#Watchers council
avatorofthelonely · 1 year
The similarities between Jon Sims and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce are so precious to me. Like even their arc and characteristics are so similar!
Also the watchers council is a strong hold of the eye, but like the slayer herself is an avatar of the hunt. (Daisy as a slayer hear me OUT)
(Ask me to assign other entities and tma things to the buffyverse I’m begging)
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lovely-blue-food · 2 years
Mirabel The Vampire Slayer Part 2
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After Mirabels failed gift ceremony Alma didn’t really know what it meant for Mirabel for not getting a gift, unlike the rest of the family that was born into the Madrigal line, not knowing that Mirabels destiny is to become the next Vampire Slayer.
Because of that she thinks that Isabela her favorite is going to be the next Vampire Slayer and she doesn’t want that for her favorite granddaughter (remember that she’s not a real Watcher and doesn’t know how to spot a potential slayer or a real Vampire Slayer, doesn’t do her research because she’s prideful and doesn’t really know how magic works) to go through all of that but can’t stop destiny.
Alma has someone else to train Isabela to teach her how to fight vampires and demons that plague the earth because she’s old and can’t move like she used too, as long as she’s supervising them both so that Isabela won’t get hurt that much after Alma tells Isabela her “destiny” to become the next Vampire Slayer.
Alma doesn’t tell Isabela that she’ll also be looking for a betrothal for her so that she can retire early, because as her grandmother and “Watcher” she only wants Isabela to live a perfect life that she designed for her favorite granddaughter.
She talks to Senora Guzman about how Isabela is the next Vampire Slayer as a fellow “Watcher” but Mrs.Guzman shuts that down very quickly, because unlike Alma she’s the real deal of a Watcher for a Slayer to train and teach her son the family business even if he wants to be more involved on the field, (she’s not going to out Mirabel as a potential slayer because a slayers identity and safety comes first) and that Isabela can’t be the next Vampire Slayer because of the magic that she’s got.
Alma not liking to be wrong tells her otherwise and storms off not going to be bothering her for an arrange marriage between Mariano and Isabela thinking that Mrs.Guzman has made a huge mistake.
Senora Guzman reports that she’s teaching Mariano on how to be a Watcher and that Mirabel Madrigal is a potential slayer who she’s training, as she’s writing that she also decides to tell them what Alma Madrigal has told her about Isabela to them and that it would most likely be best to not contact Alma for the time being as she’s not a Watcher and that she’ll give them updated reports about the Miracle that Pedro gave to his wife, along with that Bruno Madrigal has gone missing as Senora make a requests that someone finds him as his sisters, brother-in-laws, and his nieces and nephew are grieving for their lost relative.
All Senora can do is give her report to a bird so that the sensitive information about the slayer to be, a Watcher in training, and the Miracle can be kept a secret from the outside world and bad people who would want to abuse this power, the Miracle is already dying because of Alma.
Magic can’t always protect them all if not handled correctly, because magic is magic there’s always a price. A con as other beings of magic and demons can get threw the magical boarders easily, to cause chaos and death that only the Vampire Slayer can fight against.
Death is a Slayers gift and when the time comes for a Slayer to die they accept it with open arms, because they are exhausted and ready as the essence of the demon enters another young girl to fight as her calling.
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rhapsoddity · 27 days
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An impromptu meeting with Empire's Watcher council, surely Cuteguy can bring The Sheriff in right?
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eldritch-ambrosia · 2 months
Modern BBC Merlin AU where instead of sorcerers they're vampires and Arthur is just as oblivious that his roommate Merlin is hiding anything from him. Bonus points if the Pendragons are vampire hunters.
Leon: Why does Merlin never have lunch with us? Arthur: He usually sleeps in because he stays up way too late. We'll see him around dinner time.
Gwaine: Are you sure you don't want to head to the beach with us? Arthur, answering for Merlin: Look at how pale he is, he'll burn right up. Not to mention the sun hurts his "sensitive" eyes. Lancelot: *sweats*
Uther: Arthur, why did you remove the crosses and other protections on your apartment? Arthur: Oh, religion makes my roommate uncomfortable.
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summersblood · 9 months
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This Barbie is a Slayer!
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antlerslayer · 7 months
the angst and yearning in the fuffy rooftop scene in ats sanctuary is UNMATCHED like buffy's seething rage and hurt towards faith for being so cruel to her in spite of her giving faith every chance to redeem herself, to give her a sign that she wanted to become a better person and faith's raw line "tell me how to make it better" with her desperate eyes staring into buffy's soul begging for her help because of course it has to be her to tell her what to do since it's always been like this buffy's always been the Good Slayer buffy's the one with the perfect life she's been so jealous of all this time
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tara-fantastico · 9 months
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thechosenthree · 15 days
I am back with more Kendra haunting the narrative thoughts after watching Helpless.
This episode is all about slayers and tradition, it’s about the Watcher’s Council treating the slayers as expendable and disposable. Giles says “It's a test, Buffy. It's given to The Slayer once she— if she reaches her eighteenth birthday.”
This episode is about Kendra.
Even though the episode refuses to say her name, Kendra Young is everywhere! Not even a full season before this episode aired, we were shown— for the first time but far from the last— the tragedy of a slayer dying too young in the line of duty, another slayer rising from her grave and then her being seemingly forgotten about.
The show tries to forget Kendra the same way the council does. I’ve already talked in the post I linked above, about how Faith’s existence ensures that we don’t. But it’s more than that!! The tragedy of the slayers and what Buffy and Faith go through, the entire premise of the show, continues to remind the audience of the slayer who didn’t make it as far as them.
Buffy is going through an identity crisis this episode, she has lost her slayer powers and she doesn’t know why. Giles is in no big rush to figure it out, he doesn’t actually seem all that concerned, and Buffy grows increasingly adrift. She realizes she doesn’t know who she is if she’s not The Slayer.
She’s very aware of who she was before. She brings up Cordelia to make this comparison— her ex shadow self who is a representation of her childhood, of the Buffy she was before she was “Buffy, The Vampire Slayer”— and she seems ashamed of who she was then.
She doesn’t want to go back to being that person. She literally CAN’T go back, and she knows that. She has been changed by her experiences, even without her slayer powers, she is a different person than she was. Buffy says “I’ve seen too much. I know what goes bump in the night. Not being able to fight it— what if I just hide under my bed, all scared and helpless?”
She can’t return to the naïveté of the life she lived before she knew what was out there. I mean, she already tried that!! Buffy spent much of s1 trying to hold on to who she used to be, not wanting to let it go, not wanting to acknowledge that that girl and that life were already gone. Her death in Prophecy Girl goes hand in hand with her accepting that she can’t outrun her destiny, she can’t NOT be The Slayer.
Much of s2 was about accepting that being the slayer was a part of her life now. But Buffy continued to treat it like it was a job, one that had been chosen for her and that she’d accepted she needed to do, but a job nonetheless. She was at war with these two sides of herself, unable to see how they could possibly fit. Kendra played a big part in helping her along that journey. “You talk about slaying like it's a job. It's not. It's who you are,” Kendra tells her in What’s My Line.
Kendra who identified as “The Vampire Slayer” before identifying as Kendra. Kendra who never had a childhood or the chance to try and figure out who she was as a person. She was a weapon and a tool forged, used and discarded by the council (and the show). Being the slayer was not only who Kendra was, it was all she was allowed to be.
I can’t imagine the writers were unaware that writing an episode like this would remind people of Kendra. After all that same Buffy speech I quoted earlier includes the first mention of Kendra’s stake since it’s introduction in Becoming. “… Or what if I just become pathetic? Hanging out at the old slayer’s home, talking people’s ears off about my glory days. Showing them Mr. Pointy, the stake I had bronzed.”
Buffy is able to imagine living long enough to grow old IF she doesn’t have her powers. That isn’t the life of a slayer and she knows that, has seen the consequences of this life first hand. She herself has already died young, and a year later she watched her friend die. She goes from being unable to imagine any kind of future at all for herself to spiraling about the possible reality of a powerless one.
Buffy talks about all this while name dropping the stake a 17 year old slayer gave her just before her death… A slayer who didn’t even live long enough to be forced to endure this cruel test.
Reminding the audience of Kendra seems intentional. Which makes them refusing to say her name even more infuriating.
But she IS there, whether truly intentional or not, the show continues to remind me of her. She’s nowhere and everywhere all at once.
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corvidaearts · 1 year
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epic gay sex ---
snippet from @definitelynotshouting‘s hunger au that really stuck in my mind
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sunnydaleslayer · 1 year
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Rupert Giles and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x14
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petpluto · 2 years
Thinking more about the Tento di Cruciamentum and how it’s a test for Watchers and Slayers, and I do believe it is developed for slayers to fail - for the Council to get rid of a slayer that will become harder to control as she reaches maturity. But a thought occurred to me that it could also potentially be a way of culling Watchers who have stepped out of the accepted dogma.
Giles says in Fool for Love that the journal entries regarding slayers’ deaths are, in general, painful to record for their Watchers, which means he’s not the first to become emotionally entangled with his slayer. That entanglement is almost inevitable. Who would be the people who would or could speak against The Watcher’s Council’s creed of using slayers as an war inexhaustible resource? It would be the watchers in the field. Giles is isolated from The Council in so many ways that don’t make sense if The Council wasn’t concerned about the reach and the pull of their field watchers. To be the Watcher to an active Slayer seems to be a privilege - Wesley is happy to be sent to Sunnydale, Giles is practically giddy in Welcome to the Hellmouth. But it’s a double edged sword. Now, the Council is worried about the outside influences, about emotional ties, about what these watchers witness. How they see the slayer, how she becomes a person to them. A person they care for. A person, in Giles’ case, he would go to incredible lengths to protect. Giles says it himself - “If any one of the Council still had any contact with a Slayer, they would see”. But what Giles doesn’t see - can’t see, because he still has faith in the institution - is that is in itself a primary feature and not the bug he assumes it to be.
And so the Cruciamentum is to make sure the Watcher responsible for the Slayer is still adhering to the worldview that she isn’t a person. That she is solely a weapon. To be used and discarded as needs fit. And the Council goes one farther toward breaking these Watchers who do see their slayer as more than a weapon. “If this girl is everything you say, then you’ve nothing to worry about”. Just like a belief in miracles, if your slayer doesn’t make it, it’s on you. You didn’t believe hard enough, train her well enough, prepare her enough. You devoted your time and energy to a girl who wasn’t enough. Devastating to the Watcher who doesn’t warn his Slayer; who Believes and loses her anyway. Devastating and demoralizing for the Watcher; and proof that this slayer wasn’t worthy, so her watcher shouldn’t be listened to for the rest of the Council. Because what happens to watchers who lose their slayers? I imagine they can be invited back into the fold, if they pass the actual test; or they can be let go, to mourn the loss of the girl they had dedicated some part of their lives to. And the Council needs so many of them to not gain access to those halls again, to not exert influence over the rank and file. To not express the heterodoxy that the Slayer is the one fighting the war. To not convince other Watchers that the slayer is a person who needs protecting. That she should be treated as a person, and given the tools to succeed in this world for as long as she can stay alive.
The Watcher’s Council loathes the idea of an uncontrollable slayer, but it is frightened to death of that slayer’s Watcher. And the Cruciamentum solves both of those problems, 9 times out of 10, with brutal efficacy.
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lovely-blue-food · 1 year
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Finally writing it. Hurrah!!!!! Might change the title on the chapter.
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jennycalendar · 5 months
the thing about giles and jenny is that they could be fully in the middle of divorce proceedings and he would STILL want to cuddle with her if it was on offer. this is a fact supported by multiple timelines btw
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The Watchers Council are the true Big Bads of the BTVS universe cause what do you mean they get paychecks but Slayers don't?????
Uh, Cruciamentum, anybody? They are legitimately, unironically evil. Of course they don't pay Slayers. That would require acknowledging them as human beings with rights and agency, which would require acknowledging that their entire organization is built on the backs of dead young women and little girls. Remember, they take Potentials from their families as children when they can manage it! The whole thing should have been burned to the ground.
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nikotinewithdrawal · 3 months
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drawing my buddys as members of the simcity council
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coraniaid · 1 year
Every other day in the Buffy fandom I am forcibly reminded that some of you people really will absolve fictional white men of just about anything.
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