iamhereinthebg · 1 day
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。Anemoia 。
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arctixout · 7 months
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100% what was going on in his head trust me
also shout out to @seokoilua for reminding us of this
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spro-o · 2 months
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a very stupid meme /lh, idea curtesy of @gh0stofyesterday , executed by me :3
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nudityandnerdery · 2 years
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Saw someone do a Black Sails version of this, figured Our Flag Means Death deserved it, too.
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vesibaby · 1 month
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I kinda hate this but also love at the same time. I'm never happy with my edits😂
Got inspired by @kingfakey I love the way he edits
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📖⛵🐑 thank you <3
there’s not enough work for my my man wojchek out there.
In This Moment, We Could Crash Together - Wojchek/Reader
Warnings: Female reader, no use of Y/N, fluff.
Wordcount: 1540
Summary: He was only with you for a short while, but maybe you could keep him if he let himself keep you.
Notes: I was going to attempt sleep again but I cannot resist my jolly sailor bold 🥰 Wojchek was the first character I actually shipped with, back when I was slowly falling in love with DD and the few roles I'd seen, so I kinda waxed poetic with this one 🥰 thank you sosososo much for sending this one right before bed, I hope you enjoy 💗💗💗
You sometimes wondered what he was like when he was out at sea on the Demeter, when he was the captain of his own ship and everyone followed his every command. You could only guess as you watched him give orders from the windows of your dockside home or from the busy street down below, everyone bustling around like ants and keeping you from getting too close. You only truly knew what he was like in moments like this, when he made port for a day or two to rest and resupply, never back for longer than a week.
The two of you were currently on your bed, his long body draped between your skirt-trapped legs as he rested in your lap, your idle hands carding through his long hair as he slept.
He was always tired when he returned home, never showing it in the early days as he courted you with all the confidence of a man who knew the sea but not love, but now that you’d been together a few years he let you see this side of himself more often, not afraid to appear weak or vulnerable in front of you anymore. It made your heart soar every time he trusted you enough to close his eyes a moment, to relax on solid ground where it made him miss the ebb and flow of the waves, the unpredictability of the sea always bringing around the uncertainty of when he’d return to you next.
He didn’t have a home of his own other than the Demeter, and before he’d met you he used to sleep on board, not wanting to waste the money on a room when it could be used for better things, the promotion to captain giving him someplace more private for the first time in years. When you’d suggested he stay with you after a few months of meeting in the alleys along the docks he’d refused at first, for to spend one night would make this feel real, permanent, a temptation to stay. You promised him then that you’d never make him choose, you could never, knowing of his first love and how you could never compare to her, your eyes barely holding in your tears as he’d then lifted your hands to his lips and pressed soft kisses to your knuckles as he told you that the sea wasn’t his only love anymore.
He had no possessions to leave with you, nor any guarantees that he would return sooner than a month, if at all, most of the time, the two of you just needing to trust that he knew what he was doing and that his crew would help him finish the voyage. When he left and you were alone in your flat once more there were never any traces of him there to remind you of him, nothing but the memory of seeing him in all the places he no longer was. Over time it became painful to watch him walk out your door so you’d started standing on the docks just to be able to hold him for a few seconds longer, and each time you parted you felt like he was talking a part of you with him as you watched the Demeter sail away until it was nothing more than a speck on the horizon.
Neither of you spoke openly of love after that first time, but you knew deep in your heart that you were in love with him every time he returned back to you, arms open and waiting for you to rush back to him before time could tear you apart again.
He stirred but didn’t wake as you brushed the backs of your fingers tenderly over his cheek, feeling the rough stubble and wishing you could kiss him, but to attempt to do so would disturb him and that was the last thing you wanted. He usually dreamed so fitfully when he was on land but today he was calm, the two of you choosing this location since your old couch was too small for him to stretch out on even by himself, and as soon as you’d pulled him down to situate himself he’d almost instantly fallen asleep. It must’ve been a rough voyage for him to be this exhausted, chest rising and falling under his hands as they rested over his torso, the sight almost hypnotizingly rhythmic as you watched him.
Eventually you did have to wake him, though, your stomach grumbling against your will and rousing him from sleep before you could give him just a few more minutes. The sun had set a while ago now, the warm breeze carried from the water growing cold and making you shiver but he hadn’t noticed, used to it after so many years. He looked around before his eyes became adjusted to the dark, you weren’t able to light any candles with him laying on you after all, his head falling back against your stomach as he remembered where he was.
He mumbled something in his native language as he watched you, a small smile on your lips as you brushed your hair out of your eye in embarrassment. ‘I don’t understand,’ you admitted, his hand reaching up to caress you the same way you’d done to him.
‘I said, “you’re so beautiful,”’ he repeated in English, your cheeks flushing at the sudden sentimentality. It wouldn’t be proper to tell him how beautiful you thought he was in return, even though it was true, settling for handsome as you leaned forward until you could press a kiss to his forehead; you were stopped from sitting back up as his hand then found the back of your neck, keeping you close long enough to give you the kiss you’d been wanting, like he’d been able to hear your desires even in his sleep. ‘We make way for Barcelona tomorrow,’ he reminded you even more suddenly than his sentimentality, your faces still so close that you couldn’t even attempt to hide how you felt from him.
‘It’s so far…’ You hated the jobs that brought him away from you for more than a month, several weeks needed to get there, let alone return.
‘You promised to never make me choose,’ he reminded you, voice low but not upset, and you tucked your hair behind your ear as you sat back against your pillows.
‘I won’t,’ you reassured him, but still he pushed himself up to sit and look at you.
‘It won’t be as long as last time,’ he said, already knowing down to the day how long it would take, the markings of a great captain. It filled you with pride to think about it but still you wished you could go with him just once, just so the wait wouldn’t have to feel like an eternity. You could never share that secret desire though, it would be too much to ask for from him, so you can only look away, stay silent. He shifted himself over your leg so he could crawl up to the pillows, now laying beside you as you were the one to be lowered against his chest, his arms, toned and tanned from many years of rising in the ranks until he was where he was now, wrapping around you and reminding you that he was still there, he wasn’t leaving just yet.
His hands were rough from a lifetime of labour but they still touched your cheek so softly it felt like an ocean breeze, his breathing calm as you gave in, got comfortable against him, your hunger forgotten as you mesh together effortlessly. You played with one of the holes in his shirt as he brushed your hair out of your face, mirroring you without realizing in a way that only a lover can, and when you try to hold his hand he brings it up to his lips, kisses each knuckle before hesitating on your bare ring finger.
Your hands found a place on his lap, his thumb running over the space and drawing your attention to it, the topic of the future just as elusive as the one of love in the days you were able to spend together, that silence finally broken as he laced his fingers together with yours. ‘When we leave tomorrow, do not follow me to say goodbye,’ he whispered, your heart aching as your body started to tremble. ‘Do not say goodbye, but come with me, let me introduce you to my second love.’
‘I thought I was your second,’ you blurted out before you could stop yourself, and he smiled with the shine of the sun in his eyes as he tilted your head up towards his own. ‘What about the crew?’
‘If they have a problem with you, I’ll throw them over myself,’ he promised, his expression making you feel like you could believe in him, in this. ‘Kocham cię,’ he then told you gently, your eyes closing even though you didn’t understand.
‘What does that mean?’ you asked, his lips just a breath out of reach before he closed the final gap, the translation still on his tongue as he kissed you.
‘I love you.’
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patriamrealm · 1 year
Hi! I love your aspect au but I have one question how exactly would mega evolution work? I know it’s not relevant to the stuff in Hisui but like still 
That's a very good question! Ok so people can do pretty much everything their pokemon can, this includes mega evolution if they are also fully evolved and share aspects with their partner pokemon that can evolve.
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Both person and pokemon will mega evolve at the same time and will de-evolve back to normal at the same time. This has the added side effect of allowing people to better understand mega evolution simply because they can experience it.
There are exceptions because people cannot gigamax like pokemon can since they lack the ability to change their size. People can use z moves though! However terrestrializing is weird, it's new and while some people can do it too it's inconsistent and extremely rare for someone to manage it even once since so little about it is understood.
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kiviturtle · 1 month
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Okay if I really had to pick the one that is the absolute favourite it'd be the Donnies but extremely close behind are the Leos.
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
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This is a friend of Raph's that he meets in I'm Not Dead Yet. This is Adrian, a 24/7 convenience store clerk who genuinely couldn'tt care less that Raph is apparently wearing a very detailed turtle cosplay all the time. They talk about birds sometimes while Adrian does sudoku.
Other info: since it's his uncle's store, Adrian is not concerned about getting fired and doesn't give a shit about customer service. He will take his sweet time checking you out, and if you complain, he'll go slower. He has no qualms about cussing out annoying customers, in both English and Spanish. If you don't want to keep your receipt, he'll use it for origami.
Don't worry about Raph's bandages, by the way. It's nothing important, just from the Battle nexus :)
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
i have grown so much since i was 14. unfortunately, i still sometimes have the exact same problems
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sumeragi-hokuto · 11 months
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Set 4 of chapter 3, volume 4 of the Tokyo Babylon manga. 9th chapter overall.
Cleaning/typesetting done by me, official Dark Horse translation used.
Select/open the images to view in higher quality.
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
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c-kiddo · 1 year
L. . .my paypal got exploded* bc i tried to update my name and they realised i made it age 16 lol (also. i dont use it for anything at the moment rly, but comms eventually, but pls don't donate to my ko-fi rn i need to fix things)
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the-galactic-hunters · 11 months
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((He definitely get some more sleep and food than he ever was. It also remind that he is not in his 30s, but actually turning 26. He actually weirdly look his age, and healthy.
See it like this side by side do be jarring af.))
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teainthesnow · 1 year
Have a snippet of a peepaw multiverse fic ill probably never finish
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Peepaws under the cut
In order of appearance:
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis
Odd Man Out
His World
At My Worst
Last Hourglass
(The last two are meant to be t&e and wmas but I wont tag them as they dont say anything and could honestly be any of the peepaws)
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pandaemoanium · 7 months
i had to learn a whole new program and dl multiple tools just so i could change a couple of songs in t7, love how they make things so simple nowadays 😍😍😍
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