primateposting · 4 years
primate vocabulary:
ape - “a large primate that lacks a tail, including the gorilla, chimpanzees, orangutan, and gibbons.”
monkey - “a small to medium-sized primate that typically has a long tail, most kinds of which live in trees in tropical countries.”
primate - “a mammal of an order that includes the lemurs, bushbabies, tarsiers, marmosets, monkeys, apes, and humans. They are distinguished by having hands, feet that are similar to hands, and forward-facing eyes, and, with the exception of humans, are typically agile tree-dwellers.”
(all definitions are from oxford languages)
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primateposting · 4 years
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these are all lar gibbons (also known as white handed gibbons but lar is such a good word). these sexy ass apes are my personal favorite primates, so i think it’s fit to be the first primate post.
fact #1: gibbons are “lesser apes”
gibbons aren’t monkeys, they are apes. the reason they are lesser apes is because they are smaller than great apes. this is kind of a shitty classification in my opinion cause you’re either an ape or not, it shouldn’t include size too.
fact #2: gibbons mostly move by swinging around
they have very long arms, and they use these to move by swinging around on things like tree branches. they can swing up to 34 mph, making them the fastest ape.
fact #3: gibbons are ussualy in pairs
unlike most primates, gibbons are horny mothefuckers and will find a soulmate and have long term relationships and occasionally for life.
fact #4: gibbons communicate by “singing”
gibbons talk to each other by making a surprisingly loud noise, and they modulate the pitch, giving their communication method the name of singing
fact #5: there are 20 known species of gibbons
i’m not gonna list all of them but that can be in another post but the stinky part about this fact is that all 20 species are endangered. i’ll leave a link for how you can help.
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primateposting · 4 years
hello hi hi hi i am primateposting the main thing i will be doing on this account is just as you’d guess, posting various primates and giving facts about them.
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