#The pornographer film: Playback
rifki16 · 2 months
Love is Better the Second Time Around the Finale
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Picture credit : Love is Better the Second Time Around Promotional Twitter account | https://x.com/koi_nido/status/1777532279985668281?s=46
I think I want to have a new tradition in adding a tagline or summary of my analysis immediately underneath the title, for this one is a rushed hollow sweet cake finale.
Of course, spoilers ahead!
During the 5th episode, @respectthepetty told me that some of Tumblr BL watchers deemed the episode was too rush, and filled with unnecessary plotlines. Well, if they were disappointed by the pace of the last episode, I bet you my bottom dollar that they will be less amused by the finale. Although, I still think that the episode is sweet – of course that’s my emotional part of the brain talking, not the rational one.
In terms of the plotline, I have several huge plot holes which you, my dear reader(s) might maybe find an answer which can help me love this episode even more.
Okay, Hiro and Takashi broke up. Then, Takashi sent flowers to Hiro’s workplace. Sure, still heard of, not that out-of-character for Takashi. Hiro became buried deep in his own “sad boy house” dirt. You know what, as I have written in the analysis of episode 5, great plotline, I have never seen it in a Japanese BL work before. But then, after Shiraishi “slipped” his tongue, during a conversation which I really could not foresee happening between love enemies, and told Hiro that Takashi was at his family’s place. Huh? My confusion is wouldn’t Takashi family’s place be the first place that Hiro would go or check on after they broke up and Hiro found out that Takashi already emptied out his place? Takashi and Hiro broke up right after Takashi’s sister came to Takashi’s place with Hiro present and told them both that Takashi was needed at his family’s place – an event which Hiro was made like such an outsider. This is not The Pornographer: the Film (2021), in which Rio left his place with no explanations and left Kuzumi without any explanations and Kuzumi was practically going door to door with his suitcase trying to find that s.o.b. Takashi is from a very well-off family. He wouldn’t go to a brothel-café-Karaoke joint to just avoid Hiro or recuperate from his breakup. You know what I forgive – give the writers some leaps into faith on the events preceding Shiraishi telling Hiro that Takashi at his family place: the fact that somehow Hiro broke his depression – sad cycle and actually took an initiative and went to Takashi’s place, that then pushed him to take even riskier steps which was contacting Shiraishi or, even the fact that Shiraishi somehow entertained the question that Hiro asked not only through some faceless email, but actually having a meeting with Hiro and ended up having the slip of the tongue moment. I mean I know that Shiraishi has the cut-throat personality inside him, the fact that he did not tell Takashi about the deadline in episode 3. Sure, let’s take another leap right, maybe, the fact that Shiraishi said during the meeting with Hiro that he has conceded his loss to Hiro, maybe he wouldn’t just do something shady like sending Hiro into a wild goose chase or something but still. It’s just that we didn’t know more of Shiraishi’s motivations. Okay, we know that he fell for Takashi, one-sidedly, but is he then a type of the ex-unrequited lover who will support his lover no matter what or not? Okay now I’m dwelling into something that I have promised I would take a leap for.
Okay sure, Takashi finally confronted his mother about being abandoned. Takashi’s colours are now more understood right? He needed to conceal himself from the world because once when he did, his mother shunned him off, hence why he “did not soak his pillow in his tears” when Hiro and himself broke up, hence why every time Takashi did some grand gestures or even said some sappy lovey-dovey thing to Hiro, Hiro always felt like he was in the uncanny valley: something was not right. Takashi might say or do the right things, but Hiro always had, in mine opinion, gut feeling that Takashi-san was not sincere, which was why Hiro-kun kept questioning his love to him. Sure, I accept the line of logic, and the late dot connections which made me kept questioning what was wrong with Takashi’s actions that made Hiro kept pressing Takashi on his sincerity. But then, Takashi had the confrontational conversation with Kyosuke and they conversed well about how Kyosuke leaked a picture of Takashi or was it Hiro – I do not dare to take a look at that scene at all. Props to the writers for emphasizing what Kyosuke did was a criminal act, regardless of the intention. Takashi then explained why he bet on Hiro for not coming. Takashi’s words were: “I didn’t think that our relationship would have worked”. My confusion is this why on god’s phallic dick did Kyosuke conclude that statement by calling Hiro and telling him that Takashi loved him? Huh? Was Kyosuke just being a rascal? Again, Kyosuke CALLED Hiro! Not the other way around. Maybe it was just the way that Takashi delivered the line? That Kyosuke knew it was just a broken guy [Takashi] telling himself what he thought he needed to hear to just feel a little bit better. Maybe the call was to indicate how close Kyosuke was to Takashi, that he knew when Takashi was lying to himself – even when he didn’t know that he was doing it. You see how many leaps into faith which I took to make those rationalizations?
Before moving to the other confusion – plot hole, let me gloat. I WAS NOT WRONG BIATCHHH. Hiro did not know the bet from some overhearing unseen scene. It was Kyosuke ACTIVELY undermining his own relative’s relationship. My brain itch was justified. Also, huge side note, where is the queer struggle pov in Kyosuke’s pov? I mean, okay, what was exactly Kyosuke’s motivation in not making Takashi left by agitating – blackmailing Hiro? Kyosuke liked Takashi, okay. But why outed Takashi? Wouldn’t it be better to just poison’s Takashi’s perspective on Hiro so that you could have Takashi all for yourself without making him be disowned and ergo making him far away from you? Sure, let us assume that Kyosuke never intended to out Takashi and that it was just a huge negative externality that he never wanted. Still tho, there are other BETTER ways in making Takashi all for yourself. Let’s move away from this pivot, because I have a bigger bunion that I want to excise.
Okay, Hiro went to Takashi’s family place. Okay, I accept that Hiro’s determinism in meeting his lover was the thing that made Takashi changed his mind from “… wouldn’t have worked” to confessing and telling his mother that he wanted to spend his entire life with him. I tweeted that this mental leap of Takashi was confusing – but now I accept that maybe it was Hiro’s daring and just mind-boggling action that made the mental leap. Sure, okay I accept it. This may be a cultural confusion Why didn’t Takashi just leave his family’s place? His first conversation, in the episode, with his mother was just not connecting at all – as I tweeted: all she needed was to accept that Takashi has a husband she might actually have a business successor – why did he stay then? Was the basement scene just a scene of Takashi preparing to go home? Are we not allowed to leave the hostess’ place if we have not been dismissed by her? Or was it just a plot device in making Takashi and Hiro actually met at the family’s place so that Hiro could say all of those brave things in front of Takashi’s mother? Yabai.
Side note: I have also tweeted about how I hated that Cherry Magic the Anime didn’t have the Kurosawa and Adachi’s meeting each other parents’ scene. However, seeing my Hiro, my precious Hiro, saying all of those sentences – not about being the troublemaker, like bro, it was not your fault – in front of Takashi’s mother, AS WELL AS, the lake mouth scene which really had numerous resemblances with Kurosawa-Adachi’s exchange of the rings during the beach live-action film scene, I think it really compensated my disappointment. 😊
With all the rationalization left, all that’s left is how proud I am of these two characters. I’m so proud that Takashi now can lift his mask and actually be true to his husband, yes I’m calling them husbands despite the absence of a wedding scene. I’m so happy that my Hiro was so brave in making steps so that Takashi doesn’t see him as an “outsider” anymore. I will miss this couple so much.
Japanese media companies now have a responsibility of not tangling us, fudanshi – fujoshi and all BL fans, with a meager 6-episode run. Heck we have proven again and again to be a huge driving force for a show’s popularity. How many times have this show, this show alone, become the most popular show on certain platforms, like come on!. This 6-episode trick is really taking and sucking all of the qualities away. I mean, I will meet these media execs halfway, I can accept a 12-episode run, but they might not be ready to make a 24-episode run like American media used to make in the past, or even a 10-episode run with one hour each episode format like Turn to Me Mukai-Kun. Come on, I’m so fed up seeing the quality of my beloved BL work(s) being tarnished and seeing the great couple blossoming before my eyes taken away too soon.
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bengiyo · 9 months
The Novelist: Playback (2021) Stray Thoughts
We've watched The Novelist, Mood Indigo, and Spring Life. Let's watch these two try to survive long distance.
Yes, please recap for the people who maybe got dragged to a theater for this.
No car BJ? So glad I watched Spring Life already.
Oh, we're getting a bed scene. I forgive them.
Finally, we're talking about insertion and then immediately going to realistic angles. Good job, BL.
I like the way the age gap is playing into how Rio handles his disappointment that Kuzumi frequents sex clubs with his senior.
Oh, I like that we're getting more interactions with Kamuuda.
Rio's sister is always punking him.
"People who are happy have no need for art or literature," is such a cynical read.
Wow, there is a lot of resentment here.
Oh shit, this woman took out his writing hand. That's ironic. I am amused.
Oh my goodness, are we going to make an even younger boy write for him??
Never have I been happier that a boy was illiterate.
No man is immune to Kijima's sexual energy if he turns it on them it seems.
Poor Kuzumi. Rio is a hard man to love.
Oh lord he got this boy doing the writing now. Goddammit.
Oh good Kuzumi is here. Please fix this.
I'm so glad Kuzumi caught him with the boy.
Is this the first time Rio has said his given name?
I love this woman.
Oh, please don't slow zoom onto just Haruhiko to tell me that they're not going to make it.
Oh, I shouldn't have gotten attached to Haruko.
Interesting. I suppose they did foreshadow that Haruko is popular with men.
I'm going wild over the cinematography of Rio's pacing during this fight. Incredible acting from both of them in this long take. Rio can be such a jerk.
Did Rio never recognize the crazy in Haruhiko's eyes? It was the first thing I noticed about him.
Japanese characters are so good at staying still and pretending to sleep when someone looms over them.
I just love Japanese filmmaking. I love trusting actors to act and I love the composition of these shots.
"It's not about being tough. You become tough when someone is important to you." Come through, Haruko!!!
I'm fond of Shizuo.
I'm glad Kuzumi didn't answer his phone and Kijima has to take the leap of going to Tokyo without reassurance.
Kido, you have a daughter. Why ask that question?
Finally a forthright, vulnerable apology and confession from Rio.
I love that these two always kiss like maniacs.
I just love trains.
Families are difficult, but Rio is still loved.
Hands only, baby!!
Y'all awfully vocal for hands only.
The moon is beautiful tonight.
Wow these two have incredible blissed-out faces.
Oh, Rio. I felt that wall breaking. Goddamn Takezai Terunosuke is good.
"Is there really such a life without loneliness?" is a great rebuttal to Rio's cynical view.
Aww, she smiled for her brother.
I'm so glad things ended well for Haruko and Shizuo as well.
Final Verdict: 10, If You Are Male and Queer Please Watch This Franchise Immediately. I'm giving this movie a 10 for the way the entire franchise has been the most satisfying experience I've had in BL in a really long time. I keep begging for realistic approaches to male-male intimacy and relationships, and this franchise hits it constantly. Rio is layers of bullshit hiding an incredible loneliness and sense of worthlessness, and it was so satisfying to see him claw his way out of that because he found someone else who finally connected to him. It's been a really long time since I felt this good about going back to something I skipped over for one reason over another, and I can say confidently that I fully trust @lurkingshan recommendations. If you are gay and feeling a bit displaced in BL, please watch this, and then ping her, me, @harurio @ginnymoonbeam or @waitmyturtles. I promise it will be worth your time.
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thethera-rossa · 10 months
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cinematiqque · 9 months
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absolutebl · 2 months
any other high quality bls like itsay?🥲
Okay, to start, none of the below posts have been updated in a while so I would add these 2022-2023 offerings:
Eternal Yesterday *
The Eighth Sense
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us*
Moonlight Chicken
Sing My Crush*
Tokyo in April is
I Feel You Linger in the Air
ALSO, currently airing Unknown and Gray Shelter.
With regards to ITSAY I am not your huckleberry but here's what I got for ya...
And pulling from the "moody arthouse smackdoodle" list in this post about BL's dark side:
Your Name Engraved Herein (Taiwan 2020 Netflix) - this movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. 
Goodbye Mother AKA Thua Me Con D (Vietnam 2019 Netflix) - like YNEH this is a great movie but it deals openly with homophobia, bashing, family trauma and social acceptance. 
For Love, We Can (Hong Kong 2014) - an indie movie about parental homophobia, light/dark pairing, and (of course) HIV. 
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - obsession, cheating, breakup, reunion, then break up again, explicit. 
Pornographer movie series - AKA The Novelist, Mood Indigo, Pornographer Playback (Japan 2018-2020) emotional manipulation, cheating, obsession, seduction, May/December (age gap AKA younger/older), kink, touch of necrophilia, explicit.   
Method (Korea 2017) - May/December, actor idol pairing, that should have been everything I wanted in life but it’s more about the actor cheating on his wife and their weird “artsy” relationship and frankly, I hated this. And I don’t say that lightly. 
Itsuka no Kimi e (Japan 2007 YouTube) - okay this is basically about a college student who saves this boy from drowning and then gets embroiled in his, and his identical twin’s messed up lives. It goes very weird.
His the series AKA I Didn’t Think I Would Fall In Love (Japan 2019) - boy goes to visit his absent father ends up kinda homeless on the beach gets adopted by local family falls in love with the boy working and living with them. Lots of long drawn out glances. 
Innocent (Taiwan 2021 GaGa) - mental health, childhood trauma, actually kinda sweet. 
More on ISTAY et al here.
* are ones that I don't recommend if you have the same taste as me, but I DNF'd ITSAY so, you calearly don't have the same taste
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lurkingshan · 28 days
Hi there! I’ve been trying to find the Novelist series for a while and I’ve searched on Viki using several titles, but I can’t seem to find it. Well actually I can only find the Spring Life short films. I live in the US; could it be that I need a VPN?
The series is no longer on Viki! It moved to GagaOOLala last year; you should be able to find it there. Gaga has the following installments:
The Novelist (1)
Mood Indigo (2)
Spring Life (3)
Spring Life Continued (5)
The missing (4) is Pornographer: Playback which is still not streaming anywhere to my deep frustration. But! I have the file and am happy to share, will DM you.
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save-the-data · 3 years
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genkinahito · 3 years
March Comes in Like a Lion, Pornographer: Playback, Under the Turquoise Sky, You with a 1-meter Radius, Let's Walk Upward Japanese Film Trailers
March Comes in Like a Lion, Pornographer: Playback, Under the Turquoise Sky, You with a 1-meter Radius, Let’s Walk Upward Japanese Film Trailers
Happy Weekend, everyone. Welcome to the second trailer post of the week. You can find the first one here. What else is released this weekend? Continue reading
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injanery · 5 years
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UMD Video: A History of film on the PSP
The 1990s through to the early 2000s was a frantic time in the development of portable media devices, from mini TVs to CD and cassette players, and of course phones, MP3 players, and video game consoles. By 2010, consumers could take entire libraries of media content wherever they went. Movies and TV shows, however, were relatively late to the party, limited by large file sizes and the bulkiness of laptops and portable DVD players at the time.
Various attempts were made in the late-nineties and early-noughties to bring affordable video-playing devices to the market, including the VideoNow unit that would play kids TV shows in black-and-white. In 2004 Nintendo entered the market in collaboration with 4Kids Entertainment in the form of GBA Video: cartridges that stored episodes from children's shows and even a few movies for playback on the Game Boy Advance. The quality of the footage wasn't great, however, with GBA Video playing in 240x160 resolution—and with a chugging frame rate. Sales weren't great and the format didn't catch on.
Nevertheless, GBA Video did prove that distributors could use the existing install-base of portable game consoles to sell more than just games. Console manufacturers were beginning to realise this too—Nokia's N-Gage was a phone/game console cross-over that could also play video and music, while Nintendo's DS line of devices were marketed as digital planners and cognitive training tools as well as gaming units. Sony, meanwhile, had experience in the multimedia game with their PlayStation 2 home console. The inclusion of the ability to read DVDs was a major coup, giving Sony a big edge over competitors like Sega's Dreamcast.
With the success of the PS2, it was perhaps only natural that Sony would try to replicate this multimedia magic when they entered the portable console space with their PlayStation Portable, launched in December 2004 in Japan, March 2005 in North America, and September 2005 in Europe. Of course, a properly portable device was never going to be big enough to support DVDs, so they had to develop a brand new format that was up to the task. Sony's solution? The Universal Media Disc, or UMD.
UMD is a proprietary miniature optical disc format that can hold 1.8GB of data. It came encased in a plastic shield to protect it from knocks and scratches, and was only ever used for the PSP. When the PSP was revealed during Sony's press conference at E3 2004, Kaz Hirai, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, stressed that Sony saw this console as a multimedia platform, and that the UMD would support full-length films, branded as UMD Video, as well as games. Trailers for Spider-Man 2 and Final Fantasy XII: Advent Children were shown playing on a PSP unit, and when the US launch date came, the first 1 million PSP Value Packs (priced at $250) contained a Spider-Man 2 UMD. Masa Chatani, Chief Technology Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment, expressed great enthusiasm in media interviews, saying: 'In the U.S. We have already met with the major studios. They pretty much love the PSP and the quality of the UMD.'
Sony announced an initial UMD price range of $19.95 to $28.95, with the lower range applying to movies previously released on DVD, and the higher range for new films launching on UMD and DVD at the same time. Each UMD would contain the full-length movie encoded in 720x480, the same as an average DVD, but this would be scaled down to 480x272 when playing on the PSP's screen. Due to storage constraints (the average DVD could hold 4.7GB of data to the UMD's 1.8GB), special features such as deleted scenes and 'making of' reels would often be completely absent. And unlike PSP games, UMD Videos were region-locked.
Despite these limitations, early signs were encouraging for UMD Video. Within a few months the format could boast 70 available titles in the US and over 500,000 overall sales. Available titles grew to over 200 within half a year, including pornographic titles in Japan, encouraged by the PSP's own strong sales. Two movies released by Sony Pictures, Resident Evil 2 and House of Flying Daggers, passed 100,000 sales within a month—whereas the first DVD to pass that mark, Air Force One, took 9 months. Sony UK chief Ray Maguire said in October 2006 that Sony was 'pretty pleased with UMD,' commenting that it had 'a fantastic attachment rate'.
It wasn't long before cracks began to show, however: and that isn't just a reference to the UMD casing's tendency to break, rendering the disc unusable. Film studios and retailers started to express concerns about the format's long-term sales performance. In the US, Wal-Mart and Target had already begun pulling away from UMD Video in early 2006, while anonymous executives from Universal Studios Home Entertainment told the Hollywood Reporter in March 2006: 'It's awful. Sales are near zilch. It's another Sony bomb, like Blu-ray.' An executive from Paramount similarly said of UMD: 'No one's even breaking even on them.' In response to such criticism, Benjamin Feingold of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment blamed the disappointing sales on people ripping DVDs and then playing them on PSP via the SD card slot.
Sony began teasing an adapter to play UMD on television, and the company continued to show public optimism about the format even as major studios and retailers pulled the plug entirely. PSP senior marketing manager John Koller told Pocket Gamer in June 2007 that: 'The future of movies on UMD is great. We saw a 35 per cent growth year-on-year from 2005 to 2006, which clearly demonstrates a growing interest.' Significantly, sales in Japan had jumped tenfold following major price-cuts. Koller said this was also the result of movie distributors 'calibrating' their UMD offerings to target the PSP's primary user base: males under the age of 25. This helps explain the composition of UMD Video's library, which is heavily weighted towards action, sci-fi, and comedy films.
Despite the positive signals coming from Sony, from 2007 things started to get quieter on the UMD Video front. In part this was down to the industry's growing focus on digital distribution, and while Koller insisted that the digital pivot did not spell the end for UMD, in 2009 Sony launched the digital-only PSP Go model. And, of course, the company scrapped UMD support altogether for its next portable console, the PlayStation Vita.
Nevertheless, the UMD Video library continued to grow steadily. The most complete list online counts over 650 video discs, but the list is missing many known entries, and the real figure may be more in the region of 800. When compared to the 36 cartridges released for GBA Video, UMD Video looks like a runaway success, with far greater support from third parties and a much more diverse library including action films, comedies, TV shows, anime, live music concerts, cinema classics, Chinese hits, horrors, and yes, adult films. All three Matrix films and all eight Harry Potter films were released as UMDs, along with numerous Batman movies, Academy Award-winning masterpieces like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and episodes of popular TV shows such as Doctor Who. ***
Sony Pictures released its last UMD Video discs in 2010, and the final releases overall came from Warner Home Video in 2011 with a full 8-UMD Harry Potter box-set. And with that, so ended the last major attempt at a game console-specific proprietary video format. With so many easy ways to watch video content in our hands today, it is very unlikely that we will see anything like it again.
These discs haven't yet become a major focus in the collecting world, but there are reasons to believe that might change. In 2018 UMD Video entered into the top-10 most-contributed formats on Filmogs. And as the noughties become more distant and the PSP becomes a 'retro' console, I suspect UMD Video will take its proper place as both an interesting oddity and a genuinely intriguing piece of media history.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi there - big fan of your blog! I actually revived this old tumblr so I could keep track of BL content from you and a few others. I also subscribed to Gaga on your rec and have started watching some of the old shows on there. This week I tried one of the explicit Japanese films, which leads me to my question.
I started with Dangerous Drugs of Sex, and I had your trigger warnings in mind so I went in with kind of a morbid fascination. This one didn’t really hang together all that well narratively, and I got preoccupied with all the plot holes (like where did that sex dungeon of doom come from if he decided to save him on a whim??) and weird character notes. So I’m wondering - are any of these films actually GOOD? As in, a coherent story, characters that make sense, a somewhat satisfying or at least fitting end? Or are they all kind of like this, just a giant mishmash of triggers and sex acts and weird?
Oh that is a good question. Hum. Are any of the pinks or higher heat dark BLs from Japan good? Objectively from like a narrative and filming perspective.
Hum. How about I approach it this way: 
Darker or more atmospheric and arty Japanese BLs that I remember not regretting watching because of quality & style: 
2008 Forbidden Love - don’t get me wrong I HATE this BL but it satisfies your criteria 
2017 Double Mints - same again 
2019 His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love the series
Pornographer movie series - AKA The Novelist, Mood Indigo, Pornographer Playback (2018-2020)
2020 The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese: Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru
No quite dark not quite BL but very different but interesting:
2015 Wait For Me at Udagawachou: Udagawachou de Matteteyo
2018 Does the Flower Bloom? 
2020 His the movie 
(Here's my original post on the subject.)
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lurkingshan · 2 months
So I’ve been using your JBL starter pack from last year as a bit of a guide and thanks to you, Old Fashion Cupcake is my favourite BL ever! I love those two and their little cake dates with all my heart.
But! I’ve recently arrived at the Pornographer series and trying to find Playback is like trying to find a BL boy who doesn’t immediately get sick after being in the rain for a sec. Noticed you’ve kindly suggested asking you for this sooo if you know where it lives, I’d be very grateful if you could please point me in the right direction. Thank youuuu!
Oh yay, I'm so glad you're making your way through the list! The film goes up on grey sites often but not always with good subs and it inevitably gets taken down every time. I have the file so I'll DM you a link to where you can grab it.
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tapioisokoski-blog · 7 years
Better Sex Through Pornography
Pornography receives a bad rap from many corners, but its use among couples can sometimes result in better sex within their relationship. This is actually not true for all couples, especially those where one of many partners has strongly held negative opinions about pornography. However, for most couples, adding a touch of porn can be a plus. (Guys, obviously, better maintain proper penis health, in order that they're in great shape to handle the better sex that may result!) Be selective. Its not all X-rated video will probably be befitting a few to observe together and make use of to further improve their sexual relationship. Much is determined by the individual preferences of individuals involved. As an example, one or two that likes bondage may appreciate certain videos that you will find a turn-off for the next couple. So, while each member of a few has his personal preferences, here are certain things to think about in choosing an erotic viewing experience. Male fantasies is probably not female fantasies. Many guys love watching another guy get serviced with a roomful of lovely babes. They might get excited by shots of penises ejaculating around a woman's face. However, these may not be the identical sorts of situations which a woman finds enjoyable. Story and character may matter. While no person watches a pornographic video for the intricate plot and understanding of character, lots of women do should you prefer a movie through which there is certainly a minimum of a nod toward story and character. Videos comprised of outright couples doing intercourse may interest a female less than one in that any woman and a man meet and reveal somewhat about themselves before falling into bed for any lengthy sexual gymnastics routine. Using pornography Each film has become selected plus a couple begins viewing it, how should they make the most of the knowledge? - Engage, but don't immerse. This should actually be a participatory experience, so as you're watching is very important, a male needs to ensure he doesn't so involved with the playback quality which he ignores his partner. Make eye contact together with her throughout the film, kiss and caress, etc. - Talk. Pornography is just not great art, so it's quite appropriate to talk to one's partner through the experience. Discussing what has been done and exactly how excited one is through the goings-on is crucial. - Ignore. At some point, many couples get so wrapped up in themselves which they neglect the video. That's exactly what should happen. - Reflect. Afterwards, it's a good idea to mirror on the experience. What things inside the video did each partner like and why? What sort of ideas and thoughts came out while watching? What did each think about the activities they involved in as you're watching? One of the first secrets of better sex is communication, so freely discussing the experience with pornography is important. Also secret's for the man to keep his organ in proper health so that he can better take advantage of the experience. Utilizing a top-notch penis health creme (medical researchers recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help in this region. Often, viewing pornography leads to rather rough sex, that may de-sensitize your penis. Utilizing a creme with acetyl L-carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient, will help in this field. Additionally it is ideal if your selected creme contains L-arginine, a component that boosts n . o . production, which in turn keeps the blood flowing with less effort on the penis - something any man benefits from! For more details about free babe porn videos go to see this useful web site.
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