#Thulium Lasers
leeb57555 · 11 months
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reportinsightsblogs · 2 years
Industry analysis provides a company with an understanding of its position relative to other companies in the industry. This can help them identify opportunities and potential threats, so they can prepare for the present and future. MRI Research helps organizations to figure out whats happening in a given industry, including demand and supply statistics, degree of competition, state of competition with other emerging industries, future prospects considering technological changes, and external factors on the industry.
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Periodic Table Championship: Round 1, Day 4, Silver vs. Thulium
Match 6 of day 4 of round 1 has element 47, silver, competing against element 69, thulium.
Silver is a soft, shiny transition metal that crystalizes in the face-centered cubic structure at room temperature. It has the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal. Silver can be found naturally as the pure element, and has long since been considered a precious metal with significant value. Other applications of the element include solar panels, film photography, as an antibiotic, and in brazing and catalysts. As one of the seven metals of antiquity, the history of its name is unknown; the chemical symbol comes from the Latin word for silver.
Thulium is a soft, silvery rare earth elements that crystalizes in with a hexagonal structure at room temperature. It is the last of the lanthanides and the second least abundant of them, after radioactive promethium. Thulium is used as a radiation source in portable X ray devices and some lasers. It is named after Thule, an Ancient Greek place name associated with Scandinavia or Iceland.
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element-tournament · 10 months
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Holmium lasers emit light of a wavelength that does not damage eyesight, thus being viable for surgical use
The rarest rare earth metal
Yes, it is the haha funny sex number
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litonlaser · 2 days
1927nm Fractional Thulium Laser Promotes Hair Regrowth And Prevents Hair Loss
The beauty industry also has a huge demand for hair care!
Article source: https://www.litonlaser.com/1927nm-fractional-thulium-laser-promotes-hair-regrowth-and-prevents-hair-loss/
Human hair plays a very important role, but if the hair is too long, it will hinder movement and dissipate heat poorly, so hair removal is a very popular beauty project.
Since there is a demand for hair removal, on the contrary, hair growth is also needed by many people. When we talk about hair regeneration, we generally refer to the hair on the head.
Now many projects and products have hair growth functions, but many of the effects are not satisfactory. There are many reasons. Some are because there is no hair at the root of the hair follicles on the head, which is a very difficult situation. Some are because the ingredients of the hair growth product have not completely entered the hair follicles, and the hair follicles are not absorbed enough, so the hair growth effect is not good. So is it possible to use an instrument to help the hair growth product absorb better?
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There is a 1927nm fractional thulium laser. Through clinical trials and a large number of studies, it has been proved that the fractional thulium laser can help products promote hair regeneration! (Remember to use fractional thulium laser)
So fractional thulium laser + hair growth products (all hair growth products are OK, and growth factors can also be applied) can promote hair regeneration. This project is very needed in Europe, because many hair growth projects are mainly to go to the hospital to use hair transplant technology, but for hair transplant, we need to know that not everyone can do it, and we need to continue testing, and some people are not suitable. And the hair after hair transplant belongs to other tissues, not the hair of the original hair follicle. However, the hair regeneration formed by thulium laser combined with hair growth products stimulates the regeneration of the original hair follicles, which is better.
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If you use thulium laser alone, you can also prevent hair loss. If there are still small hairs at the root of the hair follicle, it can also promote hair growth. Then the wavelength of thulium laser is 1927nm, which can reach deep into the hair follicle. After our students’ experiments, once a month, there will be an effect in three months.
For the specific operation and parameters of the thulium laser hair growth project, we have rigorous experiments and have achieved success. If you are interested in it, you can contact us at any time.
1927nm Thulium Laser Machine Information and Video URL: https://www.litonlaser.com/product/portable-thulium-laser-skin-rejuvenation-system/
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vibhutihospitals · 18 days
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Advanced Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) in Dehradun - Vibhuti Hospita
Looking for top-notch Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in Dehradun? Vibhuti Super Speciality Hospital offers state-of-the-art RIRS using the latest Thulium laser technology to treat kidney stones minimally invasively. Our expert team ensures minimal blood loss, no incisions, and a quick recovery. Ideal for patients with obesity, bleeding disorders, or complex kidney anatomy, our RIRS process promises well-organized and effective treatment.
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drrahulyadavblogs · 3 months
All facts about Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Enlargement (BPH/BPE), its diagnosis and available treatments
What is prostate gland?
• A prostate gland is an accessory gland of male reproductive system that wraps around the male urethra near the bladder. • Prostate gland developed at age of 12 years, and it starts growing in middle age. • The prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the penis and outside the body. • Prostate gland contains crucial enzyme, 5-alpha-reductace which converts the hormones testosterone in the body to DHT.
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What is Benign prostatic hyperplasia/enlargement (BPH/BPE)?
• BPH/BPE is a condition that occurs when the prostate gland enlarges, potentially slowing or blocking the urinary stream. • Other names for benign prostatic hyperplasia include benign prostatic hypertrophy and an enlarged prostate. • The prostate normally enlarges to some degree in all men with advancing age, although not all men require treatment. • As the prostate gets bigger, it may press on the urethra and cause the flow of urine to be slower and less forceful. • "Benign" means the enlargement isn't caused by cancer or infection. • "Hyperplasia" means enlargement.
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What are symptoms of BPH?
The symptoms of BPH can likely begin after an age between 40 to 50 years and only in men. The most common symptoms of BPH include: • Frequent urination (able to hold less than 2 hours) • Getting up in the night for urination (Nocturia) • Sudden desire to pass urine (Urgency) or leakage of urine (Urgency incontinence) • A hesitant, interrupted, or weak stream of urine • Failure to pass urine (urinary retention) • Dribbling of urine • Incomplete emptying of the bladder • Blood in Urine • Frequent urinary tract infection • Straining during urination
How to diagnose BPH and types of investigations required?
To know if BPH or any another problem is causing symptoms, a urologist will ask you questions, perform an examination and will order few tests as below: • Rectal examination – Your urologist will need to perform a rectal examination to feel the size and shape of the prostate gland. • Urinalysis – You might be asked for a urine sample to see if you have a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or certain kidney disorder. • Blood tests – A blood test to check the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level is often recommended. • Ultrasound test – A USG test to know the size of prostate, thickness of bladder and structure of kidneys and post void residual urine. • Uroflowmetry Test – This is a special kind of test to know how much prostate gland is obstructing the urethra.
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Mention role of Prostate specific antigen (PSA) in evaluation?
• PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, plays a role as one of the diagnostic markers though it is non-specific. • Elevated PSA levels may indicate BPH or Prostate gland infection or Prostate cancer and needs to be evaluated further. • Regular PSA screenings can aid in monitoring prostate health and detecting potential issues like prostate cancer in their early stages.
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What are the treatments available for BPH?
• Watchful waiting – If symptoms are mild and not bothersome, then regular monitoring is what all is needed and don't need the treatment right away. • Medicines – There are 2 types of medicine commonly used to treat BPH. One type relaxes the muscles that surround the urethra, and another reduces the size of prostate. • Surgery – There are several ways to treat BPH with surgery. They can involve removing obstructing prostate and making the urethra wider so that more urine can flow through easily.
Explain LASER surgery of prostate?
• It is also known as Holmium LASER enucleation of prostate (HoLEP)/ Thulium fibre LASER enucleation of prostate (ThuLEP)? • There are different types of laser prostate surgeries, but they all involve the use of laser energy to remove or vaporize excess prostate tissue that is causing urinary issues. • Best approach is LASER enucleation, which involves removing the inner part of the prostate to alleviate urinary symptoms. • Laser prostate surgery is often considered as a minimally invasive option compared to traditional surgical methods, and it may result in less bleeding and a faster recovery.
How is LASER prostate surgery (HoLEP/ThuLEP) performed?
• LASER prostate surgery is performed by endoscopy method, that means a tiny camera will insert in urethra along with an energy source used which is a LASER fiber. • It doesn’t involve any surgical cut over the body and performed through urethra.
Mention Post operative care after LASER surgery of prostate.
• Try to avoid constipation. Eat foods that have a lot of fiber. • Drink plenty of water, especially if your urine looks red or you pass small blood clots. It is normal for your urine to have a small amount of blood in it right after surgery. • Avoid lifting weighted things for some time. • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake. • Increase your activity slowly – Start with short walks around your home and walk a little more each day. • Take prescribed medication as advised.
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wolfgangmangge · 3 months
Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik: Innovationen in der Medizintechnik
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Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik aus Klagenfurt spricht über Innovationen und deren Zukunft in der Gesundheitsbranche
Durch innovative Lasertechnologie unterstützt G.M. Medizintechnik die urologische Behandlung, wobei Wolfgang Mangge eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Vermittlung von Fachwissen über medizintechnische Innovationen spielt und die Optimierung von Behandlungsmethoden und Patientenbetreuung im Mittelpunkt der Unternehmensmission steht.
Wolfgang Mangge, tätig bei G.M. Medizintechnik, ist eine treibende Kraft im Bereich der urologischen Medizintechnologie. Durch die Spezialisierung auf innovative Laserchirurgieverfahren hat G.M. Medizintechnik markante Entwicklungen in der Urologie vorangebracht. Mangge betont, dass die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Ausrüstung, insbesondere der Lasertechnologie, entscheidend für die Verbesserung patientenorientierter Behandlungsmethoden ist.
Die praxisnahe Anwendung von Holmium- und Thulium-Lasersystemen zeigt das Engagement von G.M. Medizintechnik in puncto therapeutischer Innovation. Wolfgang Mangge weist darauf hin, dass die Behandlung von Blasensteinen oder Prostataerkrankungen durch Laserchirurgie nicht nur effektiver, sondern auch patientenschonender ist. Daraus ergibt sich eine erhebliche Reduzierung der Eingriffs- und Genesungszeiten.
Schulungen und die Wissensvermittlung, die von Experten wie Wolfgang Mangge geleitet werden, sind entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Implementierung dieser Technologien in den klinischen Alltag. Die fundierte Erfahrung in der Lasertechnik und die ständige Auseinandersetzung mit innovativer Medizintechnik untermauern die Reputation von G.M. Medizintechnik als führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der urologischen Lasertherapie.
Die Bedeutung von Erfahrung und Fortschritte in der Medizintechnik
In der schnelllebigen Welt der Medizintechnik sind Erfahrung und kontinuierliche Fortschritte entscheidend für die Entwicklung innovativer Verfahren und Geräte. Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik Handels GmbH aus Klagenfurt steht dabei für Qualität und Präzision, während er die Fragmentierung der medizinischen Lasertechnologie mitgestaltet.
Entwicklung von Lasersystemen
G.M. Medizintechnik Handels GmbH hat sich durch langjährige Erfahrung eine Expertise in der Entwicklung von medizinischen Lasersystemen erarbeitet. Diese Systeme nutzen Laserlicht für verschiedenste Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise in der Diagnostik und Therapie. Fortschritte in der Laserforschung ermöglichen dabei immer präzisere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.
Präzision in der minimalinvasiven Chirurgie
Die minimalinvasive Chirurgie profitiert maßgeblich von den durch Laser erzielbaren Fortschritten. Hier stimmt Wolfgang Mangge zu, dass vor allem die Präzision des Laserlichts in der Laserchirurgie neue Behandlungsoptionen schafft. Die Eingriffe werden weniger invasiv, was zu einer Verkürzung der Heilungsdauer und Minimierung der Komplikationsraten führt.
Qualitätsführerschaft und technische Wartung
Um die Qualitätsführerschaft zu sichern, setzt die Firma nicht nur auf die Entwicklung innovativer Produkte, sondern auch auf die technische Wartung ihrer Lasersysteme. Eine zuverlässige Wartung ist unerlässlich, um eine dauerhaft hohe Leistung und Patientensicherheit zu garantieren. G.M. Medizintechnik verbindet in diesem Bereich die langjährige Erfahrung mit den neuesten technologischen Standards.
Spezialisierung auf urologische Laserverfahren
Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik treibt mit seinem Expertenteam die Spezialisierung auf urologische Laserverfahren voran, wobei besonders das HOLEP-Verfahren und innovative Lithotripsie-Techniken im Fokus stehen.
HOLEP-Verfahren und BPH-Behandlung
Das HoLEP-Verfahren (Holmium Laser Enukleation der Prostata) bietet eine hochmoderne Behandlungsmöglichkeit der gutartigen Vergrößerung der Prostata (BPH). Es handelt sich um eine minimalinvasive Methode, bei der Prostatagewebe effizient unter Zuhilfenahme eines Holmium-Lasers entfernt wird. Diese Technik ermöglicht es, selbst bei großen Drüsen eine präzise Ablation zu erreichen, die oft mit einer schnelleren Erholung und einem verringerten Risiko von Komplikationen verglichen mit herkömmlichen Methoden einhergeht.
Innovationen in Lithotripsie und Ablationsmethoden
In der Behandlung von Harnsteinen (Lithotripsie) führen Innovationen mit Lasersystemen zu einer effektiveren und gewebeschonenderen Vorgehensweise. Thulium-Laser zeichnen sich durch ihre Fähigkeit aus, eine präzise und kontrollierte Ablation von Gewebe durchzuführen, was bedeutende Verbesserungen für die Patientensicherheit mit sich bringt. Die Echtzeitfluoreszenzanalyse ermöglicht während der Lithotripsie eine exaktere Zielung und minimiert das Risiko von Nebenverletzungen. Diese Entwicklung stellt einen wesentlichen Fortschritt in der urologischen Medizintechnik dar und spiegelt das Engagement von G.M. Medizintechnik für technologische Innovationen wider.
Schulung und Wissensvermittlung
Die Firma GM-Medizintechnik unter der Leitung von Wolfgang Mangge legt großen Wert auf die fortgeschrittene Ausbildung des Personals und bietet umfassende Schulungsprogramme in der Endourologie mit praktischen Anwendungen der neuesten Lasertechniken.
Mitarbeiterschulung und Hospitationen
GM-Medizintechnik veranstaltet regelmäßig Mitarbeiterschulungen und ermöglicht Hospitationen, um das Fachwissen und die technischen Fähigkeiten ihres Personals zu erweitern. Die Schulungseinrichtungen unter Wolfgang Mangge befinden sich in Klagenfurt, an der Alois-Schader-Straße, wo spezialisierte Kurse im Umgang mit modernen medizinischen Lasersystemen durchgeführt werden. Durch diese strukturierten Bildungsmaßnahmen gewährleistet das Unternehmen, dass alle Teammitglieder auf dem neuesten Stand der Technologie und der besten Praktiken sind.
Endourologie und praktische Anwendungen
In der Endourologie setzen Fachpersonen von GM-Medizintechnik hochmoderne Thulium- und Holmiumlaser ein, um Patienten eine präzise und schonende Behandlung zu ermöglichen. Diese praktischen Anwendungen gehen Hand in Hand mit den angebotenen Schulungen, wo Mediziner aus Österreich und darüber hinaus lernen können, diese Technologien effizient für die Steinzertrümmerung und Tumorbehandlung einzusetzen. Dadurch leistet GM-Medizintechnik einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Qualitätsverbesserung in der Patientenversorgung.
Anwendung von Lasertherapie bei Tumorerkrankungen
Die Lasertherapie weist bei der Behandlung von Tumorerkrankungen signifikante Fortschritte auf, speziell in der photodynamischen Therapie (PDT) und der stereotaktischen Laserablation, die eine präzisere und schonendere Tumorbehandlung ermöglichen.
Photodynamische Therapie
Bei der photodynamischen Therapie wird ein lichtsensitiver Wirkstoff in den Körper eingebracht, der sich selektiv in den Tumorzellen anreichert. Diese werden daraufhin mit einem speziellen Laser aktiviert, der nur die wirkstoffhaltigen Zellen zerstört. Dieses Verfahren wird verwendet, um Krebserkrankungen der Speiseröhre, Lunge und Leber zu behandeln. Im Vergleich zur klassischen Chemotherapie bietet die PDT bedeutende Vorteile, da sie gezielt Tumorzellen angreift und gesunde Zellen weniger in Mitleidenschaft zieht.
Stereotaktische Laserablation
Die stereotaktische Laserablation kommt heutzutage verstärkt zum Einsatz, um präzise definierte Bereiche im Körper zu behandeln. Bei diesem Verfahren wird ein Laser verwendet, um Tumorgewebe gezielt zu erhitzen und zu zerstören, ohne umliegendes gesundes Gewebe zu schädigen. Diese Technik eignet sich besonders für schwer zugängliche Tumoren oder für Patienten, bei denen herkömmliche Behandlungsmethoden, wie die operative Entfernung, nicht infrage kommen.
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satvahospital · 5 months
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Multi-Speciality hospital in Surat
It is typical for us to attend a hospital anytime we have normal health concerns or an emergency. In general, hospitals are non-specialized healthcare providers that provide routine and general care to patients with a wide range of medical issues. On the other hand, in a multispecialty hospital, all types of diverse areas of medicine are managed under one roof. Looking for Multi-Speciality hospital in Surat? At Satva Hospital, your quest is over.
Benefits of a Multispecialty Hospital:
There are numerous benefits to using a multispecialty hospital, including:
Patient Safety and High-Quality Care:
Healthcare quality is the extent to which patient care and services increase the likelihood of desired patient outcomes. Patient safety entails reducing medical errors and lowering the chance of unfavourable consequences.
We provide a wide range of services under one roof and are constantly evolving with the newest technical breakthroughs in the medical and surgical fields as a result of our professional team approach.
Physicians from a Multi-Specialty Group All under one roof:
In the current circumstances, it cannot be denied that various health problems have arisen, that there will always be visionary remedies, and that surgical procedure advancement has been consistently improved. In a multispecialty hospital, a team of diverse specialists, Physicians can be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even hospitals can be outfitted with a variety of critical care facilities.
Under One Roof, Several Equipment is Available:
Another issue for patients who need many tests for a condition is finding different testing centres, diagnostic imaging centres, and specialist hospitals with the necessary equipment and expertise. A multispeciality hospital ensures that all necessary screening and testing equipment for treating a wide range of medical and physical disorders is set up with qualified personnel.
Improved Collaboration with Insurance Companies:
A specialised hospital will work with insurance providers that only pay their procedures. While such isn't the case with multispecialty hospitals, they tend to cooperate with a variety of insurance providers to pay their many medical procedures, either individually or collectively.
24 Hour Emergency and Trauma Centre
In-house laboratory is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Ambulance services are available around the clock.
In-house pharmacy open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
ICU with 10 beds and Dialysis available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
The most advanced Thulium laser for urological procedures.
2D echo ultrasonography
TMT, digital X-ray ( Stress Test)
3 Operation Theaters that are Modular
The most modern laparoscopic camera system available
There are cashless medical insurance options accessible.
Three Suite Rooms
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topdocs · 5 months
Kidney Stone Surgeons Borivali: A Comprehensive Guide to Kidney Stone Treatment
Kidney stones are little stones that can cause pain when they move around in your kidneys. More intrusive techniques were used in traditional therapies, but not any longer! To improve things, we will talk about a novel technology called Thulium Fibre LASER, which has been tested and used by kidney stone surgeon in Borivali, Mumbai. It helps treat kidney stones without causing too much trouble, much like an extremely precise laser. Stay tuned to find out more about how we're treating kidney stones differently to ensure a speedier and more comfortable recovery!
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backlinkmezbilisim · 8 months
ThuLEP (Thulium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate), prostat büyümesinin tedavisinde kullanılan modern bir cerrahi yöntemdir. Bu yöntem, prostatın laserle kesilip çıkarılması esasına dayanır ve genellikle BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) tedavisinde tercih edilir.
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healthcaretoday1 · 11 months
Urology Lasers Market - Shaping the Future of Urology: Cutting-Edge Lasers for Precision Care
Newark, New Castle, USA: The “Urology Lasers Market” provides a value chain analysis of revenue for the anticipated period from 2023 to 2031. The report will include a full and comprehensive analysis of the business operations of all market leaders in this industry, as well as their in-depth market research, historical market development, and information about their market competitors
This latest report researches the industry structure, sales, revenue, price and gross margin. Major producers’ production locations, market shares, industry ranking and profiles are presented. The primary and secondary research is done in order to access up-to-date government regulations, market information and industry data. Data were collected from the Urology Lasers manufacturers, distributors, end users, industry associations, governments’ industry bureaus, industry publications, industry experts, third party database, and our in-house databases.
Get a Free Sample PDF of the Report – https://www.growthplusreports.com/inquiry/request-sample/urology-lasers-market/8130
Key Players in the Urology Lasers Market : – 
Olympus Corporation 
Boston Scientific Corporation
Lumenis Ltd. 
OmniGuide Holdings, Inc.
Surgical Lasers Inc. 
Cook Medical Incorporated 
Jena Surgical GmbH
Allengers Medical Systems Ltd. 
Karl Storz SE 
Market Segmentation: 
Holmium Laser System
Diode Laser System
Thulium Laser System
 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
 Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC)
Market segment by Region/Country including : –
-North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) -Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) -Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) -South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) -Middle East and Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
This report also includes a discussion of the major players across each regional Urology Lasers market. Further, it explains the major drivers and regional dynamics of the global Urology Lasers market and current trends within the industry.
Request for customization in Report: https://www.growthplusreports.com/inquiry/customization/urology-lasers-market/8130
Key Benefits for Industry Participants and Stakeholders One can find in-depth research data and industry trends of the Urology Lasers Market Research. The report offers details on potential investment opportunities, including those that are local and sector-specific that may benefit stakeholders and members of the industry. One can gain a thorough grasp of market dynamics by looking at prices as well as the activities of producers and consumers. With the use of market research, which will assist in discovering and visualizing new market participants as well as their portfolios, will be better able to make decisions and create an efficient counter strategy to maximize market advantage.
COVID 19 Impact Analysis
The Urology Lasers Market Research Reports include a thorough discussion of the coronavirus’s effects in addition to the major market trends. When considering the impact of the COVID-19 on the industry, insights, analysis, projections, and predictions are given in the report study.
Given the breadth of the pandemic’s disruption, it is evident that the current depression is fundamentally different from previous recessions. Due to the sudden drop in demand and growing unemployment, the business climate will alter. In this uncomfortable environment, businesses may carve new roads by embracing novel ideas like ”advance toward localization, cash conservation, supply chain resilience, and innovation.”
Urology Lasers Market TOC: https://www.growthplusreports.com/report/toc/urology-lasers-market/8130
the market share and rank (in volume and value), competitor ecosystem, new product development, expansion, and acquisition.
This report stays updated with novel technology integration, features, and the latest developments in the market
This report helps stakeholders to understand the COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine War Influence on the Urology Lasers industry.
This report helps stakeholders to gain insights into which regions to target globally
This report helps stakeholders to gain insights into the end-user perception concerning the adoption of Urology Lasers .
This report helps stakeholders to identify some of the key players in the market and understand their valuable contribution.
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ainews · 11 months
Thulium – one of the rarest elements on Earth – is a precious commodity that is heavily guarded due to its potential uses in the world of technology. Thulium is a soft, silvery-gray metallic element that can be found in saturated rocks and is thought to be about one-tenth as abundant as gold.
Its main use is in the production of lasers, which are used in various scientific, medical, and manufacturing applications. Thulium-doped lasers are in high demand in the laser industry and can be used for applications such as optical fiber communications, barcode readers, and MRI scanners. As such, this rare element is highly sought after and heavily guarded.
Furthermore, thulium is found in alloys used in control rods in nuclear reactor plants, which are considered an invaluable asset for defense and the creation of electricity. As such, it is highly sought after and is under tight security control at all times.
Finally, thulium is also used in radiation treatment. Radioactive isotopes of thulium are injected into cancerous tumors to destroy them. This process must be done very carefully, and the thulium is heavily guarded to ensure it remains secure during this process.
Overall, thulium is a sought-after element that is highly guarded due to its use in various applications, including lasers, nuclear reactor plants, and radiation treatments. Its rarity means that any potential disruption to its supply could have serious implications for many industries, necessitating its tight security.
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shreyjain151 · 1 year
best Prostate surgery in gurgaon
Prostate surgery is performed to treat various conditions affecting the prostate gland, such as prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or prostate enlargement. The choice of the best prostate surgery depends on several factors, including the specific condition, its severity, the patient's overall health, and individual preferences. Here are some commonly performed prostate surgeries:
Radical Prostatectomy: This surgical procedure involves the complete removal of the prostate gland. It is primarily used for the treatment of prostate cancer. Radical prostatectomy can be performed through open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery (da Vinci Surgery).
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): TURP is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat BPH or prostate enlargement. It involves removing the inner part of the prostate gland that is obstructing the urine flow through the urethra. This surgery is performed using a resectoscope inserted through the penis.
Transurethral Incision of the Prostate (TUIP): TUIP is another minimally invasive procedure for BPH. Instead of removing prostate tissue, small incisions are made in the prostate gland to widen the urethra and improve urine flow. It is often recommended for patients with smaller prostate glands.
Laser Prostate Surgery: Several laser-based procedures are available for treating BPH. They include Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP), GreenLight Laser Therapy (Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate), and Thulium Laser Prostatectomy. These techniques use laser energy to vaporize or remove excess prostate tissue, relieving urinary symptoms.
Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE): PAE is a minimally invasive procedure performed by an interventional radiologist. It involves blocking the blood supply to the prostate gland, causing it to shrink. PAE is a relatively new technique for BPH treatment and may be suitable for patients who wish to avoid traditional surgery.
The choice of the best prostate surgery depends on factors such as the patient's specific condition, the size of the prostate gland, the severity of symptoms, and the expertise of the surgeon. It is essential to consult with a urologist or a specialist experienced in prostate surgeries to determine the most appropriate treatment option based on individual circumstances. They will be able to provide personalized advice and discuss the potential risks, benefits, and expected outcomes of each surgical approach. https://dr-shreyjain.com/ https://goo.gl/maps/ZLZ37ZgfQ4pEWswq8
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litonlaser · 6 days
LiTong Laser, a beauty equipment manufacturer with over 20 years of experience
Offering IPL hair removal and skin rejuvenation series, Q-switch Nd: YAG laser series, CO2 laser series, RF skin lifting series, EMS slimming series,1927nm Thulium laser and other beauty equipments.
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sagarg889 · 1 year
Fiber Laser Market Analysis, Key Players, Industry Segments & Forecast to 2031
The global fibre laser market is anticipated to be valued US$ 3.1 billion in 2021, with a CAGR of 11.1% between 2021 and 2031.
Erbium, neodymium, ytterbium, praseodymium, thulium, dysprosium, and holmium are examples of rare earth elements found in fibre lasers. Previously, carbon dioxide or helium-neon were utilised in gas lasers. Solid state lasers built of neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet, on the other hand, are used in a range of laser-related procedures. The advantages include ease of use, greater reliability, no maintenance, high stability, and integration possibilities.
Fibre lasers are used in medicine for hair removal, cosmetics, laser tattoo removal, skin conditions, dentistry, and aesthetic plastic surgery. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, liposuction and eyelid surgery account for more than half of total costs. Non-surgical procedures represent 44% of the market.
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Material processing makes use of high beam for cutting, welding, and etching. These days, fiber lasers are preferred in barcodes, traceable labels, scientific research, diamond industry, 3D printing, and semi-conductor industries. High power fiber laser is being used in metal cutting operations as an outcome of the unparalleled combination of productivity and precision with higher cost-effectiveness. Future Market Insights has enlisted these facts with insights in its latest market study entitled ‘Fiber Laser Market’.
Key Takeaways from Fiber Laser Market
North America is expected to witness a CAGR of 10.9% in the fiber laser market due to the US being a hub of automotives and consumer electronics.
Coming to Europe, Germany leads from the front due to an ever-increasing demand for ICs and semiconductors. It is also subject to fast adoption of compact laser cutting and welding machines. Also, as per Federal Motor Transport Authority, over 394,000 electric cars were registered in Germany in the year 2020 alone. Modern automotives are also seen using LiDAR system.
The Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the fastest rate in the fiber laser market, led by Japan. The country is emphasizing on usage of fiber lasers to produce body panels.
Continuous wave fiber laser holds the largest market share and is expected to continue with its winning streak (~70%) in the near future.
“With flourishing material processing vertical, the global fiber laser market is bound to grow on an astonishing note in the near future”, says an analyst from Future Market Insights.
Competitive Landscape
IPG Photonics Corporation, in November 2018, announced releasing next generation high power lasers. They do come with multi-year service-free operation and claim to be having the least weight.
Videojet Technologies, in March 2021, tabled ‘Lightfoot’ fiber laser solution to facilitate high speed beverage canning. It does combine standard reliability on the part of videojet fiber laser and dual Lightfoot marking heads’ high speed for meeting every need pertaining to beverage production and canning.
LVD, in November 2020, came up with a novel large-format fiber laser cutting machine termed as ‘Taurus’, which is particularly designed to suffice extra-large sheet metal cutting capacity. In other words, machine is able to laser cut a broad range of parts, thereby optimizing usage of material and increasing productivity.
Coherent, in June 2020, tabled a novel 4000 w ‘Highlight FL4000CSM-ARM’ fiber laser conducive to automotive applications. The system paves the way for advanced welding capabilities to cater to tough metals and also aligns to the welding needs for energy storage, e-mobility, and general electric connections comprising dissimilar materials.
What does the Report Cover?
Future Market Insights offers an exclusive perspective and various real-time insights on the fiber laser market in its latest study, presenting historical demand assessment of 2016 – 2020 and projections for 2021 – 2031.
The research study is based on laser type (continuous wave lasers, pulsed lasers, and Quasi Continuous Wave Laser), by output power (low power (up to 100 W), medium power (100 – 2,000 W), and high power (more than 2,000 W)), and by application (cutting, welding & other high power applications, marking, fine & micro processing, communications and advanced applications, and medical).
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Key Segments Covered In Fiber laser Market Study:
By Laser Type:
Continuous Wave Lasers
Pulsed Lasers
Quasi Continuous Wave Laser
Output Power:
Low Power (Up to 100 Watts)
Medium Power (100W-2,000W)
High Power (More than 2,000 W)
Welding & Other High Power Applications
Fine & Micro Processing
Communications and Advanced Applications
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
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