postpunkindustrial · 10 months
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 0161 Compilation CD
0161 is a Compilations CD featuring artists from Manchester England. The tracks range from leftfield noise experimental IDM with The Fall remixing their track Powderkeg into Powderkex for good measure because Mark E. Smith is an assholish, dubiously dressed, goblin of chaos.
Some more notable artists on this comp are V/VM, Bola and Gescom. I should post more V/VM in the future.
Anyway if you want it get it from my Google Drive HERE
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soapdispensersalesman · 3 months
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localkatze · 4 months
Leyland kirby my beloved!
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popegrumbo · 1 year
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zef-zef · 2 years
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James Kirby (The Caretaker, Billy Ray Cyrix, Bored In Columbia, Butcher Claws, CV[ev], Dr. Fred, Leon And Hits, Leyland Kirby, Loin-El Glitchie, Pole, The Edgeley Musher, The Notorious P.I.G., The Stranger, V/Vm, V/Vm Allstar Marching Band, V/Vm And The Hog Chorus, Van Gaal, vvMike Read)
performing live on April 16, 2010 in Madrid, Spain
credit:  Mariano Regidor
source: npr.org
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donut-popper · 1 year
V/Vm - Sick Love Will Tear Us Apart
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beauregardlionett · 8 months
re-watching vm v. m9 and i forgot how fucking ruthlessly beau killed scanlan holy shit girl talk about daddy issues
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theworldibuilt4you · 2 days
... who do I even call for??
"I guess it's not necessary to keep this up."
"You can see it now."
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"Oh, And that too, I guess~"
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"A-AH-?!" "That hungry little sea anemone took one of my arms... So I am in need of some replacement files to fix it up! I've never done this before, i've only touched toys..!" "I was hoping.... That if I kept you distracted... With her...""I could take your files a bit more peacefully..."
"I guess I have to go with the hard way.."
"You know, I've always wanted to test out if Axolotls actually regenerate!"
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"Let's find out together!"
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gcik · 1 year
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chemistryread · 2 months
even seeing gifs of logan with hanna makes me sick to my stomach
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illithilit · 22 days
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Orianna, Nethfari, and Asmodeus.
Art by @malotte00. ( Commission info. )
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東方虚舟 ~ Sapphic Starseas Abyss has been in a bit of a slump. been trying to wrap up remaining ui graphic needs rather then getting lost in endless content art, but endless allergy rashes to a carpet beetle infestation and the outside wall of my apartment being nearly completely replaced both have rather wrecked me. thus, I revisited the well of monsters for some more immediately tangible and gratifying individual piece work.
the queer gamedev life is one's girlfriend looking at end results and being kissed as her "little gay Frankenstein", in my experience. the goal is to be hyper-specific and impossible to replicate.
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Mumbling Jubokku
A ravenous sproutling grown in bloodsoaked battlefields. With sufficient time and distance, even anthologists' forgeries - from Mizuki to Borges - end up with lives of their own.
Sizzling Tengubi
The skydancer society has various elemental phenomena attributed to them in remote rivers and mountains. This curious river-wisp surveys upon these complicated affairs in such waterlogged times.
Dharmic Waniguchi
The Myouren Temple's attempts at fresh devil deification will take ages yet. In the interim, innately religious beasts, like this gong-headed crocodilian, have begun to propagate their peaceful doctrines.
Shoji Duet
These two haunting heralds on sliding doors have formed both sorts a partnership. Together, this kage-onna and mokumokuren shift and project themselves whenever unseen, wherever they so wish.
Languid Globster
An amorphous mess of salt strands and flesh tendrils hides its exact form under a cetacean skull. These carcass-scrapings of Rorschach blots congeal around the broader public's fears of the sea's mystique.
been planning on expanding the use of these npcs, not that I'll say which of any of these also doubles as fights. random events providing buffs that last across map nodes affecting different groups of node types, retreating before battle or creeping in after battle, additional materials for open-book timed quiz material on IRL lore (alongside all those length prior enemy descriptions), replacing wandering shopkeepers entirely to instead set up stalls in Chimata's markets, and the prior provisions of flavour of rest beyond campfires by eating / reading / brewing away. all sorts of attempts at non-generic worldsetting most (deckbuilder) roguelikes lack for these days…
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xbadnews · 4 months
[lingering] a long, slow kiss filled with emotion and desire || @deathwalkerr
it's overwhelming. to be so close & have so much space between them.
it was filled by Vax's breath on his lips, an impending intensity hanging between them. if percy had it his way, he would have all of vax in this moment. it's difficult to keep from grabbing handfuls of vax, touching whatever bits he could get ahold of. but Vax is more than a high to chase. it had been difficult a truth to identify, but vax had grown like ivy around Percy's heart. it had been a recent revelation… a recent discussion.
it had opened up many doors for them. doors that lead to catching Vax in the library, doors that lead Percy to breach his personal space soon as he saw vax. he'd been hoping to catch a moment alone between them, quite desperately.
Percy's hands slide down to Vax's hips. it's an incredible display of self-control, how gently Percy tugs him closer, how carefully he closes the distance between their lips. ( they both had died, after all. what use was there in pretending he didn't need vax? why would he deny himself a part of him that never wants to let go? )
a small part of him feels foolish, opening his heart like this, but a bigger part of him likes it. he likes being able to swim in between the two of them, exchanging heavy breaths without having to wonder where the next one may come from. this is a moment to relish, a moment to celebrate their continued & shared survival.
their relentless fighting had unlocked the opportunity for them to savor each other like this, in the library on a Sunday afternoon. maybe this is why the usual tension melts from Percy's shoulder blades. he holds Vax closer, unable to drive himself to break the kiss. Percy cannot help but give himself over to approaching emotion, despite how desperately he had fought it in the past.
he presses Vax's smaller body against a bookshelf, desperate to be closer, desperate to hold him a little tighter. percy is lost in him for what feels like hours but must be a few moments. regardless, it could never be long enough. he breathes in sharply, forcing a bit of space between their lips but unable to pry his hands from Vax's body. he rubs a few soft circles on Vax's hips, resting their foreheads together.
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" I suspect a 'welcome back' is in order, " he's giddy, half-joking. he's always delighted when Vax & Keyleth visit & misses them quite terribly when they're gone. he was hardly lonely anymore but there was still a space in his life that was left empty when they weren't around. he presses a kiss to Vax's jaw, unable to get enough of him, " You could even say I'm happy to see you. "
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galahddtesttheme · 1 year
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
blockquote test.
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forcebookish · 3 months
i swear half the writers' room wanted to put logan through hell because they loved him and the other half because they hated him
he has some of the best character development in the series and has the most realistic reactions to how fucking tragic his pretty rich boy life is, but also backslides in a very frustrating way that feels like there's a tug-of-war between his fans and detractors
they just undo all his character development for season one in half an episode, make veronica dump him, then later in the season BURN HIS HOUSE DOWN ???? it feels excessive in an inauthentic way tbh and they just put him through the wringer again and again and again
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notsafetycop · 8 months
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