#Tumblr mobile app stopped working for me so i uninstalled it
im-pure · 2 months
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Baxter when he ghosts the 27384984th person in his life and wonders why he feels sad
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dumbdomb · 7 months
Hey just a heads up, your posts are showing up in the intersex main tag searches. I'm all for the writing and stuff, it's just that I figured youd want a heads up where your posts are being seen
you say you're supportive of my writing, yet you're voicing a concern that intersex people may see the posts i've intentionally tagged as "intersex nsft" to include intersex people. how is that being "all for the writing and stuff"? why are you worried about intersex people seeing my intersex inclusive writing? oh, and btw...
if you don't know the difference between SEARCH Results and TAGGED Results, that's not my concern. i do not control the current version of search functionality on this website.
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i use the TAG "intersex nsft" and if you search by that tag, you will only see posts with that specific tag. if you run a general search, the webbed site will go "intersex" "nsft" AND include every single word and emoji, likewise. this is how search works now, and has been so for some time. nobody has control over what the search algorithm chooses to include in general search results. please search TAGGED Results ONLY if you want to refine your results, and perhaps use the blocklist in settings to avoid any posts with specific tags- if you're uncomfortable with any posts being tagged "intersex nsft" for example.
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learn how to use the site before making your personal issues someone else's problem.
the settings you use, or choose not to, are not my concern or responsibility in any way. i have properly tagged my posts. there is nothing wrong with "intersex nsft" content existing! you don't need any more information about me, but i'll add that i do not claim being intersex bc i do not have a full diagnosis. i am personally being seen to determine whether i simply have pcos or something else, and i haven't been diligent in my medical treatments. it's a slow process for me. however, it is fine to still tag posts that are gender neutral, or can be read in inclusive ways, as content for people who identify as intersex. i welcome sexual variants on my blog and hope people of all genders, as well as genderless identities, feel welcomed and invited here. 🏳️‍🌈
i do not concern myself with the general search results on here, nor with anything i post showing up in someone's orbit, based on likes, etc... That is all processed through algorithms and not the way Most people know how to use this site. we have tags for what we like, tags for hate, tags for gif makers, tags for art, tags for writing, tags for general use, tags for cosplay, tags for roleplay, tags for sfw only, tags for anything... please, do not bother me about your own disappointment in how the site functions now. we all know it's being held together by duct tape and weirdness.
if you don't like tumblr, and don't want to use the settings they provide to make your own experience here more enjoyable, then try closing the window and uninstalling the mobile app. you don't need to shame or guilt people, or whatever veiled threat this ask was intended to be, for what i've posted with appropriate use of tags.
i did not tag my writing as "intersex". full stop.
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jaythelay · 6 months
The thing is, the 3rd party apps weren't just better, they had an avalanche of streamlined features that the official app has literally never had the competancy for.
A visible download button that didn't put a fucking popup over the video bar, collapsable comments, viewing content was easier just bar none no debate, the ads weren't obtrusive and trying to trick me into thinking they're users (actually morally reprehensible), saving stuff mattered but now where??? Where is my saved stuff? Double tapping upvotes is a thing now which genuinely infuriates me because it's so not reddit but such generic website design.
The visuals weren't...there's no insult powerful or fitting enough to describe it, but if I were, Knockoff Children's Toy. Obnoxiously designed, colored, and the layout makes me suicidal, more than usual.
Then, the fucking posts don't load half the time, they broke commenting, the upvote button doesn't work half the time because it thinks I'm pressing the post beneath it, and of all the dumbest things I've ever seen, Super Upvoting is idiotic for blatant reasons:
See a gold upvote on a post? Downvote! You costed them money! Literally all I do if I vote is downvote anymore because they actually have never used their own website before and I'm stupid enough to.
So, really what you can say about the 3rd party app debacle is, they removed a Plethora of features, removed even more, broke shit, and made the little that was left worse. Dunno how they managed.
I uninstalled the app when it stopped letting me comment. Literally the only purpose was to correct clearly false information but that's not worth the time because the inbox system is also a fucking nightmare.
New users basically can't comment or anything either. So good luck on that front.
Used to refresh the page and see some new things, now, god christ, 24 hours the same posts and then they get reposted. Worst of all is seeing it on Tumblr being repeated constantly everyday and then it's on reddit, like bro, this post is so old, why repost it.
All in all, Reddit actually downgraded it's usability to the point I can only use it for tech support, and the disgusting concept of using the offical app to do so actually infuriates me enough to just struggle through the website version on mobile instead.
What a shit show. Never improved their app before or after, pathetic hellsite that feels more and more like I'm using Imgur in the 2010s.
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ohnoitsthebat · 3 years
So, the app stopped working for me.
I don’t know why, but it’s been a couple of days now. I don’t know if there was an update that just wasn’t compatible with my phone (I have an Android), but the app no longer works for me. at first, it would take forever to load, but it would eventually load. Then it got to the point where it would only load if I went into to my apps settings and force stopped the app. Now, though, it just won’t load at all. The page just spins and spins and never loads.
As a result, the only time I’m able to be on Tumblr is when I’m on desktop. I don’t mind desktop Tumblr, but I’m so used to the mobile app that I just don’t remember to get on my laptop to access Tumblr. I can’t load or check my messages in the app, I can’t post things, nothing. I uninstalled the app and reinstalled, but to no avail. I think the app just finally crapped out on me.
Anyway. Bear with me as I slowly work on coming back. Maybe the app will fix itself, but Tumblr doesn’t really have a good track record when it comes to technical issues. It’s just so weird that this happened. 
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thunderoad · 6 years
Did you try deleting cookies/caches? Maybe trying a different browser?I heard Chrome is having troubles with tumblr pics. I use firefox and it works fine for me. On mobile you could try to uninstall and install the app again but you probably did that already.
When images stopped loading for me, what helped was clearing the browser’s cache (I just clear the data cache, haven’t needed to clear cookies) then quit the browser and relaunch. If that doesn’t work, maybe a soft reset of the phone or a restart of the laptop?
(About not seeing images on tumblr) I forgot to say that I also turned off endless scrolling!
omg YEESSSS, y’all are the BEST !! i’d had endless scrolling turned off cuz that just made it impossible for anything to load, but i just cleared my cookies and cache and now everything’s loading SO much faster, thank u my lil IT geniuses :’/ what would i do without you 
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amusims3 · 7 years
Replies & Thanks
this gonna be a long oen i think, been awhile.
firstly to friends who like & put nice comments on my wips and ccs!!! i love you guys~ @simsophoniques, @shaysugar, @trembling-hands, @fyachii, @enchantedunicornhideout, @simnovels, @thesimperiuscurse, @kyimu, @my-simension, @ktarsims, @wannabecatwriter, @itheaxel, @rosiesimming, @nekoi-sims there are probs more but i went back as far as I could! Thank you guys always <33333333333
CC sharing post:
smellslikepixeldolls: unfortunatly ppl stealing from everywhere :(
Ickkk idk why even it is free stuff!!
rosiesimming: I don't think going anywhere else will limit the possibility of people stealing. If they can download it, they'll claim it if they don't care. It's a shame, but it's the internet. :(
I guess I just had too high expections of people to be decent! It really is a shame to me
enchantedunicornhideout: Yeah people will keep stealing, so either you decide to not care about idiots like that, or you stop creating. It's just a shame it has to be like this, but there will always be idiots in the world, so try to not let them get to you.
I don’t think I would stop creating over it, I make my cc for myself mostly lol. I just wish there was easier or smaller way to share and have rude people just stay out of it haha.
ktarsims: I think that's basically a universal experience on the internet. Not just confined to tumblr, or to the sims community. The internet brings us all closer together in a way, because it allows communication that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Unfortunately, there's no way to prevent the idiots from having access. The only way I can really think of would be to have a private forum or discord or something, and only share/show the content there and never display it publicly.
That might be a good idea thank you! I just wouldn’t want to seem like I am inconveniencing the nice people for them to access my cc by having to have different accounts discord/etc. Because most people ARE nice. And turning off anon silenced the rude ones for now anyway! It’s just the people who silently download then monetize my cc with crap ads that get to me most.
nekoi-sims: Gotta agree with Ktarsims here. A private discord or smth would be best?
I will consider it! I have two finished dresses I am using that I wanted to share but now I’m not sure if I even want to bother on tumblr since the thiefs shop here lol
Turning off anon asks post:
simsophoniques: Best decision ever done you won't regret it
When I turned it back on I thought it would be good for shy ppl... Nope just people asking the same question over and over and telling me how I am doing things “wrong” etc. Much happy that I turned it off, you are right!!
Anon ask about dress post:
rosiesimming: She did warn us that it was temporary. She tells us all the time what will only be available for a short time and it's her choice as a creator. Seriously, she doesn't even have to make stuff for us at all. She doesn't have to share, so be grateful for what we do get. CC creators get way too much shit from people that don't even know how to make things themselves. Just...be fucking grateful. >.>
Thank you, I was wondering if my post was just very hard to understand or something since I suck at typing!!
kyimu: There were warnings and even if not, she doesn't have to warn everybody about things she's doing on her blog. She has so many beautiful creations, doesn't use adfly and so on. Just as @rosiesimming​ said - be grateful. If you don't want to miss something again, become one of her followers, she deserves it anyway.
Yes the best way to catch the limited downloads is to follow! All the other cc are free and open at all times. But occasionally I like to do special things for the followers who actually support me! And I have met soo many nice people from that first limited dress I made (like you)!! Also I have said before I don’t mind sending the limited downloads out to friends later on! still they just whine on anon or straight up ask, not even a “hi” sometimes LOL that’s not FRIENDS!
itheaxel: And amu always leaves them on for days before taking it down. ^_^ I think you're being reasonable. <3
I’m happy it works easily for you! That was my intention xoxo
thesimperiuscurse: Oh dear. That sounds a bit entitled, nonny. Amu is kind enough to share her wonderful cc, and that should be more than enough. And in the end, it's only one dress for a computer game! There are many, many other dresses you can download :3
Thank you :) this is my feeling too. That anon also sent 4 more messages explaining what I should do instead in their opinion, but apologizing.. but it was still saying i should change how i release cc. so.... i guess it’s not just one dress to her lol
ktarsims: All I can say, Nonny... is that because you aren't on Tumblr yourself, you seem to be unfamiliar with the way things work here. Lots of simblr's make things. Many, if not most, make at least some things that are time-limited. The rule of thumb here is that if you want something, you should download it immediately. You don't have to install and use it immediately, but download it right away, because later it might be gone. There's also no point to trying to make the cc creators feel bad. It's their own creation, and each of them does as they see fit with their own creations. They share, or do not share, as they're so inclined. Sometimes whole blogs disappear overnight because someone decides they don't want to be here anymore. Be grateful for what you get, and know that if you missed out on something due to delaying to download it, you've only yourself to blame. Go look for something else.
I know about those dispearing blogs... when I first got back into Sims 3 after uninstall....... so much cc was just gone or hard to find. or adfly 1 2 3 just to get to nothing xD I just moved on and found other peoples great cc that was available. I probably wouldn’t do that lol I don’t see the benefit of deleting my open downloads when so many people already have it anyway.
Other thanks
Thank you to those who include me in those memes things tags. I will do them eventally, was jsut away from my desktop and mobile is too hard to make those post for me.
I am also a bit behind on checking out all of your latest posts because tumblr mobile app is torture to me xD
and finally Thank you kyimuuuuu !! I can’t wait to play cats&dogs soon and have my kitties in sims 4 too. My next lace dress cc will be for you ❤ ❤
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