jandplay · 2 years
🧚🏽‍♀️ "O Clube das Winx" está disponível no Jandplay! 🌟
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This rewriting is based on the cartoon number 15 ‘Dragon’s Land’. I will not cover the whole story or use the exact same plot. I will focus on some parts that I feel could be interesting. 
Dragon’s Land PART 1/3
Sky was looking around him. Tonight, the sky might have been beautiful, the weather warm, but he was not at peace. It had been a few months now that the Trix had been defeated by Bloom. The summer went by and the Prince didn’t know what to think anymore. He always knew what his life would look like once he would become the king of Heraclyon. He always knew how to act, how to think. Today, his point of view on his future was much different. There was no doubt that he would be King, but who would be his queen?
 The moment he had laid eyes on the sweat and strong-minded fairy of the Dragon’s Flame, the moment he knew his future would be unclear. He knew she had a chance to influence his life. His future was something that always bothered him deep down, but he did not understand that till very recently. Bloom had been a real choc in his perfectly timed life. For the first time, he met someone that had no idea of what the etiquette was. She just didn’t go by the rules. Not that she was not obedient. Bloom was just unfamiliar, different. She did not fit any group of people. Being the last subject of a dead kingdom and raised by humans made her who she was. 
The prince looked unwell. He could see a spaceship landing on the roof of his school. Slowly, he came closer, his best friend following right behind. A last glance over his shoulder, where Alfea was supposed to be and he shook his head. Tomorrow night was important. Red Fountain would be rebuilt, and an incredible party would be thrown. For this special occasion, Saladin, the Headmaster had sent an invitation to Heraclyon’s King and Queen. Sky knew his mother well. He had a feeling that his parents weren’t coming alone. After everything that had happened last year, there was no chance his parents would not try to interfere in his life once again.
  Finally, the spaceship’s doors opened, letting the golden rays of sunshine embrace his parents’ figures. Erendor, his father, was the first to move, going straight into his son’s embrace.
  “Father! Mother! Welcome!” Chanted Sky. 
“Sky, my son! I’m so glad to see you!” Replied the king joyfully. “In my arms son! You became a splendid young man!”
Behind the two men stood a tall and beautiful woman. Her long ginger hair shone through the light. Calmly, she walked toward her son and affectionately caressed his cheeks. 
“What about you mother? How are you doing? You look even more beautiful.” Asked Sky while caressing her hands with his thumbs. 
“Thanks sweetheart! I have a gift for you.” Answered Samara kindly.
The queen turned around swiftly and graciously pointed to the spaceship. Sky took a deep breath. He had an idea of what was in there, or who was in there. He looked up and could see three other people. A tall ginger man was standing next to a blue-haired woman and of course, between them, a beautiful blond princess was looking right at him. 
“Princess Diaspro and her parents accepted to accompany us to the party tomorrow. Isn’t it marvelous?” explained Samara to her son. “I’m sure that you both have a lot to say to each other.”
Sky could not even utter a word. He didn’t know what to say for instance. His mother was wrong. He had nothing to say to her. He couldn’t bring himself to move toward her. He knew he was being rude, making her do the first step, but something in the back of his mind was telling him that it was best to minimize his enthusiasm toward the young princess. 
“Hi Sky! You look very healthy!” said Diaspro
He eyed her parents for a second. The king was far gone in his mind. He looked aloof, even sad. Unlike her husband, the queen looked ecstatic. She had a weird smile on her face and glared right at him. Feeling awkward, Sky focused back on the princess. 
“You too!” replied Sky while kissing her hand. “It really is an amazing thing that you came.” “How could I not come? The reconstruction of your school is a very important thing, isn’t it?” answered Diaspro. “And let’s not forget that we have a discussion to finish. I couldn’t lose an occasion to talk it through!”
  Suddenly, Sky felt her hands grip his arm. From what he was hearing, their stay at Red Fountain was not going to be peaceful for him. Diaspro was already telling him about her studies and her friends but the Prince was not really paying attention. A familiar face was haunting his mind. He was already feeling exhausted. He could hear his father and Saladin talking to each other about the school and the party the next day. 
Later that evening, Sky was sitting in the room his parents were staying in. He did not even imagine his school had this type of room. It was much fancier than any bedroom in the school. Sky came to see his mother and have a conversation with her. He had thought of it during dinner. 
Now, the sun was mostly down. The room felt more intimate that way, just like on Heraclyon. He loved talking to his mother when he had something on his mind. However, today, he didn’t know if confiding in her his current feelings was a good idea.
  Finally, Sky was ready to talk. Slowly, he looked up at his mother. 
“You shouldn’t have brought her here mother… You know exactly what I think of this.” He explained. 
“But, son… Are you sure?” She asked sweetly. “Your future is way too important to be considered lightly. You should think about it more.”
“I already told you that I don’t love Diaspro. Actually, I told her that.” Said Sky. 
“You are thinking about that girl, aren’t you?” exclaimed Samara. 
“Yes! How can I not think about her? She means so much to me, mother. If only you and father would give her a chance.” Replied Sky. “I don’t think I could ever be able to move on from her.”
“You are still so young to think about love that way.” She pointed out. 
“But isn’t it the way you want me to value Diaspro? You and father wish I would see Diaspro as the woman of my life. The truth is I never loved her that way. Yes, there was a time when I valued her as my fiancée, but that was only because I had no idea of what love really was.”
“And you think you know what love is now?”
“I do believe that Bloom provides me love. We aren’t official or anything but that only proves how much we love each other.” Explained Sky. “We are both willing to risk our life for one another. We trust each other and we shared that intimate connection since day one. We are not only in love but best friends.”
“So you made up your mind?” Asked Samara. “You are choosing this girl?”
“Not exactly. It is confusing. I’m sorry… But it is my life we are talking about.” He exhaled. “I know it does not look like it, but Bloom has great qualities that would make her an excellent queen.”
“Is she willing to be a queen?”
“I don’t know. As I told you, we are nothing official. I did not even confess my love to her. I need time, mother.”
“I understand perfectly. Your happiness is what matters most for us all.” Promised his mother. “But you don’t have much time! You are a man now, and most importantly, you cannot forget about your responsibilities.” Her tone was now stricter. “Your union with Diaspro would bring great wealth to our kingdom! Her parents are very rich and have an immense influence in the magical dimension… You cannot only think about yourself.”
Sky was now looking pale. He knew his mother was right. He could not only think about his feelings. His kingdom deserved a wealthy union. Diaspro was the best option out of all considering that any other option would be Stella and that was totally out of question. Bloom was a princess, but he couldn’t bring that up. He did not want his parents to actually like her because they knew she was the daughter of king Oritel. Then, Bloom might be a princess, but she didn’t have any kingdom, and without it, her title didn’t mean anything. No, talking about that was not a good idea.
  “Don’t you want your subjects to be happy? This should be the most important thing for a soon to be king.”
  If Samara wanted to make her son feel guilty, then it was a success. He felt miserable and selfish. He was born to be a good king, it was his role, he had no other choice but to follow this path. That woman would be the death of him. She could convince him of anything and even Bloom was not enough.
  “Alright, mother. So, what should I do?”
“I just want you to try once again sweetheart. Try to talk with Diaspro. She is a beautiful girl.”
And that is exactly what Sky was doing on the night of the party. He was perfectly aware of his parents and Diaspro’s parents’ glare on his back. He had no other choice but to obey his parents for the moment. It would last one night and then he would be able to focus once again on his studies and most importantly, on Bloom.
  However, he had no idea if his fairy was coming to the party and that made him even more anxious. What if she came and saw him with another woman? He would be cursed if that happened.
  “Is there still some room for me in your heart?” Asked the princess sensually. “You know you mean a lot to me Diaspro… But I can’t offer you my love, you know that.” Answered Sky. 
“But I love you! Does it mean anything to you or not?!” She replied, offended. 
He did not answer that. There was nothing to add. He was trying to make it work but he felt sick just holding her in his arms while Bloom could walk in at any moment. And sooner that he would have liked, his fear became reality when a long ginger haired fairy entered the room in a beautiful and sexy blue grown. Her long hair was naturally wavy and the blue of her dress complimented her carnation. 
Even when he was dancing with one of the most beautiful princesses in the world, Bloom was outshining anybody. He could not tear his eyes away from her and that did not please Diaspro.
On the throne, the parents were amazed by their dance, not even noticing Bloom entering the room or even the Prince’s glance. 
“They are so beautiful together don’t you think Samara?”
“Indeed, they are made for each other. I’m so proud of them!”
But soon, their happiness was destroyed when Sky took a step back from Diaspro and ran toward a group of girls. Diaspro was left behind without a chance to talk. Samara was looking right at the fairy while the three other parents were flabbergasted by the Prince’s attitude. Erendor could see his son melting in front of a young girl he recognized as the party crasher from last year. He looked at his wife. 
Samara was deep in thought. She could see so many emotions displaying on her son’s face. The fairy seemed reluctant to move closer to Sky. Samara could tell the young girl was feeling awkward just by the way she was standing. Then, she saw Sky moving toward her and placing his hand on her hips, bringing her closer. The fairy looked more relaxed. Oh how badly Samara wanted to know what they were talking about!
“Weren’t you already in good company Sky?”
“Please, Bloom, don’t start with that! You know how things are.”
“You parents are still bothering you with all of that, aren’t they?” She asked sweetly. 
“Yes, they are. I’m sorry, it’s been so difficult.” He exhaled for what seemed like a hundred time. “They know how I feel, and I know that I don’t love her.”
“Yes, I understand that, alright. But, why are they letting you dance with me. Surely what you feel about her doesn’t change the fact that they don’t think well of me.”
“Well, I told you that Bloom. They might not like you, but I decide what I want in my life.” He explained while making her twirl. “And, let’s say they are not so much against us now that they know that you defeated the witches last year.”
“Wait, what?! What do you mean?” Bloom objected suddenly while pushing him away. “Wait a second. Are you telling me that because I’m famous now, you are allowed to be around me?”
“No, Bloom. That is not what I said!” He replied fervently. “That is not what I meant.”
“That is exactly what you just said!” she replied back. 
“Bloom, you don’t understand!”
“Ah! No! No, I don’t! You are right on that one, your highness!” 
“Please, don’t call me that! You know it makes me uncomfortable when my friends call me that!”
“Don’t worry, I was only being sarcastic!” she cried back. 
“Why do you always jump o-“ Sky argued but was cut off.
”You want to know what I do understand?! If it wasn’t for my fame, you would not even bother!”
“What are you talking about?! That is not true, and you know it!”
“Why are you acting like that? Things are already tough Bloom!” Sky said, scanning the room. 
“You think I enjoy being judged every time I set foot in a room?!” Bloom could see Diaspro talking with a woman. 
“I’m sorry if I’m not enough for your parents. It’s not like they even tried to talk to me.” She was calming down; feeling sorrow. “All I want is to be left alone. I did not ask to be famous. I did not ask the Trix to try to kill me!” She could feel tears in her eyes. 
“I know that Bloom. No one thinks that, believe me…” 
Slowly, he brought her against his chest. They were in a room full of people. He knew some people were watching Bloom. They wanted to know more about her. They wanted to see more of the powerful fairy that she was. His parents’ glares were enough. He did not want anybody to hear what they were discussing, and he even less wanted people to see his fairy on the verge of crying. He tried to trick people by focusing on dancing. From far away, it looked like Bloom was hugging her partner. He rubbed her back and was talking in her ear. 
“Don’t cry, please… I just want to dance with you and focus on you tonight. Forget about them, they don’t matter.”
“Right…” She murmured. 
Bloom knew he did not mean anything bad, but she could not help herself. She felt trapped and angry at the whole world. He was right. Things were complicated. All she wanted was to spend the evening with him. However, she also could feel his parents’ lingering pressure. She dared to look at them from Sky’s shoulder. They indeed were watching their son, and somehow, just by the way they looked, Bloom felt sorry for the young man. His caresses were not only loving but desperate. He was gripping her like if he was scared anyone would separate them.
  Suddenly, Samara noticed Bloom’s glare. She saw many raw emotions in her Egyptian blue eyes. Anger… Doubt… Sorrow… And mostly love. She eyed her son for a second. The way he was holding his date, his closed eyes, his slouch back. Every word he said to her the night before came back to her. 
“How can I not think about her? She means so much to me, mother.”
“We are both willing to risk our life for one another. We trust each other and we shared that intimate connection since day one. We are not only in love but best friends.”
“We aren’t official or anything but that only proves how much we love each other.”
The queen looked away, pained. In a corner of the room, she could see Diaspro and her mother arguing and pointing toward the dancing couple. Were they doing the right thing? Was Diaspro the best option for her son? Yes, she might be rich and fated to be a queen, but what about this girl? If Sky loved her so much, she couldn’t be a bad person. Everyone had heard about her powers and her loyalty. 
When Sky came back last summer, she immediately noticed how much he had grown. He was more mature, understanding and gained confidence. If she was so powerful and really did stop those witches on her own, and if Sky and the fairy were already so close, there was a chance Sky followed her in her quest. “Then it means my son changed thanks to her…” thought the queen.
Dragon's land 2/3
Hello! How are you guys? Here is my first post. This is the very first part of the rewriting I’m working on. I hope you liked it.
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spamer02 · 5 years
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winxbutterflix · 5 years
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Screenshots do 22° episódio da 8ª temporada de Winx Club.
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luc-element-art · 5 years
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En l'honneur de la Saison 8 qui a débutée en Italie... 
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isabella-manara · 5 years
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🏵 Bloom 🏵 #Bloom #winx #winxclub #fanart #winxfanart #bloomfanart #digitalart #winxclubofficial #fairy #redhair #magic #isabellamanara #isabellamanaraart #rainbow #wacom #Photoshop #artistsoninstagram #art #instaart #winxclub8 #winx8 #winxbloom #winxforever #digitalpaint #characterdesign #drawing #illustration #cintiq #officialfanart https://www.instagram.com/p/B6C99whqKOS/?igshid=3pn2nv44krfz
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roxynina · 5 years
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Twinkly is a cutie
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wonderlandismyhaven · 5 years
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El capítulo 22 de la nueva temporada me trae tantas emociones. Fue tan emotivo ver a Riven y a Musa completamente relajados y felices el uno con el otro. // Chapter 22 of the new season brings me so many emotions. It was so emotional to see Riven and Musa completely relaxed and happy with each other.
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winxclub4ever · 5 years
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ryuumes-kiseki-blog · 5 years
Bloom’s Enchantix (Season 8)
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silverwinxcom · 5 years
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#Winx #WinxClub : #Winxers ! Remember, the mid-season of #Winx Club Season 8 starts in a few minutes with the return #Trix ! Follow the direct live on : http://silverwinx.com/wcs8-live/  
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huntikfrance · 4 years
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[EN] As I said lately, the Rainbow studio is celebrating its 25th anniversary at the Giffoni Film Festival... which is just celebrating its 50th anniversary! Normally, there should be a exhibition about the Italian studio at the festival but all we have in pictures for the moment are those big RAINBOW letters that light up at night.
And by looking more closely at the letters, we can see a theme with the images... On the letter R, we have plenty of photos which must refer to the creation of the studio. On the letter A, we find the successful series of Rainbow (Huntik is there! Yes!). The letters I and N show big events like the release of movies or shows. On the letter B, the live productions (Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends and Club57). The letter O shows the events of the last 2 years with Winx Club and 44 Cats. And on the letter W, we can see Rainbow's current projects...
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[FR] Comme je vous l'ai annoncé il y a trois jours, le studio Rainbow célèbre ses 25 ans au Festival du Film de Giffoni... qui fête justement ses 50 ans! Normalement, une sorte d'exposition sur le studio italien devrait se tenir au festival mais tout ce que l'on a en photos pour le moment, ce sont ces grosses lettres RAINBOW qui s'illuminent la nuit. D'ailleurs, en regardant de plus près les lettres, on peut y voir un thème avec les images... Sur la lettre R, on a pleins de photos qui doivent faire référence à la création du studio. Sur la lettre A, on retrouve les séries à succès de Rainbow (Huntik y est! Yes!). Les lettres I et N montrent les gros évènements comme les sorties au cinéma ou les spectacles. Sur la lettre B, ce sont les productions live qui sont mises en évidence, à savoir Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends et Club57. La lettre O montre les évènements des 2 dernières années avec Winx Club et 44 Chats. Et sur la lettre W, on peut voir les projets actuels de Rainbow...
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pinkzeo1ranger · 4 years
Bring back the old art style Of winx club for season 8 and season 9 - Sign the Petition! http://chng.it/mfMbhC4b via @CdnChange hi guys can you please sign this petition and share it with your friends? #winxclub
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winxbutterflix · 5 years
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Screenshots do 26° episódio da 8ª temporada de Winx Club.
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luc-element-art · 5 years
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J'ai mis en couleurs le dessin de mon OC en version Magic Cosmix que j'avais fait pour le Inktober 2018!!! 🌟 
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isabella-manara · 4 years
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🎮 Tecna 🎮 Last(?) but not least, my favorite fairy. #tecna #officialfanart #winx8 #winxclub #winx #fairy #winxtecna #winxtecna📱 #winxclubofficial #collaboration #winx #rainbow #isabellamanara #isabellamanaraart #artistsoninstagram #digitalpaint #digitalart #winxlove #winxfanart #winxclub8 #winxclubtecna #winxclubdolls #Wacom #digitalfanart #Photoshop #purplehair #shorthair #geekgirl #technology #winxseason8 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OELxPCeSr/?igshid=1cerxtcp95mr4
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