#U.S. immigration process
usadvlottery · 4 months
Upon entry into the United States, individuals must comply with the terms of their visa, such as maintaining lawful status, abiding by visa expiration dates, and adhering to any restrictions on employment or study. Depending on the type of visa, individuals may also have the option to apply for permanent residency, known as a green card, which grants them the right to live and work in the U.S. indefinitely. This process typically involves meeting additional eligibility criteria, such as sponsorship by a family member or employer, and navigating a separate application process with USCIS. Ultimately, for those aiming to become U.S. citizens, obtaining a green card is often a crucial step towards eligibility for naturalization, which requires meeting residency, language, and civics requirements, among others. Throughout each stage of the immigration process, applicants must carefully follow instructions, provide accurate information, and adhere to deadlines to maximize their chances of success.
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yardsards · 1 year
this cold snap combined with being Obligated to visit my shit parents has me fantasizing about the fact that some day i will move hundreds -perhaps thousands- of miles away from here
#eliot posts#i'm not yet sure where tho#roughly considering georgia bc it's one of the more blue of the southern states#california is always an appealing idea but the cost of living Scares Me#could also move outside of the states#prolly to south america but europe could also be neat like spain or italy or somethin#i've only done surface level research on what it's like to like in various south and central american countries#but a few of em sound good for my wants. especially uruguay i think?#alas most of the pros and cons about emigrating from the u.s. are written by the Type Of Person to blog/vlog abt that type of shit#so their complaints are shit where it's like. that just sounds like how most ppl outside of like los angeles live their life#or shit that is very much like what ot was like growing up in my rural hometown#this one bitch was weeping and moaning abt there being no amazon prime 2 day shipping#anyway tho#i do know that the immigration process is very tough (tho especially in europe)#so that would have to wait til AFTER i've spent a few years here in the states setting up a stable life and saving up money#also definitely need to get better at spanish (or learn portuguese if i wanna go to brazil) bc my spanish SUCKS i talk like a preschooler#this one lady on youtube was boohooing about ''i thought i could just learn spanish through immersion'' LIKE BRUH#you just EXPECTED the locals to accomodate you when you didn't even teach yourself RUDIMENTARY spanish beforehand???#whadda fuck
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milk-lover · 1 year
Dying at this typo on an immigration form my sister is filling out
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partisan-by-default · 7 months
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the famously outspoken Democratic congresswoman from New York, says she has a simple approach to fixing the immigrant crisis in the U.S.
“The answer should really be, we should make it easier to be legal, documented and citizens of the United States of America,” Ocasio-Cortez said.
Ocasio-Cortez, talking to the “The Daily Show” host Desus Nice in an interview Monday night, said the country needs to return to how things were done in previous generations when the process for becoming an American citizen was more streamlined.
“From all parts of the political spectrum, one of the big issues that we have when it comes to immigration is the fact that we have an undocumented population,” Ocasio-Cortez said on the Comedy Central show. “Now you can fix that by trying to build a wall or you can fix that by trying to document people and create a path to citizenship.”
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Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict | Reuters
By Joseph Tanfani, Ned Parker & Peter Eisler
Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.
After Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime, his supporters responded with dozens of violent online posts, according to a Reuters review of comments on three Trump-aligned websites: the former president's own Truth Social platform, Patriots.Win and the Gateway Pundit.
Some called for attacks on jurors, the execution of the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, or outright civil war and armed insurrection.
“Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one commentator on Patriots.Win. “Hopefully he gets met with illegals with a machete,” the post said in reference to illegal immigrants.
On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."
Threats of violence and intimidating rhetoric soared after Trump lost the 2020 election and falsely claimed the vote was stolen. As he campaigns for a second White House term, Trump has baselessly cast the judges and prosecutors in his trials as corrupt tools of the Biden administration, intent on sabotaging his White House bid. His loyalists have responded with a campaign of threats and intimidation targeting judges and court officials.
“This was a disgrace, this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” Trump told reporters afterwards, echoing comments he often made during the trial.
A 12-member jury found Trump guilty on Thursday of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star’s account of a sexual encounter ahead of the 2016 election. Sentencing is set for July 11, days before the Republican Party is scheduled to formally nominate Trump for president ahead of the Nov. 5 election. Trump has denied wrongdoing and is expected to appeal.
Trump continued his attacks online after the verdict.
On Truth Social, he called Merchan “HIGHLY CONFLICTED” and criticized his jury instructions as unfair. One commentator responded by posting a picture of a hangman's platform and a noose with the caption: “TREASONOUS MOBSTER OF THE JUSTICES SYSTEM!!”
Jacob Ware, a co-author of the book “God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America”, said the violent language used by Trump’s followers was testament to the former president’s “ironclad ability to mobilize more extreme supporters to action, both at the ballot box and through violence.”
“Until and unless he accepts the process, the extremist reaction to his legal troubles will be militant,” said Ware, a research fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
A spokesperson for Truth Social said, “It’s hard to believe that Reuters, once a respected news service, has fallen so low as to publish such a manipulative, false, defamatory and transparently stupid article as this one purely out of political spite.”
All three sites have policies against violent language, and some of the posts were later removed. Representatives of Patriots.Win and Gateway Pundit did not immediately return requests for comment. A Trump spokesperson also did not respond to an email seeking comment.
After Thursday's verdict, many of his supporters also said that his conviction was proof that the American political system was broken and that only violent action could save the country.
“1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to Washington and hang everyone. That's the only solution,” said one poster on Patriots.win. Another added: “Trump should already know he has an army willing to fight and die for him if he says the words...I’ll take up arms if he asks.”
Other posts specifically urged targeting Democrats, in some cases suggesting they be shot. “AMERICA FULLY DESTROYED BY DEMOCRATS. LOCK AND LOAD,” wrote a commentator on Gateway Pundit.
While the posts identified by Reuters all called for violence or insurrection, most fell short of the legal standard for a prosecutable threat, which typically requires evidence that the comment reflects a clear intent to act or instill fear, rather than simply suggesting a frightening outcome.
Still, one researcher who studies extremist militias said the guilty verdict could inspire violence by reinforcing a conviction among some of Trump's supporters that he's a victim of a conspiracy orchestrated by his enemies.
“I do think a lot of these folks have been looking for an excuse to maybe mobilize for a while,” said Amy Cooter of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies’ Center on Terrorism, Extremism and Counterterrorism. “I hope I’m wrong. I’ve said for a long time, though, that I would not be shocked to see violence result from a guilty verdict, either directed toward the jurors” or others connected to the case.
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robertreich · 1 year
Why Child Labor in America is Skyrocketing
Corporations are bringing back child labor in America.
And some Republicans want to make it easier for them to get away with it.
Since 2015, child labor violations have risen nearly 300%. And those are just the violations government investigators have managed to uncover and document.
The Department of Labor says it's currently investigating over 600 cases of illegal child labor in America. Major American companies like General Mills, Walmart, and Ford have all been implicated.
Why on Earth is this happening? The answer is frighteningly simple: greed.
Employers have been having difficulty finding the workers they need at the wages they are willing to pay. Rather than reduce their profits by paying adult workers more, employers are exploiting children.
The sad fact of the matter is that many of the children who are being exploited are considered to be “them” rather than “us” because they’re disproportionately poor and immigrant. So the moral shame of subjecting “our” children to inhumane working conditions when they ought to be in school is quietly avoided.
And since some of these children (or their parents) are undocumented, they dare not speak out or risk detention and deportation. They need the money. This makes them easily exploitable.
It’s a perfect storm that’s resulting in vulnerable children taking on some of the most brutal jobs.
Folks, we’ve seen this before.
Reformers fought to establish the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 for a reason — to curb the grotesque child labor seen during America’s first Gilded Age.
The U.S. banned most child labor.
But now, pro-business trade groups and their Republican lackeys are trying to reverse nearly a century of progress, and they're using the so-called "labor shortage" as their excuse.
Arkansas will no longer require 14 and 15 year olds to get a work permit before taking a job — a process that verified their age and required permission from a parent or guardian.
A bill in Ohio would let children work later on school nights.
Minnesota Republicans are pushing to let 16 year-olds work in construction.
And 14-year-olds in Iowa may soon be allowed to take certain jobs in meatpacking plants and operate dangerous machinery.
It’s all a coordinated campaign to erode national standards, making it even easier for companies to profit off children.
Across America, we’re witnessing a resurgence of cruel capitalism in which business lobbyists and lawmakers justify their actions by arguing that they are not exploiting the weak and vulnerable, but rather providing jobs for those who need them and would otherwise go hungry or homeless.
Conveniently, these same business lobbyists and lawmakers are often among the first to claim we “can’t afford” stronger safety nets that would provide these children with safe housing and adequate nutrition.
So what can stop this madness?
First: Fund the Department of Labor so it can crack down on child labor violations. When I was Secretary of Labor, the department was chronically underfunded and understaffed. It still is, because lawmakers and their corporate backers want it that way.  
Second: Increase fines on companies that break child labor laws. Current fines are too low, and are treated as costs of doing business by hugely profitable companies that violate the law.
Third: Hold major corporations accountable. Many big corporations contract with smaller companies that employ children, which allows the big corporations to play dumb and often avoid liability. It’s time to demand that large corporations take responsibility for their supply chains.
Fourth: Reform immigration laws so undocumented children aren’t exploited.
And lastly: Organize. Fight against state laws that are attempting to bring back child labor.
Are corporate profits really more important than the safety of children?
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jacensolodjo · 3 months
Today, March 19, 2024, SB 4 went into effect in Texas.
What does this law do?
From the ACLU of Texas:
This new law authorizes untrained police officers to engage in immigration enforcement. It creates a new unconstitutional process in which the police in Texas are permitted to detain people suspected of being non-U.S. citizens and entering or attempting to enter Texas from Mexico or another country without authorization. Police may charge individuals with a new state crime of “illegal entry” to Texas, punishable by up to 6 months in jail. Police may charge individuals previously denied admission to the U.S. or deported from the U.S., including those unlawfully deported by Texas, with “illegal re-entry" to Texas, punishable by up to 10-20 years in prison.  
The law also authorizes – and in some cases requires – Texas judges, who are not trained in immigration law and have no proper authority to enforce it, to order individuals deported under certain circumstances. Individuals who fail to leave the United States may then be charged under a new crime of refusing to comply with the state’s deportation order, punishable by 2 to 20 years in prison. 
For more see this page from the ACLU of Texas.
Know your rights.
If you are stopped by local or state police, it’s important to know your rights. Remember that you have the right to remain silent and, generally, do not have to answer any questions about your immigration status, where you were born, or how you entered the country. You should never give an officer a false document or lie to law enforcement.
Hoy, 19 de marzo de 2024, la SB 4 entró en vigor en Texas.
¿Qué hará esta ley?
Esta nueva ley autoriza a policías no capacitados a implementar las leyes de inmigración. Dentro de este nuevo proceso inconstitucional, se permite a la policía de Texas detener a personas sospechosas de no ser ciudadanos estadounidenses y de ingresar, o intentar ingresar, sin autorización a Texas desde México, o de otro país. La policía puede acusar a personas de un nuevo delito estatal de “entrada ilegal” a Texas, sancionable con hasta 6 meses de cárcel. De igual manera, la policía puede acusar de "reingreso ilegal" a Texas — delito penado con hasta 10 a 20 años de prisión, a personas a las que previamente se les ha negado la entrada a los EE. UU. o que han sido deportadas de los EE. UU., incluyendo aquellas personas deportadas ilegalmente por Texas. La ley también autoriza — y en algunos casos exige — a los jueces de Texas, los cuales no están capacitados en leyes de inmigración y no tienen la autoridad adecuada para hacerlas cumplir, a ordenar la deportación de personas bajo ciertas circunstancias. Aquellas personas que no abandonen los Estados Unidos podrán ser acusadas de un nuevo delito por negarse a cumplir la orden de deportación del estado, el cual será castigado con 2 a 20 años de prisión.
Si la policía local o estatal le detiene, es importante que conozca sus derechos. Recuerde que tiene derecho a guardar silencio y, en general, no tiene que responder ninguna pregunta sobre su estatus migratorio, como dónde nació o cómo ingresó al país. Nunca debe proporcionar a un oficial un documento falso, ni mentir a las autoridades.
Para más información
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vague-humanoid · 5 days
The Biden administration is planning to refer some migrants in Latin America for resettlement in Greece and Italy as part of another effort to discourage people in the region from traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border, two people familiar with the government's plans told CBS News.
@dirhwangdaseul @socialistexan
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doetic · 4 months
There's Doodles of Rams in the Margins - Enemies to lovers!Jschlatt x F!Reader (pt.2)
Plot: Anxiety threatens to ruin Y/n's morning after the disaster of the night she had before. Despite this she pushes on, but her hopes of having a good day is ruined when she finds Schlatt's usual asshole self in her kitchen. Warnings: asshole schlatt, swearing, reader eats eggs. Word Count: 2048
A/n: Shorter than I'd like it to be, but it just felt like a good place to end it. Again, no beta. If there's an error that's just me being all wack in a cool literary way like hemingway
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The next morning began significantly better than the night before it. You woke up well rested, your soreness washed away into a dull ache that only made itself known if you stretched your body too hard. For the duration of your morning routine, you didn’t find yourself thinking much about the party at all. In a way, it was as if the sun had washed away what had occurred last night. Every time your brain dredged it up, you reasoned with yourself that it wasn’t as if you’d see much of  Schlatt again anyways, so there wasn’t much point of dwelling on the matter. 
Regardless of your good mood, however, you delayed opening your phone, feeling a pit in your stomach every time you thought of waking up the black sleeping screen to see if anything had gotten out about the incident. Though, from the lack of notifications coming from the device, you felt a little optimistic of Ted’s pull within the group of people that were there to witness it. You distracted yourself from the device by getting dressed, not yet wanting to discard your fairly good mood by giving into the temptation to unlock your phone. Even the sight of it sent a jolt of anxiety through your body. Instead, you opted to occupy your thoughts by getting dressed. You needed to go out and grab toothpaste anyways, and you’ve spent far too much money on clothes – as an immigrant to the U.S, you found yourself falling victim to the enticingly luxurious L.A lifestyle quite often – to go out in just athleisure. 
The smell of eggs wafting from the kitchen had you instantly on guard. Shae made you eggs usually as a way to butter you up before breaking something big. When Shae would serve you a plate, she would often wait for you to get about halfway into the dish before breaking whatever news she had stored in her mouth to you with an apologetic wince, as if each forkful you lifted to  your mouth were seconds counting down on a clock.
You hoped it was nothing too bad, today was the day you were to sift through the new roommates Shae had found to replace her. She was the reason you moved to L.A, to live with your lifelong pen-pal best friend, and thought it unfair that her moving in with Ted would uproot your newly settled life unless she found someone to cover her half of the rent. The Ted part was a surprise to you when she brought up the matter at lunch yesterday – you had thought she was just always over at a hookup’s place rather than a man she was intending to get serious with – but otherwise the day had been both anxiously and excitingly looming over you. You knew Shae wouldn’t do you wrong, certainly you’d become fast friends with the new addition to the apartment, something you looked forward to with your current counter of friends in the area adding up to a whopping one.
You tried not to let the feeling of impending doom that prickled at your every nerve bring you down from the good mood you woke up in – a good mood that seemed increasingly fragile as the day carried on. You intended to move into the open kitchen and living room space with a sense of purpose, though you felt sure your tentative curiosity was evident in your gait. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Your words escaped your mouth faster than your eyes could process the sight before them. Seated at your kitchen island, with a haggard, hungover expression, was Schlatt. Beside him was Ted, who paused his conversation with his friend to look back and forth between you and Shae – her anxious form positioned at the stove with a guilty smile – with worry. 
The sight before you was like ice water being poured upon your warm, happy body. Although you were not physically shaking, the anger that vibrated within your form was akin to violent shivering. 
“Quiet down toots, m’head hurts,” There was the nickname again, emerging from his throat like a groan. If he were less infuriating, perhaps, it would have made your heart skip a beat. However the attractive man’s attitude far outweighed his appearance. 
“I…made eggs?” Shae gave you a nervous grin.
You narrowed your eyes at the group and ignored the only open seat at the island beside Schlatt, opting to walk over and lean against the side of the island countertop. 
“Ted, why do you look like a kid in trouble?” His guilty eyes darted away from your face. From his expression, it seemed as if pressing for an answer from him would be faster than waiting for Shae’s likely roundabout explanation. “What’s going on?”
Ted opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by Schlatt, whose eyes squinted in pain at the sight of the window behind you. “I’m your new roomie, surprise.” His voice was harsh towards you, but turned more polite as he addressed Shae. “Can I have some more eggs, please?”
“Shae don’t you dare give him my apology eggs,” You narrowed your eyes. She instead plated the eggs that were in the pan and slid them, along with a fork, across the counter your way. “Is he being for real?” 
Shae waited in tense silence for half of the egg to be eaten – as was custom, although with the small size of the egg and your morning hunger it took less time than usual – before she replied.
“I planned it before you two met, and it's too late to change it up now. Finding someone decent this late wouldn’t be easy, if possible,” She explained. Although she seemed like she didn’t care too much about the matter, it was apparent to you, having known her for so long, that she wasn’t too enthused about the situation either and was putting on a polite facade around Schlatt. 
“I’m right here,” Schlatt spoke up. “Like I’m currently in the room as you speak about me.”
“Oh don’t worry, Schlatt. I’m all too aware of your presence,”  You verbally jabbed at him in between forkfuls.
He let out a sardonic laugh, “Obsessive much?” 
You conjured up a daydream of diving across the table and shaking Schlatt violently. 
Ted – who had seemed like little more than Shae’s ornamentally passive malewife in every prior interaction involving Schlatt’s douchebaggery – interrupted your thoughts and for once spoke up before a glare from his girlfriend was sent his way. His face was painted with a sense of confusion and annoyance at his friend's behaviour. Was Schlatt not usually this stuck up? You felt even more annoyed at the notion that he was just this prideful around you specifically, you hadn’t done anything to him! 
“Shut up, man. Let’s get a head start on moving Shae’s boxes,” Ted’s words seemed to shock Schlatt a bit, and you had to respect Ted a bit for it – although you believed you’d always dislike and distrust him as the boyfriend of your best friend. With Ted’s words, Schlatt got up and headed to Shae’s room, leaving you and your friend alone. At least he had put his dishes in the sink before leaving.
“What’s his fucking deal?” Once the two were confidently out of earshot, you plopped down in the empty seat you had refused to sit in before with a groan.
“I don’t know,” Shae leaned against the island with her elbows. “He’s always been pretty nice to me and everyone else I’ve seen him with,” A sigh deflated her body slightly. “That’s why I thought he’d be a good roommate… well that and his income. I knew with his wealth he’d easily be able to afford rent. The only reason he doesn’t have a house is because it’s a hassle to go through the process of owning.” 
“Is he some bigshot youtuber like Ted?” You finished the last of your eggs. 
“Bigger, four million.”
You snorted, recalling his attitude and miserable appearance around you. “Those four million people must be fucking miserable.”
“I’m not too happy about this either Y/n. The way he treats you is so fucked, especially last night. Ted took care of that by the way, he’s got a lot of friends. You shouldn’t see it posted.”
“Ted’s still on thin ice,” Shae shot you an incredulous look. “Hey! I care about you, I just met the man! I can’t trust him too quickly. But anyways, thank him for me.”
Shae gave you a satisfied smile before getting back to the topic. “Don’t worry Y/n, it won’t be too long. Just until Schlatt gets his shit together and can get a place to live in Texas again. He’s been going through some housing issues, he needs this place. He shouldn’t be too bothersome.”
You snorted. “I think we’re far past that point.”
“Ted thinks Schlatt’s just embarrassed by how drunk he was. He’s prideful and doesn’t really like being wrong, or in the wrong. Maybe he’s got too much pride to apologise and is just doubling down? That doesn’t make it okay, regardless.”
“That's such a man thing to do. I see this all the time when people write to me. Why are men such…” You searched for the word before crying out in exasperation. “...men!” 
“It all boils down to the patriarchy,” Shae shrugged. “That's why I like my boyfriends like Ted, whipped.”
“Eww! TMI!” You teased, intentionally taking her words in the wrong way to mess with her. 
“Not like that! You know what I meant!” Shae squealed and hit you with the dishtowel light-heartedly. You caught it and stood up laughing, collecting your dishes in your free hand and heading to the sink. She stopped you, taking the items from you. “No, you had a shit morning. I’ll do it. Besides, I saw you talking with some guy last night. Take the time I’m saving you to text him and tell me about it after.” 
You weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Okay, thank you Shae.” You relented. “But I’m taking you out for goodbye drinks tonight as a thank you when I do!” You smiled, heading down the hallway, not letting her protest the implications that you'd be paying.
You knew eavesdropping was bad, but with your room right beside Shae’s in the hallway, you preferred the phrase ‘overhearing while loitering’ to describe how you stopped in your tracks in front of your door at the sound of Schlatt and Ted’s voices. “Be nice man, she means a lot to Shae and Shae means a lot to me,” Ted scolded his friend. “But not too nice, like not falling in love nice. That doesn't usually work out with roommates.”
You hated how you were coming to know Schlatt so well that your brain autofilled in the quiet chuckle you were sure he let out at Ted's words. “She’s alright looking, but not hot enough to tempt me.”
You had to hold back the offended gasp that intruded uncomfortably in your throat.
“She was hot enough to attract Hasan–”
“Hasan’s a–!” You didn’t hear the rest of Schlatt’s thoughts, angrily retreating into your room. What an asshole, how much more stuck up could he be! It wasn’t as if you wanted his attention, but the frank way he stated it had you fuming at the impoliteness of it all. You had done nothing to this man, and yet he was rude to you for what? His damn pride? Well he could certainly take his damn pride and shove it–!
You flopped onto your bed and muffled your angry yell with your pillow. It took a few moments for you to calm down your rage filled body before you rolled over onto your back and pulled out your phone that had been confirmed safe, creating a new text to the contact saved under Hasan. The lingering sting of Schlatt’s words was something you wanted to get over, and a meeting with the attractive man who seemed to be into you sounded perfect right now. Your fingers quickly tapped on the phone keyboard, desperate for a distraction.
[Y/n]: Hey Hasan, It’s Y/n from last night!
Tags: @ghostyoongs
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usadvlottery · 5 months
Embark on your journey to permanent residency in the United States! Our detailed guide demystifies the USA Green Card application process, providing essential insights on eligibility, documentation, and key steps. Maximize your chances of success with expert tips and ensure a smooth path toward obtaining your USA Green Card. Your American dream awaits – start your application with confidence!
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Do The Chul Dance!
"Alright Darren, get ready!" The dance director shouted with his megaphone.
Darren the scrawny white man walked onto the stage.
"Okay Darren, we need you to do something like those KPOP stars now chop chop!" The director waved his baton.
"U-Um sir... I don't... watch KPOP-"
"Nonsense! Just feel it in your body!" The director interrupted Darren.
"N-Not to be mean sir but I'm just a an american white guy..." Darren isn't korean let alone someone that's ever left the U.S. so he wasn't sure how he could "feel it in your body".
Infact this whole gig was weird from the start. Darren was an amateur dancer and was trying to find a bit of work to fund his student loans and this job just came to him on a phone ad one day.
Dance like a star!
Get money and change your life!
The tagline was a bit weird but money is money. But now... he was at a loss.
"Now now darling, how about you put these on!" The director got out of his chair and handed Darren an impressive pair of shades with Darren reluctantly putting the eye covers.
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"Let's take it from the top! Show your korean gusto, Darren!" The director shouted into the megaphone once more
"S-Sir... like I told you before I-I'm america-"
"What are you talking about my good chap? Being korean was part of the sign up process. You are 100% one!"
"But I'm not-"
"You are Korean. Always have been," The moment the words left the director's mouth Darren's new shades began to glow and Darren's body began to change.
Darren lost a bit of muscle as he became a bit skinnier while his face was restructured to be much more authentically korean with narrower eyes, a bit plumper lips and slimmer nose. The final physical change for now was Darren's becoming a bit tanner. Memories of being on American soil all Darren's life were replaced with memories of korean city skylines and immigrating at age 20. Despite it all he's somehow pretty good with english but still stumbles from time to time. Darren's mom was always enamored with american names so she named his son with one.
"Ah, right. So sorry! Don't know what came over me!" A korean accent quickly overtook Darren's former voice like it always been there.
"No worries no worries! Now you said your name was Darren correct? That's not a very korean name is it? Why did your parents choose it?" The director gave a curious smirk.
"Oh! Well my mom has always been fascinated with american culture so she named me something american so she felt like it was always a part of her life-"
"Good. Great. Fantastic even. Just one tiny problem with that. It says on this paper here your name is 황철순..."
"Hwang Chul Soon? Like the famous bodybuilder? Oh please the fact we're the same race is more insane than anything let alone me sharing the same name as him-"
"Your name is definitely 황철순," the shades glowed again as Darren's or rather Chul's timeline was changed to fit the director's vision.
Chul's mother never had a knack for american culture. Instead it was just pure coincidence that he would share the name of famous South Korean Bodybuilder Hwang Chul Soon. Chul felt like he never deserved the name and yet he still had it.
"Apologies. I slipped up again... yes... my name is 황철순... But can we get to the dancing now? You've been asking a lot of questions-"
"It's all part of our process for a perfect korean dancer, Chul! Just a bit more now!" The director smiled
"Okay... what else do you want from me?"
"Hmm... how well do you know your korean?"
"I was born and raised there so I would say it's about as perfect as it can be..."
"Excellent! How about your english? Doing good on that front?"
"My english? Not too bad... I do fumble a bit sometimes though,"
"그래서 당신이 말하는 것은 당신이 더 이상 영어를 몰라도 괜찮다는 것입니까?" (So what you're saying is that you wouldn't mind not knowing english anymore?)
"어… 뭐?" (Uh... what?)
"당신은 더 이상 영어를 모른다," (You don't know english anymore.) The shades shining glory returned and absorbed all knowledge of the english language from Chul. Despite immigrating to America he never quite figured out the language so he stayed in mostly korean immigrant areas leading to this korean dance company.
"...더 이상? 그래 내가 영어를 전혀 못하잖아..." (…Anymore? Well yeah I don't speak english like at all…)
"좋아요! 스타가 될 순수한 한국인!" (That's right! A pure korean that will be a star!) The director was being especially loud this time.
"어… 그래? 난 널 위해 한 번도 춤을 춰본 적 없어-" (Uh… yea I guess? I haven't even danced once for you-)
"나는 당신의 조급함을 이해합니다 하지만 여기서 거의 끝났습니다. 조금만 기다려줘 알았지? (I understand your impatience but we're almost done here. Just wait a bit for me okay?) The director gave a look that gave Chul chills in his spine.
"자, 당신의 체격을 어떻게 설명하시겠습니까?" (Now, how would you describe your physique?)
"오, 별거 아니에요 선생님… 저는 평생 체육관에 가본 적이 없어요. 황철순 같은 사람과 이름을 공유하는 것조차 의욕이 없었어요-" (Oh, it's not much sir… I've never been to the gym all my life. Even sharing a name with someone like Hwang Chul Soon I've just never been motivated to-)
"무의미한 말! 당신은 신의 체격을 가지고 있습니다! 누구나 당신이 되고 싶어할 것입니다!" (Nonsense! you have the physique of the gods! Anyone would want to be you!)
"부럽긴한데 근육이 거의없어서..." (I'm flattered but I barely have any muscle… ) Chul twiddled his thumbs in shame
"나한테 거짓말 할 필요 없어 철. 카리스마처럼 근육이 엄청나다!" (You don't need to lie to me Chul. your muscles are huge just like your charisma!)
"선생님… 저는 그 둘 다 가지고 있지 않습니다-" (Sir... I have neither of those-)
"신의 근육과 고기 가득한 근육과 HIGH 카리스마," (You have the muscles of gods and the pecs full of meat and HIGH charisma.) The shades shone like never before as Chul began to pack on muscle at an alarming rate.
First there was the massive biceps, then the faint appearance of a sixpack with Chul's back widening soon as his neck become thicker and his adam's apple more prominent. The star of his upper half began to show itself as his flat rack became massive chunks of meat that could rival the most gifted of women. Chul got a bit taller as his swishy pants rode up exposing the thicker legs that he just obtained. A smirk overcame Chul as his hairstyle become much more suave and he threw his lousy shirt side exposing his new muscle body and charisma.
"알아차리셨다니 다행입니다! 이제 충분히 말하고 더 춤추세요!" (So glad you noticed! Now enough talking and more DANCING!) Chul's new charisma immediately showed itself as Chul began to show his moves.
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"내가 찾고 있는 바로 그 철! 나를 위해 밈 댄스를 해주세요!" (That's the Chul I'm looking for! Do a memey dance for me!) Chul nodded and began his routine.
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"그리고…. 플렉스!" (And... Flex!) Chul walked up to the stage and flexed to the director.
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"잘했어 철! 당신은 당신의 분대에 완벽합니다. 당신은 내일 시작합니다." (Great job Chul! You're perfect for your squad. You start tomorrow.) The director stood up and clapped.
"이런 기회를 주셔서 정말 감사합니다 선생님. 내일 봐요!" (Thank you so much for this opportunity sir. See you tomorrow!) Chul waved goodbye to the director and left the building.
With no one in the room the director began to laugh manically.
"Heh... another transformation complete I almost surprise myself with my power. I'm going to have the greatest bodybuilding dance group known to HUMANITY!" The director laughed even harder.
"Poor ol' Darren..." The director pulled up a picture of Chul or rather Darren.
"He doesn't know anything... how much happier he is now."
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twiststreet · 6 months
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The Biden administration on Tuesday indicated to congressional lawmakers that it would be willing to support a new border authority to expel migrants without asylum screenings, as well as a dramatic expansion of immigration detention and deportations. [...] Specifically, the White House indicated that it would support a new, far-reaching legal authority to allow U.S. border officials to summarily expel migrants without processing their asylum claims.
CBS News.
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septembriseur · 7 months
A lot of terrible things are happening in the world right now. But in case you've missed this story, Pakistan is rounding up and deporting— as in literally knocking people's doors downs and dragging them out, or bulldozing their houses— more than a million Afghan refugees and migrants, including people who have valid travel or residence documents, people who are waiting for the processing of humanitarian or student visas from other countries, and people who have lived in Pakistan for decades. They are being arrested and deported because they are Afghan.
Keep in mind that there are only two countries to which Afghans can reasonably expect to receive a travel visa and easily ("easily") travel: Pakistan and/or Iran, the safety of which depends partly on the ethnic background of the refugee. Of these two, only Pakistan has a U.S. embassy where refugees can pursue Special Immigrant Visa or student visa applications for the United States.
This story has received some coverage and some action in the United Kingdom:
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But almost nothing in the United States.
I just think that people should know.
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beardedmrbean · 27 days
A group of migrants are refusing to leave an encampment in Denver until the city meets a list of 13 demands.
The demands were sent to Denver Mayor Mike Johnston following a petition by city officials to move the group from the encampment to indoor shelters funded by the city, local TV station KDVR reported. The encampment is under a bridge and near train tracks.
The group said if its demands are met, it will leave the encampment and move to a city shelter. The demands include providing "fresh" and "culturally appropriate" ingredients to cook with, shower access with no time limits, medical visits and housing support.
Newsweek has contacted via email the mayor's office for comment.
The group's complete demands are as follows:
The migrants should be allowed to "cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients," including rice, chicken, flour, tomatoes and onions, instead of being served premade meals. They also want to ensure people are not punished for bringing and eating food from outside the shelters.
Have access to showers at all times and without time limits.
Visits by medical professionals will occur on a regular basis, with referrals for specialty care made as needed.
The group will receive the same housing support offered to others, and city officials will not "kick people out in 30 days without something stable established."
A "clear" and "just" process for removing someone, including verbal, written and final warnings.
Employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify.
Free consultations with an immigration lawyer, as well as ongoing legal support provided by the city through immigration clinics and transportation to court.
Privacy for families in the shelter.
No verbal, physical or mental abuse by shelter staff and no 24/7 monitoring by law enforcement.
Transportation for children to and from school.
No separation of families, regardless of whether those families have children.
A meeting with the mayor and those involved in running the city's program to support migrants "to discuss further improvements."
All shelter residents will be provided with a document signed by a city official in English and Spanish and containing the list of demands and a number to call to report violations.
Jon Ewing, a spokesman for Denver Human Services, told KDVR that the city is "just trying to get families to leave that camp and come inside."
The city's offer will give families "three square meals a day," and they can cook their own meals if they wish, he said. He also said that the city will try to compromise and determine what assistance the migrants qualify for.
"What might be something that is a feasible path for you to success that is not staying on the streets of Denver?" he said. "We try to figure something out.... At the end of the day, what we do not want is families on the streets of Denver."
Denver is among the U.S. cities that have struggled to manage the rising number of migrants that have been transported from Texas and other states. Last month, Johnston announced the creation of the Denver Asylum Seekers Program, which his office billed as a sustainable response to the city's migrant crisis.
The program will place asylum seekers in apartments for up to six months and provide job and skills training, food assistance and free legal help with asylum applications.
However, the program is limited to those who were in the city's shelters on April 10 and capped at about 1,000 people. Those who arrived in Denver after April 10 will be provided with a short-term stay at a shelter and assistance with onward travel.
Nonprofits are also working to support migrants arriving in Denver and other parts of Colorado. One organization, Hope Has No Borders, is working to pair migrants with host families for short or longer-term stays in Denver and other parts of Colorado.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Thank you for the thorough explanation of the US immigration/green card system. My guess is that Harold has a diplomatic passport, unfortunately, so the process you explained would all be moot, right?
No. Harry would still have to submit paperwork and go through the vetting process.
There are just different requirements for it. He still has to submit his passport for review. He still has to submit DS-160/260 form (160 is the paper form, 260 is the electronic form). He doesn’t have to sit for an interview. Instead of civil documents (eg marriage certificate, military records, etc), he submits a diplomatic note - confirmation from the foreign government of his status and travel details. Meghan doesn’t have to submit financial documents.
If he’s caught in any lies, his application can still be rejected and the threat of deportability (or inadmissibility) still remains. But it likely wouldn’t materialize unless the lie or the omission was blatantly egregious, at which point diplomatic immunity comes into play. There are different levels of diplomatic immunity and note, diplomatic immunity is not the same thing as impunity.
And technically, Harry is not qualified to be here on a diplomatic/A visa. From the Department of State website (emphasis mine):
To qualify for an A-1 or A-2 visa, you must be traveling to the United States on behalf of your national government to engage solely in official activities for that government. The specific duties or services that will be performed must be governmental in character or nature, as determined by the U.S. Department of State, in accordance with U.S. immigration laws. Government officials traveling to the United States to perform non-governmental functions of a commercial nature, or traveling as tourists, require the appropriate visas and do not qualify for A visas. The fact that there may be government interest or control in a given organization is not in itself the defining factor in determining if you qualify for an A visa.
He is not a representative of the United Kingdom. He is not here on official business. He doesn’t work at an embassy (though he did try to have Montecito Mansion declared as an embassy outpost).
Which is the core root of what the Heritage Foundation is trying to find out; how did Harry get here, when, and under what terms? Did he lie on his forms and if so, what was the basis for allowing him in anyway? Did he get special treatment because he was The Queen’s grandson? Did he get special treatment because of COVID loopholes? Or was he treated like everyone else?
If he was treated like everyone else - as claimed - then he should have gone through the spousal visa process.
But if he’s here on a diplomatic visa? Well, that brings up a ton of questions and makes the case for deportability stronger (because if you “settle” here via the wrong visa, sometimes they kick you out and make you start over again from scratch). But also as we talked about yesterday, they’re not going to deport Harry the same way they’d deport you or me if it gets to that point; it’s going to be done nicely through back-room negotiations and covered up by reconciliation/olive branch PR or “Africa is better for us, there’s no paparazzi here” PR.
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godisarepublican · 2 months
The WokeTards are hysterical, literally hysterical. You can't even get them to discuss issues. I know. I've tried. They just can't do it. Facts are worthless to them. They hate Trump. Their feelings. Their emotions. They HATE and that's all they need to know.
Trump is "Racist," for example, for wanting to enforce U.S. immigration laws. That's "Racist." And never mind the fact that U.S. immigration laws are WAY more liberal than Mexico's.
Google it. Pretend you want to go move to Mexico, live there, maybe become a citizen. Go look at the requirements, the process. U.S. immigration laws are WAY more liberal!
In Canada, not only won't they accept illegal aliens but the legal ones only have so long to become independent, and then they get shipped back home. I think it's three years, and then they get the boot, but while you're pretending to want to move to Canada, and researching this stuff, you can find out.
Europe? The United States is WAY more liberal than the E.U. states, when it comes to immigration. And we're way, WAY more liberal than the U.K., which enacted a plan to ship their illegals including asylum seekers to Africa! Germany is looking at enacting such a plan themselves.
Trump is MORE LIBERAL than Europe, Canada or Mexico, on immigration. Trump is MORE open than any of them are. Yet Trump is "Racist" for wanting to enforce our laws.
I sincerely doubt a single one can tell you why they feel the way they do, what made them think those things. And I have asked. Like the time they all went bananas because Trump revoked a security clearance from some old retired white guy. HOW could they get upset about that? At this point they don't even remember doing it, going ape over a retired man losing his security clearance. But they did it. And that's just one small example we all had to endure...
Remember when the LeftTards got all spastic because they're all pro war, love war and Trump said he wanted to withdraw our assets from Syria? WHY did that upset them? And, again, I sincerely doubt that they can even remember getting upset, much less why. But they did. They got spit-flying, hair-pulling, veins-popping-out of-their-foreheads UPSET because Trump didn't want us involved in a war in Syria.
They can't tell you why. Assuming any of them are even capable of remembering, they can't tell you why.
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