#The Triforce parts are resonating... :: [PROMO!]
divineprank · 2 years
tag dump; feel free to ignore. rules are up, too! also, askbox is open. Sorry about that lol 
#Out of time. :: [OUT OF CHARACTER]#Know too that this world shall also be visited by one of my blood. :: [QUEUE]#Comfort songs swept across stirring sands. :: [MUSIC]#A burning wind scorched my lands; searing the world. :: [AESTHETIC]#The Triforce parts are resonating... :: [PROMO!]#So you choose and so you shall feel my wrath! :: [SELF-PROMO!]#From the void between realms. :: [DASH COMMENTARY]#Kneel. :: [INQUIRIES]#You cover your face but I know who you are. :: [ANONYMOUS]#The winds that blew across Hyrule brought something other... :: [HEADCANONS]#Shadow has been moved by light it seems... :: [MUSINGS]#As long as the Triforce of Power is in my hand... :: [ABOUT]#The history of light and shadow will be written in blood! :: [LEGENDS]#He who wields such power would make a suitable king for this world... Don’t you think? :: [THE DEMON KING]#“Hero?” I’ve outlived more “heroes” than you could possibly imagine. :: [THE HERO OF LEGEND]#So be it. Hyrule’s blood will be on your hands. :: [THE PRINCESS OF DESTINY]#To defy the gods with such petty magic... Only to be cast aside. :: [THE TWILIGHT PRINCESS]#Allow me to show you... your future. :: [THE KING OF HYRULE]#These toys are too much for you! I command you to return them to me! :: [THE TRIFORCE]#A most wretched little key... :: [THE BLADE OF EVIL’S BANE]#Would you hear my desire? :: [THE GOLDEN GODDESSES]#How amusing. :: [MEMES]#! ? ! :: [CRACK]#Welcome to my castle. :: [OPEN RP]#Land of Myth :: [OCARINA OF TIME]#Forgotten Legend ::  [THE WIND WAKER]#Shrouded in Darkness :: [TWILIGHT PRINCESS]
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