by his daughter reaching for the toy.
“Apil?” April asked, looking at him with those blue puppy eyes he could never say no to.
He looked at Effie uncertainly, not sure he was comfortable letting their child play with that. It had been funny when he had thought about his wife doing it but… It was a reminder of a time long gone, of something he wasn’t proud of and…
“I do not see the harm in it…” Effie hesitated. “It is just a toy. And how many children can say they have an action figure of their father?”
He licked his lips and studied the action figure, unable to really see himself in it anymore. He used to hate those things like he hated everything reminding him of his arena, of his status, but now… That had been so long ago…
“I guess.” he relented eventually, letting April take it. It was heavy for her little hand and it fell on the bed. Their daughter didn’t see the victor when she looked at it. She was just seeing a toy. And like all kids presented with a toy, she wanted to play with it. “You’re feeling better, shrimp, yeah?”
He felt her forehead again, happy to find her skin cool to the touch. Color had come back to her cheeks too and he let himself breathe, relieved that it had just been motion sickness and not something direr. He hated to see his kids sick.
“We should all change.” Effie declared, clapping her hands once. “We will feel better in clean clothes.”
“I’m good.” he protested. Of course, she pursed her lips at him and he ended up rolling his eyes. “I’m gonna walk the dog and then I’ll change. Deal?”
“Deal.” she humored him, as if she hadn’t just gotten her way.
She selected a new outfit for April – a dress Elindra had bought her – and started the long process of undressing and then dressing the child again, of course interrupted by April’s timely “Potty!” declaration. Aidan was still sleeping so they didn’t disturb him for the moment. Instead, Haymitch watched Effie discard her traveling outfit for a dress that color coordinated with April’s and he swallowed back a remark because he didn’t like when she did stuff like that. There was no harm in it, he knew that, and the girl loved wearing matching outfits with her mother but he couldn’t help but feel it was all too… Capitol.
“We should drag one of the baby beds in there.” he suggested after a while of watching her get ready. Two beds wouldn’t fit but they could probably wedge one between their bed and the window. “April can sleep with us if it’s too tiny for them to share.”
She considered it, he saw it, saw her eyes traveling over their children, but then she shook her head. “I don’t want them in the same room as us. I… I don’t know about you but I am fairly certain I will have nightmares and…” She licked her lips and looked away. “There is another guest room closer to the nursery. Or if you want to sleep in there with them…”
“I’m staying with you.” he cut her off. She would need him more than the babies would. He knew that. He also knew the babies would be alright and safe. It was just… This was a foreign house in an hostile city. “You’ve got the baby monitors packed anyway, yeah?”
“And Peeta and Katniss will be down the nursery’s corridor.” She nodded. “They will be safe, Haymitch.”
“Yeah, I know.” he admitted.
But knowing and accepting weren’t the same thing.
She cleared her throat. “I have something for you.”
He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. “Yeah?” He had something for her too but he was saving it for the day she would give that speech. “What?” And then he smirked because when she gave him stuff… “Kinky lingerie?”
She laughed at the hopeful hint in his voice and fetched something from one of the suitcases. It was wrapped in silver paper with a neat red bow on top. She was a little hesitant when she handed it to him, a small blush on her cheeks. They didn’t really do spontaneous gifts. He didn’t know how to accept them graciously and she always started thinking he had something to atone for when he gave her stuff.
“What’s this for?” he frowned, unwrapping the gift quickly before April could get it into her head to help him. His frown deepened when he found a familiar dark blue box, marked with Twelve’s only jewelry shop brand. It explained why the owner had asked him if they had an anniversary coming on. He glanced at the old battered and scratched golden bangle around his wrist and made a face. “Tell me it ain’t the matching manacle.” She narrowed her eyes at him and he lifted his hand in a defensive gesture. “Fine, fine, no joking…” he grumbled before opening the box.
There was a watch in there. And not any watch but one he had actually been eyeing in the store’s window for a while but had denied himself because… Well, he didn’t really need it and money was better spent on other stuff. But, then again, he had the suspicion she hadn’t bought it with their money but with what she earned with her dressmaking job – otherwise he would have seen it when he had checked the bills.
“Effie…” he whispered, a lump in his throat. “You didn’t have to…”
“I know I didn’t have to.” she replied. “I wanted to. You have been…” She stopped and let out a long breath. “You have been so patient and supportive and now this, coming back here for me…” She gave him a small shrug. “I saw you looking at it and you never buy anything for yourself so…” He picked it up from the box, intending to put it on, when she cleared her throat. “There is an engraving.”
He turned the watch around, brushing his thumb against the words carved in the silver.
Forever yours. E.
He smirked because that was exactly the sort of foolish sentimental display she was fond of and he hated. He put the watch on, the brown leather straps warming quickly against his skin, and admired the elegant face for a second. Then he stood up, cupped her cheek in his hand and drew her in a deep kiss that was a little too dirty given their audience.
Not that April was paying them any attention, she was very busy making his old action figure straddle the stuffed dog like a pony.
“I love you.” he reminded her, the words slipping from his lips with more ease than it used to. He told his children from time to time because he never wanted them to doubt. They were always difficult to utter but he always meant them. “There’s no need for thanks in there.”
“I love you too.” she grinned, stealing another kiss. “And, yes, there is.”
He kissed her again because they would have to agree to disagree on that.
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a-musing-mixologist · 2 years
@skullreaped​ asked:
“Le’s have a snowball fight.” // @ fret!!
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   “You might think you got the advantage with those muscles and all and you’re probably right but don’t underestimate the Fretster!  I’m a snowball-slinging champion!” Self-proclaimed, of course.
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            “Bring it on!  ... Actually no wait let me get my coat I’m gonna need insulation... Then bring it on!!!”
1 note · View note
allcheatscodes · 7 years
skylanders swap force xbox 360
skylanders swap force xbox 360
Skylanders Swap Force cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Skylanders Swap Force cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
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Also Known As: Sky Lander’s Swap Force, Sky Landers Swap Force and Skylander’s Swap Force
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Vicarious Visions
Publisher: Activision
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: October 13, 2013
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Currently we have no cheats or codes for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Nightmare Difficulty
To unlock the Nightmare Difficulty level, you’ll need to beat the game at leastonce. Then, the next time you start a game, you can choose NIGHTMARE!
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
Blizzard Bailout – Complete Frostfest Mountains – 15
Boom! – Light the Fireworks in Woodburrow – 10
Champion of Skylands – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on any difficulty – 100
Chieftess Rescued – Complete Cascade Glade – 15
Cold Caravan – Complete Boney Islands – 15
Coming Out Ahead – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Team Survival Arena levels – 15
Enduring the Onslaught – Earn a 3-star rating in any Team Survival Arena level – 10
Fastest One Around – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Time Attack levels – 20
Glumshanks De-Evilized – Complete Jungle Rumble – 25
Golem Graveyard – Defeat 10 Golems – 10
Heroic Champion – Earn a 3-star rating in 5 Bonus Mission levels – 20
High Roller – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Score Mode levels – 15
Kalamity Averted – Complete Motherly Mayhem – 15
Kaos Quashed – Complete Cloudbreak Core – 25
Kastle Krash – Complete Kaos’ Fortress – 15
Knight of Nightmares – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Nightmare difficulty – 200
Lawman – Complete Iron Jaw Gulch – 15
Mad Dash – Earn a 3-star rating in any Time Attack level – 10
New Challenger – Complete your first Bonus Mission level – 10
New Law In Town – Complete Motleyville – 15
Newsworthy – View the Message of the Day (online only). – 15
Perch Plunge – Dive off the tree in Woodburrow – 10
Puppet Master Pounded – Complete Mesmeralda’s Show – 15
Race to the Finish – Complete your first Time Attack level – 10
Racking Up the Points – Earn a 3-star rating in any Score Mode level – 10
Reach For The Sky – Complete your first Score Mode level – 10
Rising Star – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Bonus Mission levels – 15
Ruins Romped – Complete Rampant Ruins – 15
Slings And Arrows – Complete your first Team Survival Arena level – 10
Snowball Fight! – Complete Winter Keep – 15
Speed Demon – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Time Attack levels – 15
Squid Squabble – Complete Twisty Tunnels – 15
Swamp Secured – Complete Mudwater Hollow – 15
Times Are Hard – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Hard difficulty – 150
Up And Coming – Earn a 3-star rating in any Bonus Mission level – 10
Vexed Viper – Complete Serpent’s Peak – 25
Welcome to Woodburrow – Complete Mount Cloudbreak – 25
Winning Streak – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Score Mode levels – 20
Woods Wetted – Complete Fantasm Forest – 15
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
skylanders swap force ps3
skylanders swap force ps3
Skylanders Swap Force cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Skylanders Swap Force cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for Skylanders Swap Force.
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Also Known As: Sky Lander’s Swap Force, Sky Landers Swap Force and Skylander’s Swap Force
Genre: Action, 3D Platform Developer: Vicarious Visions Publisher: Activision ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: October 13, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Nightmare Difficulty
To unlock the Nightmare Difficulty level, you’ll need to beat the game at leastonce. Then, the next time you start a game, you can choose NIGHTMARE!
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
Blizzard Bailout – Complete Frostfest Mountains on any difficulty – Bronze
Boom! – Light the fireworks in Woodburrow. – Bronze
Champion of Skylands – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on any difficulty – Gold
Chieftess Rescued – Complete Cascade Glade on any difficulty – Bronze
Cold Caravan – Complete Boney Islands on any difficulty – Bronze
Coming out Ahead – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Team Survival Arena levels – Gold
Enduring the Onslaught – Earn a 3-star rating in any Team Survival Arena level – Silver
Fastest One Around – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Time Attack levels – Silver
Glumshanks De-Evilized – Complete Jungle Rumble on any difficulty – Bronze
Golem Graveyard – Defeat 10 Golems – Bronze
Heroic Champion – Earn a 3-star rating in 5 Bonus Mission levels – Gold
High Roller – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Score Mode levels – Bronze
Kalamity Averted – Complete Motherly Mayhem on any difficulty – Bronze
Kaos Quashed – Complete Cloudbreak Core on any difficulty – Bronze
Kastle Krashed – Complete Kaos’ Fortress on any difficulty – Bronze
Knight of Nightmares – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Nightmare difficulty – Gold
Lawman – Complete Iron Jaw Gulch on any difficulty – Bronze
Mad Dash – Earn a 3-star rating in any Time Attack level – Bronze
New Challenger – Complete your first Bonus Mission level – Bronze
New Law in Town – Complete Motleyville on any difficulty – Bronze
Newsworthy – Use the signpost in Woodburrow to see the Message of the Day (online only). – Bronze
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – Obtain all other trophies. – Platinum
Perch Plunge – Dive off the Tree in Woodburrow. – Bronze
Puppet Master Pounded – Complete Mesmeralda’s Show on any difficulty – Bronze
Race to the Finish – Complete your first Time Attack level – Bronze
Racking Up the Points – Earn a 3-star rating in any Score Mode level – Bronze
Reach for the Sky – Complete your first Score Mode level – Bronze
Rising Star – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Bonus Mission levels – Silver
Ruins Romped – Complete Rampant Ruins on any difficulty – Bronze
Slings and Arrows – Complete your first Team Survival Arena level – Bronze
Snowball Fight! – Complete Winter Keep on any difficulty – Bronze
Speed Demon – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Time Attack levels – Bronze
Squid Squabble – Complete Twisty Tunnels on any difficulty – Bronze
Swamp Secured – Complete Mudwater Hollow on any difficulty – Bronze
Times are Hard – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Hard difficulty – Gold
Up and Coming – Earn a 3-star rating in any Bonus Mission level – Bronze
Vexed Viper – Complete Serpent’s Peak on any difficulty – Bronze
Welcome To Woodburrow – Complete Mount Cloudbreak on any difficulty – Bronze
Winning Streak – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Score Mode levels – Silver
Woods Wetted – Complete Fantasm Forest on any difficulty – Bronze
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
skylanders swap force xboxone
skylanders swap force xboxone
Skylanders Swap Force cheats & more for Xbox One (X1)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Skylanders Swap Force cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox One (X1). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox One cheats we have available for Skylanders Swap Force.
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Also Known As: Sky Lander’s Swap Force, Sky Landers Swap Force and Skylander’s Swap Force
Genre: Action, 3D Platform Developer: Vicarious Visions Publisher: Activision ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 22, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Nightmare Difficulty
To unlock the Nightmare Difficulty level, you’ll need to beat the game at leastonce. Then, the next time you start a game, you can choose NIGHTMARE!
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
Blizzard Bailout – Complete Frostfest Mountains – 15
Boom! – Light the Fireworks in Woodburrow – 10
Champion of Skylands – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on any difficulty – 100
Chieftess Rescued – Complete Cascade Glade – 15
Cold Caravan – Complete Boney Islands – 15
Coming Out Ahead – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Team Survival Arena levels – 15
Enduring the Onslaught – Earn a 3-star rating in any Team Survival Arena level – 10
Fastest One Around – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Time Attack levels – 20
Glumshanks De-Evilized – Complete Jungle Rumble – 25
Golem Graveyard – Defeat 10 Golems – 10
Heroic Champion – Earn a 3-star rating in 5 Bonus Mission levels – 20
High Roller – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Score Mode levels – 15
Kalamity Averted – Complete Motherly Mayhem – 15
Kaos Quashed – Complete Cloudbreak Core – 25
Kastle Krash – Complete Kaos’ Fortress – 15
Knight of Nightmares – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Nightmare difficulty – 200
Lawman – Complete Iron Jaw Gulch – 15
Mad Dash – Earn a 3-star rating in any Time Attack level – 10
New Challenger – Complete your first Bonus Mission level – 10
New Law In Town – Complete Motleyville – 15
Newsworthy – View the Message of the Day (online only). – 15
Perch Plunge – Dive off the tree in Woodburrow – 10
Puppet Master Pounded – Complete Mesmeralda’s Show – 15
Race to the Finish – Complete your first Time Attack level – 10
Racking Up the Points – Earn a 3-star rating in any Score Mode level – 10
Reach For The Sky – Complete your first Score Mode level – 10
Rising Star – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Bonus Mission levels – 15
Ruins Romped – Complete Rampant Ruins – 15
Slings And Arrows – Complete your first Team Survival Arena level – 10
Snowball Fight! – Complete Winter Keep – 15
Speed Demon – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Time Attack levels – 15
Squid Squabble – Complete Twisty Tunnels – 15
Swamp Secured – Complete Mudwater Hollow – 15
Times Are Hard – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Hard difficulty – 150
Up And Coming – Earn a 3-star rating in any Bonus Mission level – 10
Vexed Viper – Complete Serpent’s Peak – 25
Welcome to Woodburrow – Complete Mount Cloudbreak – 25
Winning Streak – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Score Mode levels – 20
Woods Wetted – Complete Fantasm Forest – 15
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
skylanders swap force ps4
skylanders swap force ps4
Skylanders Swap Force cheats & more for PlayStation 4 (PS4)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Skylanders Swap Force cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 4 (PS4). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
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Also Known As: Sky Lander’s Swap Force, Sky Landers Swap Force and Skylander’s Swap Force
Genre: Action, 3D Platform Developer: Vicarious Visions Publisher: Activision ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 15, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Nightmare Difficulty
To unlock the Nightmare Difficulty level, you’ll need to beat the game at leastonce. Then, the next time you start a game, you can choose NIGHTMARE!
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Skylanders Swap Force yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
Blizzard Bailout – Complete Frostfest Mountains on any difficulty – Bronze
Boom! – Light the fireworks in Woodburrow. – Bronze
Champion of Skylands – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on any difficulty – Gold
Chieftess Rescued – Complete Cascade Glade on any difficulty – Bronze
Cold Caravan – Complete Boney Islands on any difficulty – Bronze
Coming out Ahead – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Team Survival Arena levels – Gold
Enduring the Onslaught – Earn a 3-star rating in any Team Survival Arena level – Silver
Fastest One Around – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Time Attack levels – Silver
Glumshanks De-Evilized – Complete Jungle Rumble on any difficulty – Bronze
Golem Graveyard – Defeat 10 Golems – Bronze
Heroic Champion – Earn a 3-star rating in 5 Bonus Mission levels – Gold
High Roller – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Score Mode levels – Bronze
Kalamity Averted – Complete Motherly Mayhem on any difficulty – Bronze
Kaos Quashed – Complete Cloudbreak Core on any difficulty – Bronze
Kastle Krashed – Complete Kaos’ Fortress on any difficulty – Bronze
Knight of Nightmares – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Nightmare difficulty – Gold
Lawman – Complete Iron Jaw Gulch on any difficulty – Bronze
Mad Dash – Earn a 3-star rating in any Time Attack level – Bronze
New Challenger – Complete your first Bonus Mission level – Bronze
New Law in Town – Complete Motleyville on any difficulty – Bronze
Newsworthy – Use the signpost in Woodburrow to see the Message of the Day (online only). – Bronze
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – Obtain all other trophies. – Platinum
Perch Plunge – Dive off the Tree in Woodburrow. – Bronze
Puppet Master Pounded – Complete Mesmeralda’s Show on any difficulty – Bronze
Race to the Finish – Complete your first Time Attack level – Bronze
Racking Up the Points – Earn a 3-star rating in any Score Mode level – Bronze
Reach for the Sky – Complete your first Score Mode level – Bronze
Rising Star – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Bonus Mission levels – Silver
Ruins Romped – Complete Rampant Ruins on any difficulty – Bronze
Slings and Arrows – Complete your first Team Survival Arena level – Bronze
Snowball Fight! – Complete Winter Keep on any difficulty – Bronze
Speed Demon – Earn a 3-star rating in 3 Time Attack levels – Bronze
Squid Squabble – Complete Twisty Tunnels on any difficulty – Bronze
Swamp Secured – Complete Mudwater Hollow on any difficulty – Bronze
Times are Hard – Complete all main chapters in Story Mode on Hard difficulty – Gold
Up and Coming – Earn a 3-star rating in any Bonus Mission level – Bronze
Vexed Viper – Complete Serpent’s Peak on any difficulty – Bronze
Welcome To Woodburrow – Complete Mount Cloudbreak on any difficulty – Bronze
Winning Streak – Earn a 3-star rating in 17 Score Mode levels – Silver
Woods Wetted – Complete Fantasm Forest on any difficulty – Bronze
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