#Viserys marrying again after naming a woman heir
jadepearl · 22 days
I cannot bring myself to like (show) Rhaenys. Here are the reasons:
1. She, much like Alicent, seems to take all the negative emotions she feels towards Viserys and directs them towards Rhaenyra- there were better ways to tell Rhaenyra that her claim would be contested (in fact, im of the opinion that show! Rhaenys started disliking Nyra a little more after Viserys refused to disinherit her after after having his precious [sarcasm] son.) I’ve got more thoughts on this but that’s for later.
2. Her (lovely, but extremely pathetic) gay son. The GAY son that she knew was gay. The GAY son that she suspected would not be able to fuck/ impregnate a woman. The GAY son she knew would ABSOLUTELY be destroyed by the game. THE GAY SON THAT SHE WED TO THE WOMAN SHE KNEW WOULD NEED CHILDREN!!!! The entire situation with the (alleged/rumored) bastards of Nyra is a situation that Rhaenys and Coryls themselves had a hand in- they knowingly married their very gay son to Nyra knowing that she would need heirs and that it was entirely (re:extremely) possible that Laenor would not be able to bed/fuck her. Like how is she going to wake up and be like “oh my hod, my son was cuckolded” as if her son also hadn’t been cuckolding Nyra??? Like if she was going to turn a blind to Laenor sleeping w/ Qarl she could’ve afforded Nyra that same willful ignorance. Instead she chose to be mad at Nyra for making the best out of situation that Rhaenys and Corlys and her father, and even fucking Laenor put her in!!!!
3. Her attitude w/ the Velaryon Boys( see point above) those boys exist because her son could not do his duty !!! It is not a Nyra problem- it is not as simple as Nyra deciding to cuckold her husband. Nyra needed children- she TRIED with Laenor, both of them were extremely uncomfortable and it didn’t work- and Laenor apologized for being unable to his duty and instead it was decided upon that they ( the boys) would be granted the Velaryon name upon birth. He did not sire those boys (allegedly) but he did love them!!! This is the crux of my issue w/ Rhaenys- if Laenor hated those boys, I could justify her anger, excuse it maybe- but he didn’t. He didn’t hate them, didn’t cure their existence (was he a good father? No. Absolutely not. Very absent at best. But he loved them, and he cared for Nyra and so he took them as his own and gave them his family name) Rhaenys being angry/upset/etc over the outcome of a situation that she/corlys/Viserys all pushed those two into is fucking annoying and really- pardon my speak- grinds my fucking gears. You don’t get to force your gay son and your little cousin into a marriage and get shocked when your GAY son can’t fuck a woman. Especially not when you suspected that your GAY SON WOULDNT BE ABLE TO FUCK A WOMAN??? because those are the vibes show! Rhaenys gives off (yes my son is gay, no I don’t think he’ll ever be able to fuck a woman, but how dare his wife not simply live a childless life- who cares if she needed children, doesn’t she know how those looks?) why did Rhaenys not think about how it would look before marrying them?? Did she really expect the HEIR TO THE IRON THRONE TO LIVE A CHILDLESS LIFE ALL BECAUSE HER (again lovely, but rather pathetic) GAY SON COULD NOT FUCK ANYONE NOT IN POSSESION OF A COCK??!!!
What angers me the most is that, even after that conversation where she told Nyra how unstable her position was, and how she’d eventually be supplanted in favor of a male heir- this bitch, along w/ her husband put Nyra in a situation where she’d have to make a difficult choice. Live the rest of her life being called barren, cursed, all the things that they all called her late mother- all things that would endanger both her, her title as heir, and probs even Laenor too, or seek someone else to sire children? They put her in that situation and the got pissed when she didn’t choose the route of eternal suffering- they put her in that situation and got pissed that she didn’t simply accept it??? Show!Rhaenys, Viserys, Corlys, Daemon, fucking Alicent- if you have no enemies I am dead.
Anyway! These are all MY opinions, you are welcome to have your own but yours will not make me change mine. Have a good day!!
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Yandere Viserys I Targaryen w/Second Wife!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ 🐉 — lady l: Happy New Year!!! First headcanons of the year and I hope you like it. I hope you have a great year, good things come to you and good reading! Forgive me for any mistakes ❤️✨️.
❝tw: unspecified age gap, overprotection, not compatible with canon and Reader is the mother of Aegon, Helaena, Daeron and Aemond.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!viserys i targaryen x female!reader.
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Viserys never wanted to remarry after the death of his beloved Aemma. The idea of ​​replacing her with another woman made him sick. He didn't want to get married again, but he was the King and he had his obligations to the Realm. To have a strong bloodline and strengthen the House Targaryen.
Although he didn't like the idea, Viserys after a period of time began looking for a potential bride. He received several powerful offers, such as the Velaryon and the Hightower, but he did not feel comfortable marrying Lady Laena or Lady Alicent.
So he kept looking and that's how he met you. An attractive young woman, but older than the last ones, and from a house powerful enough to provide strength to the Realm. Viserys was immediately attracted to you and knew he wanted to marry you.
The preparations were made quickly and well, Viserys was excited to be able to call you his wife, but in the days before the wedding, he spent time by your side, getting to know you better.
With that, Viserys found out as much as he could about you, about your childhood, your family, and your likes and dislikes. He was more than pleased, especially seeing that you were as interested in history as he was.
Rhaenyra also liked you, although she was apprehensive about the idea of ​​a stepmother, about the possibility of you providing a male heir, she liked you. You were kind to her and assured her that even if you have a son, you will not try to replace her on the Throne.
When you became the second wife of Viserys, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, he was already in love. Much faster than he would like to admit, Viserys was already in your domain and became yours even sooner than anticipated. At first, he felt guilty, guilty that he might be betraying Aemma's memory, but quickly, those thoughts went away. Aemma was dead and you were alive.
Viserys was more than happy to see that you and his daughter were getting along, it made him feel relieved inside. He couldn't wait to have children with you, to grow his family. When he learned of your first pregnancy, Viserys almost cried with happiness, but there was concern. What if you died during childbirth? He couldn't take another loss, couldn't lose you.
You were very much in love with each other, you had learned to love your husband and he was deeply in love with you. Your mannerisms, your personality, everything enchanted him. Your favorite moments together were when you talked about history, whether it was your House or House Targaryen. Viserys cherished every moment, every smile and look shared.
When you gave birth to a healthy son, Aegon, Viserys was very happy, not only because he had a son, but because you were alive and the birth was peaceful. The next pregnancies were no different, with Helaena, Daeron and Aemond.
You assured him, assure Rhaenyra, that you would not let Aegon usurp or anything like that happen when it was time for Rhaenyra to take the Throne. You adored your stepdaughter and she adored you too, seeing you as a second mother. Viserys would never admit it, but if you asked, he would name Aegon his heir if that was your wish. This shows how much he is in love with you.
You tried your best to fulfill your duties as Queen, mother and wife as best you could, discouraging any possible rivalry the children might have and reassuring your support for Viserys and your stepdaughter. Your main priority was to avoid a war. You presided over the Small Council, advising your husband as best you could.
You hold all power over Viserys, it soon became clear to everyone who really ruled the Seven Kingdoms. You could ask for anything, from the most insignificant to the most absurd thing, and Viserys would fulfill it instantly.
He is extremely overprotective, Viserys fears losing you more than anything and every time you have an entire armada comes out after you. When you are sick, he sends the best maesters to take care of you and will not leave your side until you get better.
If something were to happen to you or one of your children, may the gods be good. Viserys tries his best to avoid war and resolve any conflict with diplomacy, but all that changes when it comes to you. Any insult to you is like an insult to him and any way of hurting you will not be taken lightly.
No matter how peaceful he is, no matter how calm and rational, Viserys is still a Targaryen, a dragon and you should never mess with one of them if they don't want to get burn. Not only will you have your overprotective husband by your side, but also your children who love you deeply and will do anything for you.
You are not Aemma's replacement and Viserys doesn't think so. He thinks of you as yourself and loves you for it. He will always love Aemma, but he loves you in a different way. A more overprotective and possessive way. He can't lose you and he won't.
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howdoesagrapewrites · 7 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: fem!reader, cisgender female reader (I'm sorry mascs and nbs, I'll make something for you later) incest/targcest implied for later, platonic and romantic yanderes, yandere EVERYONE x reader, here's a list of every character that will be featured (not all of them are romantic):Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Rhea Royce, Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower, Viserys I Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Haelena Targaryen, Daeron Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon, Jacaerys Velaryon, Laena Velaryon, Laenor Velaryon
Notes: I go by a very strange mix of the series and the books, I haven't seen the series in a while so the timeline will most likely be a mess. I'd like this to be a series but I've been incredibly busy. Extra: at first I thought about making reader Mysaria's daughter, but this is a self insert, so it's best that you look however you like, leaving the mother anonymous. The only physical reference I'll make will be reader's silver hair
>After Rhaenyra was declared the heir of the iron throne, Daemon, insulted, flew away with his mistress, the white worm, who he would conceive a child with, even asking for a dragon egg for the prince or princess to come
>However, Viserys demanded him to go back to his home and wife, he sent Mysaria off to lys, where the stress of a storm in the trip back made her lose the baby
>Daemon never fully forgave his brother, and this left him less than eager to have another child anytime soon
>So imagine his surprise, when 7 years later, there's a rumour spreading in flea bottom like wildfire, about a girl carrying Daemon's bastard
>Many women had claimed to carry a royal child before, thinking this could give them any sort of prize, so Daemon didn't think much of it at first, but when he heard her name, he recognized her as one of his previous "favorites" who disappeared without a trace months ago
>She was said to have taken residence in Essos, and Daemon went on dragonback to find her. She was from the free cities, five years older than Daemon, and a heart as cold as a northern winter, or so they said. She was not expecting Daemon, running away to have the child in peace
>"They said I was too far along when I found out, moon tea would've only harmed me. Besides, it was lucrative in its own way" said the woman. Daemon did little to suppress the disgust on his face when thinking about her being defiled by other men while carrying his dragonseed babe
>She wanted no part in the baby's life, and Daemon, in his particular fashion, informed her he'd take the youngling as soon as it's out of her, may even pay her a few coins to make sure she won't do much as think about keeping it
>A few months passed, and he returned to king's landing with a babe in arms. Demanding an egg in honor of the birth of princess Y/N Targaryen
>This egg would later hatch into the dragon Dagahrion, the princess' bound dragon
>The court was a hot mess, according to Otto, he wouldn't be surprised if the young creature lost its left ear because of all the gossip and ill-speaking of her, just like her father. This was a scandal, considering he was still married to Rhea Royce, who he gravely dishonored time and time again, Daemon was always shameless, but this was crossing a limit, even for him, to call his bastard a princess while refusing to lay with his own rightful wife, disgraceful
>Daemon tried to use you as yet another attempt to get his brother to annul his marriage to "the bronze bitch", but even when he failed, he did everything in his power to legitimize his daughter
>Despite everyone on the council telling Viserys how foolish it'd be to do it, making enemies out of the Royce house, further insulting Rhea, and putting a whoreborn on the line of succession (no matter how far from the throne), all it took was a little yawn and the bright twinkle of your eyes to make him melt, he is fully committed to his role of uncle, even as a doting grandfather, considering his father passed long before her birth
>Viserys sent Daemon back to the Vale, saying he should do his best to give lady Rhea an heir, to make up for the slip and avoid causing the Targaryen house any more trouble. Viserys, for totally not selfish reasons wanted to keep the princess in KL, saying Rhea should not be made to raise his bastard
>Daemon said he'd rather be exiled again than to leave his daughter in Hightower hands to go try to fuck his wife. Viserys was greatly offended by the implication that the Hightowers truly ruled and schemed while he reigned
>To his outmost displeasure, he finally had to let his niece go to the Vale with her father
>Rhea loved you as soon as she set eyes on you, completely separating you from your father's actions, and seeing you as a pure angel in this horrible situation
>But it was so difficult with Daemon around, she just wanted to whisk you away and love you, she'd pray to the mother to be able to breastfeed you, crying when she heard you wail in frustration of your hunger, since it took several wet nurses to get you to drink milk
>But Daemon was always around to remind her you were not hers, that he considered her lowly, not worthy of you. He'd correct you when you learning to speak, and dared to refer to her as "mama"
>It was said the ground of the vale would shake upon them yelling when fighting over you
>But this joy to Rhea was short lived, as Daemon sent you to KL when he had to fight in the war of the stepstones, saying the "nest of vipers" was more deserving of you than she was. When you were three, your step mother had an accident while hawking, many said Daemon orderded for her to be poisoned when she was bed bound, others said the distress of your parting made her lose skill
>It was Viserys greatest pleasure when you were left at his care, his adorable baby niece was now an infant, and somehow you were even more charming, being able to speak, sing and walk
>To no one's surprise, Viserys' reaction was not generalized, with many not being keen on having a bastard running around the castle playing with the princes, by that point, Aegon was 8, Haelena was 7, Aemond was 5, and Daeron was 1, and almost all of them could see people treated you differently
>Rhaenyra was welcoming, baby Lucerys had just been born, and she was delighted to have a girl to spoil, it only helped that Jacaerys loved you as well, and would often fight his uncles for the chance to be with you
>Alicent in particular was not pleased with your presence, thinking you were an uncomfortable conversation to have with her children, especially resentful of the fact her youngest son would be attached at the hip with you
>To Otto, you were an annoyance, a living proof of Daemon's pure disregard for the norms, however, he could rest at night knowing you were ninth in the line of succession, and a girl, who would someday marry a son of a minor house and be too busy bearing children to present a claim to the iron throne
>Even though the Hightowers were tougher than the king, they did eventually succumb to your spell, and became just as enamoured with you as everyone else, in their minds, you were almost a product of spontaneous generation, completely ignoring your shameful father and prostitute mother
>Your arrival also caused the birth of Lucerys (who was again, born with a striking resemblance of Harwin Strong, just like his older brother) to be less gossiped about, after all, your case was much more interesting
>Some people in court starting referring to you as "The princess of flea bottom", this title costed quite a few tongues around the castle, ordered by Viserys, happily approved by Otto
>The Hightower hand was careful not to show too much affection to you, as it was improper and he knew how zealous was Viserys when it came to you
>Aegon was "already too old to be playing" in his words, and kept his distance from you, you reminded him to much of his sticky handed little brothers
>But as if you knew, you chased him around and praised him for his knightly demeanor (in your eyes) and how he's just like the heroes in Viserys' stories. It was not a long time before Aegon now appointed himself as your guard, watching like a hawk over his brothers and nephews when he thought they were being too rough on you
>Haelena loves you from the start, sees you as a little doll, she loves showing you her bugs, you're the only one who listens to her attentively
>Jacaerys and Daeron are only a year old, but always search for you, you think they're cute, something that spikes jealousy on Aemond, he wants you to think of him as someone worthy of admiration, like you see his older brother, he'd even accept being cute in your eyes, but he has none of those traits to appeal to you. You love him and love playing with him nonetheless, but he thinks he needs something else to win your favor
>The Velaryons dote on you too, with Laenor married to Rhaenyra and once your father marries Laena that same year, they are maybe too eager to become part of your family, and regard you as theirs
>Especially Laena, who Daemon allows (unlike with Rhea) to pamper and care for you, but still corrects you when it comes to remembering your origins, Laena may love you, but she's not your mother
>Maybe Daemon does this as a way to imagine you're only his, he doesn't care for the woman who abandoned such a precious treasure, she has been wiped away from your life and memory, you're only familiar with your father, you only belong to him
>You have his silver hair, you have his name, no matter who your mother was, you are his true valyrian heir, his dragonseed
>Unfortunately, Daemon is not the only one whose eyes light up when thinking of owning you
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daenerysies · 6 months
Rhaenyra's Usurpation and the Dying of the Dragons
There is nothing that Rhaenyra Targaryen could have done to prevent the Dance of Dragons from happening.
Let me repeat; There is nothing that Rhaenyra Targaryen could have done to prevent the Dance of Dragons from happening.
It was set in stone the minute that Jaehaerys heeded the words of his son Vaegon and held the Great Council of 101. It was set in stone when Viserys was named heir over Rhaenys and Laenor. It was set in stone when Viserys decided to name Rhaenyra as his heir, marry Alicent, and have more children, specifically sons. It was set in stone when Viserys allowed the children of his second wife to claim dragons. It was set in stone when Viserys kept Rhaenyra as his heir and failed to prepare her and the realm properly for her rule.  It was set in stone when Viserys allowed the seeds of discourse to run among the children due to his wife and her faction. It was set in stone when Aegon usurped the throne. It was set in stone when Aemond murdered Lucerys despite guest rights and terms of peace.
Rhaenyra could have been the picture-perfect heir, ‘Jaehaerys himself come again’, and still would have been usurped. Rhaenyra could have not had ‘bastards’ as her heirs, and she still would have been usurped. Rhaenyra could have remained at the Red Keep, rather than the heir’s seat on Dragonstone, and she still would have been usurped. Rhaenyra could have been at the Red Keep when Viserys died, and she still would have been usurped.
There are many themes in this book series that GRRM has chosen to bring to light and criticize, but the Dance of Dragons' main theme is that Rhaenyra was usurped because of her gender. Had she been born a man, there would have been no basis for any of Alicent’s children to have a claim to the throne, beyond being spares. They would have garnered no support, and Team Green as a whole would not exist. The excuse that it is because of her ‘bastard’ children, which, legally, they aren’t, is just that: an excuse. In GRRM’s original draft about the Dance of Dragons, Rhaenyra was married to Harwin from the get-go, and all of her children were undeniably legitimate, yet the war still took place.
A gender-based succession crisis was inevitable, so it is no small wonder that it did occur under one of the weakest Kings’ in the Targaryen’s rule. Jaehaerys set the wheels in motion, and Viserys drove full-speed past the stop sign. He almost single-handedly led his daughter, and their dynasty, straight to their deaths. Otto and Alicent wanted power, and the only way they were going to continue to have any was if Aegon was on the throne. Their scheming began when Rhaenyra was 9-10 years old, what could she have possibly done at that age to prove she wasn’t worthy of the Iron Throne?
Rhaenyra’s biggest crime in Westeros was that she dared to be a woman; a woman who wanted her inheritance. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If the war didn’t happen then, it was going to happen at some point, further generations down. It is no coincidence that after Rhaenyra’s death dragons ceased hatching, save for small, weak creatures that would not last long. The magic died with her. Her story’s resemblance to the Amethyst Empress all but confirms that. The equilibrium of Ice and Fire is put into shambles once again upon her and the dragons' deaths; the Long Night is now inevitable.
Rhaenyra was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t. Her story is meant to be a tragedy. A tragedy whose meaning seems to be getting lost along the way in this fandom.
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HotD Take: the Tragedy of Queen Aemma
There's something I've just realized about HotD involving the character of Aemma Arryn.
I've noticed that pretty much the whole of episode 1, when we do see Aemma...actually right at the beginning of the episode as a matter of fact, the beginning of the show, she is seen as being pregnant, presumably with Rhaenyra, as this was around the time Viserys officially named successor to the Old King Jaehaerys.
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This made me realize that pretty much the WHOLE of this episode, the whole of seeing Aemma's screentime, we basically always see her in a pregnant state.
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I might be reading a little too much into this observation, but I wonder if this is to showcase how Queen Aemma's basic role in all of this was to produce an heir...a MALE heir at that.
The woman has only had one daughter so far, any other children she has had between Rhaenyra and the last child she had before dying, they were either stillborn or died in the cradle before they could even been given proper names.
Aemma herself did say this in the show:
"We have royal wombs you and I. The childbed is our battlefield...we must learn to face it with a stiff lip."
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Basically Aemma's life as queen has revolved around getting pregnant with the hopes of producing a suitable heir for the realm after Viserys passes, but she was never able to do that...well she actually did but that realization came too late.
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It was not until AFTER Viserys made the call to have Aemma subjected to a brutal involuntary C-section did he realize that the heir the realm needed had been there all along, which was Rhaenyra.
But again, this was something he didn't realize until AFTER Aemma died, AFTER he put her through that torture procedure and AFTER the son Aemma had finally bore died in the cradle a few hours after that event.
While I have no doubt that Viserys did love Aemma, it's kinda hard to not see that Aemma, even though she was queen, was basically treated as a broodmare, made to produce heirs until she either succeeded in producing a healthy son...or until it killed her,
and that was something Rhaenyra had noticed at a young age, hence the reason why the girl was so hesitant about getting married, why she rebelled against her father when he 'nudged' her to find a husband.
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The fact that we only see Aemma being pregnant during her whole time on the show, I feel, conveys the nature of her role as a queen and highborn lady in the patriarchal society that is Westeros, which was essentially that of a broodmare.
Realizing that just now makes her death all the more depressing.
Aemma Arryn, it seems, had made her peace playing that role, she learned to embrace it...but that peace she made end up doing little to save her in the end, it did very little to save her from the horrible death she endured to bring her son into the world- a son who, again, only lived a few hours after being born.
I also do see the irony in that Aemma was only able to bare a daughter and could never produce any sons, while Rhaenyra was able to bare five healthy sons, but ended up losing a daughter in the womb.
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I also do see the irony in that Viserys, even though he realized that Rhaenyra was the heir in his dreams, he ended up caving to pressure from the Small Council to take a wife who did manage to give him sons- emphasis on sons PLURAL.
Sons that he ended up neglecting in favor of his "only" daughter from his late wife that he subjected to a brutal and fatal and INVOLUNTARY C-section, but I digress.
That's all I gots to say on this matter.
Have a nice day :)
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Aemma Arryn: the Real Victim
I'm back on my soapbox about book vs show characterization, this time about Aemma Arryn. Aemma is obviously a tragic character, her mother died soon after she was born, she had many miscarriages with only one child surviving infancy, and she ultimately was killed to try to save her son who died anyway. However, the show tried again and again to romanticize her and her relationship with Viserys and trying to make it seem like she got a better deal in life than fucking Alicent (yes it all circles back to her, how she was written is my villain origin story, I fucking swear).
The show decides to either gloss over or completely remove the fact that Aemma was herself a child bride. She was thirteen when she was forced to marry Viserys (16) and was immediately forced to start having kids. This is a plot point they decided to instead give to Alicent (because of fucking course they did). Not only that, but they aged both her and Viserys up so, when she dies, Aemma looks to be around her 30s rather than the 23 she is in the book.
Another thing the show swapped between Aemma and Alicent is who Viserys "loved most". In the show, Viserys pines after Aemma for the rest of his life, even calling Alicent Aemma in episode 7. However, in the books, Viserys and Aemma are an arranged marriage by Queen Alysanne. And while he obviously loves Rhaenyra, his relationship with Aemma is kept vague. But after her death, he chooses not only to remarry (which was unnecessary since he had named Rhaenyra as his heir). Not only that but he chooses a woman (because yes Alicent was an adult by our standards when she married him) who gives no political gain and in doing so spurns many much more powerful houses (like the Velaryons). The book literally says he married her for love, Alicent not Aemma. But in the show, Viserys clearly loved Aemma more, which fed into his favoritism of Rhaenyra (which I'm not denying, but in the books there is no evidence that Viserys was as absent as they paint him to be in the show). Not only that, they take her story and make it into a sick romance while the true victimization is given almost completely to Alicent.
Now I'd like to touch on Aemma's views on honor and duty. She tells Rhaenyra in episode 1 that the birthing bed is their battlefield, a line which mirrors Alysanne and Daela's conversation before Aemma's birth (a decision by the Condal & Hess I actually like lol). She has given her all her teenage years and eventually her fucking life to fulfill her duties as a wife, desperately trying to give Viserys a male heir. Her entire life is full of the consequences of the patriarchy and the dehumanization of women. From her mother's death to Rhaenys being passed over as heir to Aemma's own death even to Rhaenyra being usurped.
Aemma embodies everything Alicent stans claim to defend and everything they make Alicent out to be. She is a child bride, she gave up her teenage years for giving birth to/raising children, she has almost no agency, and her daughter shares in her suffering. Alicent (in the books) has none of these things, except for the fact that Helaena is suffering, but that is something Alicent fucking orchestrated. Basically, if Alicent's stans actually believed what they claimed, they'd love Aemma not Alicent. Thanks for reading, long live Queen Rhaenyra and Team Black.
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buyukvalidesultan · 1 month
What I would do if I was Alicent Hightower in HotD
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Prepare Aegon, Aemond, and Daeron for the throne by making sure they’re all well educated. Since the Lords weren’t sworn to fealty to Helaena like Viserys did with Rhaenyra her claim would mean very little.
Marry Helaena off to the Lord of House Tyrell to get their support.
Marry Daeron off to Lady Jeyne Arryn and put together a household of servants loyal to me to be sent with Daeron to the Vale and receive reports in case her loyalty begins to waver.
Encourage Daeron to lie with her until she was pregnant and had a baby, then assassinate her and have Daeron made Regent until the little grandbaby came of age and supports the rule of Aegon.
Allow rumors of Rhaenyra’s children to grow.
Continue the strange relationship with Larys and keep him on my side and have him help in my assassinations.
During Laena’s funeral I’d speak with Corlys about wedding Baela to Aegon. If he doesn’t accept, I’d have Viserys speak to him about it, then consult with Rhaenys.
Have Larys help in killing Laenor and conspire to make it obvious that it was Daemon and Rhaenyra. Then suggest again to Rhaenys while she’s vulnerable from her child’s death to accept having Baela wed Aegon.
When Aemond loses his eye I’d prepare to leave Driftmark with my children and Baela but not before having a servant sneak poison into Daemon’s food.
When Rhaenyra leaves for Dragonstone I’ll take advantage of her absence and start slowly allowing Viserys to get sicker.
In her absence, I’d start a secret personal treasury and take bribes and give favors to lords in the court to gain their support.
Meet with Mysaria under the pretense of stopping the secret fights, once we meet I’ll have her killed.
Have a lavish wedding for Baela and Aegon.
Invite all of Lord Borros’ daughters to the wedding and let Aemond mingle with them before asking him to choose one as a bride.
Have a nice talk with the greedy sons of lords I had yet to convince to join in supporting Aegon’s succession. I’d conspire with them and help in their ascension to their father’s seats.
A few days before the wedding I’d have all of Aegon’s servants replaced with eunuchs.
Put poison in Viserys’ milk of the poppy and have his body guarded by loyal servants. Then have any Lords whom I don’t know that are explicitly loyal to my children and I thrown in the dungeon.
I’ll also have the Kingsguard replaced with people loyal to Aegon. I’d also have multiple poison tasters put in Aegon and all of my children’s service.
During the wedding I’d send a letter to Dragonstone questioning Luke’s succession to Driftmark and have Rhaenyra come to King’s Landing.
While they’re traveling, I’d hold a private ceremony naming Aegon king in front of the Lords of Westeros. Then immediately have a public coronation as well.
To keep Aegon in check I’d buy the most beautiful women from Lys and have them keep him well pleasured, though I’d also encourage him to bed Baela in order to produce at least a single male heir though it wouldn’t be much of an issue since Aemond and Daeron are alive.
When Rhaenyra and her sons arrive I’d have Criston take one of Lucerys’ eyes and have it neatly put in an ornate jeweled sapphire box and presented to Aemond.
Rhaenyra and her sons would then live out their days peacefully on Dragonstone but heavily guarded. I’d have Jace married to a woman of House Hightower. Lucerys would be married to a woman of House Lannister and Joffrey would be a ward in King’s Landing.
After that I’d prepare a wedding for Aemond and whichever one of Lord Borros’ daughters he chose.
When the wedding is over I’d have Daeron dispatched with Tessarion to Winterfell and have Cregon’s son, Rickon, taken to the Vale and raised as a ward there.
Have dinner with Larys with his food secretly poisoned now that he outlived his use.
When all the tireless scheming is over with I’d spoil the grandkids and then die.
Should I make one for if I were Rhaenyra? Or other characters.
I made this purely for fun, I didn’t really put much logic into it.
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Hi! This is so I don't lose track of my fics so far. I thank you all for your kind reviews and reblogs, they make my day. Main is blueredwrites. Feel free to drop your thoughts be it in the form of asks, replies or reblogs. 😉
What am I working on?
✨️ Indicates smut.
🪆 Indicates possibly triggering.
🍂 Indicates angst.
🧸 Fluff.
House of the Dragon
Alicent Hightower
Crime and Punishment ✨️🪆
The Queen and you get along wonderfully. After all, the strongest friendships are based on shared interests.
Speak now
Alicent is not too sure of how she feels about you. Or about the fact you just proposed to run away. But she is sure about how she feels about the wedding. 
Harwin Strong
Win some, lose some✨️
Harwin and his wife have a disagreement over communication skills. The end result is exactly as the title says.
Lemon cake ✨️
Harwin’s wife is a tough crowd.
Aemond Targaryen
Mini series
Death in four moves 🪆
Aemond and his new partner explore trusting again after SA.
Death in four moves 🧸
Whatever souls are made of 🍂🧸
Caught in the crossfire of your familiy's ploys, you never expected to catch the eye of the enemy.
Threads of fate
Last man on earth ✨️
No one told King Aemond about the Song of Ice and Fire. As the daughter of Rhaenyra, you have one last mission left.
Aemond needs to blow off some steam, so you offer to verbally spar with him. 
Last word ✨️
Aemond instructs you on the importance of protecting your virtue.
Push and pull ✨️
You just love riling him up. Especially on his name day.
Bouquet of Violets 🧸🍂
You are happy in your marriage, even if your husband can be quite hellish. It all starts to go wrong when a secret admirer shows up.
The Seamstress ✨️
Prince Aemond is your favorite client.
We light the way
House Hightower does not have dragons, but they have a magic of their own.
No masters or kings🪆
Aemond has issues around sex. The thought of being married to you, an angel, it's not helping.
Aemond and you are tired of being pawns. Instead of chess, you decide to play draughts.
At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, you host a familiar face. But it is not your husband who darkens your doorstep. It is his nephew.
Daemon Targaryen
Daemon seduces his unwilling Lady Wife.
Courting. Daemon's version.
You think you married the plainest woman on earth, and you look away for one second and suddenly she is not. Typical. At least, for Daemon.
A Thousand Words ✨️
You want to marry him. He wants to fuck you. The two things are not as incompatible as they sound. 
Violent delights 🪆
As a dornish princess, you live by one saying. All is fair in love and war. When Prince Daemon stumbles into your life, you start to reconsider your stance.
Inside the highest tower of the Red Keep, lives a girl with long silver hair...
Bestiary ✨️
Your husband and you do not speak the same language. During your wedding night, you find out that High Valyrian and the Common Tongue pale when compared to the way your bodies allow you to communicate.
Vūjigon ✨️
Companion piece to Bestiary. Daemon has been having sex without love his whole life. It's easy. Marriage should be more of the same, right?
The dragon has three heads ✨️
It's Viserys first day as a King. You and your twin see him off.
You wouldn't believe the things I have done for her ✨️
Daemon lives a dangerous life. You wish you could find a way to protect him, but you are too afraid of guns. Lucky you, Daemon has a plan.
Gold rush ✨️
Your whole life you have been Daemon’s voice of reason. Tonight, you choose to be the impulsive one. 
To conquer
Incest is common amongst Targaryens, Daemon assures you. Unfortunately, Alicent got to you first.
Little lamb✨️
After the death of Viserys Targaryen, CEO of Targaryen industries, his heirs get into a legal battle over the validity of the will. It's a terrible time to start fucking your sister's brother in law. So of course, you do just that.
Divine intuition ✨️🪆
My take on modern reader meets Daemon
Threads of Fate
A nefarious plot to place Princess Rhaenys on the Iron Throne leaves you, a handmaid, as the sole witnesses. Deciding to save an innocent life, you find yourself an unlikely protector. But Prince Daemon does not make favors lightly.
Helaena Targaryen
Golden Chains✨️
Helaena isn't yours, but you are always hers
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Baby teeth
Cousins. You love them or you hate them. And Rhaenyra knows exactly how she feels about you.
Three-headed dragon ✨️
Three times Rhaenyra marked you, and one time you did too. Or snippets of the love story I so wanted to tell but didn’t feel confident enough to write.
Threads of Fate
Viserys Targaryen (Yuck)
The dragon has three heads ✨️
It's Viserys first day as a King. You and your twin see him off.
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missglaskin · 2 years
hiii! literally love the yandere!hotd, read every bit i have question i know rhaenyra is heir to the throne but have Viserys thought about making Y/N a an heir to the throne? thank u!!!!
I have plenty of others requesting something similar, so I combined them (:
Also, if anyone wishes to have concepts asked about this or add their insight into this, I would love it
Yan!HOTD Au, what if Viserys made the reader his heir instead of Rhaenyra?
With the death of the queen and Young Baelon dying not long after; The succession of the king came to question.
Despite Daemon being the expected heir, the council divided over the matter but cut short when Viserys demanded that no further discussion be held.
Before so, Otto proposed the king's firstborn child or, more specifically, his second child as a potential heir.
Lyonel laughs in disbelief, saying it's one thing to have a female heir, but to have a second child as an heir is just absurd. Tyland also scoffs at the notion; it’s insulting enough that the king made the realm accept you as his child. However, he refrains from saying it out loud, mindful of the last man whose tongue was cut off for making such remarks courtesy of the rogue prince.
When Daemon did what he did, coining young Baelon as "heir for a day," it was the final nail in the coffin.
In such a short time, Viserys has demanded to see you. As you face the black dread skull, Viserys shares with you Aegon's prophecy and his dream of a song of ice and fire.
In an instant that would forever change your life, he named you his heir.
You are dressed for the coronation by Rhaenyra and Alicent. When Alicent notices your trembling hands, she tells you to take deep breaths as Rheanyra reaches for your hands. Rhaenyra’s eyes are tinged with sadness, but she still gives you a smile. 
Your father is seated on the iron throne behind you as you stand in front of the court. Every lord bows down, swearing fealty but you can see their hesitation and disbelief. The first man who seemed sincere in his fealty was the sea snake.
Otto appears pleased as you look over the court, and Alicent smiles at you in support. Rhaenyra is standing close by and nodding as well, though her eyes still carry a hint of sadness. Rhaenys gives you a look that you're not sure whether it's one of worry or pride.
You finally turn to face your father, he's beaming with pride, and you can't help but become teary-eyed.
With Otto, he always thought he had your best interests in mind. Otto felt the need to make choices for you as you were still a child. Never mind the fact you were going to become a queen one day. Rhaenyra is the one who pushes you to speak up for yourself.
While Rhaenys counsels that the only way you'll gain respect is if you demonstrate, you can command the room. To others, Rhaenys may seem envious or harsh, but she’s genuinely looking out for you.
In the meantime, your father will have to marry again, and you better pray it won't be a son. After all, as history has shown, men will rather put a torch to the throne than have a woman sit on it. Rhaenys also says this to Corly, who assures her that it won't ever happen and that if it does, the fleet and army of Driftmark will be at your service.
Many anticipate that Daemon will be furious that a young girl was chosen over him, taking his claim. Daemon may harbor some resentment, but he will swear allegiance to you; never can he hate you. Whoever doubts your ability will have to answer to him.
When Alicent wed your father and gave birth to a son named Aegon. Given that Aegon may one day become his successor, they all expected you to despise him. Instead, they all look on with disbelief as they watch you play with the boy.
As previously mentioned, everyone anticipates Viserys to cast you aside and choose Aegon as his heir, but he refuses to do so. He promises you he will never go back on his word.
Alicent tells her father that she will never allow her son to steal the birthright from his sister. Otto responds she won't have to, which only confuses Alicent further because he also says that Aegon will still be king.
Alicent didn't comprehend what her father meant until Aegon reached adulthood, and she realized that by making Aegon king, he will have Aegon wed you.
However, as Aegon develops into the man he's, Aemond emerges as the better choice. They were unaware that Aemond overheard the conversation and took their words to heart. He already did, but he started devoting more of his days to sword training and studying philosophy and history.
Being married to you entails becoming a king consort, but Aemond didn't mind; in fact, he didn't mind you holding power alongside him as a sort of advisor. 
History has portrayed you as a good queen who ruled peacefully, but mushroom has claimed that you occasionally displayed cruelty and that Aemond was the whispering devil on your shoulder.
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years
Yandere Husbands prt 2
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
Second and final part. Now I don’t know anything about most of these characters since I’m not a book reader, so I won’t be doing Doran, Arthur, or Gerald. 
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
  Aeys 2
x sister reader
YN was the twin of Rhaella Targaryen, but unlike her twin she and Aerys had gotten along quite well. She’d read to him as he practiced his sword stances, he’d talk on and on about his aspirations to be knighted, and they’d dream about their futures. YN did also get along with her twin Rhaella, the two having nothing but good things to say about the other. Rhaella was the one to tell her first about her love for Ser Bonifer Hasty, YN was certain that if they asked their grandfather he’d allow her to marry her love. But it wasn’t to last, as their father believed that the prince who was promised would come from Aerys and Rhaella’s line. Aerys protested, demanding that he instead marry YN and they at least liked each other. YN held her twin in her arms as Rhaella sobbed, her own heart slightly breaking. But she complied, they all did. Stefan and Tywin offered sympathies but insisted they must all do their duty. The wedding was a somber affair. 
After the disaster at Summerhall and the birth of her nephew Rhaegar, Aerys approached YN. Saying that he still loved her and wanted to be with her, but YN pushed him away. He was married to her twin and she would not cause undue humiliation to her sister by indulging in his desires, and besides she was betrothed to a dornish prince. Finishing off her rejection with “You have an heir now, let me go to have children.” But he would not. One day, Rhaella was found dead in her chambers, her baby crying out for its mother. YN suspected poison but had no proof. When the question of marriage came up, Aerys demanded his father marry his sister to him. It wasn’t until 262ac, when their father died did Aerys get his wish. Despite the protests from Tywin, Nobles, and YN. 
As king no one would deny him. YN was afraid of her brother now, doing her best to watch over her nephew, now stepson, for her sister Rhaella. The law by Queen Alysanne years ago made it so that the heirs from the first marriage would not be disinherited by the second marriage. For the first years of his reign Aerys had the sense to listen to his hand. YN was grateful for Tywin, being able to be the realist to Aerys grand plans and ambitions. Yet as the years went on, Aerys started to grow irritated at the sight of his wife being friendly with his hand. When YN was finally deemed pregnant, Aerys' paranoia grew. He wanted a healthy child. So he isolated YN from everyone, never letting her see the mistresses he took. One tried to slap away the moon tea offered, and Aerys strangled the woman to death. Eventually, Aerys' paranoia became very apparent. He was cocky and began to disregard advice from everyone, even YN. After her pregnancy, YN had given birth to a pale little boy Viserys lll, and he found himself in her bedroom not caring if she wanted it or not. YN’s nephew Rhaegar tried to defend her, but Aerys would slap the boy away. By the time Duskendale was stirring trouble, YN was forced to birth 5 children. Three of which were miscarried due to Aerys rough behavior with her. Tywin tried to step in once but backed away. YN was always grateful for him, but in the end there was nothing that could stop Aerys from having her. One morning after Aerys had been on top of her all night, he mentioned he was going to duskendale YN tried to say that it was a bad idea, but had unknowingly mentioned Tywin. She was met with a slap, he held her hair tight and kissed her hard. 
“You are my sweet sister. If you mention his name again, I’ll have his burnt corpse presented to our children as a warning not to get between us.” YN hoped he would die in Duskendale.
Cregan Stark
(velaryon reader, just imagine maybe Laenor was able to do it once, so YN is the fraternal twin of Jaec)
Usually First Men descendants did not marry non first men, but Cregan wanted no one but the daughter of the princess. YN was the twin sister to Jaecerys Velaryon, unlike her brother she had darker skin and white hair. Cregan was enamored with the girl, but her beauty was only one layer. She also had a mouth on her, and could beat him at his own drinking games. After a month of bonding the boys swore an oath of brotherhood. Cregan and YN met under the weirwood tree, swearing love vows to each other. When it came to the issue of allegiance to The Queen, Rhaenyra, Cregan swore to her on condition that YN stay with him and one day marry him. Jaecerys and YN seemed to agree, as long as YN could do her part for her mother in the war. Her dragon Alaxys was eager to fly in the air. 
During the Dance, YN flew point with her brother, and always returned back to the north. She seemed to like the cold more than the warm south. Her betrothed Cregan was always happy to have her back in her arms. He denied her almost nothing, except when she wanted to fight in the Battle of the Gullet and fly to Kings landing for her mother. Cregan had said no, practically holding her down when she ran for her dragon. He could not lose her. When she fought him, vowing that if he stopped her she’d hate him forever. At that he locked her in the warmest room, sitting outside the room hearing her sob and scream in agony. When the news of her brother's death came, YN screamed at Cregan calling him a traitor and a monster. But the death of her mother broke her, she became cold and angry. Stating to Cregan that she wanted to honor her oath, he was already planning to honor the north’s promise and took his betrothed south.
The hour of the wolf began with Alaxys landing in Kings landing with YN and Cregan on her back. The north remembered and the dragon burned with fury. Cregan spared no traitors, for the oath he held and for the love he had for his betrothed. YN was by her little brother’s side as Cregan delivered her vengeance. Alaxys burned the ones YN deemed deserving, Cregan took rest’s heads. When the hour of the wolf ended, YN was hesitant to leave her brother. Cregan reminded her of her vow to him, that they were fire and ice destined to be. She tried to reason that her brother needed her counsel as he was still a child, but his fingers dug deep into her arms. Vowing that he held no mercy for those who broke their oath. With much resistance, Cregan took her back to the north. Alaxys had spent so much time in the cold that she did not feel comfortable in the warmth of the south. They were married as soon as they returned north. It was a tumultuous marriage, full of love and fights. Sometimes YN would blame him for the death of her family, stating that he prevented her from saving them. He would lock her away in their rooms during those times. Eventually Cregan would not let others see her. They even had to fly together, as YN was not allowed to be in the air alone. Cregan enveloped her whole life, but the north remembered their vow of love, and he would not let her break it. She was bound to ice. 
Rickard Stark
(Now I don’t know much about him other than the wiki stuff so please be kind)
YN did not notice the possession Rickard had for her. They were happily married for a long time, she gave him several children. During the time of Aerys ii reign, YN grew more fearful of the south. Not trusting that the Targaryens would keep away from the north. Her fears were proven to be true when the prince had stolen their daughter Lyanna. She begged her son Brandon not to venture south to retrieve her, but he was a Stark and he was loyal. The news of her son's imprisonment caused a great fury in her. The King in response, asked for her to come to the south. 
Rickard wouldn’t let her go alone, so he placed the maester in charge as they both traveled down south. Once at the red keep, Rickard kept to the shadows as YN pleaded for the release of her children. The king put on the image of listening, but instead just stared at her body. He requested to meet her later in his office chambers, against her better judgment she did. Her husband hid in the shadows the whole time. 
As soon as Aerys inevitably moved to assault her, Rickard emerged from the shadows and cut him down. The shocked shouts of his wife were drowned by his fury as he repeatedly brought the sword down onto his body. Damn his honor, his wife needed defending. YN tried to pull him off, but he pushed her away. When the king was unrecognizable, Rickard turned his blood soaked face to YN. She stepped back as he stepped forward, eventually she hit the bed shaking as he towered over her. He took on that bed, his own mad eyes shone with lusty glee. Adrenaline drowning out YN’s cries. He would be her king forever. 
Eddard Stark
YN was Ned’s Second wife. Catelyn had passed giving birth to Sansa. YN was Ned’s first love, even if she did not view him that way. Her place was in Starfall, in the warmth of the south. But when Ned asked for her hand and YN refused, he locked them both in her room. He never laid a hand to her, but he went on and on about how she was abandoning him. That his children already had to grow without a birth mother, was she that cruel to deny them a second chance. He would have none but her, and if she would not have him then he would die. Did she want that? For his children to be fatherless as well? For him to die?
YN was broken down to eventually agree. So she was taken from her home to the cold north. She wanted to meet the children first but Ned spirited her away to their shared room. Not wasting any time to bed his lady. Once he was certain she was to carry his seed, he allowed her to leave the room. The children seemed uneasy around her at first, but her calming nature was like a balm to their grief. Unlike Catelyn before her, YN also included Jon in all her activities with the children. Of all the children Jon grew the closest. He looked so much like Ned, that Ned would seem overjoyed that the two were bonded. 
Eventually YN got pregnant, the baby draining so much energy from her. But little Arya was so worth the wait. YN thought that since the baby girl drained her so she could rest a bit before another. But Ned wouldn’t have that. He wanted her pregnant almost always. After Rickon, YN begged to be given rest but he called her heartless to deny her children siblings. That she was preventing new life from being born. YN’s life mostly consisted of being pregnant and barefoot. When the King arrived to call for Ned, YN hoped he would take a position as Hand but he denied him. The queen pitied YN, and mused to herself that maybe her marriage was not as bad. Pregnancy after Pregnancy, YN Dayne was exhausted out of life. 
Stannis Baratheon
(I’m not a fan of this guy so don’t expect much)
YN was married to a much older man. Stannis had already had a child, so YN believed she was in the clear for having children. But his red priestess told the would be king that their child would be a champion of light. One night YN was met with the image of her towering husband. SHe tried to ask him to leave, but Stannis grabbed her and forced her on the bed. Telling her it would be alright, that their child would be a champion, all the while ignoring her cried to stop. When it was over he rubbed her stomach and promised that their baby would be stronger than him.
Oberyn Martell
YN did not believe that a her, a Lannister, would be betrothed to Oberyn Martell. A staunch lannister hater, and a sexual fiend if you asked her mother. But her uncle was Tywin, and he had final say in the family. So she was sent south. 
Oberyn promised that he would be a gentle husband. That he did not blame her for the actions of her uncle, but the stares of the others could not calm her fears. It was like they either pitied her for her situation, or only glared at her blonde hair. Oberyn's children all flocked to her, sweet and kind little things. YN decided to make her situation as best as she could. Her husband had copious lovers, maybe she could find one. She tried to tell Oberyn.
“If you wish to be false to me, I will kill any man or woman who looks your way.” He whispered to her, holding her shaking body. “You are mine now. If you want me to get rid of my infidelity, fine. But I will not let another Lannister bring pain to me. Even If I loved them.”
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
What if Laena Velaryon had been born a boy?
this one is a stumper for me because it changes a LOT (bc, and I cannot emphasize this enough, but Laena is important to the plot and to Rhaenyra as a character!!)
The great council still sides with Viserys because Laenor was alive, and Rhaenys pushed his claim in canon, so having a slightly older son isn't going to do much for that.
Where this really starts to affect the plot is when Viserys is looking to remarry. Laena is pushed forward as the "correct" match because she is Valyrian, and it would soothe Corlys and Rhaenys' ruffled feathers from the GC 101. But if they have no daughters, that clearly doesn't happen. This also means there is straight up no Valyrian woman able to marry and have children except Rhaenyra during this time period which is a little wild (Rhaenys and maybe Jocelyn are alive, but past child bearing years, and these people just refuse to marry Celtigars which is deeply funny). Viserys has some room to pick whoever he wants to marry in this situation though, and I think it's not unlikely that more than Otto tries to take advantage of that (but Otto is still going to win).
HOWEVER. Especially after Rhaenyra is named heir, I think Corlys starts pushing that a boy Laena (obviously she's called Laenor, and probably actual Laenor is called like, Lucerys or something) marries Rhaenyra. I think it's likely he throws himself behind Rhaenyra hard, insisting that Laena and House Velaryon will uphold her claim, protect her birthright, "We Will Be Strong As We Were In Old Valyria By Joining Our Blood", etc etc, and since Viserys is not snubbing Corlys by refusing to marry Laena, I think there’s a non zero chance Laena and Rhaenyra are engaged very young.
But what does this mean for the Dance? Well…
Rhaenyra is probably less hostile to her marriage. Laena is a daring dragon rider who adores his mother & supports Rhaenyra and, most importantly, can give her heirs, so I think Rhaenyra pushes against this marriage much less. However, part of Rhaenyra’s anger over the engagement isn’t just the risk of marrying a man who may not give her children, or easing her father’s political headaches, but the idea that Rhaenyra is not allowed sexual freedom while Daemon and Viserys (and later Aegon) all are. So whether Rhaenyra is hostile to the marriage largely depends on how well she gets on with Laena and whether she feels like has control over her sexuality. In canon they are close, but in canon Laena is a woman and that does make a difference. There’s also The Criston Cole And Daemon Of It All - if Rhaenyra has a fiancé looking out for her, does Rhaenyra get so attached to him? Does whatever happens the night she goes to Daemon & Criston still happen?
It’s all kind of hard to say considering both Eustace and Mushroom are full of shit and Gyldayn is a raging misogynist. And regardless of the fallout of that, what Laena gives Rhaenyra is incredibly important - Valyrian looking heirs. With at the very least a Jacaerys that looks like a Velaryon (because he is by blood this time), a large part of the Greens propaganda falls apart. Yes, she’s a woman, but she has a Valyrian heir with a husband she probably likes & takes an active role in her life, and the unwavering support of the Velaryons. PLUS with the dragon twins gone, that frees Jace up to marry literally anyone - like, say, Helaena! Or potentially, one of the storm sisters! And if anyone gets too cute with Rhaenyra, well, Laena has Vhagar!
Again, the wildcards here are Criston and Daemon. Daemon especially has no way back into the main Targaryen line because there are no Valyrian women for him to marry. I think that makes him much more erratic when Rhaenyra marries, because he can see his hopes of being “accepted” slipping away and he has no other option to turn to.
So….Rhaenyra is theoretically better off by the time her father dies. If she cares for Laena as a man the way she cared for Laena as a woman, she will have the full backing of House Velaryon, a legitimate heir who is free to make a great political match, a husband happy to back her claim, and once again, Vhagar on her side and Aemond defanged. The question is if this marriage stays happy or if it sours because Rhaenyra feels stifled, or Daemon/Cole does something particularly deranged about it at any point.
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sayruq · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the dance of dragons? I don’t mean about the show but the whole situation, characters, etc. Genuinely interested because you always bring up points and things I didn’t consider and I would love to get your insight.
Targ stans have been on a relentless and desperate (and doomed to fail) campaign to place all the blame on Alicent because they don't want Targaryens to be blamed for what happened. The truth is there would always be a succession crisis no matter what. Viserys could have married the type of woman they want Alicent to be - someone who accepts years of grooming, marital rape and neglect with a smile and the Dance would still happen.
Dragons plant no trees.
The truth is the Targaryens didn't bother codifying succession laws because they don't care about the long term, they're not building something that lasts longer than them. It's why their legacy is centuries of bloodshed, one measly road, and a crumbling, decaying city that one of their own will obliterate.
It started with Aegon marrying two women at the same time- Visenya was the one he was betrothed to but he married her sister as well (likely without consulting Visenya). He basically decided that Rhaenys would be the mother of his bloodline instead of Visenya and therefore he had no plans for Maegor. In fact, he outright ignored the kid.
After Aenys' death, Maegor seized power over his nephews and nieces which led to war. This was essentially the first Dance of Dragons. There were even bastard rumours floating around. Maegor like his father married multiple women without any plans for what would happen if he managed to get living children.
You'd think after that war, Jaehaerys the so-called wise king would sit down and make a clear-cut succession law but the only thing that man was interested in is making the lives of his daughters and wife miserable. He took the throne over Rhaena and Aerea, then passed over Rhaenys as heir, he called for a Great Council, got the results he wanted meaning that Rhaenys was passed over again, and STILL didn't codify the succession laws.
What instead happened was that it reinforced over and over to the people of Westeros that the throne could never pass to a woman. In fact, the only role that a Targaryen woman could ever hope for is that of a consort.
When Viserys named Rhaenyra as his heir (when he failed to produce the son he so obviously wanted), he could have made it possible for women to inherit but like his daughter, Viserys believed that Rhaenyra was the exception. Basically a one-time thing that even Rhaenyra herself agreed with based on how she ruled that younger brothers should inherit before older sisters. So the succession was very much not a settled manner when Viserys made the choice to marry Alicent and have 4 children he didn't care for.
Even if Alicent decided to serve Rhaenyra, war would have happened anyway. People would have gravitated to Aegon and his brothers or Daemon or Laenor because the succession laws that exist allow only men to inherit.
Rhaenyra's behavior didn't help her cause at all. I'm OK with her having bastards because she can't help who she married but a little subtly wouldn't kill. Some political acumen wouldn't have killed her - hiding away in Dragonstone (and turning the people there against her), marrying Daemon so soon after their spouses' deaths, practically flaunting her relationship with Harwin, the brothel incidence, hiding away in Dragonstone instead of coming to King's Landing and taking part of the Small Council, not seeking out allies and supporters throughout the Kingdoms because she was hiding in Dragonstone, etc.
Regardless, it's far easier for people to decide that Rhaenyra wasn't fit to be queen due to her actions and reputation because she's a woman. There's a much smaller threshold for tolerance for women. That's why Aegon II is considered King and why Rhaenyra's legacy is a dozen sexist nicknames. She should have been aware of the limitations she faced and worked to overcome them instead of relying on her father's leniency.
Blaming Alicent is the easy way out - she's not a Targaryen, she's a woman, she's kind of a bitch in the books but the real problem is House Targaryen. Self-destructive and incapable of planting roots in Westeros, they brought on their own downfall.
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alisa-ioana · 4 months
My babys 🥹
I will always love the relationship between Aegon and Viserys, they were sharing everything from the moment Viserys was born 🥺 and when they were reunited they were close again 🥰 it really warms my heart that in a way they were the Aemon and Baelon of their generation.
From playing together, to having their lessons, to sharing a room and very much possible visiting Stormcloud tougher and planning on how Viserys was going to claim one of the big dragons just like their father did 🥲 and Daemon teaching them how to wield a sword, ride a horse and dragon, telling them stories, after all Daemon had waited all his life for a son and now he had two that were pretty much perfect in every way, any father would be proud of having them as his heirs ( of course Darksister was being prepared to be Aegon's and I wholeheartedly believe Daemon was making Viserys a valyrian steel sword so he could be a great warrior and make a great name for himself). Rhaenyra obviously loved her babies and cuddled them, taking them with her on Syrax, reading to them, and pampering them to no end and being very proud of her littlest boys.
I especially love how well they complimented themselves, Aegon the older brother tall robust incredibly beautiful with deep purple eyes and hair so light it was almost white. From what we can see he was very kind and compassionate but also had character...his council should say 😁, very headstrong too. And Viserys not as tall and robust or as beautiful as his brother but still incredibly beautiful (if the lyseni were impressed with him, one can just imagine how beautiful he was) (headcanon here but I like to think that while Aegon took after Rhaenyra in looks Viserys took after Daemon except his hair that was exacly the same as Rhaenyra's) and also smart as no one else in his family, he certainly was precocious as his mother but he also had a hint of mischief and sharpness that his father possessed 😍.
They somehow managed to get the very best traits of their parents without the negative ones, they were also fiercely protective of each other for sure and their family.
Something that has me thinking is that if they were in my (very correct mind you) opinion that perfect and proved to be good for the dynasty both as princes delighting everyone (obviously like their mother) with the endearing team of two they made and later on as kings and Viserys as hand most of his life providing the realm with heirs (not all of them good or worthy....but I'm not going to complain much) and as much stability as they could, how much better would they have been had they not been traumatised 🥹 imagine a proud Aegon being a dragonrider with his very loyal Stormcloud and a warrior welding blackfyre, also treating everyone with kindness but also with coldness if the situation requires it. And Viserys riding Vermithor (well he was compared to the old king in terms of becoming as good as him or even better, I really like the idea of him claiming this legendary dragon and of course proving that you don't need a cradle dragon to be a Targaryen as the conquerors that were the founders of the Targaryen dynasty and none had cradle dragons) and wielding darksister while also helping his brother and being his hand, they would have brought a new era of splendour and grandeur for their house and westeros.
Of course this new era would have been possible too because of the women they choose to spend their lives with, in Aegon's case obviously Daenara Velaryon the ray of sunshine that would have been a very incredible queen, really kind and famous amongst the small folk and the nobles. And for Viserys his sister Visenya would have been the best option, not only is it a great Targaryen match for a prince and princess of the blood but also I think that Viserys having a woman at his side that would love him and cherish him (also the added bonus of him not being married and having children by 13 ew). And Visenya would have claimed Silverwing and although she would capable of being delightful she would also match Viserys in mischief (and she would be practicing witchcraft because she thought it would be fun because of Queen Visenya's reputation and then she ended up liking it 😌).
Here I leave you a picture of how I imagine my two darling boys in their teenage years (the first one is Aegon and the second one is Viserys).
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Needless to say that Daemon and Rhaenyra would have been incredibly proud of their boys both in the canon and in my headcanon of how they could've been had they not been traumatised. And who wouldn't be proud of them, and yes I know they may have some faults but honestly I don't really care, and even less after seeing the fandom ignore them or using them as a gotcha against the 🥦 🤷🏼‍♀️, so yes Rhaenyra loved them dearly because they were her sons and also the ones she had with the love of her life in the happiest time she had and Daemon well he always wanted a son and now he has two with the woman he loved and that finally could marry and they also exceed every expectation being better that anyone would imagine 🖤❤️.
Rhaenyra looking at her littlest boys like yeah I made them 😌🥰🩷
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And Daemon like yeah my two perfect boys 😉😎❤️‍🔥
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And lastly Visenya like yeah they are my big brothers 😍😚💖
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End of rant💌
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daenerysies · 6 months
why are alicent stan’s so gleeful about what the show has done to her character? book-wise she was an antagonistic, ambitious, manipulative woman who knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it; versus the show, where she has been turned into a constant victim to the men around her with no autonomy or agency what-so-ever. whether it’s otto, viserys, aegon, larys, she’s been reduced to a hypocritical, bitter, puppy-eyed woman with no want for anything in her own life; just a doll to be played around with and eventually discarded.
instead of being the calculating and intelligent woman who dog walks viserys up until his death (and even after) she's now his victim because of the decision to age her down to 15 rather than 18 like her canon age, and in turn age viserys up in order to further emphasize the age-gap and power dynamics. she is portrayed as an abusive mother on screen (physically and mentally to aegon, mentally to helaena and aemond), falling into the 'abused becomes the abuser' trope, which is a rather harmful stereotype. she told aegon that he would be king, but then began having 'second thoughts' when the actual usurpation took place, of which she apparently had no idea, "am i to understand that members of the small council have been planning secretly to install my son without me?" once again reducing her to a pawn of the men around her. these second thoughts took place because of her apparent 'reconciliation' with rhaenyra, as if a few words and hand holding could ever undue the years she spent undermining rhaenyra and attempting to have her and her children disinherited and shamed (mayhaps even killed due to the bastard rumors). she is now a victim to larys as well. larys, despite his lower standing than her THE QUEEN, is able to 'manipulate' her into doing sexual favors for him in order for her wishes to be granted. she has no control over the men around her and no respect from any of them because they know she is willing to bend over backwards to please them. she openly admits that she knew her father had been manipulating her for years, and she still fed into his bullshit. she only wants aegon to be king due to her 'misunderstanding' the words of a drugged up and dying man (and it being HIS 'wish' for aegon to succeed him, not hers). her only want in the show is 'to make a window in the wall of her prison.'
the greens were named for HER in the book. not aegon. not otto. not house hightower. her.
“the beacon on the hightower, do you know what color it glows when oldtown calls it’s banners to war?”
except that it doesn’t in canon. house hightower’s only set color is grey, and their only beacon is the regular depiction of red and orange fire. there is no green to be scene anywhere to represent the hightower’s or oldtown or their beacon. the color green didn't have any meaning to her. alicent chose it for herself. she wasn’t ’showing off her allegiance to her father and house after being scorned by the targaryens’ it was a political statement that she CHOSE TO MAKE for herself. she was the leader of team green and was the main culprit in usurping rhaenyra and crowning aegon. she didn’t do it for her father, or her house, or viserys; she did it for herself, because SHE wanted aegon to be king.
there are ways to add complexities to characters without completely changing everything about them, and what they stand for. alicent might have partially fallen into the evil step-mother trope in the book, but considering it’s a historical account; we have next to no information on how she really feels. they could have deep dived into her feelings regarding the succession, how marrying the king without a male heir should have given her the privilege of being the future king’s mother, instead finding out the harsh reality; that viserys would not remove rhaenyra as heir, and that she was negated to only being the king’s wife and giving him spares. they could have played into how complicated her relationship with rhaenyra is, how angry and self-righteousness she would have felt considering the only reason viserys was made king was due to male preference primogeniture. why she felt the need to isolate and bully a child because of said child's father’s decisions. there were plenty of other roads that the writers could have taken to add actual nuance into alicent’s story, and not just adding in more unnecessary and brutal violence towards women.
all of this to say that aging her down and turning her into nothing more than a abused child-bride was not the way to go to add nuance to her story. women shouldn’t have to be tortured, neglected, raped, abused, etc. in order for the audience to like and feel sympathy for their character. that’s an inherently sexist and abhorrent point of view, and considering how virtue signaling a lot of her fans are it’s not surprising that they’re willing to overlook it for the sake of continuing their poor baby alicent ‘always a victim to the men in her life’ rhetoric; as if that was ever a core part of her character.
what they gave us in house of the dragon was not the real alicent hightower, just a cheaply made original character with alicent’s name slapped on her in place of a discount sticker. hotd's biggest crime was reducing powerful ambitious women to side pieces in the big bad men's war. why do women in this universe have to suffer in order for the audience to feel sympathy for them and their plight? and no, i'm not going to argue with anyone going, "b-but OBVIOUSLY you just don't understand her character uwu," i understand her plenty, thanks.
if you actually like alicent (or any of the women in general) in fire and blood you should be seething in outrage over house of the dragon's portrayal of them.
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homielander · 2 years
“i can’t believe alicent got all catty just because rhaenyra had sex with someone else” please rewatch the first five episodes i’m begging you
for one, there’s the obvious fact that she vouched for rhaenyra to the king, and it resulted in her father losing his position in court and being dismissed in disgrace. with that dismissal, the last bit of alicent’s sad excuse for a support system was dismantled. otto may not be anywhere close to a good father but he’s been alicent’s only family for years. and we’ve already seen that alicent feels lonely — she confesses as much. she’s a young non-valyrian queen who self-admittedly has no friends in court. aemma at least had the advantage of enjoying a natural closeness with her husband and not being so visually distinct from the rest of the targaryen house.
this loneliness is why warnings of a looming inheritance crisis resonate so soundly with her. she has no allies, and rhaenyra, the only person she truly trusted and went out of her way to protect time and time again, had no trouble lying to her face on her dead mother’s memory. viserys may genuinely want to keep their children safe (though it’s worth noting he hasn’t been seen interacting with any of them on screen even once, and between his kingly duties and decaying health it is likely that he is not an active father, thus further proving to alicent that they are not held in the same regard as rhaenyra) but it is his death that will create the power vacuum, so if they are endangered he has no way to stop it. and despite daemon generally being a loose canon, neither viserys nor rhaenyra really do anything to rein him in — daemon literally waltzes in to the future queen’s wedding feast and nothing is done. in alicent’s view, the only person who has her best interests at heart is her father — a politically astute man who seems genuinely convinced that there is a war coming. so her paranoia is understandably worsening by the day.
another problem is that, while alicent probably can’t quite put her finger on the nature of her feelings for rhaenyra, she obviously loves her very deeply. this love is what causes dutiful, obedient alicent to defy her father and convince viserys not to name their son as his heir. this love is what makes her vehemently deny her father’s claims about rhaenyra’s virtue to the king without heeding the potential consequences. when viserys announces that he will marry alicent, it is not herself she worries for, but rhaenyra to whom she immediately looks. it’s also possible that some of the visceral outrage she feels upon hearing the news of rhaenyra’s transgressions is jealousy. so the betrayal is enhanced a hundredfold because rhaenyra lied and because it is rhaenyra.
and some of her reaction can obviously be attributed to the patriarchal standards of westerosi society. alicent is deeply religious in a way few asoiaf characters have been shown to be — she routinely prays in order to feel closer to her mother — and has clearly internalized the tenets of the faith as well as its inane standards for women (namely that premarital sex is forbidden). she’s also been raised to be a perfect southern lady-in-waiting, which only strengthens this attitude. so a good part of her is actually scandalized by rhaenyra “sullying her virtue” — especially when the crown has been working tirelessly to make one arrangement after another to secure rhaenyra a suitable match of her own choosing (that kind of freedom is unheard of at this point).
but, horrified as she may be, alicent is also envious that rhaenyra has these avenues available to her in the first place. she says to ser criston that she can understand how a young woman could get lost in the heat of the moment in such circumstances, but alicent fundamentally cannot understand. she and rhaenyra started off in similar positions, giggling and blushing over handsome knights at tourneys, but rhaenyra gets to live out her girlhood fantasies while alicent is married off to a man old enough to be her father, who calls her to his chambers in the middle of the night while his flesh is literally rotting away. in alicent’s eyes, it must seem that rhaenyra has the option to choose her own husband, her own destiny, and yet she continues to discard her good fortune while still flaunting her acts of rebellion (which are enabled by the king and ultimately cause no harm to her reputation).
the point is that there is a host of factors contributing to alicent’s turning point in 1.05. how anyone can see all this play out and still reduce alicent’s motives to “pettiness” is beyond me.
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Rhaenyra and Feminism
I find it so funny how TG stans go on and on about how Rhaenyra wasn't a "feminist", when they're supporting team male progeniture. Like sure, Rhaenyra wasn't out there reading/writing feminist literature and manifestos against the patriarchy, but who was? Definitely not their beloved Alicent, their rapist king, or their misogynistic kinslayer/war criminal.
Let's do a quick history lesson, shall we? Queen Elizabeth I, the second ruling queen of England and one of the greatest rulers of that country. One of her most famous acts was the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. Does that make her an evil person who is a sign that her father and the other supporters of the patriarchy were right, that a woman isn't fit to rule? Now, we also have no records of Elizabeth interfering with the succession choices of her lords or making laws that women should be treated equal to men. Does this mean her reign was meaningless or even harmful to the feminist movement?
The answer to both these questions is fuck no. Elizabeth simply ruling was a huge step for the feminist movement. She showed that a woman could rule just as well if not better than a man.
Now a greenie could argue that Rhaenyra wasn't a good ruler, to which I answer, she never had a chance to properly rule. Had Rhaenyra ascended undisputed there would have been no need for any of her unpopular decisions (i.e. the heavy tax, Nettles' execution, etc.) Her reign would have set a precedent that a female heir is acceptable and the change would ripple out from there, much like it did with early female rulers in the real world.
As for why Rhaenyra didn't support Baela and Rhaena, that wasn't her decision, it was Corlys'. Corlys had decided that Driftmark would pass through Laenor's line not Laena's and he rejects any of Rhaenys' suggestions to the contrary in the show. Lucerys had been accepted by Laenor, Corlys, and Viserys as Laenor's legitimate heir, so that's the end of it. Corlys even had the chance to name Baela or Rhaena heir after Luke's death, but instead he chose Addam and later Alyn, two bastards who were, supposedly, of Laenor's line. Now, am I saying that I agree with Corly? No, in fact I really don't like him, but who his successor would be is his decision.
For Rhaenyra to step in and force him to change his mind would not only destroy what's left of any goodwill between the Targaryens and Velaryons (which her father put the responsibility of on her by forcing her to marry Laenor) but also would make the lords of Westeros a reason to revolt. Aegon I allowed the lords to exercise almost the same amount of power they did before the Conquest, part of that is the choice over who would succeed them. As for Luke being heir, Rhaenyra never forced Corlys to acknowledge him and affirm him as heir, that was, once again, his choice. He could have chosen to speak out against her and declare the boys bastards, with the support of Rhaenys, which would force Viserys to either remove Rhaenyra as heir or at least remove Luke from the line of succession. Or a much easier move would have been to remove Laenor as heir to Driftmark and give the position to Laena, yet Corly never did either of these things.
Yeah, Rhaenyra chose to embrace the opportunity this gave her, why wouldn't she? That's a political move that strengthens her claim in the face of the Greens' constant undermining and plotting. Literally every ruler in Westeros does shit like that, that's how the world works, if you want to rule, you need to play political games of some kind.
And before any of the greenies try to bring up the time when some lords brought a question of succession before Rhaenyra during the Dance, let me cover that real quick. Rhaenyra was in the middle of a war and knew full well that most of the lords would be willing to turn on her quickly, something she couldn't afford. So yes, she chose to support the male heirs over the lords' daughters, because she knew that was what the lords wanted and she needed their support. Again, had she not been at war, she wouldn't have had to make this choice and we can't know what she would have done.
Now, to conclude this rant: Rhaenyra wasn't a modern or suffrage era feminist, but that doesn't make her an anti-feminist tyrant. She would have been the beginning of a shift in the misogynistic ideals set so steadfastly in Westeros as her reign would set a precedent for future ruling queens. How could she have our ideals of feminism when the roots of them had barely begun to develop? That's an impossible expectation to put on her and the most hypocritical argument anyone could have. TG usurped Rhaenyra because they wanted to further uphold the patriarchy and none of them cared about the women of the realm or even the people. Maybe you should look at your precious team before you try to defame the rightful queen.
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