balkanparamo · 1 year
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Ice Cave 1950 by Georgia O'Keefe
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luniary · 6 months
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lunosphere · 1 year
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yoni art by carlie pearce
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ybon-paramoux · 2 years
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The Origin of the World
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phoenix----rising · 10 months
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𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑦 𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝐾𝑒𝑙𝑙
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cosmic-rains-blog · 5 months
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Yoni art in breathtaking nature
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nudeandchaos · 3 months
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crustswamp · 1 year
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Fruits, flowers, honey, and oysters
Nature is beautiful
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balkanparamo · 3 months
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Vivian Greven (German, b. 1985) - X XVI, 2023, Paintings: Oil on Canvas
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No spiritual practice is equivalent to yoni devotion. The sādhanā of the yoni is the ultimate sādhanā.
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ishantdas · 4 months
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"Women are divine, women are life, women are truly jewels."
~The Yoni Tantra
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Yonic Blue Green Moodboard for Anon
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ybon-paramoux · 3 months
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The Walk of Life
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vindelllas · 2 years
the esoteric meaning of “dark femininity” 🌹
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💋 rose mcgowan: mula chandra
🍷 chances are, if you peruse the material, seemingly spiritual, side of tiktok, you are familiar with the concept of dark femininity. a person who embodies this concept of spirituality harnesses this phenomena to their will and is often coated in imagery of seductive reds and coal black, wields their divine rage and “shadow self”, and embodies the femme fatale aura so idolized in celebrities with a certain monstrous divinity (e.g. megan fox in “jennifer’s body”, alexa demie in her multitude of photoshoots and as her character in “euphoria” or lana del rey’s gilded glamor in her previous music videos). but what truly characterizes this seemingly physical trope that incorporates the magnetism of the metaphysical? must you have a sirened appearance, vampy looks, or a certain penchant for darkness? or do these individual features serve as an indication of the planetary and spiritual significance of the popular aesthetic/trope itself?
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💋 megan fox: ashlesha chandra
🍒 i propose that it is no coincidence that the women often associated with dark femininity are primarily ruled by buddha (mercury) and ketu (the south node). for example, the insignias of the “monstrous feminine” in films, megan fox in “jennifer's body”, sissy spacek in “carrie”, rose mcgowan in “jawbreaker”, and anjelica huston in “addams family” are all influenced by the aforementioned, shadowy grahas. this reasoning lies in the hermetic views of the spiritual plane. in these films, mirroring the contemporary happenings within this world, the environment and majority of characters are entrapped in a mental prison of concealing one’s truth. whether this truth lies in murder or familial secrets, it may not be concealed for long and the characters must break from their envelopment in disillusion. what separates the main characters who are brought forth into the light of truth and those who remain imprisoned in false contentment, is the summit of knowledge. the summit of knowledge requires an understanding of all the grahas, but buddha and ketu are the primary manifestational lessons within this trope. buddha encapsulates one’s accumulation of overall physical knowledge. whereas, ketu encapsulates the journey of growing one’s knowledge of self through the past, ancestral ties, and the overall hidden secrets that buddha wishes to remain cloaked within the fantasies of the mind.
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💋 sissy spacek: mula surya
☄️ this culmination of scholastics is the principle of dark femininity. the dark feminine ultimately tests one’s understanding of both buddha and ketu, as she separates the wheat from chafe. this form of femininity is often deemed dark, as it is exactly what these two grahas personify. dark femininity is not the perfect, angelic realm often associated with modern femininity, but the concept itself calls individuals back to the ancient views of spiritualism and self. perhaps the imagery of women surrounded by the blood of kuja/ketu and violent images of death in these films are alarming or disturbing to some. but these forms of self expression are truth incarnate. they may lack the pseudo appeal of modern day depictions of angels and golden gleamed gates of heaven, but that is their exact purpose. these individuals who are associated with dark femininity are intended to provoke thought and analysis. they are supposed to call forth your opinions and challenge your perceptions of society. for example, “jennifer's body” was originally poorly received with complaints and disappointed individuals who imagined the film to err on the side of pornography due to fox’s sex symbol representation in media. now, the film is recognized as a staple of 2000s imagery and an important take on the overall male-centered gazes of hollywood and a reclamation of one’s past, self, and sexuality.
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💋 aaliyah: magha chandra
🌹 this “dark", however necessary, manifestation of femininity activates any remnants or loose elements of one’s perceiver's uncontrolled & animalistic nature and uses it against them effortlessly and often unconsciously, to tempt, trick, and absorb masculine energy, in order to ensure that the unbefitting remain ignorant to the underlying premise of both the film and one’s self. however, in this process of thinking, one is subject to demonizing and scorning women and the femininity/yin principle rather than penetrating and understanding her "dark" side. the blood-soaked scenes of women once idolized by the masculine individual observing in these films may invoke fear or perhaps starlement. this is intentional, as fear is infinitsesimely more powerful than sexual enjoyment (according to tantra).
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💋 katharina isabelle: mula chandra
🥀 within the occult law, these feelings of abnormality or fear in cinema are used to drain and entrap the observer’s knowledge. by entrancing one’s onlooker, the individual is able to harness the onlooker’s power/aura. this reasoning is due to one’s yoni being capable of endlessly reproducing and mimicking previous impressions (as buddha has mimicked in previous mythological stories referenced in this blog). it is said that the goddess kali resides in the middle of the yoni. kali is representative of frightening qualities that coincide with freedom from the bondage of time or death. she proposes and evokes what may make those unknowing uncomfortable. this goddess rulership is pertinent to understanding the demonicism of dark femininity.
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💋 alexa demie: jyeshta surya
🦂 women have long been taught their value is measured by their sexual attractiveness, their unconditional support of men, and their unselfish maternal support of their children. told to be ‘good girls’, to listen to authority, and that their sexuality is something to give to others rather than for themselves. this version of the feminine, often referred to as the “light feminine”, embodies an open heart, compassionate, a caring mother, devoted wife and committed friend. however, removed from the depth of her life-force energy, she lives a one-sided and disempowered life, unable to bring fruition to her true self in this world. when only this form of femininity is developed, one often tends to have poor boundaries. having spent so many years taking care of other’s needs they often don’t know where their families or career end and they begin.
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💋 lana del rey: ashlesha chandra
🕷 the contrast of this westernized form of femininity is the “dark feminine”, who frequents the halls of power, is free from the aforementioned trope’s need to shine brightly. the dark feminine has been repeatedly shamed and wronged by our society, she is the whore archetype, relegated to the unconscious, the shadow, something to be considered as evil. she is an intense and fiery emanation of mercurial and ketuvian energy. an expression of the deepest regions of the human psyche, she illuminates our desired nature and holds the power the light feminine is withholding from itself. arising from the earth, from the mother, from matter, she holds the key to the awakening of sexual energy, of the primal life force.
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💋 salma hayek: revati chandra
🕸 when one aligns themself with kali, they are guided to disillusionment and reclamation of self. they have become attune to their previous history of misunderstandings, alienation and diminishment. in this fully awakened state, one represents emancipation from limitations, freedom and autonomy. the individual is relieved from their previous patterns of betrayal and consciously empowered. this awakening is symbolic of the lunar shedding of one’s blood during their menstrual cycle. the intuitive graha that is chandra (the moon) influences the shedding of blood (the domain of kuja, the associative, manifestational graha to ketu). in previous, mythological encounters and astrological observances, the coalescence of ketu and chandra have been deemed to be turbulent. this reasoning is likely due to lord ganesha (the deity associated with ketu) once cursed chandra for the deity’s pride and vanity. the curse stated that anyone who observes the moon on the ganesh chaturthi (a date often occurring during the solar return of magha nakshatra) will be falsely accused. the curse was eventually uplifted due ganesha’s forgiveness.
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💋 anjelica huston: jyeshta surya and magha chandra
🃏 this story is ultimately why women are oftened subjected to the category of either the “whore” or “virgin”. whether one is celebrating their accolades, knowledgeable of their worth, or enamored with the beautification of self, society is quick to label them as “superficial” or accuse one of achieving their goals through illegitimate means (regardless of the validity of their statements). coating oneself in the knowledge of the shadows, realms, or accumulating other’s aura serves as protection against this occurrence. hence, the mystery surrounding popular mercurial natives, such as rihanna, alexa demie, or angelina jolie, and ketuvian natives, such as rose mcgowan or anjelica huston.
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♠️ their signature appearances are an overall ode to their planetary dominances. their vampiric hair utilizes the color of black to both propel the energies of others, symbolic of the blackened skin of kali, serving as a biological hamsa (more on the spiritual importance of black hair in my previous exploration of hair types). their signature siren eyes are physiologically indicative of their hyperexpansion within and sly personality, as both ketu and buddha’s yonis are exemplified by coy and energetic animals (such as the rat, cat, and horse). whereas, the frequent association with reds in the aestheticized version of dark femininity are symbolic of the flames of kuja, one’s cycle, and the red shoe flower that is offered to kali to annihilate one’s demons. will you adorn yourself in this imagery of energetic protection?
i apologize for my absence, as most of you know, i am a full time athlete and am pursuing three undergraduate degrees currently. my goal is for my posts on here to never feel as a chore and, therefore, i usually post sporadically and in a rather discombobulated manner. my next post will either be on the beauty of chitra or a style/makeup/hair analysis of euphoria outfits from a vedic perspective <3 hope you all are enjoying this lovely summer and pursuing your scholastic endeavors (academically or spiritually)
xoxo, angel 💋
"what are we made of but hunger and rage?" - anne carson (magha chandra)
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afropearl · 8 days
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fasting with the flow of my menses
cleansing and clearing out from womb, outward
resetting and resting
focused on my focus
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