#Venus in air signs
livinahey · 7 months
📝 astr°O°
Warning : mentioning 🔞 stuff herE
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-not my pic :)
🔗 earth sun/moon LOVES to eat. They turned off by ppl who doesnt seem care to eat
🔗 water moon that have venus & bm lilith in same sign gets soooo many hate & ppl mocking them. ie ive wonyoung (moon in pisces, venus & bm lilith in cancer), ice spice (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in sag), kylie jenner (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in virgo) ; to their fans, pls don't attack me 👣 another example is one minister in the country where i currently live; she has moon in cancer with venus & bm lilith in libra and yeah many do not like her
🔗 asteroid juno (3) in fixed sign are powerful
🔗 prominent pluto (aspecting big 3/multiple aspects to pluto) are not for the weak
🔗 mutable venus are underrated fame indicator!!!! They also make the cool parents 😎
🔗 libra in big 6 women have the best s3xual appeal
🔗 speaking ab the best seggs appeal, in men, its the scorpio in big 6
🔗 i think our saturn sign are what others see ab us that seems not make sense/not good ab the traits of the sign that can even be our downfall. ie gemini saturn can have others do not like ab what they say/the way they talk. You can be seen as not a good person to talk to
🔗 water sun are calculating
🔗 jupiter in angles (1h/4h/7h/10h) give massive/worldwide fame
🔗 aqua stellium have good work ethic
🔗 actor/actress often found have ascendant at air degree. air degrees are 3°/15°/27° (gemini), 7°/19° (libra), 11°/23° (aqu)
🔗 are you really a sagittarius sun if you dont like to go out?
🔗 leo moon often get their privacy invaded. ugh. so easy for them to attract attention and so do gossips... i'm so sorry for you
🔗 yk those with weird/funny pic as their social media pfp? yeah probably theyre a moon in mutable house (3h/6h/9h/12h)
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sayhoneysiren · 8 months
Venus in 11th/Aquarius people, can see the start and the end of a relationship and can see how the relationship will play out in the minds before it even happens.
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If they feel like there is something in the relationship that they desire to experience, then they will be open to a bond. If not, they would rather love from a distance.
They know that sometimes things are better left alone.
They have many imaginary relationships in their minds but the other person will never know.
If they see that their partner needs to grow in a different direction, they will end the relationship. They are the type that may meet up with their lover again after years apart and continue the relationship like nothing ever happened.
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They like to challenge those in authority every now and again.
In love they enjoy being stimulated mentally. They only accept partner who allows them to be 100% themselves. They are turned off by those who inhibit them. They understand that they are different but they don't see this as weird, they see it as genius.
Sex with these people can go anywhere and they can be turned on by anything. They have unique fetishes.
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They are very straightforward in their responses and approaches to things.
Private about certain parts of their lives.
Don't want big displays of affection.
In a relationship they dislike too many expectations and require plenty of space in and outside relationships.
People can never guess what they will do next.
They always keep progressing and learning new things about themselves.
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estrellogy · 10 days
Astro Notes Pt. 4
Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll!
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- Both water and air signs, especially risings here, are good at mirroring others. But they often evoke different responses. Water signs are often projected on because like water, they reflect directly what energy others are giving out. Water deals more with subconscious emotions and energies that others may not even be aware of themselves. Air signs, on the other hand, mimic and adapt. They are social chameleons who know what’s expected from them. That’s why they are often well-liked.
- Scorpio placements, especially sun and rising, if underdeveloped, can pride themselves on their manipulation skills and how good they are at lying. They are extremely emotionally intelligent, observant, and aware of their environment. These are the keys to be a good manipulator. However, when they mature, they’ll use these natural abilities in much more productive ways. They grow to value truth and integrity above all else because they’ve experienced the other side of it.
- Personal experience: I have Moon in 9th house and traveling is so intertwined with my life. Two out of three siblings on my dad’s side (my dad and his sister) work in the airline industry, so they travel all the time as part of their jobs. My mom is a Sagittarius moon and she loves traveling. She would let me skip school sometimes to travel. It’s so interesting to see how astrology is not only reflected in an individual’s chart but is connected through generations.
- Speaking of 9th house. I have a theory that if you want to improve your social skills and charisma, work with your 9th house energy. People usually focus on their 1st, 7th, and 10th house because they are social/relationship houses. Maybe 3rd house since it focuses directly on communication. But 9th house is the house of higher learning, philosophy, and hope. I think we often connect best with others when we discuss about our own life philosophies, our live experiences and lessons, and our hopes and dreams. 9th house represents such an interesting and expansive part of us that’s often overlooked. I think 9th house is where our human spirit is stored.
When you’re deeply connected to this well of positivity, wouldn’t you naturally become charismatic and interesting and fun? That’s why Sagittarius is such a charming sign. Even though it’s not ruled by the beautiful Venus or glamorous Neptune, it radiates light. Work with your 9th house to unlock your own charm. It is that which attracts people.
- Sun sextile Pluto women have a very subtle way of getting people to do what they want. They don’t try to dominate or force, but they play into their natural strengths. For example, if they notice that people respond well whenever they come across as innocent/childlike, they’ll play more into it. They don’t alter their authentic self but more like, they add spice to it. Sun trine Pluto does this more naturally, sometimes without even realizing. But sextile is much more intentional.
They’re usually quite playful and flirty individuals. They gain power without people noticing. Sometimes, they even give up a little bit of power, become intentionally vulnerable, while gaining the upper hand without the other person knowing. They truly understand power = influence, not control. Fascinating people to observe.
- Taurus will take their time. That’s why they’re master seducers. They don’t make their suitors wait simply to play games. They are genuinely picky and know their worth. Like any earth sign, they know the value of time, especially theirs. So they would rather wait to see if the other person is worth it than jump blindly into it and have their time wasted. It also helps that they are so sensual and tempting, which comes from being deeply connected to their physical senses and body. They radiate feminine power. Venus in 2nd house also applies.
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harmoonix · 1 year
🌴 Safari Astro - Notes 🌴
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🌴- Sagittarius and Gemini Placements/Sagittarius/Gemini in big 3 will always be the soul of the party, if there is a party around, they are going to be there. If they are not there the party gets boring (esp Sag Mars likes to party a lot🌠🌠)
-🌴 Sag and Gemini Venus had enough of this stereotype of "cheater/player" they are fun loving and flirty talking but when they are in a serious relationship they are staying loyal and loving their partners very much ❤️
-🌴 Air and Water Moons enjoy raining/watching raining so much, i observed this not long time ago they are actually happy because of the rain can bring them memories and feelings from the past❤️
- 🌴Taurus/earth placements and fire placements are always hungry... for some reason they always think at food and how delicious some dishes look like, omg i feel those natives are watching food videos on YouTube to make them hungry/hungrier..If you friend/friends has/have these placements pls just bring them to McDonald's 😭❤️
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🌴- Moon in the 6th & 8th house and 12th house can also indicate that the mother had some intense problems/struggles during pregnancy or while giving birth. The birth could be painful/struggling while giving birth😵
🌴- Chiron in the 1st/10th houses or Chiron in Capricorn 🤝🏼 Insecurities about their appearance and body image, they could've be a lot judged because of their appearance but please don't mind these evil people who try to judge on the way you look. You are stunning no matter what you wear and what body shape you have 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
- 🌴Mercury - Ascendant aspects are looking very youthful and young even if they are older in age, this is like the fountain of youth aspects. It can be hard to guess their age because they tend to looks younger than they are ( Apllying to Virgo and Gemini Risings)
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-🌴 Cancer Placements are getting very possessive especially in the friendships relationships and those are the type to be getting mad when their bestie is hanging out with another people 😭🫶🏼
-🌴 Never judge Scorpio and Pisces placements for being clingy because that's their love sign and nature to be clingy and attached to you because they literally wanna give you the world and show how much you mean to them 🌸
- 🌴Venus in Fire Signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo) love being freaky 24/7 their mind is always thinking at something crazy to do and to try to experience new things 👀
- 🌴Cancer/Libra Placements (especially in big 3 ) can be the literally most adorable people because of their pure nature and childish personality, they are the kids who never wanted to grow up kinda like Peter Pan vibes
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-🌴 Venus/Neptune/Moon 7th house people 🤝🏼 ignoring the red flags in a relationship and creating fake scenarios about their relationships in their head is likely going to happen 😭
- 🌴Mars in the 1st/10th/11th houses or conjuncting the Midheaven will make people see you as a very competitive person and as a competition. People will try to compete with you because they kinda feel threatened by your pressence
- 🌴Try to fight with an 9th houser Mars about religion and beliefs and you will fail because they have such strong opinions and is very hard to change their mind when it comes about certain subjects 🫶🏼
- 🌴Having Pluto in the 1st/8th/10th/11th houses makes people to be obsessed with you and obsessed in like a bad way because is about ✨ Jealousy ✨ they are jealous babe ...jealous on you, but honey don't worry all you have to do is to not care about these people. Be confident and show them ✨I don't care✨ treatment
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- 🌴Virgo Moons and Virgo placements usually struggle with anxiety a lot, they worry a lot what people think about them and they can lack a bit of confidence sometimes because of their anxiety. Please don't let other people's opinions to change you because you are unique in your own way, you don't need to be what other people want you to be. You need to be yourself and to give yourself the highest level of love possible ✨🫶🏼
- 🌴Ascendant at 6°, 18° degrees is something very controversial here i see people saying that is "bad"to have it, and my response is ✨No✨ is not bad to have it, these degrees are found in the charts of most iconic people who lived on earth. Princess Diana had her Asc at 18° and she was highly attractive as a Virgo very educated very determinated about her wishes. She never let someone to put her down and she is one of the most iconic people who ever lived on earth. 👑🫰🏼✨
- 🌴Ascendant at 6°, 18° degrees can show some struggles with the mental health indeed but that doesn't mean these people are mentally ill as some people might say on this app. They can struggle with depressive episodes sometimes or even stress/overthinking/panic attacks 🤍🙏🏼. They tend to focus on their health very much and these natives loves to stay healthy
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- 🌴Ascendant at 10°, 22° degrees makes a person very determined about their dreams and someone serious about it, a very loyal friend/partner and someone with with a model body because babe these are the Capricorn Degrees..Now how many Capricorn Risings are in the modeling industry? That's right 28939393939393939393 Capricorn Risings in the modeling industry. These degrees make you to work hard for your dreams in order to achieve what you want and at the end to reach the success.
-🌴 Ascendant at 7°, 19° degrees makes someone to be very fashionable/art/beauty oriented, these are the Libra Degrees and they can have a certain aesthetic of fashion, they can have many talents related to art and music and tend to be very gifted when it comes to such things 🎨💃
- 🌴Ascendant at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees makes the person to be very confident and powerful, they are very competitive natives. They are very 💃 attractive due to their fiery personality and can be very expressive when they talk or when they communicate. The worst thing you can do is to make them angry 😭 they will explode if something like that happens
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I should post something before the eclipse that will happen tomorrow so here we go 🌼❤️🌼
Is already Thursday 😭 like i feel is Monday 😭 times goes too fast this year, idk what is going on to be honest it feels like the planet is in superspeed for us to get older and older 👁️👄👁️
Because summer is coming soon i wanted this post to have a summer vibe-ish, hope you are all good and safe with the people you love & enjoying life at fullest 💖💖💖
I wish you all many many many blessings and happy things during these months because there are coming rough times aswell 💖💖💖💖
Harmoonix 💋
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11hedonistic · 1 year
(contains minor 18+ content)
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anyone else noticed that a lot of actors/actresses who play “weird” roles have prominent aquarius placements ?
for example:
- mia kirshner (not another teen movie)
- will poulter (we’re the millers)
- anthony anderson (scary movie 3)
every time i meet a person who has scorpio and leo in their big three, the leo side ALWAYS outshines the scorpio side lmaoo
all of my taurus friends lovee getting high 🍃
people with scorpio mercury can quite literally cut you with their words. they don’t even realize it most of the time until they notice others reactions
women w prominent cancer placements could love getting their breasts fondled or nipples sucked
mercury dom people/gemini mars people who have some water in their chart are into being talked through their orgasms with some intense eye contact thrown in there. possibly some choking depending on house placements/degrees ofc
a lot of people don’t notice it but alot of leos/leo placements pretend to be confident to hide their insecurities. i’ll use an example:
random person: “my favorite zodiac signs are taurus, libras and aquarius :)”
other zodiacs signs: *cutely nodding and going about their day*
leo placements: “well they OBVIOUSLY didn’t say leo because leos already get more than enough love.. and we’re already favored by everyone because we’re just so perfect 🤭.. soo yea”
lmao don’t kill me leos this is just what i notice
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geminis hold the crown for being the queens/kings of ghosting people
i have never seen an ugly libra stellium person.
mars in 4th people get off on emotional sex/sex filled w a couple of tears falling
venus 1st house people could easily go viral for their beauty
it could be a while until venus 7h people find their ideal partner. (because of how picky we are in choosing our partners lol)
air signs are so good at manipulating its actually crazy
capricorn women give me vm boss energy
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hirmienworld · 8 months
November 2023 BL'S lineup
Last update: 07/11/23
November 2023 looks packed with new BLs, seriously, it's like they all agreed to air around the same time. There will be a lot of competition.
Twins - November 3 - TRAILER
2. Middleman's Love - November 10 - TRAILER
3. Last Twilight - November 10 - TRAILER
4. A Breeze of Love - November 10 - TRAILER (region locked)
5. Beyond the Star - November 11 - TRAILER
6. Playboyy - November 16 - TRAILER
7. Pit Babe - November 17 - TRAILER
8. Bake me Please - November 19 - TRAILER
9. 7 Days before Valentine - November 22 - TRAILER
10. VIP Only - November 24 - TEASER
11. The Sign - November 25 - TEASER
12. Cooking Crush - November 26 - TRAILER
13. The Whisperer - November 26 - TRAILER
14. For Him - November 30 - PILOT
15. Sahara-sensei & Tori-kun - November 30 -
Ending in November:
If it's with you - November 1
I Feel You Linger In The Air - November 3
Dangerous Romance - November 3
Venus in the Sky - November 4
I Cannot Reach You - November 6
Kiseki: dear to me - November 7
You Are Mine - November 10
One Room Angel - November 30
Scheduled for November but without a date:
Night Dream - TEASER
Boyy of God - TEASER
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #6
• Scorpio suns with Capricorn moons are very calculating and when jealous it can show pretty visibly.
• Cancer suns with Virgo risings are so chill!! Literally the type to give you some real advice and listen to your rants.
• Libra suns with Capricorn moons are charming and very friendly but also very reserved about their personal lives.
• Libra suns with Taurus moons are very much foodies and tend to have sweet/smooth & soft voices.
• Pisces suns with Gemini moons are really sweet and charming. Also very intelligent.
• Aries suns with Cancer moons literally must be protected at all costs!!
• Virgo suns with Virgo moons are so nice and down to earth. Also very analytical and you’ll often find them zoned out with this worried look on their face as they bite their lip or their nails.
• Sagittarius suns with Aquarius moons are my kind of people lol. Love love love traveling and are almost always away from home. They’re also sweet and understanding! And if they have a Sag mercury? Very hilarious and bold!!
• Taurus suns with Leo moons/Gemini venuses are definitely the class clowns!
• Scorpios suns with Libra moons give off very fast mentally vibes and constantly worrying about attractive people not likening them, especially if they have a Sag venus.
• Scorpio mars people are CHILLLL. But you don’t wanna see them mad or be on their bad side.
• Gemini placements tend to overthink everything before things even happen. Especially Gemini risings, no wonder they’re always nervous.
• Aquarius moons tend to have a squared jaw which oftentimes makes their faces look more rounder.
• Leo suns with Leo moons tend to have sharp jawlines!!
• Pisces suns with Aries mercuries are menaces! Lmaooo😂.
• Virgo suns with Virgo mercuries have a sexy logical way of thinking and speaking!!
• Virgo suns with Libra mercuries are more about what sounds fair.
• Virgo suns with Leo mercuries are wilddd.💀 I have mistaken them for Pisces suns with Aries mercuries at times.
• Taurus suns with Sagittarius moons have an obsession with video games I swear.
• Taurus sun & Earth moon parent-Scorpio sun & Earth moon child dynamics tends to be horrible! The Taurus sun-Earth moon parent will literally hold a 30+ year grudge against the Scorpio sun-Earth moon child and might belittle them or remind them of their failures often. They might also single them out or the Taurus sun-Earth moon parent might’ve always played favourites.
• Leo sun-Aqua moon & Cap sun-Gemini moon duos tend to joke a lot and laugh a lot together, even make fun of people in their faces lmao. Literally the type to be waving big jugs of water around, throwing water at each other in the middle of the street while laughing their asses off and walking bare footed. They might also argue at times or think one betrayed the other but besides that they’re very loyal to each other.🤞🏽
• Libra suns can be very caring and also give great advice.
• Aquarius sun people might be a little dry especially when you first meet them and throughout the friendship there may be a little awkwardness in the air but they’re very funny and very original!
• Virgo sun men with Aries risings why are you so fine?😩
• Water suns with Earth mars why are you so intuitively and physically sexy? 😻
• Gemini suns with Leo moons and Aries mars so hot!!🥵
• Fire venuses are sooo attractive!!
• Tbh I love Cap venuses because they’re not “gold diggers” they choose to slowly build a connection with someone instead of just jumping straight into a relationship. And they also wanna insure stability into their relationships—and there’s nothing wrong with that!
• Scorpio venuses tend to get attached easily! I love that placement!! Same with Scorpio mars!
• Taurus mars are literally so attractive!!!
• Sag mars are so fun!!
• Air in big 3 have a thing for saying ‘I’ll be there inna minute.” And “Okay I’ll do it inna minute”.🧐
• Aries risings, Sag risings, Cap risings and Gemini risings are fineee!!🤤
• Virgo risings might not show their smarts outwardly but they’re very smart people!
• Aquarius placements take the cake for being the most eccentric but why aren’t people talking about Gemini and Libra placements being eccentric too? Especially the moons! I see a lot of people with Libra moons especially, express themselves through art even down to the clothes their wear and their hair colors. And Gemini placements? Also tend to be eccentric and futuristic. Especially if there’s a mix of water in the charts.
• Libra suns/risings/moons can be so petty mostly when underdeveloped.
• Gemini suns/risings/moons can be the worst gossips if underdeveloped.
• Sagittarius suns with Libra moons and Sagittarius mercuries/venuses literally have my heart. <3
• Underdeveloped Cancer risings can be very emotionally manipulative. And if they have a Cancer Venus even worse!
• More matured Cancer risings are literally so nurturing, loving and very thoughtful.<3
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amoonsong · 1 year
astro notes 🎀 .
please don’t steal 💗. —
Theory * if your Venus persona chart’s rising is the sign of any of your air houses natally, you might attract them a lot.
Ex: I have a Capricorn 11th house natally and in my VPC, I have a Capricorn rising. Deadass, the majority (and when I say the majority I mean the majority) of my friends have Capricorn Venuses. Whether they’re a Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius, sag, or Pisces sun, the majority of them have it. I don’t know if this is exclusive to that specific placement, I.E. vpc so cap Venus but that’s just a little observation I’ve made.
Trust, a Uranus 1st house or conj the asc is going to be controversial and they do it on purpose. I also find that if Uranus is in a water sign and fire sign they are super serious about that Uranian expression because they feel it more personally and/or emotionally and Uranus is reactive by nature so they end up being very disruptive. Uranus 1st house natives are so authentic because they are so willing to change and after a while, it just feels so liberating and they honestly just end up not giving a fuck lol. They also tend to be really bold too no matter the mars sign because again, they end up not giving a fuck.
Uranus 1h or conjunct the asc, Uranus-inner planets may not know how to live in the moment since they’re literally the future lol. Also, since they’re so spontaneous, fast, and have then Uranian traits, they always want more and end up losing the moment searching for another.
Mini cancer mars rant:
I feel like people highly underestimate cancer mars natives. Yes, they’re passive-aggressive but they’re still very, very aggressive. theyre only passive becaause they like keeping the peace and theyre really sweet people but when you push them to that point where they cant be sweet anymore, they’re just plain rude and aggressive and will curse you out or beat you up or something. It is definitely intimidating and overwhelming because they’re incessant and will not stop pressing you until they’re satisfied. They really see red and they won’t calm down until they feel protected or content so, if they’ve been bottling something in like they usually do, it’s gonna take some time to get it all out. Also, their feelings tend to play out in their mood so eventually, it gets really hard for them to repress their feelings when it’s practically written all over their faces and they also latch onto their feelings and feel them for so long. All in all, it’s very evident they’re the fall of mars LMAO and that incompetence normally causes them to act out of character. They act emotionally people!!!
air mars people are really annoying imo, Gemini mars are erratic and cannot stfu not to mention they’re all bark and no bite, like… Aquarius mars tend to be really indifferent which is weird because I find them to be the most humanitarian out of all aqua placements besides asc. libra mars r just annoying istg they are literally them, “where my hug at,” ass bitches. They’ll be bold when flirting but pussy when they gotta actually express anger, now they wanna play the blame game and play the victim like… (yall aren’t actually annoying I love you guys, especially libra mars 😋🤭😏)
A lot of Leo moons tend to be weirdos which are actually so cute to me considering the stigmas behind Leos and the way they’re portrayed.
Leo as the moon literally sucks because its ruling planet is the sun and it illuminates your emotions but Id say gemini moons are on this same boat because Gemini moons HAS to talk about their feelings and whatever is on their mind.. they’re so open which is cute but its also their detriment if you ask me. Hugeeee gossipers too.
them gemini placements know how to do hair like nobody business.
7th house ruler in the 2nd house might need a partner that has similar morals to them and with good self-esteems. I feel like this is strengthened too since this is a taurus house and taurus is so hard headed like if someones valueles aren’t compatible with yours you won’t have a significant bond whatsoever. I guess its because the second house is in the first quadrant of the awareness of self but when your 7h ruler is in one of these houses (1-3) its important to know yourself because in relationships you need to get partnets that are similar to you, your beliefs, and/or expression. if you go against that youll end up too focused on the other and their awarenesses and you often start to forget about your self.
i feel like aries second house people can either have that ‘who cares’ mentality about their morals, possessions, skills, money, etc, or they can be super hard-headed, strict, dominant, and domineering about these topics. often times than not though, this person will need to develop a very arian sense of self and self esteem. solid, unapologetic, free…
Your mercury sign is so important because its literally your brain and thoughts, it can be the way you react, express, talk, think, go about life, like your body needs your brain to function and the sign your mercury is in can explain a lot! No matter if youre a taurus sun, cancer moon, taurus rising, if you have an Aries Mercury, that Aries mercury will make that individuals mind so fast paced which could maybe make them pace to alleviate the storm thats occurring up there. They’ll be sooo much more outspoken and bold, they will rarely think twice or it would be hard to because they’re so used to seeing and reacting on the spot.
Venus in the first house can give you beauty but I feel like often times than not, venus will bring symmetry to your face literally or like your features fit your face perfectly. also, I feel that venus 1h house individuals are so beautiful because they take care of themselves and their appearence.
if you wanna call cancer and pisces mars passive aggressive and wimpy or wtv, go head and add scorpio mars with them too. scorpios mars’ are so sneaky and secretive until they can’t be anymore and when they get caught red-handed or called out they wanna act like the big bad wolf…🐱
the fourth house isnt the most private house, the 12h is. the fourth house open up to whom you’re comfortable with, who knows you for you so friends, family, and yourself. its how you can act when youre alone. the 8th house opens up to whom youre intimate with, so youre lover.. and the 12 house is the most private because you cant access this house unless you’re actively trying to, it’s a spiritual house so when you become more spiritual, you embody that energy more but still, no one sees it until you can grasp that energy and choose to embody it.
taurus’ suns usually have really good egos and they’re have really good standards lolz. unless poorly aspected, that’s an entirely different story.
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Air moons/Venus/11th house: will get with a person that no one in society understands, all your friends could think he’s/she weird or “not your type” but little do they know, the people who no one can read are they’re absolute favorite.
It’s a human puzzle piece for these placements to figure out! That shy loner, the weirdo no one talks to. That’s who they feel most comfortable with.
People with this placement might get a lot of questions about they’re love interest they have or get some interesting looks (good and bad). The relationship/situationsip is kinda in the limelight including if you make it public on social media, you will have people stalking your relationship no matter how hard you try to make it private.
Watch out for the lurkers…
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astrochaosmind · 8 months
observations on each venus sign coming from a taurus venus🫧🫀.
aries venus: for me I feel like they’d be too much too keep up with honestly lol but I would love having someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind and say something when they need to. I also would love how adventurous and fun they are because even tho I am an earth venus I cannot stand being in a boring/dry relationship (that’s my 9h venus speaking also)
taurus venus: I feel like we’d really vibe or get along of some sort but also many hiccups considering the fact we’re both earth signs and want things our own way but besides that I feel like the loyalty would be matched depending on the house and aspects they tbh but definitely the person I would love too go shopping with and restaurants to just have fun
gemini venus: ok Ik this placement is very controversial too some but I think they would be the best partners/people too have in my circle realistically I would love someone who is constantly down to do anything, flirty , funny asf and very communicative about Ik and any topic. I would definitely not get bored being around them I just love gemini venus in my life because Ik we would never be bored/dry and me being easily bored and always wanting stuff to do/talk about gemini is my first choice<33OH AND PLUS VERY VERY OBSERVANT AND THOUGHTFUL.
cancer venus: they’d be the type too get easily jealous but passive aggressive, I feel like we would kind of get along but I’m 100% we would at the same time especially with cancer being ruled by the moon and a water sign my scorpio moon would love someone like that like just the deep conversations and understanding of eachother would be immaculate. But also someone who reciprocates the energy for me like I do for them yess plsss gimme them!!!! I don’t know many cancer Venuses personally but this is just my general observation.
leo venus: I’ve seen and been around a very few leo Venuses and they are loyal to the core , I think we would get along great but have some hiccups because with leo being all about them and what they need or what I could never settle down with them but I feel like the love and affection would be matched for the most part.
virgo venus: don’t know abt virgo Venuses that much either but from observation I feel like they’d be pratical and helpful in any situation especially when I need advice about people or something I just know they’d provide me with all their observations and information about the person in question. As for a dating type I feel like idk we’d get along but have some hiccups especially since they would be all about routine and perfection but my aquarius 6th just wouldn’t vibe with that , like I said I would have to observe the person first tho.
libra venus: I would say we’d be good friends all about aesthetics , communication and quality time is just my love language as well. But the indecision I mean I’m indecisive asf my self so I can’t say too much because that would talking about myself loll I’ve observed libra venus and they seem like very passive aggressive people when in love unless they really bond/vibe with you.
scorpio venus: my sister sign lmaoo I would say no not really because of the possessiveness and obsession I could not stand someone asking a ton of unnecessary questions and being a weird person when I want to talk or hangout with someone else. But I love the loyalty they would bring to the table and just turn bring thoughtful , deep and meaningful conversations/gestures they would do simply because they are genuine and care.
sagittarius venus: ok I same thing for I said for gemini venus just having someone to go on adventures with and explore it just sounds like 😀🤌. Plus I love when people are positive and optimistic so definitely the people I would love to have reminding me too never give up and too keep going , I feel like the reason why I think we’d be a good match is because I’m a 9H venus myself so that could be very biased but at the same time awesome. Along with us learning foreign languages and talking about our beliefs/opinions without being judged means a lot to me yea we’d have our disagreements but other than that the love and passion would be mutual.
capricorn venus: pragmatic and mature people>> I would love to have someone who is mature in love and knows how to love , or know what it means to be in committed relationship!! Along with knowing their boundaries and where they stand is a huge green flag for me. Along with being ambitious and goal-oriented I AM ALL ABOUT HAVING GOALS AND AMBITIONS so people who know what to do in the future and has a plan they have all my love and support and Ik they’d support my goals and ambitions as well.
aquarius venus: hmm very interesting and intelligent people are the best I would definitely love for them too tell me random shit they know or some shit that they know especially if it’s something that only they know about. I feel like they could tell me anything weird/awkward and I would listen for HOURSS but also people who are concerned for other people’s wellbeing and how to help the community is something that would grab my attention so fast along with them being very futuristic , eccentric I think my weirdness wouldn’t be judged at all.
pisces venus: the type of people that I could go to a art or music festival with and someone who is just really and deeply in-tune with their emotions. I really love people who are passionate and are willing to share/express their emotions without shame or feeling like they’d be judged.
(This is just based off of opinions and observations so don’t take anything personal)
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kubrickscube · 1 year
Short stuff about the stars and some shit
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You know the drill.
➼ Just starting out on Astrology? Here's a cheat sheet:
Angular Houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are related to the "Self". I relate this to the foundations of one's self. Succedent Houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) are related to the "Material". I relate this to the desires of a person. Cadent Houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) are related to "Knowledge". Oddly, I relate this to travel.
➼ This is one of the reasons why I don't travel long-distance whenever Mars goes through any Mutable houses. If there is no other choice, I do my best to be careful.
The last time that Mars entered my 12th House, I got mugged. LMAO.
➼ I know (I think) I've talked a lot about Mercury-Uranus people but they're just so complex. Their mouths have no breaks but they're the most understanding.
➼ It's wild that Christopher Lee has Jupiter conjunct Saturn (8 degrees but hey, it's still something) in his birth chart. Not that I have further input on this, it's just.. wild. It makes sense.
➼ I knew Giancarlo Esposito is a Moon in Leo native the first time I saw him on Breaking Bad. No one can tell me that all Leo moons don't have that faux eyeliner on top. That, or they have short but thick eyelashes.
➼ I never realized this, but Taurus placements really have beautiful necks. Lately, uh, I find myself staring at Gregory Peck and Vincent Price's necks for no reason.
➼ Aries + Aquarius combination in a Natal chart is The Weeknd's album personified. Whatever album it is that you're thinking of, it'll probably fit. Angsty sad bois/gworls.
➼ Traditional method is recommended here. If you know someone whose Ascendant is two signs away from yours, chances are they'll be your ride or die. That's because your own ascendant will fall on their 11th house, and their 1st house will fall on your 3rd house. This is the "sharing the same single brain cell" synastry.
➼ Venus in an Air sign is unhinged when they find someone attractive. Shameless, even. There is something with the way they discuss the person they're interested in that cracks me up.
That's it. I'll go back to the aether now. Thanks for reading!
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Photo by rose-of-pollux
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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We have dived deep into our two youthful planets Venus and Mars. These two are the daughter and son of our masculine Sun and feminine Moon. But what about Mercury? Where does Mercury belong and to whom does Mercury belong? For some reason I see Mercury as being the same matter which are Venus and Mars made of, but with an interesting twist.
▫️Firstly Mercury is a neutral planet, being neither masculine nor feminine. Secondly Mercury is the only planet in SECT which is neither a benefic nor malefic, so it does not bring good or evil into one's chart. Mercury just exists and by doing so stands out from the other planets that are in close range to the Sun.
In my perspective I imagine this invisible veil between the juvenile and elder planets. The juvenile planets include: Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon. These planets are the Sun's family and in this family of 5 we can clearly see how different, but also familiar they all are. All of their energies blend so effortlessly together, learning from one another and becoming great. Together with the ascendant they make up the so called "Big Six" in astrology. Meaning these placements are more personal than the others mentioned.
▫️Mercury is the first planet in our solar system, the burning planet which represents our communication style. Meaning it shows in which ways we get our words across and how we write them out. It is the planet always in search of new possibilities and opinions. A highly intellectual planet helping us reach our potentional to think quickly and rationalize. Mercurial energy can be divided into two signs: one being mutable air- Gemini, and the other being mutable earth-Virgo. These signs are both the homeowners of Mercury. Mercury has chosen them as residents because of their hunger for  new skills and their adaptability to unfamiliar situations and people. They are the listens, talkers, explorers of new information and one's who rely more on their head, than their heart. So both can seem cold or aloof to emotions. I think of these two sister signs as the scientists of the zodiac, always absorbing new information, reading about it, trying their hardest to solve it and enjoying the process. Mutable signs signify the end to an old season, Gemini ends spring and Virgo ends summer. Both of them hold energy of change, with change folllows flexibility. They are the signs which we can say "perfect" everything the cardinals and fixed signs have already done. By doing so they need patience for brainstorming, productivity and finding solutions. But not everything is perfect for these sisters, they can take on too many projects and become overwhelmed very soon with their decisions. But nevertheless, Gemini and Virgo are very detail oriented and restless individuals. But what are the differences between these signs?
▫️Gemini is the first sign of the air signs, which automatically means they are the child of the air bunch. They are indeed witty and open, charismatic and friendly, playful and chatty. They really inbody Mercury at it's finest. They love meeting new people and being in the center of the crowd chatting away their passions and interests. They adore making others laugh as well, they are known to be the class clown or the popular kid. Everybody loves a true Gemini, they constantly bring this wave of freshness to the table. Not very shy by nature and a master at blending in with the crowd. Gemini's flaws are one's related to not having enough patience to finish things. They get carried away with going out, searching new things, shopping, listening to music, reading books, meeting new people and a thousand other hobbies and practices. Because of this they can be a little bit unreliable and impulsive. On the other hand, I've never met a true Gemini (meaning not a lot of earth/water) who is secretive, sorry Gemini but I wouldn't want to disclose a lot of personal things with you being a secretive Capricorn myself! They don't do it out of spite, to be fair. They kind of just forget that information is very important and keep talking away. They can be a little naive and clueless in their forming years with what to say and what not to say! They are an amazing teammate or class partner to have around as well, showing new strategies of both ends. Gemini's are also excellent writers and journalists, with their sharp thoughts and unconeventable style they know how to get an audience hooked on their work. In love they are up for new adventures and crave constatnt intellectual dialogs, without them Gemini's are prone to get bored quickly and find a better and more intersteing mate! So if you can't keep a Gemini, you need somebody more mellow and down to earth...maybe a Virgo?
▫️Virgos in my experience get a bad reputation most of the time. Yes, they like things to be their way, but that's just an earth sign thing. Yes they are very organized and dislike people in their private space and yes they are perfectionists because of this they can become very self conscious of their own work. But not all is bad for this earthly Mercurial goddess. Being an earth sign always means more caution with socializing. Virogo's are much more reserved than their sister Gemini, I mean at the end of the day they are the older sister and with age comes wisdom. They are very pracital and bland, but not bland in a bad way just casual with their demenoir. They seek peace within themselves and a lot of space to create what they adore. If you ever need a power point presentation, essay, schedule befriend a Virgo. If you're prone to messiness and rearranging things, than don't even try befriending a Virgo they will curse the hell out of you. I think the thing I love about Virgo's the most is their loyalty and honesty, it can come across bitchy to some sensitive individuals, but I'm all about being upfront. They are also known to not really commit in a traditional sense, they kinda just move in, put their nicest cup in your cupboard and clean your house and than poof all of a sudden they are living with you. They aren't very vocal in their love language, more of an acts of service type of sign. They adore stability and routine in the relationship, soft chatty nights with a glass of vine and working together to make everything fall in it's place.
◻So the main differences are clearly in the socializing and optimism department. Think of Gemini as golden retriever energy and Virgo as black cat energy. They are opposite in a sense, but at the end of the day are amazing communicators, ambitious hobbyists and intellectual beings.
▫️Gemini is the owner of the 3rd house, also known as the house house of the mind. It encompasses anything that has to do with writing, speaking, communicating, editing, speaking, reading, researching and learning. It also represents our siblings and close neighbour's. So if you by any chance have a planet in the 3rd house it can indicate how you interact with one's close to you. For example if you have the Moon on this house, it means you come off as very emotional to your siblings, relatives or neighbour's. But it also depends in which sign, so if you're Caprricorn Moon is in the 3rd house, you are very distant to those around you, you keep to yourself and like to be the leader of the pack. Very polite in most accasions, straight forward, not very emotional to strangers but very protective over your siblings and relatives. The 3rd house can also show us our dreams, so if you have Neptune in this house it amplifies it! This house is also about development in our childhood, as known you learn from your family, siblings an/or relatives. Sometimes from neighbour's too. They fill our days and make structure in our life. School is also a crucial part of growing up, seeking more knowledge and getting to know oneself around a bunch of kids around us.
▫️ On the other hand, big sister Virgo has the keys to the 6th house. It is firstly the house of health and wellness, exercise and dieting. With this house we can pin point how individuals like to work out, this can mean yoga, pilates, the gym, sports, cardio etc. It also can indicate problems with our health, where it can decline, the more sensitive parts of our body's. For example if chiron is in this house it can mean a lot of health issues with the natives, by doing so this person will fill their life with a lot a information about taking care of their body and by doing so exchange this information with others to help them get/feel better. Other than your health, this house is also the house of daily routines. When and how you organize your day, is sticking to a routine easy or hard for you? Your day-to day job, duties, how we better ourselves and be of service to others. It is also the last personal house, so here we purge our self centered attitude before stepping in the house of partnership (7th house). After the 6th house our lives turn over to others, comprise, transitions, transformation...etc This is also where you find the answers to healing oneself, bettering your life and getting a deeper understanding of your surroundings. If you have planets in the 6th house you better find a way to work with them or you'll be prone to shitty days often.
Let's get into some of mine obersvations with mercurial energy shall we?
▫️Virgo Sun women are so so in love with their partner, but show it in such a cute manner. Not a lot of pda (only if you have prominent fire placements or a fiery Venus). They show their affection in tiny touches on their partner of spouse. They also love to make the bed, put on the show, bring the snacks and make a perfect evening. Their favorite type of unwinding is for sure a book, ambient light and some sweet tea. They also love to discuss what they have been reading lately or the show they've dug into.
▫️Virgo Moons can be very complicated (I see this with all the earth moons, even though Taurus Moon in my perspective is the easiest to have). They have a hard time finding the words how to explain their feelings, which they are not keen to talk about in the first place. But when they do, they can explain their pattern of behavior, but not really emotionally deep. They crave a modest, realistic and honest person by their side. They can also have a bit of ocd. I've met a few Virgo Moons who's mom/dad always forced things to be perfect at home. They can be prone to overanylizing their emotions and coming off distant most of the time.
▫️Mercury in the 6th house can be very nervous and on edge a lot of the time. Even though this is the house whereMercury is at home, these people don't let anything slip threw the cracks. They are amazing in theoretical writing and finding everything they need to write about in a matter of minutes. Amazing with describing things to others. Can be outstanding teachers.
▫️Gemini moons have a humorous take when explaing their emotions. They're the one's to say something sad and than turn it into a joke. They are also prone to becoming chaotic by not understanding how/when to react. They are great sharers of emotions and events, but not the best listeners. Communication, being via phone call or text is their love language, so reply to a Gemini Moon fast.
▫️Mercury in the 3rd house is the "it" placement for a writer, but I think I don't even have to say that...they already know this!
▫️Mercury in the 7th house is an amazing planet to govern this house. It keeps the partnership fresh, simple, full of optimism, great conversation and is never dull. It also helps in work partnerships, since things will be easier to plan together threw good communication.
▫️Mercury in the 9th house can mean you have a talent for learning/speaking other languages!
▫️Gemini Sun's have a good taste in music and they know all about the band/artist, of course. They have to know all about it! I've also met a got of Gemini's who listen to metal, being heavy, death or trash metal. I have no idea if this is a coincidence or not.
▫️I love how cool Gemini risings look like. They always have some fun accessory to show off!
▫️A Virgo stellium can mean you are very prone to isolate until you get your shit together. Their house also looks and feels expensive and sterile. They are the one's to go jogging in 5am, have their smoothies by 6 and than work, have an amazing self care routine and fall asleep on their silk pillows.
▫️Gemini Venuses are very experimental in the bedroom, they do love their partners to be a little bit older and enjoy playing with toys! Also they are very vocal in the bedroom.
▫️Virgo Venuses on the other hand can have a hard time. Since Venus is in detriment/fall in this sign it can be tricky. Virgo Venus individuals need someone steady and secure, someone that will really love them for who they are and make them feel safe. Virgo can be very sensitive so go hug and kiss your Virgo Venus babes, they need it. Don't expect a I love you back from them though, but they will show a lot of love threw their actions rather than words. They do like some ambient light and smooth music to get in the mood.
▫️Gemini Mercury's are really good at dirty talk, go try it out!
▫️Mercury in Sagittarius can be tricky when younger. Every archer is bad in the beginning so they need a lot of practice, in this cause it's with words. Sag Mercuries can have an outburst of words when annoyed, they can say things they don't want to say and not think things threw. They can come off very sarcastic aswell, but they are extremely witty and funny I have to say that.
Xoxo Numa
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sayhoneysiren · 8 months
Venus in 3rd/Gemini people, attract people who they can have fun with, joke with and have stimulating conversations with. Their kindness can be easily seen as flirting and others can get attached to them. They turn to heartbreakers (not purposefully) when they sense to much expectations and rather ghost people than face the odds.
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They are not overly emotional and can be unpredictable.
Their energy is like a drug to other people who want to tie them down, have them for themselves and control them.
Venus in Gemini never settles for this though. They hate being dragged down.
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Can be quite popular.
Attracted to people who bring out new sides of them and expose/expand them more (Especially knowledge wise).
They enjoy mind games, seduction and partners they have to figure out.
They are constantly looking for more to experience, so it may be a while until they settle for one person.
They connect and relate easily with anyone.
They show different sides to each of their friends/lovers.
Venus in Gemini are androgynous in appearance and can be open to both genders. They flirt with their friends too.
These people can play devils advocate too well or play dumb when they want to escape a conversation.
They are creative, fashionistas and open minded. They see the good and bad in people easily.
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They value verbal communication and their love language may be words of affirmation.
In the bedroom they are animated and outspoken.
They enjoy keeping intimacy lighthearted and fun.
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botanicalsword · 1 year
Shadow side - Astro combo observations
☽☾ Each astrological placement has both advantageous and disadvantageous qualities. It can be valuable to examine the less desirable aspects of these placements to achieve personal growth and self-awareness.
Photo credit : @le.sinex
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Fire + Water ♡
Fear of judgement / rejection
They may be sensitive, in tune with their emotions and others', and guard their personal information to protect themselves. When they trust someone, they may share more. They may hesitate to disclose information that doesn't benefit them or could harm them. Respect their boundaries and don't pressure them to share more than they're comfortable with. Trust takes time to build, so give them space to feel comfortable.
Air + Water ♡
They like to introduce friends to their friends but if their friends are getting alone more than them, they will be sensitive and jealous - almost paranoid about your conversations about them
Some people enjoy introducing their friends to each other, but may become insecure and jealous if they feel left out. This can cause them to overreact to conversations their friends have about them.
They may worry about friends preferring each other, leading to feelings of isolation or exclusion.
Water dominant ♡
They tend to overthink social situations, especially when it comes to interpersonal interactions. They are very aware of how their words and actions can affect others and may be hesitant to express themselves too directly for fear of causing offense.
They value positive relationships but fear conflict. They may worry that being too direct or forceful will damage the relationship.
That's why many people tend to ghost a relationship or avoid confronting their partner.
Struggle to balance our concern for others with honesty and authenticity in our interactions.
Many of them suffer from mental issues, frustration, and resentment.
Earth + Air ♡
They may have a set of personal standards or values that they use to guide their behavior and decision-making. However, these standards may be difficult for others to understand or interpret, as they may be vague or unclear.
They have a strong competitive streak and enjoy engaging in debates and arguments. They may be driven by a desire to win and to prove their point, and may become energized by the challenge of competing with others.
They sometimes may have difficulty respecting privacy and confidentiality. Although they may be good listeners and supportive, they may also share information or gossip without permission. They may have a tendency to express one opinion to someone's face, while speaking negatively about that person behind their back.
Air + Fixed sign/ Earth ♡
People who show this behavior wait until the last minute to respond to social invitations and may not want to let others know if they're coming. This may be because they want to keep control of their own schedule instead of feeling like they have are obliged to be always available to others.
They prefer to keep their options open and avoid committing to plans too far in advance.
They tend to be secretive or uncommunicative.
Fire + Air ♡
They may strongly express their own opinions and beliefs, but struggle with their emotions, vulnerability, and acknowledging weakness.
The belief that vulnerability is a sign of weakness can cause this person not to be authentically open up in their relationships. They may find it hard to express their true feelings or connect with others emotionally, which can lead to isolation and loneliness deep down.
Air + Mutable sign ♡
They enjoy the thrill of flirting with others, sending signals that may be interpreted as romantic or sexual interest but may not be prepared to handle the potential emotional impact on others when the other person develops feelings in return.
Although they may enjoy flirting and the validation it brings, they may be hesitant to take things further or commit to a relationship.
They may try to downplay the situation or act as though they are not interested, in order to avoid any further emotional entanglements.
This behavior can be hurtful and confusing for the other person, who may feel led on or rejected.
☀︎☼ When we recognize and address our shadow traits, we gain a better understanding of ourselves and our connections with others. This helps us handle life's difficulties with more resilience and composure.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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harmoonix · 1 year
💋New Astrology
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Mercury - Asc aspects can make the native to have a very different and beautiful voice, they usually tend to communicate and be very polite towards others and they are also very intelligent and strategic.
Jupiter - Asc aspects gives the native great fortune and luck in life, Jupiter makes the native to be more reserved and to enjoy life at the fullest, making new experiences, trying new things, making yourself happy
Pluto - Asc aspects: Makes the native to constantly evolve and to transform in their better version over years, they are raising up like a phoenix and more powerful than they were before. You are in continuous evolution with such aspects
Pluto - Venus aspects: The native wants to feel the love at the fullest and to experience how it is to feel loved, tend to attract possessive and dominant people in their lives and sometimes it can get chaotic
Sun - Pluto aspects: The native is very powerful and have a very magnetic aura around, they need to transform themselves at a level where they can be at peace and harmony with their mind and heart
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Mars - Venus aspects: The native can be very sexual and very good looking, could attract a lot of eyes on them because their sensuality and aura
Mercury - Moon harmonious aspects: Is very easy for them to express their feelings and to communicate, which is great make sure to always tell what you have in your heart and don't let the feelings to transform into frustration. When you feel you need to tell something, that's your throat chakra telling you that you REALLY need to tell what you have in your heart
Saturn - Sun aspects: The native will have to go through some lessons about their ego and personalty in order to transform in their better versions
Mars in Earth Signs show their sensuality in the most erotic ways, they are highly sensual and can be horny af while Mars in Fire Signs show their sensuality trough their energy, naughty and fun loving they will basically make you to try a lot of things together
Mars in Water Signs show their sensuality by their feelings and emotions, can be very intense and going through a hot moment, while Mars in Air Signs show their sensuality in expressions, these people usually tend to have very sexual thoughts who want to put in practice
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Asteroid Sirene [1009] - Venus aspects: The native can be a lovely fatale person, they are very pretty and usually have something in their appearance that is very attractive. Their love can be posesive
Asteroid Sirene [1009] - Mercury aspects: Their voices can be very really mesmerizing, the way these people express their worlds can be very different than others yet making them unique to this topic
Asteroid Sirene [1009] - Sun aspects: Their personalty can be very magnetic and alluring making the native to be seen as someone very attractive in the eyes of other people
Asteroid Sirene [1009] - Asc aspects: The femme fatale energy arrived, the femme fatale said the the energy those natives is very alluring and making the people to be drawn into them
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Venus - Moon aspects: The native can be highly artistically and can possess many gifts related to arts, they can also have various talents which include arts/music/poetry/writing etc.., if they want to work in the Music Field these natives can be lyrical geniuses.
Mars - MC/Midheaven aspects: The native can be seen as sassy/spicy by other people, usually they tend to be respected by other people and have a lot of them beside. Tho when those people are angry they can be very nasty in words. They can as well be seen highly attractive {Applying if you have Mars in the 10th house}
Gemini & Sagittarius Placements tend to talk very fast (especially Mercury in these signs), they can talk all day about all topics and jumping from an subject to another one while making joked about it 😭
Risings under Mercury's influence (Gemini and Virgo risings) find stimulation in communication and talking, if they can't do these things they can get bored very fast and tend to be moody during the whole day because of that.
Risings under Mars's influence (Aries and Scorpio Risings) have literally the best facial expressions ever, they are very expressive while doing something about themselves and you can see which mood they are based on how their faces expressions are.
Libra and Leo risings tend to check on themselves a LOT, especially while talking and gesticulating, tho i don't blame them because they are pretty af without trying.
Capricorn and Aquarius Risings style is unmatched, Capricorn Risings put the clothes on and look FANTASTIC in it, while their big siblings Aquarius Risings are trendsetters and combine style + trending aesthetics.
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Chiron - Mercury harmonious aspects can heal people with their words and make them feel better. These natives can be really great motivational people in life and also their voices can be very soft and sweet
Chiron - Venus aspects: (Both harsh and positive aspects) can have a thing for hugging, is either because they want to share love or because they want to make sure you're feeling loved. Most of them seek for affection and attention in tend to give the same back
Chiron in the 6th house can find comfort and safe space when they are with their pets or when animals are around them, 6th house can also represent pets beside other things. While Chiron in the 11th house can find comfort in their friends and communities, either in the animations or through media/internet
People with Water Placements/Stelliums usually tend to be very sensitive and tend to forgive people fast even though these people hurt them deep and a lot. I know how it feels tho 😭, i imagine these people as "They hurt me but i will never hurt them" well unless someone has prominent Scorpio in a chart...then they will seek for revenge and Cancer can be prone to revenge a lot as well
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Hi again dear people 😍, seeing the calendar 📆 just remembering is April and i need to post something as the month starts...tho these months go fast 😭... Anyways 💋 new observations astrology post coming for you right now💋. Check your sidereal and vedic charts for deeper understanding loves🥰.
Enjoy while reading, hope you all are good and safe 🥰
Have an fantastic day for everyone who is reading this 🥰 🥰🥰
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crazilust · 1 year
Astro observations - ❣️ Luuuuv edition❣️
i'm currently going thru a break up and i felt like shit talking. will these my most objective observations? yeaaaaa. maybe not. feel free to argue with me, though.
If you want me to analyze you and your partner's chart, or your chart, or your crush's chart, I offer that for 10-15$ sooooo y'know
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Whenever entering a relationships, look at these placements within yourself and your future partner : your mercury sign (this will be important in arguments), your moon sign (will this person be able to fulfill your emotional needs?) and your venus sign (do you guys have the same perception of an healthy relationship?)
I actually do believe that when it comes to relationships, you need to have at least a few similar placements or at the very least same elements. i know they say opposite attracts, but in my humble opinion, similar stick together. Earth signs will always prioritize a stable, solid foundations and might get hurt by an Air sign's volatility.
Virgos judge way too much when it comes to relationships. I'd say unhealed, un evolved Virgos. Their perfectionism can get really suffocating when it is projected onto others and honestly, until they're healed and can accept their own flaws, it can really ruin the other person's self esteem
I've already talked about 12th house relationships in one of my earlier posts, but let me go back to this (now that i'm done with mine LMAOOOO). This ain't for the weak. 12th house is the house of hidden enemies. Unless you both accept that the other person triggers your deepest insecurities, you will hurt eachother and in that case, it's better to simply leave and learn your lesson
A Pisces mercury would do better be with other water signs mercury. They tend to talk in images and in a vague way, and their words always get distorted. I feel like another water sign would have less trouble understanding the feeling behind the weird words of a pisces mercury.
Another aspect that is important when it compatibility is the rising! Rising sign doesn't only represent appearances, it litteraly affects your whole chart. It talks about your values, your way of viewing life and navigating it. A Taurus rising will view life in a way that is completely different to a Leo rising, for example (while they may share similarities, sometimes it creates unnecessary conflicts)
Scorpios do get a bad rep in relationships and most of the times, it's because you've been on the other end of their wrath and that's the only thing you can remember. I've been badly burned by a Scorpio but that doesn't mean it'll take away their devotion, loyalty and pure love that I could experience with them. Not everyone will be compatible with a Scorpio, because it is intense, but being truly loved by a Scorpio is something everybody should experience
Air signs are mostly associated with relationships, friendships, flings. They sometimes get a bad rep that they're not loyal, they're not faithful. Unfortunately, I'm not here to demystify that, BUT! I'll say this: air sign are way less comfortable in relationships that they tend to appear. Most air signs have a deep wounded relationships with themselves. They simply have learned that in order not to deal with that, they could project it onto other people and/or play a role. Most people don't even notice and they get to stay in denial. Aquarius are scared they won't bring any value to the world, Geminis are scared of getting to know themselves and if they'll ever truly fit in somewhere and Libras are scared of their own flaws and would much rather fix themselves through a relationship. They're. running. from. themselves.
Will you ever truly get to know a Sagittarius in a relationship? Only if you're willing to spend most of the time playing the sweet gymnastic of : was this a lie or was this the truth ? Remember that they're ruled by Jupiter and they naturally have an inflated ego. The lies doesn't necessarily come from a bad place, per se, but much more a desire to always look good in someone's eyes.
I'll end with this: I don't actually believe that you shouldn't go through a relationship because of someone's sign or chart. BUT. These are energies that both of y'all will project. If you don't work on it, if you ignore it, if you pretend... They will play out.
Yea. That's it for me. The day before Valentine's day. I'm not as sad as I thought I would be because I actually do feel better without them. This was a karmic relationship and I've learned my lesson.
I've missed you guys,
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