#Theodule Ribot
lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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The Good Samaritan, Théodule Ribot, 1870
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Théodule Ribot, Cimabue Teaching Giotto to Draw, 19th century, oil on canvas, 91 x 72 cm, Private Collection. 
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aiastelamonian · 2 years
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The Cook and the Cat by Théodule-Augustin Ribot, 1860′s
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Sheep skull, Augustin Théodule Ribot
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d3ad-on-arriva1 · 14 hours
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my first attempt at web-weaving and of course its about the dehmuanising relationship between paul and leto atreides.
althea davis/ ivan the terrible and his son ivan - ilya reppin/ through cataclysm - andreas birath/ st vincet of sargossa - augustin theodule ribot/ this life is an act of bravery/ things to do - alex g/ althea davis/ litany against fear - frank herbert/ unknown/you’ve always been more of a dog person - t.das/ saturn devouring his son - francisco goya/ hell above - pierce the veil
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waldires · 9 months
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The Street Singers. The three stages of life by Theodule Ribot (French 1823-1891)
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benefits1986 · 7 months
Unlikely Friends: Matthew, Anhedonia & Sangria
When life's highs and lows look and feel the same, what's left of you, really?
I gave Friends so many good tries from then until now; however, I'd choose Big Bang reruns as my white noise anytime. You see, the whole cast looked too polished and that their jokes maybe spot on, but I can't seem to get why they had to look too skinny and too mainstream. This was back in grade school in local TV and up until now. So, let's be clear with that.
Of course, I don't say this out loud as much especially when I have close friends who swear by this series. To each their own. Besides, one of the guys I dated has a complete Friends Lego set and bona fide fan, so, ayun na nga. Hahahahaha.
Anyway, I was moved by the last post of Matthew Perry. I liked him a lot in The Whole Nine Yards which dad and I watched in our generic VCD player several times. Good copy pa! Those good old days. I have been interacting with a good number of Gen X the past years and I must say that this bunch may be having a tougher time than Gen MZ.
As a graphic example, when my ina died, my tita who's a menopausal babe, reached out to me several times. She wanted to understand why she has been feeling unexplainably sad even when she knew that we all fought a good fight for and with my ina. She even asked, is this what depression feels like? Ang gara pala. Ito na ba talaga 'yun or baka nalulungkot lang talaga ako.
I could have dropped bombs everywhere, but, in the name of choosing to be kinder, I took several deep and deeper breaths. While I lost my mom, every experience is unique. In the same plane that our DNA are only ours (for now), death of a loved one is universal and inescapable.
I told her that depression should be clinically diagnosed but there are telltale signs. I asked her to take a break instead of indulging in her busy schedule. I requested that she may reach out to close friends who've undergone the same route for moral support. She can't explain why she knows she is okay but something is off. She has been updating me ever since but I try my best to keep a safe distance.
So, Matthew is a Gen X. Had to look it up because '69 looks like a boomer and Paperback Writer by The Beatles landed no. 1 in Billboards in that year, June 25 to be exact.
What hits home hard is his story about how phenobarbital was given to him to tame his crazy cries. My brother also took these highly addictive drugs to cure his meningitis. I never thought that my brother had a mental situation growing up. All I saw was that he's a special case and he was spoiled to death. LOL. All I felt was that he was my cross to bear and I am but a Christmas elf who slaves of my fat ass all-year round. While I totally understood that he is a special case to infinity and beyond, somehow, I care for him in a unique way. He and I may have a love-hate-hate-love-hate-hate relationship, but I'm keeping my promise mom forced me literally before she breathed her last breath. Hahahahahaha. Shemay.
This book also tackles anhedonia, my TIL. Wow. As in. It has been a term that's been in existence since 1897 from Theodule Ribot. Damn. So, this is what I may be feeling for a long time. Sakto lang lahat. Kaya lahat. Matatawid lahat. However, there are glimmers amidst the triggers.
Truth is, one of the fuck ups of the depressive state is trying not to feel too happy. There's this feeling that being too happy will just bring me back to the rabbit hole once the euphoria dies. 'Yung alam naman ng rational self ko na happiness is but a feeling pero ayoko siyang i-embrace. Sakit. 'Yung masyadong tinatalinuhan ang arguments instead of just riding the waves of emotions and waiting for the other waves to come, because they will come naman. Circle of life baga.
Coming across anhedonia at this time in my life coupled with Gabor Mate, Brene Brown and my so-called slow growth szn, may I be able to choose to be happy, instead of being too RBF. Okay. Fine. Puwede namang RBF pero may emotions na rin, kahit onti. Speaking of not feeling anything, let me share why I love unli sangria. Eto na po. Siguro eto 'yung drink na very nostalgic.
I attended a wedding way back and I had liters of sangria because ansarap. Legit. Dun ko first time sinagad 'yung aking lakas because I don't drink irresponsibly. Hindi ako ganun. But that night, solid na solid. As in nagtanggal na ako ng high heels at naka slippers na lang ako. Hahaha. Buti, mababait kasama ko. Safe space. So ayun na nga. The feeling that unli sangria gave me was to feel high and the flat line as in super sarap ng tulog ko na parang wala na ako sa earth levels is just sooooo precious. As an overthinker, wine pacifies me. Nakakalma ako, in style pa kuno. Hahahahahahah. Saka it keeps me up as well. 'Yung may kick siya talaga as in. Poetic shitballs pa because the wine glass is just too sexy for me. Ewan ko ba. Hindi siya because of soshal or mainstream kasi I like drinking sangria alone best. Nakakarami po tayo like wtf. 'Pag may kasama kasi, social thing siya. May certain social grace kahit ubusan pa rin ng lakas at budget. Plus, ang mahal ng sangria ha! E ang dali lang naman gawain nun. :p And mura pa.
A reminder lang din na don't mix anhedonia and sangria unless gusto ko ng mapunta sa beyond ng infinity real quick. Very timely ito since I'm feeling that I'm authentically healing bit by bit na after 11 years of being stuck in the rabbit hole. It's still a daily struggle na mala-EDSA meets raining in Manila vibe. It's still a constant choice na hindi birong piliin at maraming back-sliding. It's still a leap of faith. It's still growing in my defunct system that's fortified with my trusted trust issues. LOL. But, things could be better and so could be the world, or the universe, rather.
While hearing his stories, Matthew is now my official unlikely Friend. I can't help but think that he might have this planned all along. Kung baga, his death made a stronger statement in a taboo kahit pa sabihing progressive tayong lahat. Thank you, Matthew for showing us your super flawed life and demise. May it remind us that while drinking and smoking are therapeutic, they don't numb the pain. I've shared this a good number of times, but lemme share it again and again. What's wore than being numb of pain? It's still feeling the pain even when you're numbed by alcohol, drugs, sex and all forms of addiction.
Glad to know my current org has an HMO for mental health. It also makes me feel good that we have 30 wellness leaves and in my team, there's a mental health advocate who happens to be a good friend, too. :) 'Di ba? The universe is finally aligning. Kaya hirap mag-yes sa ibang invites to be honest kahit super tempting. Sana talaga magkaroon ng forever work from anywhere set up. Sana.
I have yet to finish this 5-hour audio book, but, I'd like to write this out here and now.
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copela4692 · 8 months
The Studious Servant- Theodule Ribot 1871 ​ “Studiositas [diligence] means especially this: that a person resists the nearly inescapable temptation to indiscipline with all the power of selfless self-protection, that he radically closes off the inner space of his life against the pressingly unruly pseudo-reality of empty sounds and sights – in order that, through and only through this…
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mangogatherer · 3 years
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Théodule Ribot (detail)
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Théodule Ribot (1823-1891) "Still Life with Pumpkin, Plums, Cherries, Figs and Jug" (c. 1860) Oil on canvas Realism Located in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, Bilbao, Spain
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Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien, c. 1865, Théodule Ribot, Musée d'Orsay, Paris
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Théodule Ribot, Nature morte aux œufs sur le plat, ca. 1860-75, oil on canvas, 59 x 73.5 cm, Musée d'art et d'archéologie de Senlis. 
   “L’œuvre de Théodule Ribot demeure emblématique de l’influence que put avoir la peinture espagnole du Siècle d’Or sur l’art français, révélée lors de l’éphémère présence de la galerie espagnole de Louis Philippe au Louvre. Elle se fonde sur un fort contraste entre des zones lumineuses et d’autres sombres, une matière empâtée et des thèmes pris dans la quotidienneté qui rappellent Ribera et Velazquez. Bien que Ribot se consacre à des thèmes religieux, au portrait, à la représentation de cuisiniers, il est aussi l’auteur de natures mortes. Celle de Senlis, qui traite d’un sujet rustique, une assiette avec des œufs sur le plat accompagnée d’une gourde en grès, existe en différentes versions, dont une conservée au Van Gogh Museum d’Amsterdam.”
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tonka-bean · 7 years
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A Girl Arranging A Vase Of Flowers by Théodule Ribot (19th century)
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havaforever · 2 years
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THEODULE RIBOT - Une délicieuse obscurité, Palais Longchamp à Marseille
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Le musée des Beaux-Arts de Marseille présente, l’œuvre au noir de Théodule Ribot (1821-1893), un peintre proche de la peinture italienne et espagnole du XVIIe siècle. 
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En présentant ses sources d’inspiration et ses contemporains (il aurait fallu ouvrir le débat jusqu’à Daumier et Manet), l’exposition Théodule Ribot. Une délicieuse obscurité tente de lui rendre sa juste place au sein du courant réaliste. 
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Ses natures mortes rappellent celles de Velasquez, les portraits de ses proches ont la gravité mélancolique que l'on voit dans ceux de Rembrandt, ses grandes scènes religieuses affichent un ténébrisme à la Ribera. Si Théophile Gautier admire ses petits tableaux, la critique contemporaine lui reproche d'avoir “la rage du noir” et de signer ses toiles “en vidant un sac de charbon”.
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Le parcours est un peu confus, (les références se mêlent aux tableaux de l’artiste, la chronologie se croise avec des thématiques pas forcément lisibles) mais il est saisissant. Comme certains visages devenus bosselés sous le pinceau de Ribot, ses natures mortes prennent du relief. Aux citrons le peintre préfère les cédrats, aux pommes les coings. 
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Il se fait fier de rendre leurs brillances aux céramiques vernissées et à la nacre des huîtres, de la matité à la terre cuite ou à une vieille planche. Il triomphe dans les chairs crues de son gigot. Dans ses toiles très sombres, éclatent les rares blancs et les taches de sang. 
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L’ensemble est à la fois puissant, simple et apaisant, le retour à un certain classicisme a du bon, on savoure l’espace du Palais Longchamp qui met parfaitement en valeur ce type d’exposition. 
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vizuart · 4 years
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Theodule-Augustin Ribot - Still Life with Apples and a Pomegranate (1865)
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v-ersacrum · 7 years
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Théodule Ribot, Saint Sebastian, Saint Vincent, 19th century
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