#This is basically a shitpost that's also fucking canon
oiralinsanity · 2 years
The screen turns on revealing DJ Octavio, who looks absolutely drunk and off his rocker.
Cuts to Captain 3 in Alterna: I only dropped a single tear on them!
Clam explodes, revealing the Octobot King 3L.GS with the Ink Vac attachment, except the Ink Vac is pixelated.
Cuts to Cuttlefish, also in Alterna: Actually, it looks more like all the Tetris pieces at once.
Callie: Gramps, WTF!
DJ Octavio fired his cannon. Meanwhile, Hugefry and Grizz are fighting on top of a rocket, but Grizz turns around when he hears a strange sound coming from behind him.
Grizz realizes that a huge piss laser is heading straight towards him and he has no time to evade.
DJ Octavio: I'M PISSING ON THE BEAR!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Grizz dies like a Dragonball Z arc villain. Meanwhile, down on Earth, a Grizzco Worker that is implied to be Agent 4 is looking up in horror upon Grizz getting piss-streamsniped.
A 24-hour countdown timer appears on the screen.
The screen cuts to black.
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tavina-writes · 5 months
Hello! Would you mind elaborating on your post about some people thinking of LQR as Snape? I don't think I have seen it (thankfully) and it confuses me because the characters are very different in basically everything I can think of (principles, methods, priorities), so I don't get where the comparison could even begin. Sorry if you don't actually want to talk about the subject, you can totally ignore this ask if that's the case. Have a nice day! (And happy belated new year!) 🐰💛
Hi Nonny! no worries about asking and happy new year too you too!
oh it was mildly a shitpost, but people talk about LQR and his teaching and whether or not he was a bad teacher and if he was mean to WWX in a way that uhhh strongly reminds me of the way that Snape? was a teacher? like in the "he was terrible and stifled creativity and he was a bad teacher who doesn't deserve to work with children and he was probably also a shitty guardian for his nephews" way + joking about how he's homophobic/"would qi deviate bc of [x]" (also there's a popular thing in fic where LQR is bitter about CSSR and takes it out on WWX) which! sorry there's no basis for this in canon and I hgggg. Is it bc there was no "always" is this why it's not sexy.
Like for all intents and purposes:
LQR was a good teacher. People WANTED to attend his classes it's not like the kids were STUCK there like this is some sort of potions dungeon. NOR was HE stuck teaching kids when he didn't want to.
Yelling at a student bc the student proposed necromancy instead of the many suitable options when necromancy is a huge taboo is not the same as yelling at Neville and making him cry or having weird racist opinions OR only being interested in some child bc you wanted to fuck his mom.
why would you slander Shufu like this.
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queerofthedagger · 10 months
not to stir the pot but i’ve seen some really shitty takes recently about arthur being gay and completely erasing gwen’s importance to him. what are your thoughts?
oof well that is in fact a loaded question but I genuinely feel your frustration so let's give this a shot lmao
the short of it, to quote a friend of mine: 2012 tumblr called and wants its shitty shipping discourse back (derogatory)
the slightly longer of it.... to start this off, no one has to ship anything. no one's saying that anyone has to ship anything, or headcanon characters a certain way, or that you're not "allowed" to say that you don't ship certain ships. that's just . not a thing that's happening, and I do wanna reiterate strongly that you don't have to ship anything.
that said, well. maybe if you find yourself with the urge to nail your 'why i don't ship this canon interracial couple' against the proverbial church doors, you should ask yourself.... why is it always the black characters you find "badly written." why is it always the black and the white character who have "no chemistry." why is it always the black character you find unrelatable, that you think would be soo much better suited dating another character of color, etc. etc. These things do not happen in a vacuum, and you don't need to hate or even dislike that character to play into tropes, stereotypes, and issues that very many people have very extensively explained to be less than stellar, to put it mildly.
And Imma come out and say this: fandom is not activism, you don't need to be a loud, outspoken activist and/or turn this into anything more than a hobby. if, even amongst the discussions had in the last years, you have never once stopped to ask yourself how you might deal with the internalized racism that we're all dealing with, how it might affect people in the spaces you share while doing your hobby, then, frankly, you gotta do better. fandom is not activism, but we all have some basic responsibility of not causing more harm than there already is going around. this should not be a controversial statement either.
you can ship merthur without invalidating and trampling all over the frankly brilliant fact that this show went and casted a black woman as queen guinevere. you can ship merthur without taking away scenes that are not about them - god knows there are enough. you can acknowledge that 75% of your shipping takes are subjective, that merthur isn't, wasn't, and was never going to be canon, and literally none of this takes away from the two generic white dudes whose faces you'd like to smash together. this entire fandom is and has been majorly about those two generic white guys, for well over a decade, and i'm saying all this as a white merthur shipper. like, this is the bare minimum. and yet, here we fucking are.
as for the arthur being gay thing - again, you don't need to headcanon anyone a certain way, but whenever i do see this specific headcanon it "somehow" always comes with an incredibly weird (to put this mildly also) understanding of sexuality, top/bottom discourse, and - you guessed it - takes on arwen, that are maybe something people might want to uhh. examine also.
this isn't a callout, or a call for a witchhunt, or or or. personally i block and move on, and I wouldn't have said anything more on this than a vague shitpost on my sideblog, but god knows i can never shut up and even less so when asked, and I do think that while, again, fandom is not activism and I'll stand by this, people should... try and aim to make some basic attempts at not causing harm. it's not even hard (although that should not be your measure but like, again. bare minimum). it really is as easy as not constantly invalidating and side-lining ships and/or characters, by doing basic research in how not to whitewash characters, why not to compare skintone to food when writing, etc.
On that note, none of these are things that I've come up with. A lot of people, especially fans of colour, have done a great deal of work to provide resources and education that are... incredibly easy to find if you can be fucked to make some effort. Imma link a bunch beneath too but like. Yeah I guess that's my take. You can ship whatever you want, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart. But 1. maybe sometimes take some time to consider what you're saying, 2. maybe take some time to do some basic self-education on some issues in general, and 3. writing posts on why you don't ship whatever ship has never accomplished anything beyond getting people who agree with you to stroke your ego, and step on the toes of people who don't. at best.
But also, last but not least, the block button is your friend and all that
Resources by people much better equipped to talk on these things than me:
How to stan the white guy with minimal contribution to fandom's racism problem
The racism in the Merlin fandom and towards Gwen specifically
Educating Merlin - a blog that's specifically tackling racism in this fandom
Fanlore on Fandom's Racism Problem(s) (use to find many links leading you to further discussions on it)
More Fanlore with further links
When white people talk about racism in fandom
Writing with Color - Resource blog for writing specifically, but honestly also covers so many topics that it's incredibly useful for doing some self-examination too
I'm not saying you need to agree with everything said in all of these sources, but also if your constant reaction to these discussions as a white person is to get defensive, to dismiss it, etc., I'm saying this in the nicest way possible: maybe sit with that for a bit. Ask yourself why requests like not constantly making fun of a ship gets you in such a huff. Etc. etc.
Lastly: if people would like to add onto this with more resources, that's highly welcome. That said, anyone clowning/harassing/being a bitch on this post will be blocked.
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dsaf-confessions · 3 months
yeah, im sorry this is so long. its not meant against you, mod, respect ya for all that you have to put up with here... yeah.
i think a lot of the people coming on here to complain about other peoples opinions need to take a deep breath. you don't have to agree with them. but bashing people in the tags, anonymously sending in that someone's opinion on a fucking rpg maker game that, at its core, is a massive shitpost.
suicide jokes, especially when you dont know the person saying it at all, are not funny. if it isnt a joke and youre really about to kill yourself over a fun little tumblr blog, get help. seriously. i hope you get better and feel okay one day.
somebody who probably lives 12 to 24 hours away from you, by plane, saying they self-ship or ship an oc with a character you find irredeemable is not the end of the fucking world. sure, you may see it as weird, but at the end of the day a surprising amount of this fandom is around about 13, and thats what 13 year olds do. no shade to yall. those of you that i know are great.
i myself am a minor, i only got into the games, and months later, the fandom around my 15th birthday. its easier than some of you want to admit to stay away from the parts of the fandom that arent child appropriate. i dont mean the drugs. drugs arent anyone-appropriate. theyre fucking illegal. shoving an eggplant up someones urethra is also totally outlandish and sounds like it was written by a 5th grader
lets all respect each other for a bit. nobody fucking deserved to get the colossal amounts of anon hate that ive seen soley because of a harmless opinion.
to the adults here who churn out high-quality comics and fics and ask blogs, that i so joyously read, hell yeah! keep doing that, do what you want with it.
to the children, and by that i mean minors okay we are in fact legally considered children, you keep it up too. keep up your ask blogs and fics and fanart and shit that is sometimes so high-quality i assume youre fucking 30 until i check your bio.
yall, collectively, need to learn that at the end of the day people are gonna do what they want with these characters. it doesnt matter if someone draws henry miller in fucking cat ears because hes a fictional guy. have you seen what they do to steve raglan out there, man? its a fucking warzone but instead of explosives everyones firing out furry edits! it doesnt matter if someone ships something you dont like. im not a proshipper, theres lines i personally refuse to cross, but can i do anything about the people who do? no. ive come to terms with that.
ship your weird rarepair who never met in canon. draw your genderswap fanart. make your au askblog. write that fic you think wont be good enough. someone, somewhere, probably loves what youre creating.
the anons here saying shit like "oh im gonna kms over this" and "thats a fucking weird character to like", yall are the same. im sure you arent all vanilla ice-cream on a summers day level basic. youve got your unusual headcanons too.
we really have to let the minors in this fandom be. they arent going anywhere, myself included, because they dont want to. you cant force people out. so be fucking nice instead of making someone feel ashamed because they make jake a she/they or whatever.
holy fuckin shit that is. long. i am so sorry mod. if its too long you dont have to post it lmao
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tboyblogger · 3 months
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finally finished the profile for the danseiroido!! this took way too long just because drawing anime headshot is my biggest nightmare... and then ended up not even looking That anime LOL... i've already had a few comics up in the tag (search em to read!) but. a brief intro is that i basically just made them idols (somewhat) and threw them in the same boygroup to write sitcom/4-koma slice of life random jokes, as i always do! they also share the same universe with my entire vocaloid neighborhood setup (but this will - might - be for another day)
there isnt a deep overarching plot as for now, its just daily lives of a boygroup that doesnt really do anything idol-like and occasionally featuring others around them from the vocal synth ville. oh and idk if i can call them a polycule because they dont really think or operate that way But! i do want all of them to fool around and have their own "ship moment" (if you want to call it that? i dont really label these things and i want to write it that way) tldr they all fuck one another. every single ship in the group canon (EXCEPT the obvious anyone x len. timeout for him he got his ass kicked out whenever they do it...)
my concept/idea for it (not much tbh this is just me rediscovering my love for vocaloid - though one can argue it never went away - and started make up random shits for them so its pretty much spontaneous and not a serious project or anything) is a parody of sort on stereotypical otome/bl genres and boygroups and anime tropes and obviously the vocaloid fandom/history. but i dont think i know enough about bl nor anime nor boygroups so at the end of the day its just guys hanging out XD hm i should just tag my other vocaloid stuff something else too considering its an elaborated world now, with these guys in it, but... that... really is for another day...
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wait forgot to say also making len the leader is idk vocaloid meta funny or sth since hes the most popular but here hes just a wee child not even allowed to getting involved much (to be fair its cause most of the involvement are either freakish or sexual. or both) hes already more than involved in the irl success go away little boy. but Boom! funny ass kid leading army of 6 gay ass men (one of them isnt even a man. but only when its convenient) (sometimes there are 7 of them)
also: everyone learn vietnamese to understand how funny their viet names are rn
SORRY I KEEP EDITING. but they also have a playlist... just for funsies. some of them are serious canon lore related the rest are probably all shitposts
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creepy-old-memes · 6 days
genuinely thrilled that this blog exists. like i don't know WHY so many people take issue with this ship. fiction is fiction, who gives a shit?
no, ACTUAL teenage girls shouldn't be out frolicking around with weird, creepy, middle aged men, but lydia deetz is not a real teenage girl and beetlejuice is not a real creepy old guy. also they're literally so couple "coded" anyway like. basically canon regardless, shut the fuck up (not you <3)
anyways ily and i love ur blog, thank u for the safe space to ship the weird goth girl and her weirdo smelly boyfriend
aww thanks anon <3
AND EXACTLY like of course I wouldn���t condone a 30 something and a teen dating in real life THATS CRAZY and fucking gross!
But that’s not what I’m doing it’s teen x immortal being which hello?! Reaaaallllly common trope, seen it a million times but what? Because he’s not conventionally attractive and doesn’t look the same age it’s bad™? I’m sorry but wasn’t there a million dollar franchise about a 100 yr old vampire falling for a teen girl?
I just don’t get the disconnect people have that one is morally evil and the other is totally fine?? And I’m not even saying so therefore you have to like it or have no issue I’m saying just chill out, it’s really not that deep, let people do their own thing, and the world sucks and having silly enjoyment like this shouldn’t be causing people to get this angry and writing DNI on EVERYTHING it’s just goofy.
So in short, enjoy the memes it’s time we make shitposts
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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✮ this blog is 18+. i block minors and ageless blogs. yk the drill.
✮ please do not recommend me on any other platform, especially tiktok. i like to keep my mental illness contained
✮ every character i write is aged to be over 18 no matter what their canon age is, usually early 20's. if this makes you uncomfortable block me.
✮ putting dni if ur a bigot seems kinda pointless but ill block you if ur vibes r weird. terfs ESPECIALLY dont fucking interact you are not welcome here
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✮ okay. the basics are out of the way. here's what else you need to know.
one ; i am a personal blog before im a writing blog. i post about my life and whatever i want. this is my diary and sometimes there's fanfiction in it. i shitpost like 100 times a day.
(this blog is in general, super disorganized. i have literally 30,000 posts. my bad)
two ; i post dark content frequently. im a gross freak so it's a lot of incest / yandere and dubcon / noncon will make the appearance as well. just block if you hate it but i will always tag with ___ cw (i.e. noncon cw, yandere cw, incest cw, stepcest cw)
three ; i am a top and a dom and i want to make men pregnant. i talk about it a lot. i am also a switch though so you'll see whatever im feeling at the time and it wont go tagged. sorry about that. just how it be.
four ; i get a lot of asks in a day (which im grateful for) but im only one person and responding makes me very tired so sometimes it takes a while. i also don't take requests.
five ; this is a big one but i am media critical and like analysis which means you will see me post a lot of meta about characters and worlds and my opinions about things. im pretty vocal about what strikes my mind so please approach with good faith
you're always welcome to disagree with me. im not infallible im just some guy with thoughts.
bonus ; any weird asks about my faith is an immediate block! it's only on my blog because it's a visible part of my identity!
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i have other blogs you're welcome to follow.
@fang-wife - a general nsfw blog that you'll see me rb from sometimes.
@denji-s - my aesthetic blog
@bkgism - another nsfw blog but for more like not dom stuff lol
i also have a personal blog it is mutuals only. if u see another guy with my name its just me.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
Ok I never read the HP books, so it took me until saw some random trivia for HP that the houses all had specific ways of getting into the dorms common rooms and thereby their bedrooms.
Ya know, Gryffindor? Weekly password. Cool cool, easy enough. Simple.
Green snakes? Magic ID-DNA system. Ok, interesting, I mean that's a pretty big leap from a basic ass password that resets every week. Like this is actually a proper barrier and magical. Ok then.
But then I read about the Badgers and the Raven-Eagles...
Badgers have a fucking rythm game? You hit some drum barrels to the beat? What? What if you don't have rythm? I thought this was a joke because it sounds like something you'd do as a parody, because it's like a toddlers piano game. Also one of the barrels vomits on you if you fuck it up.
And the Raven-Eagles? "Yeah we're gonna give you some random as fuck question, hope you're smart because otherwise you ain't getting in!" I think this one irritated me the most because the blue ones don't even need to be smart, they can be artistic or otherwise creatively gifted and you might still have to solve the fucking Da Vinci code to change your panties. This one also feels the least like an actual measure to protect your "house" and more like a shitpost idea by someone who just wants to piss off some kids. Great, so you have like 11 yo kids who can't enter their dorm because the question given needs some big brain senior year brain to answer. No one better need to shit unless you know the (canon) poop vanishing spell.
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katyspersonal · 2 months
How do you think Aldrich would speak? Is he rambling on philosophically like Aldia? Goofy and cryptic like Micolash? Is he flamboyant and manipulative like Shabriri?
I KNOW IT'S YOU @heraldofcrow !!!!!!!! There are only three people left that care about Aldrich: Tail does not send asks on anon, and I am literally right here, which only leaves YOU!
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But yeah... He is the only of The Guys for whom we do not have any speech patterns reference, isn't he? I mostly come from the context and analysing characters' place and motivation in the story. Whereas Aldia is like Laurence and Micolash combined (affectionate), Aldrich is like Laurence and Micolash combined (derogatory)! THIS MAKES SENSE AND YOU KNOW IT OK!! He is of course less selfish than Laurence and Micolash in corruption, and past his epiphany about how the world is doomed anyways he wants to take people to the """better place""" (?) with him; be it by assimilating them into his body or be it by teaching them how to mingle with the horrors of the Deep on their own accord! I guess the 'still caring' aspect is just common Dark Souls thing, huh. BB guys just go 'fuck you plebs I'm out' fdshjsdhsd
I imagine Aldrich being giddy like Micolash, but with far more energy and genuine joy about his ramblings, however morally twisted, whereas Micolash feels completely lost in his madness and laser focus on reaching Kos, only acknowledging the Hunter because he is being hunted lol. Micolash feels very... sleepy, for a guy that spends his boss battle running, if this makes sense? Aldrich likewise emits strong excitement for what he witnessed but also wish to share it with allies and victims both. Whereas Laurence is revelling in how 'holy' and 'heroic' he is by doing things for humanity that no one else would dare, Aldrich would have less egotism about it and go more the 'don't worry guys I have a plan for us all you can trust me!' route. Less focus on how great he is and more focus on some twisted "reassurance" for everyone that everything will be alright.... that he secretly hopes would not work because people being scared and desperate is more fun for him 💀
I also have fun taking the line 'a right and proper cleric, only, he developed a habit of eating people' seriously, as in, he funny enough does try to be "good" despite what he's doing fdsdgfs That would mean not getting prideful, being generous and inviting, not holding grudges, all that. And all this comes naturally, he barely has to put an effort in it? He naturally smiles often, giggles between sentences and laughs off most of the unpleasant things, he gets smug but in a self-confident way, not in an insecure asshole way. It is just very hard to get to him, his self-esteem is as thick as his body I swear fdshdshfd Honestly, he'd be a very pleasant male mom friend (not to be confused with dad friend) in a way less insane setting? XDDD LISTEN I know it sounds weird, but you are a writer with a very strong intuition, you can probably paint the vivid picture from my (sorry) attempts at describing.. Actually, here are a few examples from when @val-of-the-north wrote his dialogue:
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I absolutely love this vibe. Basically from time to time I ask Val to "talk" with me as a character that has no dialogue in canon, because Val is an actor (like, seriously) and always psyched for breathing more life into characters that never spoke in canon. Dude you should see how he depicted Sulyvahn and Alberich, I am still impressed so much, he's crazy good???? What we do is that I share the vision and very precise descriptions of what I imagine about the character (as what I literally just did above), and Val cooks according to my recipe as someone who actually knows how verbal communication works xd An autist and an actor the best team-up!!!!!!!!
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I hope this helped though! (Use it to write a more unsettling shitpost skits if you want to fsdjsdfh)
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nicnavarrocage · 7 months
MS Paint Fan Adventures I'm thinking about and working on
I need to learn how to make an MSPFA account correctly, since any easy way doesn't work. But here goes the list!
Pre-Homestuck Inspired/Custom
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My Little Pony is a retelling of the entire G4 MLP series in the style of an MS Paint Adventure, and not the Homestuck kind. I haven't watched the show since the start of this year and I gotta analyze every single scene from "Friendship Is Magic Part 1" to "The Last Problem" in order to get the story just like the show plot. It's currently in progress, but I didn't speed it up nor have I resumed it that much.
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Camplife centers around 4 men in a camping site, eventually making way to a whole little town in a forest area. I've already done a few pages of it and have planned future events out of the comic, which I'll get to. It's planned to be half user controlled and half author controlled.
Homestuck Inspired
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TGWTGQuest is about every member of the Channel Awesome community (Excluding the controversial ones, but even then they have to be mocked) and a bunch of bullshit adventures they partake in, mostly centered around the Nostalgia Critic. This might be more of a well-made shitpost than a real adventure because Channel Awesome's content really sucks. But hey, I began writing the planned pages for it! (I guess I have no clue how to make an MS Paint Adventure right, skull skull)
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Caraku Levhat is about a young oliveblooded detective who resolves a bunch of federal issues and vast errors near and around the city he's in. The titular protagonist will probably have that Darkwing Duck personality if I can actually write that down.
The narration will be entirely built as a 1st person perspective from our main character, meaning everything that's told will be coming out of his own, hard-boiled words.
I can't read Homestuck so I'll just get some research outta the MSPA Wiki to help me be accurate a bit.
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Imagine a really bad gaming comic in the form of an MS Paint Adventure, minus the MS Paint and plus the Photoshop. Buckleyquest is basically most of the Ctrl+Alt+Del's comics (I have a terrible sense of humor so I can't tell if they're funny or not) that can be controlled through user input or author's choice. It has the same artstyle as the comic, albeit the first few panels, and sometimes, I have the potential to mock Ctrl+Alt+Del and its author in the fan adventure. It's gonna be the stupidest one I've made.
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Dooj, simply put, is Homestuck, except a simple command will either change the storyline, change a character, add a character, or fuck everything up completely. And what's the command? DOOJ. Other commands made up as a weird word will also be included, such as MOOK, intended to revert the comic to its original story, and FOOP, which pauses the story automatically, shifting to the MSPA Reader's perspective.
Dooj may also include mockery against Homestuck, mockery against Andrew Hussie and his friends, sometimes shit I hate to write out, and cameos of characters and scenes from other webcomics.
I'm also making a similar project called KATEDREW MITCHUSSIE'S MAGNUM OPUS, which will mock Homestuck: Beyond Canon and will have a similar premise to DOOJ.
I was also planning to make a Jerkcity adventure but that would probably be controversial.
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rowenablade · 2 years
INTJs and Management, or Why Izzy Hands Was Always Doomed to Fail as a Captain
Warning: Meta shitposting ahead. Please have your tongue lodged firmly in your cheek before engaging.
So one of the more “legitimate” criticisms I’ve seen of Izzy is that he’s clearly, canonically, a bad leader. Anytime he’s given any sort of managerial control, he either:
Lords it over everyone as obnoxiously as possible
Tries to impose order while keeping his employees entirely in the dark about what’s actually going on
Panics and throws up
Clearly, the explanation here is that Izzy isn’t nearly as competent a pirate as he likes to think he is, and he’s just somehow managed to manipulate Ed into thinking he’s indispensable. Right?
Let’s go Business School on this.
The Myers-Briggs Personality Test was made up by some smart business people (probably, I can’t be fucked to Google it right now) to divide people into specific personality types and, in doing so, make it easier to build teams, manage people and spot potential areas of conflict. It’s basically astrology for MBAs. (My business school professors would probably not approve of me explaining it this way, but they don’t follow me on Tumblr, thank the good Lord in Heaven above.)
Side note- I have mixed feelings about Myers-Briggs. I think it can be useful as a framing device when you’re trying to figure out why someone might think or react differently than you. I like it as a theoretical exercise. I would never work somewhere that wanted me to take it as a prerequisite for being hired, any more than I would answer a classified ad that said something like “No Scorpios.”
So back to Izzy. I know, deep in my boniest of bones, that Izzy is an INTJ personality type like me. How do I know this? I just do. Go with me on this. Google it, read the description and tell me I’m wrong. I’ll wait.
INTJs are people who fall on the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging ends of the four spectrums the MBTI uses. Known as “The Architect” or “The Mastermind”, this personality type tends to manifest in sidekicks, tragic villains, and that guy in your office who you’re pretty sure the department would collapse without but who you know absolutely nothing personal about.
They’re usually competent, often annoyingly so, but they tend to view things like social niceties, networking and team-building as a waste of time. So you don’t usually see them in leadership positions unless they’ve clawed their way up through the ranks and outlasted everyone else, and if they lose a position to a charismatic rival that they consider less intelligent or hardworking than them, rest assured they are NOT happy about it.
(These are also the guys who just write “Happy Birthday.” on your birthday card with no personal message or smiley face or even an exclamation point. It’s not that they hate you personally. They just don’t understand why we have to do this every year. Doesn’t everyone just immediately throw these cards away? They do.)
Anyway, because of their competence and the rigid standards they tend to impose upon themselves, INTJs can and do end up in positions of power. However, I would argue that not everyone views attaining these positions in the same light. INTJs don’t accept these positions because they want to manage people. They do it because they want the ability to hold everyone to the same standards they hold themselves to.
When an INTJ is promoted to be the boss, they don’t think see a fun, interesting interpersonal challenge (like Stede) or an opportunity to act with total creative control (like Ed). They see a chance to finally make sure that everyone is doing exactly what they’re supposed to, to make this machine run as efficiently as possible, and maybe be able to actually sleep at night without worrying what mess they’re going to have to clean up in the morning.
Essentially, Izzy’s dream crew (and mine, and I would argue a lot of INTJs) is an army of clones of himself that know everything he knows and require no communication. Just a ship full of Izzy’s quietly toiling away at their assigned tasks, asking no unnecessary questions and never causing any drama because you bottle that feelings shit up where it belongs.
(Now’s as good a time as any to mention the time I worked somewhere for six months and didn’t tell them I was getting married until two days before the wedding, when someone asked if I had weekend plans. Hi, @stanningjay!)
This dream is unattainable, and I, as someone who has been to both business school and therapy, know this. Izzy, unfortunately, has been to neither of these things, and is therefore completely unable to manage his expectations of what being in charge will actually be like.
Am I saying this excuses his shitty behavior toward the crew? Absolutely not. I’m just saying I get it. When I’m put I charge, I have to constantly fight my instinct to look over people’s shoulders and correct their mistakes, roll my eyes when someone asks a question I already answered, or schedule all birthday parties to take place on the same day so we can get it all over with at once and get back to work. And I do resist these impulses! That’s the beauty of taking some time to reflect on yourself and also not being in weird, doomed love with your immediate superior. Everyone has different circumstances they’re dealing with.
Honestly, I think Izzy’s cringetastic “Izzy’s Revenge” performance was him trying to do things he’s seen more charismatic leaders do, and failing horribly because he doesn’t understand the context. Humor, irony, theatricality- all things he’s seen used to great effect. Ed does cringe shit all the time (remember that little rope swing?) and people love it. Stede’s constantly lording his wealth and status over his crew, with his massive cabin and fancy breakfasts for two, and they’re apparently willing to face down the British Navy for him. All Izzy has to do is the same kind of things. Hell, he can do them even harder, skip all that tedious rapport-building and establish himself as a leader as efficiently as possible! Needs more salt! Hey, why isn’t this working? Okay, fuck this, everyone shut up and get back to work!
Izzy’s never going to be a good captain unless he can understand why the things good captains do work for them. And until he gives up on that beautiful dream of a clone army who he never has to explain anything to.
Can INTJs be good managers? Of course! The MBTI is not meant to be used to figure out who has aptitude for which job. It’s a tool to help you realize your own biases, habits and blind spots, and be mindful of them when you’re making managerial decisions.
Can Izzy ever be a good captain? Hard to say. Unlike most managers, Izzy doesn’t have the luxury of clocking out at the end of the day, or of finding personal fulfillment outside his job. He’s got his livelihood, identity, emotional connections and sense of actual, physical safety all wrapped up in a big spaghetti ball of unspoken assumptions, and it would take a huge amount of work to untangle all that. Work that, let’s face it, would be a pretty thankless job for whoever took it on.
It would probably have to be a team effort. Maybe Ed and Stede could invite him over for a drink and *gunshots*
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obsidian-warthog · 11 months
So since @stjohnstarling himself egged me on, presenting a vague outline of a What Manner of Man AU where the cast is Aztec. This is one part hyper niche shitpost and one part serious.
First off I'm going with their established names for simplicity, but if I was doing this in full I'd try to find fitting Nahuatl names for the AU counterparts. Or go comedic and just add 'tl' or something to the end of everyone's name.
Victor/Father Ardelian is an Aztec priest who makes the other ones uncomfortable because he gets too into the human sacrifice. 'Bro why are you getting horny about our reciprocal relationship with the gods where we repay them for all they sacrificed for us, bro you're making us uncomfortable, stick to the minor bloodletting rituals.'
Lord Vane is chosen to be the year's personification (ixiptla) of Tezcatlipoca. Victor is the priest who instructs him on how to play the part/ embody Tezcatlipoca, and yada yada romance happens. If you thought Victor was horny for the holy already wait until you see him with a deity that fucks.
Anyway historically during the festival of Toxcatl the ixiptla of Tezcatlipoca gets sacrificed to Tezcatlipoca, which is also when the next one is chosen, so that'd be hanging over this narrative. The night before Vane as Tezcatlipoca gets sacrificed, Victor gets special permission to be sacrificed by Vane and that happens. And being Victor that's his idea of a happy ending.
Cue some sort of afterlife/apotheosis epilogue that I'm not versed enough in the underworld parts of Aztec mythology to describe yet where Victor and Vane are together. Also a random segway into alt history just to establish that the conquistadors lose because Victor touched a butterfly and also Silas ate Cortez.
It'd also be funny if Danny and Silvia were included as ixiptla of Tezcatlipoca's wives (he has four) but their relationship to each other and Lord Vane is basically the same as canon. He gets four wives but half of them turn out to be lesbians who hate him. Though maybe since Danny and Silvia aren't horny for sacrifice they can get a role where that isn't inevitable.
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threeais · 9 months
i sometimes forget that everytime a year passes of me being in the sdra2 fandom, i make a group of fankids.
like, okay, early 2020. first time here right.
i make my first group of fankids, and want to make a series for them [like nextgenronpa]. but i cant cause i havent written character profiles or drew the designs.
^ so yeah, fankid generation 1: old gang. [this is the group of kids that get redesigned ALOT]
okay, 2021 and early 2022. ive made at least... 60 aus i think? i decide to make some kids based off ships i adored and drew alot.
of course i never really drew them and left them.
so fankid generation 2: the comfortkids. gone.
now the au kids, early 2023[?],
basically, its in the name. fankids for the ships in my aus. i started off by doing this for the LAB [ORATORY] AU OUT OF ALL THİNGS????? the kids arent canon, but i like them. [fankid generation 3: the aukids]
now uhm, late 2023, or this month i guess, life kicked me in the balls and im now probably fucked up.
me and a friend were talking and i was also scrolling on pinterest. i saw a shitpost abt a few fankids that looked nextgenronpa like and i went "haha wouldnt it be funny if i showed this to [friend] and we made nextgen like kids to make fun of nextgen?"
BZZZ NEWS FLASH PAST KIV!!! the two of us are emotionally attached to them now. [fankid generation 4: the jokekids]
anyway uhm rant over i gotta eat
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trottlecanon · 8 months
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
HIHI!! you can call me calico or leafy, either one iz fine :3
i uze she/they/paw!
im a demigirl + sapphic and i uze xenogenderz! im also questioning if im on the aromantic/aroace spectrum
im 13! im gonna be 14 on december 3 >_<
i have social anxiety and autizm (both diagnosed)
i have a typing quirk! herez how i uze it:
“i forgot to do my homework last night, i hope my teacher doesnt check today.” iz now: “i 4got 2 do my homework last night, i hope my teacher doeznt check 2day.”
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im an editor, artist, and fanfic writer!
ive been editing since december 2021! ive alwayz only uzed capcut becauze idk how 2 uze anything else tbh..i post my edits on tiktok (bottom of post)
ive been drawing traditionally my whole life, and digitally since 2020, i uze ibispaintx and my art acc iz on instagram (bottom of post)
im also a fanfic writer! i have a bfb au and i write oneshots once in a blue moon (i write on ao3 and wattpad, bottom of post)
tbh 4 this account im gonna fuck around and find out what gets reach
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i have 6 cats and a dog i love them so so much
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i first discovered the osc in 2016 and ive been fixating on it on and off ever since </3 so far ive watched bfdi, ii, hfjone, burner, and cfmot and i plan 2 watch a lot more! a few showz on my list are extraordinary excellent entitiez, the nightly manor, ion, etc!
some of my other hyperfixationz/interests are total drama, vocaloid, project sekai, hell park/south park, dr stone, percy jackson, lps 2012, pokemon, spooky month, tbhk, AND A LOT MORE god im in so many fandomz plz
i kin a lot of characterz…my highest kinz are leafy (bfb), fan (ii), nene kusanagi (pjsekai), amelia euler (one), taylor nolan (one), teardrop (bfb), x (bfb), remote (tpot), suitcase (ii), microphone (ii), tweek tweak, heidi turner, pip pirrup, mafuyu asahina (project sekai), ena shinonome (pjsekai), AND SO MANY MORE BC IM MENTALLY ILL
i also collect ships like baseball cardz so here are some of my fav ships!
bfb/bfdi/tpot: tree x bottle, liy x leafy, teardrop x leafy, pillow x book, gelatin x leafy, tennis ball x goof ball, pin x coiny, and a bunch of other ships with leafy LMAO
inanimate insanity: poly bright lights, fan x test tube, lightbulb x paintbrush, suitcase x microphone, soap x microphone, lifering x tea kettle, baseball x nickel, suitcase x balloon (only platonically!)
hfjone: liam x bryce x amelia, taylor x charise, bryce x amelia, liam x owen
cumfart and burner: spraypaint x kit, kit x rozey, tissuez x record, knify x picture, chargery x socka, yoshka x kratcy
project sekai: nene x tsukasa, kohane x akito, an x kohane, akito x toya, mizuki x an, rui x emu, ena x airi, minori x kohane
tbh the only tdi ships i like so far are noah x cody and tyler x lindzay
dni: basic dni, pro/comshipperz, xenogender/neopronoun antiz, rarepair antiz, winner x clock shipperz
thin ice (unless we r close): cringe culture believerz, fireafy likerz, oc x canon antiz, firey defenderz, tree x remote shipperz
plz interact: osc, cat loverz, pjsekai playerz, vocaloid fanz, TROTTLE SHIPPERZ, literally any1 who sharez my interests
im a choir kid
im an infp-t
my humor: 🔥‼️😰⁉️💔😇🚼💨😈😡😧👎😱🤓🧌🤨🦅😿
my fav artists are cheezy hfj, inanimate insanity, taylor swift, melanie martinez, ghost and palz, mitski, maretu, kikuo, the living tombstone, and or3o :3
tiktok: sillyvveon (main) treexbottle (alt)
ask 4 discord!
wattpad: calico_cloverz
twitter: cxlico__cxt (shitposting/spam) theiichronicles (rant/opinion acc)
instagram: calicokittypawzz (art)
tumblr: youre here!
ao3: cxlico_cxt
project sekai friend code (global server): 210235411300147200
bye thanks 4 reading! :3
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sigmaleph · 2 years
I think it's pretty funny how I also once designed a Master/Shaker who I considered "Nilbog-level", quite thematically similar to yours (makes fully-fledged, non-decaying people with false histories) but almost certainly much weaker, holy shit. She wouldn't be able to create Brockton Bay, for one.
Vox's deal was that she could generate people from nothing in her line of sight, but she didn't edit anyone else's memories to retcon them in - she just ("just") customized the memories of the people she was creating, to shape them to her needs. She could rapid-fire customize people instantly en masse (IE, to summon a crowd of disposable footsoldiers to fight for her immediately), or more carefully customize people over a few minutes (IE, to produce long-term reliable domain expert assistants).
The common thread is that when Vox creates someone, that person has no reason to believe that they were just created - that realization comes later, either when someone flatly informs them or when they piece together themselves that there's no preexisting place for them in the world, and that all of their memories of one are just an over-elaborate control mechanism. Vox generally goes to lengths to delay this realization for her henchpeople, but it can hardly be avoided in cases where she, say, throws a huge crowd out as a mere distraction; a lot of them, maybe most of them, are going to slip away and wind up being processed by local authorities. She can't directly make parahumans, but much like Nilbog, her creations can go on to trigger, and these triggers will most likely pertain to the nature of their existence in some way.
Only reason she's not still a major player by the time of canon is that she got Leviathaned in Seattle, which was incidentally a boon for the Elite as she was their main rival there.
oh wow that's impressively fucked up, nice
mostly i threw the concept out as a shitpost but if i had to balance out Captain Brockton as a character i'd probably say he was one of those capes that'd be severely overpowered if he could do everything his powers imply, but instead has to use them in very constrained ways.
i figure in practice what he can do is 'claim a domain' and within it basically tell a story of what kind of place it is, and then his shaker power draws the appropriate building materials from parallel earths (something sorta like Labyrinth) and his master power makes it so people go along with the story, but the story he can tell has to make some amount of sense. He can tell a story where he is the most highly respected crime boss in this mid-sized city, but not one where he is God-Emperor of Earth. He does not actively control people, he just designs the setting, so a random passerby does not automatically do anything he wants even when under the master effect, they just play the role assigned to them.
Which is why he can get killed by another gang leader; in the story his power enforces, he's rich and powerful but ordinary. Marquis might be under the Master effect compelling him to believe this guy has ruled organised crime in Brockton Bay with an iron fist forever, but that doesn't compel him not to stab him with a bone spike, because Marquis' role in the story is 'rival gang leader asserting himself'. And Captain Brockton can't believe the story where all the parahumans get folded into the existing organised crime power structure without taking it over, so his power doesn't let him enforce it.
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tvitr · 1 year
Here have some more Grusha hc
Because he's taken over my blog and my brain by this point.
So let's talk about how he gets on with his fellow gym colleagues eh?
Under the cut because I can't shut up apparently.
-As you've probably seen from some of my previous shitposts, he has a massive crush on Katy, though this is purely superficial and nothing more. Partly because she's happily married, and she neither wants to leave her husband for some pretty toyboy, and he doesn't exactly want to be a homewrecker either, but also because she's way too overbearingly mommy-like for his liking. Like she found out he gets a sore back every now and then because of his snowboarding escapades and basically treats him like he's made of glass. If she didn’t mean well, he probably would've told her to fuck off by now.
-As an Artazon native in my hc, he's always kinda known Brassius; first as "that weird guy who sleeps on a bench underneath the windmill and yells at people as they walk by", to "that guy who lives next door with another guy and dad says they're 'gay' (whatever that means)". So he's familiar with who Brassius is long before they're actually colleagues. In term of how they'd actually get along, I... honestly think they'd get along pretty well? Like Brassius is a bit weird and offbeat, but he's also the only other Paldea leader to have canonically gone through some kind of heavy trauma in the past, and (unlike Grusha) appears to be past it enough that he seems comfortable talking about it. Can you imagine them actually having a deep heart to heart about their feelings?? I'm gonna write it.
(No really I actually do have a fic WIP right now about Grusha spending a night with Brassius and Hassel and having a proper deep conversation about his fucked up emotions so see you when that thing spawns)
-At first, he wouldn't have pissed on Iono if she was on fire. She annoyed him big time. Her high energy is a lot for anyone to handle, but combined with her begging him for weeks after they became colleagues for an interview on her show about his accident (as though his accident were the only thing he was famous for), and he just straight up despised her for the longest time. They eventually do smooth things over, he still dislikes her to some extent and avoids her when possible, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was when they met.
-Kofu is Kofu. I don't have much hc about him and I don't think anyone else does :')
-He knows Larry from living in the same town as him, and he probably likes to hang around him at the Treasury most evenings (if Larry's still there after his evening workout, which he usually is). Not sure what they'd talk about but they definitely appreciate each other's company. Probably involves a lot of slandering their jobs and colleagues though. Geeta and Iono are their usual targets.
-Ryme he gets along with pretty well, even if they don't hang out that much. I love the idea that she's actually helped him get to hospital after one of his (many) crashes, like she's out walking her dogs on a hiking trail when he careens out of nowhere and into a tree or something. Bonus if they don't recognise each other at first. Also also I like to think she makes lunch for him occasionally and gets one of her Pokémon (usually DJ G. Rave) to drop it off at his gym. Needless to say, he likes her.
-Tulip, oh boy Tulip. I will confess and say I never intended on shipping them, but I was trawling AO3 for actually readable fic when I stumbled into one of him and Tulip and it was really great and I've read it like a hundred times and now my shipping criteria for Grusha is "unbelievably hot women with lots of money" which Tulip fits pretty well. BUT. I honestly see them being friends with benefits more than anything lol, Grusha really doesn't give off much shippable energy to me.
I need more time to smooth this one over lol
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