The Ocean
a/n: Theoretical scene from my four-book series "Worldwalker." Sam has come very very far in his journey to save earth from an invasion of titanic sea creatures, and is finally close to the end, with an angry, vengeful alien as his only companion.
“Do you think I have a family? Does anyone miss me?” Sam asked mildly, interrupting the voice in his ear. Zekoa, for once, stopped talking. The silence dragged on, and Sam kept walking. No reason to stop.
“All this time, all the things I’ve said, these are the first words you say to me?” There was a sneer to the tone, but Sam didn’t mind. He didn’t reply either. Finally Zekoa sighed.
“Maybe. How should I know? I don’t care. You’re here to do what I tell you. That’s the only way we win.”
“Okay,” Sam said. There was a pause.
“Why now?” Zekoa asked at last, and Sam stopped walking. His limbs were heavy. He couldn’t exactly recall the last time he’d sat down, only that it had been long before this desolate place.
He sat down.
“Why are you talking now?” Zekoa asked again. “I was beginning to think you didn’t know how.”
“I remembered something,” Sam said absently. “Then I forgot it again, but I still remembered that what I forgot was a memory of something good. Family. And I started to wonder about mine.”
“And you want to save them, correct?” Zekoa’s tone came alive again, seeing an opportunity to goad Sam to action or anger. Sam shrugged.
“Yes. But I want to save everyone, and I can't remember my family. So I don’t feel more for them than anyone else.”
“You won’t save anyone sitting on the ground,” Zekoa said. “Get up. Keep walking. If you destroy the core, all those monsters die with it. Put a stop to this.”
Sam rose to his feet. The fog clung dense around him, like a physical weight, but somehow it had stopped pulling at all. He felt lighter now. His steps dragged less. He might have been able to fly.
“Hey. Get up.”
He blinked, and he was still on the ground. The fog still dragged at him. Worse now, if anything. The image of himself walking vanished like vapor, and he couldn’t summon enough strength to bring it back, much less actually stand.
“What do you think this place looks like without the fog?” he asked. With Herculean effort he dragged his knees to his chest and hugged them. Zekoa’s impatience thrummed in the air around him, nearly audible.
“Who cares?” The voice was snapping with rage. “You’re quitting. You’re not allowed to quit, these monsters took everything from me…from us! If I am to be nothing more than a voice in your head for the rest of my miserable life, I want to see vengeance. Stop giving up.”
“I’m not giving up,” Sam replied patiently. “Your…people. They all died because of this, it must be hard for you. You were their guardian after all. Would you have preferred I left you to die with them? I was trying to be kind by saving you.”
“You can’t begin to understand what the Mind meant to me,” Zekoa spat. “I was tasked with their wellbeing, they were my responsibility, my people. For hundreds of years I heard their voices, their every need, always in my head. All I hear now is SILENCE. You wouldn’t even talk to me. Now that you are, I don’t want to hear it. I lost my colony, I lost my home. I don’t even have the dignity of a body anymore, I’m just an entity in a tiny chip in the helmet of this stupid suit keeping you alive. Every second you spend sitting here is a second you’re robbing me of justice.”
“Do you think your colony will know we won? Will it matter that you got your justice?” Sam asked, looking up at the dense ceiling of blue fog that sat perfectly motionless an inch above his nose. It was so thick he would have lost his hand if he’d held it out in front of himself. It was easy to ignore Zekoa’s growing hostility. The creature had every right to be angry after all, and Sam didn’t mind.
“Why are you asking all these stupid, unimportant questions?” Zekoa asked, his rage boiling over as his voice rose to a screech that hurt Sam’s ears. Sam winced.
“I dunno. I just…” Sam took a breath in, the words bouncing against the glass of his helmet and fading with the promise that only he and Zekoa could hear them. “I’m going to die, aren’t I?”
Dead silence followed. Sam let out the breath he’d been holding, the weight lifting as he finally said it out loud.
“Wow. That feels better. I think I’m good to keep goi-”
“You don’t die,” Zekoa said, and now he was quiet.
“Well, sure I do. I’m human after all, I’ll die someday.”
“Yet you’ve made it so far, against impossible odds. You’ve defeated monsters bigger than planets. I found you on an island of their corpses drifting through space, or do you not remember that? Even now I suspect any other of your species would have succumbed to this realm’s poisons long ago. You’ve been foretold, you must fulfill that prophecy.”
“Yeah, well.” Sam pushed himself to his feet, refusing to let himself stagger. “I can't fight air. I don’t think this poison is treating me well.”
“Is this why you’re talking now?” Zekoa asked.
“Maybe. I don’t really know. Maybe I’m imagining all this. It seemed easier to break the silence when I’m not really sure what’s real anyway.” Sam forced himself to walk again, ever deeper into the choking fog. The air tasted bad.
“I won’t let you die,” Zekoa said.
“I miss my home,” Sam said, ignoring Zekoa. “I don’t even remember anything about it. It seems blue to me though. That's a good color.”
“You’re from Earth,” Zekoa replied. “I think that planet is traditionally green.”
“Hmm. That’s alright too. See this place, it’s just blue fog and flat rock, I can’t put a color to it.”
“I believe you just did.”
“No, no, it’s not actually blue though. This place is colorless inside. Not like earth. Earth had every shade of blue, and every texture too, now that I’m thinking about it. It’s like…water. So much water. Beautiful. Do you think I’ll see it again before I die? Earth I mean. Like, my life flashing before my eyes?”
“I won’t let you die,” Zekoa repeated firmly.
“I reckon everything might come back, all my memories,” Sam said, almost wistfully. “Right before I go.”
“Shut up! I won’t let you die. You’re not leaving me all alone like this,” Zekoa snarled. “We’re finding the source of all the madness, and you’re killing it, and then you’re staying alive. Do you hear me?”
Sam did not hear him. For just a moment, the world around him was replaced by a memory. The poisonous taste in the air fell back under a new, stronger sense, cleansed by salt and brine. A deep, slow rumble and hiss rose and fell, slowly surrounding him in its soothing embrace. It cooled his pain, washing away the exhaustion and renewing him. He took a breath, and opened his eyes without realizing he’d closed them. A vast, glittering blue stretched out ahead of him, waves rising and falling playfully as if beckoning to him. Foam flicked through the air in showers of white froth that flashed in rainbow as the light caught it and playfully tossed it back. Foam frosted each wave in webs of fractals that faded into the deepest sapphire, turquoise, emerald, amaranthine. Light danced and dazzled, sparking up and over and in constant motion with the living thing in front of him. He stepped into it, the waves rising to his waist, to his chest, until it swallowed him whole, letting him kick away the last of his own weight and drift at the whim of the water. The light sparked across the surface above him and now all he heard was the thundering breath and heartbeat of this loving creature. He closed his eyes as hundreds of tiny bubbles swirled to meet him and tickle his bare skin. All fell still, silent, and perfectly peaceful, marine colors coalescing into one pure memory of the only place he’d ever found true peace. The ocean.
Sam smiled, opened his eyes to the land of poison fog, and didn’t speak again.
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rarhuk · 7 years
Revelations ( part 4 )
( Final installment. 4 th portion of A Short story collaboration with @tribeoftrolls. The priestess Shayna’s written part was done by @tribeoftrolls )
The earlier parts of the story
Part one Part two Part three Below, is the story’s conclusion...
Shayna was within the kitchen fixing herself a cup of tea, dressed in her usual long night robe as it was becoming late in the night and her company of Zekoa and Kor’akk’s had departed an hour or two ago. She was chuckling on a previous conversation she had with the two, the company of both of the males was always entertaining and humorous. She picking up her cup of tea to take a whiff of the herbal fragrance.
“Mmm…” A soft smile as she looked forward to sitting at the fire and getting some reading done. Just as she picked up a small tray of cookies, most were already eaten by her earlier company but a few were left. She was heading toward the main living space on the same ground level of her kitchen when the sudden sound of her door being kicked in startled her. The sound of glass shattering with tea spilling on the floor, the small metal tray clanged onto the floor scattering cookies.
“By Lukou’s light!?” She shouted out in zandali with her gaze wide, her hand extended out ready to cast a spell to defend herself when she saw Ra’rhuk barge into her home and bee lining it toward the guest chamber. Her hand to her chest with her other hand that is extended out was glowing a golden light before she closed her fist and the spell dissipated. She was heading toward the guest room where Ra��rhuk had entered in, the smell of blood was in the air and the scent of who she can only guess was coming from who Ra’rhuk carried in. She stopped abruptly when he was walking toward her in such a fast stride that she stepped a few steps back to let him pass.
“Ra’rhuk what is going—” Her words interrupted as he spoke up. She looked to the direction of where Ra’rhuk dropped Sandria off and heard of his warnings of the possibility of being crazed. To be guarded. Shayna was walking after him just as he was heading out the door. “Ra’rhuk wait! What happened!” She called for him, stepping out of the door to watch his figure gain more and more distance from her home. “Ra’rhuk!” She called once more but he seemed mostly determined to depart. Whatever had happened Ra’rhuk may have good reason to depart, she knew of his volatile behavior if triggered. Letting out a gentle breath she entered back into her home before the cold of outside became to much for her to endure. She returned to the guest room to look to the female that laid upon the cushions of the pillows on the floor, quickly approaching as her pillows were becoming stained in blood. She knelt down to the female, reaching her hands out to place her hands upon her body. Closing her eyes and focusing to flow gentle healing light to gain a sense of the condition of Sandria’s body.
Softly speaking in zandali. “Listen, to the sound of my voice……..embrace the light of Lukou. You are safe….no harm, nor danger shall draw near to you while under the protection of Lukou……..rest child. Be at ease as you have found refuge…” While she spoke she was mending the wound at her forearm for the flesh to become whole, this female was a utter mess as there was a lot that her body was enduring and struggling to stay alive. Infection was deep set within her body, sickness was seeking to spread and her weaken condition was slowly failing.
Shayna felt the sense of death drawing near should she remain as she is, the lack of nutrition was also against Sandria. But while under the care of Shayna, she would do all that she can to help Sandria recover. Once she felt the sense of Sandria relaxing, that she felt her submit to deeper sleep. Shayna got to work to tend to Sandria while she was unconscious.
~ Brother… It’s time to stop. It’s been hours and the current toll of dead cannot be any deader.~ Zor’din’s resigned was muted under the grotesque crunching and snapping of bones that were being rend free of their limbs.
Ra’rhuk’s armor and exposed flesh were covered like viscous paint strokes of deep red hued bodily substance. His hair had been tied back earlier when he had cleaned, now it was shellacked slick, and thickly stained in his victory. Nothing was glorious about this kill, it was done out of a necessity to maintain. He grunted as he tossed the limb aside as if it was an unwanted thing, as he dismantled him most recent kill. He had his fill, he was only doing the action to curb the urge of those around him, that held an importance to him. “ I’ve had enough…. “
~ Are you sure? ~ Zor’din let the doubt hang between carried by his words.
“ Would it matter? “ Ra’rhuk asked with his brow raised in honest inquiry, as he rose his foot to be resting on the disemboweled torso as one would rest it on a step.
~ Yes. Yes, it would… For a few reasons. Important reasons, I might add. Such as the passed out lunatic you dumped off, and the priestess you pretty much forced into a corner to handle your mess....again. Highly unfair, and… Bah, I’m just repeating myself. You know for as polite as you’d like to think yourself being… You’re really not. ~ The spirit hovered over towards his brother who seemed to be resting his foot, not moving. ~ Are you going to head back, or what?~
“ I haven’t decided… “ Ra’rhuk smirked slowly at his brother’s impatience.
~ Why are you drawing this out? You’ve had your fill, go back to the hut!~ He used his corporeal arms to wave in that direction in an excited mannerism.
“ I’m hesitant due to the difficulties I’m having. “ Ra’rhuk confessed while lowering his foot to the ground. He slowly looked in the direction in which his brother had motioned towards.
~ loa’s me… Please, stand by, Ra’rhuk is having difficulties, we’ll get back to our regularly schedule program once he gets his head out of his ass. The world must halt while the great Ra’rhuk takes his sweet time processing.~ He made a motion of a kick at one of the corpses, of course making no contact it was just for expression. Zor’din was seemingly on his wits end with his brother by this time. He turned and batted his eyelashes at him using an overly kind voice. ~ What is it this time? ~
Ra’rhuk should have known better then to try to speak to Zor’din, he was based still in his emotional whims. There was no true clarity to be found with shade. “ Hmmmm… It’s time I depart. “ He turned his back on Zor’din and began heading towards Shayna’s hut leaving his hunting grounds of the corrupt behind him.
~ Seriously, I’m just trying to help… just talk, Rhuk, Share the good, or not so good word.~ Zor’din pleaded as he followed along.
Shayna had vials of medication on the night stand near the bed that she had gotten Sandria to rest upon. She had taken noticed that Ra’rhuk did what he could to tend to the female but she was far from being out of the woods of her frailty. Given that Ra’rhuk spoke of her being possibly crazed and illness can do such to a person she had Sandria bound to the bed, nothing that would cause harm to Sandria. Shayna had placed an enchanted bracelet’s on her wrists, the bracelets bound to keep Sandria on the bed until Shayna knew further of the females mental condition before allowing any further freedom of moving around in the room.
As the fever slowly ebbed back Sandria murmured incoherently words, some made no sense in that strange gibberish, while some were unmistakably meant be heard by someone’s ears. “ Find him…. “ Who that someone she had to find she did not say as fell into a deep slumber.
She had broken a fever that Sandria was suffering under, for now Sandria was resting comfortably and at ease. Shayna had taken her blood soaked pillows and other fabrics that blood as well as vomit had soiled a blanket. It was going to be a long night and the sort that Shayna knew she was not going to get much rest until Ra’rhuk’s return. She had changed to a different robe as well, the previous one she wore also had been soiled by blood but nothing that she wasn’t unprepared on how to clean. She had cleaned up the small mess in her kitchen and taken care of the soiled fabrics of the blanket, her robe and pillows by washing and the bundle of wet fabrics would have to wait till morning for her to hang outside to dry. Carrying a wicker basket with the wet fabrics inside, she was walking down the steps from the bathing room.
Ra’rhuk had approached Shayna’s hut, but did not go inside. He instead, decided to wait outside, for a long moment just at the end of her bottom steps.
~ What is wrong with this picture?…. I’ll give you a hint, it has to do with actually going inside. ~ Zor’din was motioning towards the door. ~ See this… go in. You know I can’t, or I would. She has the inside warded. I can’t walk past this step or poof, banished.~
“ I recall you being annoying, just not this…. impatient. “ He took an intentional breath and released it slowly. Cupping his hand to either side of the outside of his tusks, he suddenly shouted out the priestess’s name. “ SHAYNAAAA! “ His intent was to draw her outside rather then go inside, as inside was something he lacked a want to bother with at the moment. “ SHAYNAAAA! “
Zordin would have blinked had he the eyelids, so he just pretended as his brother was roaring out the priestess’s name. He hadn’t even been able to jab back at that response his brother had given him. ~ What are you doing?! Rooky come a courting, or what is this? Just walk in! You didn’t seem to have an issue kicking in her door earlier. ~ His brother rightly confounded him sometimes. ~ You better do something about your face, if you planned on a date, it’s covered in blood. ~
Ra’rhuk looked at his brother’s spirit and decided he was correct on his appearance. He bent down low, scooping up two hand fulls snow a cupping he rose to vigorously rub the snow on his face to clear it of the blood. “ Better? “ He asked turning his face to look at Zor’din a moment before repeating the motion in kneel. Shayna had not came to the door, so he devised another plan to get her attention. He was making snowballs, and throwing them at her windows… “ SHAYNAAAA! “
~ No, but it’s going to have to do, because heeeeere she comes. ~ Zor’din replied hearing the hurried foot steps draw nearer to the entrance way.
She had no idea whom Sandria was calling out for, she could be searching for her mate, her brother, a son, it could be a numerous of situations of what Find Him implied. The female was a face that Shayna would not recognize or know for certain of who she is besides a sickly female that Ra’rhuk had brought and left in her guest room. She had been thinking over of the two words she heard the female mutter. Perhaps when she was more coherent then Shayna can talk to her. At least she was hoping and was going to aid to help fight against what illness has it’s grip upon the poor woman.
She had settled the wicker basket next to the entrance of her hut while she was sorting through a few more things, she also busying herself to stay awake for when Ra’rhuk entered. Before settling down she entered the guest room once more, checking Sandria and the female still slept. Shayna would return to the living room area to settle upon the couch, there she waited. And waited some more until sleep had claimed her. How ever long she was asleep, it could be an hour, could of been two or more but the sudden yelling of Ra’rhuk’s voice had her jump. She swears her own spirit may of also leaped beyond her ceiling as his voice would roar out her name once more.
Ra’rhuk juggled a snow ball back and forth from one hand to the next, as he was about to take aim at another spot on the hut’s exterior. He grinned at his brother… a slow almost eager grin, as if that dormant immaturity was rising to the surface. He may just pelt a Priestess if she decidedly burst through the door.
“Loa….Ra’rhuk!!” She cried out from her being startled in zandali. She was trying to get to the door in haste only the light within the room had dimmed. She tripped over her foot rest and caught her balance in mid step, trying to get her bearings what felt like an eternity to get to the entrance while she heard snow pelting onto her windows. Her patience was out the door by now. She snagged her hooded cloak to place around her, stepped her way out of the door into the cold and before she uttered one word.
~ I don’t have a clue what has gotten into yuh—-~ Zor’din took his eyes off Ra’rhuk only to look at the entrance way of the hut seeing the Priestess barrel out of there on a mission. ~ Aim for her feet or this is going to get much worse! ~ Zor’din warned his brother. The spirit waved his almost invisible arms trying to warn the priestess.
~ Wait! He’s— ~ With all the warding that protected the female Zor’din wasn’t certain if she could see him, or hear him at all. But the warning came too late!
She grabbed one of her necklaces. Holding to it as she moved her hand in a sweep motion, a spell was cast directly at Ra’rhuk. A harmless one but a spell that would cause a knock back to hopefully have Ra’rhuk fall on his ass on the snow. “That’s for scaring me not once but twice! And leaving to care to who you brought in with hardly any explanation!” She yelled in zandali sounding quite miffed.
Zor’din began to cackle his corporeal ass off as Ra’rhuk was instantly dazed and toppled over on his plated rear end by a ball of light to the face. The snow ball flew straight up in the air and as if in slow motion fell from the sky only to collide upon Ra’rhuk’s head. Served him right! Ra’rhuk knew better, and he had been acting dumbass since he had arrived. Zor’din was glad the target hadn’t been him! Zor’din was laughing it up, thoroughly enjoying this moment, because Shayna accomplished something he had wanted to do all day knock his brother to his senses.
Ra’rhuk was recovering from the hit that had him on the ground, most suddenly. It hardly registered that he had been hit by his own snow ball, the light had been too intense. He held out one hand as if to keep her back as he was rubbing to his temple with index finger and thumb, trying to clear his vision. He did not care for spell flingers, especially those that could leave him disorientated. His level of irritation was on the rise, so he remained motionless until it had passed. He was not harmed it was just the matter of his progression being hindered by Shayna’s action towards him. It had been uncalled for in his mind to step it up to that level as he was merely attempting to get her outside to speak with her…. Perhaps, the snow ball was slightly uncalled for as well, yet his intention was not one of maliciousness in nature only.. maybe slightly malicious… but he hadn’t deserved that approach by her in his mind.
She went right back into the hut to fetch her wicker basket before she would hear Ra’rhuk out. It wouldn’t take her long as she shortly returned with the wicker basket in both of her hands. A frown upon her features as she was approaching, she was irritable due to her fatigue and not that it’s not known that she has a fiery side to her from time to time. She would hand him the wicker basket, pretty much making sure he grabbed it.
“ Shayna… I - “ Ra’rhuk’s hand was still outstretched as if to keep her away from him, or he just had forgotten to lower it, when he received a basket of clothing. His digits curled slowly around the outer edging of the object. His hand at his temple lowered, his glowing eyes inspecting to what had been placed for him to take before slowly rising upward to meet her own.
“Now…before I freeze out here. You’re going to hang these on my clothes line…while I go get something warmer to put on to be out here. Or are you going to come in? ” She crossed her arms mostly to pull her cloak closer to her body as the temperature late in the hours was not exactly welcoming to be standing in. She had her cloak that provided her warmth but she needed more then just her cloak.
“ I will hang your clothes on the line… Although, I believe it defeats the purpose, they will only freeze unless you make a fire to dry them by the heat. “  He advised.
“I am aware of this..” She breathed out with a light shake to her breath from her shivering. “I have a fire pit already there I can get a fire started once I return..” Living out in Zul’Drak, hanging clothes to dry always required a fire to be near by so her clothing didn’t freeze up so much.
He slowly rose and moved to the clothes line. “ I will wait for you to return. “ He noted with a dip of his head as he proceeded to do the task set before him. Shayna would depart to head back in to dress in warmer attires. He was hanging the clothes along the line while his brother continued to yammer onward in consistency.
~ What is it that you are so afraid of in that hut, that - I - wind up the lesser of the two evils to keep company with? ~  Zor’din asked as his brother was doing woman’s work that was so beneath his station in life. The irony did not escape him, and it greatly entertained him as Ra’rhuk was clothes pinning like an expert, and seemed to know his way around a hamper.
Ra’rhuk was ignoring Zor’din for the time being as Shayna had in short returned. She returned with a thicker fur coat as well as clothing beneath that would keep her warm against the cold.
“Ahh…much better..” She spoke in a lighter tone.
Her mood was much more improved while she made her way towards him, the snow crunching under each step. As soon as Zor’din gave a sign that he wasn’t going to keep silent Ra’rhuk rose a single digit in warning. It was a stern enough warning that Zor’din was aware if he did not take his leave there would be grave consequences.
~ Excuse me, priestess… I must exit stage right, for the time being.~ He bowed in theatrics, before he did his mysterious disappearing act, with a poof of wavering air.
She picked up the sound of Zor’din’s voice, she thought she heard laughing but she was so irritated in the moment that she wasn’t sure if it was just the sound of the wind. Feeling much more calm now that she can withstand against the cold, she looked to the direction to get a glimpse of the spirit bowing and soon out of her sights.
“Zor’din..is that–..” She paused in her words, of course it was him. Though last time she knew that the spirit was hanging around Raji’din from time to time. The only reason she knew is due to talks she had with San’gee and him.
“Never mind…” She would call to him later if it was needed. Her attention soon was upon Ra’rhuk, looking him over and realizing he was staring at her. “Ra’rhuk?” She grabbed her hood to pull it back, her golden blonde hair spilling from the depth of her hood to drape at her shoulders.
Ra’rhuk continued to hold the empty basket as he looked to Shayna. He did as he always had done when looking towards any individual, studying and appraising the minuscule changes in demeanor. He was making a mental note to compliment, or disregard any adjustments in physical appearance what he would either deem necessary, or otherwise to mention. Ra’rhuk as always as if nothing happened a few moments ago, went forward with what was in the forefront of his mind to address. He did not hold the living’s emotional reactions against them, as it was to be expected, and he most likely deserved it even if he could not understand why.
“ I require… your guidance… “ He had began with allowing that to settle before he would continue. She gave a nod of her head and remained silent to hear him out.
“ I am not as I was when we last spoke… I’ve been granted a blessing one in which, I struggle with as it has given me vision of realization and revelation, beyond what I have known for… “ Ra’rhuk’s brow creased a moment it was apparent he was having difficulties with something. He abruptly walked up to her stone porch, after setting the laundry basket down he stood there silently for a long moment before walking back towards Shayna. He looked like a usher as he placed his hand to his chest and then slowly with palm facing upward directed her to sit on the stone steps, or where he thought she would feel most comfortable. “ If you would rather sit, you may. “  He indicated so he could regain his thoughts processes. He simply would stand before her regardless.
Shayna was watching him as he began to speak, once he placed the empty basket down and noticed his hand motion toward the stone steps of her porch. Moving toward him her expression held wonder and thought to what Ra’rhuk wanted to speak on, she soon settled to sit on the stone steps. Pulling her coat closer to herself to maintain her warmth. “I’m listening..”
“ These sights and sounds are not of the world I know as it is… it is of what was. They are vivid, flashes of color, and… emotion. It is as if fragmented memories are rising, yet these are not just memories, they are sensations. What follows these uprisings my only way to describe them is… pain. It’s as if what rises within conflicts with my purpose in existence of what was then, and what is now inside of me. A weakness is etched into my foundations, unraveling everything that has held me sound up until this point. I implore to try to understand… This weakness cannot be, it conflicts with the very nature of what I am here before you, the more I try to abolish what wavers, the stronger I am in it’s grasp.“ He brought his fist to his chest once in a quiet knock to the plated armor. He took off his gloves setting them aside on the stone slab of the entrance. He moved a measured step to close in the distance between them, abruptly he knelt as if a ranking chief or king had entered. Ra’rhuk took one of Shayna’s hands in both of his with his head bowed and lowered, glowing gaze to the ground as if in utmost regard and respect. He allowed a still unmoving silence to settle in deeply around them, as if that too spoke the volumes of what he was attempting to say.
“ These years I have kept your company, I have done so as I am doing now… placing unfair, and unjust burdens on your shoulders to carry. These things I am incapable of doing, incapable to face…. alone. I thought by removing myself it would lessen the burden, but it seems to etch it’s way into my very being, my thoughts, the only sound upon the wind. “ He slowly lifted his eyes to trace her facial features, to gauge her understanding, to see if she could see what he was desperately searching to convey. His reaching attempt at an apology, and all the depths that he was struggling with. He used his unbroken tusk to point in the direction within the hut. “ What, who, I placed in there is a portion, a symbol of what I cannot regain. I cannot know the suffering she has gone through, I cannot feel it as my own. I cannot look at that burden, and undo what has been wrought out in all these years. I cannot correct it, or change the course of what will happen. I can be the hand in which these things are met with, yet I am not prepared to come to terms with the outcome.  “
After a moment of staring at the door he looked back to Shayna. He released her hand slowly, reaching out he touched to one of her braids. He lowered his hand and head once more. “ I am weakened by what I cannot have… I will see you all that I have held close to me as in as much fondness I carry, as I see her now. Much of what could have been, has fallen brittle like the leaves caught in winter’s breath, but a whisper of what was vibrant in the summer. That opportunity, and promise fulfilled is distant from me, detached because I cannot be apart of it no matter how I long it to be otherwise. I’m helpless to prevent and protect from what is to come, I cannot stop time’s hand… I cannot… endure… the… pain.. of that… alone. Please… help me. “ He growled with a strangling sound deep in his throat that rolled in a straining echo, not one of anger, but one of pain, as his head lowered hanging low on his neck as if in defeat.
She listened to him while he spoke and knelt before her, with her hands held and felt the cold of his hands in her grasp. Her warm hands gripping to his in return, her thumbs rubbing the sides of his hands as to provide what comfort she can give him. Her expression held concern as well as care as she stared to his glowing lich fire gaze. She awaited until he said all that was needed to be spoken. Hearing the strangling growl sound after he pleaded for her help. Her hands lifted up to place both hands to his cheeks to hold, thumbs once more moving the caress the sides of his face. Noticing the pain in his features, she wasn’t sure to use any of her shadow magic to ease it but she did seek to sooth by comfort of touch.
“Shhhhhh…….Ra’rhuk it’s alright. I am not mad at you, nor do I take this as a burden. No matter how late in the hour, I am here for those in need. Of course I will help you..” She gently spoke as she guided to lift his head to look to her, noticing he was doing his best to apologies but this seemed more deep then just an apology. Now that she got a closer look at him to take notice he also was covered in blood at his armor. Blood never really bothered her, being a healer she has had her fair share of all sorts of gore from wounds, sicknesses and broken bones.
“I will do all that I can to help…..You do not need to face this alone. You have endured difficulties before…” Such as the time he was put in jail for false accusation, that was quite the task to get him out of there. But there was no way she, nor the others were going to leave him held in that prison. Ra’rhuk had recovered as he remained in her hut for the time he needed to regain himself.
How he desired to feel the true warmth of her hands that freely offered a solace to what was turbulent within. He wished  that it held the power to ebb back the pain that worried on his turmoil like a dog with a bone, gnawing away within. His eyes slowly closed, as her gentle touch of thumbs had rose to offer that simple comfort upon his pallid cheeks. His thoughts on things of fragility and nothing of strength in that silence she had ushered in with her soothing voice. His thoughts if he could hold onto that sound, that rhythm of her voice and the tone that held the power of the calm, as her flesh did not, he could silence all that was jaggedly sawing at that newly risen agony. He listened as she spoke of not facing an obstacle alone, as he was slowly regaining his composure to look at her again. She was correct that he had faced similar tests of his endurance and fortitude before. He had not done it alone, there had been his allies, and she was included on that long list of those that had aided him.
“And you have helped me on many occasions in return. I’m not about to deny you the aid that you seek. It’s what friends do..” She smiled softly toward him before her expression returned to concern.
“ It has always been my pleasure to aid you… I - ” He slowly adjusted his stance as she spoke of being as what friends do as if some small realization had crept into his knowledge. His ears lowered upon that single word of friend, only to rise up to a passive height while he mirrored her smile in a reflection. Before his smile had fell completely placid  there was a brief moment where the expression held her own concern.
“From what you have told me, have you tried to…accept these changes going on with you? To allow these changes to take it’s place, to adjust to it, to learn so what may feel as pain. Will result to relief? I do have questions as well as to let you know of Sandria’s condition? But before I get to that I rather be sure you are alright first.” Her eyes never leaving his as she spoke her words, trying to comfort by touch with her hands remaining to hold his face for as long as he welcomed it.
She knew him well enough to know these indications of a carefully drawn up mask, he was hiding something. His expression now held that mild detached curiosity that he typically had in company to display an interest kept upon the conversation at hand, although thinking about something else entirely. “ I have… attempted to.. yes.  At times, to make it known… it can be worse then any suffering imaginable to not have my true intentions seen. ” He held a quietness about the nature of his voice.
He did not remove her hands from his face as long as she was willing to have them remain where they rested, he allowed her and himself that small intimate luxury. His gaze continued to search her facial features as she spoke in question of Sandria’s condition for a long time, before they shifted to the side looking to where the female Sandria was resting.  “ I am as well as it is to be expected. ” He spoke in reply to ease her mind in return.
“ You may ask your questions about Sandria’s condition. I will answer on all that I know, freely. ” He continued to stare in that direction of her hut before looking back to Shayna with a slight attempt at a smile.
“Now your sounding like your Uncle..” She lightly joked with a small smile as she has heard that line so many times from Raji’din. Knowing full well, an answer like that is most likely a cover up. She had been watching his expressions, how he closed his eyes. How he reacted and trying to figure out what more that may be going on with him. As if she can gain the answers by watching his gaze, his movements, how he spoke and how he displayed his expressions.
“Is there anything I can get you?” She asked. Knowing that if he did need anything, she most likely could provide it. Given the blood she figured he had sated his hunger but she rather ask then not at all.
“ No… I am where I wish to be. ” His voice rolled in a quiet echo onward until there was a quiet between them once more.
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