#Wonder Woman(Movie)
random-movie-ideas · 4 months
DC Cinematic Universe Pitch
For the last several months, I have been working through the various DC heroes and their villains, discussing movie ideas and coming up with possible plans for how a movie universe could incorporate all of their most important characters naturally. I now have a full plan, which I will be presenting day by day until we reach the finale, starting with:
While pursuing a dangerous terrorist, Captain Steve Trevor and his team stumble upon a lost island, the home of the Amazons of ancient Greek myth.
Princess Diana/Wonder Woman – Princess of the island of Themyscira
Captain Steve Trevor – Captain of a special forces unit tracking the Baroness
Baroness Paula von Gunther – A dangerous international terrorist
Queen Hippolyta – Queen of Themyscira and mother of Diana
Barbara Ann Minerva – A scientist and member of Steve Trevor’s team
Doctor Poison – A chemist developing a biological weapon for the Baroness
Donna Troy – Diana’s adopted little sister
Etta Candy – The communications officer of Steve Trevor’s team
Nubia – An Amazon and guardian of the Doors of Death
What do you think? Would you watch it? Who would you cast in the principal roles?
*Title is subject to change and open to suggestions.
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cwwl · 4 months
We should have seen this happen
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sarafangirlart · 22 hours
Most inaccurate part of Wonder Woman (2017) is that Ares managed to beat and kill Athena, mf wouldn’t even make it past Hermes lol
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spaceshiphorror · 4 months
my hot take for today is that Doctor Poison's design from the Wonder Woman movie is just really insensitive
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i already have problems with the whole "villains having scars" trope, but them basing her scary evil mask off the actual prosthetics wounded WW1 veterans used is really just over the line imo
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idk like using something real disabled people have needed and used as a costume to make your character look scary just seems cruel
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factoidfactory · 5 days
Indigenous History Month Fact #2
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As the actor who plays Chief/Napi (Eugene Brave Rock) is Canadian, this line in Wonder Woman may be a reference to the fact that until as recently as 1958 Canadian Indigenous people living on reserve needed written permission from the Indian Agent in order to leave the reserve for any reason.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman 3 will no longer be moving forward at DC Studios.
Jenkins recently submitted her treatment, co-written with Geoff Johns, and that Gunn and Safran, as well as Warner Bros. Pictures co-chairs and co-CEOs Michael De Luca and Pamela Abdy, broke the news to the filmmaker, telling her the project — as it stood — did not fit in with the new (but still unfolding) plans.
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toulousewayne · 9 months
Wonder Woman: Dark Reign
This is a concept for a Wonder Woman movie to take place in my DCU. This film will be apart of phase five.
Synopsis: Diana most now return to Themyscira to learn about Circe’s origins,Diana will now fight one of her most strongest enemies yet.
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince…Christian Serratos
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Circe……..Bruce Dallas Howard
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Hippolyta………Lynda Carter
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Antiope………. Salma Hayek
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Hecate……..Tonia Sotiropoulou
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Helena Sandsmark……..Sarah Michelle Gellar
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Steve Trevor……….Glen Powell
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Aquaman/Arthur Curry……Kellan Lutz
The film opens with Hippolyta telling a young Diana about the Great War between the Atlantans and the Amazons. She explains to her that the fought over an ancient relic the Spear of Entity.
She explains the Spear belonged to the God Poseidon the original ruler of Atlantis. The Spear was given to Zeus who in turn gave it to Hecate, and she used it to harness her most powerful spells and bestow the gift of magic to others.
Hippolyta tells Diana the King of the Atlantis,(prior to Aquaman’s Mother) wanted the Amazons to give him the spear back, and when they declined the war started. One of Hecate’s followers named Circe betrayed the Amazons and stolen the Spear draining it of its powers making her a wicked and powerful sorceress.
The Amazons and Atlantans waged war on her and with assistance from dying Hecate herself Circe was bashed to the island of Aiaia.
Years Later Diana stops a group of terrorist from unleashing a bio weapon at the White House, after she is thanked by Agent Steve Trevor who informs her the President sends his thanks.
On the island of Themyscira multiple Amazons are training, and Hippolyta watch over them when her sister Antiope calls to her and asks her to talk about her sorrows. Just then a large red and black burst of fires shoots through the force field around the island and crashes into the heart of the it. Circe emerges from the smoke and brimstone and demand the Amazons obey her commands.
Antiope orders the Amazons to attack the traitor who create an army of undead Greek soldiers to attack them, she vanishes in red smoke and reappears before Hippolyta, she demand she tell her the location of the Spear so she can free her soul.
Hippolyta refuses and the two fight with Circe uses her powers to overthrow the Queen. Antiope uses an arrow that pierces Circe’s arm, shocked that a weapon was able to hurt her she vows to return to kill them once she finds the Spear and leaves. Antiope reveals the arrow was dosed in Moly the only herb and known physical item able to hurt the Witch.
The Amazons send a message to Diana, though Hippolyta is unsure if she’ll be able to return home.
Seeing the message Diana turns to her friend Dr. Sandsmark to see if she can help her return home.
She reveals she had an item that is Amazonian but isn’t sure how it can help her.
Diana returns to Steve Trevor’s office to ask for his help, Steve show’s Diana a prototype of a Military jet that is said to be one of the fastest, as a token of thanks. She asks him what’s the catch to which he tells her this isn’t one. She thanks him for his help and he asks her about the artifact. She tells him it’s from her home but asks him if he can look into the location of the Spear.
Combining the artifact with the mainframe of the jet it enhances it and gives it the ability to turn invisible and travel through any dimension Diana can think of. She uses it and arrives back to Themyscira.
Diana is told the rest of the story she learned as a child and just how powerful Circe is and how just how much more she can be if she recovers the Spear.
Before leaving Hippolyta gives Diana two items,the Armor of Amazon and the Shield of Athena. She tells her to combine these item with the God Slayer sword Athena gave her to stop Circe, but Diana tells her Mother she hopes to not kill and find another. Her Mother tells her she lost hope for Circe centuries ago but if anyone can stop her it’ll be Diana.
Steve is able to have a small team locate the Spear and joins the group to retrieve it from an inhabited island off the coast of Rome.
Circe has already learned the location and sends her minions to kill the group of troops.
Hippolyta tells her she is happy to see her again, and she tells Diana she hopes whatever brought her back to her she prays to the Gods she can see her again. And with that Diana boards her Jet and heads off to help Steve.
Most of Steve’s team is murder and he’s running through the jungle unable to kill Circe’s minions. She calls to him like a Siren and nearly lures him to his death until Diana uses her shield to stop Circe’s minions from attack.
She summons for her sword which appears from magic and uses it to destroy the magical minions.
Steve tells her the coordinates and the two enter inside an old temple for the Spear, the two find Circe who has it in her possession and finds it to be a fake, she has a vanish of the real on which is guarded by the Atlantans.
Circe caused the caves to collapse and vanishs, Diana get Steven out in time and the she must find Circe before she finds the real Spear.
Aquaman enters to a temple outside of the city that is guarded and we see Circe appear inside. Atlantans, Aquaman and Circe battle inside the temple.
Wonder Woman bursts inside and knocks Circe away from striking Aquaman, he asks her is she a friend of hers and she denies but tells him she must not get inside the temple.
The two have an epic battle with Circe who is wounded by Diana’s sword. She uses her powers to create a hex to and tells Diana she must choose to stop her or help her friend.
Circe escapes with the real Spear and Wonder Woman uses her Lasso to exile the hex from Aquaman. She tells him about Circe and he tells her that some people are above being saved, but that some people also just need to be save from themselves.
Circe returns to D.C. and drains the remaining powers from the Spear.
Diana drops down from her jet and tells Circe it ends now.
The two have a destructive and bloody battle that Wonder Woman nearly loses. But thinking about her mother, her friends, and Steve she thinks about something Circe has never had. Love.
She gets her second wind and uses her Lasso she is able to stop Circe. The Lasso cannot force Circe to tell the truth but Diana is able to talk to her and make her realize that taking all the power in the world cannot feel what Circe is missing most.
Circe is furious but tells the Amazon she is wise beyond her years, even wiser than most of the Gods.
Circe tells Diana that all she ever knew was power, she never knew anything else.
Diana tells her she must expel the power of the Spear or it could kill her. Circe spats at her and tells her she has been vested but Diana will not win in the long run.
Circe vows that she will kill Diana, and will destroy Man’s World. Circe vanishes in red smoke.
Diana feels sad that she couldn’t save her but Steve arrives and tells her she did the one thing other warriors never did and that was offer her companion, and the chance to be heard. He tells her only she can give someone that.
In the last scene Diana is on the shores of Themyscira and Hippolyta comes to her and they talk and she tells her she’s proud of her, she could have easily killed Circe which is what most would have done but Diana isn’t like most. She stronger, faster, but most of all she had compassion for those who cannot fight and will always help everyone weather they feel they are worthy or not. The two walk farther down the shore and Hippolyta hugs her daughter one last time before she boards her jet and flies back to Man’s World.
Costumes: All artwork belongs to original artists‼️
Wonder Woman (New Reboot suit):
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random-movie-ideas · 7 months
Wonder Woman Cinematic Universe Pitch
And now, to present my pitch for a Wonder Woman series, mostly set within the Cinematic Universe already set up with Superman and Batman, that works in most of the Wonder Woman villains and allies that I've covered in the last month or so. Here we go:
We will start with a Wonder Woman trilogy, starring Diana, beginning with an entry in Phase One (unlike her two counterparts), to get an early start on establishing magic and gods in this world. The trilogy will include:
WONDER WOMAN I: Instead of being set in World War II, we'll take a different tack and set it in a more modern day war setting, with Steve Trevor, and others such as Etta Candy and Barbara Minerva, working for the U.S. military, tracking down a terrorist operative named Paula von Gunther, who has been searching the Mediterranean for powerful ancient relics, armed with chemical weapons from her minion Dr. Poison. This search would lead both parties to the island of Themyscira, thus roping in Diana, but differentiating things from her original movie. Hippolyta, Donna, Nubia, and others would all be featured here too, and the history of their war with Ares.
WONDER WOMAN II: After the defeat of Gunther and Poison, and helping the Justice League fend off Zod's invaders, Diana would seek to explore the world with Steve, Etta, and Barbara. Their journeys would lead them to Egypt (part of a larger Phase II segment introducing us to Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Vandal Savage, and Shazam), with Diana discovering Bana-Mighdall, clashing with Artemis throughout, and the White Magician acting as the true main villain. We will also delve into Barbara's feelings of inadequacy that the White Magician will prey upon, leading her toward . . .
WONDER WOMAN III: Barbara will leave the crew, seeking a power and strength of her own. She will encounter what seems to be an African God who grants her wish for power, transforming her into the Cheetah, only for him to turn out to be Ares, leading into later stuff, but with Cheetah acting as the main final villain.
We will also have a Wonder Girl trilogy, falling in between these three films in the same vein.
WONDER GIRL I: A school archaeology expedition in the Aegean Sea will get caught in a storm and end up marooned on Circe's Island, all the students taken captive (these students will include Cassie Sandsmark and Vanessa Kapatelis). Without Diana around, Donna will set out to try to save them, making friends with Cassie and working together against Circe. Medusa will also crop up summoned to fight them by the witch.
WONDER GIRL II: Donna will start school in the mortal world with Cassie and Vanessa, encountering a giant woman who seems confused, only to learn that she is a gorilla named Giganta, forcefully evolved by a man named Doctor Psycho, with both acting as villains, but Giganta being reformed in the end.
WONDER GIRL III: Similar to Cheetah's arc, Vanessa will similarly have her insecurities played upon, this time by Circe and Doctor Psycho, having her be transformed into the Silver Swan.
In between all of these, Justice League and Teen Titans movies will feature both Donna and Diana. Queen Clea will feature early on in one of these movies, with Diana and Aquaman stumbling upon each other as both try to fight her. We, of course, will also have:
50s WONDER WOMAN ANIMATED COMEDY: Same as the Superman and Batman movies, but this one will feature Eviless and Hypnota and delve into the whole Saturn slave ring plot.
As we've been building up, we will then have a War of the Gods two-parters:
WAR OF THE GODS, PART I: The first will deal with Ares' escape from the Underworld, facilitated by Circe forming Villainy Inc. through Cheetah, Silver Swan, Giganta, Doctor Poison, Queen Clea, Blue Snowman, and Zara, all of whom Diana and Donna will discover have been held on Themyscira to be forcibly rehabilitated by the Amazons. Nubia will also play a major role, as Doom's Doorway will be a major part of the story, and Paula von Gunther will choose to turn down Circe's offer and help the Amazons instead. In the end, though, they will succeed in opening the doorway to let Ares out, only for someone else to break free instead.
WAR OF THE GODS, PART II: Setting Ares free will also set loose a being known only as "The First-Born," revealed to be the first-born son of Zeus, cast out due to fear that he would kill Zeus as Zeus killed his father. The First-Born was found by Cronus in Tartarus, and raised to be the perfect god-killer, storming Olympus and killing many of them. Ares will also get a heroic death in the end, as will Hippolyta most likely. Many of Villainy Inc. will also die, but Cheetah, Giganta, and Silver Swan will likely reform. Also, Artemis should also return to life through the same doors to help fight.
And that's pretty much it. What do you think?
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juanza23 · 1 year
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Patty Jenkis ´s words about ww3
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butasslyn · 1 year
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nekomancersama · 1 year
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