#Toni Ucci
anthonysperkins · 9 months
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Ben Gazzara, Toni Ucci, and Totò The Passionate Thief / Risate di gioia (1960) dir. Mario Monicelli
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mtonino · 6 months
A short clip with Marcello Mastroianni, Gian Maria Volonté and others in some of Elio Petri's movie where him is director or writer
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techaddictsuk · 1 month
A Special Cop In Action (1976)
The final instalment of the Inspector Betti series sees Merli in Milan to track down some kidnapped children, negotiate their release and deal with the group responsible. Simple.
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
17 febbraio … ricordiamo …
17 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Henny Trayles, pseudonimo di Henny Trylesinski, attrice e comica tedesca naturalizzata uruguaiana, che visse i suoi ultimi anni in Argentina. Iniziò la sua carriera all’età di 4 anni da bambina prodigio, studiando danza classica, pianoforte, teatro, acrobazie, e partecipando a festival. Dal 1955 al 1962 recitò nel teatro indipendente, partecipando a diverse opere di repertorio. Tenne…
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xian-moriarty · 8 months
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Les Voyages du Capitaine Fracasse.
Réalisation : Ettore Scola
Scénario : Ettore Scola et Furio Scarpelli
Casting :
Vincent Perez, Emmanuelle Béart, Massimo Troisi, Ornella Muti, Lauretta Masiero, Toni Ucci, Massimo Wertmüller, Jean-François Perrier, Tosca D'Aquino, Giuseppe Cederna, Mariangela Giordano, Claudio Amendola, Marco Messeri, Ciccio Ingrassia, Remo Girone.
Synopsis :
Ruiné, le jeune baron de Sigognac rejoint une truope de saltimbanques, devient comédien et se fait rebaptiser Capitaine Fracasse. Il va parcourir la France du XVIIe siècle, des Landes à Paris, au détour de nombreux guet-apens et intrigues amoureuses.
Plaisir de visionnage :
Très éloigné du roman.
Film peu intéressant avec des personnages inintéressants et/ou pénibles. Sigognac et Vallombreuse sont fades.
Peu de cape et d'épée.
On se demande où l'histoire veut aller.
Note : 1 chat.
Disponibilité :
DVD ou Bluray. VOD.
Bonus Point Chat :
Le Baron a un chat, comme dans le livre !
Plus un chien et un cheval.
Note : 3 chats.
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #251 - Wayne Shorter, Speak No Evil, 1966
Il novembre davisiano è stato tutto dedicato alle magie del secondo quintetto, la formazione che dal 1963 al 1968 incantò gli amanti del jazz di tutto il mondo, grazie ad un percorso creativo e compositivo davvero senza pari, per uno dei gruppi più indimenticabili di tutti i tempi. Per l’ultimo appuntamento di questo piccolo excursus, l’attenzione cade sull’innesto più tardi del quintetto, quello che diede davvero la spinta ultima e decisiva al cammino della band. Wayne Shorter ha 31 anni quando Miles Davis lo chiama per questo nuovo progetto, nel 1964. All’epoca, Shorter rispetto a Herbie Hancock, Tony Williams e Ron Carter, era un musicista già affermato: aveva suonato con i grandi e dal 1959 era il sassofonista principale dei Jazz Messengers di Art Blakey. Quando Davis lo convince ad unirsi al suo nuovo progetto, la Blue Note lo ingaggia, in tempismo perfetto, per delle sessioni di registrazione, sia nel 1964 che nel 1965, le quali diventeranno dei dischi capolavoro negli anni successivi, saggiamente distillati dai discografici della grande casa editrice del jazz. Shorter abbina alla sua tecnica sassofonista una magia autorale davvero notevole, e nei quintetti davisiani, ma anche nelle formazioni successive, è colui che più di tutti ha mano libera dal Maestro, e dalle cui composizioni più attinge. Il disco di oggi è il terzo, cronologicamente, delle registrazioni del 1964 ad essere dato alle stampe, nel 1966, dopo i già ottimi Night Dreamer e JuJu. Rispetto alla formazione dei due precedenti, qui Shorter cambia line-up: si affida ai suoi nuovi compagni davisiani, Herbie Hancock al piano, Ron Carter al contrabasso (Carter alla fine della sua carriera vedrà scritto il suo nome su oltre 2000 incisioni dove ha suonato, record di tutti i tempi), Elvin Jones, il fenomenale batterista già nella band di John Coltrane e Freddie Hubbard, tromba di Art Blakey nei Jazz Messengers. L’obiettivo di Shorter è quello di spingere molto di più su sue melodie e idee, dopo che una certa critica lo aveva definito un sosia del grande Trane, soprattutto per via che lui per un certo periodo suonò in quartetto con McCoy Tyner, Elvin Jones e Reggie Workman, tutti allievi coltreriani. Speak No Evil è un passo delicato, ma al contempo pieno di tensioni musicali per l’atmosfera generale che hanno le composizioni, verso un jazz nuovo ma che non perde di vista i punti fermi del passato: non so se fosse stato l’avvicinamento a Davis, ma questo disco, capolavoro assoluto, parte da dove finiva quella meraviglia leggendaria che fu Kind Of Blue (1959). In scaletta, 6 magici pezzi tutti a firma Shorter, 5 dei quali quasi a seguire un filo logico, di magie melodiche, di ritmi mai eccessivi, di un linguaggio che sa di fresco pur non tangendo quello della new thing, che proprio in quegli anni stava parallelamente crescendo rispetto al bop “classico”. Alcuni brani sono diventati standard, tra cui Witch Hunt, dai meravigliosi incastri melodici, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum (che è un modo di dire tipo il nostro “ucci ucci, sento odor di cristianucci”, è un ancoraggio blues di hard bop, ma anche la mano tesa al modalismo aperto da Davis a fine decennio precedente. Speak No Evil, uno dei brani più belli di Shorter e del decennio, è una tavolozza cromatica di minori e su tutto si erge il pianoforte di Hancock che spinge attraverso una serie contrappunti, divenuti iconici. Il disco è meravigliosamente omogeneo anche in Dance Cadaverous e nella bellissima Infant Eyes, dal sognante intro pianistico di Hancock e l’introduzione, dolcissima, del sax di Shorter. Il set si conclude con un’altra perla, Wild Flower, una ballata cadenzata con accenti spigolosi di Hancock che prende il testo e lo inverte, trovando un contrappunto cromatico che prosegue in prima linea invece di suonare in opposizione. Shorter con questo disco diviene figura di paragone come sassofonista, per il suo lirismo oltre che come compositore, Speak No Evil, è il disco della consacrazione e oggi è nelle classifiche dei dischi jazz più belli di sempre, anche nella suggestiva Core Collection della Penguin Jazz Guide. La magia di queste registrazioni verrà riproposta in altri lavori negli anni successivi, tra cui ricordo The All Seeing Eye e Adam’s Apple, altri due dischi memorabili. In copertina, virata in blue per rendere bene l’atmosfera di romantica malinconia che sottotraccia permea tutto il disco, c’è Shorter con la sua prima moglie, Teruko Nakagami, e il segno di un bacio sul titolo. Album leggendario, che chiude il ricordo di un leggendario gruppo.
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reginadeinisseni · 7 months
L'Assassino Elio Petri 1961
L'assassino è un film del 1961 diretto da Elio Petri, al suo esordio alla regia.
Marcello Mastroianni: Alfredo Martelli Salvo Randone: commissario Palumbo Cristina Gaioni: Nicoletta Nogaro Marco Mariani: dott. Margiotta Micheline Presle: Adalgisa De Matteis Andrea Checchi: Morello, marito di Adalgisa Paolo Panelli: Paolo Toni Ucci: Toni Francesco Grandjacquet: un vecchio signore Mac Ronay: il suicida Franco Ressel: il dott. Francesconi Giovanna Gagliardo: Rosetta Lucia Raggi: madre di Alfredo Eugenio Maggi: poliziotto col cappello Stefano Bastianelli Giuliano Montaldo: un giornalista
The Assassin is a 1961 Italian comedy film directed by Elio Petri.
Marcello Mastroianni as Alfredo Martelli Salvo Randone: Commissioner Palumbo Cristina Gaioni as Nicoletta Nogaro Marco Mariani as Dr. Margiotta Micheline Presle as Adalgisa De Matteis Andrea Checchi as Morello, husband of Adalgisa Paolo Panelli: Paolo Toni Ucci: Toni Francesco Grandacqu Mac Rona: the suicide Franco Ressel: Dr. Francesconi Giovanna Gagliardo as Rosetta Lucia Raggi as Alfredo's mother Eugenio Maggi: policeman in the hat Stefano Bastianelli Giuliano Montaldo: a journalist
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giallofever2 · 4 years
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auroraphilealis · 6 years
any book recs?
Heck yes I do!
Simon VS. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli: Even if you saw the movie already, the book is like a different storyline. They’re super close but very different and I literally can’t decide which I prefer
It by Stephen King: I’m not actually the biggest horror fan of all time but after seeing the movie, I fell in love with this idea. I’m only about half way through the novel version, but there is something insane about the way Stephen King writes. He truly understands human’s on a level not many people do, or at least understands them enough to REALLY draw out the true horror of the world. I don’t know man, it’s a good fucking book. 
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: Actually though, i re-read this after having read it 6 years ago, and holy shit this is actually amazing. I love this novel. Frankenstein is… a fascinating story. 
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: Seriously fucking amazing. It’s about a little girl growing up in Nazi Germany only it’s told from Death’s point of view, and I know what you’re thinking - how the fuck? But holy shit it is a fucking crazy good story, and the character of Death had me hooked on the first page
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski: One of my all time favorite books. It’s kind-of sort-of the story of Hamlet, but with a totally different modern revamp. The main character is mute, was born mute, and his closet relationship is with his dog. His mom marries his uncle after his father dies in a fire, and.. well. It’s just incredibly beautiful and amzing.
The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind: Look. This is the longest book series I have ever read. I used to spend every second of every day reading these books. But if you’re a fantasy fan, and huge word counts don’t scare you, then good LORD is this the series for you. I think back on this series so fucking often, and I’ve read certain books in it like, six times each. Currently, my mom has my copies or I would be READING IT AGAIN since this series hass been on my mind alot again. Again, it’s super long. I think currently we’re on book like… 27. I googled it. holy shit it’s grown since I last picked it up. The best part about this series is 1. You can technically stop at any point because each book has a relatively good ending that will keep you satisfied (except book 1 and 2, you really have to finish 3 while youre at it). 2. They reflect the modern world so well sometimes you’re just godamn wow. Seriously. If you love fantasy, please give it a try. It’s worth it. 
The Host by Stephanie Meyer: Look, I know what you’re all going to say. Twilight was terrible, why would we read this? Listen, LISTEN I actually love The Host. It was really well done, and it definitely Stephanie Meyer’s better novel. The movie adaptation sucked ass but I actually DO still read this book over and over again. It’s a sci-fi novel about alien’s coming to Earth and taking over host bodies. They do this on lots of planets, and Earth is their newest requistion. It’s also the only planet to fight back well enough that the aliens actually think they might win. It’s not as weird as it sounds. It’s a love story, and it goes far more in depth with the meaning of life and stuff like that then Twilight could dream of, so give it a try. 
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood: Actually amazing. I read it for class like… idek, 5 years ago maybe? When I heard it was getting it’s own show I was like !!!! but I haven’t actually watched the show version yet, so I have no idea how it compares to the novel. The novel is fucking amazing though. Legit made me cry. However, if you have a sexual trauma or trigger, this might be a difficult read in some select parts :/ Still fucking worth it times ten. I literally bought the book when my class was over, it was so good (the teacher actually, actually handed out copies, how insane is that? She was amzing)
Beloved by Toni Morrison: FUCK SO GOOD. I’ve read it twice, both times around school, and got to write papers on it twice as well. This is… this is one hell of a book. Both times I read it, I got so much more of it than the first time. THERE IS SO MUCH TO UNPACK. It’s about a former slave whose haunted by the baby daughter she killed to prevent her children from ending up slaves as well. This was just before slavery was abolished, as well, and while her baby daughter died, her other three kids lived. However, now her home is haunted, and the baby ACTUALLY comes back. It’s crazy and amazing and one of my favorite novels of all time. I can’t pick favorites guys, okay, but I love this one so fucking much. 
Pellinor Series by Alison Croggon: Listen. Listen. I read this book when I was in high school immediately after I hurt my back so bad I was stuck in bed for a week, and literally continue to have issues with too this day. I CANNOT TELL YOU what the fucking plot was, and apparently there are 2 more books in the series that I didn’t know about, BUT I LOVED AND ADORED THIS BOOK OKAY IT WAS A WONDERFUL FANTASY NOVEL AND IT HAS A FEMALE LEAD ALRIGHT ITS GREAT JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR IT AND READ IT
Uglies Series by Scott Westserfeld: I remember finally getting my hands on this series and reading it in like, two days. Idk. It was great. If you can’t tell, I love fantasy and sci-fi and horror, which all mesh together horribly and you can never tell them apart. This isn’t horror though, just the other two. It’s about a world where when people turn a certain age, they get to become a “pretty’ which means to have surgery done to make them look perfect - only the reason for this is to dumb down society. Read it. I love it. 
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead: I love vampire novels. If you couldn’t tell, this is a vampire novel. It’s one of my preferred series though, I think Mead did an amazing job crafting the world she crafts. Vampires aren’t under wraps, nor are they inherently evil, but they do work in a really weird system where you have the Special vampires who the other vampires protect, and then like the bodyguard vampires. I can’t fully remember, it’s been a long time. But regardless, I remember this being one of the few novel series that made me cry, and I still love it to this day. 
Harry Potter by JK Rowling: I thought this was such a give in that I didn’t put it on the list until now but actually like. Super good. I grew up in this series and sometimes I talk about it and remember I’m 24 cause some people I know have never read it and IT WAS LITERALLY MY CHILDHOOD. Still think it’s worth it, even as I poke more and more holes in the story, because the older you get, the more you start to recognize problematic things. Clearly, Harry Potter was meant for children, not an adult who wants to critize everything. GOOD READ THOUGH
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: I grew up the girl writing fanfiction hid away in the back of the class because I didn’t want anyone to know. I look up to the people older than me at the time who developed and crafted the world we live in now, where Fanfiction is almost acceptable. Reading this novel... brought me right back to the Harry Potter days when the fandom was sitll new, underground, and ao3 didn’t exist. Honestly... it’s a really good book, and really hits home for people like me who write fanfiction and want nothing more than to write novels one day. 
Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin: But actually the books are really good. I fucking adore the show and that’s what got me into the books, but the books are HELLA good. Weirdly, Daenery’s Targaryen is not the most well written character ever, and I blame it on Martin being a guy, becasue sometimes I actually hate her in the novels (seriously, he makes her sound... like a child, which I guess she kind of is) BUT one of my favorite things in the novel is that her husband Khal Drogo does not sexually assault her in the novels. He’s super sweet and good to her, and honestly just. Yep. Yeah. Good series.
What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum Ucci: The most heartwrenching book of all time. I can’t tell you how long I cried over this book. I’m literally getting tearful as I think about it. It is... fucking BEAUTIFUL. I want to read it right this fucking second. It’s about a girl who was in remission from cancer, but who joins the cheerleading team. Only, shes technically too tall to be a cheerleader, so she gets an ED which actually puts her at risk for remission. She meets Lani Garver - the literal emodiment of a nonbinary person before that term every existed. Lani Garver is... a fucking angel. An actual angel okay. They help the main character through so much, specifically bullying, and Lani taught ME so much when I read it. The author refers to Lani as he, but remember that it was written before nonbinary was an accepted (possible even before it was a fully labeled) thing, but the book is SO worth reading. I. I’m going to go read it again. 
Streams of Babel and it’s sequel The Fire Will Fall by Carol Plum Ucci: I originally read the second novel first on accident, which just goes to show you how good an author Ucci is becasue I didn’t even NOTICE until I got to the end and saw there was a first novel, oops. But, its a take on the lives of 4 kids in a situation of chemical warfare, and what happens to them when they get poisoned by the water. I think one of the kids is a fucking comptuer genius. Idk, I can’t fully remember, but it is one of my favorite novels, so check them out. 
I’m like 100% that there’s more I could list but those are the ones I could currently recall BECAUSE THIS IS A MONUMENTAL TASK AND I LOVE BOOKS
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hollyjtx658776-blog · 6 years
Spouse Possessed One Night Stand Important Tips For Better Halves.
Alarms and notifications could be a wonderful ease on apple iphone, but they may additionally be a hassle if you are actually trying to get some sleep. In the research study, 60 per-cent of the nurse practitioners functioned an alleged lengthy pattern" with 2 morning changes, complied with by 2 mid-day work schedules, pair of night shifts, and three day of rests. If you stick to this regular consistently for three to four evenings, she needs to weep a little a lot less each night and afterwards eventually, learn how to live herself into a long, calm sleep. While the first possesses fantastic alcoholic beverage deals, as well as swimming pool dining tables, sky hockey and bowling streets, Le Cave routinely throws real-time bands that will definitely get you hyped for the evening in advance. This can easily help off the heart beat plaything and also night comforter if your puppy is from the nervous kind. Our experts were actually remaining in a bed and breakfast, near Blackpool South Station, currently closed, when throughout the evening my brother Tony was actually somewhat improperly. Your physical body really isn't suggested to be assimilating while you sleep, so a huge meal also close to going to bed may maintain you up in the evening. There are lots of various forms of evening splints, all of which are actually developed to secure your foot in a bent setting so that your plantar fascia is actually maintained elongated through the night. Certainly not remarkably our students balanced only 6.68 hours of sleep each night over the previous 4 weeks with two-thirds balancing 7 or a lot less hours of nighttime sleeping.
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Maybe even get a paper style of a city that you could violate Halloween night to add to result. I was interested in the varying stages from sleeping and also exactly how evening terrors factored right into this, expecting to locate an escape". Additionally, a practice session supper is commonly prepared for identical night and also would certainly contravene your party.
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Sources of gastrointestinal concerns for overdue night employees are junk food along with a high fatty tissue content, coffee as well as dishes consumed in a thrill or even at irregular times. I would certainly relate to my senses very very soon, and that would certainly Http://health-and-strenght.info be actually that for the evening ... I would certainly get back to rest. My fix started to fall apart though as our team walked to the nightclub on a very cold and damp , windy night. Carol Plum-Ucci was recommended in 2007 for The Edgar Allan Poe Honor for The Evening My Sis Went Missing, and in 2003 she was actually nominated for the Michael L. Printz Award wherefore Occurred to Lani Garver.
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My mother's gramps for 90+ years hardly acquired greater than four hours every night. For around 5 to 10 dollars you can purchase Halloween CDs as well as place your development to exam, hit repeat and also play out throughout the night. Symptoms from pheochromocytoma include severe night sweats, quick heartbeat, high blood pressure, extreme anxiousness, abdominal pain, migraines, and also fat loss.
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universalmovies · 10 years
Un pezzo di storia del cinema italiano è scomparso - E' morto l'attore #ToniUcci #RIP
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perfettamentechic · 2 months
17 febbraio … ricordiamo …
17 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Stella Stevens, Estelle Caro Eggleston, attrice statunitense. Appena sedicenne sposò nel 1954 Noble Herman Stephens, dal quale l’anno successivo ebbe il suo unico figlio, Andrew Stevens, divenuto anch’egli attore. Nel 1956 la coppia divorziò. I primi contatti della Stevens con il mondo dello spettacolo risalgono all’adolescenza, quando frequentava il collegio statale di Memphis (ove la…
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giallofever2 · 5 years
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1976 (International Poster & Lobby)
Squadra antifurto
Data di uscita: 29 ottobre 1976
Regista: Bruno Corbucci
Serie cinematografiche: Nico Giraldi
Scritto da: Bruno Corbucci, Mario Amendola
Sceneggiatura: Bruno Corbucci, Mario Amendola
Tomas Milian Lilli Carati
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
17 febbraio … ricordiamo …
17 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2021: Andrea Lo Vecchio, è stato un cantautore, compositore paroliere, produttore discografico e autore televisivo italiano, entrato nella storia della musica leggera italiana come autore di successi come Luci a San Siro, E poi…, Rumore ed Help me. Dagli anni settanta fu autore di programmi televisivi di successo tra i quali Canzonissima, Premiatissima, Drive in, Serata d’onore, Furore, Tale e…
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perfettamentechic · 3 years
17 febbraio … ricordiamo …
17 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2020: Sonja Ziemann, nata Alice Toni Selma Ziemann, attrice tedesca che è stata attiva tra il 1942 ed il 1997, famosa per pellicole come I pirati del cielo (1959) e Il ponte di Remagen (1969). La sua carriera cinematografica ebbe inizio nel 1941 ma divenne una delle prime stelle del cinema tedesco del secondo dopoguerra con film appartenenti alla commedia sentimentale. Nel 1970 la sua vita…
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