#Up for a natter
darkxxsoulxxx · 6 months
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sapphorror · 5 months
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I genuinely cannot fucking handle how upset these two get about having their fights interrupted. This is definitely normal behavior from two people who want nothing to do with each other and don't find any kind of social fulfillment in their repeated attempts to annihilate each other
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Also Dib introducing himself as Zim's sworn enemy. 'The first thing you need to know.' he literally could not be more transparently embarrassing about this if he tried.
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smaller-comfort · 2 months
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B'st rates his companions on their chuckability:
Valere: always lands on her feet, even if you catch her by surprise; does a sweet backflip most of the time. 8/10
Zale: even more impressive acrobatics than Valere; makes a funny noise when you pick him up. 9/10
Garl: extremely satisfying to heft, but not very aerodynamic; does not land on his feet. 6/10
Serai: will open a portal in midair so she can jump kick you from behind; not recommended. 1/10
Resh'an (puppet): weighs nothing and ragdolls in the air; with a good tailwind you can chuck him across camp and then some. 9/10
Resh'an (real): usually turns into a bird in mid-air; not actually that satisfying to chuck, but his feathers get extremely ruffled. 7/10
Teaks: What are you, some kind of monster? She's so small and pink haired. Exempt from chucking; willing to take notes when someone else is tossed.
Artificer: Rolls up into a ball and insists on calling it the 'canonball special'; has figured out how to cause explosions when he lands. 10/10, but try not to do it near inhabited structures.
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wizardimpersonator · 4 months
"Kicked dog with rabies personality" and "prey animal with predator instinct" are good trope posts but i need yall to consider: dog personality that is fighting your fear out of a sense of duty. Character that is so so SO terrified, shaking as they face down something terrible, but they face it anyway out of a sheer dedication to protecting those they care about. Being so scared in the moment but not daring to flee because they need to protect others first before they worry about themselves. I eat that up man
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pilferingapples · 5 months
..well if I had to have a post go feral, I'm glad it's the one getting Endless Poetry Filk About Goats
nonetheless *crying in crashed notifs*
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nokkiart · 8 months
I’m so glad that you had a lovely time in Tokyo!! Bring me in your suitcase next time? /j <3
What’s your advice for travelling on your own???
This is probably going to be a long one, so I apologize in advance 😅 Here's some advice that has helped me on my solo trips to Korea and Japan:
• Do research on where you're going. See what's allowed in the country (especially if you're bringing medications). Read up on other people's travel experiences in that country. Know what kind of transportation you'll need to use there and how to access it (trains, buses, taxis, rental cars). Make sure you have a bit of an idea of what to expect when you get there, so culture shock won't hit you hard.
• Have foreign currency *before* you leave. Chances are you'll need it as soon as you land at your destination.
• Make sure you have a power adapter/wall charger in case they have different outlets. A back up phone charger and pocket wifi is also a must!
• Find points of interest that you might enjoy visiting and make a private Google map with all those places marked. Then if you're in an area that happens to have a lot of your interests in it, you can tackle them all at once. This was my map for Tokyo! I made two separate lists; one for places I wanted to visit, and one for restaurants I wanted to try.
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Unfortunately I didn't get to visit all of these because my trip was only 5 days. But it gave me a good idea of areas I could go to hit multiple points of interest!
• Make sure all your legal documents are valid. Passports, visas, licenses, etc. Make sure you know what documents you need to enter that country. Also bring a photocopy of those documents just in case something happens to the original.
• Get travel insurance. It's cheap and easy to get. And if something goes wrong, you'll be completely covered to be flown back home.
• Do what you can to keep yourself safe. You can buy personal safety items or read up on self defensive measures to take while traveling. I have this little siren doorstop, so if anyone tries to come into my hotel room, it not only blocks the door from opening but also emits a 120db siren to scare anyone off.
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And it works *very well*. I nearly deafened myself when testing it XD
• Always be alert and aware of your surroundings. Tourists are easy targets for pickpockets because we're so distracted by everything (especially in big, tourist heavy cities).
• Never tell anyone that you're traveling alone. Book your hotel room for 2 people (its the same price as single rooms anyway). And give your hotel info to someone back home that you trust so they can know where you'll be.
• Trust your gut instinct too. If you're getting bad vibes off someone, just walk away and distance yourself from them.
• Don't be afraid to try new things! New foods, music, dancing, shows, festivals, etc. Just get out there and see things you've never seen before!
• This is kinda a personal preference one, but *avoid* tourist spots. So many people line up to take the same pics in the same tourist trap locations, waiting hours just for nothing. Instead, speak to locals and do things they recommend! Or just wander around and see what you stumble across. Touristy areas tend to have more expensive prices for everything anyway, so you'll save money going elsewhere! XD
• Allow your plans to change based on what you personally feel like doing in that moment. Don't force yourself to stick to a travel itinerary.
• Bring snacks just in case your tum craves something familiar. I usually stick to granola bars or Biscoffs since they last a while.
• If you're going somewhere that has a different language, learn the basics in that language. Knowing how to say "hello", "yes", "no", and "thank you" will help you so much! And locals tend to love seeing tourists put an effort into trying to communicate with them in their language.
• Also be patient. There will be times when there will be confusion between you and other people. That's just what happens when two different cultures meet. But don't get mad. Try calmly working thru the confusion and see if you can figure something out.
• On that same note, BE KIND. You are a guest in someone else's home. You have no right to demand things to be a specific way. Respect their rules, even if it doesn't make sense to you. Be grateful that you have this amazing opportunity that so many others may never have.
Solo traveling can be pretty intimidating. But if you plan and prepare everything well before you leave, your trip will be so much more enjoyable!
Let me know if you have any other questions about solo traveling! I want you guys to have safe and fun trips too!! ^^
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oh-okay-kay · 20 days
i miss when emma watson was the face of feminism instead of joanne holocaust-denier rowling
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I was recently told by someone very dear to me that I am full of bitterness and stuck in the past of what was done to me, making excuses. And that's... not wrong precisely, but it's not fully correct, either.
It is true that I'm stuck. But it's because I have yet to process... any of it. All my life I have been forbidden from feeling any disappointment or hurt or grief, first by those who would control me and then by those who would see me be a better Christian.
But I do not think it is unChristian to mourn. To grieve. Not even to be hurt, no matter what some say. To let it rule you, yes. Twist you and turn you poisonous, yes. But not just to... hurt.
And I have spent this whole time suppressing everything and not dealing with any of it because it would be 'unChristian' so I've just been powering through with a smile and calling it forgiveness.
But it occurs to me - and I am by no means an expert so don't take this as gospel - that forgiveness cannot truly be granted until one comes to terms with the depth of the pain caused.
The stories of Annaáuchiwee may end up being the greatest stories I ever write. But they are only half mine, and because they are only half mine, sometimes some scenes take a scalpel and plunge it deep into wounds I'd rather leave buried and undisturbed.
We're writing one such scene tonight. And ninety percent of me wants to howl "No stop I can't do this it hurts too much" but.
I need to come to terms with it, I guess. (It's not wrong to hurt. It's not wrong to mourn. It's not wrong to grieve. I'm not sinning by grieving a hurt done to me, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not I'm not I'm not--) (And too, my co-author isn't someone I can tell this sort of thing to.)
It's a good scene. It needs to be written.
But goodness is it leaving me sobbing and bruised and raw on the floor because OW.
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aquacomet · 1 month
Absolutely cackling at the boop feature, positivity pvp upon you.
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Okay I was going to say something like "I hate the way fandom equates submission with 'being cared for' and acts as if that can never be a feature of dominance, or generally as if dominance is never relaxing, restorative, or personally fulfilling", and I do hate this, but also it made me realize.... is THIS why people get all up in arms about it being important for fictional couples to switch?? because they see D/s as a dynamic in which only one person gets cared for and gets their needs met, and the only way for it to be equal and mutual in that regard is for both people to sub sometimes?? because that might actually explain a lot.
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dandelion-wings · 4 months
someday I am either:
a) going to actually memorize how to spell Decarabian's name (unlikely)
or b) going to inadvertently publish a fic in which I still have it rendered as "Deccy"
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sapphorror · 4 months
Zim, Dib, Gaz, and Tak are actually all horribly vindictive spiteful people to more or less equal degrees, but the interesting thing is that Zim and Gaz both exact vengeance in very specific, premeditated ways, which are often wildly out of proportion but once they feel like they've evened the score they will pretty much immediately forget about whatever pissed them off in the first place—whereas Dib and Tak are both ostensibly above being ruled by petty grudges, but very obviously boiling over with a constant resentment that sends them pouncing like rabid dogs at even the slightest opportunity or excuse to make the object of their ire suffer (and if they're both working towards their own self-serving end game that just HAPPENS to involve every terrible thing imaginable befalling their enemies, well... that'll just be a happy by-product of their personal success).
I don't I have any point to make here, I just like it when these freaks are all an overwhelming danger to society (and each other)
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smaller-comfort · 3 days
Today, the worst part about writing is realizing that my latest wip is going to require plot. I can't get away with 'character study + porn' this time. There are action scenes! And three named OCs (so far) who have decided they need more than 2 lines of backstory!
Dreadful. Why am I doing this to myself. What if I just posted a recipe for pear tarte tatin to ao3 instead. (It's conceptual!)
Literacy continues to be a mistake, etc., etc.
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itspileofgoodthings · 9 months
I want to write but it’s just the weirdest flashes of stuff——like the baseball diamond covered in shade behind the local library, the duck I saw from a train window bobbing its head up and down in pond water, just flashing images and sensations that are just piling up inside but I don’t know what to do with.
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pilferingapples · 2 years
you can really tell people aren’t From Tumblr when they’re blacking out the vowels on curse words in screencaps, huh 
people who live here Know: tumblr doesn’t care if you swear. Tumblr doesn’t care if you threaten comedic violence. Tumblr doesn’t delete posts or blogs for obscenity. Tumblr deletes posts and blogs for bizarre failed coding reasons that no one, least of all tumblr, understands.
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fistfuloflightning · 6 months
Hoping for a maedhros x maeglin art some day 🥹😭🥰
Well, guess it’s your lucky day! After nolofinweanweek2023 I’ve been itching to draw more MaeMae (and get back to writing Where There’s Smoke lol)
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…kinda nsfw below the cut 😉
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