#Whitney the film
blkinfilm · 4 months
Waiting to Exhale (1995)
Instagram: blkinfilm
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ongawdclub · 8 days
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W h i t n e y
H o u s t o n
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lyndentree63 · 5 months
So I just finished re-watching Misfits and Magic, and I know a lot of people talk about how it's kind of sad that Jammer and Sam don't really have arcs like K and Evan. . . I have thoughts about that. In modern Western cinema, we expect protagonists to have an arc, where they change, grow, learn things and are different people from the beginning of the story to the end. This is most common in movies, and then books. But the thing is we also have a type of protagonist that's more common in TV shows, where the character stays mostly the same, and by doing so they affect the world around them or bring out interesting themes and call out issues in the world, just by being themselves. (Think the crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek TNG.) Misfits and Magic has BOTH of these kinds of characters. K and Evan are movie protagonists. Jammer and Sam are TV show protagonists. And I love that they coexist and both make each other's types of stories stronger. This time around, I really appreciated the constancy of Sam and Jammer, the way they don't really change, but seem to grow more solidly into who they already were at the beginning of the show. They expose the foibles of the world by having the world brush against THEM. They change the world and the characters around them, by staying true to who they are. K and Evan change the world because they are changing themselves. Both kinds of stories are valid, and both kinds of stories are needed.
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
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This post is part 2. For more trivia: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Bonus
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historytheone · 1 month
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The noblest art is that of making others happy. — P.T. Barnum
🎪 Okay, a new edits series has come! And no AI at all. Wanna watch this film now. This role was for Michael I swear! What do you think guys?
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synsick · 5 months
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Whitney Masters ph Sick Syn
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slocgupdates · 2 months
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cressida-jayoungr · 6 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Anything Goes December
The Bodyguard / Whitney Houston as Rachel Marron
I'm not sure whether this halter-neck garment is one or two pieces, but either way, I really like it! It's ornate in that early-nineties way, but the decoration is very tasteful. Thistles, maybe? Over it, she wears a loose bronze-colored jacket with black trim, but that's mostly pushed off the shoulders like a wrap.
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praline1968 · 4 months
🎤 Whitney Houston ~ I will always love you 🎧
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rrrauschen · 2 months
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James Whitney, {1965} Lapis
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of-fear-and-love · 28 days
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Angela Bassett in Waiting to Exhale (1995)
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daltony · 2 months
Jack Champion, Sophia Lillis, Kate del Castillo, Tony Dalton, Whitney Peak, Blu del Barrio & Bobby Cannavale Join Dave Bautista In Action Pic ‘Trap House’
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
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This is Part 7. For more trivia: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Bonus
Had to add that last one for kicks 😂
My bad. I missed a tweet. The first one below should’ve gone before the one about Treach auditioning for the role of Bishop in Juice:
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emmellas · 1 month
a ramble on the bella baxterification of emma stone (or in other words, how emma & her career trajectory, with one stigma-challenging, bold, and progressive project after another- including 'poor things' !!- embodies the same values and spirit of her beloved cinematic heroine)
emma using her well-earned acclaim, status, and star-power to make her foray from more mainstream projects that are "safe" and "comforting" to what's shaping up to be a formidable assemblage of more delightfully transgressive (which unfortunately does include TRULY progressive pieces that depict society honestly rather than romanticizing things to pander to audiences, which is sure to bring discomfort and even anger in those who do not want to see extant, unjust power dynamics and systems challenged) pieces that not only attest to her ever-growing prowess as an actress and producer but to boldly progressive views she's willing to (and has) risk her public image and good graces in the industry to stand tend toes behind sure has been beautiful to watch.
she's talked about how inspiring it is to have played a character who stood for justice no matter what society did and has expressed that she wants to live like bella and i just wonder if she realizes that this is exactly what she's doing right now.
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i say this following rumblings about 'kinds of kindness' being another "divisive" piece sure to "piss people off." as i said, real progressivism is always guaranteed to piss people off and i LOVE to see it.
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i've stated it in another post but people often confuse her lack of verbal statements on social issues as her being apolitical but she actually has severe GAD and talked about speaking on said subjects and mistakes she's made in the past related to them being a deeply engrained trigger that developed out of a fear of making further mistakes but it's obvious that her making such provocative (/POS !!) pieces like the curse that truly educate on and condemn myriad systems of oppression, even going so far as to insist her character, whitney, be characterized in the evil way we know her to be in spite of ramifications to her public image she was made aware of at the time, show her willingness to make sacrifices to her career in the name of doing what is right.
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christopher nolan, in a panel he moderated about the curse, asked regarding emma's involvement in the polarizing and unprecedented show, "how on god's earth did you convince her to do that?" "that," of course, referring to her pander-free, harsh, and damning portrayal of whitney and all that she represents (performative white liberalism aka PWL), whom he described as "monstrous," knowing how such a character could be projected onto her as it and how such an unapologetic critique of performative white liberalism wouldn't bode well in an industry and society quite full of them. by the way, she firmly called the phenomenon of PWL a "modern affliction" during a panel she herself attended. anyway, nathan and benny replied that it was in fact her who "insisted" whitney be portrayed this way even after they'd offered/suggested she tone things down in the interest of her public image.
here's the link to the panel i refer to:
in any case, i cannot wait for KOK and for everything else to come from the acting and producing phenom that is emma stone. she'll have her third oscar before she's 40 and if the academy can manage to look past the anthology format, what seems to be controversial subject matter, and whatever other factors that should have nothing to do with one's performance (again, emma's choices are showing she's not doing things for awards and popularity but because she has a passion for them), it just might happen next year as she also seems to follow a "let's outdo every prior performance" kind of trajectory with her work meaning bella baxter, inimitable and magnificent of a performance as it was that was more-than-deserving of the oscar, is sure to be outdone. in fact, i'd argue her turn as whitney siegel in the curse has already done so and i hope to see that recognized accordingly with her first emmy this year.
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in conclusion, LET'S GO EMMA !!
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synsick · 6 months
Mfdooomed, Maggmack, Whitney Masters Ph Sick Syn | instax film
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