#a lalafell kid
nerdpoe · 5 months
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at ultimate horizon
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spaceace144 · 1 year
Final Round!!!
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Thank you so much to everyone who has helped Chuchu get this far!!! And thank you for all the words of encouragement in the notes of the poll! It makes me really happy to see you all cheering them on! :^) Of course, thank you to @woltourney for holding this wonderful event! I've been introduced to so many amazing WoLs that I wouldn't have known about otherwise and have made a few more mutuals as well.
Finally, good luck to @isayoldbean! Beef is such a wonderful character and has certainly earned this final round spot!
Chuchu has been my first real OC that I've kept along with ever, and I've been really thinking about them a lot during this event. So please, enjoy Chuchu's First Lore:
(Forgive me if it's not great I have literally never done this before. Feel free to send me questions about them as well!)
Their mom is a farmer and dad is a librarian/scholar. They met when momma went in to the library to maybe learn some basic farming magic and met papa. Chuchu is 100% a country bumpkin who grew up helping on the farm (despite a major lack of a green thumb. Cannot keep house plants alive). They're the oldest of 4, so it goes Chuchu -> twin girls -> youngest boy. They always loved fishing on the lake on the farm, was maybe a little too good at fishing (fish love me, women fear me).
All the kids are some sort of combo of a pink and white naturally, but one of the twins is a goth and wants to dye it and has totally tried dying it with natural stuff around the farm (it was patchy and washed out pretty easily)
Chuchu set off on their adventure to try and help out the family monetarily. They're not really hurting money wise, but Chuchu wants to help provide so their siblings don't have to just grow up on the farm, ya know? They're really not good at farming and grew up pretty just naturally sheltered being in a not populated area, so they wanted to try and see the world! (Cue MSQ rolling up in Ul'dah)
They were like REALLY overwhelmed with everything at first but as the shit show that is MSQ unfolds, they've kinda had to get used to it lol.
Chuchu's just a happy go lucky little creature that always tries to see the good in things, no matter how bad it gets.
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hqmillioncorn · 8 months
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FFXIVWrite Day twenty-six: Last
Patti looked at the small stage that the dolls were dancing on. They were practicing for a performance soon that Cherrypit would take them too. She really liked to come along because her tío Cherry would talk all about the cool stuff he and her mama did, like saving the world.  “Mama, can I ask you something?” Babycorn turned her attention to her daughter, “Mhhm? What’s up Patticake?”  “Could I make dolls move like that too?” Patti pointed at the small Calca and Brina dolls twirling on stage. Both dolls stopped on a dime and took a bow towards Patti. Babycorn clapped alongside Patti. “I think you can! It just takes a little practice.”  “Really?!” “Mhhm! You’re friends with Calca and Brina right?”\ Patti nodded.  “Then you’re more than halfway there!”
Babycorn cut the last piece of string off of the small dress she had been working on. The dress had just needed a small patching up after it had gotten ripped during one of Cherrypit’s puppet shows. “There we go!” Babycorn grabbed the undressed doll and carefully slipped the blue dress back on them.  
The doll was on the smaller side of Cherrypit’s dolls so after the dress was back on it did a few twirls on Babycorn’s desk just to try it out. “How’s that feel?” Babycorn hoped that it was fine. When the doll gave her a thumbs-up she was relieved. 
Her reputation as being trusted enough by Cherrypit to make clothes and accessories for his dolls would remain uncontested. 
Not that there was much of a reason for her to worry anyway. 
Just as Babycorn began to clean up and put away her sewing supplies she began to wonder if it was tomorrow or the day after that she was supposed to report to Gridania and help with teaching new recruits to the Twin Adder how to deal with voidsent. 
Just as Babycorn remembered that it actually was tomorrow, the front door slammed open. 
“AAAAAaaaAAHh!!” Babycorn screamed and zipped under her desk. The doll that had just had its dress repaired took a seat on the desk and waved at the person who had just come in the house.
“Mama!” Patti entered the house and closed the door behind her, throwing her backpack to the floor. She had just come back from visiting one of her friends. Raspberry (a gigatender) had carried her all the way back so Patti was not at all tired and had more energy in her than a ball of lightning. 
Patti noticed that her mama wasn’t in the living room like she thought she would be. “Mama?” She could have sworn that she heard her mama’s voice before she came in. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Hello?” It was the same small doll from before, hanging from her shoulder now. “Oooh! Lady Mio? What are you doing here?” 
The doll pointed to under the table, where Babycorn was slowly crawling her way out of. 
“Sorry Patti, force of habit!” Babycorn tried her best to laugh it off. 
“Mamaaaaa!” Patti ran so fast towards her mom that Babycorn sword she could have seen she was leaving smoke trails behind. Then by the time she noticed that, her daughter had already slammed into her, gripping her in a hug. “Someone ate the last popsicleeeeeeeeee!!!!” Patti wailed very loudly.
Even the doll looked shocked.
Patti had just turned twelve the past weekend and for her party she had gotten an entire crate of popsicles to herself as one of her nameday presents. Everyone in her family had sworn to her they would let her eat them by herself, a feat that she had almost managed to do in just two days. 
Patti’s eyes were watering. She sniffled,  “M-Ma-Mama…It wasn’t you was iiiiit…?” She knew that her mama liked tasty snacks just as much as she did. If her mama did eat it she would forgive her only after she bought her a million popsicles more!
Babycorn shook her head, “It wasn’t me. I can promise you that.” She gave her daughter a reassuring pat on the head and knelt down to meet her face to face. “If you want me and your papa can go buy you like, twenty more popsicles if you want!” However many popsicles it would take to put a smile on her daughter's face, Babycorn didn’t care.
“Oooookay…” Patti had really wanted that last popsicle. The one she had saved until today was even her favorite flavor too…
The sound of steps coming up the stairs caught Patti’s attention.
“Bebe! Did you finish yet? If not I can-Oh!” Her tío Cherrypit was home too! Usually he wasn’t home until later. Which she found more than a little suspicious. “Hi Patti. Did you have fun today?” He asked her in between picking up his doll and thanking her mama for the work on fixing it’s dress.
‘Now he’s asking me if I had fun?? That’s pretty sus…’
Did he know she wasn’t going to be home today? Who could have told him something like that?
“AH-hA!” Patti stepped back dramatically and pointed her finger at Cherrypit, also very dramatically. “Tío Cherry!! You ate my popsicle!!” It couldn’t have been anyone else!!
Cherrypit kept on a straight face. “Yeah it was totally me.”
“I KNEW IT!!” 
“And I would do it again.”
Patti’s complete deduction of the case was put to a halt when Babycorn inserted herself into the conversation. “Don’t listen to him. He’s lying.” Babycorn noted. Patti saw that her mama was smiling, the same sort of smile that she always did when Patti told one of her bad jokes on purpose.
Cherrypit looked away, trying to hide his own smile. “What. Makes you say that?”
Babycorn giggled to herself then knelt down to whisper something in Patti’s vaguely placed ears. “Cherrypit’s left ear always wiggles when he’s lying.” Sure enough Patti looked up and saw the ear her mama pointed to and happened to catch a slight wiggle. “It’s been that way ever since he was a baby.” 
It was something Babycorn had noticed very early. 
Patti let out a loud and even more dramatic gasp. “Tío Cherry?! You would lie to me?! Your favorite super cute and really cool niece?!” Lying to her was even worse than the popsicle he claimed to have stolen.
That was a new term that Patti learned recently. She found it appropriate to use for this occasion. 
Patti crossed her arms to think. If her mama didn’t take her popsicle and neither did Cherrypit, then who could have done it? 
“Well I can answer that.” Cherrypit helpfully chimed in. 
“BWAH!” Patti jumped back in surprise, “Did you read my mind again!?!” She hated when he did that! 
“Don’t get too excited, Patticake.” Babycorn gave her brother a stern stare, “Cherry did the same thing to me this morning to find out where I was ordering food from after I said it was going to be a surprise!” 
Cherrypit giggled. 
If Patti had on her official  Detective Carbuncle hat her mama had gotten her for her nameday she bet Cherrypit wouldn’t be laughing. “Okay then! What’s your answer tío Cherry?!” It’s not like he helped solve the case of the missing glasses for her mama. It was Patti who found them! They had been on top of her mama’s head the whole time. 
“That’s easy.” Cherrypit walked over to Patti and pulled something out of the pocket of her sweater.
It was a popsicle stick with hints of strawberry still on it.
“You took it with you and ate it at some point.” Cherrypit placed the popsicle stick on Patti’s head, balancing it perfectly on her hat. 
“Oooooooh!!!” That’s what she ate on the way to her friend's house. She couldn’t quite remember. “Oppsie!” Patti stuck her tongue out and giggled innocently. “I guess I forgot!” 
“Aww that’s okay Patticake. It happens!” Babycorn picked the popsicle stick off her daughter’s head and threw it in the wastebin. “Buuuuuuut” There was a smirk on her face, “Do you still wanna buy some more popsicles anyway?!”
“Yeah!!” Patti cheered. “Raspberry can take us!!” 
Both mother and daughter caught Cherrypit completely off guard by grabbing on to his arms and running out of the house, singing a song about their favorite popsicle flavors. 
“Come on tío Cherry! Let’s goooooo!” She said this despite already dragging him outside.
“I’m already goooo’ing”
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corvid-lullaby · 2 years
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shinkleitus · 2 years
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The adventures of Lalafell Cosplayer: Conan Edogawa & Kaito Kid (Detective Conan).
Kleitus Conan @ Behemoth
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plenary-indulgence · 1 year
also this bit was funnier in my head than in execution but gotta justify that adobe subscription somehow right
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lilcommander · 10 months
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autumnslance · 4 months
Normally I'd agree many Final Fantasy games have rather young protagonists. It's because they're usually single-player JRPGs made with the assumption of younger players, and like most Young Adult media, create characters that cater to that, even if it ends up with teens running the world and fighting in wars. And for many players, the first time playing these games is in childhood/adolescence/very young adulthood. So it's YA anime.
Final Fantasy XIV does not fall into that same mold, despite the "Teen" rating for legal and distribution purposes.
The majority of the FF14 cast, including the bulk of the main characters, are between 20 and 40 years old (the Scion Archons, Ishgard Elf Husbands). Many other characters are between 40 and 80 (Ishgard's Counts are all late middle aged to elder dads/grandpas, Gaius is mid 50s, Jehantel and Ran'jit are elderly, all still active). The younger characters (especially with any authority or special position) like the Leveilleur twins, are actually outliers. And the youth of the characters between 16 and 20 years old tends to be plot relevant, where that inexperience and naivety causes problems and drives story (Nanamo's arc at the end of ARR into HW, Alphinaud and the Crystal Braves, Ryne's determination of self in ShB, etc).
Characters have a variety of appearances; some characters in the same age ranges look very different. Varis is only 4 years older than X'rhun but Varis's model shows the stress and disagreeableness of his life a lot more than the RDM trainer's. Cid's in his mid-30s but with the beard looks older--and without it he has a baby face (hair color doesn't matter, cuz they do keep the anime trope of "everyone's got white or silver hair"). Lalafell are designed to be anime-cute halflings so it's hard to tell their adult ages even if they've got facial hair like grandfatherly Papashan. The pad'jal of course look like kids, but the youngest main pad'jal is A-Ruhn in his late teens; all the others are adults stuck in adolescent bodies. E-Sumi is a few hundred years old. Kan-E uses various methods to look older so other leaders and people from outside Gridania will take her seriously as an adult. The padjal introduced in the StB WHM quests is a child, and that's the plot; she's not in charge of anything, or has any particularly advanced-for-her-age skills. She's just a kid having a really rough time.
This inability to determine age by looking and assuming isn't just due to limits of the game engine and character creation options; it reflects real life. I met my work team for the first time in person recently; one person looked older than I know them to be, thanks to months of stress and health issues. While all of them were shocked to remember I'm in my 40s as according to them, I "look much younger". Most people are actually pretty bad at guesstimating ages based on appearance, due to the variety of folks' lives.
Speaking of kid characters, many of the children we interact with, like the Doman Adventurers, are between 12 and 14 and act much younger. Khloe has this going on too, with her age "corrected" to 13 (when previously listed as 10), but she acts way younger to me. Most of the actual child characters are treated like children, and it's not until they get to 14-16 (Honoroit, Leveva) that we start to see them treated like maturing adolescents and having some rsponsibilities, but still young and prone to the kind of choices one expects of less experienced and more emotional youth.
As a MMO, FF14's primary audience is actually adults; teens do play the game, but also age up with it if they keep playing. If a 15 year old began playing with ARR's release, they're in their mid-20s now. Having a primarily adult cast, and treating child characters like children, and adolescents like young people figuring out how young adulthood works, makes sense for this game.
FF14's time bubble is also part of the issue; a developer tool to keep it so they don't have to worry too much about character ages, new models so often, or how long things take in game. Timelines are then intentionally left malleable for the players' benefits, to create our own stories and determine how long things take for our WoLs and their tales. Some folks have their stories pass in real time, some compress it to a year per expac, some expand it out even longer. So the ages the characters have listed in the lorebooks and rarely in game (which is then reflected in online resources), is a starting baseline. Personal headcanons as always should be applied (including changing around some character ages to fit one's own story if necessary).
Also, FF16, made by the same team, has a brief prologue/tutorial section where the main trio is between 10 and 15, guided/trained by adult characters, experience the inciting incident trauma--and then we spend the majority of the game with the main cast in their 20s and 30s. The game also has a mature rating, featuring some sexual situations, lots of violence, and stronger language than other FF games. It's made for adults, and its cast reflects that.
So it is a matter of audience expectations; for a MMO, you're going to have an older and aging player base, and the varied ages of the cast reflect that, as do their varied appearances and experiences as adults. The young characters are treated closer to how their youth should be; still with respect for those in positions like Nanamo, but also prone to errors due to inexperience that drive story. In other FF titles, which were made to be more YA-focused, a teen and young 20s cast were treated much differently. But even in the single-player FF titles, if they are made with adult players in mind, their cast and stories likewise reflect that.
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moxpunk · 6 months
Moxie's Big-Ass Retrospective on Games She Played This Year
There's going to be a lot of games under the break, and I'm going full-hog on spoilers. Honestly, I'm going stream-of-consciousness with these, so there's not going to be a clear point made for some of them. Just how I remember them and how I feel now looking back.
Final Fantasy XIV This is my current MMO of choice, and it's been this massive part of how I spent my time this year. The patches and content continue to be great, even if I breeze through it all in a few days after the patch when plugins/mods are back up. I've definitely noticed a dip in my interest lately. I think it's because we've hit a good stopping-point for the plot and junk, so most of us are just waiting until the pre-patch of the new expansion next year. RP continues to get fucking worse and worse for someone that plays a lalafell, since the community at-large (especially the modding community) is actively hostile towards lalafells and their players. Having to check every single venue to see if my middle-aged potato is going to be treated like a child by the hosts gets exhausting after the umpteenth time. Still love the game and I poke at it on a regular basis.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom One of my favorite games I've played this year, but also one of the most frustrating in hindsight. There was a ton of lost opportunity in multiple aspects in this game, and it's sorta the thing I keep coming back to in my head. I loved the exploration and fucking around with physics and just getting to play around in Hyrule. It's a magical experience that I think transcends the fact that 2/3rds of the map is essentially re-used. The Underground was a missed opportunity to shove lore of ancient civilizations in there, Ganondorf was a missed opportunity to finally depict him as a tragic hero with Hyrule being the villains for once, and no plans for DLC or even a Hero Mode is a massive miss for me wanting to return to the world.
Baldur's Gate 3 Hands-down my favorite game of the year by a massive margin, but like TOTK, an immensely frustrating experience. The game is half-cooked in so many areas, and the bugs are plentiful to the extent that they can't really be ignored. The pathing system continues to be the Larian Special of being jank as all hell, with my characters running in the opposite direction of the path it lays out for them. I played this one on stream, and I cannot remember a single stream where I didn't have at least a handful of frustrations with the combat system. Hell, I had to completely restart my file in the middle of Act 2 because Karlach's romance bugged out. I continue to be very upset and frustrated at how goblins are treated, doubly so since in order to pursue the Good Route with Halsin, you have to attack fucking children. I don't care if they're goblins, they're kids. Also very disappointing we don't get a single short-race origin character, meanwhile half of the cast is some form of elf. At least it's nice letting me be full-on cock-out trans. Despite that, the writing and characterizations in this game are unparalleled. It's immensely refreshing to finally have a RPG where you fucking roleplay, after years of it being dialogue that doesn't matter in the slightest other than "points towards the good/evil ending". I love the Brain Slug Squad immensely. This game is probably going to become part of my "play this every year" list because there's just so many different ways to play through this game.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Been waiting for this game (or a game like it) for fuckin' years, and it's everything I wanted and expected. I know a lot of people went into the game expecting some massive thing that lasted hours and hours, but my memories of JSR/JSRF was a game that I could reasonably beat in an afternoon or two because I just get into the flow and know what I'm doing. Cyberfunk is the purest successor to JSF that I can thing of where it just adds to the fun formula of the past. Incredible game, love seeing the mods coming out for it, hope we get another game in the universe since Team Reptile said they aren't doing DLC.
Pizza Tower Love this game, adore the movement and the music, absolutely fell off at about the halfway mark. I think it's because a lot of stuff was coming out at the time, and I just kinda played those instead. One of these days, I'll beat it and be very satisfied, but for now my gremlin-brain that demands collecting every single collectable and getting at least an A-rank on every stage gets exhausted just thinking about it.
Elden Ring Opened the game up after upgrading to a new PC, marveled that I could run it on Ultra with the game keeping a smooth framerate, killed a few enemies, remembered about the fucking giant ants in this game and how there are zero mods to remove/change them, and then turned the game off and uninstalled. Begging someone to make a mod that gets rid of the fucking ants. Please. I've already gotten every trophy in the game last year, so any incentive I have to return is predicated on that.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty So, I'm going to give my thoughts about the base game and the DLC, since I played both. The base game continues to be this utter fascination to me where my brain adores just existing in the cyberhell future of nonstop advertising (if I have to hear YO YO YO MY CHEWERS SHROOMERS AND FUMERS! one more time I'm going to fucking strangle someone to death) and ultraviolence. The game continues to ride that weird line of "might as well do every side-quest because they're quick enough to get to and there's hardly any compared to Witcher 3" and "oh my god I do not care about these fucking sidequests other than I have gremlin-brain". Doing anything with sniper rifles or heavy machine guns is an exercise in frustration thanks to there being zero silenced sniper rifle until late-game and there being no unique HMGs.The DLC is... fine. It's fun antagonizing Idris Alba, it's not fun that the DLC is based around a stealth build, it's extremely not fun that the changed ending is deeply unsatisfying from a narrative standpoint.
Pseudoregalia An adorable little game that I enjoyed quite a bit for the very short time I got to fool around with it. Love the movement, love the style of the graphics, love the little pieces of story. Game doesn't get enough love, so here's me giving it some more.
Potionomics I fucking adore this game. I think what helped endear me was getting to do all the voices on-stream, but who cares this is my retrospective and I get to be biased. Loved the romances and characters in there. I absolutely headcanon Xid as being trans, Roxanne turns me into a babbling idiot, and I relate to Luna so hard it almost hurts. I enjoy that characters remain your friend if you already picked a partner, and you have to have a conversation about "hey, you were kinda flirty for a while and I feel a little weird about that now" for each of them. Breaking the economy by the third competition was immensely satisfying.
Paradise Killer I slammed through this game over the course of a single sleepless night thanks to Super Depression. Love the character designs and how bold they are, love the lore behind the world, got kinda sick of it taking so long to travel from place to place, gremlin-brain refused to let me part with the game until I collected everything. Hope to see a prequel/sequel of some sort, because Lady Love Dies is such an interesting character and I liked the bugfuck-weird world.
Peglin It's Peggle, you're a goblin, you get funky ball powerups, adore playing this game on my phone in short bursts. Not much more to say, it's my potato-chip game.
Rimworld Friend gifted this to me and I got horribly obsessed for like a week. It's a lot easier to grok than Dwarf Fortress thanks to the UI and information being easier to comprehend. I never know how to do the crazy shit in these games, I usually peak at having a little self-sustaining settlement with like 4 characters that live their little lives until a plague or bandit raid sweep through and kill everyone.
Halo: Master Chief Collection Another series of games I got obsessed with and pounded out before dropping it. Halo 1 is like twice as long as I remember, Halo 2's remastered cutscenes are fucking gorgeous and it continues to be my favorite out of the series, Halo 3 I'm lukewarm on it's whatever, Halo Reach is... eh I don't care, ODST I petered out of thanks to playing it with an ex that does not understand videogames, Halo 4 is a slog. Didn't do any multiplayer.
Helltaker Finally played it, beat it in like 2 hours, thought the puzzles were fun and the art continues to rattle around in my noggin.
A Hat In Time Another game that I finally beat after owning it for like the better part of a decade. Cute little game, I don't have a clue what any of the updates and junk do these days. The big mountain level is a fucking nightmare to navigate and explore and that's why I fell off last time.
Puzzle Agent Played this one on-stream because I'm Minnesotan as all fuck and I enjoy Professor Layton puzzles. It's just as good as I remember, even if it's incredibly short.
Kingsway Love the premise, adore that it takes me back to the Windows XP era of using my parents' computer. I had like one good run that died in the middle of things, and I never really went back. I should do this game again at some point.
Loop Hero Another procedural game where progress is usually bottlenecked by gathering base resources in each run so you have a fighting chance. All my runs sorta ended up the same by a certain point and I wasn't really having much fun anymore.
Lethal Company Game scares the absolute shit out of me, I cannot play this game for extended periods because I get heartburn from fear. Excellent experience with friends.
Super Mario RPG I didn't have a SNES growing up, so I never got a chance to play the original. So far, I've been greatly enjoying the remake! I don't have much to say because I've only played like four hours of it on stream.
Katamari Reroll Just beat this game again on stream last week. Extremely fun, extremely short, Lonely Rolling Star continues to make me get emotional and cry, my memories get mixed-up with We ♥️ Katamari when it comes to the final sequence of levels.
World of Warcraft I made the return, and holy shit have things changed in-game. The UI actually looks like it's part of a cohesive artstyle, catching up with the story and questlines after bouncing in the middle of Shadowlands is honestly kind of exhausting, and the RP community is still splintered and fractured between Retail and Epsilon. Controller-support has been my biggest gripe since XIV's is fucking stellar and I do not have the wrists/hands for putting my abilities on the keyboard anymore, I either have to use my janked-out mouse buttons or a controller using ConsolePort which is... serviceable but nowhere near good. Uh, I don't particularly care for the dragon-stuff in WoW's lore, and I still haven't done a single dungeon since I play Brewmaster and I'm so out of whack with WoW tanking that I just don't bother. I'm usually doing RP on my endless ranks of characters if I'm not playing with my girlfriend. Season of Discovery has been a fun thing to do with my friend and our guild, it's sorta what I wanted out of Classic when they announced it. The "No Changes" thing was stupid because we'll never get back the lack of information and endless time we had back then, so I'm very happy to have World Of Warcraft Chopped And Screwed Edition. As much as I still have massive, major gripes with Blizzard and ABK in general... Azeroth is still home for me. It's been important to me as a person. Wouldn't have realized I was trans or poly without it.
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT My thinks and feelings on all the games I played this year in 2023. I guess to sum up the year in general? It's been a real shit year for me. Went through like three big breakups, my art output's been dogshit in quantity thanks to mental-health issues, and for the first half of the year people just sorta generally treated me poorly which exaserbated a lot of problems. I'm recovering, but I've noticed it's been a lot slower than it has been in the past. Games are a huge hobby of mine, so I'm glad I've gotten to play some bangers this year. Being more active on Tumblr's been good for my mental health, since I finally feel like I've got a community again after not really feeling like I've had one in forever. Love you guys, stay weird. 💖💖💖
Sorry not sorry for this being so long.
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iamnotshazam · 7 months
so estinien seems nervous of smaller people that get up in his business, like two certain lalafell, and also the mamool ja kids reaching up, it freaks him out (but they just want piggyback rides, estinien, give them high jump piggyback rides please.) anyone ever think of why? maybe it's the ancient dragon still haunting his memories? cause estinien has no reason to fear things that much smaller than him, not more than other threats.
but nidhogg on the other hand had his shit absolutely wrecked multiple times by things one tenth his size. haldrath. later generations of azure dragoons. estinien himself kills nidhogg. so nidhogg gets himself a new body, one of the freaky little elezen bugs. the one that did him in, in fact. he reforms his old body and keeps estinien's form as a backup. the problem is clearly that they are more maneuverable than him and he loses track of them. not anymore! now he can jump around like a crazed flea with the rest of those scary little bastards now-
the WoL proceeds to tear him a new asshole in every shape he's got. the small creatures are just Inherently Dangerous. and if the WoL is a lalafell it just shows even smaller things means the danger is more concentrated. estinien has the hand me down equivalent of nidhogg's ptsd from getting bit by little yippy dogs down the street over and over
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kicktwine · 4 months
for the ffxiv specbio stuff, do you headcanon the people on the First as having physically different traits from the people on the Source, or are they pretty one to one? and if so, were there any strange looks/social faux pas regarding the scions while on the First?
THIS IS REALLY INTERESTING ACTUALLY I think… that the species are all the same, mostly, but since they evolved/grew/colonized in/from different environments, there are definitely differences because of that. Like, say, dwarves not having any of the lalafells’ adaptations to sand, and instead having darkvision in their mining environments and more of a mole snout than a slit snout. Maybe being fuzzier overall. Or elves not having that split between duskwight (colorful, variant cave animal) and wildwood (forest animal). Heck there’s not a lot of elves at all, are there? Was their homeland just so concentrated that most of them were wiped? Another hard thing about this is the complete lack of knowledge we have of the regions before the Flood outside of Norvrandt! Or maybe just knowledge I have. Lol. I don’t have encyclopedia eorzea 2 or 3 just the first one… if anyone can hook me up with a First Lore Historian. I’d love to learn. Or with 50 bucks so I can grab the encyclopedia
And then, even, after the Flood, a lot of culture broke down in favor of communication and survival, so people just souped together. In short… ok. I think the First had a very fairytale vibe, so their designs should reflect that. I know drahn and galdjent have like a kingdom thing going on. There’s probably WAY less sea imagery and ocean features on roe in the first. More puppies than sea puppies, vaguely. More mountainy? Drahn I think are much more draconic than most Auri people, think fairytale dragon guys. They have the kind of customs that fairytale dragons and fae have, too, so it’s historically easy to say something odd to them and vice versa. Giants and dragons! I haven’t met a single elf except Ardbert’s friend. That’s an exaggeration but like no important npcs were elves. They seem very isolationist to me, very used to solo travel. Humes seem to have been mostly in kingdoms as well, like Ishgard, but less Catholic. They’re probably the most same. Garleans as a race of people do not exist on the First which is interesting. Ronso seem much more family-oriented, work-oriented, still cowboys, but very similar. I think the coeurl type hrothgar would be replaced with something else. Viis we know a lot about! They seem to be very similar as well, though I think just for fun for me, they’re Bigger. Like, taller, they’re isolated in a warm forest with plenty of prey and big magic energy. Viis big. Mystel I don’t know about, but they don’t SEEM to be desert cats, so I actually think. They don’t have undereye markings. Some of them have fold ears or domestic triangle cat ears rather than wild cat features. Familiar-like, not a lion pride — so they don’t have the same family structure miqote do either, it’s more like wolves where location and family are top tier. And Dwarves for sure have more mole than mouse features - thick claws on their toes and fingers, a little snoot, and very reflective eyes that are a bit sensitive to light. 
As for social faux pas… I think that Miqote, to show they’re unserious or apologetic, bunt or touch the other cat, lay down or sit next to them, put their tail on the other’s tail, something physical — and Mystel will lick their lips and look away and NOT touch, because further touching is To Fight. Ari FOR SURE tried to lean on and got smacked by Kai-Shirr and then smacked him back in betrayal. It took Alphy intervention to fix that. It is also way more common for humes to grumble and growl than it is for hyur (that’s bad manners. Imagine you bumped into someone at the store and they growled at you), so there was one point where Ryne actually (quietly like a kid swearing for the first time) grrrd at a monster and thancred had a whole 20 minutes of thinking to himself wether or not this was OK feral child behavior to let her keep doing or if he should tell her not to or. Or what. What do here. Is this OK. And lastly..,,, lalafellin alcohol is pretty strong, but their beer and mead taste great so it’s a popular party drink. dwarven alcohol is INCREDIBLY strong, it contains an ingredient mildly toxic to every other race except mord. You are SUPPOSED to, however you decide to do it, last a number of mugs (if you’re a bigger race, dilute the thing with soda or juice, you might get teased but it’s what you do). Some people were not aware of this and passed out after one mug, and got pitiful beards drawn on them (Urianger’s wispy stubble was quite silly to the rest of the party)
I’d love to compile more abt the First just in general. maybe my ideas would change with more info … anyways! Thank u for letting me drop a very large text bubble :]
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maridiayachtclub · 3 days
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lalafell perks: the mean snowball kids in the Brume can't aim low enough to hit me
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boss-hoody · 5 days
So I continued to play Final Fantasy 14
idk what day I'm on.
Upon rematching against the harder version of Titan, I once again fell off the stage, but this time it was because I backflipped out of an AoE. At least this time I looked cool.
I eventually cleared the main story of A realm reborn, and I used my free fantasia for the sole purpose of making my guy taller. I have no regrets.
I LOVED the 3 part raid that recreates the endgame of FF3. FF3 was technically my first Final Fantasy. I had watched my mom play 7 when I was a kid, and years later picked up the FF3 remake on DS. Needless to say, I look forward to what future raids have in store.
Because of my funky hours, I cross into a point in time where my server is totally dead and its impossible to get into any duties. So I took up a trade and became a Weaver! I quickly reached a point however, where I required materials a weaver could not make, and so, I turned to the Market board to obtain them.
After accidentally spending 300k on material and setting my savings for an apartment back to basically 0, I said "BEGONE, MIDDLEMEN!!" and took up the required trades to obtain the various unweavable items. So now I'm a weaver, a leatherworker, a carpenter, a blacksmith, a botanist, and a miner! All for fashion.
I eventually got back to playing the MSQ and finished the ARR post-game. I was GLUED to the screen, and before I knew it, it was 4am and my distrust for Lalafells had increased significantly
Heavensward is included in the free trial so I have EVEN MORE to play. Very excited. But first I think I'm gonna focus on gathering and crafting, and selling the goods on the market board. ELIMINATE THE MIDDLE MAN! BECOME THE MIDDLE MAN!
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ofdarklands · 2 months
like @elizabethrobertajones said, everyone is tagged if they want to
Name: Mitr'a Alywd
Nicknames: none he allows
Age: 36-40 (ARR-EW)
Nameday: 31st sun of the 5th umbral moon
Guardian: Nymeia
Race: keeper of the moon
Gender: man
Sexuality: he would not understand the question. not lalafells, he guesses?
Profession: botany and crafting. also male keeper duties. he takes it very seriously
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: off white, fur-like
Eyes: one purple, one white
Skin: brown, freckled white
Tattoos/scars: many work scars in his hands and arms, some bigger ones from fights over the years on various parts of his body, some of them ifrit burns since there weren't any good healers immediately available after, but from hw on when he got the whm stone he hasn't really gotten any new ones. he tends to keep regen going; being a bard and dragoon is hard on the knees
Parents: a mother, as normal. as you might guess her name is Mitr
Siblings: one female twin (Varuna) with her 2 kids, and 3 quite a few years younger sisters he's not as close to. i have not picked their names
Grandparents: a grandmother :) she's the clan boss. very cool
In-laws and other: an aunt and her 2 daughters, general big extended family. he's not aware what an in-law is, but he considers the twins his children. as far as we know g'raha doesn't have any living family and feo ul is a fae so...
Pets: not really. his chocobo Robin is his partner, the palico seems to thinks it's his employee(?), the spirit eagle is a friend and most of the minions are not canon or just temporary charges for him. and midgardsormr is our dad
Abilities: general wol stuff like very good senses, obscene amounts of aether and control of it, body control and so on. only reason he has not levelled every class is personality reasons. good at languages, and prefers not to rely on the echo. excellent memory as long as he cares about the topic
Hobbies: high adrenaline: being the wol. low adrenaline: fishing, napping, composing music. all things botany related as well
Most positive trait: fearless, will not stop. loves to meddle even if he won't say it out loud. loving
Most negative trait: fearless, will not stop. also will appear and disappear on you with no warning and give you heart attacks. will not change on this point
Colors: blues, greens. generally anything not unnaturally bright
Smells: most natural smells even if they are pungent. reminds him of home. hates perfumes and incenses. can't things smell like what they are now?
Textures: enjoys them, generally. touch is one of his favourite senses
Drinks: usually just water, but has a bunch of different juices and tea recipes he goes through when he craves something specific. nothing very sweet though. i beileve the english word would be smoothies...?
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: unpleasantly smelly. no. the only thing he's smoking is his food for storage
Drinks: traditional keeper beer (hard to find, dense), mildly sweet or fresh drinks. won't drink anything handed to him though
Drugs: the list of plants with interesting effects he knows of could get him an archon mark if he cared about sharlayan's opinion. nothing he uses regularly, though he keeps a little satchel stocked for eventualities
Mount Issuance: what's that
Been Arrested: not that he has noticed
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mimble-sparklepudding · 9 months
Fae Gwiber
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@miqomischief you weren't kidding about how small it is! Even for Mimble (who is the smallest possible Lalafell). Still pretty though.
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