xenon25 · 1 year
Kako pčelica ide
sa cvijeta na cvijet,
tako ti obilaziš
svaku ćeliju mozga mog,
ni ne slutiš da donosiš zarazu,
i da ću možda petke zamijeniti za srijede,
a hod za let,
pa počnem opraštati što stalno kasniš,
kao da me budiš iz sna dubokog,
i kao da me svako odsustvo tvoje vodi u krizu.
A veće bolesti od ljubavi, dragi moj, nema.
To je otrov za sve koji su je već probali,
hronična bolest,
okidač paničnih napada,
razlog da sve pođe bestraga,
razlog da ti razlog ne treba.
A ti, dječače u koži 24-godišnjaka,
koji će i za 24 godinе
moći da se uvuče pod istu tu kožu,
ti, sa proporcijama boljim od
Vitruvijevog čovjeka,
ne znaš da u meni još ima antitijela
za tu bolest koju prenosiš,
ali se ti probijaš kao da si već bio tu,
kao da sam tvoja već bila
i kao da ću tek biti.
Napisala: Endžsn
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Španjolsko ministarstvo tvrdi da sumnjivi pacijent ipak nema marburšku bolest
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  Muškarac u Španjolskoj za kojeg se sumnjalo da ima smrtonosnu marburšku bolest negativan je na testiranju u subotu i nema virus, priopćilo je ministarstvo zdravstva     Zdravstvene vlasti u Valenciji ranije su priopćile da su otkrile prvi sumnjivi slučaj smrtonosne zarazne bolesti u zemlji zbog koje je u karanteni više od 200 ljudi u Ekvatorijalnoj Gvineji. Pacijent će se, za svaki slučaj, ponovno testirati sljedećih tjedana, rekli su dužnosnici. Tridesetčetverogodišnjak, koji je nedavno bio u Ekvatorijalnoj Gvineji, bio je prebačen iz privatne bolnice u jedinicu za izolaciju u bolnici La Fe u Valenciji za vrijeme testiranja na virus, objavile su regionalne zdravstvene vlasti. Tri zdravstvena djelatnika koja su liječila muškarca izolirana su kao mjera predostrožnosti. Marburški virus može imati stopu smrtnosti do 88 posto, prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji (WHO). Ne postoje cjepiva ili antivirusni tretmani odobreni za njegovo liječenje. Ekvatorijalna Gvineja stavila je 13. veljače u karantenu više od 200 ljudi i ograničila kretanje u pokrajini Kie-Ntem, gdje je prvi put otkrivena ta hemoragijska groznica. Mala srednjoafrička država do sada je prijavila devet smrtnih slučajeva, kao i 16 sumnjivih slučajeva bolesti, sa simptomima uključujući groznicu, umor, povraćanje s krvlju i proljev, prema WHO-u. WHO je rekao da pojačava epidemiološki nadzor u Ekvatorijalnoj Gvineji. Kamerunske vlasti otkrile su dva sumnjiva slučaja marburške bolesti 13. veljače u Olamzeu, općini na granici s Ekvatorijalnom Gvinejom, objavila je dan služba javnog zdravstva u toj regiji. Kamerun je ograničio kretanje duž granice kako bi izbjegao zarazu. Tportal.hr Read the full article
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cgvijesti · 1 year
Kako ostati zdrav kad su svi oko vas prehlađeni?
Kako ostati zdrav kad su svi oko vas prehlađeni?
Teško je izbeći zarazu kad su članovi vaše porodice i ljudi s kojima dijelite životni prostor bolesni. Nevažno je radi li se o vašoj djeci, cimerima ili partnerima. Ako su pokupili sezonsku prehladu, lako je moguće da ćete se zaraziti i vi. “Ako je jedan član vaše porodice bolestan, drugi članovi će se vjerovatno zaraziti zbog blizine bolesnog člana”, objašnjava pedijatar Ejla Bojes. Ako se…
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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BROJ UGINULE STOKE SVE VEĆI U Lonjskom polju širi bedrenica; četiri osobe zaražene!!! Zbog sumnje na zarazu bedrenicom ( bedrenica ili antraks (crni prišt), zarazna bolest životinja i ljudi (zoonoza) koju uzrokuje Bacillus anthracis, obolijevaju najčešće ovce, koze, goveda, konji, bivoli i divlji preživači, rjeđe svinje, psi i mačke, a ptice još rjeđe) , u Sisku HR opštoj bolnicu od petka se javilo se još troje pacijenata čime se broj osoba pod sumnjom na zarazu popeo na četiri. Svi pacijenti bili su u kontaktu sa zaraženim životinjama, i svi su razvili simptome lakšeg, kožnog oblika zaraze. Na prostoru Parka prirode Lonjsko polje raste i broj uginule stoke. Prema neslužbenim informacijama od početka jula uginulo je 107 grla goveda, javlja HRT. "Zavod za javno zdravstvo je uzeo uzorke kod oboljelog pacijenta, danas uzima kod još ova tri pacijenta. Od jutros imamo potvrdu antraksa kod jedne krave. To je potvrda analize koju je odradio Hrvatski veterinarski institut. Možemo kazati da je slučaj pod potpunom kontrolom, mjesta panici nema. Ministarstvo poljoprivrede poduzet će sve potrebne radnje vezane za promet stoke i životinjskih proizvoda", rekao je Inoslav Brkić, direktor Zavoda za javno zdravstvo Sisačko-moslavačke županije. Ministarstvo poljoprivrede je dana 13. jula 2022. godine zaprimilo obavijest o uginuću goveda na području Parka prirode “Lonjsko Polje”. Oglasili su se i iz Ministarstva poljoprivrede iz kojeg su izvijestili da je provedeno uzorkovanje uginulog goveda u svrhu isključivanje bedrenice, a laboratorijskim pretraživanjem je 15. jula 2022. godine utvrđen negativan rezultat. Ipak, kako navode dalje, naknadno je ipak potvrđeno da je riječ o bedenici (anktraksu). "Prema informaciji zaprimljenoj 14. jula 2022. godine od strane veterinarske inspekcije, s obzirom da je na području Parka prirode 'Lonjsko Polje' pašnjaka Osekovo uginuo veći broj životinja te da je uginućima prethodila i pojava neuroloških kliničkih znakova, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede odredilo je i alalizu lešina dvije uginule životinje te od istih uzimanje uzorka za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku u svrhu isključivanja bedrenice i uzimanje uzoraka mozga u svrhu isključivanja bjesnoće i goveđe spongiformne encefalopatije. Lešine uginulih životinja i laboratorijsku analizu uzoraka od uginulih životinja proveo je Hrvatski veterinarski institut u Zagrebu. Dana 16. jula 2022. godine Ministarstvo poljoprivrede zaprimilo je od Hrvatskog veterinarskog instituta rezultate nalaza kao i rezultate provedenih laboratorijskih pretraga kojima je potvrđena bolest bedrenica (antraks)".
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balkanin · 2 years
Potvrđen prvi slučaj majmunskih boginja u BiH
Potvrđen prvi slučaj majmunskih boginja u BiH
Pacijent koji se javio u Klinički centar Univerziteta u Sarajevu sa sumnjom na zarazu majmunskim boginjama, pozitivan je, potvrđeno je medijima nakon završenih ispitivanja. To je ujedno prvi potvrđeni slučaj majmunskih boginja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Informaciju da se radi o pacijentu kod kojeg je potvrđeno da su u pitanju majmunske boginje, Faktoru je potvrdila Sebija Izetbegović, generalna…
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s-kinnaly · 3 years
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Happy very Belated Birthday to @ridersoftheapocalypse ! Office AU with Covarog, Zarazu and other new characters.
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vigoburrito · 3 years
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Commissions for @ridersoftheapocalypse! Bonegrinder and Leere for @mrneighbourlove and Covarog and Zarazu for @s-kinnaly!!
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mrneighbourlove · 3 years
OC-Tober: Day 3. Friends/Best Friend
Klinge, for most of his existence, was never the type to hold onto friends. Growing up as Mablung, when all your friends are killed in the waves of cruel fate, and you outlive most people as an undead anyways, you aren’t liable to make friends.  Klinge often found that the closest to friendships he could make at the time were comrades in arms and those that served directly under his command. After Ganondorf and Zelda’s union, he found that he couldn’t even tolerate Hylians. When the War of Fire against the Kikai Empire broke out, Klinge came to have respect for the Hylians he fought side by side with. Most importantly, Zelda. It was through fighting along side her in the thick of battle that he was able to close the door on his burning hatred for the Queen. However, these relationships didn’t have the level of openness and vulnerability that one would expect from friendships. That was until Klinge met Zarazu. This was the first person to not only not put up with his cruel exterior, but see that there was a man that was hurting deep inside all of that hate. A man that needed a hand to pick him back up. After a bloody duel that nearly left them both killed and Klinge needing a new arm, the two quickly became close friends. Klinge was able to open up to Zarazu about his past and grievances that he couldn’t with anyone else. It was this friendship that would open him to be more understanding with others around him and take interests in their lives. 
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Art by @dreadlock-detective. Zarazu by @ridersoftheapocalypse​​
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kokosyl · 3 years
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Es la hija de en medio del líder del southern tribe, una tribu ubicada en la zona más helada que se pueda haber.
los de la tribu son reconocidos por tener la piel de tonos azulados, agua(verdosos aveces), o blaca(literalmente blanca), y algunos pueden ser parte animal(solo animales que pertenezcan a temperaturas muy frías)
Su personalidad es extraña, le gusta poner a prueba el temperamento de los demás y ver si explotan o no, detesta la gente hipócrita, y suele ser muy desconfiada de todos los que no sean de su tribu, adora aventurarse al peligro usualmente saliendo ilesa quien sabe como, cara estoica 24/7, analítica aunque aveces dejándose llevar por sus emociones
Muy pocas veces pierde el control de su temperamento pero cuando lo hace...da miedo, no es agresiva físicamente, es más bien con sus palabras puede herir los sentimientos de quien sea si se rompe en ira, sin querer dice cosas que no siente o piensa
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the-soupiest-artist · 4 years
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Today is SOH story boarding day! YAAAAY! So her are the warmup sketches I did to get myself ready!!
Feat @s-kinnaly and @ridersoftheapocalypse Zarazu and Covarog
And of course we have Learen and Elia from Song of the Healers!
(Oh yeah...and Mara, I just wanted an exuse to try out some magic doodles lmao)
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iamtrishski · 5 years
What Dreams May Come
This story is a one-shot fic that centers around my take on Prince Sigegar's first impression of Kanisa during the events of the Glacier's Forge arc by @ridersoftheapocalypse.
This is my FIRST-EVER attempt at writing any kind of fanfic, so I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: some of the events in this fic, including the explicit sexy times, are based on artwork by @s-kinnaly.
Characters in the story are the creation of the brilliant minds of @ridersoftheapocalypse, @mrneighbourlove, and @s-kinnaly.
Ever since Sigegar laid eyes on Kanisa, the eldest son of Uskar’s High King Torbjorn and his queen, Brigritta, could not stop thinking of her. From the very first time she had set foot in the Grand Hall, time seemed to stop all surrounding motion as he gazed at the lovely sight walking past the throng of guests before stopping to greet the High King and Queen.
As he witnessed their exchange of greetings, Sigegar could not help being captivated by the Hyrule princess’s beauty as she introduced her brother and sister-in-law to his parents.
When she spoke, her smile shone radiantly with every word her lips formed and though he couldn’t hear her speak, he imagined her voice to be sweet and gentle.
Kanisa was absolutely gorgeous. The mauve-colored dress she was wearing was plain but accentuated her supple figure perfectly, kissing the curves of her body and boasting a neckline low enough to reveal the swell of her breasts. Her long and wavy red hair looked soft enough to run his fingers through, and the way her hips swayed with every movement made him weak in the knees.
Kanisa stood at six-foot-five and was taller than most Direnor females by Uskarian standards. She's perfect, Sigegar’s mind whispered to him. The females he had dated were nothing compared to the Hyrule princess, whose red hair and skin color stood out amongst the sea of dark hair and pale blue skin.
Although Kanisa’s skin was a dark olive-brown – a stark contrast to his own – Sigegar still found her breathtaking, especially as her golden eyes marvelled at the beauty of the Grand Hall.
His train of thought, however, was interrupted for a brief second the moment Vidar walked in, arms crossed and looking upset as he moved to stand beside Kanisa.
While Kanisa looked cheerful, Vidar had a rather distant aire about him, a frown plastered on his normally-neutral face. He wondered what had caused the Hersir to display such a pitiful expression. Then again, he didn’t care why. He wasn’t particularly fond of Vidar, considering him inferior and perhaps even weak because he was not of royal blood.
“There you are,” Ragnvald mused to himself as he strode toward his elder brother.
Sigegar appeared to be deep in thought. He had not heard his brother approach but was startled as soon as Ragnvald slapped his shoulder.
“Hey, what was that for?” Sigegar asked, rubbing the area his younger brother had touched then turning to see him smiling.
“Nothing, really. I happened to spot you from across the Hall looking all googly-eyed as soon as Princess Kanisa entered the room."
"I do not make 'googly-eyes'," Sigegar retorted.
"Says you," Ragnvald chortled with a wink.
Sigegar rolled his eyes and snorted, his gaze wandering back to the red-headed beauty.
Ragnvald paused before continuing. "You are aware that she’s married, right?”
“Obviously, if that ring on her finger means anything. But that doesn’t mean I can’t look," Sigegar snapped in defense as he crossed his arms in annoyance and observed Kanisa introducing her brother and his wife to Bjarke, Jarl Brynjolf, and Angorn.
The second-born son of the High King and Queen only laughed at his brother’s response. “Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Ragnvald jested as he put his arm around his brother’s shoulders.
Sigegar glared at his brother. Ragnvald, still smiling, raised both hands in defeat as he chuckled. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. But don’t stare for too long. You know how aggressive animals can get when it comes to protecting their mates.”
Sigegar shrugged his shoulders knowing very well what his brother meant.
"Who said she needed any protecting? I'm not doing her any harm by just looking."
And dreaming, his mind added.
As the evening progressed, Sigegar grew bored from just watching Kanisa. However, fortune smiled upon him as she excused herself to get a drink at the bar. He took it upon himself to converse with her and made a bee line to where she was with Ragnvald right behind him.
As soon as Vidar caught sight of Sigegar walking toward his wife, he bristled in anger. Vidar was not fond of Sigegar either, recalling the time Angorn nearly drowned because Sigegar made no motion to save him.
Ragnvald, keen on emotion, sensed Vidar's rage as his brother attempted to speak to Kanisa. She turned her head in time to see the rather tall Direnor greet her.
"Hello, Princess Kanisa. It's been a while. How have you been?"
Before she could respond, Sigegar took her hand and kissed it. "It's a pleasure.. to meet you," he purred as he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles before releasing her hand.
With a blush on her cheeks, Kanisa bowed to the two princes. "It's good to meet you as well, Sigegar. Yes, it has been a while, Ragnvald. Kerugan keeps me busy. Being the mother of a fussy infant can be demanding, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
A smile formed across Kanisa's face as she thought of her baby boy, who was currently at home in the care of Vidar's parents.
Noticing the kiss that Sigegar placed on his sister's hand, Covarog whispered something to his wife then walked over to join the trio.
A loud "ahem" snapped her out of her reverie as she turned to see Covarog standing next to her with one eyebrow raised.
"Oh! Forgive me. This is my elder brother, Covarog, King of Hyrule."
Covarog bowed then eyed both men up and down and expected them to cower, but the three of them were all practically the same height, save for Sigegar, who was three inches shorter.
King or not, Sigegar was the least bit intimidated by the Gerudo male standing in front of him.
Ragnvald extended his hand, and Covarog did the same, as both men exchanged pleasantries. Not wanting to appear rude, Sigegar took Covarog's hand and gripped it in a firm handshake.
Once he felt that neither man was a threat to his sister, Covarog walked back to Zarazu and resumed his mingling.
Kanisa breathed a sigh of relief after her brother left.
"My brother is very protective of me," she apologized as she looked at the brothers. "Moreso now that I no longer live in Hyrule."
"But you have your husband to protect you and your son," Ragnvald stated matter-of-factly.
Kanisa gave him a weak smile. "I suppose you are correct." Uncertainty filled her mind as she reflected on the argument she and Vidar had earlier that day.
Kanisa paused briefly before uttering another apology. "I'm sorry, but I have to get going. Kerugan has difficulty falling asleep when I'm not there."
With that, she bowed and bid the two brothers farewell.
As Sigegar watched her retreating form, he felt a twinge of disappointment.
As the night ended, Sigegar walked back to his home. Opening the door, he took off his furs and set them on an ottoman under the living room window. He took off his boots next, placed them by the foot of the stairs, and proceeded to walk up to his room. Once he entered, he divested himself of his clothes and stared at his reflection in the mirror, marveling at the various battle scars that adorned his arms and chest. With a smirk, he turned and strode toward his bed not bothering to put on any undergarments.
As he lay himself down, Sigegar couldn't help but reflect on the night's events, which he spent mostly watching Kanisa from afar. He recalled Ragnvald mentioning Vidar's name, followed by the slight uncertainty in her response. Then he remembered the expression on Vidar's face as he entered the Grand Hall and stood next to Kanisa.
"You are aware that she's married, right?"
His conscience reprimanded him, echoing the words his brother asked earlier.
He shot back.
"But that doesn't mean I can't look."
Satisfied with his mental response, Sigegar drifted off to sleep. Moments later, the prince tossed and turned, his head moving from side to side.
Though he did not wake, it appeared as if he was dreaming. Beads of sweat began forming on his forehead as the prince's body responded unconsciously to the events in the dream.
Kanisa was naked, a fur blanket obscuring her partially-covered bottom half but revealing her round and pert breasts. They were the perfect size, pliant yet large enough to fit in his hands. Her nipples and areolas were a bit darker than the rest of her skin but were just as enticing.
Standing in front of her, Sigegar made motion to remove his clothing slowly. As he worked on pulling his top off, Kanisa was mesmerized at the sight of his abdominal muscles contracting with every move of his body.
Following the bottom of his shirt, her glance moved up to his pecs, which flexed as his arms removed the last vestiges of his top.
Her cheeks reddened just like they did when she accidentally happened upon her eldest brother in the bath. Fortunately for him, she could only see his top half.
Noticing her flushed cheeks, Sigegar did the same with his trousers. Kanisa stared at him while he tantalizingly unbuttoned them, her eyes following the happy trail leading toward his nether region.
Once his trousers slid down his muscular legs, her eyes went wide, revelling at the sight of his now-hardened manhood.
Sigegar stepped out of his trousers and made his way to Kanisa, grabbing her face tenderly as he gave her lips a heated kiss.
The fur blanket dropped to the floor as they kissed each other with wanton desire, tongues dueling for dominance.
Amidst their steamy liplock, Kanisa grasped his hardened member and began to stroke it.
"Aaahh.. hmmm," Sigegar moaned in his sleep.
"Nngh.. Kanisa," he sighed.
Licking his lips, Sigegar thrashed his head to one side as the dream continued.
Feeling the heat course through his veins, Sigegar kissed Kanisa with more ferver, lifting her and carrying her bridal-style to his bed.
As he gently laid her on the bed, Sigegar began kissing her neck and making his way down her body while his hands fondled her breasts and teased the nipples into hardened peaks. He kissed the valley of her breasts before licking the nipple of one with the tip of his tongue then suckling it. Turning his attention to the other breast, he repeated the same action.
Kanisa moaned as he rained butterfly kisses down her taut body until he reached her womanhood, spreading her legs wide for what was about to happen.
Kneeling between her thighs, Sigegar wasted no time and laved her clit until he felt her legs shake. Using the tip of his tongue once more, he teased her swollen nub by drawing circles around it, repeating the motion several times until her hips began to buck.
With one last lick, Sigegar darted his tongue into her womanhood and wiggled it. When his tongue wasn't inside her, he kept the momentum going by alternating between sucking and licking her clit, feeling his bearded chin drenched in her juices with each strafe of his tongue. He then inserted his middle and ring fingers and crooked them both upward, applying pressure to her G-spot as he moved his hand in and out with a quick and steady motion.
Kanisa moaned loudly, her mouth forming an 'O' as she palmed and squeezed her breasts.
Hearing her moans made Sigegar hard with lust. He stopped what he was doing for a quick moment, stood up, and exchanged places with Kanisa. As he lay on the bed, he motioned for them to assume a sixty-nine position.
Grasping her ass cheeks, he resumed licking her pussy while teasing and sucking her clit. Catching on quickly, Kanisa grabbed his shaft and began to stroke it. Once she put her mouth on his tip and started sucking, Sigegar hissed and inhaled sharply. He tried to continue his ministrations, but her talented mouth assaulted his member sinfully, licking up and down the shaft with the flat of her tongue before laving the sensitive ridges of the engorged mushroom-shaped head.
Kanisa was so focused on what she was doing that Sigegar almost forgot to breathe, grabbing the sheets with his hands and bunching them in his fists. With his heart pounding, he squeezed his eyes shut and cursed under his breath, feeling like he was about to explode.
Before he could do so, he moved out from under Kanisa quickly and knelt behind her. Using one hand, he guided his still-hardened member to her glory hole and rammed himself into her sopping wet entrance. She was very tight and felt amazing as her vaginal walls contracted with every hard thrust.
Sigegar could feel and hear his heavy sac slapping against her womanhood as he concentrated on bringing them both pleasure.
Turning Kanisa on her back, Sigegar re-entered her delicious pussy and continued to thrust into her. As he did, he stared down at the woman currently in the throes of pleasure, her hair fanned around her flushed face.
"Aaah.. ohhh.. hmmm," Kanisa moaned as she raised her hips to meet his thrusts. Grasping her hips tightly, Sigegar pounded into her pussy, slamming into her heavenly sheath repeatedly with brute force.
"Aaahh.." Sigegar groaned. Still asleep, his mind continued to fan his lust with images of Kanisa writhing beneath him.
Gods, she was so damn beautiful.
He was so close to cumming that he sped up his movements until his hips jerked. With one last look at her and a final thrust, he let out a long and loud groan..
Panting heavily, Sigegar snapped open his eyes. He looked around the empty room to find no trace of Kanisa. Frustrated, he rubbed his face with both hands and realized it was all a dream. However, a rather large problem made itself known as it protested against the confines of the fur blanket. Looking down, Sigegar let out a heavy sigh.
"Great, now I have to take care of this," he muttered under his breath.
Sliding the blanket down, he exposed his manhood and ran his hand over his balls then moved his fingers upward to feel the veins covering his shaft.
Once he reached the swollen head, his finger rubbed over the slit, feeling a bead of slippery liquid escape. He closed his eyes then grasped his shaft and started jerking himself slowly.
As images of Kanisa flooded his mind once more, he sped up his movements and concentrated on her face, her eyes boring into his in a lustful daze.
Sigegar began panting as he envisioned himself kissing the nape of her neck, one hand fondling a breast and the other in between her legs. He imagined her moaning relentlessly as she moved her arm backward to grab at his hair.
He could feel the impending explosion as his toes tingled, working its way upward to the base of his spine.
As it neared, Sigegar furiously pumped his manhood, seeking release. The moment he felt it, he heaved his chest upward as warm, white ejaculate sprayed all over his abdomen.
"Nnnghh.. aaarghh!" Sigegar almost yelled. Slowing down his pumps, two more spurts of ejaculate landed on his chest.
Panting very heavily, heart stammering in his chest, Sigegar was drained. He could barely move a muscle, let alone lift a finger.
Looking up at the ceiling, he whispered, "Shit.." into the night air.
He summoned whatever energy he had left to grab a towel and wipe himself clean before falling into a restful slumber.
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propalitet · 4 years
Nadam se da ste svi dobro, jer sutra kad se otvore škole smo svi opet u kurcu :)
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zoranphoto · 2 years
Preboljeli ste covid, usto ste i cijepljeni? Evo što možete očekivati ako se ponovno zarazite
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Velik broj ljudi jedanput je već prebolio covid, neki čak i dvaput, no postavlja se pitanje što će se dogoditi ako se ponovno inficiramo koronavirusom. Hoće li tzv. stanični imunitet ublažiti simptome prilikom reinfekcije ili postoji mogućnost da ćemo imati još teže simptome?     Kako će proći reinfekcija, ovisi o više čimbenika. Stručnjaci kažu da je ključno to koliko je vremena prošlo otkako ste zadnji put oboljeli od covida, koliki je rizik od obolijevanja od teških bolesti i koliko je vremena prošlo od zadnjeg cijepljenja, odnosno jeste li se uopće cijepili. 'Reinfekcijom je moguć svaki scenarij. U većini slučajeva to su blaži simptomi, ali nema garancije', rekao je dr. Gabe Kelen sa Sveučilišta John Hopkins, piše CNBC. Ako ste preboljeli covid, razvit ćete antitijela koja vas čuvaju od nove infekcije. Neće sva antitijela uspjeti spriječiti novu zarazu, ali mogu ublažiti simptome. Na sličan način pomaže i redovito cijepljenje. Dakle ni jedno ni drugo vam ne garantira da se nećete ponovno zaraziti, niti vam može jamčiti blage simptome ako se razbolite. Niti jedno cjepivo, kao ni prirodni imunitet, nije 100 posto učinkovito, a svi ovi boosteri imuniteta traju tri do četiri mjeseca prije nego što optimalna zaštita počne jenjavati. Drugim riječima, ako je prošlo već neko vrijeme otkako ste se zadnji put cijepili ili preboljeli covid, vaš imunološki obrambeni sustav možda neće moći odgovoriti na novu zarazu. Kako stvari stoje, omikron i njegove podvarijante uzrokuju blaže simptome od prethodnih sojeva koronavirusa. Stručnjaci smatraju da bi to dijelom moglo biti i zbog činjenice da je velik broj ljudi već prebolio covid, ali i zbog velikog broja cijepljenih ljudi. Dakle, ako ste se prvi put zarazili prije pojave omikrona, reinfekcija bi mogla proći lakše, što je pokazalo manje istraživanje Centra za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti (CDC). No blaga infekcija omikronom isto nije mačji kašalj, čak ni kod ljudi koji su dobrog zdravstvenog stanja i k tome još cijepljeni. Grlobolja, glavobolja, opći umor, kašalj, začepljenost nosa i bolovi u mišićima simptomi su ovog soja koronavirusa te mogu danima trajati. Kako navodi CDC, ako ste pak u poznim godinama, imate slab imunitet ili određene komorbiditete, ti simptomi mogu biti puno gori unatoč tome što je riječ o soju koji nominalno ima lakši tijek bolesti. Stručnjakinja za zarazne bolesti na Sveučilištu San Diego Health Lucy Horton za povećanje zaštite od reinfekcije predlaže cijepljenje booster dozom prilagođenom varijanti omikron, kao i izbjegavanje zatvorenih prostora s puno ljudi. Tpotal.hr Read the full article
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Promijenjen spisak simptoma kovida, evo koji sada upućuju na zarazu
Promijenjen spisak simptoma kovida, evo koji sada upućuju na zarazu
Dvije godine nakon pandemije, zdravstveni stručnjaci uočili su promjenu u pojavi simptoma kovida. Pored povišene tjelesne temperature, glavobolje i drugih simptoma koji se povezuju i s prehladom, najčešći simptom koji se ovih dana javlja kod zaraze korona virusom je grlobolja. Prema riječima dr Tima Spektora, profesora sa londonskog King’s Koledža koji je i jedan od osnivača aplikacije za…
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tvoja-zenicanka · 3 years
Oprosti... Što ti nisam sve ispričala, što sam rijetko govorila, uvijek sam radije šutila, jer moje tuge i sreće lakše sam podnosila sama. Eto, sada barem znaš da naša pritvorena vrata od sobe nisu bila zbog mog straha od mraka već moj lakši, tiši izlaz, moj otvoreni prostor, ničija zemlja za još jedno bježanje... od tebe! Oprosti... Što malo sam ti pružila, što sam samo dodirima pokušavala da nadoknadim sve, jer moje ožiljke na duši tek dodir suze u boli umiri. Eto, sada barem znaš nikada nisam plakala javno mada su mi oči često plakale, moje srce je plakalo stalno jer je znalo da mu predstoji još jedno bježanje... od nas! Oprosti... Što uz mene si sam bio i u noćima kad kraj tebe disala sam, jer to je moja pokora, da svoj strah i samocu k'o zarazu prenosim na svoje ljubavi. Ali sada si barem svjestan da kada te ljubim, ljubim te jer sam tvoja, a ti moj, iz čiste požude i strasti i da moju samoću, koju i previše poštujem, mogu da izdržim samo uz tebe sve do mog sljedećeg bježanja.... od same sebe!
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whispedcream · 4 years
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artfight 2020 art dump 🤪🤪🤪🤪
fluffykitty3 // @ilee-font // sunsetthehybrid // @skeletalobscurity // zarazue
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