#They'd enjoy eating donuts together
Takaaki: Okay, I'm taking you out to get donuts. But you better promise me to open up, at least enough for me to help you out. That okay?
Aoi: *nods*
Takaaki: Good!
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chubbycelebs · 7 months
The Weight of Fame (part 2)
Harry had had an expansive first month or so of his break from being the mega pop star he was destined to become. After his descovery of gaining weight and the joys that come with it, Harry had now gone from fit, in shape, peak from to now slob, pig, round chubby and out of shape and he loved it. The excitement of trying on clothes to see if they can accommodate his growing frame or if he will pop right out of him was becoming thrilling. He knew he wanted to expand more, see how far he can take it.
Of course to achieve this, this meant he had to carry on eating terribly. His daily routine for meals consisted of, a whole packet of bacon stuffed into a buttery ketchup filled sandwich in the morning, with waffles coated in syrup, and a banana for good health (of course), then for a snack between breakfast and lunch he would eat half a tray of brownies. Then for lunch he would have nearly a whole roast dinner every day, making sure to coat everything in greasy gravy (but also eating his veg). He would then finish the tray of brownies afterwards and probably slip into a food coma until dinner time arrived. When he would wake from his nap, he could never be bothered to cook so instead he'd order a monster of a take out meal. Usually 3 99p burgers with 3 large fries to go with that, a family box of chicken strips, a box of cheese bites, 2 apple pies and 2 donuts. After he'd polish that off, Harry would always find room to eat a carton of ice cream as he watched his favourite TV shows before promptly passing out from another day of stuffing. It was no shock to him that he was starting to balloon very quickly. All of his clothes fit snug around his fat body, he couldn't escape the fact he was now fat.
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Even though he loved his softer, relaxed body, he couldn't help but think what his ex-band mates would think of his piggish ways. He would lay in bed rubbing and jiggling his belly thinking about his band mates calling him names like "hog!" or saying "Jesus Christ Harry look at you, you have blown up like a whale!" Even though he was happy with his body the way it was and even wondered if he should keep growing, he couldn't help but think, "maybe this is too much, maybe I shouldn't be enjoying lazing around all day, stuffing my face and growing this big belly." He decided he would call his closest friend from the band, Louis, and see what he had to say. He knew he could trust Louis, after everything they'd been through together, they were always close and Harry knew he would help him out.
The next morning Harry decided to give Louis a facetime call and just show him the damage that he had caused to his waistline. As he pressed to call on Louis' number, Harry's heart began to race. What if he laughs at his rounded body? What if he takes screen shots and posts them to social media and the whole world knows how much of a fatty he is now? The worry built up further until the call was answered.
"Harry! You alright mate?" Louis voice put to ease all the worry Harry had just moments ago. "I'm good thanks, how are you doing?" Harry replied, unable to stop smiling just at the sight of Louis.
"I'm good thanks, good. I've been meaning to call you recently actually. I've got something I need to ask you."
Harry was taken aback by this. He had expected to be the one asking Louis something not Louis asking him.
"Yeah of course go ahead what is it?" Harry asked wondering what it could be.
"Alright but no photos and you can't laugh" Louis said as he propped his camera up on the kitchen side in his house. As Louis walked back, it became very apparent to Harry what Louis was showing him. Louis had gotten fat. Just like Harry Louis was squeezed into a tight shirt that barely covered the bottom of his belly. His chest seemed so soft that Harry could make out Louis nipples clearly. As Louis turned slightly, his love handles looked as though they could pop out the shirt at any moment. Even Louis' thighs and arse seemed bigger, filling his grey joggers full of fat. Harry didn't know what to say, he just sat there mouth open as Louis showed off his body. "I know. I'm a fucking pig. I just couldn't help it. I enjoyed relaxing for once and-"
"Oh thank GOD!" Harry interrupted.
"What do you mean 'thank god'?" Louis said,now confused. Harry now propped up his phone and stood back revealing Harry to be in an open buttoned up shirt and displaying a similar fatter figure just like Louis. Harry's fat was more around his belly and hips rather than Louis chests and bum but the two fatties were around the same size. "Your fat too?!" Louis said smiling.
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"Yes! And I actually really enjoy it!"
"Me too!" Louis agreed. The two of them spent ages catching up now, talking about the joys of expanding and stuffing and growing and endlessly getting bigger. Before they knew it, they had been on facetime all day, having eaten together and showed off their bodies to each other. It wasn't until the very early hours of the morning when they finally hung up on each other. Harry collapsed into bed, in his boxers, now much more bloated than before. He was so happy to not be the only piggy from the group. For all he knew the rest of the boys could all be sporting huge guts like him and Louis. That night, Harry had the most peaceful nights sleep he'd had in years.
The next morning, Harry awoke and had his usual family sized breakfast when he was struck with inspiration. He had finally been inspired to write a song. He got up from the sofa and ran as fast as he could to the piano in the room. This was the first time he'd ran in a good 4 months. The jiggling of his body was a great feeling but how out of breath he was when he reached the piano was not fun. "I'm no... not running.... again..." Harry said out of breath as he plonked his fat ass on the piano.
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Harry spent all day on the piano writing new songs for his first solo album. He finally was getting excited about music again. As he sat there playing piano, it never even crossed his mind that with a new album, comes press, photo shoots, talk shows, public appearances, music videos. At this moment he had completely forgotten about the weight he had gained and that was quite clearly visible. What would he do now?
Well he answered that question rather quickly. After the day writing songs, he decided to order a huge take out meal, the biggest order yet. Harry wasn't going to lose the weight just yet. He was only getting started. He enjoyed it too much, the feeling of his expanding body, knowing that he was not the only one gaining now. Why stop now when he had so many more clothes to grow out of.
Part 2 of this story. I hope you guys are enjoying the slower pace of these stories. i’m enjoying putting loads of detail in and really exploring Harry’s love for gaining
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💜🖤(Katakuri Head Canons)💜🖤
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted)
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal
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Okay, soo like I have at least 6 story ideas in my drafts, but they're gonna take forever to finish, and I feel I haven't posted much of anything for the few followers that I have, so here is (for once) a short drabble!~
I see these all the time, and my mind is just stuffed with this mochi man, so I gotta relieve some pressure!~ These are gonna be all over the place with how I think things about him are.~ Enjoy!~
🍩 I feel that sometimes people display Katakuri as so serious, mister grouchy grr grr all the time, but that's just because we mainly saw him when the Strawhat were literally being terrorists. Like, remember how blushy he got with Brulee after his fight?? (Refer to picture at top) This man is literally a softie inside and out with people he's comfortable with!~
🍩 If the incident with Brulee getting hurt as a child bc of him never happened, he'd be so silly with Daifuku and Oven!~
🍩 Like, he'd still be the most serious one, but they'd basically be like Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, haha!~ (I'm literally feral for fanart of those three doing silly shit together!~ 😭)
🍩 Cue Katakuri and Daifuku fighting 24/7 over stupid shit while Oven laughs on the side, and then Daifuku and Oven bantering like children while Katakuri just disassociates beside them.
🍩 I just imagined Katakuri in that tiny shirt Zoro had on in Water 7 while carrying all his little siblings, HELP-
🍩 This isn't a head canon but the one cover art of Katakuri finding out Luffy's the 5th Emperor and him laughing at it while eating donuts with Brulee and Cracker kills me everyday!~ 🥰 He looks so happy and relaxed with them, and his laugh is "BAHAHAHAHA"!!
🍩That cover art just proves he's the sweetest thing!~ He would TOTALLY fall into Strawhat shenanigans if he meets up with the crew again now that Big Mom is gone!~ Kind of like how Zoro is after the time Skip, reserved but still indulges from time to time.
🍩 On the Big Mom being gone note, he is definitely the new captain of the Big Mom Pirates, which he'd probably rename to the Charlotte Pirates or something to get away from Linlin's shadow.
🍩 I can just see Perospero coming home from Wano, all pissed and aggravated from being punched around like nothing by everybody there, yelling at his siblings to do things.
🍩They all just stare, blank faced, at him before pointing to Katakuri running things saying he's the new captain.
🍩 Peros would be livid, going on about how he's the oldest and how he almost DIED fighting alongside Mama in Wano.
🍩 And all of them are like, "Too bad, so sad, Big Brother Katakuri is better. Skill issue, ig- ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯" And list all the healthy things he's been doing for the islands and family while Peros was gone.
🍩 Katakuri is standing right there, a little flustered at the open compliments, trying to tell them to at least give Peros a chance, but Peros is over it.
🍩 Bro just storms out, claiming he don't want the job no more! Petty af for a few days, grumbling about inefficiencies and punishments for stuff done wrong.
🍩 And Katakuri just shakes his head and says they don't do that anymore because it was hurting someone in the family.
🍩 Eventually, Peros sees all the things he's trying to change not just for the crew, but for how their entire family acts and lives.
🍩 They agree to co-captain just so Katakuri isn't left yet again with everything on his shoulders.
🍩 Katakuri's still busy but his siblings try harder to make him take more breaks, especially Brulee and Cracker.
🍩 It would take a while until he relents, kind of acting like Squidward in that one episode where he keeps coming back to the Krusty Krab thinking SpongeBob is gonna fuck everything up, haha!
🍩 It's not that he doesn't trust his siblings and their capabilities, he's just not used to NOT being needed to hold everything together.
🍩 Once he's relaxed in that aspect, I think he'd slowly come out of his shell and start to go out without his scarf.
🍩 At first it's just in his home, which freaks out his staff into thinking they're gonna die by seeing his full face, and then with some hyping from Brulee, he starts going out without it.
🍩He is absolutely a nervous WRECK walking around feeling so bare without it but the townspeople love him so much and say how handsome he is and how COOL his teeth are that he almost CRIES-
🍩 Like, you can't change my mind on this sappy thought bc remember how the people on Pudding's island were when she went back after the wedding to make the cake?? You can't tell me everyone living in Tottoland doesn't ADORE Katakuri, the man who is always protecting them and kept Big Mom in check the best he could all these years!!
🍩 It's so cute how he tries to pull up a scarf that isn't there when he's trying to hide an emotion, and when he realizes what he did it only makes him flustered! ☺️
🍩 Flampe is disgruntled, maybe even still let down, at this development and tries to trash talk him to her siblings, but for once everyone is like "Shut up, little girl, you're literally slandering your brother who loves you very much, wtf?" And she just shuts down!
🍩 I NEED to believe that Brulee like slapped or punished Flampe somehow when she heard all the things she did and said to Katakuri when he took off his scarf during his fight w/ Luffy! 🙏
🍩 Katakuri isn't mad or anything, just hurt, and tells Flampe that he hopes she can love him again, and finally gives her the pets she wanted but doesn't deserve and that makes her little less bratty
🍩 Katakuri's newfound courage to walk about without his scarf leads to Pudding being less ashamed about her third eye, and MAYBE she starts acting like her normal self with a hint of sadism here and there.
🍩 Secretly, Katakuri fiends for ANY new info on Luffy and his crew, talking about them with Brulee who is the only one willing to listen to his fanboy ass.
🍩 When it's revealed that Big Mom was defeated in Wano, he still thanks Luffy for it even though Kidd and Law are the ones that actually took her down.
🍩 It was a Luffy domino effect, so it counts as a Luffy win, trust 👍
🍩 Obviously, he keeps the black hat that Luffy left on him after his fight, and can't help but laugh every time he sees it sitting on his desk. It's a joy boy affect 🥺
🍩 I know Film Red isn't canon, but I can just imagine the aftermath of that with Brulee now being taken with Sanji like Pudding, and those two just gushing over the Strawhat cook to a disgruntled Katakuri who doesn't like the way they talk about the skirt chasing blonde.
🍩 Mochi man holds some respect for Sanji too since he heard how he refused to poison the cake he helped Pudding make for Mama during her hunger rampage. He saved his sibling's lives and much of their territory from being destroyed.
🍩 Still didn't stop him from rolling his eyes at every squeal over his chivalrous words and actions-
🍩 With Katakuri as the new captain, the Charlotte family actually starts healing and acting like a true family over time.
🍩 Katakuri makes sure that the youngest siblings don't grow up with the same traumas all of them grew up with, reassuring them in their appearances and abilities when he can.
🍩 He's an irredeemable villain to you, but he's my special little princess mochi man 🥰
That's all of my random thoughts and ideas for Katakuri and his family!~ I see why people do this, it's fun to just type what comes to mind and not have to make sure it's sensible in a story, haha!~ I might do one for him again but him with an S/O.~ Maybe him and a few other of my favorites.~
There's not enough for him, I swear I've read everything everywhere already, so now I must make everything I want myself.~ It's a curse to always like side characters that are shown to have depth but aren't given the screen time to explore it!~
Ugh, anyways, see you next time, dearies, I appreciate any feedback and interaction!~ Mwah mwah!~
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urban-witch101 · 1 year
Hey have some random Trigger Happy Havoc Headcanons for the Surviving Six (TW!!)
He used to play DND, but he can't anymore because the chance of his character dying gives him too much anxiety.
He will kick your ass at UNO. Kyoko has beat him once and she's the only one. He likes hosting game night because it gives him an excuse to make homemade sushi and drink cheap sake.
He had severe PTSD flashbacks when they saved the world for good. He finally felt safe enough to try to heal. The rest of the gang didn't know how bad he was struggling until no one could get ahold of him for three days and Togami literally almost broke his door down.
As Ultimate Clairvoyant, he can see their dead classmates but not in the way you'd think. He sees shadows in the corner and knows it's one of them; there's no rhyme or reason or evidence, he just knows.
He has to learn to sort through his anxiety vs his gut feelings. He never truly trusted any of them until after they were free.
He loves babysitting Makoto and Kyoko's kids. They're a fantastic distraction and give him hope.
Do not play Scrabble with Toko. You will lose.
Her crush on Togami faded after a while, going from pretty clingy to very independent with Komaru as her best friend. In return, Togami went from always being annoyed with her presence to sometimes missing her when she was gone for long periods of time.
Her PTSD affected her eating habits, and not in good ways. Komaru had to help her re-learn how to eat properly and how to listen to her body.
This turned into a learning curve for both Toko and Syo, as both had never had a support system before now. When Komaru learned this, she went to Togami asking if he knew a good therapist. Within thirty minutes he had an appointment lined up for her with the option of Komaru being able to go with for the first session.
Syo's obsession with Togami turned into respect. After everything that they'd been through, he helped Toko by giving her a job and healthcare.
Genocide Jack was never heard of again. Syo and Toko ended up helping Komaru open up a flower shop and spend their free time writing their shared biography. They host game night in their shared apartment above it and enjoy Komaru's homemade tonkatsu (pork cutlet bowls) for dinner.
Is the new principal of Hope's Peak! He's made several changes that have had mixed reviews, but the test scores of his students tell the public that whatever he's doing it's working.
He's great with kids and is the best dad. Kyoko always knows that she can count on him with them if need be.
He instilled Mandatory Game Night once a month; The gang gets back together at one of their places and plays and eats whatever the host chooses. The host and home rotate every month, so everyone chooses a game twice a year. He enjoys hosting because it means they get his favorite cheap pizza for dinner.
He used to get horrific nightmares before Kyoko recommended that they both go to therapy. It helped a lot, and so did running the school. He swears he learns more from running a school than when he actually was in school.
He likes to surprise Kyoko with random date nights where he'll drop off the kids at Komaru's and take her to dinner. Sometimes in the summer Hina will take them off his hands and she'll take them to the pool. She even taught both of them how to swim.
Kyoko knew when he was going to propose because he woke up with the cheekiest smile on his face and told her to clear her schedule the day before.
She struggled a lot afterwards, much like Hiro. It got to the point where she became medically depressed. Kyoko figured it out when she realized that during the summer she preferred to stay inside all day - which was completely unlike her. She confronted her about it at her house and helped her gather some resources for her.
Game night at her place is always held in the morning on the weekend where the gang can expect coffee and donuts for breakfast. Her game nights are always the best, and everyone knows that if Hina is hosting it's going to be fun.
Cannot Yahtzee to save her life (me too). Numbers are hard.
Works part time at the flower shop. Gardening helps her escape from her own head.
She made sure that the new Hope's Peak had a shrine dedicated to the students who lost their lives, including the Reserve Course students. The shrine is also open to the public so anyone who wants to can pay their respects.
There was a time when she'd go to the shrine and talk to Sakura's headstone when no one was around. Sometimes it's just about her day, sometimes it's about her depression. She visited less and less as time went on, but she's always there on Obon.
He is banned from Monopoly. He changes up what he makes for dinner on game night, but a good glass of wine is always guaranteed.
He suffers from night terrors, something he's only shared with Hiro after finding him when he was missing. He got very used to swallowing his pride after realizing that he needed help.
He's fucking hilarious. Makoto and, surprisingly, Hina love running errands with him because he says the snarkiest shit under his breath. He and Kyoko have a similar sense of humor, his is just a little darker.
There was one time where he disappeared for a week. He only texted Kyoko that he'd be gone before he got on a plane to France. He spent the week with his phone off, enjoying all the sights and sounds and smells of each town he hopped through. When he came home Hina found him in his office at work and gave him a scolding for not answering his phone for a week; his only response was a small smile before he apologized and swore that it wouldn't happen again. It didn't.
He's weirdly good with Makoto's kids. They'd always been curious about the quietest of the bunch, so when he was visiting, and when Makoto and Kyoko left him alone in the living room, the two brought him the Secret Garden and asked him to read it for them. He was a little reluctant at first, but he obliged. The parents came back with glasses and a pitcher of limeade to see him and the kids sprawled on the couch, reading and listening. Kyoko snuck a picture.
He's happy for the first time in a really, really long time.
She never thought life would be like this. She pictured a life where she was a detective until she retired, but instead she simply helped create a local detective's office and let others take over when she had their children. She's a detective, a wife, and a mom. She's never been happier.
She always plays Clue and makes tempura when it's her turn for game night. They all split a bottle of cheap wine and laugh at whoever ends up being the killer. After hearing about how he couldn't play DND anymore, she asked Hiro if Clue was okay to play due to the concept. Turns out the lack of an emotional attachment really helps, so everyone tries to make it fun and not take it too seriously.
Her PTSD shows in the form of panic attacks. Her first one scared the absolute shit out of Makoto and led to their first conversation of "maybe going to the doctor is a good idea".
She is the best mom. She's much more mellow than Makoto is, but their kids always know that they're very loved.
She regularly checks up on the others and tries to be a good friend. She knows that she has a tendency to isolate herself when she's having problems, so she does her best to work with her needs versus her wants.
Makoto is the first person that she ever truly trusted with her whole self, and the rest of the group sees that. They're all incredibly happy for them.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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kjsdlfk god madarame's face. as someone who had a cry yesterday, i am politely averting my eyes.
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laksdjfsd banging my hand on the table laughing. Beige Boy and Annoying Stalker happened to be in the central area outside Shibuya at the same time, is this destiny? this is the start of a hallmark movie.
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Ryuji invites Morgana and Reverie to some new place and fucking stalker girl is right behind them!
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she's doing the fucking magazine thing again
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Just imagine for a moment Reverie walking up to her and handing her a beginner's cross stitch kit. "What's this for?" "Because you seem to need something to do," he says before walking off as condescendingly as possible.
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I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THESE DO YET BUT NOW I OWN THEM bc this is exactly what i would do in japan, are you kidding, JetPens is my favorite site
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Morgana won't let me get anything from the incense shop bc his sensitive nose. 8C
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There is a temple but I'm not allowed to go yet 8C
Kichijoji is the best place in the game so far
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anyway my stalker reports to the principal that she sucks at stalking, boo hoo hoo. get lost, gorl.
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I mean I dug up this moment for the joke but she literally does get flustered, oh my god.
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Oh and the game has kicked off the "Take the Velvet attendants out and about" segment of the game
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They wanted to go to Big Bang Burger and then immediately enacted a homicide attempt on Reverie by forcing him to eat the super duper challenge burger
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Thankfully they deigned to help before he Literally Fucking Died.
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Justine enjoyed her happy meal toy. If they weren't pint-sized cops they'd be adorable.
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refugeintheunreal · 3 months
3, 18, and 20 for the fem f/o ask game w samarie!!! - oystein :33
3. What foods does she love that you hate and vice versa?
omg i don't know... i think they'd both really enjoy sweet foods but i feel like her diet would be limited because of sensory issues or just not feeling the need to eat often/having a limited appetite... i think she'd like desserts and treats, she would definitely love a cute drink from a cafe or something like that. i would buy her starbucks in the modern day and order for her because she'd be too nervous. i think that one thing she and i would disagree on would be jellies because i love jelly donuts and such but i think she would HATE them. also my s/i has a wider diet and will eat just about anything if they're hungry and she's a lot more picky, so they get into disagreements about that.
18. What's one moment in your relationship where she changed your perspective of yourself and vice versa?
ohhh i think i know this. i think samarie relies on them a lot at certain points and it leads my s/i to realize they can't just run away from things all the time because now people have grown attached to them and they sort of resent it. i don't think my s/i has changed her perspective though, because they kind of suck at anything emotional and they're very snarky/they don't like to take things seriously. unfortunately for samarie
20. Free space, gush about her/your ship!
i loveeee this ship so much because all of my termina ships are tied together. karin and olivia were sort of my main poly ship for a while, then toxic yuri with marina and samarie, and then i learned that marina and olivia have a mutual crush and i was like DUDEEEEEE. it's awesome. but i like my s/i and samarie in particular because samarie is kind of fucked up and very dedicated to her goals, she's stuck in her own head and doesn't really pay attention to people outside of herself and marina, and my s/i just kind of hangs around with her because they're afraid of being alone during termina (which is why they start hanging out with anyone in any route of the game) so they're not actively like friends or anything and my s/i is very uncomfortable with how samarie treats marina (obsessively) but they're just glad they're not the target of any obsession. and they're nice to marina so marina is fine with them. and samarie ends up relying on them a lot without realizing it because she's so stuck on her own goals that she doesn't see what's going on around her ... and sort of uses my s/i to get closer to/learn more about marina.
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ephemxras · 1 year
Can I be a pain and ask for all of the food OC asks with Seren, please (if that's too many then it's okay I just always love learning more about others' OCs haha)
Oh my gosh first off I'm so sorry this took forever to answer I meant to answer this on my laptop SJDFJSD but! *cracks knuckles* I gottchu bestie.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Seren really likes fluffy pancakes. Mainly because that's what his mother makes him every morning. With his mother gone, fluffy pancakes are what remains a memory of her.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
December 25th! He unfortunately doesn't celebrate it mainly because when he reincarnated he'd forgotten everything about himself. Mio however reminds him of his birthday and they'd celebrate it together. He enjoys birthdays, childishly speaking of the gifts he'd be spoiled with from friends and such.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Seren loves macarons! It was his first treat Ephemer gave him when they reunited and he hasn't stopped eating them since.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Seren likes to cook his own food. In the past he'd been taught how to cook at a young age, so it's been something he stuck with even reincarnated.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Seren prefers hot drinks. He likes hot chocolate because it's sweet.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Seren can eat fruits and vegetables. He's really fond of strawberries.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
He doesn't have a preference of the type of cakes he eat but he's really fond of vanilla cake.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Seren has his family dagger, the locket and his scarf. The dagger was family heirloom set wielded by the queens of Vere and had since been passed down to generations. The locket was a gift given by his mother at a young age prior to her death, as well as the scarf. These three are significant to Seren because they hold parts of Seren's past that he'd forgotten when he reincarnated to a Cograty. Additionally the locket was something Seren had used to keep his significant others close to his heart. If he were to lose any of these he'd be devastated.
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hb-writes · 2 years
all the food and drink emoji questions for clara <3
Hey there. Took me a minute to get through these. 😅 Thanks for participating in the celebration! ❤️
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
First off, Clara loves breakfast. I think she'd eat breakfast for every meal if they'd let her. Her comfort breakfast is actually the Shelby family Christmas breakfast (famously cooked by Polly). Clara always consumes more cake and biscuits on Christmas morning than any actual breakfast food, but they always negotiate at least a single egg to go on her plate.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Clara was born in the early morning hours of February 10, 1908 (and Finn was born in the late evening of February 9th). I do think Clara enjoys celebrating. Clara loves cake, remember? I also just have a little headcanon that Finn and Clara are always together and celebrate at midnight in-between their birthdays.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Pretty much anything sweet and sugary, though I think she's most commonly enjoying biscuits. Anything with chocolate.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Clara enjoys being in the kitchen. Polly's taught her to bake. And she's actually learned a lot about cooking from John (he's quite good at it though he feigns incompetence sometimes because he's lazy). Once she moves to Arrow House, there's not much opportunity and she's not exactly encouraged to spend time with the cooks in the kitchen (Mary has a big problem with the impropriety of it all), but Clara always makes friends with the chef both to ensure access to sweets and to get them to teach her a bit. Having access to a chef, she's pretty indifferent to eating out in a restaurant unless there's live entertainment of some type involved.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Clara loves a hot beverage. Tea is her favorite. And whiskey is her preferred adult beverage. 🫖🥃
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Clara loves her sweets, but she has no qualms about eating her vegetables. She loves her decadence, but she's reasonable about eating balanced meals. She doesn't have a favorite vegetable. She sees them more as a mere necessity, but she loves fruit, especially berries.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
Clara is generally an equal opportunity enjoyer of cakes, but her favorite cakes always have chocolate in the recipe.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Clara keeps plenty of little treasures - like all of the things in the box mentioned in Easier to Bear and Tommy's old pocket watch in Things They Left Behind. Tommy also bought Clara several Beatrix Potter books when she was very young (not all at once, but he’d buy them as the money was saved). They’re well-worn by the time she’s reading them to Charles and Ruby, but she very much treasures them and keeps them with her books and revisits the stories as a teen/ adult. The older she gets, the more she realizes how great of a sacrifice Tommy made to always buy her books and instill in her a love of learning. She'd be devastated if she lost any of her special little trinkets. They all hold a lot of history and love and meaning to her.
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jeeliean · 3 months
A letter and a story, addressed to someone who will never read it. (also titled 'donuts')
when i think of my grandfather, i can only bear to think of the man i knew when i was younger.
he was many things - a baker, an entertainer, a chainsmoker, a man of many gifts. he laughed, clapped along when i would dance in their house on chinese new year for an angpao; never forgetting to give me a new toy or stuffed animal whenever i visited.
how long ago were those days? when the sheer amount of stuffed animals collected dust that triggered my asthma. when they had to be bagged up and donated to a nearby orphanage. and in the blink of an eye, all my minnie mouses, winnie the poohs, barney the big purple dinosaurs - all gone in bags to be enjoyed by other children. i dont remember my parents ever telling him they were given away; all that remained were my barbie dolls.
i fondly remember us baking together. we made donuts, loaves of bread, and my favorite: chocolate, cheese and cream baked all in one heavenly loaf. he'd prepare the dough, and i'd top it with ingredients (rather haphazardly... i was five). i helped use the hot press to seal the bread in the plastic packaging, and by nine he'd don that red velvet hat of his and bike to the morning market to sell his creations. oftentimes when my school bus would be en route home, my friends would point out,
"hey, who's that old man on his with donuts in the back seat? and in that funny red hat, too!"
those leftover, unsold donuts he'd often take home to share with the rest of us. i used to love riding my bike to his house and bring a few back as a little treat after dinner. it became my after-school ritual. id say my hellos to my grandmother, eat a little bit of her cooking, and be on my way back, with at least three donuts in tow.
in primary i'd beam with pride and tell everyone he was my grandfather. he wasn't like most grandfathers in our time - he didn't have any memory or mobility issues, he was a cool granddad. he fed me donuts and let me have as many chocolate sprinkles i wanted, often giving me a spoon to dig into the can. most of the stories i heard from my friends were that their grandfathers were distant, detached, or just gone. in a way that i knew was morally wrong, i felt superior to them knowing how i could share how comfortable i was with him around.
in middle school, i started felt awkward, as most teens do at that age. the people on the bus were new and as a result, most of them didn't know who he was. at times they'd be watching people on the streets and point him out because of his fire-truck red hat, but i'd always keep my mouth shut. i felt embarassed about everything at this age. who didn't? but God, i wish i still maintained that childlike pride of calling him my grandfather. month by month, clubs and homework began to consume me. no longer did i have the time to bike around my neighbourhood, visit my grandparents' house. i didn't even feel the rift growing between us. i was too caught up in superficial friendship drama, being used, and manipulated.
i dont remember exactly what year it was - i think it might've been my first year of high school when he fell. he hit his head on the floor at home. my dad and uncle were there in a flash. right from the get go, they told me and my brother it was bad. he slipped into a coma for a while and woke up with 20 years of his memory wiped. he could barely speak, walk, or even look up.
i never visited him while he was in the hospital. i tried to make myself feel better by telling myself it was pandemic regulations, but i knew in my heart i was just neglecting him. i still played the dutiful granddaughter in helping retrieve his lab tests, brain scans, and the like with my mother when needed. i was completely checked out. i thought i was so important in high school, with my responsibilities volunteering, being a part of the student council, etc. how stupid i had been. instead of going to visit him when my brother, mother and father did, i waved it off or said "next time" in favour of going to meetings and hangouts with my shiny new high school friends.
thankfully he had gotten better, but never to be able to make a full recovery. on top of his head trauma, his chainsmoking over the years had further deteriorated his physical health. once he was home i visited him once - and he didn't even remember my name. i felt my younger self shatter into a million little pieces, desperately searching for the warmth that glowed from behind his eyes.
"kamu anak siapa?" he'd ask, a thousand-yard stare boring into the wall behind me.
i laughed it off. too many of my extended family was there for me to look hurt. "aku anak aming, kongkong. jilly," i'd say with a light chuckle, like i was just letting him off easy. he's old, i'd tell myself. he's just old. not demented.
he'd cough and wheeze, with that signature smoker's rasp inflected in his response. "oh, jilly. anak aming."
he pretended he remembered, but do you know how people feign recognition when they try to recall how they know someone? that "oh, them!" tone. maybe it's his age, but there was no "feigning" his recognition of me at all. it was monotone, and my name didn't invoke a sense of belonging anymore. i felt crushed.
after that incident, we'd only ever visit every chinese new year. my brother kept going because somehow, my granddad remembers the sons. typical traditional chinese family mindset. however, i couldve put in more effort. i couldve taught him how to remember in the hospital, like everyone else did. i was so stupid.
last year, he finally passed. i didn't have much to say. most of my affection for him i deemed insignificant when compared to the actual effort shown by other members of my family.
i was there for the funeral. i couldnt make it to when they spread his ashes in the sea. from kongkong, i learned one thing. this was a lesson i thought i had learned long ago, something i kept stored away in the back of my mind. the universe reminded me to keep it fresh with his passing. never take people for granted.
after his fall, i checked out of our once-strong bond entirely. it was too painful to see him in that state and i thought myself unworthy to try and make amends when it had already taken such a bitter turn for the worse. i felt powerless at the hands of fate. i didn't even try. i was fighting other problems then - boys, my own mental health, my grades. my demented grandfather was barely a priority until he wasn't there anymore.
now, his loss still strikes a chord within me. it resonates everything i couldve done better, everything i shouldve been grateful for. instead, they're all regrets.
every month or so id think about him. nostalgia would always wash over me followed by a crashing wave of guilt. then id move on to my next thought, with the guilt being too much to bear while i was doing other things.
i wish i had done more. i wish i never let us drift apart in the first place. when i think of you, i still smell the golden, crisp donuts fresh out of the fryer. every time i eat from a bakery, i think of you. in every chocolate sprinkle, in every chocolate-cheese bread loaf.
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Takaaki: *making donuts*
Aoi appearing out of nowhere: Is that donuts I smell, Dad?
Takaaki: Yes, want some?
Aoi: Yeah!
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