that-fruitier-emo · 1 month
@sobeksewerrat I saw your reblog and realized I needed to make the girls
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(I figured it was about time I used the lesbians)
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gatheringbones · 7 months
[“As history has shown, and as I was at the time experiencing, a strap-on can be sexy, but it can also be a failure and a threat. It draws attention to how contradictory and fragile our definitions of male and female are, and how tightly we cling to them, even in relationships between women, where gender and sexuality are more flexible.
I think it’s important to look at how this played out, not just in the history of straight men policing lesbians but in the lesbian community policing itself. In the 1940s and 50s a bar scene began to develop in cities across the country, marking the first time when lesbians, particularly working-class ones, gathered publicly and in large numbers. During this time a butch/femme culture developed that included strict codes of dress and behavior both in and outside the bedroom. Butch women slicked back their hair, wore suits and jeans, and were, generally, the “givers” of sexual pleasure. Femme women wore dresses and makeup and were the “receivers” of sexual pleasure. In some ways, this culture was liberating, as it represented a powerful, cohesive group aesthetic and safety in numbers. Especially for women who actually identified as butch, it was also a chance to finally adopt masculine dress without being seen as failed or dangerous but rather as sexy and loveable. For others this culture was a trap, pushing women into restrictive sex and gender roles in the same ways heterosexuality had. It is by no means the only lesbian aesthetic, but I think part of the reason it has stuck around for so long in the popular imagination as the way lesbians are is because it allows straight people to again see themselves as the center of the sexual world.
In either case, strap-ons were not widely used, or at least not talked about. In Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold, a book that documents the lives of Black and white lesbians in Buffalo, there is a pretty exhaustive set of interviews about sex acts and terminology, but no one mentions owning, liking, or even trying sex with a strap-on. Indeed, the one mention of a dildo is one of bewilderment as Vic, a self-identified butch, talks about her friend pulling her into the bathroom to show her the new strap-on she got. “Jesus, she whipped this thing out . . . I’m supposed to be butch and my face felt like a neon sign. I could feel the embarrassment. How do you admire a dildo? No seriously, what do you say?”
Butches in the book took great pride “in their own hands and their ability to please,” which “did not dispose them to think that a dildo would improve their lovemaking.” It’s interesting that they considered the dildo less potent and successful than hands. This could be read as displacing the power of the dick, but, coupled with the silence surrounding strap-on use, it also points to a greater fear about the lesbian body. How regulated and small it had to be to exist. How easily it could be diminished by something outside itself, or destroyed altogether.
In the lesbian radical feminist movement of the 1960s and 70s, there was also a great deal of attention focused on creating distance from dicks. Jill Johnston argued in A Lesbian Nation that the only true road to female liberation was the conscious “withdrawal at every level from the man to develop woman supremacy.” This meant that not only butch/femme dynamics but also penetrative sex were out. Anne Koedt developed the theory that the vaginal orgasm was a myth perpetrated by Freud in order to center male sexual desire for penetration, though her evidence for this was a study done by Kinsey—a man—that found the vagina was not particularly sensitive to touch. True orgasms, Koedt argued, only came from the clitoris—even though she interestingly also called the clit “the female equivalent of the penis”—so if women wanted to have enjoyable sex there was no need for penetration, only clitoral stimulation. Andrea Dworkin went so far as to call the penis “a hidden symbol of terror” and argued that “violence is male, the male is the penis.”
Dorothy Allison writes about the effects this had on herself and other lesbians at the time. “No one admitted to using dildos, wanting to be tied up, wanting to be penetrated, or talking dirty—all that male stuff . . . my lover wanted us to perform tribadism, stare into each other’s eyes, and orgasm simultaneously. Egalitarian, female, feminist, revolutionary.” In attempting to free themselves from the penis, in many ways radical lesbians ended up reinscribing the power of the dick and sacrificing the range of sexual pleasure they could experience in the process.
In a counter to this, the lesbian sexual outlaws of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s argued that dildos were actually great, not problematic, but primarily because they didn’t reference the penis at all. Some even argued that wearing a dildo turns a woman into a cyborg, not woman, man, or even human, just a body involved in the mechanistic movements of giving and receiving pleasure. While there is something freeing about this argument, as it gets us out from under the idea that we can’t talk about strap-ons and that a woman wearing a strap-on is only trying to make up for a never-ending lack, it still bypasses the sticky, complicated reality of the gendered/human world we live in and the simple fact that sometimes lesbians want strap-ons to look like penises.
All of this begs the question: can a dyke wear a dick and just have some damn fun?”]
amy gall, from my dick, your dick, our dick, from wanting: women writing about desire, 2023
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You know, the thing that pisses me off the most about the Enterprise finale is not Trip's terrible death, or that the crew doesn't even have a proper POV during their finale episode. Sure, these things makes me very angry, but the one thing that makes me see red, you know what it is?
It's the presumption that if the franchise were to be given a goodbye to a not known lenght of time, the ones who had to send it off had to be the TNG crew and none of the other series deserved this honor, as if the other ones - even the Enterprise crew, the one show doing the goodbye - were not worth it.
I'm having a similar feeling watching the third season of Star Trek: Picard, considering they wrote off the entire cast of the series, with the exception of Raffi and Seven. It does feel like once again the TNG crew is kicking out the cast of the original show to insert themselves in there at the end.
But it's not the same because it's a Picard series and Picard was the main TNG character!
Yes, I see this point, somewhat agree with it but. It's not the same. Because this is Picard twenty years after his captain years, and it's about who he is now. We saw him make new friends, a new family in the two previous seasons, and this is now all cast out, as if it was all worthless.
And you see, I'm not actually against the inclusion of the TNG crew in Picard's last season. I think it makes sense to include them; they are Picard's family, after all, and Nemesis left several loose ends. What I'm against is the exclusion of the original cast, when they should have been kept IN ADDITION to the TNG crew being brought back.
But it's too many characters to write about!
Deep Space Nine had NINE main characters (Sisko, Dax, Kira, Bashir, Odo, O'Brien, Quark, Jake, Worf), three main antagonists (Dukat, Winn, Female Founder) and a TON of supporting cast (Garak, Damar, Leeta, Rom, Nog, Morn, Keiko, Kasidy, Ziyal, Martok, Weyoun, Vic Fontaine...) and they managed to juggle it all just fine. More than fine.
But they have to work with much less episodes!
I see this point. It's true; only ten episodes it's not a lot of time when there used to be 26 episodes per season, but you know what? It's still a body of work with almost ten hours of duration. This is just a little less than the hours of the LOTR trilogy, and see the size of the universe and the storylines you're capable of creating with roughly the same timeframe.
If they focused on what matters and if they were to write it well, it is more than possible to juggle many characters and do a good work while you are at it.
Elnor should have been in this season; he could be a foil to Jack, since he sees Picard as a father figure. So should have been Soji, especially now that Data is back; I think he deserves to know he has a daughter. They never should have gotten ridden of Rios. Borg Queen Agnes is very plot relevant, but she's nowhere to be seen.
I'm glad that Raffi has been in this season and its a joy to see her with Worf, but it leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth that her romance with Seven seems dead to me. Trek has a terrible record with queer characters, and Seven and Raffi are the first lesbian couple in the whole franchise (and the only main ones apart of Jennifer and Mariner in Lower Decks), and even if they had highs and lows, at least season two bothered to give them time together and interactions. They barely were in the same room together during this season.
The constantly barbs to the early seasons like the way Troi and Riker talked about their home life, the way they ignore Borg Queen Agnes whole existence... this season seems do disdainful of its predecessors, and even if they were full of flaws, this seems so unfair to me. Especially when this season have such a a weak plot being held together only by the talent and the charisma of the TNG crew, it's really not a good look. The story is weak, it's repetitive, it doesn't make sense when you think about it for too long.
And you know what it's sad? Man, I LOVE the TNG crew. In fact I love TNG; apart from Deep Space Nine, it's my favorite Star Trek series. I prefer it even over TOS. It makes me sad to see them being brought together again so messily, and in detriment of everything the Star Trek: Picard series had previously established, especially when you can see the ways it could have been good.
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space-blue · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Vi becoming an enforcer in Arcane? Do you think there's any way for it to be well-written and how would you prefer it to go down?
I've talked about Vi before and especially how I don't appreciate how the rushed romance destroyed her character in the third act.
So enforcer Vi? I hate it. Unless they take a very bold, very dark angle on Vic's motivations or what it does to her to become an enforcer and betray her people, I genuinely don't expect good things.
Like, the poor, destitute, orphaned by enforcer child, to unlawful prisoner regularly beaten in isolation, to fucking COP pipeline should really never exist, unless it's to explore some sort of really intense psychological trauma and maybe Stockholm syndrom…
I'm scared because she's truly a cop in the game. She's got splash art in cliche cop gear eating donuts, and her voice lines (rehauled for the show) had police brutality jokes. She just wasn't "that deep", and the show made her final position a little more untenable. Knowing her background, it makes very little sense she'd ever align with Piltover. I really hope they don't use her interest in Cait as the main mean to get her in uniform…
Can't we have canon lesbians that aren't fucking cops?? I thought Cait would go more down the rogue investigator route, making her charming, using her family and wealth for her eccentric pursuits and obsession for the truth… But it's not really what we got.
The only way I can see this well done for Vi is if she slowly relents when she's not getting results alone, and resigns herself to asking Cait for help. Maybe then she'd find that she thrives as an investigator or mediator. Like, seeing Vi, throughout the season, slowly realise she's good at policing her own people, and they respect her, and maybe if she's the one doing it, then enforcers won't have to, and she can make it easier on everyone… basically becoming Vander 2.0, is the only way I can see her regularly collaborating with Cait.
That OR go broke and make her a class traitor! I don't mind! It's dark, it's fucked, but PLEASE just don't give us a bird brained Vi who follows Cait because she's horny and can't understand class politics 101. That would be so sad.
I want Vi to struggle with Vander's legacy, to realise that the brutality she's inflicting with her stolen gauntlets is exactly what he didn't want for her. That she's taking her place into the cycle of violence that keeps the place down. Even better if she struggles with Silco's legacy, and realising at last that she'd actually have been on his side if not for all the blood between them and her insurmountable distate for shimmer. 'Oh no, the guy you hate was right about something' sort of struggle. Especially if it pitches her against Cait and BOTH OF THEM have to actually acknoledge how fucked things are, and that patronising idealistic speeches to victims of oppression isn't 'change' or 'good enough'.
I'd love to see Vi demanding enforcer help on her terms because she blames the problems going on in the Undercity on them, on the council, and through Cait's endorsement, trying to use them to fix things. That's a way for Vi to slowly get used to their methods, to feel bad when one dies, to go to strategy meetings and slowly, slowly… become cordial. Even if it disgusts everyone else.
Urgh, idk, honestly. I try not to think about it too much. Cait and Vi are my biggest regret from season 1, as I felt like they were both weakened by the way they were used on each other. I don't expect either of their storylines to be my jam in season 2. I'm going in there for Viktor mostly. Got to see my boy finish drinking Singed's Nasty Juice and go full Machine Herald.
Him, Jinx, Mel and Sevika are my main draws to the show. That and the art and story were rivetting enough that I expect any sad Lesbian Cop disappointment to be dismissable.
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clay-cuttlefish · 9 months
Finally I've reached the thing I've been avoiding: deciding how much of No Man's Land counts as directly relevant context. It's almost a hundred issues, and most of the arcs in it are fairly standalone. I think I'm just going to include her appearances and only add context issues for arcs where she's important.
DC Universe Legacies #5
Okay actually first I had to move some post-2000 flashback issues. This one's a flashback to Crisis on Infinite Earths, except Vic and the other Charltons show up beforehand, which. Not what happened.
Two Down
IT'S TIME (for real now)
Actually I think I have to move this out of NML to before Random Encounters since I don't care about the other stories in this issue. So on the spreadsheet proper there's a pretty big gap after this.
Her putting herself between Harvey and Batman makes me want to fucking explode.
This was the first story Greg Rucka wrote for DC. In interviews he says he knew Renee was a lesbian before he even came on board and her previous writers just hadn't noticed. Iconic.
Claim Jumping
Harvey's evil again. That didn't take long.
Helena's abs are ridiculous here. She's usually buff but she's getting the dehydrated bodybuilder Batman treatment.
Fruit of the Earth
It feels like Gordon should have anticipated that breaking the alliance would go badly, or at least that Harvey would betray him at some point. Harvey's not known for being reliable, dude.
The first sign that Harvey's far too attached, with "I really like Renee. She and I share an understanding."
It's months before Renee is followed up on, both in and out of universe, which is wild.
Okay normal again.
I wish Renee had more agency here, but given that this was an attempt to fit her into a Gordon plot beat, it's a hell of a way to do that.
Harvey's a creep, but he seems to still be trying not to go full Phantom of the Opera about it? He doesn't use her parents as leverage until it's time for his revenge plot, he doesn't kidnap her until Jim pisses him off, it's a mix of collateral damage and manipulation instead of the complete targeted life-ruining it becomes in Half a Life.
I wish the multiple months jump hit harder, because as it is it kind of undercuts the tension by not really feeling like time has passed.
Holy shit the trial is such a good scene.
The panelling in Part II is SO good. I'm not a huge fan of the art style in a lot of it, but just the way it's set up is fantastic.
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
Okay guys.
Haus of Holbein
Jek: Now, we’re all primarily from England-
Erik: And France.
Jek: And France. But for our fourth member, we have to travel east.
Griffin: A foreign delicacy~ *whistles*
Vic: Hey, hey, don’t get overzealous. I’m just to the left of-
Johnathan: Welcome to ze haus~
All: To ze haus of Frankenstein!
Vic: Ah. Of course.
All: Ja~
Ooh, ja~
Das is gud, ooh-
Vic: Okay, stop. Look. I’m not German.
[music stops]
Griffin: Ayo?
Vic: I’m not German. I’m Swiss.
Jek: Did you… did you not start the German mad scientist trope?
Vic: Bitch, these horror tropes are nuts. I’ve also heard that all vampire-associated women are lesbian.
Johnathan: My wife is actually bi. False statement.
Vic: Yet again, I’m the middle man in my own life story. No wonder media screwed it up so badly.
Jek: Not worse than mine. Most adaptations seem to think I have DID.
Vic: No, no, I’m substantially worse. They turned Adam green.
[horrified noises]
Vic: They’ve made me okay with incest.
Griffin: Annnnnd you have a PhD!
Vic: Shut up, Griffin. I’m going to clear some things up, now. Watch and learn.
[Get Down]
Not a doctor, that is clear
But I’m here
‘Cause I’m a scientist people hold dear
My entire life was spent in fear
No green monster in my place
Which must be odd because my name’s synonymous with his face
His name was never Frankenstein
That name is mine
My life goal was reanimation
Started with elation to make my creation
Got no rest, messed with my head, guys
I needed bodies, where are my dead guys?
All except Johnathan: Hey~
Vic: Then, November
After collecting bodies that had been dismembered
I watch in splendour
As he’s risen; then I surrender
That, that awful wretch damned me
I freaked, then he went to kill my family
But I’m, the one who gets the blame
And now awful that fiend gets to keep my name
But that’s not his name
Months of work, not worth it
He was supposed to be perfect
He was supposed to be perfect
Months of work not worth it
Let’s get this straight
I don’t rob graves
By that point, the body’s decaying, so it’s worth saying
I don’t use that sad trash
To make my son
Lab coat on
Also, I’m a teenager
People are enraged
I abandoned
A “helpless child”
I just smile
I’m 19??
Teen moms are fine but
I’m under fire
I guess for me
Their standards are higher
Just like my parents, who expected flawlessness
I’m only human, of course I’ll achieve less
That, that awful wretch damned me
I freaked, then he went to kill my family
But I’m, the one who gets the blame
And now awful that fiend gets to keep my name
But that’s not his name
Months of work, not worth it
I was supposed to be perfect
(I’m not perfect)
Months of work not worth it
Now, I say I love my parents
But I married my cousin. It’s apparent
All I wanted was bring back my dead mom
Then she’d
Finally love me, I’d be a good son
My approach was a little too headstrong
But if it had gone right, at the end of the day
I know people’d criticize me anyways
That, that awful wretch damned me (All: Damned me)
I freaked, then he went to kill my family (All: Bye-bye)
But I’m, the one who gets the blame (All: The one who gets the blame)
And now awful that fiend (All: Awful fiend, awful fiend) gets to keep my name
But that’s not his, that’s not his name
Months of work, not worth it
I was supposed to be perfect
Perfect (Chased him down to the Arctic)
P-p-p-p-p-p-perfect (Call me selfish again)
I was supposed to be perfect
Perfect (I’M Frankenstein
Ah, yeah, I’m not)
Perfect (Ow!)
Months of work not worth it
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monsoftx-blog · 1 year
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DISCLAIMER: Since not all KPSQ have played the games nor watched any gameplays, this is just gonna stick to the tv show to avoid spoilers.
The Last Of Us is a wonderful masterpiece and its trip is better to be taken knowing little to nothing about it. Enjoy season 1 and 2!
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— miss little no patience, would choose violence any given day
— the kiddo of the group
— a fighter™
— for the love of god, please don't tell them to not do something they will now do it just because you told them not to
— those anger issues and impulsivity?? aries moon shit right there
— but deep down, they're just scared kids with so many dreams
— being mean to you is their love language
— they actually a dork
— awkward but oh, so sweet my child
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— the gay x lesbian alliance we couldn't have in the show, LISTEN
— grumpy and small? yes
— paranoids who barely trust ANYONE?? scorpio moon shit
— if you earn their trust and truly understand them, you have a forever friend
— ofc all that disappears the moment their gay asses get WHIPPED for someone
— then they are the softest, most caring lovey dovey who would go all romeo and juliet for you, these pisces venus little shits
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— oh, my girlies are so smart and brave i love them
— voices of the reason, for real
— kind of the mediators and the only ones with actual manners here
— but don't get yourself fooled: these bitches are smart AND badass
— will kill you on sight without thinking about it twice
— the strategists ones, GIRLBOSSES
— would give their lives for their loved ones or what they think is a cause worth fighting for
— my sweet softies deep down, but their love lives... tragic
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— oh, these emotionally closed-off bitches!
— parents of the group
— tired and old™
— masters of hiperindependence and hipervigilance
— repressed anger issues
— kind of paranoids with people, barely lets anyone in
— not on the talkative side unless they like you
— once they finally let you in and they feel comfortable with you they will love you and take care of you forever
— do not touch their loved ones if you appreciate breathing
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Bill and Ellie unfortunately never get to meet in the show BUT, they do in the game so...
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qnewslgbtiqa · 2 months
Awards recognise achievements in LGBTQ+ inclusion in health
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/awards-recognise-achievements-in-lgbtq-inclusion-in-health/
Awards recognise achievements in LGBTQ+ inclusion in health
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Role models, allies and organisations dedicated to LGBTQ+ inclusion within the health sector have been recognised at the 2024 Pride in Health + Wellbeing Awards.
In its third year, the awards are dedicated to recognising exceptional efforts in improving LGBTQIA+ inclusive delivery across health and wellbeing organisations across the country.
It is produced by Pride in Health + Wellbeing, the national not-for-profit inclusion program for the health, wellbeing, human services, and community care sector, spearheaded by Australia’s largest LGBTQ health organisation ACON.
2024 Pride in Health + Wellbeing Award Winners
St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney was recognised as the Service Provider of the Year.
Illawarra and Shoalhaven Cancer Care Centres were awarded for being the Most Improved Service Provider.
Georgina Poort from Uniting Vic.Tas and Lisa Raven from St Vincent’ Health Network Sydney received the LGBTQ+ Role Model Award and the LGBTQ+ Ally Award respectively, for their significant contribution to and advocacy for LGBTQ+ inclusion within their organisations and communities.
The awards ceremony was emceed by Francisco Lopez, National Health Lead – Pride Inclusion Programs at ACON.
Mr Lopez was joined by Pride in Health + Wellbeing co- Prof Keryn Phelps AM and CEO of SBS, Michael Ebeid AM.
“Recognising health and wellbeing organisations for their achievements against the HWEI allows us to see a tangible shift in LGBTQ+ inclusion practice across the sector,” he said.
“With a wide and an increasingly diverse range of organisations participating, we are seeing greater commitments to providing safer and more inclusive environments and experiences for sexuality and gender diverse people when they access health and wellbeing services across Australia.
“Gender and sexuality diverse community members continue to face health and social inclusion issues, resulting in poor health outcomes for many people.
“We are seeing service providers, government agencies, and other key health system organisations stepping up to address barriers our communities face in accessing help and support.
“It’s important to acknowledge and celebrate the many achievements that have been made towards greater inclusion of LGBTQ+ people. Congratulations to all the winners and participating organisations.”
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2, 21, 22, 31, 42, 50 😊
2. Do you still buy CDs (or other physical media)? No, honestly I never really did (minus a few exceptions). Before getting Spotify in 2020 I was a serial pirater averaging at least 100 songs downloaded daily, I would have never been able to purchase all the illegal music I have hoarded over the years legally lol.
21. A song or album from this year or last year: I actually compile a list of my favourite albums of the year that I then post at midnight on new years eve, it's something I have done for 8 years now. So here's last years edition, my favourites from said list are highlighted :)
22. What’s your favorite song or album from the year you where born? Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day; can't go wrong with a old school Green Day song
31. Who’s your favorite fictional band or artist? I don't actually think I have one.
42. Your favorite(s) “no skips” album(s): The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance, IRE by Parkway Drive, Holy Hell by Architects, Kaliyuga by In Hearts Wake, Chemical Miracle by Trophy Eyes, Broken Machines by Nothing But Thieves, Bring Me The Horizon songs from Sempiternal and all albums released after it, idk, there is a heap, those are just the first few to come to mind
50. Is there an artist you used to love as a child/teenager but now is embarrassed to have ever liked? I got into alternative music via that period every teen worshipped the ground Kellin Quinn, Austin Carlile and Vic Fuentes stood on, that Bryan Stars era 🤮. Now I am not necessarily embarrassed to have liked these bands per-say, I still like them today and have seen 2 of said bands live multiple times (and am finally seeing PTV later in the year) but I am embarrassed to have been one of those bandom teens albeit grateful I was because it was the gateway I needed to get into alternative music as a whole. But yeah obsessing over those bands because of a crush on the frontmen I didn't even really have (I am a lesbian, was just really deep in the closet at that point lol) wasn't my finest of moments.
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From the slopes of Rueval looking across to Dùn, with classic Hebridean cultivation beds clearly visible around the drystone enclosures below. St Kilda is a spectacular place, no doubt about it. The dramatic landscape, the incredible wildlife and of course the famous inhabitants who made the decision to evacuate their home on August 29th, 1930.
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Every day after sunset, the penguins come ashore from the sea to their nests at St Kilda Breakwater. You can spot them waddling to their rock homes after sunset. 9-12 hours later, they get back to the sea before sunrise. The pier is open 24 hours. To spot them, be there any time after sunset. Soay sheep (direct descendants of Bronze age sheep) enjoying a back scratch Skyline of Dun from the House of the Fairies An underground store dating from 500BC to AD300 - known as the 'House of the Fairies' Looking towards Dun St Kilda stacs with gannets circling St Kilda Stacs. Leaving St Kilda. We have been so very lucky to have visited. 💑 Join Meetville - the best dating site in Saint Kilda, Victoria to meet local personals 💯 Verified Saint Kilda Users 🆓 FREE to Join!.
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Sep 15, 2019 · The real-life Downton Abbey has its own family tensions after the Earl's children left the 400-year-old estate following a bitter feud.. Lady Fiona, second wife to the Earl of Carnarvon, requested.
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Published February 28, 2021. A man has been rushed to hospital after being stabbed in the neck multiple times at a popular cafe in the Melbourne suburb of St Kilda this morning. Police say they. Those over virtual dating should not miss out - Saturday, 26 th June. Let's face it, we are all over virtual interactions and so The Newmarket in St Kilda is taking it back to basics by hosting a real-life speed-dating event - The Hunni Hustle - on Saturday, 26 th June. The free event aims to bring together friends to have a bit of fun and meet single, like-minded individuals.
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St Kilda player Stephen Milne has made a brief appearance at the Melbourne Magistrates Court on four charges of rape. Police allege a 19-year-old woman was raped in a bedroom at the home of Milne. St Kilda is an inner seaside suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 6 km south-east of the city's Central Business District.Its local government area is the City of Port Phillip.As of 2016 Census, St Kilda has a population of 20,230.The Traditional Owners of St. Kilda are the Yaluk-ut Weelam clan of the Boon Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation.. St Kilda was named by Charles La Trobe, then. The last residents of St Kilda are added to a list of more than 2.5 million Scots on the Scottish government's family history website.... "The 16 householders listed on St Kilda in 1930 are just.
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spacerhapsody · 3 years
qaf for that fandom ask thing? 💜
an outlet for my recent qaf feelings, thank you!! 💜
Favorite Male Character: Look, I was 17 when I saw Brian Kinney for the first time, and we all know you never stand a chance after that. (Also, let's face it, I do have a type and it's emotionally closed off assholes with some kind of sad backstory/issues who also care too much for their own good but try everything to hide that.) The older I get, the more I also appreciate him being honest and, most of all, unapologetically queer, though.
Favorite Female Character: It honestly depends on the season if I like Melanie or Lindsay more, but wow, do I wish we could have kept Leda around (and maybe without the whole threesome-turning-weird story). Also: Shout-out to my girls Daphne and Cynthia, I'm happy every time they get a small appearance! I also think I could have really loved Loretta if they'd done more with her and kept her around longer, but oh well.
Least Favorite Character: It's funny because s4 always makes me think that maybe he isn't so bad, but then s5 starts and I just can't stand Michael and the way he suddenly feels so superior to everyone else and his former life. And while everyone is acting like a total asshole during the custody storyline, he's pissing me off the most. J.R. was never supposed to live with him and Ben? Sure, he was supposed to be involved, but it seems to me like a "oh, all my respectable new friends think it's great to have kids, so I'll just try to get my hands on one that's alredy there" thing, and ugh. At least the show calls him out for that one, as opposed to the rest of the questionable stuff he's done over the years.
Favorite Ship: Brian/Justin will always own my heart. I do think it was the best for them to go their separate ways in the finale, but I also do believe they end up together again at some point. Speaking of which: So will Emmett and Drew, who I also love with all my heart, and they deserved so much better than both the show and the fandom just forgetting about them for the most part, that's the hill I'll die on.
Favorite Friendship: Lately it's probably Brian and Emmett. We don't get to see a lot of it (shame), but what we see is just... so good? Someone once called them the King and Queen of their world, and that's kind of it, I think? They are completely different in the way they present themselves, but ultimately, what motivates them is not that different at all, and they kind of get each other on a deeper level without even having to try.
Favorite Quote: "You wouldn't understand." "Why not?" "Because you're straight."
Worst Character Death (if any): I mean, George was cruel, but Vic. Oh my god, Vic. He was such a great (and under-used) character, and I can see how his death plays an important part in so many other story-arcs and is the most logical, but Vic, okay? And he just moved in with Rodney, that's just as cruel.
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: The end of s3 when Stockwell loses the election and everything turns from grey to colours again probably doesn't even cound because everyone knows how happy and emotional that whole thing makes me, but it's just so good and still so relevant!! Honorable mentions: Lindsay discovering the letters of her grandma in the attic and finding out she was also a lesbian and having that connection to her even though her parents basically disowned her; Brian and Justin walking into Babylon with a fucking axe to break open the backroom again; Drew kissing Emmett live on air!!
Saddest Moment: Literally every moment Brian has this sad look in his eyes, but if I had to pick one, probably in the s1 finale when he just sits there in the hospital with the bloody scarf around his neck (or the time we see him still weaing the scarf months after that, oh my god).
Favorite Location: Babylon when the glitter confetti starts raining down on people dancing. I am a simple person, I just love the aesthetic.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 2 months
Rainbow crossing in Auckland vandalised
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/rainbow-crossing-in-auckland-vandalised/
Rainbow crossing in Auckland vandalised
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A rainbow crossing on Auckland’s Karangahape Road, known as K Road, has been painted over in white paint. 
In a statement, Auckland City Central Area Commander inspector Grant Tetzlaff said a report of willful damage was reported to police around 3:20am on Thursday.
“We have no tolerance for reports of this nature, and when it appears to directly target a particular sector of our diverse community,” he said.
“A group of three people have poured paint on the rainbow crossing before leaving the area in a vehicle. The vehicle had the registration plates removed and the persons had their faces concealed.”
MP Chlöe Swarbrick wrote on X: “it’s sad and bizarre some people are spending their energy suppressing simple symbols of the visibility and pride of our – my – rainbow community”.
“You can’t paint over our existence. Love always wins,” she said.
I am in touch with relevant authorities to have our Karangahape Rd rainbow crossing fixed immediately.
— Chlöe Swarbrick (@_chloeswarbrick) March 27, 2024
Swarbrick added that she was in touch with the “relevant authorities” to have the rainbow crossing restored.
Rainbow crossings in Gisborne and Auckland vandalised
The vandalism comes after protesters painted over another rainbow crossing in Gisborne on Monday night.
The protest group in Gisborne has been linked to the Destiny Church, who were protesting a drag storytime event at the city’s library.
While the Gisborne drag storytime went ahead, a similar event in Hastings was canceled due to security concerns.
A spokesperson for the Hastings District Council said the spread of disinformation had forced the cancellation.
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