#a good chunk of my classmates ended up going to U of M. it’s a private school.
egregiousderp · 2 months
if u look in the notes it seems she might be lying about going to the university of miami lol
I often prefer to preserve my sanity by not diving into the notes of a thing I reblog. So this is coming to me like you’re a benign person in an old-timey diving suit coming up to say, “she’s not even a Hurricane. She’s more of a drizzle.”
0 notes
dolliedarlin · 4 years
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s a f e  i n  h i s  a r m s ⏤katsuki b. 
s u m m a r y : after rescuing you during a rescue exercise gone wrong, now Bakugou can't shake you off from clinging onto his arm.
l e n g t h : 2.9k
g e n r e : fluff
w a r n i n g s : cursing from our beloved explosion boy
p a i r i n g : bakugou katsuki x f.reader
a / n : this idea came out of nowhere so instantly got to writing it. i'm sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. this honestly gives me Juvia and Gray vibes from Fairy Tail...they were my favorite couple after all so, yeah...even reader has a water quirk -oopsie! whelp! we can see where my inspiration comes from at least. enjoy they read my lovelies!
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It all started when Bakugou saved you during a rescue exercise that went horribly wrong for you.
The ceiling had collapsed from above you and, no matter how fast you were at trying to avoid the falling debris, it was still able to trap your leg. With it's crushing weight, several bones in your leg were snapped, leaving you vulnerable and immobile. Your horrifying cry of pain could be heard throughout the building as it bounced off the walls, alerting your classmates, who were sent into an instant panic.
Most of them had traversed through the fragile maze left by the torn-down structure as you had stubbornly stayed behind to ensure that everything transpired smoothly behind your teammates. With the frail state of the infrastructure, it was difficult for your team to travel back to your location without possibly triggering further collateral damage that could potentially cause further harm to you.
Things weren't looking their brightest.
The pain in your leg had crawled up the rest of your body and paralysed you with its stinging bite. It almost brought tears to your eyes but you had to be strong, you couldn't just sit around and wait for help. That isn't what a future hero should do. With the dry air around you, you wouldn't be able to use your quirk so you got started on trying to push away the sizable chunk of ceiling that had trapped your leg beneath it yourself.
It didn't take long before you realised that your attempts were futile. Judging from the way your arms shock under the weight as you awkwardly gripped at the ceiling fragment, you wouldn't be able to get out on your own. Losing hope, you let your tears accumulate to the surface of your eyes and were just about to let them flood over your lashes when an explosion broke a hole in the wall to the right of you. The instant you turned to its direction, your (e/c) orbs met with the piercing red eyes of Bakugou. The explosive blonde didn't say anything and just hurried to your side with a scowl, easily lifting the weight off of your leg before delivering a blast that pushed the hard stone ceiling over onto it's back. You were about to say your thanks when the blonde saw the state of your leg and grumbled as he picked you up in his arms and made a run for the exit he had made.
Everything happened in the blink of an eye, primarily because the jumbled emotions you were going through was hard to process individually as well as conjointly. However, one thing that you were sure of as you stared up at the frowning blonde carrying you in his arms, was that you had never felt safer than in that moment.
After that day, the way you acted around Bakugou was never the same.
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You never really had a fixed friendship group. Sometimes you would sit with Midoriya and his friends, sometimes with the Bakusquad, sometimes with the rest of your classmates (but not Mineta) and even with those from class 2B. However, you were beginning to hang around the Bakusquad more and more after the incident of your rescue.
None of them really complained about it, not even Bakugou, in fact, they loved that you were spending time with them, especially Mina as she finally had another girl to help her through the other boys' antics. It was a surprising thing coming from her, seeing as she partook in mischievous antics of her own from time to time, sometimes, even joining in with Kaminari and Sero's playful pranks.
Truthfully, you seemed to be the only other level-headed person aside from Kirishima in Baukgou's eyes so, although he was grumbling under his breath at first, he wasn't too opposed at your newly established presence amongst the group of 'annoying weirdos that followed him around'.
This was a good sign for you and helped you to quickly get comfortable around the blonde.
Nobody knew this about you at the time but you're actually a very affectionate person, you just haven't been able to find someone to direct that affection towards so you've been a bit touch-staved. That was getting fixed really soon, however, because, now, you know exactly who to shower your affection on.
It started with little things such as simply standing closer to Bakugou than usual. He would throw you a narrowed glare but after you flashed him a smile, he would relent with a huff as he turned his attention away from you. It didn't take long for him to get used to you being so close but the instant he had grown familiar with your close proximity, you gave him a reason to send another harsh stare and growl your way.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing to my hand you stupid extra?!" he snapped at you, almost showering you in saliva from the way he was shouting in your face.
"Holding your hand," you replied bluntly, flashing a wide grin up at him with your eyes closed. In protest, the explosive blonde tried to tug your hand away, shouting demands for you to let go. This is when he realised that you had suddenly grown a monstrous amount of strength as he wasn't able to successfully pull his hand away from you. In fact, his tugging had the opposite effect and encouraged you, to not only, interlace your fingers with his but also to hug his arm to your chest using your other hand.
"Don't you like holding my hand, Bakugou?" you asked with an endearing pout and subtle whine in your voice as you looked up at him with big teary eyes.
"NO! I DON'T!" his hopes of getting you to let go proved futile as you just continued to smile and hold him tightly. Eventually, he gave up and let you cuddle his arm throughout the school day, glaring at the people that dared to look and point. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina all commented on his laughable position, chuckling under their breath at how it didn't suit him to be so close and affectionate with a girl.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! SAY THAT AGAIN YOU BASTARDS AND I'LL BLAST YOUR FACES OFF!" he was about to chase them down as they shouted and ran away from him, their laughter hanging in the air. If only you weren't still hugging his arm.
"Don't do that Bakugou," you pouted and pressed your cheek into his shoulder.
"Hah?" he gave you a look of offended confusion. No one dared to keep him from beating up those idiots, who called themselves his friends, before.
"I'll have to let go of your arm if you do that,"
Bakugou doesn't know why but he didn't put up much of a fight after seeing how dejected you looked at the idea of having to let go of his arm.
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As time progressed, many people grew bolder in teasing Bakugou as your holds on the male grew even more restricted, which gave them ample time to run away if need be.
One day, when you had been cuddling into Bakugou's side whilst hanging out in the common room with the rest of his group, Kaminari couldn't hold back his jealousy at the fact that someone as ill-tempered as Bakugou was getting more attention from a girl than he was.
"I can't believe you get cuddles from (Y/N) every day, Bakugou," Kaminari began as you giggled in return, "It's Not Fair!" the electric emitter cried with tears in his eyes.
"Then you have her!" Bakugou barked, attempting to pry you off him just to throw you at Kaminari as you flashed the explosive boy an extremely upset expression.
"No!" you cried, clinging onto him as tightly as possible, "I only wanna cuddle Bakugou!"
At this, the explosion quirk user sighed in exasperation and slumped back into his seat on the sofa, letting you sit on his lap and nuzzling into his chest as his arms stayed immobile at his sides. In the background, Kirishima set about comforting Kaminari as Mina and Sero laughed at the comical scene before them.
Your need to cuddle and be close to Bakugou didn't stop there, however, you even had the guts to embrace him at inconvenient times.
There were instances where Bakugou would be cooking dinner in the dorm kitchen and you'd come up to hug him from behind. His only response to your embrace, after you had done this to him time and time again, was to continue cooking and to cook enough for the two of you.
The first few times you were valiant enough to bring the red-eyed temper teen into your arms, he had put up his usual fight before ultimately giving up. The case would be that you'd skip up to him with your usual close-eyed smile, pull him into a hug that he wouldn't return as he'd do his best to continue whatever it was that he was doing, treating you like dead-weight hanging off his torso. Sometimes, he needed to throw you over his shoulder or carry you in his arms to be able to do whatever he had to do properly.
Take for example, walking up a set of stairs, he would throw you over his shoulder and make his way up the steps as quickly as possible to ensure that fewer people saw. Times when you had been particularly eager to stand beside him, even when he's training, he'd use you for practice.
It started off as your idea, actually.
"Why don't you pretend that I'm an injured person and carry me in your arms as you run to safety?" you suggested as you held your arms out, smiling happily up at him. He was stubborn at first but eventually, he was carrying you in his arms as he ran laps on the UA track lines. It felt so good to be in his arms again that you would always end up nuzzling your face into his neck no matter how sweaty he got.
"Don't do that, idiot. I'm fucking sweaty!" he'd reprimand you often.
"But I like your sweat Bakugou,"
"It saved me that one time and I'm sure it'll save me and others many more times in the future too," you'll never forget the tomato-red blush his face flourished into that day.
Nobody knows why you came across as so persuasive to the blonde that he let you do whatever you wanted. However, from their observations and the speculation that stayed between the rest of class 1A ended up reasoning that Bakugou was too touch-starved to willingly fight you off him. It was cute. The two of you were secretly dubbed the cutest couple in class 1A despite not officially dating.
Your admirable persistence at staying beside Bakugou at all hours of the day has continued for several months, and now, Bakugou as well as the rest of your classmates, wouldn't be able to see you without seeing the explosive blonde close by. Often times, you would cuddle up to him on the common room sofas as he read a book or played the games he was forced into doing by his 'idiot' friends. Your interactions were amusing to watch and helped the rest of your classmates see a different side to Bakugou.
The desire you had to stay by Bakugou's side flourished and blossomed over the months as your initiation on being close to him made you learn more endearing things about him. He's very misunderstood so you're glad you took the time to get to know him.
"You don't mean to be mean, do you, Katsuki?" you whispered his name with the most affection and ever so gently as you reached up a hand to tenderly caress his sleeping face. He had managed to fall asleep with everyone else at a weekend night together. The previous week had been exhausting and so the Bakusquad suggested an evening of fun to lift the weight of stress off everyone's shoulders before another week of stress is piled on top of them again. "I sometimes wish more people can see the good in you," you continued, suppressing a yawn, "but I'm greedy,"
Bakugou will never admit that he heard your little confession that night as you slipped into the world of sleep cuddled into his chest atop him.
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As of recently, you had been pestering Bakugou to hug you back whenever you went up to embrace him but he wasn't going to willingly comply until he found out why exactly you were being so clingy. He knows he isn't the best person to be affectionate with and that you somehow were able to see through that, not that he would ever admit to there being something deeper going on behind his constant untamable temper.
The blonde can see you with so many other guys who were more deserving of you than he was, like Kirishima and even that stupid Deku. No matter how irritated it made him feel to see you with other guys, he knows that it was ultimately better for you to be affectionate towards them than him. It didn't make sense to that someone like you was always so desperate to be beside someone like him.
The day he saved you during the rescue exercise was a one-time thing. That couldn't be your only reason. Bakugou needed to know your way of thinking and decide for himself if it was equitable enough to let you continue what you were doing or to push you towards someone else, whether you do it willingly or not, he didn't care. He needed to focus on becoming the number one hero, not you.
It wasn't until the class had another hero rescue exercise that Bakugou finally got an answer to the reasoning behind your behavior towards him.
Somehow, the two of you ended up trapped together. Bakugou could easily cause an explosion to get out but not without causing the rest of the building collapse atop both of you at a rate and amount that would overwhelm the explosion emitter. Your water emitting quirk was limited at the moisture in the dry air surrounding you so you wouldn't be able to help much if you wanted to.
Despite the dire situation, you were still smiling and moving about without a care in the world.
"What are you smiling about idiot?!" Bakugou snapped at you, his frustration at his helpless situation making him act out, what made it all the more infuriating, however, was knowing that you knew from the gentle and understanding smile you directed towards him.
"Because you're with me Bakugou," he was speechless, "whenever I'm with you, I know I'm safe so I can be calm and think of things rationally," your smile only grew at his stunned and blinking expression, it took a moment but a boost of Bakugou's ego was soon rushing in as he felt his heart do something weird in his chest. It made him blush but you didn't need to see that so he quickly turned away so that the only evidence of the blush on his face you witnessed was at the tips of his ears, "in fact, I think I have an idea on how to get out,"
Using your water quirk, you drew as much moisture from the air as you could before you took a limited amount from your lungs. You fashioned the water in your hands into a gentle drill that you then used to dig your way out from the building. You needed to take multiple breaks, however, as utilising water from your lungs required you to hold your breath but in no time at all, you and Bakugou were out and safe.
After that day, Bakugou finally hugged you back every time you embraced him.
He became less grumbly at the fact that you were always reaching out to touch and cuddle up to him, actually, he made it a point that you would only want to be close to him and no one else. Everyone practically saw the hidden smirk on his lips every time he pressed your happily smiling face into his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist tightly, with his smirk all the boys around him he would glower at as if to stake his claim over you and the affection you were showering him with.
Bakugou could get used to this. He should've given you a chance earlier because he surprisingly liked having you wrapped up in his arms, your face tucked into the crook of his neck, your chest pressed up against his as your arms wrapped around his torso.
"Katsuki," you looked up at him as he grunted in return, maneuvering your face back into the junction between his shoulder and neck. It was a place that your face fit perfectly into and he needed you to always have your face pressed up against that area or else his neck would feel too exposed and naked, "since you're okay with hugging me back now..."
"What is it?" you didn't answer so he pulled away to look you in the eyes, "Spit it out,"
"Can I have a kiss?"
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n a v i . | bnha mlist
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angeliise · 4 years
Day 15: You Are Everything I’ve Never Believed In
He didn’t believe in anything. He couldn’t believe in everything. Friendships. Family.
He had all of those taken away from him in a single night. From that day on, he refused to believe in anything. Why? Because they weren’t there with him anymore, and he could never restore the memories of his past life. That was until-
Sasuke rubbed his forehead in annoyance at the sudden impact he made on the ground. He looked up at the person who had bumped into him and found a girl with her eyes covered by her bangs. “Watch where you are going.”
“S-Sorry.” She shyly said, still keeping her head down. When she looked up, Sasuke was drawn in by the blankness of her eyes. They were varying shades of white and lavender, but her rosy red cheeks enhanced the tiny twinkles in her eyes.
“U-Um…” He heard her stutter. Sasuke flinched when her hand was in his near view.
“Do y-you need a hand g-getting up?”
“Tsk.” He slapped her hand away. “I don’t need it.” He said as he stood and walked away.
That had been Sasuke’s first encounter with Hinata Hyuga. An encounter he never thought would turn into one in many.  
Sasuke sighed into the blue sky, his mind stuck on the Forest of Death exam. From Naruto saving him from Orochimaru to Sakura taking on two ninjas while protecting him and Naruto. All in the name of what? Friendship? “Pathetic.”
There was no such thing as friendship. People betray others. They stab each other in the backs for their selfish reasons and leave one thinking what their fault in all of this was? What had Sasuke deserved to be betrayed like that by Itachi? What had he-
*Quak* *quak* *quak*
Sasuke raised an eyebrow at the sudden sound of ducks. It was then he remembered that he had walked so far into the Konoha forest that he found himself sitting by the little water stream again. The sunlight shone through the tall leaves above him. Sasuke released a breath of relief at the silence of nature.
How he wished his world could stay like this forever. He didn’t need anyone. He didn’t need to rely on anybody. For that reason he didn’t need to believe in anything for he had himself in the very end.
He looked over his shoulder at the intruding eyes on his back. “What are you doing here?”
He saw her make a tiny jump and fiddle with her fingers as she searched for the words. He sighed and looked back at the water until he heard her footsteps approaching. “I asked you, what are you doing here?”
“I-I’m here to f-f-feed the ducks.”
She knelt down beside Sasuke. Sasuke was a bit taken aback by how comfortable she was by his side and shifted a little to make some space. He watched as she opened a bag that contained huge chunks of bread. Sasuke sharpened his eyes. When she took a piece out and was about to offer one of the ducks, he stopped her. “What are you doing?”
“Eh? F-F-Feeding the ducks…”
Sasuke mentally facepalmed at how the benightedness coloured each and every word of hers. “Those pieces are too big for a duck.”
Sasuke snatched the piece out of her fingers and broke them into smaller pieces. He let his hand out and waited for the ducks to walk over to him. When they did his eyes were back at the lavender eyed girl whose name he never got despite being her classmate.
When he felt that he had stared her down enough he spoke again. “Good grief. Is this the first time you are feeding ducks?”
She was again playing with pressing her fingers against each other. “Y-Yes.”
Sasuke let an exaggerated sigh escape his mouth. She jumped a little from that. Though Sasuke was getting increasingly annoyed by all the stupid poeple around him, at least she wasn’t a Sakura who would pounce at him or a Naruto who would pick a fight for any reason.
“You, what’s your name?”
“Me?” Sasuke nearly lashed at her for that. She giggled at his reaction and Sasuke quickly regained his composure. “M-My name is Hyuuga Hinata. And yours?”
Sasuke was shocked by her question. He pointed to himself. “You… you don’t know who I am?.”
Hinata chuckled again. “I-I do. But w-w-we never got to for-formally introduce ourselves.”
Sasuke wanted to make a slick comment but she wasn’t wrong. And a very tiny part of him liked how different she was compared to the rest. “My name is Uchiha Sasuke.”
She nodded and smiled at him. Though Sasuke didn’t smile back, he did look away to hide the surprised look on his face. Her smile, unlike others, was genuine. No ill intent was meant by it. No plat gateway to a confession. No initiation for a physical brawl. None of that. When he looked back, Hinata was in the midst of breaking down the huge bread pieces.
Sasuke couldn’t explain the feeling. But he somehow wanted a reaction out of her since she had managed to get a rise out of him. Twice. So he aggressively snatched the bag from her lap and began breaking down the bread himself. Although her eyes showed bewilderment, there was no sign of annoyance or irritation. When Hinata reached her hand into the bag, Sasuke pushed it out of her reach. “I’ll do it.”
Hinata smiled again. “O-Okay.” - “Oi!” - “T-Then I-I will feed them with the pieces you have already broken down.”
Hinata only responded with a surprised chuckle which she hid with her palm in such an elegant manner he nearly saw a flash of his mother. Sasuke sat back, trying to glue his eyes to the bag of bread but stealing a few glances here and there.
Sasuke and Hinata proceeded to feed the ducks in peace as they took in the sounds of mother nature. Although no words were spoken, Sasuke found it dare he say… fun? Relaxing, actually. To spend his free time on this. He had seen the ducks around a few times but never bothered with him. But now, he couldn’t believe he was feeding them.
As the last piece was gone, both ninjas sat back and admired as the blue sky emerged into a mixture of an orange and pink.
“I never got to ask but, why did you come to feed the ducks?”
Hinata hugged her knees. “I just felt like it.”
Sasuke didn’t believe her. Especially since her voice had taken a more sad tone to it than before. As he was speculating about it, he noticed a small case in her pocket making its way out. When Hinata moved due to Sasuke’s actions, the round case fell out. Both reached out for it and in that moment Sasuke’s hand made contact with her wrist. Hinata winced.
“What’s wrong?”
Hinata shook her head. “It’s nothing. It’s just minor bruises from training.”
Sasuke looked at her for a minute before shrugging. She was a ninja and training could get quite vigorous at times so he let it go.
“Sasuke-kun?” Hinata asked a while later.
“Hm?” He noticed how she was stuttering anymore.
“Say if you knew someone who was better than you at everything, what would you do to prove to them and everybody else that you were worth it regardless?”
Sasuke grimaced when that was a question his younger self would constantly ask himself. Itachi was better at him in everything. He learned everything at a much younger age and mastered them that same age. He was admired by everybody for that reason. He was especially favoured by his father for that reason. While Sasuke… Sasuke was left to fend for himself until his father would even bother with him.
Yet, he couldn’t think of an answer. He looked at Hinata whose eyes were staring at the water. He never wanted to appear weak or vulnerable to anyone but... Hinata. He couldn’t sense any ulterior motive behind her question. Everything about Hinata, in the little time he had been with her, was genuine, pure and… kind. It brought him back to the time he had bumped into her and how she carried herself in that situation. Just pure elegance and innocence on her part. It was for those reasons that he didn’t mind opening up with her this time. Something he hoped wouldn’t be the biggest mistake of his life.
“To be honest with you, I don’t know.”
Hinata looked at Sasuke while he continued. “I think, no matter what, as long as you improve in your own skills,” he looked at her, “everything will work out.”
“Did that happen to you?”
Sasuke smirked. “No, not yet.”
Since then, Sasuke and Hinata would frequently find themselves by the stream sharing stories between each other. Hinata would always forget to cut the bread into tiny pieces but those moments while they were breaking down the bread were precious. There was the time when baby ducklings crawled all over him when he had tried to get a reaction out of Hinata again. They had managed to overwhelm him, invading his clothes even to which he made the most animated movements to get them out. All the while Hinata was laughing, not chuckling, but laughing! Something she had never done. She always held back or would suppress it.
Sasuke shot a shuriken at the tree dummy. Another time they had dwelled into a heavy part in both of their childhoods of being neglected by their fathers. When Sasuke was about to ask Hinata about her father’s treatment of her, she had thrown off her shows, rolled up her pants and dashed into the water. Sasuke found himself speechless and was going to ask again until he noticed how bright and warm her smile was as she splashed her feet in the stream. Hinata’s smile, over time, had become his favorite part about her. How, despite the mistreatment from her Clan, she still found it in her to smile and be happy. She was still so kind and welcoming of others, even for a person like himself who had been cold towards her in the beginning. He never felt like upholding his cold demeanour which, he had come to learn, was exhausting to force all the time. But with Hinata, he could actually enjoy himself. Something he thought he couldn’t do anymore because of his goal of killing his brother and restoring the clan.
Sasuke flashed before the dummy and kicked its side. Following that he made it a goal to make her smile at least once at their every encounter. Even going as far as dragging her into the water when he saw her face turn into a grimace. In fact, he couldn’t wait to meet her. He couldn’t wait to see what other nonsense they would find themselves in. Sasuke grinned. Those nonsense moments he had come to cherish a lot. Those moments always slipped into his mind during training, which had his team shocked at Sasuke who grinned once from a memory.
He had come to care for Hinata a lot. He didn’t want to feed the ducks with anybody but her. He didn’t want to indulge in funny banters with anyone but her. He didn’t want to show his playful side, the aspect of him that he had lost, with anyone but her. “She probably doesn’t know how much she has impacted me, does she?”
He had succeeded in making her smile, except for today. He had noticed a lack of energy and it was further confirmed by the dark rings under her eyes. But for some reason, those marks didn’t seem like regular bags under the eye.
The starry night had befallen Konoha and Sasuke was panting as he finished his last round of shurikens with the wooden dummy. As he walked through the trees, he spotted another training ground with an individual laying on the floor. “Hinata!”
Sasuke dashed over to Hinata and knelt down to her. The minute he had done so she shot her eyes open, sitting upright. “S-Sasuke-kun.”
“What happened?!”
“I-I was just t-t-training.” Hinata saw the concern in Sasuke’s eyes and blushed. She had grown fond of Sasuke over the time that they had spent together and although she knew he wouldn’t reciprocate her feelings. She gave him a tiny smile. “I’m fine, really.”
Sasuke internally rolled his eyes as he had observed that whenever she stopped stuttering it would be because she was hiding something that was bothering her. He offered her his hand.
Hinata smiled at the gesture and absentmindedly took it, not minding the breeze moving her sleeve downwards.
Sasuke shot his eyes down to her wrist that was covered in a bluish colour. “What’s with that wound?!”
Sasuke clapped his lips shut by his aggressive reaction. He shook his pride away and pressed her to answer the question, watching as her mouth began to waver.
“I just went overboard with training.”
“Hinata.” He grabbed her chin in his other hand.
Hinata felt her tears building up and tried her best to- too late, for the stream of salty water ran down her cheeks. “I was beat by him again!”
She tried to wring herself out of Sasuke’s grip and winced in the process, but instead Sasuke grabbed her other wrist. “Hinata.”
“It was Neji-nii-san! He will always be better than me! There is nothing I can do to beat him and because of that father will never approve of me!”
Hinata cried as she hastily tried to free herself. “I will never be good enough! Not for Neji-nii-san, father… me.”
Sasukes’ eyes widen by the last word. Me. She was never going to be good enough for herself. Sasuke absentmindedly loosened his grip which allowed her to break free. Before he got to know Hinata, Sasuke never felt fulfilled. Not that there was nothing missing. But.. there was nothing because he didn’t believe in anything. Nothing to him meant anything. But all of that changed when he met her. She showed him that there was something worth believing in. Friendship. Family. L… Love.
Love. Yes, the one thing Sasuke believed was non existent ever since his whole Clan was massacred. He never thought he could love or be loved but… Sasuke looked at Hinata’s sorrowful wailing. There was something to believe in. There was a reason to believe in something. That something being love, and the person who showed him that was- “Hinata.”
Sasuke gently took her tiny hands into his, locking his eyes with hers. “You will always be enough for me.”
Hinata whimpered, swallowing the heavy lump in her throat. “Always?”
The corners of Sasuke’s mouth cranked upwards, to a point where his cheeks were indented with tiny holes. Sasuke happily smiled at Hinata, the dearest person he knew. “Always.”
Sasuke didn’t believe in anything. Sasuke couldn’t believe in everything. Friendships. Family. Love. That was until he met her. The girl who became the only person Sasuke trusted, cared for and most of all, loved. His feelings for Hinata kept growing in ways he didn’t know. All this time he thought that he loved her for the good friend she was to him. But on that night where she came running into his arms about how much she had missed him the moment he stepped inside of Konoha after going with Orochimaru, he couldn’t stop himself anymore.
Sasuke gave Hinata’s hand a tiny squeeze as they stood on a bridge, looking over the water.
Sasuke, still holding her hand, leaned against the bridge with his arms crossed against the wood. Hinata placed her other hand on the bridge.
Sasuke looked into the sky and basked in peach-colored sky. “Bakanata.” A nickname he would often call her. Not that he meant it, but it was the first and only thing that would make her react in a way Sasuke found dearing.
When Hinata was about to speak, Sasuke stopped her with his finger on her lips. “I didn’t believe in friendships, family or love.”
“S-Sasuke-kun.” She said through his finger.
Sasuke chuckled and removed his finger. He leaned away from the bridge and stood in front her, holding both of her hands. Slightly leaning himself down on her so their foreheads touched. “You are everything that I didn’t believe in.”
Hinatas’ eyes widened and widened even further when Sasuke captured her lips in a passionate kiss. When he pulled back, she pouted. “W-Why d-did you have to st-stop so soon?”
Sasuke again chuckled. “Hinata, I love you.”
Hinata giggled with him. “I love you, Sasuke-kun.”
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Sweet Dreams Chapter Six
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Lucid dreaming: The process of being aware that one is dreaming. Some researchers believe that in lucid dreaming, the individual may be able to change the outcome of the dream or control their degree of participation in the imaginary (dream) environment.
Description: Lee Eunbyul has been plagued with hellish nightmares since she was a child. Not the sort of nightmares you may be familiar with. There are no monsters to evade, no serial killers to outrun, no auditoriums of classmates in front of whom to stand naked. Instead there is just…darkness. Endless darkness. With professional help, the dreams come less frequently. But after moving away from home to live with her sister, Eunbyul’s nightmare returns, only this time it’s different. This time…she’s not alone.
What would you do if you had the chance to change the outcome of not only your dreams, but your life?
Genre: Romance, Drama, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn
Pairing: Namjoon x (f) OC
Word Count: 7.2k
Tags: Non-Idol!Au, Producer!Namjoon, Bookstore Clerk!Seokjin, Potter!Jimin, Producer!Yoongi, Dancer!Hoseok
Warnings: Frequent mentions of mental illness, infrequent swearing and mentions of alcohol
A/N: Hey guys! Here’s the newest chapter~ I hope you guys are enjoying this series! I’m really enjoying writing it. This chapter in particular was v fun to write. Anyway, I hope everybody is resting enough these days! Please don’t be shy and send feedback, critique, questions, theories, and comments my way. I’ll be sure to respond to all asks I receive within a day of receiving them!
And again, if you want to follow my Twitter, my username is @/plzpunchmebts. I’m super active over there and hopefully in the future I’ll do some livestreams/chats with you all!
- Mercury
Previous Chapter – Next Chapter
Weekly updates: Sunday, 1PM (PST)
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I startled a little and rubbed my eyes, squinting at the person who’d roused my attention. Jisoo stood beside my desk, furry brows raised. It had been a few days since he’d bothered to check on me, and seeing the look on his face now I was sure he regretted not coming sooner.
“Been trying to get you to notice for a minute, dude,” he said, patting my shoulder as he raised a mug of hot coffee to his lips. He stared over my shoulder at the monitor before me. “You making good progress with the commercial soundtrack?”
I swallowed hard and stared at the half-finished track on Cubase. Uninspired. The project window was home to several presets from the preloaded packs on the software, nothing like what I’d use at home on my own. It sounded fine so far, or as fine as it could. But there was no heart in it, not really. Instead, it sounded as hollow as it did commercial. I was sure the client would like it. What concerned me, really, was finding the strength to finish it.
“Uh, yeah. Should be done by tomorrow,” I said, and even my voice was lackluster. I pinched my nose bridge and rubbed circles, squeezing my eyes shut.
“You okay?” asked Jisoo, but it was clear from his tone that he was only halfway interested.
“Yeah, fine,” I said, waving a hand. “I’m cool. Just…tired I guess.”
He hummed. “Gotta sleep well if you wanna be a producer.”
I nodded, but couldn’t help but think of Yoongi. He was working as a real producer, and there wasn’t a single night in recent memory when I could remember him going to sleep before the sun rose.
“Thanks, Boss,” I said, offering a smile.
He patted my shoulder. “Take care of yourself, okay? We can’t afford to lose you,” he said with a laugh. It was the uneasy sort of chuckle you give someone when you want them to reassure you.
I nodded. “I don’t have anywhere else to go anyway,” I said as he smiled and walked back out to the floor. I sighed and again pinched my nose bridge.
“Hey,” said Jungkook from his desk, staring at me with knitted brows. “You really don’t look so good.”
I smiled and waved my hand. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Saying that makes me more worried,” he said, resting a round cheek in his hand. “What’s going on with you? For real?”
I inhaled sharply and sighed, shutting my eyes. “Just…I dunno, I feel kinda sick today I guess. Haven’t been sleeping well, and I woke up…forget it, alright? I’m fine.”
“No, keep going,” said Jungkook, and coming from anyone else I might have thought he was teasing me. But this was Jungkook anyway, and he only seemed to know how to be sincere. He kept his eyes on me.
I shrugged. “Woke up kinda sad.”
Jungkook raised his brows. “Huh?”
“Forget it.”
He shook his head. “No reason for it?”
I thought a moment, puzzled. “Well…it’s not like usual, you know? Like when you just feel sad and you can’t really diagnose it,” I said, nodding. “It feels like there’s something really important that I’m missing.”
Jungkook hummed. “Maybe it has to do with work?” he offered, tilting his head with a sigh. “We all know working here isn’t your number one choice.”
I quieted down, staring at the project on my screen with furrowed brow. While I was sure it wasn’t something so simple, that the real cause was still evading me, his words unsettled me. “Maybe…,” I said, shaking my head.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone, typing a message as quickly as I could before returning to the track.
Namjoon: Hey, Hoseok. Haven’t seen you in a few weeks. Wanna go to the beach?
Hoseok: huhuhu…u gonna collect crabs the whole time?
Namjoon: …
Namjoon: Crabs are fascinating…
Hoseok: looooooooooooool
Hoseok: nerd
Hoseok: i’m in either way :-D
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I sat crouched on the shore, poking my index finger into the little holes I saw along the sand. Every now and then, something would bulge and shift beneath the sand’s surface, a sign of life. Smiling, I worked my thumb beneath one of the bumps.
“I thought I said no crabs,” grumbled Hoseok as he licked his popsicle. The thing was already staining his tongue and lips violet.
I hummed as I grabbed a small crab from under the wet sand. “You did say that,” I said with a chuckle as I smoothed the pad of my finger along the crab’s back. I flipped it over in my hand and presented it to Hoseok. “See this plate right here?” I asked, pointing to the smooth shell of the crab’s stomach. “That means it’s a female!”
“I don’t care,” said Hoseok with a heavy sigh.
He leaned back on his palms, three separate leashes hooked around his wrists. The dogs themselves were behaving well enough. The golden retriever was resting his blonde head against his paw, eyebrows shifting as he looked around the beach. The collie panted beneath the unrelenting sun, laying on her stomach with her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. And the pug simply sat on Hoseok’s lap, eyes shut.
I set the crab back down and crawled over to where Hoseok sat with his legs extended in front of him, taking up an entire blanket by himself. I smiled and collapsed beside his thigh. “Feels good to get out.”
Hoseok sighed and, with his free hand, gave my upper arm a firm smack. “Because you never get out to begin with,” he scolded.
I laughed. “Not all of us can be dog walkers.”
He rolled his eyes. “You don’t have what it takes,” he said with a sigh, biting off a chunk from his melting popsicle. “Endurance, perseverance, patience, understanding-,”
“Are you saying you have all of those things?” I teased, glancing at him over my shoulder. I laughed as he reached a hand out to hit me again. “Sorry!”
As my laughter died down, I felt Hoseok’s gaze boring into my skin and, uneasy, I turned to face him properly. His narrow eyes seized on me, scrutinizing. “You seem weird,” he remarked with a cocked brow.
I inhaled quick, ready to refute him, but as soon as I met his inquiring eyes my breath escaped in a sigh end I rubbed my forehead. “I’m…not myself lately.”
He patted my back with an open palm. “Anything I can do?”
I shook my head. “I don’t think so,” I said. “It’s been building for a few days. Things just…aren’t settling right for some reason. In my head, I mean.”
“Hm…,” began Hoseok, chomping down on his popsicle as he gazed out at the waves. “I wonder if there’s one cause.”
“Probably not,” I said with a soft smile. “Never is just one thing.”
“I’m fine,” I said, nodding once as I swept my eyes out across the glittering ocean horizon. “Honestly.”
“Mhm,” said Hoseok as the pug on his lap stretched, letting out a yawn. He rubbed its back, a fond smile on his face. “You know, dogs are pretty clever.”
“Huh?” I asked, turning to face him.
He chuckled and nodded. “Might not look like it right now,” he said with a pointed look at the panting collie. “But they’ve got shit figured out.”
I smiled. “How so?”
“Well…for one thing, they understand the value of a pack. A close circle to watch their backs,” he said, nodding. “They’re loyal, won’t ever intentionally hurt someone they love.”
“I guess.”
“They’re honest.”
I raised my brows, eyeing him. “Hm?”
He was still stroking the sleepy pug’s back, smiling gently. “They don’t know how to be any other way. They don’t know how to pretend.” He lifted only his eyes to meet mine. “When they’re upset, they can’t lie and say they aren’t.”
I stiffened. “Well…they can’t speak.”
He laughed. “That’s not what I mean,” he said, easily leaning back on his palm once more, watching as sugary purple syrup began trailing down his forearm. “They can’t put on a brave face and go about their day like nothing’s wrong. When a dog’s upset, they howl. And they keep howling until they feel better.”
I exhaled slowly. His words weren’t lost on me. I knew well what he was trying to say. And as I took a look at him over my shoulder, I could see from the way his eyes implored me how deeply he wanted me to understand. I gave a smile and nodded.
“Sometimes you gotta just let yourself howl, Joon,” he said, lifting the dripping remains of his popsicle to his mouth and biting it whole. He pocketed the messy stick — much to my dismay — and patted his legs, moving the pug so he could stand. “What do you say I show you someplace cool?”
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Me, Hoseok, and three panting dogs enter a pottery store, I thought to myself as Hoseok began calling for the quaint shop’s owner, like bulls in a china shop. The dogs took to sniffing every crevice and corner they could reach, pushing damp noses against delicate pots, pawing at shelf legs, scratching the many ornate rugs on the floor. I watched with a cringe as the golden retriever began jumping beside one of the organized shelves, likely trying to explore the higher levels.
Hoseok corrected the dog with a soft jerk of the leash and continued calling. “Jimin! Park Jimin!”
“Jesus!” called someone from the back of the shop. From the doorway there emerged a young, wide-eyed, flushed guy with a messy apron and knitted brows. He scanned the floor and saw the pups wandering about, immediately wincing. “Jung Hoseok! I told you to stop bringing the dogs!”
Hoseok laughed and shortened the retriever’s leash, wrapping it around his wrist once more. “They’re behaving!”
“Behaving — my ass,” said the young boy, grumbling as he rubbed his forehead. “If any one of them puts their cute little snouts into any of my vases and knocks it over, you’re paying double.”
Hoseok smirked. “Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see them,” he teased.
Jimin opened his eyes with a sigh, brows still furrowed. “I’d be happier if I saw them outside.”
“Heh,” breathed Hoseok, petting the collie on her head. “Anyway, Jimin this is my friend Namjoon.”
Jimin’s eyes slid over to meet mine and he blinked a few times. “That’s a tall friend,” he remarked. He wiped his right hand on his apron a few times and took a half step toward me to shake hands. I took it with a smile. “Nice to meet you,” he said gently.
I nodded. “Likewise.”
“Now you,” said Jimin, pointing a small, accusing finger at Hoseok. “Didn’t I tell you to warn me when you decide to come over?”
Hoseok rolled his eyes. “Do we have to do that among friends?”
“Shut up,” said Jimin, crossing his arms. “I was in the middle of glazing and now my employee’s gotta do it on her own.”
“You got an employee?” asked Hoseok, clearly surprised.
Jimin paused for a moment before smirking. “Mhm,” he said, smug. “And she’s pretty good too. Really interested in pottery.”
Hoseok scoffed. “Don’t tell me…,” he began.
Jimin raised his brows. “Hm?”
“You didn’t hire her because she’s cute, did you?”
Jimin laughed and patted his leg. “Ah, well…it’s not like she’s not cute,” he began, then sighed and shook his head. “Nah. I just…wanted to give her something to do, I guess.”
The words hit me strangely. Was this employee wandering too? Curiosity began to grow in my stomach. “Anyway,” continued Jimin. “How do you two know each other? I’ve been stuck with you since diapers and I’ve never met your tall friend,” he said, eyeing me sidelong with a smirk.
I cleared my throat. “Uh, I had extended family out here, so I visited often as a kid. He lived near my grandma’s house, so we played as kids.”
“He moved here in elementary school. We were in the same year, so we hung out more,” said Hoseok, waving his hands. “Anyway, if you’d gone to our school instead you would’ve known before.”
Jimin laughed. “I also wouldn’t have been bullied,” he joked. I stiffened. Was that something he could be so nonchalant about? “Gotta laugh so you don’t cry, right?” he asked me once he noticed my reaction. He chuckled. “Ah, but what did you want anyway, Hoseok? I can’t really leave my employee by herself too long.”
“Cheeky,” said Hoseok and Jimin only rolled his eyes. “I figured you could show Namjoon how you make pottery.”
“You want a demo?” asked Jimin, dry.
Hoseok nodded. “Mhm.”
“Right now?”
“With no warning?”
Hoseok pursed his lips. “I figured a great potter like you could do it on the spot…”
“Ugh,” mumbled Jimin, running a messy hand through his hair. He glanced between me and Hoseok a few times, jaw locked, before sighing. “Alright, let me tell Eunbyul first.”
“Eunbyul?” I asked, and the name fell off my tongue in a way that felt…familiar.
He nodded. “My employee. She can handle it on her own, but I don’t know if she knows that,” he said with a laugh. “Just give me a second.”
Jimin turned on his heel and jogged back through the doorway in the back and, unable to deny my curiosity, I followed behind and peeked my head in. Although the place was big and fairly organized, there were large pieces of machinery blocking my view of Jimin. But nonetheless I could see the back of a girl’s head, slightly shorter than him, waving dark hair restrained with an old newspaper rubber band. She nodded once and glanced down at the tray of freshly glazed cups in her hands. I couldn’t hear her, but Jimin smiled and gave her shoulder a squeeze. She seemed to sigh before turning and walking quickly to the kiln. With her back still facing me, she set the tray down and grabbed cups in both hands, placing them in the kiln. It took her all of thirty seconds to get all two dozen in, and as she turned and strode toward the vat beside the massive kiln, I watched a few stray strands of hair loose themselves from her rubber band.
I glanced down at my wrist, at the hair elastic I’d nearly forgotten about, and briefly considered offering it to her. But she seemed busy as she dipped chalky cups into the glaze, pulling them out shiny. She set them aside one by one, and there was something oddly confident and precise about her motions. Even the way she used the front of her wrist to push the locks of waving hair behind her ear seemed exact, focused.
Strangely, I found myself envying her.
And, as I watched her back, I felt the unmistakable sensation of an under-the-skin kind of itch, the kind you can’t scratch, even if you try your hardest.
Jimin approached and grinned at me. “Checking out my employee?” he teased.
I flushed and turned away quickly. “I didn’t even see her face,” I said, pouting a little.
He laughed and clapped my shoulder. “Let’s do this demo.”
And it hit me as Jimin began setting up the potter’s wheel and clay. Wordlessly, I sat down on the stool beside Hoseok and the dogs and fished around in my pocket for my phone. I yanked it out and pulled up my photos, scanning them. Sure enough, that photo I snapped at Hyejin’s the other day. The girl with the baseball cap. I saw her, sandy skin barely visible beneath the brim of her hat, Somi’s shoulder in the foreground, the girl drowning in clothes several sizes too big.
“That girl…,” I said, thinking aloud as I stared down at the photo.
Jimin turned his eyes to me and smiled. “Hm?”
“I…I’ve been seeing her everywhere lately,” I said, chuckling.
Hoseok sighed and leaned over his lap to get a better look at the shapeless clay Jimin was beginning to mold. “Make it into Justin Trudeau.”
Jimin paused a moment and squared his gaze on Hoseok. “The Canadian prime minister?”
Hoseok nodded. “Yeah. Do it.”
Jimin sighed and shook his head, not even bothering to respond, as I took turns looking at the photo on my phone and at Jimin’s deft hands working the clay carefully. It was impossible to explain, but the way he moved was inexplicably similar to that girl. Perhaps because she was his employee…
But that didn’t seem right.
It was more that they were both endowed with the same nameless quality.
A precision that only comes from—
“Passion,” said Hoseok in a whisper, leaning over to me.
I flushed, my attention now entirely on Jimin as he molded the clay into the vague shape of a flowerpot. “Huh?”
“That’s what makes Jimin so…,” he began, then chuckled. “It’s what makes him so Jimin.”
I was quiet for a moment. “I see,” I said. I might have been nervous that Jimin would overhear us talking about him if it weren’t for the unwavering focus captured in his eye. He probably wouldn’t have even heard an earthquake. “It’s mesmerizing.”
Hoseok chuckled. “Mhm,” he said. “Reminds me of when we were in high school.”
I raised a brow with a smirk. “How so?”
He hummed. “I remember during study hall, you’d always have your laptop out,” he said, laughing. “Mr. Kang hated it.”
I smiled softly. “Yeah. Told him it was for class president duties.”
“But all you did was make beats.”
I was quiet for a moment. Again, I understood what he meant. It was hard not to with a guy like Hoseok. As kind as he was, he was equally clever. He knew how to say something without saying it. I turned to him and we locked eyes. Instead of speaking, I just nodded my head and offered a smile. He returned it, patting my knee.
“Thanks,” I said as Jimin finished up with the main body of the pot. It was gorgeous, an elegant, long shape that tapered toward the bottom. Looked like the kind of pot you’d put a bonsai in.
“For what?” asked Hoseok, feigning ignorance with wide eyes.
I chuckled, squeezing his shoulder. “Just thanks.”
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Cubase. God it had been a while since I’d used it on my home computer.
I sat on the floor in front of the coffee table, staring at the project as evening slowly became night. Yoongi still wasn’t back from work, likely putting in long hours finishing up that big collaboration he’d been working on for months. He wouldn’t tell me who it was with, but his excitement told me enough to know it was big.
I rested my cheek in my hand and sighed, tapping my fingertips against the coffee table. The song was nice, kind of slow. It felt a bit…melancholy but still hopeful. I shut my eyes and thought a moment. Could use vocals.
Quietly, I flipped through my lyric book and paused on a single word. Everythingoes. Written sloppily in the margins of a song I’d never finished. I cocked a brow. Back when I was younger, going to therapy, the doctor had told me something to that effect. Everything goes. Every moment, every pain, every trauma. I sat up straighter. Something about it rolled nicely, both in English and Korean. The lyrics beside it were meant to go with it. Perhaps if I recorded myself with Yoongi’s mic…
I changed a few things around, added some lines where I felt the words weren’t enough, and stewed over it for a long moment.
Everything has to hurt.
That line stood out to me. Silently, I padded into Yoongi’s room and grabbed the mic he kept hidden in the second drawer of his work table. I’d take the scolding later. I fell in a heap once more before my laptop and plugged in the mic. After a few tests, I cleared my throat and began recording the rap. If nothing else, I could find someone else to sing the chorus.
“Like morning comes after night, if summer comes after spring,” I began, and didn’t stop, didn’t stumble. “And every day I stay, because people and pain all die eventually.” I kept going, and even though I was rusty, I could feel some power in it. In the words. “Pray that this wind will pass like all winds do.”
I stopped to catch my breath, pausing the song and pulling the headphones off my ears with a sigh. I patted my cheeks a little, shook my head, and opened my eyes slowly.
But when I looked around, I saw something that hadn’t been there before. More specifically, a darkly clad someone standing with crossed arms beside the arm of the couch. I screamed before I could stop myself as Yoongi crossed the living room floor and sat on the couch beside my head, hunching over his knees to inspect my project with squinted eyes.
“Sounded good,” he said with a nod. I swallowed hard. Without looking at me, he continued. “Can I hear the beat?”
“Ah, uh, it’s still really rough and-,”
He turned to face me with one cocked brow. “Can I hear it?”
I hinged and unhinged my jaw a few times, but he was scanning me and I couldn’t stall long. I clamped my mouth shut and cleared my throat. “Um…yeah, sure.”
I unplugged the headphones and played what I had from the start. “I…I wanna add vocals here,” I said as the song began. “Something kind of…like a chant. Repeating, I think. Like a mantra.”
“Mm,” said Yoongi with a nod, brow low as he listened. I’d have liked if he didn’t listen quite so intently.
“Um…and then here I think I want the piano to get a little quieter.”
I nodded and decided to stay silent. He wasn’t giving me any feedback anyway, just listening. Instead, I just sat there like a kid, awaiting my parent to tell me if I did well or not. The song closed and I glanced over my shoulder at Yoongi who by then had his chin seized between his two palms, almost like he was praying.
“So…?” I hedged, eyeing him.
He nodded. “Really good.”
My eyes went wide and I stared at him like I was seeing him for the first time in the dark living room. I could just barely see his lips tilting in a bare smile. “R-Really?”
“I wouldn’t lie,” he said, leaning back with a nod. “Why haven’t you shared your work with me before?”
I stiffened. “Um…well, when we met you were already almost graduated with your degree, and I was just this young kid following you around. I…kinda figured someone like you wouldn’t want to listen to my shit.”
He cocked a brow. “It’s not shit though.”
“I just…I mean, you were a pro from the start, you know? Just…super confident from the beginning. And by the time I started to get really serious about it, you were already working for the label and I was getting recruited by a contract company,” I said, shaking my head. “I figured that alone was enough to show the difference in our leagues.”
“League?” asked Yoongi, brow furrowed.
I sighed. “I dunno. You’re…you’ve always been great. And I’m just…a sound engineer, really.”
Yoongi shook his head. “I’m telling you this because I mean it, alright?” he asked, crossing his arms. “If you got in with the right label, you’d do well.”
I sat up straighter, twisting to look at him properly. But instead, he was staring at my project, still smiling just barely. “Huh?”
“I’m not just saying that,” he said, nodding. “You could be a really successful producer.”
I was about to respond, perhaps pick his brain, perhaps thank him, but my phone began buzzing on the table and I jumped at the sound. Quickly I grabbed it, ready to silence the phone and return the call later. But I saw the name on the screen and paused. Hani. And at this hour…
Yoongi patted my shoulder. “Take the call,” he said, chuckling. “I know you don’t have a choice.”
I turned to stop him, but he was already striding towards his room. He didn’t even mention me borrowing his mic…
Sighing, I slid the phone open and took the call. “Hey…,” I said, and even I could hear that my voice was glum.
“Hey, uh…,” she said, her tone fragile.
I rubbed my temples. “What’s up?”
“It’s…it’s just Sooyoung. The divorce is almost final and they’re talking about custody and she’s kinda caught in, like, the crossfire or whatever. I’m worried,” she said, speaking too fast for me to keep up with.
“Have you talked to her?”
She sighed. “No, she’s not taking my calls. My parents texted me to look out for her, but she hasn’t even seen my texts,” she said. “I’m worried.”
“I understand,” I said gently. “Maybe go home for a few days and spend time with her, you know? Maybe she needs you there.”
“I know I’m just…I guess I’m kinda scared, you know? Like to go to my childhood home and see everything changing…it’s weird,” she said. “God, can I just come over tonight? Like movies or something?”
I stiffened. “Ah…jeez, Hani. I’m…I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”
“I know, I know. Joon, I’m so sorry. It’s just…I really don’t wanna be alone right now,” she said, voice breaking.
I felt my chest pinch a little. “Hani, why don’t you go home then?”
She sighed. “I told you-,”
“But if you can’t be alone, the best place is home,” I said, staring at my half-finished song. The one that would surely stay half-finished if she came over.
“I think it would be too hard.”
“Then what about your friends? Joohee lives close by anyway,” I said, desperate.
“Joon…,” she began, letting the word die in the air.
I sighed. “It’s not good for me, Hani. I wish you’d respect that.”
“I know. It’s selfish, and I know that. But…I just need to be with you right now, you know?”
“Don’t say that,” I said, pinching my eyes shut. But, to my surprise, my heart didn’t race like it used to. Instead, only annoyance.
“I mean it-,”
“Hani!” I shouted, slamming a hand on the table. I saw there on my wrist that hair elastic. What was it about that thing? “I’ve told you so many times, haven’t I? I’ve told you it’s not healthy!”
“Don’t yell!”
I shook my head, heart pounding now for an entirely different reason. “I’m not yelling,” I said, leveling my tone. “I…Hani, do you have any idea what it’s been like?”
She was quiet. “I…”
“Do you have any idea how hard it was? When you told me on graduation night. The years after. How you knew I knew you were still messing around on me,” I pinched my nose bridge. “I promised myself I wouldn’t make you feel guilty for it. That you yourself felt bad enough. That that would be enough for me too.”
“But you can’t keep hurting people and expect them to give you the love you need,” I said. “You can’t keep putting me through the pain of reliving everything. It’s not fair.”
She said nothing. For a long time. But I heard the ambient sound of life on the other side of the phone, and I knew she was still there. Still listening, waiting for me to continue. But I didn’t have it in me. I’d said it. I’d finally howled.
“I…I don’t know what to say, Joon,” she said finally.
I nodded. “Me either.”
“I…can’t we meet up and talk this out in person?”
I exhaled, long and slow, and shook my head, eyes falling to the hair elastic on mu wrist. “No, Hani.”
She sighed. “Namjoon…”
“Go home, okay? Do it for Sooyoung,” I said before ending the call and tossing my phone onto the couch behind me.
Quietly, determined, I pulled my headphones back up around my ears, straightened my sweatshirt, and got back to work on the song.
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“Namjoon!” someone called as I opened my eyes.
I didn’t even have a chance to react, because the girl who’d called for me had already wrapped her arms around my waist, burying her head in my shirt. It was familiar, this scene. Looking down at the top of a strange girl’s head in the middle of the darkness. Feeling her arms tighten around me. I might have resisted, might have pulled away, if I didn’t feel that same itch beneath my skin as I had watching that employee earlier today.
“Eun…Eunbyul?” I said, testing the name in my mouth.
She stiffened and pulled away, and once our eyes met the memories returned. Everything. Unwillingly, tears welled in my eyes and everything made sense. That wistfulness I’d been feeling all day, the sense of profound melancholia. After leaving the dream the night before, being so close, seeing something so painful, and having not even a spare second to console her…
Instead of saying anything, I swept her up in my arms again and let my head fall into the crook of her neck. She held tight too, like I might slip away if she didn’t keep her grip strong. She smelled like strawberry shampoo and the faint, barely-there scent of clay.
She breathed a shaky exhale and nodded against me. “I’m so fucking happy to see you,” she said softly.
I nodded, unable to summon words for a moment. “I…I saw you again today. At the pottery place.”
She nodded. “I saw you too. Walking away with Jimin.”
“I wish I would have gotten a good look at you,” I said.
“Me too…”
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
We stayed that way, embracing, for a moment that felt endless. Eunbyul was the first to break away, adjusting her glasses as she did. She sniffled a little, rubbing beneath her nose, and averted her eyes. Neither of us said anything, but it was clear something had shifted between us. Our relationship…whatever it was…was changing.
“Let’s…let’s do something fun tonight,” I said with a nod.
She smiled softly, pushing her hair from her face. She nodded. “I’d like that.”
Gently, I took her hand and shut my eyes. I tried to remember every detail of the place, every lamppost and vendor’s booth. I tried to conjure the cobbled walkways, the ferris wheel, the lanterns strung up in rows overhead. And when I opened my eyes, it was sunset and we were there.
“An amusement park?” she asked, chuckling. “And…wait, is this in Sangdo-dong?” she asked.
I nodded. “You know it?”
She stared, mystified and wide-eyed, at the park splayed out before her. “Um…yeah, actually. I think I mentioned it before, but…something kind of scary happened to me when I was young. It was pretty nearby here.”
I stiffened. “Shit, I can take us somewhere else-,”
She turned to me and smiled, shaking her head. “Don’t,” she said. “I wanna go on some rides.”
I blinked down at her, at the big sleep shirt with shorts just barely peeking out, at the bed hair, at the flush in her cheeks. And I felt myself flush too. I cleared my throat and began strolling toward one of the coasters.
“Do, uh…do you think the rides will work?” I asked.
She hummed. “I dunno. You’ve never tried?”
I shook my head. “I…also had something scary happen when I was a kid. Here at the amusement park. So I haven’t been back.”
“Oh,” she said, pausing in the walkway. “We can go someplace else.”
I smiled and rubbed circles into her hand. “No, it’s fine. It’s just…the only amusement park I could remember. And I remember it pretty vividly.”
She nodded. “Alright.”
“Here, let’s go on this one,” I said, pointing to the swinging pirate ship.
Her eyes glittered in the sunset as she stared at it. “Whoa,” she said, glancing around. “Who’s gonna operate it?”
I paused a moment and pursed my lips. “You sit down first and I’ll push a button or something.”
“Push a button?” she repeated, laughing.
I rolled my eyes and gave her shoulder a shove with mine. “Maybe two buttons,” I said, shrugging. I released her hand she gestured for her to go ahead onto the ride.
She waved at me over her shoulder and took a seat at the farthest row, the one right by the back of the ship. She bounced a little as she waited for me, smiling in my direction as I examined the control panel. Perhaps because I’d never seen it, I couldn’t quite imagine what it would look like and in its place was just a blank metal podium.
I sighed and rubbed my chin. “I mean…,” I began, talking to myself, “if it’s a dream, I can make the rules, right?”
I shut my eyes and imagined a big red button on the podium, one that would give the start a delay so I could take my seat with Eunbyul. As I opened my eyes, there it was and with a smile I pounded it. Told you, I thought, just one button. I heard the machine whirring up and sprinted as fast as I could toward the entrance of the ship. I bumped my shin on the way down the aisle and Eunbyul suppressed a laugh with her hand. Luckily, just as the thing lurched to life, I fell into the spot beside her with a heavy sigh.
“You ready?” I asked, smiling.
She laughed and nodded. “Been ready.”
I rolled my eyes as the ride began to swing like a pendulum, gradually increasing in speed and height. Soon, we were rocking back and forth, sent high into the air and then hovering, weightless, for a fraction of a second before plummeting back down to earth. Beside me, Eunbyul released a joyful scream, throwing her arms in the air as we swung up and down, back and forth. The wind whipped her hair around, and on each descent she had to squeeze her eyes nearly shut. She laughed as we swung and swung. If she’d let me, I’d liked to have kept sitting there forever, watching her smile and laugh as the pirate ship lurched.
But my brain seemed to know approximately how long a ride should be, and before too long, the ride slowed to a steady stop. Eunbyul, with her hair now windswept and waving and her eyes alight, turned to me with the brightest smile.
“That was so fun,” she said, laughing.
It was the first time I’d seen her with such unbridled happiness, an easy joy in her features. And she was beautiful. I wanted her to stay that way, stay smiling, stay messy, stay joyful.
I smiled. “What next?” I asked.
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The two of us traveled through what I remembered of the park. It had been a long time since I’d seen the place, but it seemed the memory was nearly imprinted. After all, it was the last place I’d seen with Dad. I ambled easily by Eunbyul’s side as she explored my memories, and we stopped at nearly every ride. The log ride, the coaster that nearly blew out my eardrums, the haunted house sans actors to play the ghosts.
“Let’s go on that,” she said, pointing at the ferris wheel as it sat juxtaposed against the forever sunset.
I raised my brows. “Oh, sure.”
She turned to me and smiled. “Hey, Namjoon?” she asked, almost shy.
“Thank you for…you know, taking me here,” she said, laughing lightly. “Lately, I’ve been feeling a little better and I think it’s because I’ve been able to spend time with you.”
“Ugh, let’s go before I get sentimental,” she said, waving her hands with a pinched expression. I laughed as she led the way to the ferris wheel.
Once I’d pressed the identical red button and scrambled to join Eunbyul in the closed ferris wheel box, the two of us fell into a comfortable, easy silence. She gazed out the window as the blurry horizon that my mind couldn’t conjure, the place where all the colors blended together. And I watched her, silhouetted against the violent yellow sun as it descended into reds and oranges.
“So…,” I began, watching her keenly. “How do you know that pottery guy?”
She paused for a moment before pursing her lips and offering a shrug. “I met him recently. I was spying on him through the window.”
She nodded. “Because it looks so nice when he throws pottery.”
I smiled softly. “It was really mesmerizing.”
She turned to me with a smile. “He’s a nice guy,” she said. “I think he believes in me too much.”
I shook my head. “I saw you working today, Eunbyul. You were…really competent. It was like watching Jimin make pottery. I couldn’t look away.”
Her skin went a little red in the cheeks and she cleared her throat, smoothing her palms over her kneecaps. “Well…”
“You’re better than you think you are.”
She sighed, letting her gaze fall. “Anyway, how do you know him?” she asked, letting my eyes again.
I smiled. “My friend Hoseok took me by today. He was trying to…embolden me, I guess. Get me back into my groove.”
“Your groove has been off?” she asked, brows raised.
I nodded. “For a while. I’m…stifled. In a lot of ways.”
She nodded. “And did it help? Seeing Jimin?”
I smiled softly, remembering that song. “Yeah. I…I made a song. For myself. Something I believe in.”
She smiled at me and reached out across the small space between our legs to pat my knee. “Namjoon! That’s amazing,” she said, chuckling. “That Jimin. He’s good, I’ll give him that.” She paused and glanced at me. “Let me hear the song sometime, okay? When we finally meet in real life.”
I swallowed hard and rubbed my neck. Nervous as I was for her to hear it, the offer was irresistible. I nodded. “And…just Joon is fine.”
She stared at me, blinking, before she chuckles breathily and nodded. “Ah! O-Okay. Then, uh…call me Byul, okay?”
She went red and cleared her throat, laughing again. “God, it’s embarrassing to hear you say it,” she said.
I smiled. “Do a lot of people call you that?”
“No,” she said softly, watching her hands as the ferris wheel rolled lazily toward the top.
“Does that bookstore guy call you Byul?” I asked, unable to stop myself.
She stiffened. “Who?” she asked, then snapped her fingers. “Ah, Jin?”
I shrugged, pouting. “I dunno. The guy who was flirting with you at the bookstore.”
She laughed. “He wasn’t flirting, just…bored,” she said with a nod. “God, I guess…I guess I have a crush on him?” she said, but the way she furrowed her brow made it seem like she was unsure. “But these days, it feels a little different. Like…maybe I don’t.”
I smiled, just a little relieved, and nodded. “I feel the same way with my ex.” Eunbyul’s eyes snapped up to meet mine, wide and brown. “Um…she called tonight. Hani.”
She inhaled as if to speak, but only let it go and nodded. “Oh.”
“I told her she can’t come over anymore.”
I watched her expression change, like she was relieved too, and she exhaled slow. “Good job,” she said, meeting my eyes again with a smile. “That must have been hard.”
I shook my head. “It’s like you said. Like…the way I feel about her is different now. Even in real life.”
“Wonder why,” she said idly as she glanced out the window at the empty park below.
I felt my heart thundering in my chest and swallowed hard. Say it, Namjoon, I thought. Say it now or regret not saying it forever. “I can…think of a few reasons,” I said slowly, watching her for any sign to stop.
She stiffened a little and turned to me with wide eyes. “Huh?” she asked. Surprised, but not disgusted.
Slowly, I leaned across the small space between us so that our faces were close. “Byul, I…,” I began, chuckling as the nerves made my words catch in my throat. “Sorry, nervous,” I said, unable to stop myself from telling her the truth.
She nodded and gently took my hand. “It’s okay,” she said.
I took a steadying breath and met her warm, dark eyes. “I think I have feelings for you.”
She was still for a moment, still holding my hand, before slowly she let her eyes drop and her fingers slipped between mine. It was small, but the gesture felt intimate. And the space between us was charged, trapped in this small ferris wheel box. I knew it was stupid, that there was no way it could work. I knew it would be nearly impossible to meet her in real life if I couldn’t remember these dreams, and I knew that even meeting, even seeing her properly, might not be enough to make me remember. I knew it all. I knew it was stupid, and that this moment was finite and that in the morning I’d forget it ever happened.
But right then, I needed to kiss her.
And so I tipped my chin just enough for our lips to touch. It wasn’t the sort of kiss you see in movies. Passionate and frantic and desperate, hands clawing at each other, panting. No, it was…softer. Gentler. She jumped a little at the contact, but I watched with half-open eyes as she shut her own eyes and leaned into me, her fingers still laced in mine. Tenderly, I lifted a hand to rest along the line of her jaw, touching her just barely. I felt her tilt her head to the side and took the initiative to deepen the kiss, just enough. Smooth and slow, like butter melting in a pot. Smooth and slow.
I pulled away first, hand still holding her jaw, her hair fluttering against my knuckles, and stared at her with heavy-lidded eyes. “Sorry,” I said in a whisper. Everything felt hot, so hot I thought I might pass out if it weren’t a dream.
She shook her head and tightened her grip on my hand. “Don’t apologize.”
“I know it’s really impossible, but…,” I began, but stopped as I felt the pull once more in my chest. “Fuck,” I breathed, resting my forehead against hers.
“I know,” she said with a nod, shutting her eyes with a shaky exhale. “We…we’ll meet. We have to meet, okay?” she said.
I nodded against her forehead and shut my own eyes. Even though I knew it might be a lie, nonetheless I responded sincerely. “We will.”
“It’ll be okay.”
“You’re right.”
She nodded and sighed. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, Joon.”
“See you tomorrow, Byul.”
And in an instant, she slipped away.
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hourzmanga · 6 years
favorite yuri & shoujo ai
man i’ve been sitting on this for a while now but it’s finally basically finished. I’ve written a short summary along with noted whether there is sexual content, general warnings about content, and length (it always annoys me when i read a good looking synopsis only to find out it’s just a one shot). My favs have asterisks next to them. happy reading!
20 Year Old Girl x 30 Year Old Maiden: a young girl falls in love with her former instructor. (short ish; COMPLETED)
Ano Musume ni Kiss to Shirayuri o: Girl who just wants to be number one challenges the girl who is naturally the best at everything. Nice development, cute art, interesting characters. Soft and sweet and engaging. (long; ONGOING)
Aoi Hana: A manga about girls in school who navigate their desires and lives as they age and the people around them change. One of my favorite authors who has other series that are definitely worth the read. Has sexual content but not gratuitous if i remember correctly?? (52 chapters; COMPLETED)
Apocalypse: Special items in a video game bring a girl and her crush closer together. No actual concrete relationship starts but definite cute and soft feelings that I liked. (three chapters; COMPLETED)
*Asagao to Kase-san: Girl meets another girl whole watering the morning glories and falls in love. suffers a little from “but we’re both girls!” in the beginning but is pretty temporary. Has sexual content. (longer; ONGOING, but definitely has a good chunk of story finished)
*Bright and Cheery Amnesia: girl loses all her memories and wakes up in the hospital to her girlfriend. Though she’s shocked, it seems that spending three years together and being in love transcends any difficulties. SUPER CUTE. Has some sexual content but not graphic. (medium length currently?; ONGOING)
*Chatting at the Amber Teahouse: A sweet and slow paced manga about a girl who works at a tea house and is in love with the owner. One of my absolute favorites for its atmosphere and pacing. (21 chapters counting extras and prologue; COMPLETED)
*Double House: Trans woman working at a bar and a girl who’s run away from her upper class family become neighbors. I really really like the art and atmosphere of this; it’s very lovely and softly engaging. (it’s by the same artist of pieta, my ultimate favorite) (3 chapters; COMPLETED)
*Ebisu-san and Hotei-san: When a woman transfers to her department, the main character feels antagonistic towards her aloof attitude and goes out of her way to make her feel unwelcome. This all changes when she receives insight into the other woman’s life and her feelings become very different. very cute and subtle with a sweet ending. ???????? (6 chapters plus extra; COMPLETED)
*Exciting Feelings (also Fluttering Feelings): girl becomes friends with a popular girl and they slowly develop feelings for eachother. (as of now i’m the translations they have not yet gotten together but the slow burn is realllll goood) (longer; ONGOING)
Girl Friends: A classmate approaches a girl who is generally alone in the class and invites her to join her friend group. They end up developing feelings for eachother. Pretty good, not my favorite but definitely worth the read when u can. (COMPLETED)
Hide in the Flowers - girls at a magic academy; cute but not story heavy (shorter; ONGOING)
Houro Musuko: About a trans girl who grows up and is both affected by and affects those around her. A little sensationalized imo but has such a great host of characters and that good soft art. Less romance more coming of age but is lesbian or at least girl loves a girl in the long term so .. Read It. Has sexual content but it’s conducive to character development so doesn’t count. (123 chapters; COMPLETED)
Irrational Us: About a lesbian office worker with a sort of off putting, twisted personality (as much as i hate to use that word lol). Super interesting main character. (10 chapters; ONGOING)
Kanojo to Camera no Kanojo no Kisetsu: Not completely sure why i like this one so much; the current translations don’t even have the main girls getting together, but i think it has an atmosphere that i really enjoy. It’s about a girl who feels bored and out of place with her usual friends until she speaks to a girl with a camera who she’s always admired and they become close friends. No sexual content (shorter; ONGOING)
Kuchibiru ni Suketa Orange: Beautiful and stylish girl transfers from tokyo and joins the plain friend group of another girl, who harbors a secret crush and longing for the girl from tokyo. Has sexual content and some sort of iffy motifs (like the main character imitating the girl she has a crush on that was kinda… off putting) (6 chapters; COMPLETED)
Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo: A series of cute one shots. By morinaga milk, who a lot of people LOVE, but doesn’t really make my favorite type of content. No sexual content (9 chapters; COMPLETED)
*Lesbian-Teki Kekkon Seikatsu: Married couple and their journey to having children. cute style and interesting! No sexual content. (shorter; ONGOING)
*Love My Life: A lesbian woman going through her life and interacting with her friends and family. SUPER interesting story with a main character that i really liked. Has sexual content. (12 chapters; COMPLETED)
Magan he Danai: Cute series of loosely connected oneshots about a couple in which one woman is mischievous and often messes with her wife, who tolerates it sometimes and retaliates other times. Cute and fun dynamic and nice art. No sexual content. (11 chapters; COMPLETED)
**Manga no Tsukurikata: A manga artist decides to date a girl she knows from work who has confessed to her in order to write yuri manga. Turns out the younger girl is also a manga artist, and one that she idolizes. Very sweet and slice of life & a relationship that develops slowly but sweetly into something very sincere. This has been one of my favorite series for a long time. (longer; COMPLETED)
Mars no Kiss: rebellious girl who has an older boyfriend and thinks of herself as emotionally and sexually more mature than those around her is seated near honors student and falls in love. does NOT end with mutual feelings, unfortunately, but DOES end on a happy note. has sexual content. (4 chapters; COMPLETED)
More Than Friends?: two girls work out their feelings for each other and experience lots of things together. Very very cute stuff!! currently (as of july 2017) on hiatus. (mid-length?; ONGOING)
she has a lot of great stuff that i have to recommend here so enjoy
* Happy Picture Diary: A series of 4-panel comics about life as a lesbian woman and interacting with other non straight people. really cute and fun and i think (?) semi-autobiographical (a note says parts of it are based on the author’s life) ???????? (5 chapters; COMPLETED ((website says it’s ongoing but hasn’t updated since 2011 so))
* A Lapis Lazuli Blue Dream (also Azure Dream): An anthology with office women romance, high school sweethearts who have moved on to college, office women who chase the same girl (honey & mustard), a girl in love with a widow who she’s known since she was young (not wild about this one lol), a continuation of 20 year old girl x 30 year old maiden, a doujinshi author who meets one of her fans at her sister’s school festival (again kinda iffy about this one) has small amounts of sexual content. (10 chapters; ONGOING?)
* Renai Joshika: Office ladies romance!! Has prequels and sequels to stuff in a lapis lazuli blue dream. Has sexual content. (9 chapters plus extras; ONGOING?)
My Girlfriend’s Ex-Boyfriend: While sleeping after having sex, the main character’s girlfriend speaks in her sleep and causes the main character to feel uneasy in their relationship and leads to her investigating her girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend and a few misunderstandings. Has sexual content. (longer; ONGOING)
Nanashi no Asterism: Three girls who become friends but end up in a love triangle amongst themselves. No real relationship ever occurs but i think i liked this one for the characters and their friendship and the communication between them. Has a sweet but not romantic ending. (23 chapters; COMPLETED)
Octave: Former idol falls in love with a music composer. Not my favorite (a lot of focus on sex, girl cheats on her gf with a man at one point), but has some very good moments, well developed characters, and a heavier atmosphere that u might like if u can get thru the rest of it. I think the reason that it made my list despite its faults is because it’s actually long (which is so hard to find) and bc the relationship between the girls changes and develops a lot. Has a lot of sexual content. (36 chapters; COMPLETED)
*Omoi no Kakera: A lesbian school girl who works at a cafe navigates her life and identity while making friends and affecting the lives of other people in her own way. Has other stories that are connected to the main one in different ways that are also very interesting. (15 chapters ??? (too many extras to count lol); COMPLETED)
she just has some real cute stuff lol
* Your Cuteness: A series of cute oneshots (by the same author as aqua blue cinema) (COMPLETED)
* *Aqua Blue Cinema: When a famous actress is standing on a cliff’s edge, a local girl assumes that she is going to jump and tries to stop her, but just ends up pushing her in. When the actress loses an important necklace, the other girl becomes her personal assistant in order to pay it off. Love love love this one super cute. ?????? (six chapters; COMPLETED)
* Clover - A series of oneshots by the same author as Aqua Blue Cinema that are super sweet. ??????? (7 chapters plus extra; COMPLETED)
Partition: Girl who is obsessed with cute things seems to accidentally capture one of her coworker’s embarrassing moments. To get back at her, her coworker snaps a picture of them kissing for blackmail. After that, both of them gain a new awareness for eachother. Seems cute so far and the art is super lovely. No sexual content. (shorter; COMPLETED)
**Pieta: About a girl with an abusive family who struggles with self harm and abandonment issues. She starts an odd sort of relationship with another girl, who also struggles with mental illness. They bond over this and other things and help eachother work through their issues. A little codependent imo but such a beautiful story with incredible contemplative aspects that had me in awe. Especially love bc their relationship is incredibly deep and emotional and only slightly romantic, with a happy ending and that at no point “but we’re both girls!” or homophobia of any sort plays a role is a great added bonus. No sexual content. ((warnings for suicide attempt, self harm, and familial abuse)) (11 chapters counting extras; COMPLETED)
*Plica: Lesbian woman navigates her (love) life after a close friend’s wedding and contemplates on hers and others sexualities. Really cute. Has sexual content. (132 SHORT chapters; COMPLETED)
*Poor Poor Lips: Poor girl comes to work at the power stones shop of a well off lesbian woman. Super super sweet and slow developing and definitely worth the read. Probably one of if not my favorite series on this list. ?????? (75 chapters; COMPLETED)
Pure Marionation: a robot girl going to school and making friends and navigating the life of a high school girl. The art style of this one is not… super choice, but has cute and original concepts that i enjoyed and let me mostly overlook those huge eyes and weirdly molded faces .. has some nudity and some slightly suggestive content but is overall not sexual. (18 chapters; COMPLETED)
*Renai Manga: An aspiring manga editor is in charge of the author whose work changed her life. However, she’s completely different from what she thought and, despite being a little dispirited due to that, she grows to respect and enjoy her personality and company. cute and lighthearted!! (8 chapters plus extras; COMPLETED)
*Sasameki Koto: Girl in love with her lesbian best friend but unable to make a move bc her friend only likes “cute girls.” SO GOOD, very sweet, 100% recommend. great development, lots of sweet side characters, and overall a great manga. (53 chapters; COMPLETED)
Sayonara Folklore: At a girls school, there is a superstition that if you touch another girl on monday, you must recite a charm or else risk being cursed by two girls who committed a lovers suicide together. However, when a transfer student comes, she seems to disregard this and pull the main character along with her as they break the rules together. Cute art, great ending. There’s some “i’m in love with my sister!” stuff going on that is super misleading but that’s Not how it is. No sexual content. (9 chapters plus extras; COMPLETED)
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