#Windy trickster
lashysdomain · 6 months
>Well, investigations on the little freak that is Levyil turned up something, not too much, but enough. Vayuya opted to take the only course she felt she could, trudging out into the woods in normal boots so she wouldn't snap her neck. The woods aren't the most comfortable place for her to be, but sacrifices must be made in the pursuit of knowledge. Or at least that's what a lot of her college courses seem to have drilled into her head.
>While she's not entirely sure what she's looking for, other than maybe a house, her phone having a compass app is useful and making sure she's at least going in one direction instead of all over the place in circles. The wonders of GPS tracking have gotten her out of more situations than she'd like to admit. Muttering under her breath she stops next to a tree, leaning on it so she can see how far she's gone and not end up walking off a hidden cliff.
"Oh for fucks.... Where is this guy... I didn't think it would be this much colder than the city...."
>The fact she only wore a thick shirt and leggings under her skirt was clearly a mistake, but she's too deep in the woods to even think about turning back until her goal is achieved.
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knavestrolls · 4 months
Nerola - 4E :>
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Outfit from Chiomi that Nerola wore for a first blind date 100%
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ketchfantrolls · 5 months
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he lighter is shitty (not pictured). probably got it from his matesprit
totally not just an excuse for why its so far away from the cigarette what noooo why would that be the case?? this was a quick thing for practice with quick linework so the shading is not great. shh
anyway, i love henzel and i would kill someone for him. henzel belongs to @windy-trickster :3c he doesn't have sprites yet but when he does im gonna spam him with asks!!
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ase-trollplays · 10 months
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>> You sit in the waiting room... Not anxiously, exactly, but you're definitely uneasy. After your big blowup and subsequent breakdown in the park a while back, you've been in a terrible head space. You can't hide it from Dantli and Varoll anymore.
>> After a long back and forth, he finally got through to you and convinced you to get help. He's not equipped to help you work through what's wrong, and you don't have a moirail, so a therapist was the best option.
>> Therapists -- Legitimate therapists, not pale escorts -- are hard to find, but Kamava sounded like a good option, so you arranged an appointment with her. You can only hope this goes well.
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bloodydumpsterrp · 1 year
Trial Icons
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some icons for @windy-trickster (cervin) and @shenktrolls (caroka)
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fantroll-rps · 2 days
Bold meme for Ralkoa 
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
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celestialtrolls · 4 months
Rennra. Why is it so important you find your Ancestor? Do you need something from her or?
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"The Queen of Hearts, Creator Ceremiré Nostam."
"A legendary figure from the past, founder of Suits Carnival, rumoured to have the ability to create anything from nothing."
"You understand the title now, right? She's not called the Creator for no reason. Buildings, animals, weapons, things that can't even logically exist, she can make them all, somehow. Seems like even some of the buildings in this city were just constructed by her powers alone, rather than genuinely built."
"I can kind of tell which ones are by her, they look strange in my vision, like they aren't made from the materials they look like externally. They're much more dense."
"Regardless, she actually has another power too, although supposedly uses it less because of it's... side-effects, which is destruction. Can't have one without the other."
"Now, it seems like, as identical twins, these two powers actually got divided between me and Aelynn. She has the destruction, and it's fucking terrifying. You don't know how fragile your existence feels when you can literally see cracks forming in reality."
"I didn't think I had anything, but when Dragonmom started destroying the planet that time... I was so... ...Something changed, and since then, whenever I get really scared or anxious... I can't stop these crystals forming."
"I need to find her, I need to watch how she uses her powers, how she shapes it into something less useless than fragments. I don't... want to have to talk to her, meet her, but I want some kind of lead to how I can get better."
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timesprosecutor · 1 year
Is Ramona possibly around? I'd like to get to know them if they are :D!!!
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<3 Oh, Are you looking for me, Sweetie? ^^
<3 It's my honor X3 what would you like to know about me~? :3
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taxi-trolls · 5 months
Do you like where you currently live, Junnie?
:)) Its better than being hiveless, I wish I could move out but where would I go?? I dont have many friends. :))
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kenztrolls · 7 months
Hey Shu, have you ever met your kismesis's sister? Did you even know he had a sister?
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" noow that's a headscratcher! i didn't knoow he had oone, noo... "
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" admittedly i doo hoope she's at least a smidge moore understandable than her broother. "
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cadavertrolls · 7 months
Do you know when like- Your coven was formed, Mar?
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"〚~꒷꒦ Hmmm... You would need to ask Sunday for an exact timeline, but I believe it was started a sweep or two ago? Sunday started it after he was killed by his previous coven. I don't pry much about the how or when, he's sensitive about the topic... ꒦꒷~〛"
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lashysdomain · 4 months
🐛 Tavern's Prize :>
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poor baby is scared because everything is so loud and they can't see very well
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knavestrolls · 4 months
💭💭💭 :>!
Well first of all, uno reverse:
💭 You, mi mijo, are a very sweet person who has always been so kind to me. You were patient enough with me to form this bond we have and to drag me into a bit more of a... Active? I'll say. role here. You are one my favorite people to get a message from and my beloved child who is my exact type of weird. Your designs are amazing and I love watching your art grow. If only there was a fridge big enough so I could print them all out and hang them up.
💭 @mageofspacemultiverse YOU. you! what nice thing isn't there to say about Static?? Literally one of the sweetest people I have the pleasure of calling my friend! Always patient, always chill with my nonsense and nonverbalness, and always willing to let me just disappear when I've run out of spoons for the day and reappear later when I can. Most recently- you have been a major player in helping me recover from an extreme bpd swing because you just wouldn't leave me alone /pos!!! . Thanks to that I even managed to go to school today! Your trolls are so cute and I love the silly interactions I get with them! Hidelord can totally keep me as a pet, that's fine. ;P
💭 @roetrolls We don't talk as personally as I do to the above two, but I wanted to mention you too. You have been kind to me the entire time I've been in the community and even when I feel like I'm an outcast and shouldn't be here, you make me feel like I will always at least have a place in your notifs without being annoying. <3 I don't know how to put the rest to words, but I am glad for your continued existence and love to watch your trolls grow.
please lemme know if you'd rather not be pinged here! I can remove it
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ketchfantrolls · 4 months
C'mon Metier! Don't keep us all in suspense! Tell us!!!
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METIER: // /et's just say.. My red quadrant isn't exact/y empty anymore.
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ase-trollplays · 3 months
42 [bug] involving Varoll :>
Varoll watched from behind a tree as a monster dragonfly hovered over the skeleton of a three-feet long lizard. Despite typically being found in huge swarms around fresh water, they tended to avoid her little habitat due to constantly being accosted by the alligators. She never actually ate one before because they were so hard to kill, though she did get her finger broken by one before when she was little. Dantli caught one and crushed it in his hands once, and it was the coolest thing she ever saw.
So imagine how proud he would be if she managed to fell one by herself with just her arrows and her knife.
She removed an arrow from her quiver and pulled back the bow, aiming carefully. She thought it all out. She'd shoot it in the back near the base of one of its wings so it'd be crippled, then finish the job with her pocketknife in her sylladex. She was a damn good shot for her age, so she was confident she could take it down. Varoll waited until it was still and resting to mulch and consume a rib bone before taking the shot.
Her aim was true and she nailed it in the base of one wing. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to inhibit its flying, and within seconds she was forced to run from the massive bug out to get revenge for having its meal disturbed. First the geese at the park, and now this. Running away from animals she could kill (in theory) was getting really old.
She picked up a sizeable rock and chucked it at her pursuer, but the massive dragonfly easily dodged and struck at her with its tail, very nearly pinching a chunk off her shoulder. In a desperate move, she reached out to grab the deadly pincer at the end of its muscular tail. Her first attempt was a miss that almost cost her thumb. With a panicked shriek, she pulled out another arrow and started swinging and jabbing at it.
With what little luck she had, one of the jabs managed to puncture one of its bulbous eyes and caused it to falter. She then grabbed it by the tail, dropping her arrow to use both hands, and slammed it against the trunk of a tree in an attempt to finally kill it. However, between its thick muscular body, hardy exoskeleton, and still-functioning wings, it was a futile endeavor.
She couldn't stab it again without letting it go, so her teeth would have to do. The rapid loud buzzing of its wings as it attempted to fly away aggressively filled her ears as she pulled it close and started biting into the tough flesh. The pincer tore a hole in the front of her shirt and came dangerously close to finding purchase in her throat. In a desperate move, she wrenched her head to take the base of its pincer in her jaws, and the natural strength of her bite augmented by her strength as a highblood proved to be enough to bite the pincer... not entirely off, but it tore about halfway and dangled uselessly. Brown blood dripped and sprayed all over the ground as well as Varoll herself, but the bug was finally losing its vigor.
She released one hand to tear out the arrow she lodged in its eye and repeatedly stab it until it fell limply in her grasp. She put the bloody arrow back in her quiver as well as the arrow lodged in one of its wings.
She did it.
She did it!!!
Varoll jumped and pumped her fists in the air and shouted in joyous victory. She may have come close to dying herself, but she didn't, and that's what was most important. She killed it all by herself.
Now she just needed to keep any of the alligators from eating it before she could show it to Dantli the next time he visited.
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bloodydumpsterrp · 1 year
Maybe Cute or Grunge for the Outfit Meme? :0 [Mun's choice]
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ooooo yeah.
pose/outfit inspo - pinterest
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