#Yandere pucci
yanderememes · 2 years
darling finally curls up to sleep on their yandere's chest or lap of their own accord and the yandere just. follows the rules that all pet owners must follow: ie- you Are Not allowed to disturb them. doesn't matter what you have to do, you. do. not. move. darling wakes up like two hours later to the yandere's limbs having fallen asleep. i don't know why this is so funny to me but it is-
It obv depends on the yandere, but the lovey-dovey yanderes and the simp yanderes are 100% the ones to take it seriously and make every effort known to man to not move an inch for darling.
Lovey-dovey yanderes will struggle with doing this because they're just so happy and full of excitement. Legit, die from happiness sort of deal with these yanderes. They'll ultimately fail if their feelings overwhelm them, causing darling to wake up, which the yanderes will profusely apologize for. And ofc, they will gush about how cute you looked sleeping on them and will never let darling live this moment down.
Examples: Jolyne, Polnareff, Narancia, Josuke, Okuyasu
Simp yanderes are more controlled and gentle in their approach and demeanour. They have a higher success rate than the prior in maintaining immobility so as not to disturb darling's sleep. However, when darling finally awakes, their entire body will be sore and numb though. A small price to pay. Anything for their darling and to bask at the moment with them. When darling awakes, they ask if you had a nice rest while also hinting that they'd love to do this again.
Examples: Giorno, Jonathan, Weather, Pucci, Kakyoin
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
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Finally more JoJo content!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationsip, obsession, delusion, stalking, protective behavior, manipulation, sabotage, bullying, usage of Whitesnake on s/o
Quiet and tender s/o got in prison by mistake
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🛐​Thrown into prison despite being innocent yet no one believes you. A nightmarish experience. Life in Green Dolphin Street Prison is tough, your inmates are rough and often impolite and you've been victimized multiple times. Of course you would, someone as quiet and sensitive is the perfect target to be bullied and pushed around. You're terrified and end up staying most of the time in your own cell, hoping that your roommate will let you have at least a little bit of peace. You often end up crying, unable to handle everything that is thrown at you. The guards don't care about you and your position as long as none of the prisoners act out of line. You're completely alone.
🛐​Eventually you decide to go to the confession booth and have a talk with the priest since you hope that he will listen.That's how you first encounter Pucci, a reserved yet charismatic man. He's polite when you come one day to him, welcomes you, a face he hasn't seen so far. Initially you hesitate, afraid that he won't believe you either yet everything that has piled up inside of you eventually explodes and you tell the man everything. You just want to let it all out, even if he won't believe you. He listens calmly to your story with the belief that you're just like the others. He's had many people who came to him before who claimed to be innocent yet he knows that no one can escape faith and the will of god. Pucci is a very sharp observer though and as you continue to pour your heart out and even break out into tears, he starts to feel bothered all of a sudden. You don't look like you're faking it.
🛐​He consoles you as good as he can, offers you a tissue to clean those tears up and out of habit ends up chatting with you about random things that come to mind. You listen mostly, answer only when you realize that he looks expectedly at you. You eventually have to leave although the priest offers you that you're welcomed to come over to confess anytime. You think to yourself that you're most likely going to do that, as of now he's the only one willing to listen without laughing at you. As soon as you have left, Pucci reminisces about you and the conversation you just had with him. He doesn't feel like you just lied to him, your eyes were honest and broken from everything you had to endure so far. You're sensitive, he can tell that from the way you told him how much it hurts to be accused for something you didn't do.
🛐​Enrico looks a bit forward to seeing you again and a bit after your first visit, you indeed come again. Once again you tell him everything that happened in prison and how you want to get out of here since it has become unbearable for you. He listens intently, tries to analyze you and see a hint that you are just a really good actor. But those eyes, brimming with tears, only show him sadness and innocence, something that irritates even if he hides it well. Now that it is the second time you've come to him, he dares to ask you about the reason why you're here and what happened. You react hesitant and hurt, not willing to recall everything that led you here yet he manages to coax you into doing so. He promises that he won't tell anyone else since that is his duty. He's in deep thought after you left again now that he knows your story.
🛐​He's by now almost fully convinced that you're not lying. In that case you're innocent and the court and police just screwed up yet he is religious and believes in faith, wonders why you still landed here. Is there a reason? He finds himself approaching the guards of your ward, asks them about you. During all the sessions he had with you, you gave him the impression of a quiet and fragile person. How are you acting when you aren't with him? Are you really going through everything you told him? The guards seem initially to have troubles remembering you, something that somehow makes Pucci slightly mad. How can't they remember someone like you? Eventually one of them recalls you though, tells him how you stay most of the time in your cell due to being harassed by other inmates. You're more of a little mouse, quiet and, frankly spoken, not fit to be in such a rough environment.
🛐​There's hidden wrath inside of Pucci when the guards converse so casually about events where you were pushed around and mocked. Why didn't they do anything to help you? He doesn't lash out on them as he hides it, thanks them for the information before he leaves. Suddenly he makes himself smart, asks other staff from the prison for more details regarding your case and how much it aligns with your own story. If they forbid him the access to such information, Pucci has no problem to use Whitesnake to insert discs into them to make them obey him. He studies the files intently, compares it to yours. There are indeed some things that don't make sense in his eyes now that he's listened to your story and knows your personality better. The crime here doesn't look like something you could ever commit.
🛐​Pucci wants to be completely sure now so the next time you go to him, he uses his Stand to steal temporarily your Memory Disc and inserts it into his own head. He's quick to put it back inside of you since a person slowly dies without their Memory Disc, excuses the sudden confusion upon waking up and not remembering everything as a headache you shortly suffered from, advises you to get a bit rest since the stress has probably gotten to you. There is a certain glimmer in his eyes you can't identify and in the end you decide to ignore it as he ushers you out although he already tells you to come soon back again. After you've left, his facade crumbles a bit as he starts walking in circles, going through what he just saw. You're completely innocent. Why are you here?
🛐​This question stays on his mind as he recalls everything he's seen in your memories. You're quiet and kind, too tender and nice to ever commit a crime, too delicate to survive for too long in prison. There is panic dwelling up inside of him and eventually he has to start counting prime numbers to calm a bit down. The stories about you being bullied ring inside of his ears and your tears from the cruel treatment plunge painfully into his heart. There is this urge that arises inside of him, one that tells him that he has to protect you somehow from all the cruelty you go through. He feels like it's destiny telling him to keep you safe, a single ray of sunshine in a place filled with many people who landed here because they couldn't go against their nature.
🛐​He's precise and swift with the actions he takes and suddenly you find him often near your ward, observing. He reacts though when you wave at him or give him a smile since he's the closest thing to a friend you have in here. Pucci is not afraid to approach you and chit chat with you though, inserting questions that automatically require you to give him more details about everyone who's treated you badly. You might not always do so, sometimes you are afraid that you'll get in more troubles or that someone who isn't completely mean might get punished. He's usually quick to reassure you that nothing will happen to you if he senses your fear but if you're worried for an inmate, he has to hide his disdain. You shouldn't concern yourself about them, he sees no good in them. They landed here for a reason after all. If you won't tell him, he'll find simply someone else who'll spill everything. When he witnesses someone bullying you, he has to quickly retreat, chanting prime numbers to control his fury.
🛐​The change happens over a short amount of time where your bullies suddenly stop pushing you around and if one of them still does, you're either protected by other inmates or even the guards. Weirdly enough none of them talks with you much, they just hang around you like a bunch of guard dogs. When you ask Enrico if he's had anything to do with it, he gives you a subtle smile and tells you that he merely had a good talk with them. He denies any accusation that this sudden change in behavior is strange. He's not able to understand your worry even if he acts like it and tries to calm you down. In his eyes he did nothing wrong, those people are there to protect you. He's merely fulfilling his part of destiny.
🛐​At one point there is no reason for you to be scared of bullying anymore, Pucci has made sure of it. Yet there are no real connections you've made either which is the main reason why you still come back to Pucci. By now he uses most of his time as priest to be with you, assures you that not many prisoners seek him out anyways when you're worried that you might take too much time away from other prisoners who want to seek the priest out. Even if you have nothing particular to talk about, somehow you two still meet and Pucci normally just chats with you about random things.
🛐​By now you're the center of his attention, Pucci is utterly fascinated with you and adores your quiet and tender side. He's religious, has by now arrived at the conclusion that you two are somehow destined to be together. Why else would you, innocent of any crime, land in the prison where he is working? You're a lost star and it is his job to guarantee that you're safe. Pucci provides, manages to manipulate the prison into giving you more special rights if he ever hears you mentioning it. If you have people who visit you, he judges them and whether he'll let them continue to see you or not is all based on his decision. Your own family is no exception but if he believes someone to be a good person, according to his own judgement, he even goes out of his way to be on friendly terms with them. He might accidentally get a bit lost and sing praises about you.
🛐​He usually makes sure that there are no Stand Users anywhere near you, only in emergencies will he dispatch a Stand User to keep you safe if he realizes that there is someone else with such powers in your ward. Due to his delusions, Pucci attempts to help you realize that you two have a special connection. He enjoys it when you still seek him out on your own will since it's like you knowing about your destiny. If you end up not visiting him as much anymore, he's not hesitant to seek you out himself and ask you why you didn't appear during your appointment with him. If he deems some people to be bad influence for you, they are guaranteed to ignore you at one point or even be send somewhere else. It's isolation but what Pucci perceives it as is merely a push to help you to accept your destiny.
🛐​He's displeased when you go against the will of god and your natural destiny since you can't run from it. You can't hide from him and if you end up with excuses, he sees right through them. He has no guilty consciousness, doesn't recognize the evil acts he commits as such. It's all done in the name of destiny after all so he has no problem with manipulation and sabotage if it means that you come around again. He might even use Whitesnake on you when push comes to pull, long enough at least until he thinks that you've leaned to accept what you can't escape from. His romantic intentions sometimes slip out, the way he sometimes showers you with compliments where he praises you like a god/goddess, the fond look in his eyes and the way he occasionally holds your hand to calm you down, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your skin.
🛐​Having you in prison gives him the advantage of keeping a closer eye on you yet Pucci still knows that you don't belong here. He is likely to keep you as long until he's sure that you have come to terms that he is your soulmate of sorts and are guaranteed to keep on seeing him even after you're out of prison. It might be a bit of work to set all of the pieces up to prove your innocence, he knows the truth though and is devoted so hard work won't put him off if it's for you. He's most likely to pursue a more romantic relationship once you're out of prison, plans to keep on guiding and protecting you just like heaven wants it.
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princelylove · 6 months
Thank you your highness for answering all my questions on ranking yandere Joestar and Jobros. This time, can I ask for the Jofoe too? I can't rank them myself because all of them are so dangerous, I seriously see all of them have equal rank.
I'd love to hear your opinion on this, please enlighten me with your knowledge my prince ~
~ 🏵️ anon ~
I just realized I forgot funny valentine. That's on me. Oops. I don't know, have you considered just... not being american? Super easy to avoid him just get on a boat and don't come back. Kidding, I'll write something serious for him later on. They're all bad, but a general easiest to hardest:
Doppio is a hard worker. He devotes a good chunk of his time to carrying out orders for the boss, he doesn’t really have time for a darling, but… Boss will allow him to have a crush. It’s a little treat. As long as Doppio keeps his distance, it’s harmless. He spends his weekends following his darling around- he asks Diavolo to look into you for a little reward. He does well on a couple of jobs in a row? Here’s your favorite color, and what you wear for pajamas most nights. Doppio has a lot of self control, he’s not going to cave just because you’re gorgeous and he has some free time. He’ll keep his distance until Diavolo gives him permission to engage- which he won’t be receiving any time soon. Doppio’s darling- I feel as if  “crush” is significantly more appropriate- likely won’t know that they have a secret admirer who already knows every little detail about their life until it’s time for Doppio to receive a proper present. Maybe for Christmas Diavolo will let him bump into you in the street. 
Yoshikage Kira is safe if he’s obsessed enough. He’s a bit impulsive with collecting his girlfriends, but he doesn’t like you for your hands. He likes you, as a whole. Ugh. That’s so annoying. He doesn’t want to have a real partner- do you know how much effort it is to have one of those and keep up his streak of roughly fifteen years of killing? He’s not going to just let his little habit go, but… maybe you’re fine with him having something on the side, to hold himself over. Maybe. He’d have to ask after pursuing you normally, and if you say no, or Kira decides not to ask at all since ‘hey that’s weird and we’re trying to be as normal as possible here’… well. He’s been lying this long. Might as well add another to the lie bin.  Since he wants to be as normal as possible, he doesn’t express any of his yandere tendencies until much later on- and he can be satiated if you play into his fetishes and preferences enough. 
DIO has matured a lot in his life, surprisingly. He’s not going to kill off his darling just because he’s in a mood. He’ll do it for a proper reason. You’ll have warnings. You’ll have easy, simple rules established very early on in knowing him. Really, are you trying to provoke him into punishing you? Simply ask if that’s what you want. He spoils you so, doesn’t he. DIO cares a lot about his darling actually wanting him- if he’s forcing it, it ruins the experience. He understands you need to have a proper relationship with him, complete devotion won’t happen in a day. Make no mistake, you will be his, he’s just fine going slowly. He’s certainly got the time for it, and it’s not like he’s holding you captive. No, no, never captive. Possibly if he snaps because you keep outright rejecting him and it’s really setting his abandonment issues off. He’ll just send a little toy to keep you company when you feel the need to go on a little outing. Vanilla Ice will hold your bags for you, or maybe Mariah can show you around. If neither of them are someone you want to socialize with, he has options. Lots of options. 
Enrico cares less about you having a choice. To him, he knows better, and is often frustrated with your judgement. Please listen to his advice- he’s only here to provide you with the resources you need to flourish. If Enrico has no problem talking to DIO as his equal, then he certainly has no problem telling his darling ‘no’ directly. He recommends passages in the bible to read that directly coincide with what’s going on in your life- You often find little handwritten notes in your cell on your desk. The first time it happened, there was a bible sitting on your bed, with a note being used as a bookmark. It was between the pages of Isaiah- stuck in the pages about sin and confessions. It makes you gag how neat and proper his handwriting is, “My doors are always open for you.” When you don’t come, he leaves another note, with a page and paragraph you’re supposed to read before whatever it is he has to say. If the slightly passive aggressive notes don’t reach you, perhaps a more personal approach is needed. 
Dio in his youth is… unstable. He hasn’t learned that patience is king. He knows what he wants, and he’s going to get it now. Denying him is the stupidest move you could possibly make, he has all of this newfound power and confidence and isn’t going to waste it by letting you just get away. You may scurry off if he frightens you too much, he does love the chase. He just can’t help himself when he catches you- you look good trapped under him, he needs a little reward. It’s not going to hurt, it’s just a small bite… Have fun with a chunk of your neck missing because little dio got excited and couldn’t help biting as hard as he could. 
Diavolo is a classic creep. He’s a bit repressed. Over a decade of restraint will do that to you, but Diavolo doesn’t realize that touching himself to the cameras he placed in your room and the places you frequent isn’t going to satisfy him entirely. Maybe Doppio can spell it out for him- he should indulge! Live a little! The last time he ‘lived a little’ he made the worst mistake someone in his position could possibly make, but hey. He was young, you can’t really fault him for that. Diavolo monitors you as if it’s part of his job- there’s absolutely nothing he doesn’t know about. Your other suitors are taken care of by la squadra esecuzioni, they have a bit of a running joke that they’re praying for you to get around a bit more, easy jobs are welcome when the boss works them like dogs. Diavolo is happy to watch you, he keeps a tab open of whatever you’re doing while he works. Indulges by having Doppio follow you on your errands, lightly suggesting he should record. You often receive expensive gifts from a ‘secret admirer,’ with typed notes attached. It’s only a matter of time until that isn’t enough to hold him over, and he sends someone to collect you. No, now that he’s thinking about it… No one will treat you as well as he would, it’s better not to leave you to the hands of someone just doing a job. Diavolo fully intends to love you, and won’t take a ‘no’ once he’s broken his streak of self control. 
Kars did not always want a mate. He’s not really the romantic type, or someone who clings to sentiment, but there’s just something so adorable about you. He loves life, although he normally isn’t fond of humans. He loves seeing the life in your eyes, the way your chest moves up and down in fear as he gets closer… He’s salivating at the thought. Kars tells himself he wants a pet at first- he already has a sizable family. He has a son figure, he has a… He’d call Santana a pet, really, he has someone his age to socialize with… He supposes he could use a mate. Kars hasn’t had one of those since he was just a little one, and it’s not really something he missed. When you express that you don’t want to bow down and give everything up for him, Kars is more than confused. You must be making a joke- he’s heard of humans telling obvious lies for humor. How amusing. Now, come when you’re called, or he’ll send Santana to retrieve you. He prompts you often, but you can tell he doesn’t really care about the answer. You bore him sometimes with your ‘Please don’t hurt me’ and your ‘Please, please, let me go’ nonsense, how could he be expected to always find it fun? Your resistance only amuses him when you do something about it. Good, you’re running. Kars would love to play chase with you. 
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What WOULD'VE happen if its the jofoes who saw a kid up skirting reader aka their darling?
I know they're villains and is very much cruel, but they wouldn't kill a child...right? (1-8, since the jofoes in P-9 haven't been revealed yet.)
Hmmm I could see a couple of instances of that happening, sadly (but I mean they are villains, but some are more restrained than others, perhaps more for image than anything)
Yandere! Part 1 (Pre Vampire) Dio - I could see this going with him yanking the brats hair and shoving them to the ground. It’s fairly easy for him to maintain his positive status to outsiders, so he could have something happen to them later (but I’d consider this the best outcome for that kid).
Yandere! Post Vampire Dio
Big chance this kid may die by being manipulated by Dio himself, he might decide to turn them/zombify them by apologizing and groveling (chance they could attack their own family). There’s also a chance the kid could just flat out be devoured by the other zombies, the blond wouldn’t even flinch at that. If he’s sorely out of patience he might kill/maim them himself, but it never would come to that. Keep in mind Dio was the type to turn a mother into a vampire and she ended up eating her own child.
Yandere! Kars
Absolutely no cares given about slaughtering a child, not even joking here. He only cares about you, not some slimy brat that decided to pull some nonsense on you. He’d probably lick you clean of the blood afterwards as well. No matter how mad or upset you got, would not make him anymore remorseful for the dead body strewn on the ground.
Yandere! Part 3 DIO
You’d more than likely be held captive in the mansion he’s in, within Egypt so this happening is unlikely. But in the unlikely event something like this happens, he’ll state how brazenly stupid such a move was. Unless he can use the kid in someway, he really doesn’t care what happens to them. So he might “punish” the kid as he sees it fit or have a stand user take care of them.
Yandere! Yoshikage Kira
As long as this kid didn’t see his rather “unusual” indulgences in the past, he doesn’t see a need to murder them right there, though I could see him consider it internally, where the kid wouldn’t be seen. He’s absolutely miffed however, and does grab their hand in a painful way though. Gives them the nastiest glare and reprimand there is, and the kid probably runs off heavily unsettled.
Yandere! Diavolo
Doppio is likely the one to take care of this of course, not that Diavolo he himself isn’t miffed. This probably just makes him consider to keep you locked away somewhere permanently. (This probably happens shortly after this little thing). Doppio makes sure to get it through this kids head, with the harshest grip known to man, that you don’t go doing that to anyone. Let alone anyone he or his boss likes.
Yandere! Enrico Pucci
His reaction is interesting, he is irritated perhaps even a bit visibly by this child’s behavior. He can’t let this kid get away with deciding to upskirt his darling either. He also is a priest image wise, so he has that to consider when punishing this adolescent person. He still has a firm grip on them and decides to take them aside and talk. He’ll face away from you while doing so, and moments later the kid is suddenly apologizing. You can’t tell if Pucci has an uncanny knack for speaking with people or if it’s something else. (It’s likely both).
Yandere! Funny Valentine
He’ll stop this kid almost immediately and there’s a sound of a smack to the back of the head. A stern look and a small speech about respect, Funny Valentine somehow manages to make the kid shame with those words. He wouldn’t let the kid run either and would personally escort them back home to their parents. As busy as he is as a president something childish like that won’t be overlooked by him. There’s a brief dark look in his eye, he can pull the strings to make things happen, he just doesn’t feel the need to expend them here. He does ask you to follow him closer for now on, (maybe an extra guard but he finds it more efficient to be the one to protect you)
Yandere! Toru
He certainly doesn’t appreciate it, and somehow they end up tripping or have some little mishap happen. Yet there’s a bit of a hum in his voice when he tells them he shouldn’t be doing such a thing to people. Any anger or frustration that gets thrown off at Toru, he nonchalantly brushes off. Suggesting the kid apologize, and nothing more will come of it. But there is a stern veiled threat in there somewhere that makes the kid decide to walk off.
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outcasting101 · 1 year
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Big Sista is there too! I really admire her tenacity
Here the link to find your yandere prompt ;3
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thedeepweb · 1 year
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pucci when i ask him to come over so he can convert me back but instead of having a bible app open i have biblical fanfiction which i intend to read to him so he can tell me if it's ooc or not and if it is correctly characterized should it be considered lost canon?
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
If it isn't a bother, could you write a few head canons of part 3!Dio with a reader who is his minion but just- absolutely hates it?
Mf doesn't even fight anyone, they just kinda stay behind Dio with a disapproving look at everything he does
Uhhh... I'll tweak it a bit but I'll do something similar. Time to feed my JJBA brainrot...
Yandere! DIO with Minion! Darling
Short Concept/Idea
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Sadism, Egotistical yandere, Mentions of being a human pet, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Many of DIO's minions either join him willingly or with help of a fleshbud.
You don't particularly enjoy the job but didn't hesitate enough get a fleshbud.
You have a stand but don't really fight.
How do you get away with this?
DIO has to like you/tolerate you enough to let it slide.
Maybe it's something similar to Pucci where he uses you more for conversation than... canon fodder.
He finds you interesting... so you don't have to fight.
As long as you entertain him.
Even then you loathe the idea of being near DIO at times.
He's no fool, he picks up on it rather quickly, but he says nothing.
In fact he takes joy in playing with your thoughts.
The only reason he isn't forcing obedience in you is because you have him interested.
How... lucky? Unlucky?
You no doubt feel it's unlucky since you hate even keeping him company.
Don't mistake this as him giving you control though.
If you step out of line DIO is sure to correct you.
Just because you're his favorite doesn't mean you have free reign.
Instead of sending you off to kill the Crusaders he keeps you in his mansion.
If you won't fight maybe you'll like the occupation of pet more?
You should consider yourself lucky... you're the favorite and don't even have to do much of anything.
Just remember he lets you get away with things because he likes you.
If you fight him or try to leave... he will stop you.
He'll restrain you with his stand and place a fleshbud on you if he has to.
Unless you'd like to beg for forgiveness, yeah?
DIO is sadistic, if he wanted to punish you for your actions he will have fun with it.
You may hate your job... but there's no getting out of it now.
DIO commands you to stay with him for entertainment as his minion (or possible pet in the future)...
Disagree and you'll hate what happens.
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JoJo Masterlist
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* = Nsfw
° = Angst
× = Yandere
≈ = Family fic
© = Crack fic
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Robert Speedwagon
• If I Was Your Vampire
Dio Brando
• In Due Time°
• Shame on the Night*
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Joseph Joestar
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
Caesar Zeppeli
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
• Pillow Talk
• Coddling Santana and Wamuu (HCs)
• Pillarmen with a child "hostage" (HCs)
• Love Machine*
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• Them falling in love (HCs)
• Singing "Tequila" on karaoke night (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• One Shot, 2 Shot ©
• Bring on the Night*
• Feel Good Inc.
Mohammed Avdol
• Burnin' for You
Terence D'Arby
• Holding on to You*
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Josuke Higashikata
• Don't Stop Me Now
Rohan Kishibe
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
Akira Otoishi
• Pepper
Hayato Kawajiri
• A Little Bit Off Today ≈
Yoshikage Kira
• Beggin'*
• Modern Love*
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Guido Mista
• Looking for a Kiss*
La Squadra
• Japanese Mythology HCs
• Seducing La Squadra* (HCs)
• NSFW headcanons*
• No Rest for the Wicked AU HCs
• Him with your pet tortoise (HCs)
Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio
• Head Like a Hole, Ch. 1
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Weather Report
• Selkie out of Water, Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4
• Dancing in the Moonlight
• Canned Heat
• Electric Love ×
• Dad Report ≈
• Dreams of a Samurai*
• Cold as Ice
• What's New Pussycat*
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Emporio Alnino
• Thank You (for sending me an angel) ≈
Narciso Anasui
• Dating HCs
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• Drive*
Enrico Pucci
• Fallen Angel*
• Lady in Red*
• My Light*
• Saints an' Sinners*
• Take Me to Church*
• That's Life
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o on their period (HCs)
Johngali A.
• White Room*
Thunder McQueen
• (You) Shook Me All Night Long*
D an G
Donatello Versace
• To Heal*
Perla Pucci
• General platonic HCs
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Gyro Zeppeli
• Hayloft*
• Hayloft II*
• Kickstart My Heart*
• Whole Lotta Love*
Diego Brando
• Moonage Daydream*
• Tell Him That His Lonesome Nights Are Over, Pt. 1 || Pt. 2*
Mountain Tim
• Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)*
Funny Valentine
• Cupid's Chokehold ×
• Oye Cómo Va*
• I Surrender*
• Twisted Nerve ch. 1
• Dating HCs*
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Josefumi Kujo
• Dating HCs (Ft. Kira)
Jobin Higashikata
• Hard Lovin' Man*
Aisho Dainenjiyama
• Keep On Loving You
• Can't Help Falling in Love
• Bad Case of Lovin' You
• Tooru HCs* (SFW and NSFW)
• Yan!Tooru HCs*
• Doctor play with Tooru* (HCs)
• Tooru x Nurse!reader*
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Paco Lovelantes
• Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
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bygiornogiovanna · 11 months
Idea. Yandere Jolyne x male reader who's Kakyoin's son and are childhood friends and they also have a daughter together who is still a newborn. But he leaves Jolyne as he doesn't trust her with there daughter. But Jolyne finds them and says "Yare Yare Dawa. I don't want to leave her family like my old man did to me and my mom." And takes reader away. Also this is in 2017 5 years after part 6 ended and Kakyoin dies to Pucci so Pucci would die to Jotaro so Kakyoin's son is also still depressed about his dad's death which is why him and Jolyne hook up to try and make him happy but it doesn't work. Just wanted to clarify that. So seems like a lot to work with but I think you can something good out of this.
This is an interesting idea. I like it. Let's see how well I can do. First time writing a x male fic, i think.
Tell me if i missed any detail! (I hope I didn't lol)
happy (almost) 500 followers!
apologize it took so long.
Won't get away
(Yandere! Jolyne x Male reader)
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It all started 5 years ago.
Jotaro and Kakyoin, as well as their children, were fighting against the priest that tried to finish what Dio started.
It was a tough fight, the time speeding so fast was confusing. Weeks passed with every minute and they had no time to waste. If they didn't stop Pucci, Dio's dream would come true.
"Emerald Splash!" Kakyoin screamed, directing his Hierophant Green in attempt to distract Pucci, who was getting awfully close to Jolyne. It worked, the priest's attention now on him, creating the perfect bait for the start of their plan.
"Star Platinum! The World!" Jotaro yelled and time stopped. Nothing was moving anymore, but Jotaro knew he had only a few seconds to do something or the battle would be over. He had to move and do something, anything now.
7 seconds left.
Before he could reach Pucci and snap his neck, Jotaro noticed something horrifying.
Both Kakyoin and Jolyne were in danger.
Kakyoin was surrounded by hundreds of knives that would stab his insides the very second time would start again. Exactly the same position he was in 23 years ago, when he battled Dio.
5 seconds left.
And his daughter had Pucci right beside her, his fist an inch away from piercing her stomach.
For the first time in his life, Jotaro was terrified.
Life put him in the position of choosing whether to save his life-long bestfriend, taking the risk of ending the world or save his daughter and bring this hell to an end.
His heart was racing in his chest, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.
4 seconds left.
His eyes darted to Kakyoin, all the memories of what they went through flashing in his mind.
They moved to his son, who was standing there frozen as everyone else. He would hate him forever.
3 seconds left.
You can't do good without sacrifices.
He learned that long ago, after losing two of his other friends.
With pain in his heart, Jotaro made his decision. He dashed to Pucci and pushed him away from Jolyne, his punches letting all his fury out.
"Time starts moving again." He whispered and everything resumed. The injured priest was thrown away at an insane speed, landing straight into a building with a fatal injury.
At the same time, Kakyoin was pierced by the knifes, falling helplessly onto the ground. As soon as Jolyne realised what happened, she called out her stand into an useless attempt of saving the red haired man.
However, it was too late.
Both Kakyoin and Pucci died, proof being the disappearance of their stands. Time moved at a normal speed again, minutes passing correctly, while the emeralds left by Noriaki vanished.
"Dad!" An awful scream made its way out of your lungs, tears flooding your eyes at the realization. You ran to your father's lifeless body, shaking him. "Please, dad, no! Don't leave me too!"
Jotaro felt his usually stoic heart crumble into pieces at the sound so he looked in other direction, far away to the ocean. His breathing was heavy, both because of the injuries and the guilt he felt.
There was nothing he could do anymore.
Ever since that day, you fell into a sever depression. You were constantly thinking about your father and why did the universe decide it should take him from you.
You couldn't blame Jotaro for choosing to save the world over saving your father. It was the right decision. But you also couldn't get over the fact that the only person you had left disappeared.
You looked like a mess every day and even if you had a job, you couldn't say your life was good. Your only social contact outside your work zone was Jolyne and you honestly couldn't say it was good.
Her emerald eyes were a constant reminder of your dad's stand, which made your heart break every time.
Jolyne was desperate. She had no clue what to do with you. Most considered you were a lost cause, but she didn't want to give up on you. She refused to. You two grew up togheter, she could not give you up.
It broke her heart. Seeing you like this made her want to cry out.
She tried talking you into therapy, but you refused to cooperate.
"Come on, it's been years, Y/N. You have to stop drinking your pain away, you are ruining yourself! Your dad would hate seeing you like this!" she said, shaking you. When you were not at work, you would drown yourself in alcohol, being your only escape.
"It's true! Mr. Noriaki would hate seeing how you destroy yourself every day, he-" she wanted to scold you again, but you suddenly yelled–
"Stop talking about him as if you know anything! It's only your fault anyway!"
Jolyne took a step back at your outburst. She knew you didn't mean it, but with the way your eyes held a deep hatred...Her heart ache.
"Yare yare dawa..." she shook her head, biting the inner part of her lip anxiously. You took drunk steps towards her, your much taller frame covering hers. "You have no idea what you're saying, let's get you to bed." the girl murmured, going to take your hand but you jerked away from her, almost falling before you were able to brace yourself.
"I'm t-tired of everyone acting like the-y kn...knew my father! I'm the only one th-at " you stumbled upon your words. "I'm just f-fine with how I live."
"Whatever you say." she took your arm successfully this time and dragged you to your room. You were trying to get away from her grip, but she refused to let go, throwing you onto the bed easily because of your drunk self.
The next day, you couldn't remember anything from that night. The only thing you remembered was that her lips met yours to shut you up and, from then...Blank. Everything was blank.
When you opened your eyes, you certainly didn't expect to see Jolyne laying next to you....naked. You looked around the room, the bright light burning your eyes. This was your room, there was no doubt. So why was Jolyne naked?
You knew she had a habit to sleep in her lingerie, but that didn't explain why you were also naked. It couldn't be that, could it?
However, the ache on your broad shoulders going all the way to your lower back, the way her neck was covered in small bite marks and hickeys, along with the ripped sheets beneath her, proved you wrong. That it could be.
You and your childhood best friend, Jolyne Cujoh, just had sex. And from the unseenable condom, it was unprotected.
No words were spoken between the two of you as Jolyne muttered a small 'Yare yare dawa' when she first got up. And she just left in silence, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Even if it wasn't the right thing to do, you completely cut off every single way she could contact you. Blocking her number and all of her social medias, even her father's and her friends', you even went as far as changing the locks in your home, you ignored her existence as if she never existed in the first place. Not even knowing about the growing baby in her belly.
And, that didn't go unnoticed by the young female.
The woman wasn't patient as this trait didn't run in her family. She tried everything, even broke into your home, which almost made you get you a restraining order.
That, until you saw the loose skin on her belly, decorated with stretch marks. Which could indicate only one thing. A previous pregnancy.
"Where is the child, Jolyne?" you asked coldly as the woman glared at you with bright green eyes.
"She is in the car with Ermes. Now, you will come with me, get your life back together and raise that damn child!" she hissed at you with a stern and determinated look on her face.
"No. The child comes with me, I don't trust you with her. Not after what ha-" you were about to say but suddenly, a bright blue string wrapped around your mouth multiple times, shutting you up.
"Don't you dare finish that fucking sentence. Don't blame my father for your father's death." Jolyne spoke angrily with a twisted look in her eyes.
You whined in protest, summoning your stand to try and fight back but the string around your mouth only tightened. She was undeniably stronger than you so you retreated your stand immediately.
"Yare yare dawa..." she clicked her tongue annoyed. "I don't want her to have an incomplete family as I did. You won't leave like my old man did to me. Under no circumstances will I allow that." the crazy tone that lingered in her voice made you shiver as you never saw Jolyne so determined.
"You will be with me. End of the discussion. Willingly or not, you are mine."
And after that, everything went blank.
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yanderememes · 2 years
How would the Villains House react to darling being uber religious [im talking Carrie White from Stephen King's Carrie religious.] and using it as an excuse for her not being able to be around them alone or sleep in the same house as them. I mostly am curious on how Dio and Pucci react tbh.
He's delighted to meet another devoted follower! This will only reinforce his yandere tendencies for darling seeing as how they're clearly so compatible!
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He wants to troll and spite darling lol. Does stupid shit to get attention
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frickingnerd · 11 months
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Masterlist
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Yuma Kokohead
everything we never wanted - oneshot
the life we left behind - oneshot
Kurumi Wendy
as the world caves in - oneshot
Yakou Furio
wearing yakou's jacket - oneshot
dating yakou furio - headcanons
Halara Nightmare
halara with a s/o who's the opposite of them - headcanons
Desuhiko Thunderbolt
all the things we said (and all the things we didn't) - oneshot
Fubuki Clockford
dating fubuki clockford - headcanons
first date with fubuki - headcanons
Vivia Twilight
napping with vivia twilight - headcanons
vivia twilight crushing on an optimistic reader - headcanons
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Zilch Alexander
zilch alexander crushing on you - headcanons
zilch with a s/o who loves animals - headcanons
Aphex Logan
friends with benefits - oneshot
Pucci Lavmin
a lingering regret - drabble
Melami Goldmine
i still see your face - drabble
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Yomi Hellsmile
yandere yomi hellsmile - headcanons
secretly dating yomi hellsmile - headcanons
cuddling with yomi hellsmile - headcanons
Martina Electro
being martina electro's ex - headcanons
Seth Burroughs
cuddling with seth burroughs - headcanons
let's go to the beach! - oneshot
all the feelings that we hide - oneshot
Makoto Kagutsuchi
yandere makoto kagutsuchi - headcanons
yandere makoto kagutsuchi with a master detective darling - headcanons
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princelylove · 7 months
Synopsis: In which Enrico Pucci has some thoughts on his situation.
Warnings: Directly quoting the bible, general yandere content, spoilers for part three + six
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Enrico tapped his finger on his own arm, unsure of what to do.
Ever since he met you, he’s been distracted.
He thought of what was written for him- what could only be written with the intent for him to see- and only grew more frustrated with himself. What was he doing here? What was his plan? What was his goal?
“He must be someone who can control his desires. Someone without a lust for power, honor, wealth, or sexual gratification. He must be someone who puts the laws of God before the laws of humans. Will I, DIO, meet someone like this one day?”
‘What a disgusting display,’ he thought to himself. Everything he was doing in this moment, every single one of his feelings, was a plague. It was a disease upon his very nature, the man he must be, yet he persisted. His mind turned traitor. 
Enrico often wondered what you were doing instead of handling the task at hand. He never understood Perla in his youth, despite supporting and loving most of her decisions. He had never been in love before. It seemed… silly. Frivolous. Like it was just something to pass the time, or something to keep humans from going extinct.
He would just say his feelings are fond. Affection is different from love. So is adoration, so is admiration. Enrico doesn’t know how to place his feelings for you. 
Perhaps it was best to leave them unspoken.
He made a promise, once. A vow. His feelings on the matter are insignificant. He was to continue DIO’s plan- at all costs. He wasn’t feeling love, he was feeling lust- and he is no sinner. 
Oh, if only he were that type of man. That isn’t the truth. Truthfully, he’s fine with sinning. Using the argument of sin against his wants was futile. It’s all just a means to an end. He would sin if he truly needed to- he has and Enrico will, again. His morals aren’t a part of this equation and, to be honest, they never will be.
He would have to find something else to discourage his thoughts of you.
He thought of Psalm 23. 
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
DIO was all he needed. It’s asinine to think otherwise. 
“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
Perhaps he was wrong. Perhaps this is what DIO wanted- to test him.
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
DIO has never led him astray. DIO has never failed him. Even in death. 
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
Or perhaps this is exactly what his lord wanted for him. Something for good behavior- a reward for his loyalty. For his continuous struggle. 
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” 
Yes- that’s exactly it. Of course it is. This is the little bit of indulgence Enrico will ever get in his entire life. It’s just puppy love. It’ll go away. Surely he just needs to embrace it, and it’ll leave him. His obsession-, no, his infatuation would eventually pass, as all infatuations do. He’s merely fixated on your beauty like any other would be. You’re like something in the Louvre- something to be admired from afar and never to really touch. 
Love is not an option for Enrico Pucci. He only has one calling, and he loves Him like he loves God.
He will not have another- he cannot have another, regardless of the type of love, and the intensity. He has no family, as far as he’s concerned. He’s too old to have a crush.
He’s a failure to his Lord if he cannot meet the prerequisites set by Him. It was right there DIO’s diary- DIO needed someone who wouldn’t succumb to foolish urges such as love. 
With DIO’s death, it’s too late for Him to bet on another player. Enrico must do what he has to do. In Heaven, he’ll find love. He’ll find you again in eternal paradise. 
But admiration is not a hindrance. Appreciation isn’t going to get in his way. 
“Do you believe that I am able to do this?” He mutters, to no one in particular. The person it’s intended for has long since passed, but it’s almost as if the universe laughs in His place.
The thought does not comfort Enrico in the slightest.
The sound of a disc being ejected from a cd player is the only sound you can make sense of. Your head feels as if it’s splitting in two, and your vision is getting blurry. 
Enrico shushes you, both of his hands firm on your shoulders, slowly trailing down to your upper arms.
“Be not afraid.”
The whirr of the disc being ejected plays again, and you feel yourself losing consciousness. 
“The thought to harm you hasn’t even crossed my mind.”
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Hello there! This isn’t a request, but a brainrot of mine. Before that lemme say it will have major spoilers for Jojolion;
I don’t why but out of all the jofoes, Pucci and Toru are the ones who scares me the most especially if we consider them as yanderes (which is not that far off. One is born without knowing unconditional love, seeing he was abandoned the moment he was born by his mother— and the closest thing to a mother or love he had is a wasp, which he didn't hesitate to eat if it meant his survival—which may or may not be the reason for his parasitic lifestyle. While the other could not accept that fate that his sister was dealt and was willing to go the extremes).
Both of them are hella manipulative, and are quite natural at pulling the string with their darling. So much so, I very much doubt that their darling suspect anything about them, until It’s too far late for them to do anything about it. It doesn't help that they both work in a philanthropic jobs; ones a priest, the other as a doctor/nurse. So asking for help against them would only make onlookers doubt your words as mere accusations.
Since I see these two in particular to gradually isolate their darling from the world under the premise of their greater good —They are hella selfish, one denies it (Pucci) and the other is apathetic towards it even if he knows it's wrong (Toru)—and ensure that that they are completely dependant on them. That way they could never leave them. It's quite ironic how both Pucci and Toru share the same fear when it comes to their darling; That being the fear of their beloved leaving/replacing them.
With Toru, I can see him using his position as head doctor to access sedatives and using it on his darling if they’re were particularly antsy that day (Only as a last resort, if he could not sweet talk them). Medical yanderes are scary in general—looking at you Secco and Cioccolata in particular— due to many things like their access to their darling private information and drugs.
I can,also, see that both their obsession pass on their stands too.
With Whitesnake, I see it being privy about his user’s beloved memories (I see Pucci using WS to manipulate his darling’s memories to his benefit. Push them closer to him, it's not like they lost a significant memory or anything. Ngl, It is a terrifying thought. Imagine a strange priest proclaiming that he is your spouse and you can't remember if it was true or anything).
With Wonder of U, the moment that Toru goes into his sleep cycle—like most rock humans do (Darling be like: Finally I can escape him afterall 🥳. WoU: You sure about that? 🤨)—He would tail his user’s darling to ensure that they don't leave Morioh at all by sabotaging their escape attempts. Oh, you want to use the airport to escape? Too bad, the the plane suddenly exploded due to some technical issues. The port? Too bad, unexpectedly a tsunami had struck it drowning whatever available ships there is.
His tailing doesn't stop at preventing his user’s darling at escaping, but also at ensuring that they don't enter into another relationship or/and seek help from let say other people. WoU won't hesitate to goad said people into pursuing him, so they could vanish under mysterious circumstances.
At some point, the darling would stop engaging with people as the guilt eats their mind. Thinking they were cursed.. After all, no matter where they go death—freaky accidents—follow them unaware of the presence of WoU (Which canonically one of it’s ability is to disguise itself. Imagine it disguising itself as one of the darling’s relative, maybe like their grandfather and the darling is none the wiser to it 💀) under their nose making sure that they stay with Toru at all cost. They'll be all alone. After all, they are meant to be together with him and Toru.
Sorry if I prolonged, hahaha: It’s just there’s little content for Jojolion and I have a brainrot for it.. 😅
First off your brainrot is absolutely amazing here, like I’ve read this a few times over and mulled on it before finally making a response. I welcome all and any Jojolion brainrot, it’s one of my favorite parts.
I feel it’s accurate to say both Toru and Pucci would both be extremely terrifying, Yandere. Everything you put down pretty much summarizes what I think as well.
Just imagine having the use of WoU against you, calamity, disguise or otherwise on top of that being around sedatives (and knowing how to administer) is a whole different level of terrifying.
or your memories slightly altered at Pucci’s discretion. Sends chills down my spine just thinking of either of those. Man I’d have more thoughts but this is just so great I barely have any words.
I’ll at least say it’s terrifying being “trapped” by either of those circumstances, You’re practically helpless. Probably one of the more scary types of horror/Yandere in my opinion.
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Platonic yandere jojo villains
"I'm screwed"
(Part one)
I'm going to use the au where the main villains live together because of the chaos that can ensue
This will be strictly platonic towards the reader
(Tw): manipulation, death, yandere themes,
You're 12 to 14
You had to go live with your sister after your parents died
This made grow a cold personality
You felt it odd that your sister had so many roommates even if it was a big house
You are a bit smarter than your sister so you see the behavior of her "friends" as VERY odd
Your 100% sure they love and are fighting for your sister
But you can't do anything because you're a kid
All you can do is try and stay away from them or run away at somepoint (but that won't do anything)
Your sister
She is bit of an air head
She doesn't see their yandere tendencies towards you or herself
She trys to keep the peace in the house
However she is protective of you so she trys to keep you out of the chaos so you don't get hurt
The beginning
When you're sister took you home with her she started to tell you about her friends/roommates
You got a little creepd out but she told you that she will make sure that it would be ok and to tell her if anything happens
So when you two arrive you were relieved seeing that it was a big house but that relief was short lived when you heard fighting
You came to the conclusion that this would be a train wreck
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When you got settled down they paid little or no attention to you however they did introduced themselves as Dio, Kars, Wamuu, Esidisi, kira, diavolo, Doppio, and pucci.
Doppio was the only one that made any effort to talk to you he was oddly nice to you.
They all gave off bad vibes so you only leave your room when your sisters home.
However Doppio will try to take you out of your room so you can "socialize" more but he takes you out of the house just you and him.
And he follows you around the house if your sister not home and when you confronted him about it he played it off as making sure you're safe from the others as they argue often
If you're hiding in your room he would come in from time to time to make sure you're okay.(you have to remind yourself to ask your sister for a lock)
One time you snapped and asked why he keeps walking in and he started telling you that he wants to make sure you're okay because that the others aren't fond of your presence
He reminds you of this from time to time hopefully you run to him and stay away from the others.
He fears that the others will use you to get with your sister or get rid of you completely.
Your happy that you start school soon so you can get away from this mess and will make things better right........
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duskoon · 11 months
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Jojo Bizarre Adventures Masterlist + Character list:
• Anything related to JJBA and the characters I am willing to write for would be listed here. If there is any character not mentioned here, you can always request for them.(Including sentient / Automatic stands, like: Anubis. Or manga characters, but be warned for spoilers.)
• Characters in italicised bold means I am mostly invested in them, but that doesn’t mean I won’t write for the others. (R) stands for Romantic, and (P) stands for platonic.
• Minors are aged up to 18+. Also some characters like Josuke have 4suke, that refers to Josuke from part four. While 8suke, refers to Josuke from part eight. You can clearly *Ahem* see which parts are my favorites 😏.
Part 1: Phantom Blood:-
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• Jonathan Joestar (R & P)
• Erina Pendleton (R & P)
• Dio Brando (R only)
• Will. A. Zeppeli (R & P)
• Robert E. O. Speedwagon aka. Best wifey (R & P)
• Strazio (R & P)
• Bruford (R & P)
Part 2: Battle Tendency:-
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• Joseph Joestar (R & P)
• Ceaser Zeppeli (R & P)
• Lisa Lisa (R & P)
• Rudol von Stroheim (R & P)
• Suzi Q (R & P)
• Kars (R only)
• Esidisi (R & P)
• Wammu (R & P)
• Santana (R & P)
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders:-
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• Jotaro Cujoh* (R & P)
• Muhammad Avdol (R & P)
• Noriaki Kakyoin (R & P)
• Jean Pierre Polnareff (R & P)
• Iggy (P only)
• DIO (R only)
• Vanilla Ice (R & P)
• Hol Horse (R & P)
• Telence T. D'Arby (R & P)
• Daniel J. D'Arby (R & P)
• N'Doul (R & P)
• Mariah (R & P)
Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable:-
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• Josuke <4suke> Higashikata* (R & P)
• Koichi Hirose* (R & P)
• Okuyasu Nijimura* (R & P)
• Rohan Kishibe (R & P)
• Yukako Yamagishi (R only)
• Tonio Trussardi (R & P)
• Yoshikage Kira <4ira> (R only)
• Keicho Nijimura (R & P)
Part 5: Golden Wind:-
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• Giorno Giovanna* (R & P)
• Bruno Bucciarati (R & P)
• Leone Abbacchio (R & P)
• Guido Mista (R & P)
• Narancia Ghirga* (R & P)
• Pannacotta Fugo (R & P)
• Trish Una* (R & P)
• Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio (R only)
• Cioccolata (R only)
• Secco (R only)
• Squalo (R & P) ~ Yandere! Tiziano and Squalo with a foster child! Reader [W.I.P].
• Tizzano (R & P) ~ Yandere! Tiziano and Squalo with a foster child! Reader [W.I.P].
• Risotto Nero (R & P)
• Formaggio (R & P)
• Illuso (R & P)
• Prosciutto (R & P)
• Pesci (R & P)
• Melone (R & P)
• Ghiaccio (R & P)
• Sorbet (R & P)
• Gelato (R & P)
Part 6: Stone Ocean:-
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• Jolyne Cujoh (R & P)
• Ermes Costello (R & P)
• Emporio Alnino (P only)
• Foo Fighters (R & P)
• Weather Report (R & P)
• Narciso Anasui (R & P)
• Gwess (R & P)
• Enrico Pucci (R only)
• Donatello Versus (R & P)
• Rikiel (R & P)
• Ungalo (R & P)
• Johngalli A. (R & P)
• Sports Maxx (R & P)
• Thunder McQueen (R & P)
Part 7: Steel Ball Run:-
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• Johnny Joestar (R & P)
• Gyro Zeppeli (R & P)
• Lucy Steel* (R & P)
• Diego Brando (R & P)
• Hot Pants (R & P)
• Mountain Tim (R & P)
• Funny Valentine (R only)
• Scarlet Valentine (R only)
Part 8: Jojolion:-
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• Josuke <8suke, Gappy> Higashikata (R & P)
• Yasuho Hirose best girl (R & P)
• Rai Mamezuku (R & P)
• Jobin Higashikata (R & P)
• Joshu Higashikata (R & P)
• Kei Nijimura (R & P)
• Hato Higashikata (R & P)
• *Daiya Higashikata (R & P)
• Mitsuba Higashikata (R & P)
• Kaato Higashikata (R & P)
• Karera Sakunami (R & P)
• Yoshikage Kira <8ira> (R & P)
• Josefumi Cujoh (R & P)
• Toru (R only) - General Headcanons [W.I.P].
• Yotsuyu Yagiyama (R & P)
• Aisho Dainenjiyama (R & P) - General Headcanons [W.I.P].
• Wu Tomoki (R & P)
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• Jojo Bizarre Adventures rightfully belongs to Hirohiko Araki.
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iggysolosgoku · 5 months
Get to know me
Name: Johnny
Age: 18
Requests are open!
TikTok: Hxhandjjbafan
Favorite animes: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, jujutsu kaisen,demon slayer and sailor moon
Favorite movies: Scott pilgrim vs the world, repo the genetic opera, scream, the whole Chucky franchise, five nights at Freddy's, the whole trolls franchise, nightmare before Christmas, and Edward scissorhands
Stuff I will write: Fluff, found family, platonic stuff, nsfw, sfw, LGBTQ, yandere, autistic reader, chubby reader,any character reader (ex: mitsuri reader), and poly
Stuff I won't write: incest, angst, age gap,any trolls character x reader cause that's just weird, and animal x reader
Animes and movies I write for: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, and Scott pilgrim vs the world
Characters from hunter x hunter I write for: Gon freeces (platonic ONLY), Killua Zoldyck (platonic ONLY), kurapika, leorio, Bisky, wing, illumi Zoldyck, the whole phantom troupe (minus bonolenov, kortopi, and Franklin I like them but not like that), Kite, and Knuckle bine
Characters from Scott pilgrim vs the world I write for: Scott pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Knives Chau (platonic ONLY), Julie Powers, Stacey Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Roxie Richter, Gideon Graves, Katayangi Twins, Matthew Patel, Envy Adams, Todd Ingram, and Wallace wells (platonic for girls)
Characters from Jjba part 1 I write for: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E.O Speedwagon, Erina Pendolton, and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 2 I write for: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Kars, Wammu, Esidisi, And Santanna
Characters from Jjba part 3 I write for: Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar (platonic ONLY), Holly Kujo and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 4 I write for: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu nijimura, koichi hirose, Rohan kishibe, yukako yamagishi, toshikazu hazamada (I don't support his actions), Tonio trussaradi, Yoshikage Kira, Reimi Sugimoto, and Mikitaka hazekura
Characters from Jjba part 5 I write for: Giorno Giovanna, bruno bucciarati, Leone abbachio, Trish una, narancia ghirga, mista Guido, panncotta fugo, risotto Nero, melone, formaggio, illuso, prosciutto, pesci (platonic ONLY), diavolo, doppio vinegar, squala, tiziano, cioccolata, sorbet, gelato, and ghiaccio
Characters from Jjba part 6 I write for: Jolyne Kujo, ermes Costello, narsico anasui, weather report, foo fighters, and Enrico pucci
Characters from Jjba part 7 I write for: Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, hot pants, Diego Brando, and Lucy steel (platonic ONLY)
Characters for jjba part 8 I write for: I have not read part 8 yet
Characters from demon slayer I write for: Tanjiro Kamado, zenitsu agastuma, inosuke hashibira, nezuko Kamado (platonic ONLY), genya, and all the hashira
Characters from jujutsu kaisen I write for: Yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, satoru gojo, nanami kento, kamo choso, and geto suguru
I will NOT write for: Hisoka Morrow
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