dick-helmet-magneto · 24 days
okay okay i did another one! charles/logan/erik
“Here, take this.”
“Oka- Wait! What am I supposed to do with a baby!?”
Erik wasn’t exactly pleased that he had to leave the mansion. It was strange that, after so long fighting it, the place had finally become home to the point that he wanted to stay. But he could stand a day or two away. He had to. 
After all, it wasn’t everyday one learned he had sired a child and the mother wanted nothing to do with her. A child that he had been informed about by an organization wanting to know if he would take the child or if the child would be placed in the system. 
Even if that meant leaving Charles alone with Wolverine, he would have to make that sacrifice. 
But he was back now, walking into the school with a little girl with green hair in his arms and a pastel pink backpack thrown over his shoulder. 
He located the metal chair with ease and, sure enough, the metal coated skeleton only a foot or so away in Charles’s personal living room upstairs. So that was where he was heading. 
They had set up a basic nursery across from their bedroom. It wasn’t fully furnished yet—with Erik gone the other two only had a couple of days to work—but a glance inside on his way, and Erik ensured there was a cot for her and a changing table along with a stack of diapers. It would have to do for now. 
Then he was going down the short hall to join the other two, a small smile on his face as he heard his daughter making little sounds, just staring to wake up from her nap. 
“There you are,” Charles said with a smile, his eyes landing on Erik and the baby immediately. “And that hair.” 
“Kids a mutant if I ever saw one,” Logan said, watching just as closely but not smiling. Erik wasn’t sure the man knew the meaning of the word. 
“No,” Erik replied, “I just stopped to dye her hair on the way here. Didn’t want any cops to recognize her.” 
“You say that, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you did something like that, Mags,” The man countered and Erik rolled his eyes, trying to not let his amusement show as he sat on the couch with the two of them. 
“It’s her natural color,” Erik said, just in case, “They said her mother took one look at her and refused her. Just because of her hair color.” He shifted the little girl in his arms so they could see her face. 
“What’s her name?” Charles asked, his hand going out, the back of one finger gently rubbing over her little cheek. 
“Lorna,” Erik said quietly, watching his partner interacting with their new child. “Lorna Dane Lehnsherr.” 
“She’s adorable,” He cooed as she yawned, “Isn’t she cute, Logan?” 
“Precious,” Logan said in a gruff voice that would lead one to believe he wasn’t being serious. Erik decided it was best not to ask, this wasn’t the time to be getting into a fight with his partner’s boyfriend. 
“And your’s too, darling. Stop being so difficult,” Charles reminded him with a telepathic nudge. 
“Just because we get along in bed at night doesn’t mean he’s my boyfriend,” Erik countered. 
“Oh, of course not, no,” Charles sounded nothing but patronizing but Erik decided to let it pass. 
Mostly because their daughters bottom lip trembled before she started crying and that distracted Erik. He started trying to juggle the backpack and Lorna before deciding there were better ways. 
“Here, take this,” He said, passing Lorna to his right, into Logan’s hands. 
The man accepted the baby with ease, though he was holding her in front of him, one hand under each of her arms, keeping her well away from him. “Oka- Wait! What am I supposed to do with a baby!?” 
“Well, not that,” Charles said, almost sounding offended as Erik scrambled through the diaper bag, “She’s not diseased, love.”
“She came out of the magnet, we don’t know what she has,” Logan countered as Charles tried to help him hold her like one was supposed to hold a baby. 
“Now that you’re holding her, she might have fleas,” Erik replied as he finally pulled out the bottle he had been looking for and set out to the small kitchen across the room to heat it. 
When he came back, the two were holding his daughter in a joint effort, both of their arms under her and Erik wondered if Charles didn’t trust Logan or if Logan didn’t trust himself. 
Either way, he sat down with a warmed bottle and held it out. Charles took the bottle, his hand moving slowly at first to make sure Logan had her, and then he brought the bottle to Lorna’s mouth, watching her latch on. 
For a while, the three of them just watched her drinking her milk happily. Then Logan glanced at Erik and back at the girl, “I have to say, Mags, you done good.” 
Erik smiled, leaning against the man just a little, his right arm pressed against Logan’s left as he watched the other two feed their daughter.
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thewolverineartist · 6 months
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Normalize goofin' around with ur bestie on whiteboard @thattripleabattery
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fullmetalcarer · 1 month
Rank your own fics cause i literally know them all and i want to see which one you like more
love love love that you know them all @inmymagnetoera
in no particular order:
The Most Beautiful of All The Angels (Remix of Sin City) - Charles is a youthful mob boss and Logan is his enforcer- xavierine with a suggestion of possible cherik.
Raven’s Brother Has Got It Going On (Remix of Notorious DILF) - disaster Xavier siblings, bamf murder ball wheelchair user Charles, smitten erik.
What’s Money When You Got Love? - 1930s prohibition era first person fic (yeah I know) - Shaw is a mob boss, Erik is his reluctant enforcer who falls for musician Charles- tremendous amount of horrific violence but our boys get away (tho not unscathed)
Adventures in Yoga- this is my most kudoed fic and it is just the crackiest smutty filthy silly cheerful cherik nonsense and shaw gets punched in the face so that’s nice.
Lord of the Flings - Erik is an incompetent Nazgûl, Charles is a horny hobbit, why are you looking at me like that?
What Dreams May Come- extremely dark David 8/Walter/Charles Xavier fic - heed the warnings and read the tags.
Purple is for Emperors- 76k words folks and the longest thing I’ve written. AU where they are mutants but almost everyone aligns as Dom or sub. The Dom might not be who you expect and might not engage with their sub as you might expect. A lot of smut and fun and humour BUT also sorrow and terrible things. Cherik wins thru in the end.
Sorry there are no links but my device is buggered
thanks for the ask :)
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gerec · 1 year
Also Xaverine would do too! >:'D
Well I'm finally caught up with these fic rec asks (just one more to go after this one woo hoo!) and this is going to be a LONNNNNGGGG post. I tried very, VERY hard to come up with a top 10 list of my favorite Cherik fics and it was utterly impossible; even top 20 was hard as hell but that's what you're getting here Anon lol. (I've also included a top 10 Xavierine list for you too!)
I have read every single one of the stories on this list a dozen times or more - I can't thank the authors enough for the absolute joy they've given me with their amazing hard work :D :D :D (And not just these particular authors but all of you who've written wonderful stories I've loved!)
Top 10 20 Cherik Fics
(Not listed in any particular order.)
1. Timeline by Unforgotten (series)
After Magneto of an X2-ish future succeeds in the unthinkable, Charles sends his consciousness back to 1962 to guide Erik away from the path that will lead to the genocide of the human race forty years hence.
Charles knows that Erik has always loved him, and intends to use this knowledge + sex to seduce Erik away from his ideals in his youth.
There's no way this well-thought-out, sensible, debugged and 100% bulletproof plan can possibly go wrong.
2. Your Heart Just Couldn't Wait by Pookaseraph
Charles and his BFF Tony Stark have the life - they're co-valedictorians at the most prestigious high school in the city, they have their own condo in Manhattan, and they get to go to all the awesome parties. Charles just wished he understood relationships and sex as well as Tony does. His theoretical bisexuality starts to feel a lot less theoretical when he and Tony end up in Professor Lehnsherr's Physics III course at Columbia University, but Charles' decision to take their relationship further leaves both student and professor with more than they bargained for.
Features an enthusiastically-consenting!16-year-old!Charles
3. Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Parenting by keire_ke (series)
Alex disapproves of school car washes, despite the abundance of wet bikinis on pretty girls. Erik doesn’t approve of his son shirking money-making duties.
4. When We Two Parted by nekosmuse
At the end of X3, a still depowered Erik travels back in time to meet 1962 Charles. Cue angst, desperate kissing and happy endings for all. Written for the x-men kink meme.
5. Age Difference AU by grim_lupine (series)
Raven is six years older than Charles; Charles has never really considered this age difference vitally important in one way or another, except to decide that even if Raven were six years younger than Charles, she would probably boss him around in the exact same way. He doesn’t really think much of the difference between fifteen and twenty-one, until Raven comes home from college for a study weekend with her new best friend in tow, introduces him cheerfully as Erik Lehnsherr, and Charles finds himself falling head-over-heels into a train wreck of doomed lust.
6. never too late to be who you might have been by acetamide
Erik wakes suddenly and takes a deep breath, and realises that there is nothing.
7. Curve Fitting by kianspo
The weird thing is, Charles always introduces Raven as his sister, but he never calls Erik his brother. Erik would be bothered, except he prefers not to think of Charles as his brother, either. He can’t figure it out for four years, and then suddenly he can.
8. Space Oddity by maimo, MonstrousRegiment, Pangea, Yaegaki (series)
Prince Charles Xavier is Deputy Commander of the TEF Heartsteel and the newest mission they've been assigned starts out less than desirable and quickly goes downhill from there. It's alright, though, he'll cope.
It doesn't help, though, that he's in unrequited love with his best friend and Commander of the Heartsteel, War-Prince Erik Lehnsherr.
9. Humane Society by smilebackwards (series)
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
10. and these, from atoms by kay_cricketed (unfinished)
Five years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Charles and Erik find themselves in a situation where they must rely on each other for survival. Trapped in a coal mine deep beneath the earth's surface, and having lost his wheelchair to a disaster, Charles fights the nature of his physical limitations while Erik struggles to remain distant. Ironically, in the dark, it is impossible to hide your heart.
11. Confetti In My Mouth by paperclipbitch
AU. “I’ve slept with all your models except for the one I’m related to,” Charles responds carelessly. “And so have you, before you make that face at me.”
12. Math Reasons by pearl_o, pocky_slash (series)
"Mom says Erik always knows what he wants, it just sometimes takes him a little while to actually realize it," Ruth said.
Charles fell in love with Erik the first night they met, the first week of freshman year. Two years of friendship, adventures, arguments, hijinks, secrets, and summer visits later, Erik is starting to catch up.
13. One Summer's End by furius, motleystitches (furius)
Erik Lehnsherr, successful businessman, has been the muse to the artist Charles Xavier for the last twenty years. They'll readily confess to loving each other through art, but at the last show Charles Xavier is holding in New York before he heads over to England, everyone else around them realises that it's not enough.
A tale of friends, lovers, and busybodies.
14. Other Life Challenges by professor (series)
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
15. Quiet Like a Fire by kianspo
Charles has been in love with his best friend for years without realizing it. When he finally figures it out, Erik is married to a wonderful woman and has an adorable daughter, who thinks the world of Charles. Erik has the perfect life that Charles helped him build, so there is only one thing for it - get over his feelings. So what if his methods are unhealthy or if Erik has an opinion on the matter? Charles is determined to do the right thing.
16. All We Are We Are by kianspo
Charles's boyfriend breaks up with him days before the holidays. Not willing to ruin anyone else's festive mood, Charles hides this fact from his sister and his friends, and retreats into the family mansion, letting the world move on without him. He's flirting with depression when a one-time ex and a long-term friend surprises him. Long-kept secrets are revealed, and it turns out, Charles hasn't been paying attention to the right things.
17. soul of my soul by ikeracity
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
18. One big family by ximeria
There is a house in New York (no, only Charles calls it a house, and his perception of such is a little warped, so let's try that again)...
... There's a building in New York, owned by XavierMedCorp that caters to mutant tenants, their families and a handful of humans. You need to know someone who knows someone who knows someone to get an apartment there. Or maybe just be very lucky. Or have a mutant son who has the tenacity of a pit bull. Anyway, Edie Lehnsherr has moved in and she is slowly getting to know the other tenants, the superintendent and the owner.
19. Wednesday by Red
Getting confined to a nursing facility for a six-week course of iv antibiotics would have been dreadfully dull, had Charles not found a way to "occupy his time."
In which Erik Lehnsherr, retired nazi hunter, becomes the latest victim of Charles Xavier's charms.
20. A Nice Boy (The Family Matters Edition) by pocky_slash for pearl_o
Erik's not sure whether the problem is that he doesn't want his parents to meet Charles or that he doesn't want Charles to meet his parents. Either way, he never invites Charles to brunch. Why should he? It's not like they're dating.
Top 10 Xavierine Fics
1. South of the Border by sneakertime
Post-Divorce AU. Charles Xavier saves Logan from Emma Frost in Mexico. They have a lot of sex, and things get progressively more complicated.
2. Alone, With You by lachatblanche
Logan encounters a stranger while out in the cold and somehow ends up taking him home with him.
3. Secrets And Meetings by dictionarywrites
Logan comes to visit, and Charles gives into temptation as he too often does these days.
4. Insomnia by Rellanka
Charles had never made that confession to anyone before. People already regarded his telepathy with distaste and suspicion; if he was lucky, they were willing to trust him to use it only when necessary. He had never let anyone else know how invasive their own mind was.
Or: Charles's telepathy is more difficult to deal with than you think. He just wants to sleep.
5. Keep On Walking by Nevcolleil
"I want this while I can still have it," Charles says, sounding clear-headed enough.
Something in his voice stops Logan's breath. Logan swallows. "You can't have-" 
"I am capable of having sex without the serum," Charles tells him and doesn't look away. "But I'm not talking about my paralysis."
6. Life, As It Happens by kianspo
When Charles first meets Logan he's scared of him. He's not proud of that. But Logan needs help with Laura, and there is no shorter way to Charles's heart.
7. The B Team by lachatblanche
In which Charles and Logan are SHIELD agents who are present at the Battle of New York.
8. Brick by Brick by Ponderosa (ponderosa121)
At his family's yearly retreat in the mountains, Charles takes an interest in the new groundskeeper.
9. How All Hell Breaks Loose by Mixk
Logan and Charles' relationship status is revealed one morning over a wardrobe mishap, during their sixth year. Erik is furious, Logan is ecstatic, and Charles is exasperated.
10. Love Won't Save You by TurtleTotem
Guarding Charles has been Logan's purpose for over half his life. Now, with the twins to protect, an Empire to fight, and the love of Charles's life turned to the Dark Side, they have only each other to lean on. Can Logan ever be enough?
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valvablue · 1 year
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Shark, Logan. He's a shark but...
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metalxmind · 2 years
Erik: Wait, you...with Wolverine?
Charles: Yes.
Erik, making a pained face: ...how does that work with power control and the claws
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ilovefallthemost · 1 year
Hello dear people of Tumblr, does someone have a working link where I could download etirabys’ fics? I'm dying to read a fire that’s just waiting for fuel. Thanks!
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ao3feed-xavierine · 1 year
All the king's spouses.
by Iwillshipuman69
King Erik tries his best to be a decent king thankfully his wives, husband and bodyguard are there for him.
Words: 905, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Magda (X-Men), Rogue (X-Men)
Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr/Magda (X-Men), Erik Lehnsherr/Logan, Erik Lehnsherr/Magda (X-Men)/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr/Logan/Charles Xavier, Logan/Magda (X-Men), Logan (X-Men)/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr & Raven | Mystique, Erik Lehnsherr/Rogue, Erik Lehnsherr/Rogue/Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Erik Lehnsherr Loves Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr Has Feelings, Erik Lehnsherr Needs a Hug, Smitten Erik Lehnsherr, Erik Lehnsherr Has Issues, Erik Lehnsherr Angst, Erik Lehnsherr & Raven | Mystique Friendship, Charles Xavier is a Mess, Charles Xavier is a Darling, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Protective Logan (X-Men), Past Remy LeBeau/ Rogue, Kings & Queens, Alternate Universe - Royalty
from AO3 works tagged 'Logan (X-Men)/Charles Xavier' https://ift.tt/OPi9TAS via IFTTT
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keire-ke · 9 months
sometimes I think erik will be more open to future retirement than charles. Erik has got a experience of a happy family and whole softness with that therefore when his anger weans off in old age he might think of it. And for me he is big ol' softie. But charles I think might be more resistant to the idea due to his fear of not being enough for everyone and him wholly embracing proff X persona (thank you for the excellent meta on this topic).
And my (un)opinion is that cherik while it is immensely enjoyable to read, is very much toxic relation for each other. They deserve much better romantic relations honestly.
I agree with that. It makes sense when you think about the how: they are both ostensibly driven by the need to protect mutants, but Erik does it by waging war and that requires constant fueling, so when he runs out of anger, or patience, or drive, it would fizzle out and he'd have to look for something to do. Charles on the other hand builds what's effectively an emotional feedback loop that is rewarding in itself, and the more he puts into it the more he gets back, even if it's not exactly dependent on him anymore. It's much harder to walk away from something you have built and were built by, than something you merely sustained at your own personal expense.
Add to it Charles' crippling inadequacy issues and oh boy.
On one hand, yeah, I feel you, they are certainly not the settling down into a HEA types. On the other, I think it's as much of a "you" problem as it is pairing's in question, in that something along those lines happens when you've been at it for long enough that all the hopeful headcanons have been exhausted. And hey - that's fine. Xavierine is right there :)
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akasanata · 1 year
Tagged by @plavoptice thank you!! ❤️❤️
First ship: I don't remember well, but it must have been either Sanji/Zoro or Gintoki/Hijikata back when I read doujinshi, but I used to read anything, regardless of if I shipped it or not (I didn't know the concept of shipping back then), but the first ship I actively and consciously shipped was cherik
Three Ships: Cherik (Charles/Erik, xmen), Xavierine (Charles/Logan, xmen) and Winteriron (Tony/Bucky, marvel). Although lately I've been OBSESSING over Zolu (Zoro/Luffy)
Currently Reading: Ascendance of a Bookworm. If I manage to finish it, it'll be the longest book in Japanese I've ever read.
Last Song: Some very old Colombian song
Currently Consuming: nothing?
Currently Craving: sleep and less real life drama
Tagging @fullmetalcarer @hraishin @saraceaser @crystallized-iron @lyricfulloflight
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joeylivesinspace · 2 years
xavier is annoying af and i do not like him
xavierin a barista uniform IS my taste in men
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dick-helmet-magneto · 24 days
I present something strange i've done. Charles/Logan/Erik but from some other POV that I don't even know. Anyway, it's 444 words.
“If you could go breathe somewhere else, that would be great.”
“If you could stop breathing that would be wonderful.” 
Everyone thought the Magneto’s fighting with the Professor was bad but it was nothing compared to this. 
No one was sure they had seen Magneto and Wolverine exist peacefully in a room before but it seemed like that was going to be the case for once. The Professor was sitting on the center seat of the couch, to his left was Magneto and on his right, Wolverine. 
The room was mostly silent. Magneto was keeping a hold on one of the Professor’s hands, the other holding a book—which was another strange sight but all the students were much too afraid to mention anything and break the delicate peace in the room—and Wolverine had his arm head resting against the Professor’s shoulder, his eyes closed. There were doubts he was asleep though. 
As for the Professor, his head was also buried in a book, a notebook on his lap where he would occasionally scribble a few words before he was back to reading. 
The answer to wether or not Wolverine was asleep came a few minutes later though, “If you could go breathe somewhere else, that would be great, Magnet.” 
“If you could stop breathing that would be wonderful,” Magneto returned without a seconds hesitation or even pause in his eyes scanning the page. 
Everyone in the room went still, watching the three men on the couch. A small smile was on Wolverine’s face, Magneto also looked amused but the Professor huffed at the two of them. 
“Honestly, you two, if you could behave. I believe you’ve both gotten what you want,” Professor X said, sounding fond, perhaps. But no one was certain who he was directing that tone at. 
“I don’t know, Chuck,” Wolverine said, “I could think of things I would prefer to be doing than this.” 
“I can’t believe I’m agreeing with that animal, but he does have a point,” Magneto added, a look in his eye that would have normally meant danger and the possible start of a war but now, as the students looked around the room, none of them were sure. 
It was a little too much like intruding in on a private, intimate moment between all three of them and, soon, the room was clearing out, the Professor’s face had turned red and no one wanted to stick around to find out just what that look meant. 
“You don’t think-“ Scott asked but Pietro pushed past him, a fast walk, anything to get him out of there faster.
“I don’t think,” He replied instantly, before the question could ever be asked. He didn’t even dare look back at the others. “I never want to think again.”
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 1 year
I will start blocking if y'all keep complaining about Xavierine STOP
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nesepalamudu · 2 years
ay dur bir bilgi daha o zaman hahaha boran en sevdiği ilk üç filmden biri için xavierin mommy filmini söylemişti. çok genç olmasına rağmen hem yönetmen hem oyuncu olarak çok başarılı buluyormuş xavieri (bu arada boran da 🥵🫠 yani. söylemeden geçemeyeceğim lol)
shndndnsjs tekrar teşekkürler ben de baya beğeniyorum kendisini
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gerec · 9 months
AU-gust 2023
18 & 19. Time Travel & Shapeshifters
Pairing(s): Xavierine, Cherik (sort of) Warnings: Violence
So I probably won't get all the prompts on the list finished but I definitely wanted to get this one done - it's a Terminator/DOFP mashup, two of my favourite things!
It’s Saturday night and the club is packed wall to wall, the music thumping so loudly that it makes Charles’ head throb in time to the rhythmic beat. Everyone around him is high on drugs or alcohol – likely both – as eager to dance the night away as he is to numb his senses. Being here would be intolerable if not for the serum keeping his telepathy reined in, blocking out the onslaught of other people’s thoughts and feelings so he’s not utterly crushed by the deluge.
“Whiskey. Make it a double.”
He tosses the drink back with a grimace, savouring the burn, and waves the bartender to give him another. It’s still too early to decide if he wants company and stay overnight in the city, or take a cab back to Westchester and sleep in his own bed. For now, he only needs to focus on getting stupidly, blindingly drunk, so he can forget everything that’s gone wrong in his life; the school in shambles, and the people he loved who left him behind without a thought.
His phone buzzes when he’s on his third drink, and Charles pulls it out with a sigh. Sure enough, it’s a text marked urgent from Hank, along with apparently half a dozen missed calls from his erstwhile – and only – friend. Stifling the guilt and annoyance over what would undoubtedly be another unwanted lecture, he switches the phone off completely, and resumes his solitary drinking.
Unfortunately, he’s interrupted again by a rough hand on his shoulder.
He turns his head and growls, shoving the hand none too gently off him and snaps, “Piss off, mate. Find your own spot at the bar.”
“Charles,” the stranger says, low and fierce, eyes busy scanning the crowd. He shifts to stand solidly behind Charles, as though he’s using his own burly body as a shield. “You’re in danger. Someone’s trying to kill you.”
“Look, I don’t know who you are—”
“I’m Logan, and I don’t have time to explain everything right now,” the man growls, grabbing a hold of Charles’ arm and dragging him off the bar stool. “Hank is waiting in the car. We have to get you out of here. Now.”
“What? Hank is here?” He yelps, losing his balance and stumbling into the stranger’s arms. The alcohol he’s consumed isn’t doing him any favors, his mind sluggish as he tries to process Logan’s words.
He’s even more confused when the crowd suddenly parts and he sees Erik of all people, expression blank as he rapidly closes the distance from across the dance floor. Erik, who’s supposed to be in prison for murder and not here, in the middle of a packed nightclub in New York.
It’s like a nightmare, when Erik raises his arm and points the gun at him, aiming for his head; he can’t make sense of what’s happening, his mind and body refusing to move, unable to fathom the idea that Erik wants to kill him—
The bar explodes in a shower of broken glass, bullets riddling the space where Charles had been only brief seconds before. There’s so much screaming, and the crush of bodies as the crowd jostles to get away, as he lays stunned on the ground with Logan’s body sprawled on top of him.
“Come on.”
Logan hoists him to his feet and tosses him behind the bar for cover, before unsheathing claws from his hands and stabbing Erik in the throat.   
“Erik! No!” he screams, only for Logan to slash him again, vicious and brutal as he knocks Erik clear off his feet. He doesn’t understand why any of this is happening – why Logan is protecting him or why Erik wants him dead – but he can’t stand by and watch Erik die even after everything that’s happened---
“That’s not the real Lehnsherr,” Logan says, grabbing a hold of Charles again as he stares wild-eyed at the body twitching on the ground. “That’s a Sentinel, a machine, sent from the future. It can change its shape to resemble any mutant or human. It chose Lehnsherr’s face so it could get close and kill you.”
He wants to tell Logan he’s crazy, and that his explanation is too fantastical to believe. But even as he watches, the thing is slowly mending itself, the gaping holes closing over as bits of what look like liquid metal shift and morph over the body. Even the clothes return to their pristine state, and Charles is reminded suddenly of Raven, and her remarkable ability to change shapes at will.
Already, the Sentinel is reaching for its gun, and they have literal seconds before it gets up and resumes his mission.
Logan turns to him and offers his hand. “Come with me if you want to live.”
Charles takes it.
They run.
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val-aquenta · 2 years
Can not believe my first smut is probably xavierine
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