#YEEHAW I LOVED THIS MOVIE excited for the art book to come home for me to cry over
splendidcyan · 11 months
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MEOWS MORALES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lesty-xx · 4 years
thank you @fanfictiongreenirises for tagging me! The last part was especially fun (haha, are you happy I’m actually doing these now, now you’re not tagging me in vain!)
rules: spell out your url with song titles, answer the quarantine questions, and bold the things that apply - then tag 10 people
This is quite long so I dumped everything under the cut =D
let's goooooooooo
L - Learn to Let Go by Kesha
E - Eden by Sara Barellies
S - Something by The Beatles
T - Treacherous by Taylor Swift
Y - You Gotta Die Sometime by Andrew Rannells in Falsettos
I have no songs for X, I know none, I have over 2,000 songs in iTunes and not ONE starts with X, so I think we're stopping here then? This is a sign that I need to evolve out of 2012 and remove the "-xx" from my user name.
where are you isolated?? at home! I’m quite lucky because I get to hang out with my dog everyday
what are you currently reading or watching?? I'm rewatching Doctor Who right now! I went in reverse order by doctor (13, then 12, then 11, etc) but having to witness Clara die then seeing her again all bright and bubbly with 11 was painful, and I realised I couldn't go through that pain again with Rose so I skipped 10 and went onto 9. I'm now half way through 10's first season, and I’m so excited for when Martha and Donna rock up as the God Tier companion duo of NuWho
if you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?? Sometimes I sit in the backyard and listen to the birds, my dog likes to come out with me and roll in the grass.
any fascinating concept you’re studying?? ummmmm I've just finished all my uni coursework (just finishing up a prac assignment at this rate), but the most interesting thing I got to study this semester was the development of white nationalism as a culture. It was awful and somewhat traumatising at times, but thoroughly interesting in a perverse, macabre way. 
what kind of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing?? I'm kind of flip flopping between different things because I keep getting new ideas of things to try. I've been writing, experimenting with new watercolour techniques, I did some spray painting and gave myself a minor asthma attack, it's been fun!
a song that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?? Kings and Queens by Ava Max! It's such a great bop to jump around in your bedroom to, and lately that's been my perpetual state of being
favourite impulsive/”bad” coping techniques?? p r o c r a s t i n a t i o n, I keep waking up going "okay, I'll get this thing done", but first I've got to shower, then I need to have a coffee - oh, that one didn't wake me up enough, better have another one! Oh no, now I have too much energy, let's do some spontaneous cardio in the living room, oops, now I need another shower - and then this just continues until it's 10pm where I'm like "ah, now it's too late to start anything, I’ll do it tomorrow".
favourite healthy/”good” coping techniques? I'm starting to exercise which I thought I'd hate but I'm actually enjoying, it’s nothing intense or committed, but it’s nice to get some movement into my life.
APPEARANCE i’m over 5′5″. i wear glasses / contacts. i have blonde hair. i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing. i have one or more piercings. i have at least one tattoo. i have blue / green eyes. i have dyed or highlighted my hair. i have gotten plastic surgery. i have or had braces. i sunburn easily. i have freckles. i paint my nails. i typically wear makeup. i don’t often smile. i am pleased with how i look. i prefer nike to adidas. i wear baseball hats backwards.
HOBBIES AND TALENTS i play a sport. i can play an instrument. i am artistic. i know more than one language. i have won a trophy in some sort of competition. i can cook or bake without a recipe. i know how to swim. i enjoy writing. i can do origami. i prefer movies to tv shows. i can execute a perfect somersault. i enjoy singing. i could survive in the wild on my own. i have read a new book series this year. i enjoy spending time with friends. i travel during school or work breaks. i can do a handstand.
RELATIONSHIPS i am in a relationship. i have been single for over a year. i have a crush. i have a best friend i have known for ten years. my parents are together. i have dated my best friend. i am adopted. my crush has confessed to me. i have a long distance relationship. i am an only child. i give advice to my friends. i have made an online friend. i met up with someone i have met online.
AESTHETICS i have heard the ocean in a conch shell. i have watched the sunrise. i enjoy rainy days. i have slept under the stars. i meditate outside. the sound of chirping calms me. i enjoy the smell of the beach. i know what snow tastes like. i listen to music to fall asleep. i enjoy thunderstorms. i enjoy cloud watching. i have attended a bonfire. i pay close attention to colours. i find mystery in the ocean. i enjoy hiking on nature paths. autumn is my favourite season.
MISCELLANEOUS i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle. i am the mom friend. i live by a certain quote. i like the smell of sharpies. i am (was) involved in extracurricular activities. i enjoy mexican food. i can drive a stick-shift. i believe in true love. i make up scenarios to fall asleep. i sing in the shower. i wish i lived in a video game. i have a canopy above my bed. i am multiracial. i am a redhead. i own at least three dogs.
Tagging: It’s been so long since I was active on tumblr that I kinda feel at a loss at who to tag, so this is basically my awkward way to reach out to some mutuals who I still see on my dash and adore even though I never speak to you because communication and I *are not* on speaking terms
@ohloverbcy @hiimcanadia @just-emerly @dirigibleplumbing @hailey813 @funky-lil-cowgirl-yeehaw @protectcombeferre @shakespeareanqueer (there’s no pressure to do this btw! I’m just stumbling back into this website with a flickering torch)
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the-last-airbadger · 4 years
My 2019
Hello pals. It's time for my annual end of the year post. The end of the decade means time for reflection and seeing how well I did with my resolutions haha (not that well I fear)
The Beginning of 2019 vs Now
The beginning of this year was amazing! I started off the year with a three week break, and after that, the second semester of my first year at uni started. This semester was honestly probably the happiest I've been in my life. I love attending university and I have the greatest group of friends there and every day there was a treat that semester (the current one is a bit of a drag sadly). My mother also moved in februari, which was something I wasn't really looking forward to at the time, but in hindsight, that was really great too. I was excited to go into the new year and felt sure it was going to be a good one!
I also had the best sleeping schedule back then. I slept from 12 til 9 literally every night, was on top of all of my schoolwork, and basucally I really had my life in order while also having a lot of time left to read and do other fun things, which was a great feeling.
The Best Things about 2019
The first best thing that happened this year was the DAY6 concert! I've been wanting to see a kpop group live ever since I got into kpop, so this was literally a dream come true. Not only was the concert the best concert I've ever been to, I also got the chance to give all the members a high five, which was a surreal feeling. One of the best evenings of my life.
Then, like I said, my mom moved into a new house, and it's such a chill house! I love beeing there! So that was great too
I also fell into a booktube hole around that time, which I'm really happy about! A Clockwork Reader's videos have entertained me for hours and Jessethereader is one of my favourite youtubers right now. I'm so thankful I found his videos! They are both entertaining and has really given me more motivation to read, as well as introduced me to many many books I'd never heard of before. My tbr has grown considerably since then haha. I also read so much since then! I have never read this much in a year!
I turned 20, scored a 10 in one of my courses (very proud of that), and I went to Alec Benjamin's concert with my sister which was amazing!
But I don't really remember many other special things that happened 😅. OH WAIT YEAH AVENGERS ENDGAME AND THE NEW SPIDERMAN MOVIE. And a lot of kpop releases! But I feel like it was mostly a year of school, books, and chilling than one of specific exciting events.
My Resolutions for 2019?
Oof, I haven't really looked at these resolutions at all this year, and I'm realising that I probably should have, because I don't think I accomplished many of these 😂
Dye my hair (let’s give that another go shall we) - My hair is still very brown 😔
Get a good haircut - I've had a couple of really good haircuts this year, so that's a win! This makes me wonder what my hair looked like last year though🤔 (I looked it up, it wasn't that bad XD)
Get a tattoo - Didn't do that :(
Move out of my parent’s house (that’s a bold one) - Didn't do that either! I could have, but then I realised I was actually quite happy living at home so I decided to stay for a while. I guess that's still a win because I'm happy about where I live 🤔. I do still wanna move out at some point though, but there's no need to rush.
Accomplish my reading challenge on Goodreads (I really want to accomplish that 35 books goal, it’s starting to haunt me) - YES. I DID THAT. FINALLY. AFTER 3 YEARS. and not just a little bit either, I read 49 BOOKS this year and more than double the amount of pages I've ever read in a year. 2019 really was the year of reading. Discovering booktube was really a gift.
Get tickets for A.C.E.’s concert - Did that! The concert was cool
Get swol - yeeeaaah nooooppee
Communicate more with the people around me - I don't know if I did that, I guess I didn't really pay attention to whether I did this or not soooo🤷‍♂️
Don’t let other people’s opinions shape my actions - Still working on that
Pass my first year at uni - Yeehaw
Go swimming (I haven’t done that in 3 years) - HOW HAVE I NOT DONE THIS YET?? I NEED TO SWIM IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS
Grow a beard (plz universe) - 😔
Learn how to make flipbooks (it looks really cool) - yeah I kinda lost interest in this
Learn how to knit (I really wanna make my own sweaters) - still want to try this 🤔
Read books on storytelling and learn more about how to tell a story - I did not read books on storytelling, but I did watch a couple of Hello Future Me videos which were helpful so tiny mini win
Develop my story more - This is a very vague resolution... like I have no Idea what "more" is when I don't know how much I wrote in 2018 😂. If this means just continuing to develop my story then I think I succeeded, but if it means I consistenly and conciously spent more time on developing my story then I did not.
Write at least 100 pages - I have no idea how much I wrote this year honestly. I wrote a bit but 🤷‍♂️
Spend more time with my friends, both new friends and old friends - sadly, I kinda feel like I failed this one. Last semester I only really saw my best friends twice. My other friendgroup I saw every day (because school) but I only saw them about 3-4 times outside of school which I would have liked to be more...
Expectations for 2020
I don't really have that many expectations for this year. I know I will start my third year at university (time is going TO FAST) and will have to start working on my thesis which I'm not really looking forward to.
Another thing that I know will happen is that my dad will move, meaning I'll move into my mom's house permanently. I am actually quite looking forward to the stability of living in one house again instead of switching every week, but I will miss my room.
And yeah apart from that I don't really know. I have a feeling this will be a year of personal development, writing, reading and creativity, but I have no idea.
I'm also looking forward to the release of the new Hunger Games Prequel, and I'm also hOPING that SHINee will come back at the end of the year but only time will tell 👀
2020 Resolutions
I'm feeling ambitious right know so I might end up doing none of these things BUT that's okay let's do this
Express my feelings more (as in I get really awkward in any sappy or mushy situation but I would like to be able to tell people I appreciate them without cringeing)
Again, learn to depend less on other people's opinions and trust my own
Get my sleeping schedule back on track
Become better at summarizing (no more 4 page summaries of 4 page texts 😂)
WRITE MORE. This time I'll make some concrete goals: Either I'll get my story's first draft done, or I'll write 100 pages on a single project
I want to try NaNoWriMo (not nessicarily in November, but at some point)
I want to read a lot again but maybe not as much as this year because I want to focus on writing too. 40 books?
Read all my current unread books (Aru Shah 2, Skullduggery Pleasant 9, Gemina, The Mistborn Trilogy and Call Down The Hawk) and finish my reread of Heroes of Olympus and the Raven Cycle
Finally read a book by V.E. Schwab (I've been wanting to try one of her books for ages)
Finish Playing Twilight Princess (I promised my brother)
Finally start spelling "definitely" correctly because I've been spelling it as "definately" for years and I really need to stop 😂.
Go. Swimming. Seriously. It's scandalous that I still haven't done that after waiting so long to be able to😂
Try to worry less about school and not overwork myself
Maybe try another drawing challenge somewhere this summer? I haven't done any of those in a while and I feel like my art needs more attention
I want to try a 24 hour readathon
I kinda want to learn a piano piece as well, but I already have so many hobbies I want to focus on so I don't know if I'll have the time :(
So, that was it for this year! Thanks for reading and happy 2020!
@the-official-pentacorn @asiandutchgirl
Last year’s post (x)
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