Best Luxury Villas in Goa | The Chapter
Visit The Chapter website to know about luxury villa in Goa with private pool. Our concept is crafted to make your unique home an easy, cost-effective reality by putting the creative power in your hands. Buy villa in Goa with The Chapter now!
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13thsinnr · 2 years
i have sm ap work to do i put it off until today el em ay oh. ooopssieeees
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simcardiac-arrested · 1 month
ok ummmmore tower time now:) im gonna try killing her instead of pledging myself. god shes so BIG!!!! SHES SO STRONGGG OH MY GOD . i wonder if the narrator can see us ?? or if he sees through our eyes .. its also interesting to me how he views the long quiets death ?? like if you kill her and then decide to kill yourself, he tries to stop you, greatly, but if She kills you, hes like? he doesnt berate you? he doesnt call you stupid all the time if you die at her hands.
ooo the fury... OH MY OGD THIS FOREST???? hi stubborn:) BUT GOD THE FORREST .OHMY GOD THE MUSIC !!!! goddd meat meat meat meat im in the meat realm. I LOVE THIS DESIGN OF HERS!!!!! HII PRINCESS TWIRLS HAIR!!!! OH MYGODDDD WITH A HORIFYING SQUELCH!!!! OH MY GOD You just cant kill her!!!! thats awesome
ill fully pledge myself to her now i think? if i can without ending the chapter... ok it ended thechapter but i DID see new dialogue so it was worthy. mm. slitting my throat sounds like it could lead somewhere new. YAYYY YIPPEE!!!! hi apotheoisss:) hi paranoid! i know i havent met HIM yet.hehe
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i like this guy so far what ive seen of him. oh shit my curious nature is ending the world. OH SHIT EPXLOSION!!! omggg giant woman just like steven univr... lets emrbace oblivion OH MY GODDD The way the hands wrapped around her. Insane. this is unrelated but i like the cursor a lot. how it changes how it gets bloody. etc. goddd. 45 achievements so far yay:) 53 to go and then the pristine cut also when that comes out
i fucking love the fury so much one of my fav princesses for real not just because the music is banger but also with how Flesh everything is ….. my meat princess ….. oauaahh i need to grill her. i cant wait to see more content for her EEK!!! ALSO U NEED TO SEE MORE OF THE PARANOID SO BAD I LOVE HIMMMM
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testimonial for terra ignota: apparently i BIT a page of thechapter 'damnatio memoriae' in perhaps the stars on the first read. likethe incisor marks linger for two more pages. I have no memory of doing this but, fair enough, that sure is A Chapter,
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tsunochizu · 10 months
adored thechapter but what happened to taking a break? you will get burnt out and metaphorically die inside please
I HAD TO write this chapter CMOOON
I really wanted to :((((
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gatalentan · 1 year
Oh, what I would give to have an episode where someone (Jacob) accidentally gives the group pot brownies *sighs*
ok you don't know how good your timing is bc my friend @90stvqueen just posted a chapter of their wonderful young mel/barb fic Fritole with a pot brownies scene in it lol. it's HERE - this links to thechapter but I recommend reading the whole fic bc its 🤌🤌🤌
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iamkingtobstersblog · 4 months
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@gabbybarrett_ #thechapter #chapterandverse #newmusicalert🎵🖤⬇️🎧
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go3dprinting · 5 years
The Disturbing Story of Pennhurst Asylum
#TheChapter #MentalHealth #PennhurstAsylum #Abuse #truecrime 
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thereforesheloves · 7 years
DAY 1 - 20TH NOV
No idea why I decided to start on this (again).  Maybe its the unexpected amount of time/break on hand Maybe its a sub-conscious effort to note down the blessings in the midst of it all
20th Nov - Marks the start of 1.5 month long of hospital leave Come to think of it, it is the longest leave I ever had since I started working in 2008. That was almost 10 years ago. Maybe it was about time, for a much needed break as I can feel that I’m walking on thin thread that is about to break any moment. 
Maybe after all, this might just be the break I ever needed
Who knows?
In His time, everything makes perfect
So, why hospital leave?
I’m extremely low on blood count and iron as I bled massively for a good 10 long days (honestly it felt like 20days). Found out that I had a fibroid close to 5cm lying on my womb lining (that could be the cause for massive bleeding). 
Doc suggest doing c-sect op to remove the fibroid and stitch back my womb. However, I would need massive blood transfusion if i were to do it immediately, thus I’m put on 2.5 weeks hospital leave to let my body rest, pump and replenish blood as much as possible on its on.
If you see what I see? Yep, an absolute doc’s order for R.E.S.T !
*p.s: this is a backdated post*
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haloud · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
excerpt from things we could burn in one go (eminence) chapter 5
Isobel was gonna fuckin’ kill him, but it was better to ask forgiveness than permission.
By the time he pulled up to the caves, the sun was hitting the stormclouds over town just right, burning them up against the broader lavender sky. Michael stood and watched them for the while, the smudge of falling rain as the distant lights came on, and he smelled the storm, and the wind of it tugged his hair in a hundred different directions.
He headed inside as the first few raindrops reached him.
The tunnel wound long and dark into the earth, and Michael took it slow, hands in his pockets. Jones would sense him coming, even if he pretended he didn’t. Even Michael, hollow-headed and senseless to so much of the psychic feedback Max and Isobel claimed they were capable of, couldn’t help but know when one of them was approaching. So Jones would know and be ready. No reason not to keep him waiting.
He followed the ragged old footpath to the end of it, one hand trailing on the rough wall, trying to picture how it happened that Jones was marched down here and sealed away. And despite everything else he felt, he felt a twinge of pity—maybe they should let Jones choose a new place to hide out, somewhere away from his seven-decade prison.
The ground beneath his feet was worn by his mother’s feet, among so many ancient others, but walking it brought him no closer to understanding her, understanding anything. His mind reached out and came up empty for answers, again, and again, and again, and he understood, why the DeLuca women made the choices they did, what made the future and the past and the road between them worth any other sacrifice.
He came to the end of the path, where there was no door to knock on.
“Michael! What a pleasant surprise.”
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thebluedreamcracker · 6 years
Gintama 677
The Good: New Kagura design, Takasugi and Gintoki interacting outside of trying to kill each other (mostly)
The Bad: More questions than answers now. Not enough Shinpachi
The Ugly: People still considering Kagura vs Okita as a Okikagu moment.
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Luxury Villas in Goa with Private Pool | The Chapter
Visit The Chapter website to know about luxury villa in Goa with private pool. Our concept is crafted to make your unique home an easy, cost-effective reality by putting the creative power in your hands.
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lelitachay · 3 years
Tomorrow is Søsken's third anniversary and I cannot believe this project has become so big.
I started it because I couldn't get the story out of my mind and I needed to read it. I never thought I would enjoy it so much. And it's unbelievable how many things I still got to tell. The main story is little by little coming to a closure. But I already have plans for a sequel and it's crazy to think about it.
Okay, anyway, as usual I will try to update tomorrow to commemorate the beginning of Søsken. I still need to finish and write a few things here and there for thechapter, but I'm positive I'll be able to give you guys something!
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twocubes · 5 years
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anyways on the... more obviously positive side (of today) i managed to work a little, and i got on a tangent, so now, if, when i’m digging through the literature search to understand a particular extract of a book i end up with another thing i want to do in-depth research about, i have... subextracts.
although A1.2⯈006⯈002 is more of a question i wanna explore that i can probably do on my own? but just in case i made the code for subsubextracts.
anyways i can’t wait until i prove, like, Theorem A1.2⯈006⯈002.17 or something like the sane person that i am.
also the \refs and \labels work correctly now
still to come: 
integration between extract management and diarymode (probably not that hard though i just need to change \thechapter and \theextract)
long post about how i’m confused about market efficiency (practically, shouldn’t arbitrage be defined with like like, P(loss) < ε rather than P(loss) = 0 at the expense of defining a family of ε-weak arbitrage and ε-strong efficiency? seems closer to the practical use of the concept. but then, wouldn’t market inefficiency be like, the fact insider trading is possible and such)
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thechapt · 3 years
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learnsharewithdp · 3 years
Format enumerate in latex
Format enumerate in latex
Q 1.1 Letter followed by section number \begin{enumerate}[{label=Q\,\thechapter.\arabic{*},resume}] \item Rita throws a stone \end{enumerate} (i) roman letter in brackets. \begin{enumerate}[label=(\roman*),start=1] \item roman letter in brackets. \end{enumerate}
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