#Tobias Hawthorne
x-liv25-jamieswife · 10 hours
can i request hawthorne headcannons pls :)
hawthorne brothers head canons
hi! i think by this you mean hawthorne brothers so thats what im gonna do, but if you wanted smth else, feel free to request it. @ariscats helped with this one. hope you like them <3.
they absolutely love watching friends together. growing up, every friday night, they'd all make time to get together and watch a few episodes. avery, libby, and max joined their watch parties after ave inherited the money.
when they were kids, they once fought over which brother was the best. they all ended up making powerpoints about it and presenting them to each other (xander ended up winning bc he came up with some really fucking smart shit).
xander used to invite his brothers for tea parties at their treehouse. jamie, gray, and nash knew this meant a lot to xander so they always showed up even when they didn't want to.
xander once made his brothers sit through an entire speech where he just ranted about his favorite book boyfriends.
xander buys all of his brothers flowers every once in a while bc boys deserve to get flowers too.
jameson is usually the one who planned each other brother's birthday parties. whenever other people try to plan it, he comes in, says that his brothers deserve smth big and extragavant, kicks everyone out, and does it himself (no he doesn't end up pranking them. he genuinely comes up with things he knows his brothers would like and stuff)
we all know they have a 911, but they also have something called he 119 (or idk anything works) which they can use as many times as they want and its to tell their brothers that they wish to be alone.
for this to make sense, i hc that jameson loves the wear jewelry (rings, chain necklaces, etc). for jamie's 16th birthday, all of his brothers got him a customized ring with their initials engraved on the inside alongside 'i love you'. its quite simple for a hawthorne gift, but it meant a lot to him (bc tobias convinced him he's worthless) and it's now become his favorite ring (he never takes it off)
grayson's favorite painting he's made is a painting of all of his brothers at the beach having fun in the water. the picture he based himself off of to make the painting dated from before things went to shit with emily which is one of the reasons he loves the painting so much.
they always tease nash bc he's the shortest. sometimes he'll be getting smth off of a shelf (which he can reach perfectly fine), and xander or one of the others will pop up and be like 'let us help you, brother, we know you can't reach high places by yourself'
for halloween, one year, the three youngest ones dressed up as alvin and the chipmunks and nash dressed up as the old man who takes care of them in the movie (i forgot his name)
grayson had a phase where he hated taylor swift and nash and xander (even jameson) were horrified. they spent weeks converting him into a swiftie and it worked. gray is now ashamed of his taylor hater era.
when avery and jameson were in their like friends with benefits era in the hawthorne legacy, nash and xander would not leave him alone. they'd constantly be like 'you dumb fuck, you obviously have feelings for her' and he'd be like 'nah yall are crazy' (grayson was too busy ignoring his feelings)
jameson and grayson used to want to celebrate their birthdays at the same time (like one half of the house was decorated for jamie and the other for gray for two days) when they were younger, but, after emily started tearing them apart, they started to distance themselves from one another and stopped celebrating their bdays together (i think it was mentioned in tbh that they hated having their bdays so close to one another but im choosing to ignore that). for jamie's 20th bday (and gray's 21st), they decided to celebrate together again and xander and nash cried.
xander, jamie, and gray once found nash grinding against a pole (basically pole dancing) to i can fix him (no really i can) by taylor swift. they filmed it and sent the video to libby. they now play it at every single one of his bdays (and his wedding).
gray, xander, and nash filmed jamie a video for his birthday where they just yapped about how amazing he is and how much they love him. jameson managed to keep it together until he went up to his room for the night and started sobbing. his brothers found him and tried to comfort him. that entire day is like a core memory for them.
so this is a libby hc but my moot came up with it and i just couldn't not include it. avery and jameson are libby and nash's first kid's god parents. the kid is named sarah after what libby knew avery's mom as. even after she found out it wasn't her real name, she couldn'y bring herself to change her mind bc she decided on this name when she was nine. anyways, all of the brothers (and avery and max) will babysit the kid and gift her the loudest toys in existence just to piss of nash and libby.
when jamie started to self-destruct after emily, xander and him started to drift apart (they were very very close before it). they used to hang out all of the time, but, after emily, didn't really speak for almost a year. this is one of the reasons why xander accepted tobias request when he asked him to overlook the games in tig. he thought it would be an opportunity to get closer with jameson again.
when they were younger (not nash bc he was older), the youngest ones used to have a color for gifts if that makes sense. like all of jamie's gifts would be green, gray's would be grey, and xander's would be red (he gives off red energy). no one explicitly said they wanted the color, but it sort of just became a thing.
there's a dumb song in how i met your mother called nothing suits me like a suit. jamie and xander made it gray's ring tone (for calls, alarms, etc), and xan programmed it in a way that makes it impossible for gray to change it (only xan can).
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starrynightsxo · 1 month
jameson: *breathes*
me & the fandom: *claps in appreciation* jameson hawthorne, the man you are.
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Seven year old Grayson: JAMIE CALLED ME THE B WORD! Six year old Jameson: MOTHERF*CKER DOESN'T START WITH A B! Tobias: *chokes on coffee*
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hearthown · 3 months
AVERY : what's your biggest fear?
JAMESON : losing freedom and losing you, heiress
GRAYSON : Being unable to do anything to protect my loved ones
NASH : similar to Gray's answer, and also tight spaces
XANDER : Avery, you know there's only one answer I have.
AVERY : what.....?
*Xander stares blankly into Avery's eyes as if looking directly at her soul, takes a deep breath*
XANDER : losing another eyebrow
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luminewhosthat · 4 months
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So this is the cover for the Games Untold book by Jennifer Lynn Barnes which is getting released on Novermber 12, 2024. In the cover, you can notice several things-
A pearl necklace ( Nan? Alice ? Who may it indicate lemme know)
A key to a lock ( A lock is visible on the grandest game cover )
A longsword ( Grayson probably )
A dagger with a rose shaped jewel on it ? Idk what is it.
A cowboy boot ( NASH HAWTHORNEE)
A compass ( True north, skye and zara ? )
Lots of Roses
Lots of Calla Lilies on the sides ( Lyra kane ? )
The description of Games Untold
Why did Fire light up on two of the roses at the corner ? (@carmenpowerpuffgirl mentioned )
EDIT- NO 4 IS ACTUALLY A RING. ( Libby and nash maybe )
AND A GOLD COIN on the lower right corner side.
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Share your opinion on what do the above things indicate cz I'm lazy and have no idea what they mean.
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the-inheritance-games · 5 months
So I’ve been thinking, one thing that never made sense to me was why Tobias made Grayson believe that he would be the heir, especially after reading tbh and seeing Tobias say the words “it is going to be you”.
That never made sense to me bc he said that it would BE Grayson, but he also never said the words “inheritance”, so clearly he meant something else.
I also find it intresting that earlier in that chapter (ch. Eight years ago, after ch. 49) that Grayson said “bc. I’m a Hawthorne” and Tobias said “no”….he told gray he wasn’t a Hawthorne…..he also said that “Xander is a Hawthorne,” the old man said intently. “Nash is a Hawthorne. Jameson is a Hawthorne. But you…”
So tobias didn’t think grayson was a Hawthorne then what is he?
At first I thought maybe he meant Grayson was a GRAYSON, like Sheffield, BUT tobias probably doesn’t have much respect for Sheffield and would see him as lesser so why would he believe Grayson was a “GRAYSON”…..
Then I realized what if he sees Gray as an O’day….like Alice…..and what if by “it is going to be you” Tobias meant that, it will be Grayson who finds Alice and convinces her to return or helps her heal and return to her family or something like that.
I think grayson inherited more of the O’day genes than any of his siblings. The rest of them all sort of look like their dads, but I’ve tried to find a description of Sheffield and I couldn’t find one but I don’t think it was ever mentioned that he was blonde just that he had Graysons eyes but that’s it.
Some might point at savanna to prove gray did inherit his looks from their dad BUT Grayson pointed out that sav got her hair from her mom as soon as he met her.
Gray most likely got his blonde hair from Skye AND Skye probably inherited it from Alice O’day….so Grayson is more of an O’day which would explain why Tobias pushed him to be more bc he saw his Alice in him and wanted him to live up too his potential bc he belived his Alice was better than he was and pushed gray to be that too…but idk I still have SOO many questions about that man. The more I learn about him the more questions I have about ALL of Tobias Hawthornes words and actions
What do y’all think?
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hathorneheiress · 2 months
"Grayson didn't have any friends."
"Tobias Hawthorne was not in the business of making friends."
Why did this similarity hit me so hard?
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aka-tua-braindump · 2 months
Me after reading TBH:
He knew about Toby and about Eve and literally everything else. There is no way he did not know. No. Fricking. Way.
It's going to come back and bite everyone in the butt I just know it.
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arinexeisnotworking · 3 months
oh to be as smart and twisted as tobias hawthorne
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makynzieig · 28 days
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
skye hawthorne, drake sanders, sheffield grayson, tobias hawthorne, emily laughlin, and eve (whtv her last name is) can kiss my ass bc what the fuck are they even doing.
edit: add ricky grambs, duncan trowbridge, and his lawyer dad to the list.
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starrynightsxo · 24 days
me to eve laughlin:
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laurenceop · 4 months
why does this scene at the end of TBH give me the feeling that Tobias knew about Alice being alive, or maybe that he was keeping yet another secrete regarding Alice.
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hearthown · 3 months
The Brothers Hawthorne really do be showing us Gray's internal thoughts in every situation:
- Never question your own authority and no one else will, either.
- There was a difference between telling people what you wanted and making it clear that it was in their best interest to give it to you.
- Never assert what you can assume.
- The trick to making people do what you wanted was absolute certainty that they would.
Thank you Grayson Davenport Hawthorne for the free lessons 🙏 (tell me why I actually want to learn all of this so that I can exude the same energy he does and so that no one dares to mess with me irl)
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sarcasmiclife · 8 months
No one except Grayson, Jameson, Tobias, and Emily knows that Emily kissed both Grayson and Jameson one after other in front of each other because what happens in the treehouse stays in the treehouse
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su4vz · 3 months
(honestly I’m so excited for the book to be released and I totally kinda ship Rohan and Savannah (idk k? they seem to yk vibe) 🤭)
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