#This is why Im like eyes twitching about Peacemaker being here by the way
The other thing about this Doom Patrol I dont like is all the allegory shit. Thats part of why the name scene not involving a trans character bothered me. We had Kate Godwin show up in the 90s and be a actual trans woman and now in 2023 were having the “respect peoples chosen names!” conversation with characters in supernatural situations only. Not even fucking Chief or anyone else in Jane’s system mentioned for that one, other characters with real world stuff that would be good for that conversation. I dont know man
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inhumanescreeching · 3 years
in which Dabi attends the meeting with the Shie Hassaikai, and things as we know it, turn out differently
because im bored as hell and i wanna see an au where eri gets raised by lov, also there'll probably be four?? parts to this, idk yet lol. oh and for this to work, twice tells lov that they're meeting w the shie hassaikai beforehand. just for a short time, like on the day before the actual meeting type of short ok? ok
tw: canon typical violence, swearing, mentions of/referenced child abuse
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Dabi was never one for punctuality. He was his own boss, no matter what Shigaraki said about titles within the League
Plus, an alliance with the yakuza placed a foul taste in his mouth. He heard of the Shie Hassaikai family when he was young. They were bad news
Doing a background check on the current leader had been easy with Giran’s help and through that, Dabi learned all he needed to know about one Chisaki Kai
Dabi may have committed murder, arson, theft, and various other crimes but he draws the line on abusing children
Dabi has long decided that he was going to cremate Chisaki and scatter his remains on dog shit, regardless of Shigaraki’s approval of him as an ally. So when he sees Chisaki, in the flesh, up and attack one of their own, well. Dabi saw red
Blue flames flew towards Chisaki before he could take another step, pushing him back as Dabi slid in front of the group. “Don’t let him touch you!” He yelled in warning
Dabi met Chisaki’s eyes and glared. Twice stuttered, trying to ease the tension. Behind Dabi, he could hear Toga fuss over Magne, who’d nearly lost her life had Chisaki gotten his hand on her, and Shigaraki’s telltale sounds of scratching. Mr. Compress has hopped down from his seat to flank Dabi, hand at the ready
Everyone’s here, aside from Spinner- who was on guard duty for their base. They’re safe. Dabi made it in time. He stifles as a relieved sigh, instead looking at Chisaki dead in the eye as he ignites a flame on his palm. It’s a warning, a promise
The standstill drags on, as Twice’s attempt at peacemaking dies down and the room descends into silence
Shigaraki, eventually, starts moving. Stands between Dabi and Compress, and takes off the hand on his face. “I think that serves as our answer. The League will never bow down to you yakuza, and we’ll expand on our own. We won’t interfere with your business.” Underneath the hand, Shigaraki’s grin looked manic. “And you keep out of ours.”
“If you have no intention of becoming a subordinate of the League, then we kindly ask you to leave.” Compress added, calm as always
Chisaki scowled, hands twitching as if he was resisting the urge to scratch an itch, but otherwise dropped his defensive posture. “Very well, Shigaraki Tomura.”
“Twice, escort our esteemed guest out.”
That stumped Twice into action, muttering apologies and insults in the same breath as he urged Chisaki back to the door. With his back turned, Chisaki looked over his shoulder to them. “If you won’t contribute to the Shie Hassaikai’s advancements.”
Dabi did not like where this was going.
“Then suffer the shame of being our guinea pigs!” 
“Shigaraki, get down!”
It was fast. Like a bullet. When it hits Compress on the shoulder as he pushes Shigaraki to the side, Dabi realizes it was a bullet. They land behind him loudly, Shigaraki cursing about how he could have taken that hit, but Dabi’s eyes were already searching for where it came from
No windows, and no sound of broken glass so it couldn’t have been a sniper. Someone was on the ceiling, hiding in the dark. Luckily, Dabi could easily light them up. He shoots a few blasts, not quite hitting the mark but the person drops to Chisaki’s side nonetheless
“Who the hell uses guns anymore?” Dabi asked. “Unless you’ve got something up your sleeve? What was it, suffer the shame of being our guinea pigs? What the hell did you hit Compress with?”
“You’re surprisingly perceptive, Flame Villain Dabi.”
Dabi smirked. “Glad I can surpass your expectations, Chisaki Kai.” He visibly tensed at the mention of his name. “Compress, what’s your stats?”
“It’s been years since I was last shot by a bullet, but aside from the usual pain, I don’t feel much difference.”
The masked person beside Chisaki- who looked straight out of the Black Plague era- spoke up. “Try to use your Quirk.”
There’s scuffling behind him, but Dabi knew better than to turn his back to the enemy. Toga gasps, Shigaraki starts muttering. He asks “What’s happening? Talk to me here.”
“I can’t use it.”
Shigaraki stands up, and very nearly attacks had Dabi not held a hand to his chest to stop him. He hisses instead. “Undo it.”
“You should’ve joined us, Shigaraki Tomura.” The masked person continues.. “Had you been in our ranks, you would’ve been helping us perfect this formula instead of being on the receiving end of its trial period.”
“What is it?” Dabi asked, a warning flare of blue on his palm.
“Nothing to concern yourselves with, should our truce stand.” Chisaki said. “It'll wear off in an hour”
They turn to leave
Dabi keeps his guard and his fire up. Shigaraki brushes him off and lunges for Chisaki’s throat. “You broke the truce the minute you shot Compress!”
Four more bullets fly, but Shigaraki dodges those with ease. Chisaki calls out as his subordinate steps forward to cover him. “Shield!”
Another person slides in, taking the hit of Shigaraki’s Decay. At that, Shigaraki jumps back, and Dabi moves forward in one smooth exchange as the victim melts into a grey lump. Just then, a giant that’s half the height of the warehouse breaks through the entrance wall, adorned in that uniform plague mask. Their guard dog, Dabi assumes
“We’ll stop here for now.” Chisaki said, faking nonchalance even though there was obvious fury in the way his fists clenched. “You owe me one corpse for this, Shigaraki Tomura, but for tonight that’s enough.”
“This isn’t over, Chisaki Kai.” Dabi returns the glare sent his way, undeterred. He continues. “Not until you free that little girl"
Chisaki laughs at that. Like abusing a little girl and exploiting her for whatever the hell Chisaki was doing was laughable. Oh, Dabi was going to have fun watching this asshole burn. “You keep surprising me, Dabi. I didn’t take you for the parental type.”
Dabi smirks. “Yeah, and apparently you’re a shitty parent.”
Their footsteps echo and die down into the night, along with Chisaki’s bemused laugh
Twice has relocated himself from the middle of the battleground to behind Compress, supporting him up, sometime during the fight. Toga was tying a handkerchief over the wound, hushing Twice’s bemoaning about bringing in trouble. Magne was on guard as Dabi drops to the floor, not minding the way the skin on his forearm smokes slightly
“Why were you late?”
“I didn’t wanna be here.” Dabi groans. “That bitch is bad news and now I wanna kill him even more.”
“You mentioned a little girl?” Toga asks, not looking up. Magne adds, “and something about being a shitty parent.”
Dabi winces. “Yeah, this isn’t gonna be a pretty story. Let’s head back to base first.”
next »
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Present Day: Recompense Come
Someone in the universe had a mighty big sense of humor with a little hardon of cruelty dashed in. At least that's what it felt like when Wynonna saw him, John Constantine, coming towards the part of the bar she'd parked herself at. He hadn't seen her yet. If she worked it just right she could get away with him none the wiser.
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Somewhere between leaving the US and the moment he's made his way towards that bar, John Constantine had broken a curse and reacquired the demonic taint he'd deliberately locked away years prior. By sleeping with his friendly neighbourhood succubus Ellie, to regain enough power to ... well, to make sure he'd be strong enough to deal with Mormo the next time she came around.
He'd also gotten in the way when Father Gregor had tried to throw Holy Water (the real deal, it turned out) at the demon they had spent their afternoon fighting and hit John across the arm and jaw, searing his skin.
John would later think that he should be forgiven for not recognizing the familiar curves, the leather jacket, the razor sharp jaw ... the curls that were now just a little longer, when he slid into a chair and gestured for a drink. You know. Given the fact that not two hours earlier, his skin had nearly boiled off.
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Her eyes stayed on him as he made his way to a chair. The whole of him looked rough. And not in the usual way that made her want to take his tie and-- Nope. Not going there. But he does look hurt. What happened? The question bounced around in her mind as gave Peacemaker a pat.
She would have made it. If she hadn't zigged when one of the women carrying drinks to tables hadn't zagged and gotten so off balance that she fell backwards. Right towards him. Like she'd thought: Someone had a sense of humour. It just wasn't her.
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A crash and a clatter drew his attention and his new, quicker reflexes had him reaching out both for whatever large thing he could see falling towards him from the corner of his eyes and magic.
His hand clamped on an arm dressed in soft, wellworn leather and when John pulled up the young woman he had just rescued from a nasty fall with a smirk and a "Careful, luv.", it took him a moment to recognize the eyes staring up him.
Blazing angrily.
When he did recognize them, the narrow, angular face, the defined lips ... his heart tumbled out of his chest, crashed into his stomach and made him feel sick.
"Wynonna...", he muttered and let go of her as if burned. As if touching her caused him pain.
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"Oh you remember me?" The remark left her before she could truly think about it. When it caught up with her, she cursed under her breath and looked down for a moment. While it had come out like a dig, she hadn't meant it as such.
Some of her softness left, edged out by quickly returning anger when he released her with the swiftness of someone who had just grabbed something that was white hot. It stung at her, digging deeper into that already there hurt.
(Really she wouldn't be surprised if her heart looked like swiss cheese by now.)
Wy rolled her shoulders back and stood tall, gaze daring him to say something. Anything.
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John huffed, face twisting into a painful smile. "Clever.", he replied. "Yeah, real clever ...", he swallowed the endearment that wanted to jump from his tongue.
His eyes skittered away from her out of their own volition, scanning the room with a painful sinking feeling.
"He here, too?"
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"Didn't mean it like that but if the trench coat fits..." She watched John look for Harry, even then. Wynonna scoffed softly and shook her head. "No. He's not here. I don't know where he is, actually. But my guess is that he wouldn't want to see you even if he was. You have to know that."
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"Yeah ...", John agreed, voice quiet and toneless as he looked away from her, finding the drink the bartender set in front of him somewhere in the few seconds he'd been dreading (hoping, don't fucking kid yourself, Con Job) to see Harry. "I know tha'.", his lip curled into a sneer. Disgusted with himself. "Don' worry, he won' have t' see me ever again."
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Her eyes lingered on him and it took more effort than she'd ever admit to keep from reaching for him. When everything with the three of them had imploded no one had escaped the shrapnel from it. The fallout was still raining down and everything. Still. Hurt. One shoulder rose up in a quick shrug.
"Even if he does you could always just mojo it away no problem." Wynonna pursed her lips before reaching past him and taking his drink for herself. Because why not? Alcohol certainly won't make the pain worse.  "Did you love him?" She asked after drinking down about half the glass.
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A part of him wished he had the energy left to get angry at her for the accusation. The selfish, self preserving part of him. The rest, however? All the parts that were tender and raw still, they nodded.
"Yeah.", he agreed, loathing and sarcasm dripping of the word and twisting his face into a grimace.
And then, suddenly, she was in his space and the warm scent of coconut wrapped around him, made his fingers twitch with how much he wanted to reach out. Pull her close and into all the cracks of him that losing her along with Harry had left.
Something stopped him. A burn just under his skin, starting where her hip nearly touched his and he looked down. Right there, in its holster, sat Peacemaker. Sigils flaring to life along its barrel. She hadn't seemed to have noticed it. Not yet. Too preoccupied with her anger, maybe.
But he had no time to contemplate that. Not when Wynonna asked that simple little question that hit him in the chest like a bullet from her gun.
It drove hot tears to his eyes and wrenched a painful sob from him. Again, he looked away from her, tried to ignore the nausea that was building slowly. "Wha'ssit ma'er now?", he asked around his tight throat. "I cocked i' up, nothin' to say to make da' right. No' when I knew wha' Justin did to him an' did i' anyway, cause I couldn' ge' over me bloody ego.", now he'd started, the words didn't want to stop. "I thought I was so fuckin' smart. So much fuckin' stronger than 'im. I could take it, I thought. 'e can't. No' when 'e might want fuckin' kids one day. Can' ge' your nice li'le white picket fence American dream with the knowledge a demon will come for your kids, Eh?"
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The drink in her hand--what was left of it, anyway--was cold and comforting. It gave her something to hold on to so that she wouldn't lean into Constantine like she wanted to. She nodded along with him. "Could even mojo me too." As if that had just occurred to her...Which it had. "If you haven't already, right?"
Wynonna's gaze dipped down when she realized that the low hum she was hearing wasn't bar related. No, that deep, formerly comforting sound of Peacemaker flaring to life so it could do what it needed to do was real. Was now. Because it was resting against his skin.
Her mind flashed back to that long ago night at the hotel with Harry. When Peacemaker had woken her from heavy sleep because Lash was in his head. To the way the gun would flare to life in reaction to the Mantle. "John what did you--"
Then she fell silent, dread making her heart drop into her stomach when his words caught up to her. Wynonna didn't reach for Peacemaker but she did grab his jacket, yanking him closer. He didn't know. Harry hadn't told him and neither had she. God they were all so fucking stupid. "What the hell do you mean that a demon will come for his kids?"
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Another snort of pained laughter. "Yeah, if I haven' yet.", he echoed and then, because he was watching her from the corner of his eyes, he saw her face change. He saw the penny hit the ground for the first time and bounce back up in the air.
He expected her question and still, he heard Harry's accusation there, twisting his heart further like barbed wire wrapping tightly around it.
There wasn't really an explanation for what he'd done. Not one he could just lay out there for her in that moment.
And then the penny dropped again.
And the universe flicked another one in the air.
The world tilted off kilter.
Not because Wynonna nearly dragged him out of his chair, but because he could see the fear in her eyes. Because her question wasn't phrased to relate to a mere possibility. Will. Not would.
John's own penny dropped like a hollow point bullet to his gut.
"He's go' kids…", John whispered tonelessly, blue eyes wide. "You've go' kids. You two … got kids."
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Her own curiosity about how far his memory rewrites was completely and utterly forgotten. At that moment she didn't give a damn about herself or what he may or may not have done to her. Her mind had been screwed with before. It could wait.
The grip on his coat tightened as she basically dragged him out of the bar. A bouncer moved toward them, ostensibly to see if any sort of intervention was needed. Wynonna flashed her BBD badge and shook her head at him. "I've got this, thanks."
When they're outside she looks up at him, still not relinquishing her hold on his stupid trench coat. "Guess he never got around to telling you about them." Wy let sharp cruelty edge into her voice because if any kindness slipped in she would fucking break then and there. "He has two. A daughter with Susan. And with me. Two kids, John."
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He followed along, numb and silent for once. Teeth clenched, breathing hard through his nose, throat working to keep down the threat of being sick. The alcohol he'd consumed even before coming to the bar trying to crawl out of his stomach in a hot wave.
Harry had children.
Harry remembered.
Mormo … was still out there.
"No…", his voice was still toneless. "No … he never told me...", neither had she. Fuck, they'd been together for seven months back then and she hadn't even told him the name of the man who's death had devastated her.
"Two children …", he echoed, staring at the spot below her collarbone. Where the neckline of her shirt revealed a glimpse of a familiar chain. Did that chain still hold the pendant he'd given her?
He sucked in a shuddering breath and looked up at her, a spot right under her left eye. "I go'a go. I go' favours to call in. 's abou' time I drew a final line with tha' bitch."
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"Guess maybe he didn't trust you as much as you thought." Even as she spoke the words, she knew that wasn't it at all. Harry had trusted him. Implicitly. It was why everything had cut so deep for him.
Wynonna watched Constantine continue to work through everything, her own mind feeling full while her heart felt heavy. She nodded at the repetition. "Two little girls." She didn't say their names, knowing that was information that could be used against them as well.  His gaze strayed toward her chest and if they'd been in any kind of place for it, she would have called him out on it.
She shook her head. Within seconds Peacemaker was out of its holster and held up to John's forehead. The gun glowed in the dark of the night, humming lowly as she did. "No. You're not goin' anywhere. Not yet. You're going to tell me why my gun's so friendly with you now and explain why your Goddamn ego might get two kids dragged down like Astra."
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The magic of the gun tingled against his skin, the demonic blood trying to escape the touch. A cruel smile twisted his mouth and he reached up to curl his hand around hers. Tightening her fingers around the gun and pressing his forehead against the muzzle.
"Don' poin' a gun a' somethin' you don' intend to shoot, luv.", he hissed. "Every moment we stand here, those two li'le girls are in danger. You really wanna play 20 Questions righ' now? Yeah. Then lemme give you a short rundown. And if you think tha's worth riskin your child's life over, you be'er be prepared to pull tha' trigger."
And right there, standing in the dark, his hand holding hers still, the gun to his forehead and searing his skin, he told her everything. Trying to save Astra's soul with their hair brained scheme, Mormo vowing to kill them for the spell they had concocted, going after Harry, nearly killing him, John wanting to save him, but not being strong enough to banish Mormo for good … and then making the hardest decision of his life.
Erasing himself from the memory of the man he loved.
He ended with: "And I fucked a demon. 'parrently tha' leaves a stain tha' your gun don't like."
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Wynonna ignored the familiar zip of electricity that went through her when John wrapped his hand around hers and upped the ante by pressing the muzzle flush against his head. If things were different, she'd comment on how that ticked a few boxes for her.
"You think I won't?" Her voice was cold but there was the barest hint of wavering in the question. If she had to she would. But it would break her. She knew it.
But she fell silent, listening to John spin his yarn and explain what had happened. Wynonna pushed back the wave of emotions threatening to breach the calm, cold demeanor she was working to hold onto. Her gun was still pressed to Constantine's head. "Here's what's going to happen. You talk to whatever damned contacts you have. Call in your favors. Say whatever prayers or curses you have before you put up some sort of cloaking bullshit to hide them. If that doesn't work I'll send you to hell myself."
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He was breathing heavily against the splitting pain radiating from where the gun touched him.
"I will.", he promised her then, jaw tight. "By the end of this, those kids are safe or I'm dead."
And when he found it in himself that he meant it, that he was fully prepared to die in the process of saving his former lovers' children or get on his knees in front of her so she could put a bullet through his head, his gaze moved up from where it had been fixed to her cheek and met her eyes for the first time.
Any resistance he might have put up against a Soulgaze before, he willed away. Laying his dirty, tainted, terrible soul out for her ...
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Being drawn into a Soulgaze was something she'd only experienced once before. With Harry. It started out the same way, sensation wise. With Wynonna feeling like she was tumbling down a tunnel with no clear light at the end.
She saw small John Constantine being berated by his father. "Killer." Mucus Membrane. The Newcastle incident with Astra. Every trick and stunt he pulled and the loathing that often laid behind it. Nights with Harry and the love he felt for him. ...Love he felt for her too. Guilt. Fear. Anger. Hope. There was so much in there that it made her breath catch.
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The world fell away as he let himself be drawn into her, racing through images and emotions.
The gun in his her small hand, the shot, his her father dead, running, running, running from a responsibility too heavy, from the hatred, from the name calling, the gun back in his her hand …
Harry, Harry, Harry, the child.
Harry's death.
Both of them.
And all of it, underneath the pain and the guilt … woven into it, drifting through it like the smoke of his cigarettes, love.
Love for her sister.
For her daughter.
For Harry.
For John.
He came out of the Soulgaze gasping for breath, wet asphalt under his knees and palms and tears finally, finally falling.
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Overwhelmed didn't even begin to describe how Wynonna felt as the Soulgaze ended. Though it couldn't have been more than a few seconds, it had felt like so much longer. So much shit that Constantine had to wade through. But Goddamn it. Damn him. Damn Harry. Damn her. He was good intentioned.
Peacemaker's light winked out as her hand fell away from him, her other arm wrapping around her midsection as she attempted to catch her breath. Her own eyes blurry with tears. Try as she might, she couldn't hold them back either. "You asshole." She cried with frustration. "I wish I could hate you."
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His laughter was breathless and bordering on hysterical, just for a moment. Then he looked up at her, brows drawn into a pained frown. "Yeah …", he muttered "Yeah, I wish you would."
The echo of her love for him was still rattling around his chest, the feeling of it making his skin feel raw, as if even his familiar, well worn clothing was chafing him.
"I really, really wish you would.", it would be so much easier to walk away after this. Once he had made it right, once he had made sure the children were safe …  when he would need to leave her.
His hands pressed hard against the pavement, he took a few steadying breaths, before he pushed himself back to his feet. "If you have a way of contactin'im, do so. Make sure the kids are alright. I uh … my promise still stands, bu' if you still don' believe me … if you think I'll bail … you have my name, from my own mouth. Do you still have the amulet?"
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"If I could...I would. It would hurt less." Apparently it was far easier to be honest this soon after a Soulgaze, with her defenses down and broken. Her other hand rested on Peacemaker, this time for comfort rather than the need to try and intimidate John.
Wynonna looked back at Constantine. Without a word she unwound her arm from around her middle to bring her necklace out from under her shirt. It swung loose now, the amulet from John and a charm from Harry as telling about her feelings as the damn Soulgaze had been.
"Ma--" She'd almost said her name. "I know one is safe. Hidden away." Anyone would have to be absolutely reckless and stupid to try and breach the defenses that surrounded the Carpenter household.
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Not only had she kept the amulet, it still hung exactly where Harry had put it after John had given it to Wynonna. Together with Harry's own charm …
It would be shocking if he hadn't seen exactly where her feelings for both of them still stood. A thought nagged at him.
'What does Harry think about that?'
He didn't ask the question, instead, he nodded and pushed a hand into his coat pocket to retrieve a pocket knife. He'd barely flicked it open with a blunt nail before he pressed the sharp tip to the palm of his hand.
"Gimme the amulet."
The fresh wound wasn't deep, but deep enough to weep a few drops of blood that he pressed to the metal, whispering a spell under his breath. He could feel the connection being made, like a silk ribbon being drawn through his veins from his heart to the wound and he wince before he pulled his hand away and pressed his palm to his mouth to watch the blood being sucked into the crevices of the pendant.
The sharp, acidic sting of his own tainted blood on his tongue made him wrinkle his nose before he continued to speak.
"A promise spell. You get one wish from me 'n I'm beholden to carry i' out or suffer consequences. Use it now to compel me to save your daughters or save it to summon me when you need me. Your choice. Either way, should be security tha' I'm no' bout to run."
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She handed the necklace over without question, silently watching the process with appraising eyes. It was something she'd seen from him dozens of times. And, just like with Harry, it was always an interesting thing to watch. Let's not get sentimental, Earp. That'll do jack shit for you in the long run, remember?
Any other time she would have laughed at the way he'd used beholden or the notion of a promise spell. As it was she nodded and took back the necklace, resting her hand against it for a moment before slipping it under her shirt once more.
"I don't think I need to compel your already guilty conscience," Wynonna told him. "But it's nice knowing that you won't just..." She trailed off and shook her head. "Whatever." A long moment of silence passed. "You ever fuck with my head, Constantine?"
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His fingers had started fumbling for his cigarettes in that quiet where both of them seemed to be looking for what to say, while being unwilling to just turn and leave. He'd just put the white stick between his lips when her question hit and he sent her a sad little smile.
"'xcept for tha' time we played strip poker 'n I made you believe I coul' outplay your three Queens?", he tried to joke, but the smile dropped immediately and he shook his head. "Never. No' even once."
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Despite everything his not quite landing joke still managed to eek out a whisper of a smile from her, though it was as brief as his had been. "Thanks for that." Which might have been an odd thing to say to your ex...whatever the hell he'd been but when had she ever done things normally?
"Later on I'll have to...See if I can't summon the Winter Knight. Saying his boss' name three times brings her around so maybe it's the same for him." Though Wynonna wasn't in a rush to say his name. It hurt. Far too much.
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"Mab ...", John muttered, teeth clenching tight enough so he could hear the crackle of it in his ears. The fairy bitch who had been trying to manipulate all three of them. Who had organised that little reunion of theirs and who had made sure that Harry had had a reason to seek John out again afterwards.
"If I never 'ave to 'ear 'er name again, i'll be too soon.", he grumbled and took a drag from his cigarette. Another moment of silence and then, for the second time since they had first met, he presented her with his business card.
John Constantine Warlock Phone 021....
Nothing more than that.
"In case you need to ge' hold of me the mundane way."
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"Yeah, good luck with that. It's about as likely as never hearing--" Wynonna stopped short, realizing that the comment she was about to make would have been bordering on cruel.
No need for that, Wynonna. He knows how you feel now.
Instead she looked down at the card fingers tracing over the slightly raised lettering. One eyebrow rose up. "No more 'Master of the Dark Arts'?"
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"Notice tha', huh?", he replied dully, not quite looking at her. Habit or lingering guilt, he wasn't going to question it. "Was a bit pretentious. Master. Wassnit?"
The hadn that mechanically put the cigarette to his mouth was shaking. The effects of the day, the exorcism, his injury and now ... this, settling into his muscles and making them weak. God he needed sleep.
"I know where to start, who to ask.", he said finally. "I'll find you when I'm done."
Cigarette between his lips he reached up to pull the collar of his coat higher, tighter against his injured neck, before stuffing both hands into his pockets and turning away from her without another word.
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There was more she could have said. Wanted to. But her mind was already sliding back toward the drinks behind the bar and the lonely hotel bed she wanted to slip into. Wynonna watched him walk away and she felt her breathing catch.
All because of her stupid heart.
"Be careful, John Constantine. I don't want to kill you but I will for them."
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