#Vittorio Emanuele I
anglerflsh · 2 years
You and philip be like- clown to clown communication, autism on autism violence
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autism to autism witch hunting, even
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seniouesbabes · 3 months
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a-la-rascasse · 2 years
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Taffy with his mother Thessa in front of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan 🇮🇹, 50s.
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Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (Italian collection IX)
Hace un instante
Hi folks!
I'm sharing a building inspired by Gallerie Victor Emanuel II (Milán, Italy).  
The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is Italy's oldest active shopping gallery and a major landmark of Milan. Housed within a four-story double arcade in the centre of town,[1] the Galleria is named after Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the Kingdom of Italy. It was designed in 1861 and built by architect Giuseppe Mengoni between 1865 and 1877.
As allways, you will need the usual CC I use: all of Felixandre, Tha Jim, SYB, Regal Sims, etc.
Please enjoy, comment if you like it and share pictures with me if you use my creations!
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sofysta · 11 months
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Porta Felice - Palermo
Ph. Davide Giacobbe
La nascita di Porta Felice risale al 6 luglio del 1582, ai tempi in cui il viceré spagnolo Marcantonio Colonna, duca di Tagliacozzo, decise di dare un monumentale ingresso al Cassaro (l’attuale Corso Vittorio Emanuele), che l’anno prima era stato prolungato fino al mare, raggiungendo così l’altra bellissima strada che costeggiava le mura e la spiaggia, quella che il senato palermitano chiamò “strada Colonna”, l’attuale Foro Italico.
Il nome “Felice”  fu dato in onore della moglie del vicerè, donna Felice Orsini. Dell’episodio parlano Paruta e Palmerino che scrivono così di quel 6 luglio del 1582.
Le dicerie licenziose sulla Porta Felice
Questa è la storia, in breve, della costruzione di Porta Felice, che è il primo esemplare di porta a piloni della nostra città, la cui facciata esterna, quella che guarda il mare ha un rivestimento marmoreo chiaro di impronta classica, quella interna subisce l’influsso dello stile romano tardo-manieristico.
Ma andiamo a spulciare le dicerie che nel tempo i palermitani hanno avuto riguardo a questa Porta mancante della parte superiore. Molti pensano che la mancanza della parte superiore della Porta era stata una necessità, per consentire il passaggio del trionfale carro di Santa Rosalia, ma ciò non risponde a realtà, perché il carro apparve per la prima volta nel 1686, quindi molto dopo la costruzione della porta.
Altra ipotesi, molto briosa è quella osservata da Patrik Brydone,  scrittore, scienziato, militare e viaggiatore scozzese venuto a Palermo nel 1770. A Brydone piacque molto la passeggiata alla Marina, ma lo sorpresero alcune abitudini dell’aristocrazia palermitana, scrive infatti:
“La passeggiata ribocca di vetture e di pedoni. A fine di meglio favorire gli intrighi amorosi è espressamente vietato a chicchessia di portar lume. Tutte le torce si spengono a Porta Felice, ove i lacchè attendono il ritorno dei loro padroni e la intera adunanza resta per un’ora o due nelle tenebre, a meno che le caste corna della luna, mostrandosi ad intervalli, non vengano a dissiparle”.
“La libertà sessuale nella Palermo del ‘700″.
Cogliendo al volo questa simpatica osservazione dello scrittore scozzese, i palermitani cominciarono a dire che, oltre a quelle della casta luna, di corna ce ne erano altre: quelle dei mariti delle nobili dame che frequentavano la passeggiata notturna alla Marina e che quindi era stato necessario non costruire l’arco della porta, per dar modo ai poveri mariti di passare tranquillamente senza il rischio di rimanervi intrappolati con le loro lunghe corna.
E’ questa una storiella che per lungo tempo ha fatto parlare i palermitani, che vedevano nelle passeggiate notturne, nei pressi di Porta Felice, una discendenza delle nobili donne che furono.
Fonte: R. La Duca – La città perduta
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A/N: Hi! I'm kinda new in the Hogwart's legacy fandom and I've seen so many people sharing their MC and their stories and I just wanted to share mine too!
English is not my first language, and my blogger skills (?) are poor, so proceed with caution!
Meet my MC!
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Name: Tori Lewis
Birthday: 14th June 1875
Birthplace: Turin, Italy
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian; pretty in the closet before going to Hogwarts, since she lived in a muggle world)
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Acaia wood, unicorn core, 11'' length, quite bendy flexibility
Patronus: Jack Russell Terrier
Quidditch position: Seeker; Imelda practically begged her to join the Hufflepuff team because "I need a good competition in order to improve myself!"
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Some extra facts!
- Her name
Tori stands for Vittoria. Why Vittoria? Because she is half-British and half-Italian (from her mother's side) 🤌. I chose the name because I like to think that her parents thought about  Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy, both sovereigns by the time of Tori's birth.
- Why Turin?
Because well, it's my birthplace! Also, Turin is a special city: it has a lot of esoteric story. In a few words, this city joins London and San Francisco to create the triangle of Black Magic, but also the triangle of White Magic too with Lyon and Prague.
- Spouse: Poppy Sweeting (she IS wife)
- Career: Auror and Natty is her partner, they're thick as thieves and menace to their superior
I think that Poppy's mission is still saving beasts from poachers, so I headcanon she is a sort of mix of Auror and magizoologist (guys, I have no idea about careers in wizard world lol)
- Residence: Hogsmeade (I headcanon that since she is a Keeper, she doesn't want to live far away from Hogwarts, I'm also too in love with Hogsmeade)
My personal headcanons with future wife Poppy 💛
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- Even if they're in the same house and same bedroom, Poppy had never spoken to Tori before their first Beasts Class together because the last was often away and Poppy herself is a night owl, visiting Highwing or studying beasts, etc.
- Poppy was also sure that the new fifth year will become like her schoolmates. Because sure, why the new cool, brave student will be friend with Peculiar Poppy? But fortunately Tori is such a good egg, kneazles can confirm.
- Tori decided to kneel in front of the Graphorn (because we're not a monster, right?) following Poppy's example. It was Poppy that waited patiently for the mother dragon to take its egg back. It was Poppy that put down her wand when centaurs came to her. And of course, you should show respect to an Hippogriff before approaching.
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That's why she chose to kneel. The Graphorn has fought well, it deserved respect.
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- Poppy felt in love first. Tori felt harder.
- Poppy doesn't need protection but loves how protective Tori is.
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- Their love language is physical touch. Every single one. Surprise hugs from behind? Lovely! Forehead kiss? Adorable! Cuddles in the vivarium with beasts? The best!
- Should I really say it? Poppy is an adorable little spoon and love to be wrapped in Tori's arms.
- Tori is a golden retriever. Already from day one when Poppy asked to follow her in the forest.
- Tori feel like she could die because of Poppy's cuteness, often screaming "STOP BEING SO CUTE AND SO KISSABLE I CAN'T FOCUS"
- Poppy is a great cook, Tori isn't at all. But a few times she has tried to cook to cheer Poppy up. The result was messy but still edible and Poppy appreciated the efforts.
- They're bad dancers but they don't care, they're having fun
- I have a very sappy proposal headcanon.
Tori proposed to Poppy after a couple of months after graduation (lesbian couples move fast, okay?) and she decided to be extremely romantic.
She studied where and when to find Mooncalves' dance and saved the day on her calendar. When the day came, she took Poppy and flied on Highwing to the special place.
Poppy thought the surprise was the mooncalves' dance, instead she turned around and found Tori on her knees, with a ring in her hand. A very shining ring that a selvatic niffler has tried to steal before Poppy could say yes, jumping from a bush the moment the ring sparkled under the moonlight. The little beast had caused little chaos but fortunately they catched it before was too late. With the retrieved ring in one hand, and the beast thief in the other, Tori asked grinning "do you still want to marry meee?"
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I've surely more facts and headcanons for my MC, but I think this post is already long enough!
Anddd that was my MC! If you've read so far, thank you so much!
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lustspren · 3 months
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My baby and I were having drinks here in my hometown 😌 is a bar near la Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II No but fr. I've been in that place many times. I just hope she liked my town 🥹
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Vittorio Emanuele I
[none submitted]
Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
a. „g…g…irls….pr…etty”
b. “So sexy the whole country and her husband were obsessed with her. THE queen of Prussia that was more interesting than her husband (common Hohenzollern L)”
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bigassbowlingballhead · 4 months
Testicoli del Toro
I wrote the damn thing. Yall know what this is.
There’s an old tradition in Milan that says if you spin on your heel three times on the testicles of the bull in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, it will bring good luck and fortune. So that’s what Taylor is going to do, he’s going to spin on those fucking balls. After a year of ups and downs he’ll take any extra ounce of luck or good fortune he could get.
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abr · 6 months
Urla alla Scala.
Dice che lì, in tempi più sottili, i patrioti urlassero in faccia agli austriaci Viva Verdi (viva Vittorio Emanuele Re d'Italia), rischiando la vita.
Oggi, in tempi ben più gross, a qualche frustrato schiumante a caccia di applausi plebei, punge vaghezza di ulularsi addosso la ragione del loro essere perdenti: star con lo sguardo fisso rivolto al passato.
Tentano con uno stecco di punzecchiare da lontano un cadavere, nella speranza che non sia morto; se reagisse, ah gli darebbe ragione di vivere ancora. Fasci & Commie, simul stabunt ...
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seniouesbabes · 3 months
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Lily Maymac 🌸💋🍒🌸 BUONANOTTE
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archduchessofnowhere · 2 months
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I once accompanied my parents [king Albert I and queen Elisabeth of the Belgians] to Saint-Germain-en-Laye where the peace treaty between the allied powers and Austria was being drawn up (September 10, 1919). I can still see, in the great room of the castle, the table with the green carpet, from which were born, alas! more thorns than roses.
The same day, we paid a visit to my maternal great-aunt Marie, widow of Francesco II of Bourbon-Sicily, last king of Naples. Aged eighty-years-old, she lived in exile in a modest apartment where horse engravings displaced family portraits. Some Neapolitan servants remained faithful to her. I can't forget this almost spectoral vision, a true resurgence of the past: great, straight, extremely thin, dressed all in black, her waist tightened by a leather belt: from it escaped a tight skirt that barely covered her button boots. But what struck me the most, was the haughty carriage of her little head crowned with a double graying braid and her periwinkle blue eyes, which literally devoured her face. When in the course of the conversation, this questioning and heartbreaking look fell on you, it made you wonder from what catastrophe the world was going to perish…
My frather spoke in German with the queen of Naples. She shook her head in sign of indignation while evoking, among other things, “the awful Treaty of Trianon which, through the stupid dismemberment of Hungary, dispossessed three million Magyars”. She spoke with a handkerchief over her mouth, no doubt out of coquetry, to hide her bad teeth… imitating her sister, the empress of Austria. The interview was interrupted by heavy silences, reminiscent of the distressing atmosphere of certain Russian novels. Finally, we took leave of this strange sovereign. At the moment of our parting, Marie asked if it was true that I was engaged to the heir to the Italian throne? Before the hesitation of my mother, she added that she would disapprove of her great-niece's union with a Savoy. It is very obvious that the one who was still called the “heroine of Gaeta” could only condemn such a union.
Let us remember the heroic gesture of the wife of the king of Naples, sharing the dangers of her soldiers to save the city, the final bastion of her kingdom besieged by the troops of Vittorio-Emanuele II. The first king of Italian unity represented, in the eyes of Marie-Sophie, nothing but a vulgar usurper.
Marie-José of Belgium (1971). Albert et Elisabeth de Belgique, Mes Parents
[Pictured, left: Princess Marie José of Belgium, circa 1910s. Right: Queen Marie Sophie of the Two Sicilies, circa 1870. Via Flickr and the Royal Collection Trust]
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crazy-so-na-sega · 5 months
Si parla spesso, su X, del film di Kubrik Eyes Wide Shut in rapporto alle orge elitarie dell’Epstein Island. Roba americana, niente a che fare con la vecchia Europa? Vi ho già parlato del sabbatismo, del frankismo, del misterioso dr. Koreff,
divenuto il beniamino dei salotti parigini e in particolare d'intellettuali e letterati (tra cui Stendhal). L’ideologia sabbatista è, in parole povere, una sorta di gnosi demoniaca: immergersi, senza alcun limite morale, nell’abisso del male per arrivare alla conoscenza. Nella generazione successiva a quella sedotta da Koreff, una bambina che si dichiara guarita dal mitico dr. (e la cui madre aveva avuto da Stendhal una figlia illegittima subito smaltita al brefotrofio, dove sarebbe morta poco dopo) diventa una star della mondanità parigina dopo essere stata amante di un re (Vittorio Emanuele II), avere sposato un importante uomo politico (Rattazzi), essere stata nave-scuola e amante di un altro re (Alfonso XII di Spagna), questo per citare solo le esperienze ‘di vertice’.
Qualcuno diceva che, al di là dell'amicizia, avesse una relazione (essendo notoriamente bisex) anche con la "dama col ventaglio" (Nina de Villard) immortalata da Manet:
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Un informatore di polizia (1876, 14 agosto, giorno di canicola) descrive così una festa con recita a casa di Nina, presente la suddetta dama col suo più stretto entourage: “Allo spettacolo assiste Mme Rattazzi col fidanzato [il futuro 3° marito de Rute, ‘copertura’ dei traffici spagnoli di Mme, ivi compresi i servizi erotici dispensati al re]… Finita la commedia, senza alcun imbarazzo, ognuno prende il suo [+ o – occasionale] partner e fa le sue cosine sotto gli occhi di tutti. Catulle Mendès, noto scrittore, collaboratore di Mme Rattazzi e suo ferocissimo ritrattista in racconti e romanzi] palpeggia su un divano una qualche p..., mentre Mme R., col fidanzato accanto, flabella i due amanti recitando versi esotici”.
Ecco qua, conclude l’informatore, “il fior fiore della depravazione”. Non c’era solo quello. C’era una scia di sangue intorno a quella signora, e qualcuno dei presenti ne sarebbe stato inghiottito a sua volta. Inutile dire che in quei 'ricevimenti' l'assenzio e altri alcolici correvano a fiumi e si respiravano oppiacee fragranze...
-Lucia Lazzerini 08
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tiny-librarian · 5 months
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It's time for the return of the “Living People Related to Maria Theresa” game, started by @vivelareine
Here we have a descendant of hers through her daughter, Maria Carolina, the Queen of Naples and Sicily. (Though you can also trace her line of descent to other children of Maria Theresa, due to the amount of intermarriage among the Habsburg Dynasty). Her name is Vittoria of Savoy, and she's a 20 year old fashion model, who is studying art history and political science.
Vittoria of Savoy (Born December 29th, 2003)  –> Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy –> Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy  –> Umberto II –> Victor Emmanuel III –> Umberto I –> Victor Emmanuel II –> Maria Theresa of Austria –> Luisa of Naples and Sicily –> Maria Carolina of Austria –> Maria Theresa
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fatalquiiete · 1 year
FARE LE NOZZE COI FICHI SECCHI L’espressione “fare le nozze coi fichi secchi” viene impiegata per definire l’atteggiamento di chi osa compiere un’azione senza averne i mezzi, e finendo per ottenere qualcosa in tono minore o di ripiego. L’origine della locuzione è però storica e molto singolare. Venne coniata da Edoardo Scarfoglio, giornalista, fondatore e primo direttore del quotidiano “Il Mattino” di Napoli. Il 27 settembre 1896 uscì con uno dei suoi pezzi più celebri e il titolo era, appunto, “Le nozze coi fichi secchi”. Oggetto della sua ironia era l’annuncio dell’imminente matrimonio del rampollo di casa Savoia, il piccolo e gracile Vittorio Emanuele (futuro Vittorio Emanuele III), 1,53 m, con l’alta e giunonica principessa Elena di Montenegro, 1,80 m, allo scopo, si malignava, di “irrobustire” il lignaggio dei re d’Italia. Il Montenegro era allora un Paese povero e noto soprattutto per la produzione di fichi, che commerciava essiccati, da cui la vibrante ironia di Scarfoglio.
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fashionbooksmilano · 9 months
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Versace Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
Gianni Versace Spa, Milano 2014, 53 pagine, 20x30cm
euro 50,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
La boutique Versace, aperta nell'Ottagono centrale della Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, cuore di Milano, scopre e riporta al loro originario splendore fregi, capitelli, colonne miracolosamente risparmiati dai bombardamenti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Fino ad ora celati, i tesori rinvenuti all'interno del negozio sono stati restaurati ridando vita a un capolavoro d'alto artigianato dei migliori maestri decoratori di fine Ottacento.
Lo spazio della boutique Versace dopo un'asta del Comune di Milano è stata occupata da Dior nel 2020
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