#This blog is called “Desue’s Randomness” and so it’s meant to be well random
desues-randomness · 1 month
Percy’s Research: Old Clockworks - A passing ghost
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”I got up because I heard a strange noise, so I went to go investigate, it seems to be from a ghost, I didn’t get a good look at them, though the color looked familiar”
“I’ll go follow them, see if I can get a better understanding of this ghost, if only I could have gotten a better view of them”
“I’ll write again when I can, though right now, I have got to see what type that ghost is”
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queenharumiura · 4 years
|・ω・`) hibari-kyouya-skylark
Send me |・ω・`) + a URL and I’ll talk about this blog! ||Accepting||@hibari-kyouya-skylark [I was dumb and forgot to @ tag the last time so i’m making a point to remember this time OTL]
These memes are a time for me to just ramble and talk. So, to start, I guess I’ll go with: I was very confused when I looked in my notifs one day to see that I was followed by a Hibari blog. Not in a bad way! It’s like--- ???????????????? someone from KHR, with a popular muse, is following me? 
Is this a mistake or---?
Forgive me, because I dealt with a lot when this blog started out. I won’t get into how many times I was told that people didn’t want to interact because: “My muse is gay” or “But my muse hasn’t canonically interacted with Haru before-- I don’t want to interact”. To put it simply, I became kinda jaded around that time. 
I’ve gotten better, but there are certain habits that I formed because of that dark time. Such as, I virtually never follow first. I am too terrified to follow people first because of what happened in the past. I’ve had people follow back, but then later tell me they had no intentions of ever interacting. It’s like-- but why follow back then? 
So, that’s why, I stopped following first. I have people follow me first as that’s a clearer indication that people are actually interested in rp’ing. So that’s the backstory on that. So, I was surprised to see a Hibari following. Essentially, i’m very unused to people from KHR following and interacting, so I was very ?????? for a bit. 
Pretty sure I asked about the guidelines via ask or im. Probably because they weren’t there? I’ll admit that I was terrified to ask, but I did it. I like to read the rules before I do anything with a blog so I was very ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; what if I mess up. Highkey anxious. 
I think I first came across the blog when they appeared on Rikku’s blog. Pretty sure I looked through the blog and was fascinated by the whole ‘ohhhhhhhh Yakuza backstory’ in the headcanons or about page. It was somewhere. I know that it was before the blog was then redone. 
Basically, I am a curious bean and I like to look into who people interact with and read random stuff. So when I saw the follow on Haru, I noticed the slight difference in url name and also the blog layout. I didn’t have to admit that, but here we are. I lowkey stalked bc i’m curious bean. Then got followed and was “shock-desu.”
I’m very easily intimidated so I was highkey intimidated lol. I won’t lie and say that I’m still not. I’m just--- like that. It can take me a while to warm up to people. Some, I can warm up to quicker than others. I’m not really sure what it is. Basically, i’m just dumb. We can chalk it up to that. 
So----- let’s see. Cycling back, I do think you said something about how you didn’t have rules up yet since you weren’t ready to do full blown rps yet since you were going back into the series to refresh your memory. I was okay with that and was pretty much, cool beans, i’ll wait. 
I’m pretty sure it was not long afterwards that I saw a post for rules that was written and was like- oho. Proactive- for a lack of a better word bc I can’t words at the moment. Idk, somehow that left an impression on me. Perhaps because 1) It lessened my anxiety 2) it just somehow gave off the feel that ‘someone asked for it, so I will put something up/find something while I’m reliving KHR’
So I appreciated that. Even if it wasn’t done for that purpose, I still appreciated it. I think it’s in the rules where it’s stated that you normally don’t like to write starters because you feel as though you can’t write them well. 
Did post a starter call tho, and I stared at it for a few seconds before I clicked on the lil heart. Will say that I was surprised that something was written pretty promptly. For another thing of backstory-- I don’t mean it in a bad way at all. I just-- am used to not getting starters written even if I like starter calls. I’ve just reached a point where I will like starter calls but not get my hopes up. 
So, to see something so prompt was a shock for me, and also--- uhh--- touching? It’s like, it could’ve been ignored, but it wasn’t. Not only was it prompt, but it was a well written starter and so, it left a favorable impression to say the very least. It goes to show that you took care when writing it, and that meant a lot to me. 
Afterwards, each reply was written very well and with a lot of detail. It’s clear that thought and effort was put into every reply, and-- idk, it made me pretty emotional. Like, wow, I think... Rena is enjoying this thread? New concept! A KHR blog who actually wants to interact. #Concept. 
[Sorry that this goes down a dark point sporadically. I just-- have baggage when it comes to the KHR fandom from a few years ago aha;;;;;;; I honestly don’t get my hopes up to high with KHR fandom bc of the past. It hurts less that way. ]
It was recently we talked via im and you let me know that you actually liked Haru and enjoyed interacting with all sorts of muses as it allows one to explore through different themes. I feel the same way, and it was nice to know that we shared that thought. 
Pretty sure I was also sent a fanart with Haru and Hibari in it and it’s like. omg. A picture tribute. #blessed. 
Lil things like that mean a lot to me bc it’s like, ‘wow someone thought of me and thought to share with me something. I exist in their realm.’ So that really helped me warm up in the past couple of days. 
Now i’m just intimidated because ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh such a good writer. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can’t do justice. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh.
I can’t think of anything else to confess, write about, so i’ll stop there. alskjlaskjdlfajlfjals
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dialovertoenglish · 5 years
myshatebat hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “myshatebat hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “Translation...”
Maybe so but Neko is still cat no matter who translates is all i'm saying. If ur gonna be mad at anyone be mad at rejet for not localising. Or if u want u could say ur all stealing from rejet for "copying and editting" their work with translations. Ur translations probly everywhere anyway just cos 1 person is easy to find u pick on them. I dont understand people like that. Why does it all have to be about self satisfaction when u didn't even make the game?
                       Why cant u just translate to improve ur japanese. And if someone takes notice then bonus. If someone is copying then it shows they appreciate ur work and are spreading it round to help others too. Taking credit is always bad no matter what the cause but making big hate posts drawing attention to someone is worse. Also theres a difference between story writing and translating cos ur stealing the idea from a story. Translating the idea is already there ur just editting it.                   
                       I'm not taking anyones side cos at the end of the day translations all say the same thing anyway was just my message. Yes its wrong to steal but it should just be about helping others understand.  I'll admit I speak to the person in question which is why i spoke up but I am not taking any sides and do hope things get figured out. I have suggested to her already to put ur names down if she does restart her blog. But it just annoys me that people are so hateful over a game                    
We’re talking about Japanese here, where there’s always a lot of interpretation going on. “Yui wa kowai desu ne?”, for example, could mean “Yui is scared, isn’t she?”, “Yui is scary, isn’t she?” or “You’re scared, Yui, aren’t you?”. Three kinda different things, huh?
Even if the words technically mean the same thing, let’s take the meme thingy that went around as an example; compare “Forgive me father, for I have sinned” with “Sorry daddy, I’ve been naughty”. The words technically have the same meaning, but they don’t quite say the same, do they?
No two translations are exactly alike, no more than two texts describing the same picture, or two pieces of fanart. To throw a random example out there: The Bible. I doubt any other book has so much discussion over which translation is correct; do you think that’d happen if they all said the same? Interpretation and writing style make a LOT of difference, together with the question whether it’s better to stick closer to the source, or translate more freely so it’d be more understandable or relatable to the target audience (The infamous “Jelly Donuts” from Pokémon, for example).
Sure, it’d be best if Rejet decided to localise. They don’t, though. But the thing is, nobody believes I created DL. They all know those things are Rejet’s, that I’m just translating. And, since Rejet probably cares more about money than credit, I’m not hurting their finances with this, either.
Because there’s other, easier, and more fun things to do for improving my Japanese. I could, y’know, just play the games. And even if I did translate them as practice, why would I post them? That’s just extra work, with the formatting etc.
And no. If they’re reblogging my stuff, or reposting with credit, they’re showing appreciation. Especially, as some do, if they reblog with a nice comment or thought in the tags. I love that. I love likes, reblogs, comments, all that; THAT shows appreciation. Copying it, saying “Hey, look, I translated this!”? That doesn’t. If they wanted to spread it around, there’s a reblog button. Right. There.
As I said, I do both. They’re different, but that doesn’t change how much work translating is. And how much difference a translation can make. You keep saying “they all say the same thing”, but... They don’t. They really don’t. First, as I said, interpretation. I remember in the Prologue, there was a sentence from Laito which was something along the lines of “Oh, she’s desert, then”. But it could also be translated as “Oh, she’s the fapping material, then”. No difference? Laito being Laito, he obviously meant the dual meaning; desert still has that. But it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for Laito to outright call someone fapping material, either.
It wasn’t a hate post. It was a heads up, informing people that, y’know, that person stole hours of work from others and pretended it was her own. If someone stole your bicycle, would you go “Oh well, that’s sad, but having them arrested would be worse”? They made a conscious decision to steal someone else’s work, and refused to give credit when they were asked to.
If I find someone posting my translations, I’d just ask them for credit. But what am I supposed to do if they refuse? I don’t wanna just “accept” that others might claim credit for my work. So, I’ll tell other people that those translations were originally my work. I don’t want people to get hate, but I DO want people to know that I’m the one who did the work. If I caught people sending threats to others over my translations, I’d block them. But a call-out for something that was NOT ages ago? After being notified of that thing, but refusing to do anything? That’s something very different.
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