#Xandra imagine
cabensonsgirly · 2 years
There's something about, the way you are, that makes me (sigh) {18+}
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Chapter one
Chapter two (end)
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camillelespanayesbtch · 6 months
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Sarah Paulson photographed by Erik Carter for Garden and Gun magazine Dec2023 Jan2024 edition.
Credit: Sarahpaulsbean on Instagram
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luneengene2 · 4 months
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If I were his makeup artist, (tbh) I would have pulled his tie to French kiss him👀
(JoJo, you're always so fucking fine, make me ur darling, plzz?)💋
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fgaros · 6 months
chelsea's new skin looks so ethereal & very pretty 🥺
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cntoesussie · 2 months
Papa Louie Concept pt. 1: The Introduction to Papa's Roadkillaria
so i've had an idea
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Deep in the mountains of the Flipverse is a small dive by a side road called Papa's Roadkillaria. The place has more-or-less been neglected by Papa as of late. But, much to the dismay of Pally and Rollie, he's revisiting it once more!
So, essentially, Pally/Rollie/CW broke down in the middle of nowhere, got chased on foot by Papa (in disguise) into the Roadkillaria, where they now have to work to pay to fix up their car.
So, we're gonna be making stews with meat from animals commonly struck on the road, so stuff like:
and Rabbit
The stations are as follows:
Order -> Build (where meat, broth, and add-ins are selected) -> Heat (idk really what the real word for making soup is called, so this is a stand in) -> Extras (where stuff like sides and drinks (?) are chosen, sorta like in Hot Doggeria)
Now, the meat is only OCCASIONALLY from the road, so don't worry :]
Johnny (Monday) Xandra (Tuesday) Rico (Wednesday) Quinn (Thursday) Chester (Friday) Akari (Saturday) Jojo (Sunday)
THE HOLIDAYS: July: Starlight BBQ (Unlocked with Boomer) August: Groovstock (Unlocked with Zoe) September: BavariaFest (Unlocked with Mayor Mallow) October: Halloween (Unlocked with Willow) November: Thanksgiving (Unlocked with Sienna) December: Christmas (Unlocked with Santa (hate that mf)) January: New Years (Unlocked with Xolo) February: Valentine's Day (bc what's more loving than a bowl of rat soup <3 /s) (Unlocked with Scarlett) March: St. Patrick's Day (Unlocked with Mary) April: Easter (Unlocked with Cletus) May: Onion Fest (Unlocked with Sarge Fan) June: Summer Luau (Unlocked with Kahuna)
heh, i can imagine the people at the beginning of the day screen not cheering, but walking in with suspicion
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urauntiefaye · 5 months
Faye sis, my brain sometimes lacks sanity💀 And I can't prevent it (please help me)༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ || You know I now have a hard scenario since the morning that sometimes makes me confused with my dirty thoughts🤺 || The scenario is about my Jo again of course (I have a hard time getting it out of my brain compared to getting my brain out of the scenario about Taesan or myungjae)🫠
That scenario "This started when I saw his uniform, hairstyle and facial expressions on the red carpet at AAA 2023. My brain keeps thinking he is part of the school's popular basketball circle. Seeing him in a uniform like that and his hairstyle like that would definitely make the girls go weak in the knees for him. Yeah, I imagine I'm his enemy who secretly loves him, and always gets 'burnt' if I see him flirting with other girls. Like 'bro, you should be mine!'. I often 'touched' myself in his locker room when school was really quiet (All the students have gone home). I did that out of desperation because he and I were enemies who often hurled curses at each other. And one day he caught me touching myself while crying because I was really on the verge of breaking down because he didn't know how I felt at all. I moaned his name quite loudly and didn't realize that he was watching me. When I climaxed on my fingers, he would catch me with a mocking face and then give a little humilation. Still with him wearing a uniform like at AAA but it's a bit messy, he would probably squat in front of me with a mocking face, saying that 'Shit, it turns out my own enemy needs me. Pathetic'. But he held my finger, which was still wet from my own 'doing', then sucked it. Tasting me in his mouth💀. That would be a sexy and hot sight.😵‍💫 Bro, he will make me his 'toy' right then and there and confess his love when he climaxes inside me. After finishing, I would think he would take off his accessories he was wearing (such as bracelets and necklaces), then put them on me who was still panting🤭. He would say "My darling beautiful girl". I can't imagine what will happen tomorrow after he claims me brutally, even though he and I are enemies before. When I entered the cafeteria, he wouldn't let me sit on the bench, but on his lap🌚. Making his fans shocked and jealous because they didn't expect Jo to choose his 'enemy' as hisprincess."
I hope these hard thoughts don't enter my dreams, because if they enter my dreams while sleeping, when I wake up I will cry because it's not real😭😭😭😭😭
I really need psychological help because my brain is thinking crazy things constantly👀
XANDRA IVE FUCKING MISSED YOU AND YOURE BEAUTIFUL BRAINS *kisses your brain*, how've you beeeeen?
But nooo reading this has DONE THINGS to me, you don't understand. You can't just drop this off because what if it enters MY dreams huh!?
I love the idea of him calling you "My Beautiful Darling" please this mans
I love you 🥺, I need more of your beautiful thoughts
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cyanidas · 1 month
psst hey hi hello two things: 1, I LOVE Cellia sm and 2, how do you think she would react to meeting/interacting with Fyora the Faerie Queen?
hi!! thank you!!! i was so happy when i got this ask <3<3<3 i immediately started working on some Things for her...
i imagine she would not like her very much >w>
with the help of my now-girlfriend @pewycert, who is a walking neopets encyclopedia and history book (TNT should hire her as loremaster and that is NOT a joke i am NOT exaggerating i genuinely firmly believe she should be the loremaster. TNT if you see this pls dm her) - she basically handed me Cellia's backstory on a silver platter so i'm not responsible for thinking of this but;
basically, in "the old world" (as i like to imagine Fyora would refer to it) when Tyrannia was actively being encased in ice, Cellia was one of the first to receive that punishment due to her...... unconventional appetite.
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She was the last to be freed from her permaice caverns - where, fun fact, she was dreamily aware of the ages passing by, and could see the Negg faerie from where she was frozen, hence the random crush I gave her on Kari.
But, Cellia never forgot Fyora's betrayal...
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(click/tap for quality) - also, in drawing this i realized that Man my faerie girl is Wayyy too detailed to match the neopets style. so i beefed up Fyora's design to match hers, and i wanna make a downgraded / source-accurate version of Cellia to match owo
i cant guarantee that Fyora wouldn't try to imprison her again instantly 😂 she seems like the type to automatically revoke hope for this faerie. but she's right, though. Cellia does not understand why her way of eating is so repulsive, and it's not like she hates neopets - FARRR from it! she just thinks theyre suuuper tasty is all 😅 but, suffice to say, she's so simple-minded that she is Not the type to be 'rehabilitated' (as Fyora puts it in reference to Xandra...)
this piece more shows how Cellia feels about Fyora than anything that would actually happen lol - in reality I think she would be terrified of her and do anything - ANYTHING - to hide from her. besides, i wanted to draw Cellia properly gremlinning out 😂😂
so yes! thank you for asking!!! im absolutely delirious with joy and pride and Autism for someone being interested in my OCs unprompted ;;u;; you are like the unicorn of the artist world and i just gotta say thats so brave and badass of you and i hope you find a $50 bill on the ground (or whatever that equivalent is in wherever you live) and best of all, you get to keep it <3
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dean23456 · 6 months
Favs (long read)
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template from @janadegkittendeg (not sure if they have a tumblr ot not)
Sue, Mary, Penny and Scooter: Penny and Scooter are kinda equal to me in terms if how I like them, I think they're cool. I might do a Scooter headcannon post. Mary is my 2nd favorite character due to headcannons of her and how wholesome the ship is and Sue is my favorite papa louie character. If I were to make ocs based off of characters it might be these 4. Mandi was gonna be here but she's an irl person.
James, Skip and Alberto: I'm not sure who's my fav outta these 3, they're pretty great. I do think out of characters you can play as, Alberto and Penny are the best. I don't know why I like Skip and James. I was gonna put Matt and Tony but they're irl people. They probably overthrow these 3 tho.
Quinn and Radylnn: I used to not like these 2, but I eventually really liked them. Xandra was gonna be here but Quinn and Radylnn are better.
Bruna: Ngl I don't care for any of the ramanos. But if there were one I like the most it's Bruna. I don't have a lot to say for her.
Nye: I don't really care for any of the customerzoppa whatever the fuck it's called customers. But Nye is the only one who I like. I don't have a lot to say about him but he's cool.
Sue: I didn't know what icon character meant but I think it's like your fav or something but definitely Sue. I relate to Sue a lot.
Frezzeria and Wingeria: I finished flash Frezzeria and had a really fun time with it. Probably out of the first 4 the most repayable and not wanting to quit by playing 2 days each day, maybe tacomia cause sue is early. I need to try Frezzeria deluxe tho. Wingeria despite not being over like rank 10 is really fun. Out if them the most underrated. Great playable character options (Chuck and Mandi but I'll always choose Mandi) I need to play these games beyond like rank 2 and 10. This is why I'm going to get the 2 go/HD versions soon.
Mary x Sue: The best ship hands down. I feel like the other canon ships don't have much going on or interesting to do with them unless you try hard enough. But this one you can do a lot. I won't explain them all but see my Sue and Mary headcannon posts. If there were to be a TV show or something I would happy if it they were the only ones. They're that good to me.
(I sadly however don't see them married yet or have any children or see them over 30. Just cause Sue's flipdeck and Mary's cart mentions long standing and old truck met its end doesn't mean they were born in the 1980s. I just can't see them being old.)
Sue: I imagine her being really hot. I don't think I need to explain much.
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Trying to decide how I want to do xandra's tail. Xweetoks are based on chipmunks but they're not rodents, they're a bit catlike. Maybe like ferrets. I don't quite know what shape I want, if it should be upright. I would kind of imagine it perhaps like a squirrel tail, but she's wearing a cloak, so I need to work with that shape.
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Like you can see art wise her tail goes right through her cloak. It doesn't have a hole in it or anything. So on xandras art its super big and fluffy but in a good amount of feral Xweetok art it's much thinner. Weigh in here
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I think this look great, closest to what I want, and I think it's using layered long pile fur? Or maybe yarn? I'm not sure how I would do this or confident in my ability to replicate this technique.
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This is big and upright and flat but again.... The cloak.
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More traditional shape... Cloak again though and also this might be super cumbersome to wear.
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Yarn tail with a wire. Poseable, very light. But difficult to get sharp clear markings on like hers, especially with spots. Also, I know because I've made them before, they might be great in photos but Jesus they can get scrumpy easy and look super lame.
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This is much smaller and curved down and stuff but it still just... Doesn't feel right
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Or perhaps a serial tail? The shape is a little like a lions but it's thicker and fluffier and it has a noteable upward curve.
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
Take Your Favorite (Het) Ship and Make Them Lesbians
So, the other day, I read a Rule 63!Zuko/Katara fic that had the tag “take your favorite ship then make them lesbians” (which somehow was a tag no one else had tagged their fic as, which is a real travesty), and that got me thinking. (The fic, for reference and Science Purposes)
(Rule 63, for those not familiar with the term, is a meme that says  "for every given male character, there is a female version of that character and vice versa”. In a fanfic context, Rule 63 is usually another term for ‘cisswap’/Always a girl Aus, i.e. a story where a character who is one character in canon, was born a different one in the AU. These are not the same as trans fic, though sometimes the lines can blur. The various ‘the Girl Who Lived’ fics that exist out there for Fem!Harry, for instance)
That tag is itself really interesting, and it got me thinking. Because there are het ships of mine that I would totally want to see a Rule 63 lesbian version of (i.e. where the guy was always a girl) but there are also ones that I... just wouldn’t.
So I suppose the question is: What het ships do you guys have that you still would find as interesting, and would want to see in a fic (or even consider writing in a fic) if the male character was Rule 63′d? And why?
For me, the top of the list would probably be Dramione (Harry Potter). One, because on a purely shallow level I have to imagine that femaleDraco would be very pretty (:rofl:) but also because there would be some interesting differences in the way Dacia Malfoy (placeholder name) would behave, compared to Draco. Both vis-a-vis Harry, but also Hermione. Plus, Dacia would be less the ‘bad boy’ and more likely the ‘Alpha Bitch’, which is a somewhat different set of tropes, to say the least. Would Dacia have reached out to Harry in the same way, in first year? Maybe, maybe not. Would she still have had Crabbe and Goyle as her goons, or instead say, Pansy and Millicent Bullstrode? A lot of this would also depend on how you see the gender politics among purebloods in the wizarding world (are sons more favored, or no? Are the genders equal? Are there certain expectations about women and their behavior? etc)
My second choice would be Xander/Cordelia, from BtVS. For one, it would be interesting because we could drill down into Xander’s canon behavior and try to separate what is just Xander being Xander, what is a product of his upbringing, and what is a result of him struggling with performing ideas of toxic masculinity because he believes he’s supposed to (related to the second point). If in a fic, Xandra (placeholder name) still has the same apparently shitty parents, how would it look? We can surmise that Mr. Harris presumably berated Xander about how he’d never be a real man a lot, though I can’t recall if the dream version of him does so in “Restless”. But we also know that Xander fears turning into his dad, a lot. Xendra might fear becoming an alcholic like her dad, but she may more likely fear ending up becoming like her mom - letting herself be abused rather than being the abuser, etc. It would also be interesting because, given how things were in 1997/1998, Cordelia realizing she’s gay/bi (or at least being out even to one person) would be a different dynamic. Especially if she and Xendra get caught at the same time. Or maybe Cordelia is more careful, and Xendra is more willing to be the dirty little secret she makes out with in closets? If caught, would Cordelia ever be willing to commit the possibly even greater social suicide of openly dating a girl in a late 90s High School? Or could she pull it off because she’s just that much Queen of the School? How does Willow’s crush on Xander work in an AU where she’s Xendra? If willow’s crush was about it being on a ‘safe’ and ‘unattainable’ boy (a common experience I’ve seen many cis lesbians talking about with regards to when they were younger and still thought or still tried to convince themselves they were straight), then presumably she wouldn’t have crushed on Xendra? Might she have crushed on Jesse? (or does Xendra end up being how Willow realizes she’s gay sooner?) Would Xendra have crushed on Jesse? Is Xendra gay or bi in this AU? Does she still crush on Buffy? If so, does she handle rejection or the prospect thereof better because she assumes Buffy is straight? Does she even try to ask her out?  I mean, there are others I’d read a Rule 63! Lesbian AU for, or even have, when they exist, but I have to admit I don’t find the potential dynamics inherent to be quite as interesting. And yeah, there are some het ships I ship that I just... wouldn’t find quite as interesting if they were lesbians, or just can’t see happening at all in a recognizeable way.
So I ask you tumblr - if you were to take a het ship and make them lesbians, which one(s) would you pick, and why?
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greenmanwithnoface · 1 year
Triple Threat
At no point do Jose, Panchito, Ari, or Xandra mix up the triplets. I really like it because I imagine they each have their own method of telling the nieces apart and it implies they've spent the months in the cabana getting to learn the girls' idiosyncrasies. Donald for sure knows them too and you can just tell he was teasing them because his own nephews hate being mistaken for the wrong sibling. The charm in this is realizing they could show up in their spy gear or swap turtlenecks and fool nobody. Plus it's really funny to think Sheldgoose's security later built three identical dossiers on Daisy's hooligans.
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luneengene2 · 1 month
You know, I'm thinking about writing the 'Historical-Fiction' genre (More like one-shots and short stories) with the cast being Teamies, Bonedo, or Enhypen...But I'm confused about how the story goes🗿...
Do you have any ideas? (Who knows, I might be able to write that if someone 'helps').
Give your bright ideas if you have them in the ASK section😃🩷...
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magpies4nights · 3 months
Tomorrow is my birthday (And I’m not joking around) (Dev log #11)
Well, the title isn't lying. Tomorrow is the day I turn the legal drinking age in the US, and the age I'm probably considered too old for Leonardo DiCaprio. I'm not sad about that though, I don't think he aged very well. I'm probably going to celebrate it on Friday though, because I'm not celebrating it alone, moooostly because the friends I'm the closest to are turning 20 this year and the ones that are older than me do not drink because they have trauma from their families. So I guess it's just me and my parents. Tomorrow though I'm going to a shopping center with my bestie. No drinking involved though (or eating cake), apparently I'm currently experiencing health problems.
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I think I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from not eating sugar.
Well, I at last finished the last location of the game, and started working on everyone’s sprites like I promised 2 weeks ago. The base sprites for the cashier are done, so now Xandra isn’t staring into the empty scenes alone anymore, although I would imagine them not being too fond of each other, but the Cashier is one of the more forgiving towards her than everyone else who is forced to come along with her (Party Person being the other one).
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Anyways, since there is no more music to show you because I reached the number of songs I wanted, I think I’ll just draw scenes from movies and games I’d want to reference, lol. I was thinking of removing this entire section because it's redundant and it's me showing my master's in yapping about my favorite things that's not GASA4AM related because, well, yeah, but I put too much effort in the drawing below so I'm not doing that. And first contender….. Jawbreaker (1999). Now, if you’re under 18, I don’t recommend watching this movie. I have been debating this, mostly because the movie is… contemporary but there is one explicit scene (and it made me very uncomfortable, especially considering why it happened). And there also is at least two that show a (fake) dead body, where they find out the person is dead, and then "dispose" it by manhandling it and making the cops think that she died in... another way, but it looks very disturbing because there is a (fake) jawbreaker stuck in her throat. (I watched the behind the scenes and the girl who played Liz Purr was very much alive when she was playing the character’s corpse, and the jawbreaker was makeup). Buuuut, Kyu is literally named after Kyu Sugardust from the Huniepop series (very explicit game series, I also don't recommend playing that game if you're under 18), and I’m probably just going to reference the beginning and the end of the movie, as in the lines spoken in this movie and not at all what the characters wear and do (nobody is going to manhandle corpses or die from a jawbreaker stuck in their throats. Also no 17th birthdays because I don't even think the GASA4 cast has any birthdays for that matter).
Anyways, SPOILER ALERT!!!!! (stuff is below the line)
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Here is what I'm referencing:
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sparklygraves · 1 year
ok y’all I’m having a Xandra-fixation day-- bear with me. :P
imagine Theo & Boris are married & Boris gets a call that Xandra is sick & may be dying. Boris has kept in touch with her over the years, even gone for quick visits here & there. (he considers her a sort of mom.)
Theo has never joined him, until now. 
he still lowkey hates her, but clearly she’s important to Boris & Boris is his husband so.... Theo sighs. he has to go.
& that’s how mid-30s married Boreo flies back to Vegas for a Xandra reunion! 
dang I wonder what it would be like! I feel deeply that there’s some complicated kinship between Theo & Xandra. there are these little moments in the book where they seem to GET each other-- just be on the same level in some way. Theo’s dad is always talking over or around him, but Xandra looks right at him, talks TO him. she’s not nice, but there’s a respect there.
& there’s def parallels between her & Theo, & Larry & Boris. not like they are exactly equivalent (def not saying that-- especially in the case of Larry & Boris!!), but there’s something there.
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
quarantine - headcanon
prompt: this is so two years ago but i felt like imagining it. idk this is kinda boring sorry. working on something else.
includes: billie dean howard, lana winters, cordelia goode, sally mckenna, audrey tindall, ally mayfair-richards, wilhemina venable, diane sherman, alice macray, tammy, and xandra terrell.
☆ billie dean howard ☆
• feels like long needed time off at first but then she doesn't know what to do with herself
• signs up for every streaming service
• hamilton being added to disney is a very good day for her
• learns the art of massage (wink wink), gets a variety of scented oils and lotions, it's a win win
• BILLIE: "If I see any cleavage, a hardened nipple through your shirt- even a sliver of ass or midriff while I'm on this video call, I will have your head."
Y/N: "Billie Dean! You want me to give you head during office hours?! I know we're at home but still."
BILLIE: "I love you but so help me god. I'm a weak woman."
☆ lana winters ☆
• gets an audible membership to stay busy
• listens while reading a kindle copy because although she loves hearing it performed, she neeeeds a 'book' in her hands
• dabbles in watercolor/landscape painting when boredom really hits her
☆ cordelia goode ☆
• supreme immune system
• consistently up to date on all the facts
• always checking on the girls (whether they're staying at the academy or attending virtually)
• casts protection spells and makes remedies for the witches
• tries to have non-school activities planned so no one gets cabin fever, let's them have 'parties'
• big group sleepovers (nail painting, hair braiding, baking, ride a mattress down the stairs, play wii/just dance, karaoke)
☆ sally mckenna ☆
• oh wait she can't leave the hotel anyways lmao
• gains a true crime show/forensic files obsession tho
☆ audrey tindall ☆
• Audi is a real people person so staying inside is hard for her
• starts and stops a crazy amount of hobbies
• puzzles, paint by number, jewelry making, glass cutting, making clay picture frames, crochet, friendship bracelets, resin earrings, nail art, diy-ing clothes she doesn't wear anymore
• does zoom skits with fellow actor/theater friends for fun and to raise money
☆ ally mayfair-richards ☆
• her anxiety doubles during the pandemic
• takes every precaution to keep you all safe and takes setting guidelines for Michigan very seriously
• she distracts herself by making sure Oz is on track for school and isn't ever bored
• orders a lot of board games for all three of you (and some couple ones for just the two of you)
• makes a sapphic/queer movie and show list to go through together
• tries new recipes (puts the best ones on a list to add to the menu when the restaurant opens up eventually)
☆ wilhemina venable ☆
• this woman loves her home and hates interacting with anyone that isn't you
• quarantine is a dream for her
• mina doesn't like to sit and 'relax'
• goes through majority of her library before ordering a shit ton of books to add to her collection
• won't admit it but the great amount of time together opened her up to cuddling more often and listening to/"suffering through" your music
• reading with headphones playing her classical music while you lay with your head in her lap as you watch tv is one of her favorite pastimes
• she will not tolerate distractions while working
☆ diane sherman ☆
• becomes obsessed with podcasts and asmr
• goes hand in hand with her expanding gardening time
• gets more house plants
• rearranges the furniture a lot
• crochet and macramé addict (she's freakishly good at it)
• makes coasters, cup cozies/sleeves, hats, scarves, cardigans, vests, hanging plant holders
☆ alice macray ☆
• home renovation shows/magazines/blogs are her new hobby
• finds projects/little things to fix around the house and researches them before ordering supplies online
• online shopping addict
☆ tammy ☆
• AU where she doesn't have kids
• binge watches all the housewives shows
• quarantining with the gang at Loubbie's fully stocked house (borderline mansion) in upstate new york
• video/board game tournaments with the group
☆ xandra terrell ☆
• at home date nights
• bartender/chef at heart = quarantine cocktail and dessert connoisseur
• mixes drinks to go with dinner, eventually tries to make them blindfolded or with bottle tricks, has you quiz her on the recipes, learns new ones
• makes cake/cupcake flavors you didn't even know existed, tries fancier pastries too
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magicmindless · 2 years
I need more headcannons! I really love reading some of them and imagining if that were real from the Flipverse characters! 💖💖
Well I guess as long as someone asks then I can keep making these
-During Mocharia Life, for April Fool's day Didar did the old “not prank anyone” trick, he just made everyone think he was gonna prank them but never did
-Speaking of which, for Halloween, the spotlight was placed on Didar. As much as Petrona dreaded it, she asked Didar to come up with a few elaborate pranks to play on passing customers. The best prank they played was similar to this prank
-Isadora wants to be an actor like Budwin formerly was, however, Budwin really hopes that she doesn’t due to his past experiences
-Koilee has fantasies about being a siren, luring men to her koi pond and killing them. She doesn’t hate men or anything, nor is she crazy about them, it’s just something she thinks about
-Back in middle school kids tried to bully Xandra and Xolo for their looks. It stopped very quickly due to them showing their capabilities on how quickly they can traumatize people
-Sue’s hair used to be a lot longer, but then she had a meltdown and cut her hair short. (Yeah she was one of those people), and now she keeps it at the length it is
Edit: Ok I kinda don’t like the reason that Sue had her hair cut (but if you do I’m keeping it up) so I made another reason
-The reason Sue had her hair cut was because she was getting her hair trimmed while Mindy was an amateur and she accidentally cut off a long piece of her hair so she was like “well time to cut the rest of it off” so then her hair was super short. But then it grew out to the hair length she has now
-Petrona secretly likes sex jokes. She’s mostly a sarcastic person with dry humor, however, any humor that involves sex is almost guaranteed to make her burst into laughter. For professional reasons however, this usually isn’t known
-While thinking about what to be for Halloween, someone told Sue (don't know who but it was probably either Trishna or Didar) that she was already scary enough and that she didn't need a costume. Later she was seen chasing said person with a knife. (It was a fake knife but it was still scary)
-While hiring, all Mocharia crew members (everyone in credits) had to sign a contract by Papa Louie saying that they will never mention how they got hired to anyone outside the production (hm…)
-NuMarcus doesn't sell NFTs. He takes screenshots of them and THEN sells them
-Foodini once collaborated with Duke Gotcha to make a game show called “Not-funny News” (which is basically “Don’t Laugh News” from College Humor). There was even an entire episode exposing Duke
-Nick has gotten to a point in his life where every time he gets hurt, instead of crying out for help or reacting much, he just lies on the floor contemplating his life for a few minutes
-Timm isn’t a good dance teacher. He goes way too fast for the person
-Each city and town in the Papa Louie universe has different stereotypes about the people. Mentioned below is basically what people will think about you if you grew up in one of these places
(DISCLAIMER) These are all stereotypes for a reason. They’re not meant to be taken seriously, and they’re not factual):
Burgerburgh: It’s so incredibly boring that you just have to do things. You’re really really good at one thing, but then you’re terrible at everything else. Or you’re just decent at everything
Calypso: You’re nice friend material but you wouldn’t be able to keep a partner. You’re either super sweet to tourists or lowkey a prick to them
Frostfield: You’re a huge pushover who is way too trusting of people, but you could throw hands if you must
Maple Mountains: You’re brutally honest and always on edge for some reason
New Pepperton: You are INSANELY into geek culture
Oilseed Springs: You may be slightly passive aggressive and you got bored of chickens super quickly, but you know how to work with your hands
Oniontown: You like to joke about your trauma and you probably need therapy
Portallini: You think love is super important and believe in something that involves some sort of spirituality or paranormal whatever
Powder Point: You’re rather laidback for someone who lives in an amusement park, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go crazy
Sakura Bay: You care about the environment and like to keep things clean and perfect. Also you just know how to make things look pretty
Starlight City: You are competitive over everything and like to indulge in alcohol and fancy parties
Tacodale: You have some sort of rags to riches story or sob story everyone pities you over
Tastyville: No matter how different you may be from others, you have this energy that just screams you’re from Tastyville. You probably have some sort of big-shot dream but you can’t quite make it yet so you’re just here for now (Edit: You know what? I agree with people saying Tastyville is Ohio-coded, and from the absurd memes, I guess these people live in super hell. Papa Louie’s here after all)
Toastwood: You like to constantly put yourself in danger for fun. Also you’re a general risk-taker
Whiskview: You’re either annoyingly charismatic or you’re super shy around people. Also you’re probably gay
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