#Wesley MacInnes
heartlandtfln · 2 years
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“(905): He handed me a temporary tattoo and said cover the hickey up with this“
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Wesley MacInnes can’t stop creating. An actor, musician, writer and director, storytelling has been close to his heart for years and at different stages in his life. This past fall, he starred as Owen Schultz in Netflix’s gritty sci-fi series The Imperfects, and has continued to make music (under Wes Mack) and push his boundaries as an artist. 
You've been acting professionally for around 13 years. What initially sparked your passion for the arts and pursuing it as a career?
With acting, it was something that had always been of interest to me, in that I loved film and art in general, but I was more adamant about music from my earliest days. Acting really got a hold on me in university when I dropped a 2nd year quantum mechanics class to take a theatre / acting one. I loved both of those classes but it was the acting one that ended up sparking me to take all the possible theatre classes at UBC as well as getting involved in a bunch of theatre productions and plays while I was there. Being in that world of theatre, paired with my growing love of technical filmmaking really pulled me in.
I loved it tremendously and in an odd bit of life timing, I walked out of my very last university course before graduating, got on the bus, and went downtown where I filmed a single scene and a one line role on The Vampire Diaries which began my career in film. Notably the character was named Peeing Guy #1. So you know he’s cool, right?
You starred as Owen Schultz in the gritty sci-fi drama, The Imperfects. It's always fun to dive into a new character; how did you prepare for this role?
Owen is very near and dear to me, perhaps because I see him quite similar to myself. Most of my prep for Owen was in casting myself deeper into the geekiest parts of my life (of which there are many – playing DND this week!) and letting myself imagine what different versions of myself would concoct as a hero identity, given the chance.
Owen is kind of a geek who LOVES superheroes and is creating his own idea of a superhero. I like that it’s all happening in real time as we meet him. The powers are new. The branded shirt is new. He doesn’t know yet what kind of hero he wants to be so we get to see him grapple with those decisions. And as a guy who has grown up immersed in sci-fi and fantasy, it’s a thought process I’ve already gone through many times. For me, being Owen was just tapping into it.
What was your experience like on-set, and working with the talented cast and crew? Do you have any key memories that you come back to?
I had a lot of fun on this one. Owen was a chance to really play and be improvisational and the team on the show really let me run with it. From exploring Dr. Burke’s lab like a kid in a candy shop, to diving into a comic book laying around at Juan’s, to punching out a painting and losing my sh*t, there was a lot to play with. I really enjoyed pushing the buttons of the core cast, all of whom had a very different relationship with their powers when I met them.
I think one of my favorite moments though was my final scene with Juan / Iñaki.
You share memorable scenes opposite Iñaki Godoy (as Juan Ruiz). What was Iñaki like as a scene partner and person?
As I said… I LOVED it. Iñaki is both a tremendously fun and kind person as well as a deep and versatile actor. We got along great and when it came time to shoot our last scene it felt like something really special happened. On the page I think the scene read as far more heated and confrontational, but the more times we played through it the tone began to change. The scene was all about the paths we’d taken from our childhoods to where we stood that day. It was really vulnerable and getting to push Juan to admit some of what he’d lost along the way felt really important to his arc and to Owen’s identity.
We had a laugh with Dennis Heaton (creator of the show) that Owen was hitting Juan with the “with great power comes great responsibility” speech, which obviously I love. Honestly, it was a great day because we had the time and space to explore something universal to all people going through changes and that, in the end, it shifted from confrontational to something closer to meeting in the middle.
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While the show was not renewed for a second season, why would you encourage viewers to tune in?
Alas. Can’t win em all. I think we told a cool, quirky and unique underdog story, and sometimes those can take time to find their full firepower. I wouldn’t count The Imperfects out just yet.
Last year, you starred in Paramount+'s Guilty Party opposite Kate Beckinsale. What did you take away from working on that project?
That was another really fun group of people and a set that encouraged so so so much improv and experimentation, which for me is the dream space as an actor. What I took away from that one is that Kate Beckinsale is a great actor, lovely person, and a total badass BUT that she is cool with me throwing Froot Loops at her head.
You've been acting in the B.C. film industry for years. What can you say about its current state, opportunities, and the range of projects/genres?
It is an everchanging beast to be sure. I think with the rise of streamers there is a ton of opportunity and a lot a of neat shows being made. I think for me more than anything I try not to get overly caught up in the state of industry. I pay attention when it comes to elections and governmental support in the form of financial policy and tax incentives as they are fundamental to film anywhere in the world. However, I try not to zoom in too far into the minutia because I think as an actor or industry member you can get sucked into feeling that the sky is always falling.
I’m happy to be a part of the BC film industry. I love so many of the folks working here and I’m proud of the work we make.
You're also a musician! Tell us about your love for the country genre, and merging it with pop music. Did you always know you wanted to make country music?
I grew up in Alberta (which is surely a hotbed of the genre), and while there are chunks of country music that I’m not wild about, I think the stuff that draws me in is in the warmth and organic side of production, the songwriting that celebrates life in its simplest form, the love of the outdoors and small-town living, and the elements from classic rock that tend to live in country these days. Mix those together and I’m happy either plunking my guitar out at my cabin, or standing up on a big stage.
You have new music coming soon. What details can you share?
My new album will be out in 2023 with a few new singles. It’s a project I started right when the pandemic began and was a totally different process than anything I’d made before. I think adapting leads to good things and I think the songs I’ve made cover the distance between big and loud and tiny and quiet, and will take people on a very cool journey. Happy to be making music.
Tell us about your songwriting process. Where do you find inspiration from, and do you find a lot of value in writing sessions and collaborating with others?
I find the best way for me to write songs is to either make breakfast, shower or drive my car hahaha. I think Spielberg was quoted as saying driving helps him write and I think where that all comes from is that the conscious mind is great at many things but often gets in its own way in art and creativity. I find when I’m doing some other task (like mentioned above) it allows the subconscious mind to take all the musical ingredients I have floating around in my head and make them into some kind of sonic cake. That’s the cake I like to bake. The best ones seem to come out of nowhere like that so my whole thing becomes just dropping everything and capturing them when they show up.
I do love co-writing, be it in music or film. I find it’s a great way to take your own best pieces (as described above) and grow them into something bigger and better while avoid falling into your own traps. Take John Lennon and Paul McCartney. I think you might be able to say that Paul pushes things to be light and poppy and happy, and John pushes for darker and moodier and stranger. On their own they can write great songs, but together those pieces combine and balance out to legendary stuff. Now we can’t all be John and Paul, but I love the process all the same.
Who are some of your favourite bands or musicians? Who have you been listening to recently?
Hmmmmm Props to Harry Styles on a very cool and creative record. Noah Kahan is always making amazing music that I love.
You performed at Harrow Fair in Ontario in September. How great was it to be back performing live?
Oh boy it felt really calming in my soul. Exhilarating body rush, but calming in the soul. For 90 minutes I was right where I needed to be doing just what I love to do. Getting to connect with people like that (who themselves had been also away from live stuff for ages) felt wonderful and like such a breath of fresh air. It was a riot up there.
I’m glad I rehearsed a lot though because man… the cardio is real.
Between acting, directing (being behind the scenes) and making music, have you ever felt more strongly about pursuing one over the others? How do you find a healthy balance?
They live in balance in me. There are definitely days when one feels easier or harder, but the love for both is all from the same place. It’s just making art and telling stories. I just wish I had infinite time to do more and more.
I’m no longer sure that I have a healthy balance hahaha. I try to do what feels good and keeps the car driving forward, which is even a bigger balance between music, acting, writing, directing and honestly living life. I’ll let you know when I have that one all sorted out.
You're from Calgary but are currently based in Vancouver. What are some of your favourite places to visit (whether it is for food and/or an activity) in Vancouver?
Well first I will need to shoutout a few spots in Calgary that are my absolute favorites. Best pizza in that city: Spiros. Best burgers and shakes: Peter’s. I’m missing those both right now and I’m really hungry presently so now they are all I can think about… shoot.
In Vancouver I think one of my very favorite spots is Granville Island. There’s enough food there to sink a ship… they also have the Aquabus which I LOVE and is this cute little trolley boat that bops around the harbour and for like 8 bucks or something you can head out on a quick tour and get across to different downtown spots. Jolly old time.
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We know you're a Calgary Flames fan. How long have you been following the team, and who's your all-time favourite Flames player? What's your prediction for the Flames this season?
I sure am. Some of my favorite early memories were watching the Flames play with my parents, and going to games with my dad and later my friends too. Fun fact: when they score, they set off massive fireballs in the rink and it is extremely hot on your face for a second. Just a hoot!
I’ve been a fan since I can remember. Favorite player all time is a bit of a deep cut. Trevor Kidd was their goalie back in the late 90′s and I was a big fan. Went to his goalie school for a couple years. Jarome Iginla is always surely a wonderful one. Great human and player.
As for this season, I’m never much for predictions but here’s hoping we can smoke the Oilers and win it all!
Our signature question: If you could be any ice cream flavour, which would you be and why?
It’s either chocolate or ‘cosmic time and space travel.’ And I’ll explain why. With chocolate I would be my favorite flavor. However, with 'cosmic time and space travel,’ which I’ve just invented now due to the open-ended nature of the question, I would have a sort of godlike timeless position in the universe and could do and change anything. So, one of those would be great.
Thanks to Wesley for taking the time to answer our questions, and The Promotion People for arranging our chat! 
To keep updated with Wesley’s upcoming projects and music, visit his website (Wes Mack), Twitter and Instagram. 
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hopefulshipper · 1 year
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cinematv · 1 year
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→ Hunter Sansone in STARGIRL (2020 - 2022)  → Wesley MacInnes in SMALLVILLE (2001 - 2010)
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theembcnetwork · 2 years
Counterparts Presents - Wesley Maclnnes from THE EMBC TV NETWORK on Vimeo.
Multi-talented actor/musician/writer/director Wesley MacInnes takes on his next acting role in the new sci-fi Netflix series, “The Imperfects.” After an experimental gene therapy turns them into monsters, three twenty-somethings, played by Morgan Taylor Campbell (“Zoe’s Extraordinary Playlist”), Rhianna Jagpal (“Motherland: Fort Salem”), and Inaki Godoy (“Who Killed Sara”) band together to hunt down the scientist responsible and force him to make them human again, teaming up along the way with Dr. Sydney Burke – played by Italia Ricci (“Designated Survivor,” “Supergirl”). For fans of quirky super squads, think “The Umbrella Academy” meets “The Boys”. The Imperfects is currently in the top 3 TV shows on Netflix in the USA and Canada.
In addition to acting, Wesley is an international singer/songwriter under the stage name Wes Mack. His releases have yielded five Billboard top 10 hits, 20 CCMA and BCCMA nominations, over 15 million streams, and an international tour with Shania Twain.
Wesley’s social media links/handles:
IMDb: Wesley MacInnes Website: wesmackmusic.com Instagram: @wesmackmusic Twitter: @wesmackmusic Facebook: @wesmack Snapchat: WesMackMusic Youtube: youtube.com/user/wesmackmusic The Imperfects social media handle: @NetflixGeeked
Press contact: Lesley Diana | [email protected]| 604-726-5575
To contact Counterparts visit: counterpartsshow.com
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heartlandians · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of “Joy for Christmas”. Photo by: Wes Mack
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eeveecryptid · 4 years
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Thaddeus + 9.10 Road Trip ( 1 / ∞ )
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tcrnishedgracea · 5 years
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We all got booted out of the penthouse, and I just kind of figured... Why be an angel when you can be a God?
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cinemafanatic · 5 years
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
“You’ve gone as far as you’re gonna go.”
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thehollowedartists · 7 years
Wesley MacInnes in Power Rangers
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Go! Go! Technical difficulties! Perfect guest Scott Motisko of Breaking Glass Pictures joins us for an imperfect review of Power Rangers Movie featuring a few laptop hiccups! Scott also brings us an unreleased Summer beer from the up-and-coming Philadelphia brewery he co-founded, Point Breeze Brewing!
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heartlandtfln · 2 years
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“(978): This dudes playing guitar and singing outside our window and he's like "ravioli is beterrrrrrr than tortelliniIii cause tortelliniiii is shaped like fucking ears"“
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“I think it would be really cool if they played some of George Canyon's/Wes Mack's music on Heartland sometime, just to remind us of seasons past.”
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hopefulshipper · 2 years
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whattoreadnext · 2 years
Regency Buck
Georgette Heyer, Regency Buck
(England, 1810s: dislike turns to love in Regency high society; will he tame her or will she tame him?)
20th-Century Romance
Caroline Fireside, Goodbye Again  (will heroine sacrifice glamorous film career for love?)
M.M. Kaye, The Far Pavilions  (love across the races in dying days of British Raj in India)
Margaret Pemberton, Never Leave Me  (successful Californian looks back on doomed wartime love-affair with German officer, when she works for France Resistance)
Erich Segal, Love Story  (two college students fall idyllically, tragically, in love)
Comedy of Manners
Iris Murdoch, A Severed Head  (sexual merry-go-round in "swinging" 1960s London)
P.G. Wodehouse, Bill the Conqueror  (Percy Pilbeam"s havoc-strewn career as editor of "Society Spice")
Henry Fielding, Tom Jones  (escapades of foundling wandering 18th-century England to find truth about himself)
Mary Wesley, The Vacillations of Poppy Carewe  (rich heiress reviews young men in her life to find the "best" - i.e. the least obviously eligible - husband. Love intervenes)
Period Romance
Kathleen Winsor, Forever Amber  (love and adventure in 17th-century, Restoration England)
Rosalind Laker, What the Heart Keeps  (two immigrants in 1900s USA fall in love, make life together in Wild West and early Hollywood)
Norah Lofts, The Brittle Glass  (independent girl grows up in 18th-century Fens, a place of smugglers, gipsies and highwaymen)
T.N. Murari, Taj  (love of Indian Shah Jahan and his wife, for whom he built the Taj Mahal)
Regency England
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility  (love-affairs of two sisters: sensible Elinor and impulsive, romantic Marianne)
Joan Aiken, Mansfield Revisited  (spirited girl "tames" brother-in-law"s snobbish family)
Clare Darcy, Elyza  (plain girl disguises herself as boy to find romance)
Caroline Courtney, Duchess in Disguise  (spurned wife disguises herself to win husband"s love)
Romantic Mystery
Helen MacInnes, Ride a Pale Horse  (US journalist at Prague conference approached by would-be defector)
Anne Bridge, The Ginger Griffin  (intrigue and unhappiness in pre-Revolutionary China)
Mary Stewart, Nine Coaches Waiting  (English governess in France, caught in family feud, saves charges from death, finds love)
Jane Aiken Hodge, Polonaise  (love and politics in 1810s Poland, caught between Russia and Napoleon)
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The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people, and their home.
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Country:Canada, China, Japan, USA
Revenue:$ 433.677.183,00
Cast:Adrian Glynn McMorran, Anna Galvin, Anna Van Hooft, Ben Foster, Ben Schnetzer, Burkley Duffield, Callan Mulvey, Callum Keith Rennie, Christian Sloan, Christina Jastrzembska, Clancy Brown, Dan Payne, Daniel Wu, Dean Redman, Dominic Cooper, Donavon Stinson, Donnie MacNeil, Dylan Schombing, Elena Wurlitzer, Elisabeth Rosen, Eugene Lipinski, Frank C. Turner, G. Michael Gray, Glenn Close, Glenn Ennis, Jill Morrison, Joel Sturrock, Kyle Rideout, Mackenzie Gray, Michael Adamthwaite, Michael Antonakos, Michael Patric, Patrick Sabongui, Paula Patton, Raj Lal, Robert Kazinsky, Ruth Negga, Ryan Robbins, Terry Notary, Toby Kebbell, Travis Fimmel, Travis MacDonald, Trevor Mack, Valérie Wiseman, Wesley MacInnes
The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people, and their home.
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Country:Canada, China, Japan, USA
Revenue:$ 433.677.183,00
Film Action Subtitle Indonesia
Cast:Adrian Glynn McMorran, Anna Galvin, Anna Van Hooft, Ben Foster, Ben Schnetzer, Burkley Duffield, Callan Mulvey, Callum Keith Rennie, Christian Sloan, Christina Jastrzembska, Clancy Brown, Dan Payne, Daniel Wu, Dean Redman, Dominic Cooper, Donavon Stinson, Donnie MacNeil, Dylan Schombing, Elena Wurlitzer, Elisabeth Rosen, Eugene Lipinski, Frank C. Turner, G. Michael Gray, Glenn Close, Glenn Ennis, Jill Morrison, Joel Sturrock, Kyle Rideout, Mackenzie Gray, Michael Adamthwaite, Michael Antonakos, Michael Patric, Patrick Sabongui, Paula Patton, Raj Lal, Robert Kazinsky, Ruth Negga, Ryan Robbins, Terry Notary, Toby Kebbell, Travis Fimmel, Travis MacDonald, Trevor Mack, Valérie Wiseman, Wesley MacInnes
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