#a month late for reala day
bluefantasyz · 1 month
Once upon the long ago times, when they announced NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams but hadn't shown Reala yet, I sketched this version of him up. Excuse the poor scan but it's all I got. HarbingerGrimm over on Twitter did an awesome recreation of it as well!
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
Nightmaren Babies Ch 3
Meanwhile, In Wonderworld...
It was always peaceful to come onto the Isle of Tims upon coming to Wonderworld. Between the Dizzying spectacle that was Balan's Performances, or the Beautiful, but maze-like stages of the hearts of inhabitants, the Isle of Tims was always a good area to catch one's breath and relax. These were the thoughts of the two maestros that looked over the wondrous world as they watched as Aria and the Wonder Stars were currently playing with the Tims that lived on the small floating island.
"What a wonderful day today." Balan said, lounging on the Isle above "That is something true to say." Lance finished, his tentacles acting as a makeshift recliner. The two maestos loved days like this, when they had a little time to themselves. However, their peace was broken when they felt a presence entering Wonderworld, but not that of a human. The other humans noticed it as well, when a glimmering bridge, covered in Wonderworld's many different flowers and Flora, and decorated with Wonderworld's many elaborate swirling marks appeared, and a stone doorway with a moon appeared at the edge of the bridge.
The doorway opened to reveal a familiar purple flying jester, with blue cat-like eyes "NiGHTS!" the kids cheered as they tackled the nightmaren in a hug to the ground. Balan and Lance looked down to see their cousin enter their world. They both gained a smile and flew down to great them. "Hello dear NiGHTS! How are you?" Balan "It's nice to see you too." NiGHTS finished for the maestros cheekily. The kids got off of NiGHTS to let them stand up and continue floating above the ground.
"How are things in the Night Dimension?" Aria asked. NiGHTS gave a carefree shrug. "Erm...well, pretty boring to say the least. There hasn't been anything new lately in a few months. "Really? No new dreamers? Now new Nightopias. Nothing?" Mei asked. NiGHTS just shook their head. "Yep. The only thing even remotely 'interesting' would happen to be what happened after Wizeman took the clones." They said.
Lance gave a small snicker at NiGHTS words, but now that he thought about it, he was hearing a strange tone in NiGHTS voice...one that sounded like. Autotune? "I can tell. Your voice is affected by my trick as well." He said. "Yeah. But on the bright side, I sound like one of those virtual singers! Like that one with the pigtails!" NiGHTS chirped, playing a autotuned tune on their flute. The kids giggled at their cheerful dream friend before Balan stepped forward to their cousin
"Never fear dear NiGHTS, Your voice I can fix for you. Just a quick little snap will do." He said before raising a hand, and snapping his fingers. A small glow illuminating NiGHTS neck ruffle. NiGHTS cleared their 'throat' and asked "Did it work?" And to their surprise, they found that the Autotune was no longer there. "Awwww. And I was getting so used to that." NiGHTS pouted playfully. The humans giggled at NiGHTS playful pout before the Nightmaren tackled their two cousins to the ground in a very big hug.
"I missed you guys so much!!" NiGHTS said, still hugging their cousins and lifting them into the air. The two maestros chuckled at NiGHTS enthusiasm as they sat them back on the ground. "Awww. NiGHTS, We missed you too. We were wondering about you." Lance said. "Anyways...Up for a little race around Wonderworld?" NiGHTS asked cheekily. The two maestros smirked. They knew that NiGHTS LOVED a good race, but before they knew it "321GO!" They shouted, shooting off.
The maestro found themselves staring dumbfounded, before snapping out of it and racing after NiGHTS. The human visitors cheered at the ongoing race, not knowing that Reala had finally slipped through the gateway as well...and his eyes were dead set on the three beings soaring through the air. "There you are..." He whispered coldly, waiting for just the right moment to strike...
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Reala's Unexpected Surprise
This is a late Father's Day fic, with Reala and my oc. I hope you all like this.
Aria sat on the toilet of her bathroom, glancing at what was in her hands. She took a deep breath as she felt a mixture of emotions; happiness, excitement, fear, and shock.
What was in her hands? Well, in Aria's hands was a positive pregnancy test. She couldn't believe it! She would have a baby soon! She was going to become a mother to Reala's baby.
Aria thought of the questions that popped into her head. Was she and her Nightmaren lover ready to become parents? How would NiGHTS react to the news? How would Wizeman react to the news? Would Reala get angry and leave? Would he not care? Or would he be happy?
And what about Balan and Lance? How would they react to finding out that they were going to be uncles? And her friends?
Aria, however, knew that her entire family would be overjoyed to have a new member coming along soon.
"I have to tell him anyway," Aria told herself, trying to calm herself down. "He needs to know either way."
Reala would be coming to visit her soon. With another deep breath, she exited her bathroom just as she heard the doorbell ring. "I'm coming!" She called, making her way to the door and opening it.
There was Reala, her Nightmaren boyfriend. He held a bouquet of roses that were the same shade as her eyes as he handed them to her. "Hey, Reala!" Aria greeted him before taking the roses. "Thanks for the flowers. Come on inside." She allowed him to enter as the two planted a kiss on the lips.
"How have you been, Aria?" Reala asked.
"Well, since you're here, there is something that I've been meaning to tell you and show you," Aria said, feeling the same wave of emotions from before.
"Oh? Is everything alright?" Reala flashed a worried look at his human girlfriend.
Aria then took out the pregnancy test stick and showed it Reala. "I-I'm pregnant…" She confessed to him. "I just discovered it today. We're going to be parents soon."
Reala's eyes widened in shock. For a moment, he stayed silent, taking in the news. Then, he closed his eyes and smiled. "I can't believe it… We'll be starting a family soon…" He said.
Aria felt instant relief to know that Reala was far from mad. "You're happy that we'll have a baby soon?" She asked.
"Yes," Reala said, opening his eyes and hugging Aria. "While it is true that we didn't talk about having children, we will work together to make sure that our child grows up to have a happy life. Were you worried, love?"
Aria nodded. "Yes, not just of you getting angry. But also of how NiGHTS and Wizeman would react. Would they be happy that they'll be receiving a half-Nightmaren family member in nine months?"
"Knowing my sibling, they would," Reala responded. "My master is…a completely different story. I will do what it takes to keep our baby safe."
"And what about your cousins, Balan and Lance? And my friends?" Aria asked. "I wonder how they will react."
"Like NiGHTS, I have a feeling that Balan would be happy," Reala said. "Lance would be asking questions first before he becomes happy. I'm sure that your friends will congratulate and support you in anynway that they can."
All of Aria's worries vanished within a minute. All that she could feel was happiness. Reala, however, had more to say. "That said, there is something that I've been wanting to ask you."
"Oh? What is it?" Aria asked, curious.
That was when Reala bent down on one knee, pulled out a beautiful wedding ring with a silver band and three red gems, and asked Aria the one question that would change her life.
"Aria, will you marry me?"
Aria belongs to me.
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incognito-lionbeast · 3 years
// Part five!  a NiGHTS JoD / Balan Wonderworld crossover. TL;DR It’s time to check back in on Balan & NiGHTS. NiGHTS is very upset about their brother being sent to eeby deeby -- strongly worded letter to follow.
*SLAPS THIGH* this is really late & I apologise, but I’ve been picking at this for the better part of a month. Writing is hard sometimes.
Next time: NiGHTS is forced to talk about their feelings, whether they like it or not.  [part one] [part two] [part three] [part four] ----
    Sometime--not nearly as far in the past as Reala believed--the other two remained just as they had been. An emotionally charged stalemate. An accusation. What did you do to my brother? Tims littered the meadow, watching them--watching both. They chirruped. Concern, clear as day and just as lively, suddenly reanimated NiGHTS’ entire form, chasing, skidding, gripping Balan’s sleeves with both fists. An emotion they’d never expressed before. For all they’d shared--for all Balan knew that he’d told NiGHTS about his work or what Leo and Emma must have already said--their desperation threw off Wonderworld’s Maestro. Balan’s professional facade slipped, but determination quickly found a replacement.
    Interesting were the hearts of Nightmares.
    “Conflicts in my Theatre, I must resolve. Yet, it is only his own heart that he must solve,” Balan replied evenly. With a twist, he freed himself from the Nightmaren’s grasp, brushing the fabric smooth again. Now then. Balan was not a monster. He wasn’t unsympathetic, but this was his Theatre to protect… and he didn’t want to lose a friend. They both had so few. So, Balan offered a hand for NiGHTS to take, a gesture of good faith. NiGHTS so needed the support. Yet, it was denied, shoved away and impugned. Calm as Balan was, NiGHTS knew no solace from the gauntlet of emotions taking hold.
    “He’s my brother!” They argued. “You can’t just--you can’t! He’s not just some Visitor you can do whatever you want with!”
     How telling. How strange. This was quite the change, and what of Visitors were they implying? Although they reprimanded Balan--and perhaps in some right, that was fair--he wondered how much of the sentiment belonged to them and not him. Yet, such were projections and inferences better suited to another discourse, another time--if there would ever be a time for it at all! This one, this topic, and NiGHTS’ frantic role-reversal held his undivided attention and curiosity. Oh, how they’d flit between anger and worry without even a second thought! So readily that Balan saw an opportunity. He saw them, inspiration conspiring to fit the last few puzzle pieces together.
     "NiGHTS… although I know you meant it not, a threatening foe you have brought,” Balan countered, gentle but firm. Almost like handling a child, Balan thought, although they clearly weren’t. Yet, if he couldn’t remain calm, then how could he expect NiGHTS to follow suit? Eventually. Even a little. They were nowhere near it now, gesturing wildly as noisy static filled their head with words--too many words--too many words all at once, all equally desperate to be heard. Few of them made sense, and they struggled to process a single, coherent thought amid the cacophony. Even so, NiGHTS wasn’t one to be silenced. Cohesion be damned, NiGHTS had something to say.
     “Reala? Really, he’s not-- please, it’s not like he cares about anything other than me, anyway!” They argued, interrupting themselves as words collided and derailed mid-thought. It frustrated them, but only half as much as the ridiculous, nosy, impassive-rude-thing they were talking to. What did Balan know? What was a Maestro, anyway? Balan only ever answered with a job description, and--caught in a maelstrom of incredulity--NiGHTS suspected that Balan didn’t know half as much as he implied about anything. Most of all, Balan didn’t know Reala. The nerve, the--the everything. Everything was terrible and NiGHTS’ voice nearly raised an octave trying to explain exactly how terrible.
     “He’s nothing! He’s just a stubborn, old clown who doesn’t know when to give up. He’s hardly threatening. We’ve been doing this for how long..? I’m fine. I can handle him! He’s my brother, anyway. You have no right--!”  No. Yes, well... whatever! Maybe NiGHTS was less right about some things, too, but that didn’t make them wrong, either. Reala was their sibling. Even if nothing else came out as intended, that was an immutable fact. Their expression crumpled, frustration surrendering to tears while Balan so patiently, so irritatingly carried on without a word--merely waiting for NiGHTS to finish what they thought needed to be said. They had time. They were his friend, and he was listening.
     “You can’t--he’s so stupid. You’ve stranded him who-knows-where, alone, and he’s not going to understand! Reala’s never listened to me--even when I’m right!--so there’s no way you’ll do any better! You’re just going to hurt him!” 
     Ah, there. That was it -- Balan’s cue. Patience melted away with newfound purpose--such ominous purpose and an imposing one, too. Taking full advantage of his height, Balan swooped in--behind NiGHTS fluidly, wrapping an arm ‘round their shoulders. Gathering them close, he leaned in to level their faces, intent lacing every movement. He paused, shadows painting his countenance something dreadfully insightful; Balan hardly paid mind to NiGHTS’ dismay--although he was so acutely aware of it--a soft, white glove tracing, dispelling shimmering drops to their audience’s chirruping purview. Balan drew a breath.
     “Now, I think it’s time you told me the truth -- all of it,” Balan insisted firmly, but not wholly without sympathy. He bluffed, “--or a stage for you, too, I may see fit.”
     Now, that would be an interesting thing to behold, Balan supposed, but hardly necessary. Perhaps in retrospect, he realised that threats usually worked the opposite with NiGHTS, but--immaterial. They knew he could. Clearly, he might. Maybe that was enough? Still, Balan ceded the showy display, pretense slipping towards something softer, although no less determined, as tears continued to fall one-by-one. NiGHTS wanted to pull away--in fact, they tried--yet found that nothing wrestled them anywhere but further into Balan’s embrace. Caught. They hissed, struggled. Digits futilely dug into fabric and ruffle, but they were stuck fast. 
     A fate nearly worse than death. 
     They gave up.
     Balan continued, armful of fussy Nightmaren carrying on limply. “You int’rest me, you see. Earlier, so intent on harm, yet my work causes you such alarm. Tell me, ‘mare, and do not lie. You do care, ‘else you wouldn’t cry.”
     For all of their proud indignance, NiGHTS shriveled, willing themselves to disappear, escape, to become infinitesimal--smaller than they already were, held in the arms of a giant. Yet, they only managed to wring Balan’s sleeve. Again. Of course they--they hated admitting it. Sometimes. A lot of the time. Then again, who says that they’d ever stopped caring? Well, Reala, maybe. Often. They were both so equally stubborn, and stubborn enough that NiGHTS fought the very inclination to speak (an inevitable loss), to even argue. So, receding into themselves, NiGHTS stared at the ground. They waited for Balan to make it worse, then maybe...
     Persistence certainly wasn’t something the Maestro lacked, coaxing their friend one more time. No escape, no excuses. “Tell me, NiGHTS, what happened. Why, your relationship with your brother, you refuse to mend.” 
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Some good ol' fashioned Roleplay
Hi there! I am a 21+ female role player seeking a long lasting role play partner! I do have a full time job that usually ends up me being dead by the end of the day. (I work about 10 hours for four days of the week, bi-weekly give or take we can talk about each other schedules at another time.) I have been craving a few things lately that may be a little rare for some folks. I'm the nerdy type of girl who likes games or animes that are not well known or don't have a great fan base. I also do enjoy some of the popular type as well. 
RULES -You absolutely must be over the age of 21, I bring my age up past 18 only because I have had people who were seventeen stating "Oh I'll be Eighteen in a few months" EH- No. Unless you are above the age of twenty one I will role-play with you because I enjoy dark mature themes that are not suitable for minors. Nobody wants trouble now. - I don't want a hit and miss role-play. Such as someone contacting me, talk to me a couple of times OOC and suddenly flea like a wild legendary Pokémon. I have had that done so many times and its quite unfair. If you don't really want to be bothered, don't contact me.  - I always try to be friends with my partners. I have one partner who is a friend for almost a year now and another who (sadly she doesn't have time to role-play anymore) But have a friendship of Twelve years. Maybe that will be something in the future?  - You don't have to be an English Literature major. We all make typos (As I write this my post is filled with red squiggly lines) I just ask you know basic proper English and not be a grammar Nazi to each other. Sometimes we might be in a rush to reply because everyone has a life. - Speaking of which I will try to reply at least once a day. There may be days I might say "Hey lets make a time to just sit down and role-play together." I like to do that but sometimes and mostly I'm on my phone replying in between life itself.  - Please do not constantly message me if I don't reply after one day though. Life happens, phones drop, internet cuts out, dog ate my phone. If anything major happens I will always let you know. My writing style is at least one to two paragraphs per post, I hope you will do the same unless its a minor event.  WHAT I WILL NOT DO. - Anything toilet play, its gross. - Anything that is mature theme with a minor. - Anything that is animal related in an sexual/abusive way. - Anything that is not talked out first that is major life changing for character(s) such as death and rape. - I don't fade to black, I like to get into detail with my smut.  WHAT I WILL DO. - Doubling! Cause everyone win/wins - Play MxM FxF MxF. 
Any requests please ask!  if you have any kinks or boundaries please let me know before hand! What I'm CRAVING for! (the more *, the more I want) Okage Shadow king (******) This is my rare fandom with not a big fan base. The fan base did slightly come alive lately thanks to "A hat in time" Boss that looks awfully a lot like Evil King Stan.  Stardew Valley (*****) I would like someone who would play Alex for me, I will love you forever! Undertale (***) Okami (***)
Pokémon (***) Always wanted to try the idea of best friends that go down separate paths. One is on their way to become a Pokémon league champion, the other is a team rocket member.  NiGHTS (***) I would love to find a Reala to my NiGHTS/OC Any Studio Ghibli movie (***) Kingdom Hearts (***) I have a few ideas for this one. Attack on Titan (**) I would like to try a Levixolder Eren for this.  Or even a Levi x Erwin. The Child Thief (****)  Another rare book with modern take on Peter Pan. I have a strong plot for my oc on this, would love to find someone to do with! ALOT OF MATURE THEMES FOR THIS!! The book is very dark and graphic, you have been warned. YOUR IDEAS!! GIMMIE GIMMIE! I prefer to role-play on skype but would like for you to contact me via my tumblr: EeveeTales Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you all! 
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getrealas · 7 years
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
The Not-So-Normal Dinner
A fic that I made for @kayssweetdreams . Hope you enjoy this. This will be for your Maestro Hiccups 3 fic!
Reala absolutely had no words to express how confused he was right now. He had come back to Nightmare under Wizeman's request and discovered a long, elegant table with delicious food. NiGHTS sat in one of the chairs, dressed in a brand new purple outfit.
"NiGHTS, what are you doing here?" Reala asked. "And why are you dressed like that?"
"Wizeman insisted I wear this," NiGHTS said. "He's planning on inviting Aria here for dinner. I honestly didn't know that you two were a thing…"
Reala turned red at this. "Let me guess, Master Wizeman assumed that we were together in front of you…" He crossed his arms. "We're not…"
Wizeman then came in the dining room with Aria in tow. "Welcome to my home, Aria!" He said to her. "It's such a delight to have you here! My home may be a bit dark, but I managed to make it welcoming for you! Do sit down and I'll prepare you a plate. NiGHTS, is Jackle on his way down?"
"He should be," NiGHTS said. "Then again, he's probably flirting with the girls. Again."
"Think you can get him real quick, my little princess?" Wizeman asked. "I'll prepare you a plate as well."
"Uh, sure…" NiGHTS was still weirded out at the nice nickname Wizeman would give her. She flew out of her seat and went to find Jackle.
Wizeman flew to the head table and looked at Aria and Reala who sat next to him as he prepared plates of food for them and NiGHTS. "My little muffin told me all about you," He said. "How long has it been since the two of you started dating? Has he proposed to you yet? Will I be having grandchildren soon?"
Reala turned redder than the red parts of his outfit. And so did Aria. "Uh, Mister Wizeman…?" Aria asked.
"Oh, you can just call me Wizeman." The six-handed god assured. "All Visitors call me that."
"Okay, Wizeman…" Aria rubbed her arm with embarrassment while averting her gaze. "Reala and I aren't really dating… And no, he hasn't proposed to me…" While Aria did appreciate Reala saving her back then still, she wasn't one hundred percent sure if she was ready to form another relationship. Plus, she still loved him. Her late husband…
"Oh, don't be modest, dear." Wizeman looked at Reala who was trying his hardest to drink his water without accidentally spitting it out. "My strong prince can't stop talking about you. In fact, you're one of the few things that he enjoys talking to me about. That, and his stuffed plushie of himself that he's had since he was a hatchling."
Reala almost choked on his water. "Uh, Master Wizeman?" Reala asked. "I'm…sure the Visitor doesn't want to hear about it…"
Wizeman must not have heard because he continued. Much to Reala's embarrassment. "My little muffin once received a handmade plush of himself on the day he was born." Happiness and nostalgia were in his six eyes. "There wasn't a day where he could sleep without it. He loves that plush a lot. Ooh, I think I have a picture of him as a hatchling with it somewhere." One of Wizeman's hands looked around for it.
"M-Master!?" Reala found himself stuttering. He did not want that picture of him exposed to any Visitor! "I-I think we should worry about when NiGHTS and Jackle will get here! They are running a bit late, aren't they!?" He had hoped that changing the topic would get Wizeman to stop. But nope. Fate was not on his side.
"Ah, here it is!" Wizeman then showed Aria a picture of Reala as a hatchling. In the picture, Little Reala's eyes were squeezed tight and he was curled in a ball on Wizeman's hand while holding the plushie. Judging by how small he was, Aria could only guess that Reala measured up to the size of a three month old kitten. "This was my favorite picture of him. He was so adorable and precious! Just like my little princess was! Oh, and he loved to sleep in my hand! It feels like yesterday that I became a father to him!"
Reala thought he couldn't get anymore redder. Aria had no idea what to do. Just then, NiGHTS barged in while dragging Jackle. "Dad, Jackle found Balan's…secret juice," NiGHTS complained. "He drank some of it and now he's drunk!" She stopped when she saw what Wizeman was holding. "Is that a picture of Reala as a hatchling?"
"NiGHTS, don't you dare!" Reala growled. But NiGHTS had that mischievous smile on her face. She flew up and took the picture from Wizeman.
"Aww, I remember when you showed me this, Dad," NiGHTS gushed. "Who knew that Reala was so cute at that time? And in the blink of an eye, he grew up to be grumpy and bitter. Say, did you tell Aria how Reala acted as a hatchling?"
"Oh! I almost forgot," Wizeman said. "Reala was an absolute angel when he was newborn! He did have his silly moments such as taking his socks off and throwing them on the floor for his dog, Cerberus, to chew on. I'm sure you had your silly moments too, Visitor!"
"Uh, yeah…" Aria said, now wanting to leave. "I'm sure I did… Wait, did you say 'dog'?"
"Yes!" Wizeman said. "His name is Cerberus! He may be scary, but he such a good boy! Oh! Let me introduce you to him."
"N-No! Wait!" Aria cried. But it was too late. Wizeman was gone. "I'm…allergic to dogs…"
Suddenly, Cerberus came running in like an excited dog. Aria felt her eyes water up. She soon was having a sneezing fit. But much to her dismay, Cerberus jumped onto her and licked Aria's hand, causing a painful rash to appear. Aria yelped in pain as she kept on sneezing. "Get him off, please!" She begged.
"Uh, Dad?" NiGHTS asked. "I think Aria said that she's allergic to dogs… You might want to get Cerberus out of here…"
"H-How come Reala gets allll the hot girls?" Jackle said in his slurred speech. "While meeee? I struggle to get a handshake! One handshake, I tell yoooouuuu!" He then passed out on the floor, buzzed out.
Reala, with a sigh, got Cerberus off and helped Aria get out of there.
That was, by far, the worst dinner he ever had.
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getrealas · 7 years
12 Ways to Spot a Dummy Bidder
12 Ways to Spot a Dummy Bidder
A dummy bidder is a false bidder.  They are used during auctions to create the illusion that there is a lot of interest in a property.  Their primary purpose is to get genuine bidders to believe they have to compete in order to secure the property.  It is all part of the auction landscape and is used in all kinds of auctions, whether they are cattle or art or furniture, and have been around since the inception of the art of auctioneering.  Auctioneers have been described as people who elicit money with their tongues.  Legislation to curb dummy bidding has reduced dummy bidding, but it will never be eradicated totally from the auction scene.
Clearly you need to identify any dummy bidder in order to prevent finding yourself in the position of being ‘run-up’ by fictitious bidding or becoming over enthusiastic and bidding more than you really wanted to and more importantly, need to.
One of the best ways to identify a dummy bidder is to watch the agent’s behaviour 20 minutes before the auction.  The agent will consult the owner, the owner’s friend’s and the dummy bidder.  The dummy bidder will often come up to the auctioneer and seek instructions.  It is very obvious when you know what to look for.
Here is how to spot a dummy bidder:
Arrive early
Ask people at the auction
Ask the auctioneer
Watch the auctioneer
Face the crowd
Look for lone bidders
Check out family photos
Change bidding increments
Watch who reviews contract of sale
Suspect unfamiliar faces
Does the home fit the bidder?
Show a lack of interest
Case Study
It was late on a windy Saturday afternoon during a wet Melbourne winter, and it was the fifth auction of the day.  An apartment on the 24th floor of a city building was being auctioned.  As the auction was in the unit, there were only 15 people in the crowd.  One of them was the dummy bidder.  After a quick look around the room, I decided it was going to be the gentleman leaning against the window.  He looked totally out of place and clearly had something on his mind.  He acted quite nervously and had a distinct frown on his face, standing there with his arms crossed – a sure sign of someone stressed.
I promptly approached him, asking loudly in front of the group: “You’re here on behalf of the vendor, aren’t you?”
A very embarrassed dummy bidder went bright red and left the room.  I had hit on the dummy bidder and the auctioneer didn’t have anyone to run the bidding up or, in fact, to offer an opening bid.
The auctioneer called for an opening bid of $850,000.  From my position right next to him, I answered, “I can’t see anyone offering you $850,000”, and of course there was no one.  As the auctioneer knew me, he succumbed and said, “All right David, I’ll make a bid of $850,000 and take rises of $10,000.” I replied that I would give him a real bid, not a vendor’s bid, of $900,000 – conditional upon no more bids being placed on the vendor’s behalf.  If he did not agree to this, I would leave the auction and suggested that others do the same.  The auctioneer was cornered.  He took the bid with the attached condition and the property was passed in at $900,000.  I bought it shortly after for $910,000, $40,000 less than the owner had paid for it two years earlier.
Don’t be afraid to make conditional offers  Auctioneers don’t know how to handle them.
Here is how to spot a dummy bidder:
1. Arrive early
Arrive 20 minutes before the auction and see whether any last-minute instructions are being given by the auctioneer or agent.
2. Ask people at the auction
Before the auction starts, go ahead and ask people why they are at the auction and whether they are dummy bidders.  Watch for some embarrassed faces.
3. Ask the auctioneer
Ask the auctioneer (loudly) whether there are any dummy bidders.  If the answer is no, ask the vendor.
4. Watch the auctioneer
Watch the auctioneer.  Are bids coming after the auctioneer adjusts their glasses or scratches their nose?  See if you can find the pattern.
5. Face the crowd
Face the crowd.  Can you see the bids the auctioneer says they are seeing?  Ask the auctioneer to identify the bidder.
6. Look for lone bidders
Most genuine bidders bring someone along for moral support, especially if the property is expensive.  Suspect those on their own, especially if they seem blasé.
7. Check out family photos
During the open for inspection, check out family photos on the mantlepiece.  On auction day see if any of those familiar faces are among the bidders.
8. Change bidding increments
Raise bids by unusual amounts.  If bidding is moving in steps of $5000, try raising the bid by another amount, say $2800.  See if the auctioneer can do the maths.
9. Watch who reviews contract of sale
Suspect those who scrutinise the contract of sale closely.  Genuine bidders do that well before the auction.
10. Suspect unfamiliar faces
Keep an eye out for unfamiliar faces at auctions.  You may have been looking at similar properties for months.  In that time you will learn to recognise most genuine bidders.
11. Does the home fit the bidder?
If a fourth-floor, walk-up apartment is being hotly contested by someone over 60, using a walking stick, chances are they are someone’s parent bidding on behalf of their child.
12. Show a lack of interest
Feign a distinct lack of interest when bidding against a dummy bidder.  Start shaking your head at the auctioneer when he looks for you to bid.  Give him the look that says, “I have just got no further interest,” and look away.
– David Morrell
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