napunk-history · 2 months
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rastronomicals · 6 months
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4:37 AM EST December 19, 2023:
Pussy Galore - "Yu Gung" From the album Sugarshit Sharp (October 31, 1988)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Scuzz
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soloragoldsun · 6 months
I'm noticing in P4 fanfics that explore the queerness of the characters, that Yosuke is often the only one who is homophobic. I feel like that's a bit of an unfair way to write the group, since they definitely all have some level of internalized homophobia. Yosuke may be the loudest, but we also have Kanji's violent insistence that he's straight, as well as his relief at Naoto being "actually a girl," allowing him to put his "doubts" to rest. In Kanji's social link, we learn that Rise initially called his more "feminine" interests "creepy." There's also Teddie, who is very gung-ho about smooching, but immediately panics and dips at the thought of kissing Yu, even though there are obviously some feelings there.
I definitely want to write a slower burn fic that has everyone coming to terms with the queerness of themselves and their friends, and some of the internalized stuff they have to work through.
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quil12 · 7 months
Souyo + coming out? If you're still taking requests
So, you're saying that it's been 7 months... Yep... Sounds about right. I did write it though! So there is good news now!
"Yu, I don't know about this," Yosuke said from where he was sitting on their bed. 
"You were the one who was all gung-ho about it yesterday."
He leaned back, sighing. "I know, but that was yesterday."
Yu came over, sitting down next to him, placing a hand on his leg. "We don't have to if you don't want to."
"We don't have to, but we probably should, right?"
"They're all people who care about us."
He nodded, sitting back up. "Yeah, it's just kinda terrifying."
"I know it is. Are you almost ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's do this."
The both of them stood up from the bed, heading to the door of the apartment. They were about to drive down to Inaba to go see their friends and family. It was summer break so they had time off of university classes. 
They had been talking about it a lot in the past month or so and had come to an agreement. 
They were going to tell everyone that they were dating. 
The mere thought of that terrified him to no end. A large part of him wanted to keep this as a secret for the rest of his life, but, at the same time, he knew that that wasn't what Yu wanted. He wanted the people close to them to know that they were together. He understood that to some extent, but that didn't mean that he wasn't still terrified. 
The two of them made it out to the car, getting in. They could have easily taken the train, but they were staying there for a week, so it would be nice to be able to have a way to get around the countryside if they wanted. 
Yosuke insisted on driving - it calmed him down to be able to focus on doing that - and then they were on their way. 
It was only about a two hour drive, but it was nice the entire time. He really loved just spending time with Yu, talking to him about whatever crossed his mind. It would be fun to go on a road trip with him at some point. Maybe to go a lot further than Inaba. 
Before long, they got to the small town. He really loved living in the city, but he had also missed Inaba. There were so many memories associated with it - some bad, but the majority good. He didn't think that he'd want to move back there anytime soon, but he was glad to have the opportunity to visit. 
The first place they went to was the Dojima residence. He was just going to drop Yu off there, then head to his parent's house. That was another reason why it would be nice to have everyone know they were a couple. It would be weird if they were to stay in the same room as just friends, especially when they both had a place to stay in town. 
He pulled up in front of the house. "All right. I'll see you in a bit then?"
Yu nodded, reaching over, and taking hold of his hand, squeezing it. "And if you decide that you don't want to do it, we don't have to."
He took a deep breath. "Right."
"Just let me know, okay?"
He gave him a small smile. "Text me when you start heading over."
"Okay, I will."
With that, Yu got out of the car, grabbing his things, before heading to the door. He waited until he got inside before heading toward his parent's house. 
They were having a get-together with everyone at the Dojima Residence that evening, but he wanted to go drop off his things and get settled first. He was also going to be bringing Teddie with him and he was genuinely looking forward to seeing him. 
He quickly reached the house - it wasn't that far - and pulled into the driveway. 
As soon as he parked, the front door swung open, and Teddie came barreling out toward him.
"Yosuke!" His voice was muffled through the car.
He unbuckled his seat belt, then opened the door, quickly stepping out. "Hey, Ted."
Immediately, he crashed into him, wrapping his arms tightly around him.
He couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips as he hugged him back.
"You were gone for so long. I thought I was never gonna see you again."
"It's been like two months."
"That's basically an eternity."
"Whatever you say." He pushed on his shoulder. "C'mon. I wanna go put my stuff inside and then we can go to see Yu."
Teddie immediately pulled away, a glint in his eye as he went to open the car door, pulling out his bag. "Hurry up. I want to go see Sensei."
Yosuke went and grabbed the rest of his things and they went inside, greeting his parents. Right. He was going to have to tell them too. That wasn't going to be fun. He was going to save it until Yu was there with him though. 
He followed Teddie up to his old room - it was really Teddie's room now. He had told him to do what he wanted with it once he left for college. 
He set everything down and then Teddie was pulling on his arm, telling him that they needed to get going. 
He put up a small bit of resistance - going there meant everything was all the closer - but eventually let in, texting Yu that they were coming, then starting the walk over. 
It wasn't that long of a walk and Teddie was chatting to him the entire time, telling him about everything that had happened over the past few months. Despite everything, he really had missed him. 
It wasn't long before they were walking up to the Dojima Residence, knocking on the door. 
After a few seconds, it opened, Yu standing there, immediately getting leaped on by Teddie. 
"Sensei! You're here."
"Hey, Teddie."
"It's no fair that Yosuke gets to see you all the time."
Yu let out a small laugh. "Well, maybe you can come and visit us sometime."
Yosuke groaned. Why had he offered that? Now that the idea was in his head, he might decide to just come and show up unannounced like he had done on the school trip.
"What? You don't want him to come?"
Teddie let out an over dramatic gasp. "Yosuke?"
"You can come, you just have to let us know beforehand."
Teddie hummed. "All right."
With that, they headed inside. No one else was there yet except for Nanako and Dojima. They exchanged greetings before going over and sitting around the low table in the living room. 
There was a lot of talking as everyone got caught up with everyone else. Nanako, in particular, seemed excited to tell them all about everything she was doing.
Before long though, everyone else started filtering in until the room was full of their friends.
Now that everyone was here in the room, his stomach was turning. What was going to happen if they found out? Would they hate them? He hoped not, but part of him never wanted to actually find out. 
He was lost in those thoughts when, all of a sudden, Chie touched his shoulder, her brow furrowed in concern. “Hey, Yosuke? Are you okay?”
He blinked. “What? I’m fine. Never better.”
She frowned. “O-kay. You just seemed distracted.”
“Oh, uh, I guess I’m just tired.”
She didn’t seem fully convinced, but luckily, she didn’t push him on it. 
He took a deep breath.
Yu caught his attention from across the room. He was giving him a questioning look, his head slightly tilted to the side.
He bit his lip. He really didn’t know if he wanted to do this or not. The anxiety was churning in his stomach, a sense of dread hanging over him. 
Yu stood. “Yosuke, can I talk to you?”
He took a sharp breath, standing as well. “Oh, yeah.”
Luckily, no one seemed too concerned as he followed him up the stairs and into his old room. It was slightly better in there. In the relative privacy where the thoughts of coming out to everyone seemed further away.
“Are you okay?” Yu asked, laying his hand on his cheek.
He looked down at the ground. “I just… I don’t know if I can do this.”
Yu gently ran his thumb beneath his cheekbone. “We don’t have to. I don’t want to do it if you’re not comfortable.”
He frowned, biting his lip. “But you want this, right? You want everyone to know.”
Yu hesitated. “I do, but-”
Yosuke turned away from him, taking a deep breath. Yu wanted this. He deserved to have it. He deserved to have something that he wanted. 
He opened the door, stepping out into the hallway.
“Yosuke? What are you doing?” Yu called from his room.
He was right behind him as he walked down the stairs, stopping in the entrance to the living room.
He opened his mouth before he could think about it. “Yu and I are dating.”
The once upbeat din of conversation pittered out, everyone turning to look at him. 
His face was on fire. “Just wanted to tell everyone.”
Nanako was the first one to speak, a look of excitement on her face. “Does that mean that you’re going to get married?”
“That’s not fair!” Teddie said. “I wanna marry Sensei.”
Yu took a step forward, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. “No one’s getting married, but, like Yosuke said, we are dating. You’re all people that we care about so we decided that we wanted to let everyone know.”
“Congratulations, Senpai!” Rise said from her spot on the couch, a wide smile on her face.
There was a similar sentiment from everyone around the room. 
Everyone was being so supportive. Even though he had been kind of expecting it, relief swept through his body.
He didn’t even realize he had started crying until a teardrop dripped down off of his cheek.
He immediately brought his hand up, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve.
Teddie let out a concerned sounding noise. “Yosuke, why are you crying?”
He took a deep breath. “I’m not crying, stupid bear.”
Yu wrapped an arm around his shoulders, leading him over to the couch. 
As they were sitting down, Chie let out a wolf whistle, smiling.
His face felt hot. “Hey!”
She laughed.
The rest of the day passed by much the same. Talking and laughing without any fear and uncertainty hanging over them. 
He still had to tell his parents, but somehow, now, that idea didn’t seem so bad.
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sifu-kisu · 10 days
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Oakland, San Francisco, Bay Area this one’s coming up soon. Looking forward to seeing all of my amazing friends and family. More details and location TBA.
Coming soon to Northern California
The Northern Shaolin style of Kung Fu as made famous by Grand Master Kuo Yu Chang is a cumulative set of Kung Fu techniques, both northern and southern styles, choreographed by the Grand Master into a curriculum that he taught both in the Nam Jing Kung Fu Institute and his Canton Kung Fu institute. His curriculum increased throughout his teaching years to include techniques of many styles. The Grand Master, being highly skilled in the Northern style of Kung Fu, emphasized the Northern style of Shaolin Kung Fu in his teachings.
Since most of the stories of martial art origins, including that of the Northern Shaolin style, are passed down by word of mouth, we can treat all of this as more a part of a legend than facts.
The Northern Shaolim style of kung fu is one of the most prominent traditional Northern styles of Chinese martial arts. The Northern styles of Gung-fu generally emphasize long range techniques, quick advances and retreats, wide stances, kicking and leaping techniques, whirling circular blocks, quickness, agility, and aggressive attacks.
The system teaches empty-hand techniques and weaponry through predetermined combinations, routines, or movement of sets.
The students learn the basics by practicing the routines until the movements in the routines can be executed naturally based on instinct. Then, two or multiple man sets are practiced to train responses and applications of techniques learned from the sets. The practice sets/routines are not only practical in applications but are also graceful and artistic in nature. The fluidness of the movements combined with acrobatic techniques are trademarks of the Northern Shaolim Kung-Fu sets.
The Northern Shaolim style of Kung-Fu was made famous by the late Grand Master Ku Yu Cheung. There are many legends about the master. According to some related by his close students, Master Ku's father was an accomplished exponent of the Tan Toi (Snapping Kicks) Kung-Fu style. When he was young, Master Ku traveled throughout Northern China to learn all the northern kung-fu systems. He was renowned for his Iron Palm techniques and the application of the long spear weapon. He organized all his learnings into what is the Northern Shaolim Kung Fu today.
Sifu Kisu is a 5th generation Bak Siu Lum Pai disciple (Northern Shaolim Gate) descended from Great Grand Master Ku Yu Cheong. Master Kisu has been a dedicated practitioner of Traditional Chinese Kung Fu for over 40 years and his daily practice has lead him to understand how to transmit the physical/ energetic components in such a way that is open and accessible to the Western mind.
He is a master in the Chinese martial arts focusing on the style of Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as disseminated by his beloved teacher grandmaster Kenneth Hui. He is most famously known for being the chief martial arts director and consultant for the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra. From his lifelong experience in martial arts, he created the bending styles seen in the series and linked them to styles of Chinese martial arts.
We are partnering with my kung fu, brother, Mr. David Wei of Wudang West in Oakland, California.
More details will be posted as they become available…
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omegaremix · 5 months
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Omega Radio for January 9, 2013; #6.
Smiths, The “How Soon Is Now”
Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, The “Heaven’s Gonna Happen Now”
Mika Miko “Capricorinations”
No Age “Every Artist Needs A Tragedy”
Elliott Smith “I Got A Question Mark”
Slits, The “Typical Girls”
Stereolab “Ping Pong”
Stereo Total “Lunatique”
Pussy Galore “You Look Like A Jew”
Les Rallizes Denudes “Dream” (live)
Alexander Von Borsig “Helmut, 25, Medizinstudent”
Einsturzende Neubauten “Yu-Gung” (Adrian Sherwood RMX)
Z'ev “Shake Rattle & Roll”
Vatican Shadow “Missing HMM364 Squadron Purple Foxes Assassins”
Siouxie Sioux & The Banshees “Dear Prudence”
Marquee and rainbow broadcast.
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meatza-lives · 10 months
wasnt tagged by anyone to do this but i saw someone do this so i decided to. anyway, one song for each letter of my url russian roulette - lords of the new church angel - gavin friday yu-gung - einsturzende neubauten march of the pigs - nine inch nails i know a girl called jonny - rowland s howard everything you do is a balloon - boards of canada nancy boy - placebo something came over me - throbbing gristle
i nominate the following @tubefed @2bodyproject @mack-anthology-of-noise @babydracu1a @elliottsmithfan69 dont feel pressured to do it, i just like doing tag games lol
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I've been neglecting Tumblr as a whole this weekend as I burn through costume-making, but I think I can keep up with Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 2, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Murder Café
CW: Sexual assault, human trafficking
This title sounds like a place I'd either really want to eat at or never want to eat at.
It's interesting to see what they did and didn't keep of the city design in Stampede.
Even yandere emo boys have to eat sometimes.
The heck? Is this woman barefoot?? Why would anyone be barefoot out there??? Oh. Oh, shit. Are we gonna get into that aspect of the story already???
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Yyyyup. Well, dang. These men chose the wrong bar to stumble into. I know a few things about yandere emo boys and there's a thing or two they're a bit sensitive about....
If your SO ever, EVER slaps you to the floor while screaming at you for looking at someone else, even if it's not in public, get help and get out of there. I realize these guys aren't these women's significant anything, but that's not the point. Or maybe it is. They are the kind of people who would treat another human being this way. They are not people who love these women.
Dude. This shit is blaming Legato for being too pretty and making these women feel bad that they'll never have a handsome man like him while bragging about assaulting them in the same breath. WTH???
Everyone else in the bar wants to take these guys down, but they're big and powerful and intimidating, making it pretty impossible for the average person.
Ok, but this panel of chibi Legato just... chewing away. At this rate I'm gonna add him to my collection. And then shove him in a box and throw him in the bottom of the sea.
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I wonder if this guy meant to hit Legato's fork or if it was just a lucky shot. Also, what kind of grip does this man have that he was able to keep ahold of his fork while it was shot in two?!?!
Huh, he was going to let them go about their business, confident they'd get theirs. But they done overstepped now.
He says it like a command, as if they have any control over the matter once he's in play.
Nice and traumatic for all involved. Good... good....
I'm impressed these guys are standing their ground after that display. We're gonna assume they're so scared that whatever sense they had has left their stupid heads.
Current favorite angry Legato face:
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Just in case being kidnapped and raped by slavers wasn't already the most traumatic thing to happen to these women....
Honestly, it's good and important to see this bit of humanity from Legato, even if it makes for a much more muddy morality in the story overall. Maybe particularly because it makes for a much more muddy morality overall.
Dude, for his arm to be at this angle, he's gotta have CLAMP-in-their-Tsubasa-Chronicle-xxxHolic-era proportions.
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I wonder how Vash would have handled this situation had he been there instead. Surely Vash isn't unaware that this sort of stuff happens in this world....
Chapter 6: A Gathering of Demons
CW: Human trafficking
So much sand....
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I love how, in this story, our primary windows into the world are Milly and Meryl. Like, they're characters in their own right, but they're also the closest thing we have to an Everyman through which we interact with the story.
Yeah, Vash is probably on hyper-alert for now because of the Gung-Ho Guns. Constantly concerned about the safety of everyone around him.
That reminds me, I should retrieve my tea from the kitchen. (It's jasmine, if you're curious.)
GoshDARNIT, Legato! You're not supposed to be flattered and happy when people announce they're gonna hunt you!
He's just a silly, happy boy.
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Heh. Foreshadowing.
Soooo many things I could say here and I will say none of them. Instead, let's all just appreciate how much the bus driver here looks like a hippie straight from 1960's Berkeley.
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I'm impressed they managed to get that thing on the roof of the van.
LOL, Wolfwood's response to people calling him out for being a frumpy, shady guy....
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Awww, cute Vash face!
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I love everything about their meeting here.
It's interesting that WW quickly notes how much Vash fits the description on his posters when Monev was quick to say Vash looked nothing like the description of him.
I do like the introduction '98 gave them, though, with Vash inventing a crazy name for himself and then Milly casually dropping the whole "Vash the Stampede" bit.
Vash looks very unsure of WW here. Resigned, but unsure.
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The slavers are gonna try to do what to whom? Hahahahahahaha GL
Speak of the devil....
Who the hell is he talking to??
Yeah, this wasn't gonna end well for them....
THE PORTABLE CONFESSIONAL!!! Gods, I hope this thing shows up in Stampede. It's the dumbest thing, but it's also beautiful. Especially the way WW just SHOVES it on people's heads.
WW's introduction is great. Is he a genuine sweetheart or is he a conman? Both??
WW can't not melt at kids, can he?
Dude, they've been hanging out for... what, a few hours? And already WW is reading Vash like a book.
This pose looks... uncomfortable.
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Hahahahahaha, he's stuck in it.
Gods, that's a freaking MOUNTAIN of bodies. He should compare it with the one Erwin Smith has.
Ok, I kind of love how Legato handles these guys. He's like, "Oh, so you want to make a profit selling people? How about I kill half of you so you can make a profit off the organs of people you might actually give a shit about? Get fucked, scumbag."
Oh. THAT'S where the chapter title comes from. Hi, everyone!
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rising-dragon · 8 months
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FULL NAME: NAMGUNG SEUNG-YONG [  함열 승용 ] » MEANING: Namgung[Written as “남궁” in Korean. Other forms; Namkung, Namkoong, Namgoong. From Sino-Korean 南 (nam) meaning “south” combined with 宮 (gung) “palace, house”. This is the most common Korean compound surname.]; Seung [ Written as “승” in Hangul; from Sino-Korean 昇 (seung) meaning “rise, ascent”, 勝 (seung) meaning “victory, excel” or 承 (seung) meaning “inherit”, as well as other characters which are pronounced similarly.]; Yong [Written as “용” in Hangul; from Chinese 勇 (yǒng) meaning “brave” or 永 (yǒng) meaning “perpetual, eternal.” This can also be a single-character Korean name, for example from the hanja 勇 meaning “brave.” Written as “龍” in Hanja, meaning “dragon” and is used as a family or given name.]; Seung-yong [rising dragon.]
VERSE: Night Shift; The Meaning of Forever;  Serendipity
NICKNAME(S): Yong, Seungie
AGE: Appears Appears to be 30-years old but is actually 298-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: Seung-yong was born in the 18th century South Korea, in 13th November.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jeolla Province, South Korea.
OCCUPATION: Supernatural Bounty Hunter; was Personal Bodyguard to Gim Chunghae.
SPECIES: Witch, Dragon.
SEXUALITY: Bisexual; Biromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender male.
Yeouiju (여의주)
Some power over rain, river, ocean, and weather conditions in general
Shape-shifting abilities
Super strenght
STRENGTHS: Curious, Alert, Loyal, Adaptable, Carefree
WEAKNESSES: Childish, Carefree, Stubborn, Moody, Compulsive
FACE CLAIM: Christian Yu/Yu Ba Rom
HEIGHT: 5′10 ft. [179 cm.]
WEIGHT: 143 lbs. [65 kg.]
BUILD: Athletic.
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown.
OVERVIEW: » SCARS: Seung-yong has many scars from minor accidents and battles during his years of service with the Gim Clan. » TATTOOS: Seung-yong has various tattoos he accumulated over time. A big dragon piece began appearing on his back and its details became more and more prominent as he grew more powerful throughout the years.
HOMETOWN: Jeolla Province, South Korea.
RESIDENCE: Seoul, South Korea.
NATIONALITY: South Korean.
FINANCIAL STATUS: Upper-middle class.
DEGREES: Did not finish any formal education.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES:Seung-yong speaks Jeolla satoori and standard Hangul. He is fluent in English as well through years of practice. He is knowledgeable in Nihongo, Mandarin, and French.
PARENTS: To be added; he is from the Namgung clan, related to Kumi/Mamuro's farmer friend; Family's been connected with the mighty dragons for many, many years.
PETS: None.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: » Gim Chunghae, former employer; Seon Hae/Akira, childhood friend.
FAMILY HISTORY: Seung-yong was told he was abandoned by his mother when he was born. He grew up with his father’s side of the family. He didn’t get along well with his father and a lot of his relatives weren’t very keen on taking care of him as he was seen as lazy, stubborn, and useless.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Seung-yong had a string of lovers throughout the years but none of them lasted for very long.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Seon Ha/Akira; a childhood kumiho friend and also a training partner.
PHOBIA(S): None.
MENTAL DISEASE(S): None that he is aware of.
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cultreslut · 9 months
@theamericanfriend1977 and @milfjagger tagged me to shuffle and post the first ten songs of my on repeat playlist !!!
sadness hides the sun - anika
doll parts - hole
dallas - silver jews
go down slowly - fievel is glauque
anemone - brian jonestown massacre
yu gung (futter mein ego) - einstrurzende neubaten
miss june 75 - brian jonestown massacre
ode to street hassle - spacemen 3
miss world - hole
beach bottle - i believe in sunshine
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murfeelee · 2 years
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CQL/MDZS INSP - Yiling Arc Pt2: Cultivating the Burial Mounds
In the Burial Mounds of Yiling, heading fifty- or-so of the fallen Wen Sect‟s cultivators, Wei WuXian planted vegetables, repaired houses, refined corpses, and made new tools. Every day when he was free, he played with the toddler Wen Yuan, son of Wen Qing’s dead cousins. Wei WuXian either let him hang on trees or buried him in the ground, fooling him that he‟d grow faster if he was watered and bathed in sunlight. Then, he was scolded by Wen Qing again. A few months passed like this. Aside from how the world’s comments on Wei WuXian worsened even more, there was no progress.
Wei WuXian and Wen Qing weren't surprised when they saw YunmengJiang’s sect leader Jiang Cheng arrive.
Jiang Cheng asked, “What are you all turning over the dirt here doing? Don‟t tell me you‟re really going to start farming!”
Wei WuXian said, “Didn't you hear? We are farming!”
“You‟re farming on a mountain of corpses? Will the things that grow here be edible?”
Wei WuXian, “Believe me. When people are really hungry, they'll eat whatever they can.”
Jiang Cheng asked, “You really intend on stationing yourself here in the long run? Can people even live in such a place?”
Wei WuXian, “I lived three months in here.”
After a moment of silence, Jiang Cheng asked, “You‟re not coming back to Lotus Pier?”
Wei WuXian replied in a relaxed tone, “Yunmeng is so close to Yiling. I‟ll sneak back whenever I feel like it.”
Jiang Cheng snorted, “You wish.” A child about one or two years old crept over. He was quite a fine, lovable child. Unfortunately, Jiang Cheng had no love in him at all. He turned to Wei WuXian, “Where did the kid come from? Get him away from me.” Jiang Cheng mocked, “The other sect leaders thought you gathered some leftover forces and crowned yourself king of the hill. But it’s only the old, the weak, women, and children?” Jiang Cheng continued, “Where‟s Wen Ning?”
- Mo Dao Zu Shi, chapters 73 and 74
MY THOUGHTS (Jiang Cheng minirant pt1)
In the fandom, Team Jiang Cheng gets huffy when people like me say we hate Jiang Cheng. But the author herself said it: “Unfortunately, Jiang Cheng had no love in him at all.“
Granted, I think this a hyperbolic AF--JC clearly loves WWX, and his parents, and OF COURSE the goddess of pork rib soup Jiang Yanli too good and pure for this world amen, and her son Jin Ling. However, JC’s problem is that he doesn’t know how to express softness, and I 100% blame his mother for that, cuz Madam Yu was gung-ho about JC being everything WWX wasn’t--to JC’s own detriment.
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JC could barely show his own siblings and nephew he loved them, let alone show gratitude towards the good Wens who helped save them (ESPECIALLY Wen Ning), despite the evil Wens exterminating the rest of the Jiang sect (and him having a crush on Wen Qing). 
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There’s this WONDERFUL analysis of Jiang Cheng’s reaction to finding WWX squatting with the Wen remnants in the Burial Mounds, and how it compares to what Jiang Yanli would have done in his place: https://hunxi-guilai.tumblr.com/post/619224037560909824/hey-im-currently-re-watching-ep27-28-and-it-just
That post really highlights JC’s abandonment issues, inferiority complexes, and desperation for WWX to come back home--despite seeing clear as day that WWX was resigned to being “the Yiling Patriarch,” an exiled ex-cultivator aiding and abetting the Wens, and actively trying to make a new Lotus Pier in the Burial Mounds--doing the impossible. 
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evoldir · 2 months
Fwd: Conference: Heraklion_Crete.BiologyAndBiomedicine.Jul20-22
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Heraklion_Crete.BiologyAndBiomedicine.Jul20-22 > Date: 6 April 2024 at 07:00:06 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Dear Author > > You are invited to submit an article in the 4th International Conference > on Biology and Biomedicine - BIOMEDICINE 2024 Heraklion, Crete Island, > Greece. July 20-22, 2024. > https://ift.tt/VlXFMaf > > > Accepted and Presented papers will appear in a Springer Verlag Volume > Computational Problems in Science and Engineering III > Editors: Nikos E. Mastorakis, Imre J. Rudas, Yuriy S. Shmaliy > See our previous volume > https://ift.tt/ZmdFX34 > > > > Best Papers will be published in the following 3 Journals > > > Molecular Biomedicine (Indexed in ISI Web of Science, Scopus etc) > Best papers from the conference will appear in this Journal: > https://ift.tt/Y6vh5W3 > > Editor-in-Chief > Yu-quan Wei, PhD, MD, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China > Hospital, Sichuan University, China > > > > Biomedical Journal  (Indexed in ISI Web of Science, Scopus etc) > Best papers from the conference will appear in this Journal: > https://ift.tt/JLRClGE > > Editor-in-Chief > Prof. Ming-Ling Kuo, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan > > > WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine  (Indexed in  Scopus etc) > Best papers from the conference will appear in this Journal: > https://ift.tt/eEfiolH > > Editor-in-Chief > Prof. Nicholas Tritos, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA > > Many Thanks > > Kostas Chiotopoulos > > > > "4th International Conference on Biology and Biomedicine - BIOMEDICINE 2024."
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rastronomicals · 1 year
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6:46 PM EDT April 8, 2023:
Einsturzende Neubauten -   "Yu-Gung (Adrian Sherwood Remix)" Single, What's So Funny About SF 09 (1985)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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coolsssm · 7 months
Einstürzende Neubauten - Yu-Gung (Adrian Sherwood Mix)
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howlingmoonradio · 8 months
October 26th Playlist
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We snapped the above photo during one of our excursions overseas last month, and it seemed apropos for tonight's episode theme, which with Halloween looming is naturally on the spooky, creepy unsettling sounds side of the ledger, don't listen with the lights off..
Side A Howling at the Moon-Hank Williams Halloween Parade-Lou Reed Grim, Grinning, Skulls-Los Lobos Pet Cemetery-The Ramones Wave of Mutilation-The Pixies Monster Surfing Time-Deadly Ones Date with a Vampyre-Screaming Tribesmen The Witch-Sonics Mommy's Little Monster-Social Distortion
Side B Dead Lines-Skinny Puppy Yu-Gung-Einsturzende Neubauten (Adrian Sherwood Mix) Show is Coming-Dub Syndicate Mr. Brown-The Wailers I Put a Spell On You-Nina Simone Pretty Girls Make Graves-The Smiths
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omegaremix · 5 months
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Omega Radio for January 3, 2015; #73.
Adverts, The “Great British Mistake”
Siouxsie Sioux & The Banshees “Love In A Void”
Damned, The “New Rose”
Dead Boys, The “What Love Is”
Essential Logic “Quality Crayon Wax O.K.”
X-Ray Spex “I Am A Cliche”
Users, The “Dead On Arrival”
Maids, The “I Do I Do”
Clash, The “I’m So Bored With The U.S.A.”
Wire “Three Girl Rhumba”
Slits, The “Love And Romance”
Cure, The “Killing An Arab”
Talking Heads “Take Me To The River”
Flucts, The “2 Gtr. Practice”
Material “Reduction”
Les Rallizes Denudes “Romance Of The Black Grief (Fallin’ In Love With)” (live)
Ramleh “Pit Bull”
Blind Alley “Third History”
Shonen Knife “Twist Barbie”
Tiger Trap “Hiding”
Swirlies “Two Girls Kissing”
Donnas, The “Hey, I’m Gonna Be Your Girl”
Deerhoof “Gore In Rut”
Mika Miko “Oh, Headspin”
Some Girls “Stars In My Dreams”
Thurston Moore “Patti Smith Match Scratch”
Pussy Galore “Yu Gung”
Dinosaur Jr. “Sludgefeast”
Guitar Wolf “Link Wray Man”
Raveonettes, The “War In Heaven”
Pure X “Shadows And Lies”
Thurston Moore “Elegy For All The Dead Rock Stars”
Deluxe rainbow broadcast featuring classic punk, no-wave, shoegaze, indie, alternative, and garage.
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