mondaymelon · 6 months
I'm just letting you have Ur boys for now
And I was a lil busy with shtuff
society has collasped
i want to be a third grader again
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chaosandwaffles · 3 years
So i've taken up an aquarium hobby n i wanted to share some of my experiences on here just cuz i feel like it (also im depressed af n my therapist said itll help if i get back to writing n talkin about stuff i like so here i be 🙃)
ANYWAYS, about a yr n a half? Maybe 2? Years ago i was not in a great place (still am not lol but its better so issokay) n i had started working in customer service at a new company n the clients were shit n my whole life was revolving around this damn job. I woke up one morning n i was like i want a fish. Mind u i knew jack about fish at the time i just wanted em cuz i wanted a lil coot friend THAT DOESNT GET CHARGED RENT Y TF DO APARTMENTS CHARGE DOGGY N KITTY RENT. WHAT EVEN IS THAT??? N also i didnt trust myself to take care of an animal fully so i thought hey fishy r easy lotsa kids have fishies.
Fish are NOT EASY. i wish fish came w a disclaimer "not for the faint of heart, will make u cry"
It was a regular day, went to work, dealt w shitty ppl yadda yadda yadda n i come home, i live w my parents btw, so i walk in n this whole day m thinkin... I really want a fish, like really bad. So i walk in n the first thing i say to my mom is, imma buy a fish. Thats it m getting a fish. Today. Right now. N my moms like okaaayyy??? Where are u gon get a fish. Theres a pet smart walking distance away from me so obviously thats where i go n i drag my mom w me cuz idk what m doin n i dont wan go alone. N shes just starin at me like m crazy cuz fish ykno.
Walk in there n some dudes like can i help u n m like ye, i want a fish. N hes like cool cool what kind of fish u looking for n m just like??? A fish? Just a fish? A fish that looks like a fish?
N hes like ummmm okay??? Sooo is this going to b ur first fish? N ye is my first fish this is a big deal bro get w the times. Im adopting a whole water child. I didnt have a tank so dude sells me a 5 gallon tank n i choose 2 lil baby catfish n my mom chose another fish that i honestly dont remember n i was so excited. So he told me to get a filter cartridge n a heater n a thermometer n everything else came w the tank i got n i bought some decor n this bright red gravel n i was hella excited. Get in line n get to the cashier n cashier is like, r u setting ip for the first time? Yes. N he lets me know i cant just drop a fish into tap water n m like??? What? I thought water was water. N hes like ye but tap water has chlorine n m like ohhhh so i discover what water conditioner is. Get that n spend a crap ton of money. Get attached to my coot lil catfish, i named em tom n jerry.
I get home n i set up their lil hone, get the water in n follow the directions of the water conditioner n wait 15 mins. I rinse off the gravel n decor n set those up n everything looks great n then i dump those babies in. Acclimation? Never heard of it. N theyre swimming around like crazy n m like dang they love it!! I did such a great job m so proud of myself. I feed them cuz that's what the tank instructions said to feed em after like half an hr or smth i dont remember but i fed em n they didnt eat n m like they prolly not hungry its okay. Check on em a few hrs later n one of the catfish is still running around like crazy n then stop n drops to the gravel n then gets up n does it all again n m like??? Is that normal??? Is that how they play?? Prolly. The other cat fish was slowly swimming over the gravel n the other fish my mom chose was hiding under the bridge. N m like laddy dadi da m a fish mommy life is great i have 3 water babies.
Next day m on my way home from work hella excited to see my fishy babies n my mom calls n shes like come to pet smart dont go home... N m like why??? N shes like cuz i found another fish i think youd like. N m like but we have 3 we just bought yesterday. N shes like no u rlly need ro see this fish. I go to pet smart.
There was no fish. She was returning 3 dead fish.
My 3 dead water babies. SHE TOLD ME MY FISH DIED AT PET SMART. IN FRONT OF STEANGERS. WHY?! i cried in the car lmao.
She was tryna convince me its okay n we can get new fish were already at petsmart. But o ask the lady why the fish died cuz i followed all the instructions n shes like fish die all the time theyre sensitive little creatures it could b for lots of reasons. N then she asked if there was any unusual behavior n m like idk i had em for a day. Then we find out... Ummmm ur supposed to cycle a tank. N acclimation exists. N bacteria is a thing n yeaaahhh i murdered 3 fish.
Went home to an empty tank n cried some more. Those were technically my v first pets n i had em for less than 24 hrs. 🙃
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