#Holmium Lasers
leeb57555 · 11 months
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euronoxxmedicalgroup · 2 months
How HOLMIUM LASER-BLAZE Are Helped In Treating Urological Conditions?
Over the past few decades, significant advancements in medical technology have preexisting procedures and have gained the popularity of lasers in the treatment of various urological conditions. Patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate enlargement, bladder stones, and kidney stones have found respite in laser-based treatments, particularly the Holmium laser.
The prevalence of health issues associated with the enlargement of the prostate gland, dating back to early human civilisation, cannot be overstated. Symptoms such as poor urinary stream (Urinary hesitancy), pain during urination (Dysuria - a burning sensation), and increased frequency of urination accompanied by involuntary leakage are often disregarded by patients because of embarrassment or fear of seeking medical assistance.
However, ignoring these symptoms can exacerbate the condition, leading to complications like recurrent urinary tract infections, Hematuria, urinary retention, and even renal failure.
While medical management can relieve symptoms in many cases, surgical intervention becomes imperative for those unresponsive to conservative measures. Unfortunately, the apprehension associated with surgery often deters individuals from seeking timely treatment, resulting in avoidable complications.
Advancements In urological interventions!
Advancements in science have initiated in the era of minimally invasive procedures through the miniaturisation of endoscopic equipment and improvements in energy sources.
While open surgery was once the foundation of urological interventions, it has now become a rarity.
The field of urology has undergone a remarkable transformation, especially with the emergence of laser technologies.
The traditional Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) was the gold standard for treating enlarged prostates or BPH in the past.
However, with the evolution of lasers in urology surgical instruments, surgeries for enlarged prostate conditions have significantly enhanced safety profiles, reduced bleeding, and improved efficacy, with the 
Holmium laser urology surgical instrument emerging as the preferred choice in urological procedures.
The Holmium laser Blaze for urology surgical instruments has a diverse range of applications that continue to expand. It can be used for lithotripsy and urothelial tumour ablation throughout the urinary tract, prostate resection, incision of various urinary tract strictures, and even carbon dioxide laser vaporisation of cutaneous lesions in the external genitalia.
The Holmium laser's 2100-nm wavelength provides a distinctive combination of vaporisation and coagulation, enabling precise cutting actions when higher energy levels are applied.
With a shallow penetration depth of less than 0.5 mm in water and tissue, the Holmium laser allows for precise energy delivery, ensuring safety and minimising potential complications.
The Advantages of Holmium Laser in Urological Treatments!
As laser technology continues to evolve, the Holmium laser has emerged as a powerful surgical instrument or precision diagnostic instrument in urology medical procedures.
It has many advantages that make it an attractive option to treat a range of urological conditions.
Let's explore the key advantages of the Holmium laser in urological procedures:
1..Reduced Bleeding and Faster Recovery: 
One of the significant advantages of the Holmium laser is its ability to cause minimal bleeding during and after surgery. This not only improves patient safety but also accelerates the recovery process. With reduced blood loss, patients require fewer blood transfusions and experience less post-operative discomfort, leading to a shorter hospital stay and faster overall recovery.
2..Improved Urinary Flow: 
For prostate surgery, a Laser Prostate invasive procedure or HoLEP using the Holmium laser Blaze offers superior results in relieving urinary flow obstruction compared to traditional procedures like Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP). HoLEP with the Holmium laser ensures better urinary flow, thereby improving the quality of life for patients suffering from enlarged prostates.
3..Long-Term Results: 
The Holmium laser treatment offers long-lasting results with minimal chances of recurrence. This means patients can experience durable relief from symptoms, reducing the need for further interventions or treatments in the future. The Holmium laser's precision in targeting problem areas ensures a thorough treatment, resulting in a lower chance of the condition reoccurring.
4..Expanded Safety for High-Risk Patients:
Another remarkable advantage of the Holmium laser is its ability to safely treat patients who are considered unfit for traditional surgeries like TURP because of their critical medical conditions. Patients with significant comorbidities, such as major cardiac illnesses, renal diseases, advanced diabetes, bleeding disorders, anticoagulant dependency, respiratory problems, and significant anaemia can undergo Holmium laser treatment with safety and confidence. This expands the treatment options for patients who need it the most, allowing them to benefit from the latest advancements in urological care.
The Holmium laser has revolutionised urological medical procedures, from minimising bleeding and enabling faster recovery to providing superior relief in urinary flow obstruction.
As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more innovations in laser-based treatments, providing better outcomes and improved quality of life for patients with urological conditions.
Moreover, the Holmium laser's user-friendly urology surgical instrument is designed to facilitate its operation by urologists and allied health professionals. Its versatility in addressing a myriad of urologic conditions has made it an invaluable hospital instrument or surgical instrument in medium to large urological units, appealing to practitioners and patients alike for its efficiency and safety.
Holmium laser has revolutionised the treatment landscape of urological conditions by offering a safer, more effective, and minimally invasive urological treatment alternative to traditional surgical approaches.
By exploiting inclusive laser technology, urologists can provide patients with advanced urology treatments that deliver optimal outcomes and improve their quality of life, marking a significant milestone in the field of urology procedures.
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hospital-project · 2 years
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element-tournament · 11 months
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It's Curie limit (which is the temperature where a material is no longer ferromagnetic) is very close to room temperature, meaning it can be used to make a magnet that can sense hot and cold easily
Holmium lasers emit light of a wavelength that does not damage eyesight, thus being viable for surgical use
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Periodic Table Championship: Round 1, Day 6, Indium vs. Holmium
The sixth match of day 6 of round 1 has element 49, indium, facing off against element 67, holmium. Let's meet the challengers:
Indium is a ductile, post-transition metal that crystalizes in the body-centered tetragonal structure at room temperature. It is considered to be the softest metal that is not an alkali metal. Applications of indium include thin films, semiconductors, and batteries. It was named for the indigo color of its spectrum.
Holmium is a soft, rare earth metal that crystalizes in the hexagonal crystal system at room temperature. It has the highest magnetic permeability and magnetic saturation of any element. Applications of holmium include magnets, lasers, and as a calibration standard for optical spectrometers. It was named after the Latin name for Stockholm.
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kims-trivandrum · 2 months
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Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) is a minimally invasive surgical technique meticulously crafted to address benign prostatic hyperplasia, commonly recognized as an enlarged prostate.
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advinhealthcare · 2 months
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Advin Health Care - Holmium Laser System
Holmium surgical laser system for lithotripsy is the latest laser generation with variable pulse width.
Website: https://advinurology.com
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v-r-lifescience · 3 months
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indiamedicaltourism · 3 months
Kidney Stone Treatment in India
Kidney stones, which can be recognized by their solid deposits of minerals and salts, are a major health problem worldwide. They can range in size from small particles to huge stones, causing significant pain and complications. The most common types of kidney stones are calcium oxalate, uric acid, and struvite. Treatment for kidney stones has advanced greatly in India, where hospitals and medical expertise are continuously improving.This combination of innovative medical technology and expert knowledge emphasizes India's importance in addressing worldwide kidney stone treatment problems.
Kidney stones can cause severe discomfort in the back or side, blood in the urine, nausea, and vomiting. Depending on the size and location of the stone, treatment may include painkillers, medication, or operations to remove or break the stone.
Treatment Options in India
India has a strong medical system with world-class facilities and trained doctors specialized in urology and nephrology. In India, kidney stones are often treated using a multidisciplinary approach that is customized to the patient's specific needs, such as:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): It is a non-invasive treatment that uses shock waves to break down kidney stones into tiny pieces, allowing them to move more easily through the urinary tract.
Ureteroscopy (URS): It is a minimally invasive treatment that involves inserting a thin, flexible scope into the urethra and bladder to reach a stone in the ureter or kidney. Once discovered, the stone can be removed or broken with laser technology.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL): It is a surgical treatment that removes big kidney stones through a tiny incision in the back. It is often used for stones that are too big to be treated with ESWL or URS.
Breakthroughs and Innovations
Miniaturization of Surgical devices: Advances in endoscopic technology have resulted in the creation of smaller, more flexible devices for minimally invasive procedures like URS. This increases precision and maneuverability, decreasing stress on surrounding tissues and enhancing results for patients.
Holmium laser lithotripsy: It is a very successful treatment for breaking up kidney stones during URS operations. The precision and flexibility of holmium lasers allow urologists to efficiently target and break stones of various compositions, including difficult-to-treat calcium oxalate stones.
Metabolic Evaluation and Preventive Strategies: As doctors in India recognize the value of preventive treatment, they are increasingly concentrating on metabolic evaluation to identify underlying risk factors for kidney stone development. Patients may reduce their risk of recurrent stone development by changing their diet and lifestyle, as well as taking customized medicinal treatments.
The kidney stone treatment cost in India varies by procedure and hospital. On average, it costs between $1,000 and $2,700. Treatment success rates range from 50 to 90%, depending on the stone's characteristics, surgical procedures, and postoperative care.
In India, there are several top hospitals with internationally renowned doctors who specialize in kidney stone treatment. Medanta, Fortis, Apollo, and Artemis hospitals have excellent facilities and competent urologists who are dedicated to patient care and effective outcomes.
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Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2024/03/kidney-stone-treatment-in-india.html
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drrahulyadavblogs · 3 months
All facts about Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Enlargement (BPH/BPE), its diagnosis and available treatments
What is prostate gland?
• A prostate gland is an accessory gland of male reproductive system that wraps around the male urethra near the bladder. • Prostate gland developed at age of 12 years, and it starts growing in middle age. • The prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the penis and outside the body. • Prostate gland contains crucial enzyme, 5-alpha-reductace which converts the hormones testosterone in the body to DHT.
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What is Benign prostatic hyperplasia/enlargement (BPH/BPE)?
• BPH/BPE is a condition that occurs when the prostate gland enlarges, potentially slowing or blocking the urinary stream. • Other names for benign prostatic hyperplasia include benign prostatic hypertrophy and an enlarged prostate. • The prostate normally enlarges to some degree in all men with advancing age, although not all men require treatment. • As the prostate gets bigger, it may press on the urethra and cause the flow of urine to be slower and less forceful. • "Benign" means the enlargement isn't caused by cancer or infection. • "Hyperplasia" means enlargement.
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What are symptoms of BPH?
The symptoms of BPH can likely begin after an age between 40 to 50 years and only in men. The most common symptoms of BPH include: • Frequent urination (able to hold less than 2 hours) • Getting up in the night for urination (Nocturia) • Sudden desire to pass urine (Urgency) or leakage of urine (Urgency incontinence) • A hesitant, interrupted, or weak stream of urine • Failure to pass urine (urinary retention) • Dribbling of urine • Incomplete emptying of the bladder • Blood in Urine • Frequent urinary tract infection • Straining during urination
How to diagnose BPH and types of investigations required?
To know if BPH or any another problem is causing symptoms, a urologist will ask you questions, perform an examination and will order few tests as below: • Rectal examination – Your urologist will need to perform a rectal examination to feel the size and shape of the prostate gland. • Urinalysis – You might be asked for a urine sample to see if you have a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or certain kidney disorder. • Blood tests – A blood test to check the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level is often recommended. • Ultrasound test – A USG test to know the size of prostate, thickness of bladder and structure of kidneys and post void residual urine. • Uroflowmetry Test – This is a special kind of test to know how much prostate gland is obstructing the urethra.
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Mention role of Prostate specific antigen (PSA) in evaluation?
• PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, plays a role as one of the diagnostic markers though it is non-specific. • Elevated PSA levels may indicate BPH or Prostate gland infection or Prostate cancer and needs to be evaluated further. • Regular PSA screenings can aid in monitoring prostate health and detecting potential issues like prostate cancer in their early stages.
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What are the treatments available for BPH?
• Watchful waiting – If symptoms are mild and not bothersome, then regular monitoring is what all is needed and don't need the treatment right away. • Medicines – There are 2 types of medicine commonly used to treat BPH. One type relaxes the muscles that surround the urethra, and another reduces the size of prostate. • Surgery – There are several ways to treat BPH with surgery. They can involve removing obstructing prostate and making the urethra wider so that more urine can flow through easily.
Explain LASER surgery of prostate?
• It is also known as Holmium LASER enucleation of prostate (HoLEP)/ Thulium fibre LASER enucleation of prostate (ThuLEP)? • There are different types of laser prostate surgeries, but they all involve the use of laser energy to remove or vaporize excess prostate tissue that is causing urinary issues. • Best approach is LASER enucleation, which involves removing the inner part of the prostate to alleviate urinary symptoms. • Laser prostate surgery is often considered as a minimally invasive option compared to traditional surgical methods, and it may result in less bleeding and a faster recovery.
How is LASER prostate surgery (HoLEP/ThuLEP) performed?
• LASER prostate surgery is performed by endoscopy method, that means a tiny camera will insert in urethra along with an energy source used which is a LASER fiber. • It doesn’t involve any surgical cut over the body and performed through urethra.
Mention Post operative care after LASER surgery of prostate.
• Try to avoid constipation. Eat foods that have a lot of fiber. • Drink plenty of water, especially if your urine looks red or you pass small blood clots. It is normal for your urine to have a small amount of blood in it right after surgery. • Avoid lifting weighted things for some time. • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake. • Increase your activity slowly – Start with short walks around your home and walk a little more each day. • Take prescribed medication as advised.
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wolfgangmangge · 4 months
Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik: Innovationen in der Medizintechnik
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Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik aus Klagenfurt spricht über Innovationen und deren Zukunft in der Gesundheitsbranche
Durch innovative Lasertechnologie unterstützt G.M. Medizintechnik die urologische Behandlung, wobei Wolfgang Mangge eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Vermittlung von Fachwissen über medizintechnische Innovationen spielt und die Optimierung von Behandlungsmethoden und Patientenbetreuung im Mittelpunkt der Unternehmensmission steht.
Wolfgang Mangge, tätig bei G.M. Medizintechnik, ist eine treibende Kraft im Bereich der urologischen Medizintechnologie. Durch die Spezialisierung auf innovative Laserchirurgieverfahren hat G.M. Medizintechnik markante Entwicklungen in der Urologie vorangebracht. Mangge betont, dass die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Ausrüstung, insbesondere der Lasertechnologie, entscheidend für die Verbesserung patientenorientierter Behandlungsmethoden ist.
Die praxisnahe Anwendung von Holmium- und Thulium-Lasersystemen zeigt das Engagement von G.M. Medizintechnik in puncto therapeutischer Innovation. Wolfgang Mangge weist darauf hin, dass die Behandlung von Blasensteinen oder Prostataerkrankungen durch Laserchirurgie nicht nur effektiver, sondern auch patientenschonender ist. Daraus ergibt sich eine erhebliche Reduzierung der Eingriffs- und Genesungszeiten.
Schulungen und die Wissensvermittlung, die von Experten wie Wolfgang Mangge geleitet werden, sind entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Implementierung dieser Technologien in den klinischen Alltag. Die fundierte Erfahrung in der Lasertechnik und die ständige Auseinandersetzung mit innovativer Medizintechnik untermauern die Reputation von G.M. Medizintechnik als führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der urologischen Lasertherapie.
Die Bedeutung von Erfahrung und Fortschritte in der Medizintechnik
In der schnelllebigen Welt der Medizintechnik sind Erfahrung und kontinuierliche Fortschritte entscheidend für die Entwicklung innovativer Verfahren und Geräte. Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik Handels GmbH aus Klagenfurt steht dabei für Qualität und Präzision, während er die Fragmentierung der medizinischen Lasertechnologie mitgestaltet.
Entwicklung von Lasersystemen
G.M. Medizintechnik Handels GmbH hat sich durch langjährige Erfahrung eine Expertise in der Entwicklung von medizinischen Lasersystemen erarbeitet. Diese Systeme nutzen Laserlicht für verschiedenste Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise in der Diagnostik und Therapie. Fortschritte in der Laserforschung ermöglichen dabei immer präzisere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.
Präzision in der minimalinvasiven Chirurgie
Die minimalinvasive Chirurgie profitiert maßgeblich von den durch Laser erzielbaren Fortschritten. Hier stimmt Wolfgang Mangge zu, dass vor allem die Präzision des Laserlichts in der Laserchirurgie neue Behandlungsoptionen schafft. Die Eingriffe werden weniger invasiv, was zu einer Verkürzung der Heilungsdauer und Minimierung der Komplikationsraten führt.
Qualitätsführerschaft und technische Wartung
Um die Qualitätsführerschaft zu sichern, setzt die Firma nicht nur auf die Entwicklung innovativer Produkte, sondern auch auf die technische Wartung ihrer Lasersysteme. Eine zuverlässige Wartung ist unerlässlich, um eine dauerhaft hohe Leistung und Patientensicherheit zu garantieren. G.M. Medizintechnik verbindet in diesem Bereich die langjährige Erfahrung mit den neuesten technologischen Standards.
Spezialisierung auf urologische Laserverfahren
Wolfgang Mangge von G.M. Medizintechnik treibt mit seinem Expertenteam die Spezialisierung auf urologische Laserverfahren voran, wobei besonders das HOLEP-Verfahren und innovative Lithotripsie-Techniken im Fokus stehen.
HOLEP-Verfahren und BPH-Behandlung
Das HoLEP-Verfahren (Holmium Laser Enukleation der Prostata) bietet eine hochmoderne Behandlungsmöglichkeit der gutartigen Vergrößerung der Prostata (BPH). Es handelt sich um eine minimalinvasive Methode, bei der Prostatagewebe effizient unter Zuhilfenahme eines Holmium-Lasers entfernt wird. Diese Technik ermöglicht es, selbst bei großen Drüsen eine präzise Ablation zu erreichen, die oft mit einer schnelleren Erholung und einem verringerten Risiko von Komplikationen verglichen mit herkömmlichen Methoden einhergeht.
Innovationen in Lithotripsie und Ablationsmethoden
In der Behandlung von Harnsteinen (Lithotripsie) führen Innovationen mit Lasersystemen zu einer effektiveren und gewebeschonenderen Vorgehensweise. Thulium-Laser zeichnen sich durch ihre Fähigkeit aus, eine präzise und kontrollierte Ablation von Gewebe durchzuführen, was bedeutende Verbesserungen für die Patientensicherheit mit sich bringt. Die Echtzeitfluoreszenzanalyse ermöglicht während der Lithotripsie eine exaktere Zielung und minimiert das Risiko von Nebenverletzungen. Diese Entwicklung stellt einen wesentlichen Fortschritt in der urologischen Medizintechnik dar und spiegelt das Engagement von G.M. Medizintechnik für technologische Innovationen wider.
Schulung und Wissensvermittlung
Die Firma GM-Medizintechnik unter der Leitung von Wolfgang Mangge legt großen Wert auf die fortgeschrittene Ausbildung des Personals und bietet umfassende Schulungsprogramme in der Endourologie mit praktischen Anwendungen der neuesten Lasertechniken.
Mitarbeiterschulung und Hospitationen
GM-Medizintechnik veranstaltet regelmäßig Mitarbeiterschulungen und ermöglicht Hospitationen, um das Fachwissen und die technischen Fähigkeiten ihres Personals zu erweitern. Die Schulungseinrichtungen unter Wolfgang Mangge befinden sich in Klagenfurt, an der Alois-Schader-Straße, wo spezialisierte Kurse im Umgang mit modernen medizinischen Lasersystemen durchgeführt werden. Durch diese strukturierten Bildungsmaßnahmen gewährleistet das Unternehmen, dass alle Teammitglieder auf dem neuesten Stand der Technologie und der besten Praktiken sind.
Endourologie und praktische Anwendungen
In der Endourologie setzen Fachpersonen von GM-Medizintechnik hochmoderne Thulium- und Holmiumlaser ein, um Patienten eine präzise und schonende Behandlung zu ermöglichen. Diese praktischen Anwendungen gehen Hand in Hand mit den angebotenen Schulungen, wo Mediziner aus Österreich und darüber hinaus lernen können, diese Technologien effizient für die Steinzertrümmerung und Tumorbehandlung einzusetzen. Dadurch leistet GM-Medizintechnik einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Qualitätsverbesserung in der Patientenversorgung.
Anwendung von Lasertherapie bei Tumorerkrankungen
Die Lasertherapie weist bei der Behandlung von Tumorerkrankungen signifikante Fortschritte auf, speziell in der photodynamischen Therapie (PDT) und der stereotaktischen Laserablation, die eine präzisere und schonendere Tumorbehandlung ermöglichen.
Photodynamische Therapie
Bei der photodynamischen Therapie wird ein lichtsensitiver Wirkstoff in den Körper eingebracht, der sich selektiv in den Tumorzellen anreichert. Diese werden daraufhin mit einem speziellen Laser aktiviert, der nur die wirkstoffhaltigen Zellen zerstört. Dieses Verfahren wird verwendet, um Krebserkrankungen der Speiseröhre, Lunge und Leber zu behandeln. Im Vergleich zur klassischen Chemotherapie bietet die PDT bedeutende Vorteile, da sie gezielt Tumorzellen angreift und gesunde Zellen weniger in Mitleidenschaft zieht.
Stereotaktische Laserablation
Die stereotaktische Laserablation kommt heutzutage verstärkt zum Einsatz, um präzise definierte Bereiche im Körper zu behandeln. Bei diesem Verfahren wird ein Laser verwendet, um Tumorgewebe gezielt zu erhitzen und zu zerstören, ohne umliegendes gesundes Gewebe zu schädigen. Diese Technik eignet sich besonders für schwer zugängliche Tumoren oder für Patienten, bei denen herkömmliche Behandlungsmethoden, wie die operative Entfernung, nicht infrage kommen.
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leeb57555 · 1 year
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manipalhospital1 · 4 months
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)
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Manipal Hospital is the best hospital in Malleshwaram located towards north of Bengaluru, it is an 81 bedded secondary care hospital renowned for its medical expertise in the areas of Urology, Cancer Care,  Neurosurgery, General Medicine, Nephrology, Orthopedics & Gynecological services.
The hospital has in a very short time introduced new services that were unheard of in the region, including General Surgery, Renal Sciences, Medical Gastroenterology, Surgical Gastroenterology, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic surgery, Spine surgery, Hand & Reconstructive Surgery.
The hospital is a medical centre in the Northern region with a gamut of facilities. With the excellent success rate of the hospital, more & more people are beginning to avail the multiple benefits of facilities & amenities, close geographical proximity & an economical pattern of charges.
Our core values are built around the thought of patient-first and that each doctor at Manipal Hospitals is a human care expert, going above and beyond the call of duty as they live by the belief that every single life is priceless. When they embark on these journeys, stories emerge - stories of grit, determination and never giving up. Join us on a journey to discover stories that reinforce your belief in 'Life's On.
Urology Department
The Urology Department at Manipal Hospitals Malleshwaram is centred on the well-being of our patients who are recovering from prostate surgery. That is probably one of the main reasons why we are known to be the leading name in the field of urology-related treatments and prostate surgery recovery. Our hospitals have the best urology doctor in Bangalore who is globally acclaimed for all their treatment techniques and diagnostics excellence for prostate surgery laser. 
Even the most challenging urological diseases seem to have their end right here with our urologists’ specialists in Bangalore and their treatments of prostate surgery by laser. We are amongst the list of the best-ranked departments all across India for our prostate surgery options. Being specialized in this treatment for prostate surgery with a laser has made our doctors recognized and renowned. 
Not to mention that here we have a wide spectrum of treatment options available for most of the urological diseases of all time. After getting treated, patients can also opt for prostate surgery recovery time at home. We offer diagnosis and treatment options for kidney stones, incontinence, prostate surgery side effects, cancer and much more. Apart from that, our hospitals have a well-functioning fertility restoration spot as well for those who are in need of some respite from prostate surgery complications. People who are looking forward to having sound treatment options need to contact us to know the affordable prostate surgery cost. 
The doctors and specialists at Manipal Hospitals Malleshwaram are extremely diverse and have a wide range of expertise when it comes to conducting prostate surgery for BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. This expertise allows our patients to be an integral part of technologically advanced and innovative treatment surgeries. We also have some great options for Prostate surgery recovery exercises that are recommended by our urologists in Indiranagar. Our methods and equipment used in the prostate surgery procedure are unparalleled and not available in any part of the country. 
The team consisting of experts will mitigate all of the prostate surgery risks and ensure the physical as well as mental well-being of the patients. Consisting of board-certified and fellowship-trained urologists in Malleshwaram, our hospitals are definitely the safe haven for providing quality treatment at affordable rates. Patients will not only get state-of-the-art treatment but will also be able to relish the care and attention provided individually. We have a wide range of prostate surgery types for the people who need it. 
Prostate Surgery & available procedure 
Prostate surgery can be a very complicated and time-consuming process. So, any respite from that agony is most welcome in several hospitals and urology departments in India. Amongst some cutting-edge technology and globally renowned equipment used in Manipal Hospitals Malleshwaram, there is currently one more name added to that list. The Auriga 50W XL Helium Laser (HoLEP) is a newly acquired and functional machine currently in use for the process of prostate surgery. 
Some of the main benefits of the HoLEP procedure are complications after the surgery, pain and longer periods of healing. This revolutionary invention can also be used in order to detect stones and smaller tumours in the body of a patient. The HoLEP prostate surgery is also an optimal solution for men suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. With its advanced features, HoLEP surgery is definitely revolutionizing the entire treatment process related to prostate surgery in the best way. The comparison between HoLEP vs. TURP clearly has one winner and that is HoLEP because of its cost-effective properties and functional treatment process. 
Laser prostatectomy can be considered as an otherwise safe and sound procedure used by urologists for a very long period of time. This is where the HoLEP urology machine can help people suffering from an enlarged prostate. Also, patients with cardiac problems and pulmonary compromise can rely on the HoLEP operation for sure. 
HoLEP more commonly referred to as the Gold Standard treatment machine is definitely one of the best solutions that transpired. The widely accepted HoLEP incontinence solution has led to the belief that this machine is truly helpful when it comes to treating all prostate-related problems. One might have a few questions that are better than TURP but when it comes to the benefits provided by this widely-acclaimed treatment machine, there is no doubt that it can be a boon for people dealing with problems such as bleeding, and a few other complications. TURP while effective might have some side effects such as excessive bleeding and TUR syndrome that are otherwise mitigated thanks to HoLEP. 
For those who need to know what is HoLEP surgery, there are a few things that they need to know about. One of the main aspects of the HoLEP procedure steps includes the laser removal of the entire enlarged section of the male prostate. Then the enucleated part is disintegrated into smaller pieces so that they can be further removed from the body of the patient without any difficulty. 
Some of The Advantages of Using HoLEP 
There could be many different benefits of using HoLEP surgery options for people. We are mentioning a few of these for better understanding purposes. 
This revolutionary procedure offers the prostate tissue for several testing procedures one of which is the postoperative histopathological examination more commonly known as Biopsy which further provides the means for diagnosis and treatment of unsuspected cancerous elements. 
When compared to TURP, most people might think about how much HoLEP surgery costs. Well, to put it in simpler words, the surgery is definitely affordable and uses many more side-effects-free methods to treat the ailments of people. 
Outcomes from HoLEP are extremely durable with the rates of re-operation just 4% at a follow-up of about 8 years in total. 
HoLEP surgery is not limited by the size of the prostate. 
A single laser of Holmium can be used for about 20-50 different patients, thus reducing the HoLEP cost and making it one of the most cost-effective measures for the treatment of prostate-related ailments. 
Treatment using HoLEP will not lead to incontinence and impotence in people as is seen in most of the conventional forms of surgery. 
Find out the HoLEP surgery cost in Bangalore and opt for the options to have quality treatment and recovery options right now.  Visit Manipal, the best urology hospital in Malleshwaram today.
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curenishant · 4 months
Dr. Rajeev Sood: Expert Urologist and Renal Transplant Specialist
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Dr. Rajeev Sood stands as one of the foremost Uro-surgeons in New Delhi, India, with an illustrious career spanning over 35 years. His expertise encompasses a wide spectrum of urological conditions, including Polycystic Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure, Glomerulonephritis, and Kidney Cancer.
Qualification and Experience
Dr. Sood's qualifications include MBBS, MS in General Surgery, DNB in General Surgery, DNB in Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery, and MCh in Urology. With over 23 years of distinguished service in the Armed Forces and more than 22 years specializing in urology, he brings a wealth of experience to his practice.
Reasons to Choose Online Consultation with Dr. Rajeev Sood
Renowned Expertise: Dr. Sood is revered as one of the top urology specialists in the country, trusted by patients worldwide.
Trusted Guidance: Patients seeking online consultations benefit from Dr. Sood's extensive expertise and guidance.
Continuity of Care: Throughout the pandemic, Dr. Sood has provided uninterrupted consultations, adhering to strict COVID guidelines.
Bilingual Communication: Fluent in both English and Hindi, Dr. Sood ensures effective communication with patients.
Compassionate Care: Known for his compassionate approach, Dr. Sood prioritizes patient comfort and well-being.
Accessible Appointments: Patients have access to prioritized appointments with Dr. Sood on a regular basis.
Contribution to Medical Science
Dr. Sood's contributions to medical science are exemplary. He has received numerous accolades, including Gold medals in MBBS, MS, and MCh. Notably, he performed the first cadaver renal transplant and the first laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy in the Armed Forces, with over 1000 kidney transplants to his credit. He pioneered groundbreaking procedures such as Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) and High-intensity Green light laser prostatectomy.
Conditions Treated by Dr. Rajeev Sood
Dr. Rajeev Sood specializes in treating a wide range of urological conditions, including:
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Shrunken Kidney
Symptomatic Hydronephrosis
Chronic Kidney Disease
Kidney Injury or Trauma
Chronic Infection
Kidney Failure
Prostate Cancer
End-Stage Renal Disease
Kidney Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Signs and Symptoms Treated
Patients experiencing symptoms such as painful ejaculation, frequent urination, blood in urine or semen, or urinary tract infections should seek consultation with Dr. Sood promptly.
Operating Hours
Dr. Rajeev Sood operates from 10 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, and from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday and Sunday, providing patients with flexible scheduling options.
Popular Procedures
Dr. Sood specializes in a variety of procedures, including:
Kidney Cancer Treatment
Kidney Transplant
Prostate Cancer Treatment
Trans Urethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBT)
Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate (TURP)
Patients can expect comprehensive care tailored to their individual needs and preferences, ensuring optimal outcomes and minimal complications.
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element-tournament · 10 months
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the last lanthanoid to be discovered
Holmium lasers emit light of a wavelength that does not damage eyesight, thus being viable for surgical use
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