#The Oklahoman
joe-england · 3 months
Ryan Walters' response to Nex Benedict's death only causes more pain for Oklahoma's LGTBQ+ families | Editorial
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frommybookbook · 7 months
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Tonight I watched The Oklahoman. This was Barbara Hale's last film role before Perry Mason started and she'd spend the rest of her career, essentially, playing Della Street. It's a very classic mid-century Western, starring Joel McCrae, and honestly it holds up really well. Barbara is fantastic in it as a widowed ranch owner who ultimately wins the heart of McCrae's also-widowed town doctor (and can you blame him?).
I was very impressed by Hale's horse riding skills, which were on full display here, and also by how great she looked in the Western costumes. If Della Street had ever gotten to dress like his, Perry Mason would have swallowed his tongue.
All in all, great movie, 10/10 would recommend.
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A GOP candidate in Oklahoma is getting attention for comments he made several years ago when he justified the death penalty by stoning for gay people. When asked recently about it, he didn’t disavow his previous comments.
Scott Esk, 56, is running in the Republican primary runoff election tomorrow [today, 8/23,] for a seat in the state house, and local media is bringing up some extreme comments he made in the past. He’s not handling them well.
In 2013, Esk was commenting in a Facebook conversation about the Pope saying that he couldn’t judge gay people. Esk posted some Bible quotations, including the part of Romans 1 where the Bible says that a long list of people who sinned is “worthy of death.”
Another person asked him: “So, just to be clear, you think we should execute homosexuals (presumably by stoning)?”
Esk responded: “I think we would be totally in the right to do it… Ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.”
A year later, a journalist asked him about those comments. He said it was “totally just” to kill gay people.
“What I will tell you right now is that that was done in the Old Testament under a law that came directly from God,” he said at the time. “And in that time, there was, it was, totally just came directly from God.”
After those comments, he put out a long video where he claimed he “sets the record straight.” In those videos, he claimed he has “compassion on anybody in the grips of an insidious addiction, such as homosexuality.”
“Any Christian should be in the position to say that this is sin or this is good. If we don’t make that distinction, we’re not going to help people,” he said in the first video published in 2015.
In the another video, which was from earlier this year, Esk called a local TV news report on his comments a “hit piece on the fact that I had an opinion against homosexuality.”
“Well, does that make me a homophobe? Maybe some people think it does,” he said. “But as far as I and many of the people, the voters of House District A7 are concerned, it simply makes me a Christian. Christians believe in biblical morality, kind of by definition, or they should.”
He said that he is not in favor of “expanding the death penalty in Oklahoma for homosexuality,” he just wants everyone to know that gay people are so offensive to his god that his religion wants them dead.
“The fact is, that it’s much more offensive knowing what obscene things homosexuals do with each other than it is for somebody to hold the view that it is indecent,” he said in the second video.
Now that the runoff election is tomorrow [today, 8/23], The Oklahoman asked Esk about those comments to see if his opinion has changed at all.
He refused to do an interview and pointed The Oklahoman to the two videos.
“I’ve stood up for what is right in the past, and I intend to in the future and I am right now,” he stated. “That’s got me in trouble. The media are not my friends, as far as I’m concerned.”
Earlier today [Yesterday], Esk posted a video to his YouTube channel entitled “Scott Esk sets the record straight for the 3rd time,” in which he calls The Oklahoman piece and a piece by News 4 “hit pieces” and says that the media is against him because they want his opponent Gloria Banister to win.
He also responded to being fired from his job as a data manager in 2011 because he was arrested after he allegedly threatened and harassed the leadership of his church. In the video, he calls those church leaders “snakes” and makes some opaque references to the divorce and custody battle he was going through at the time.
Whoever wins the primary tomorrow will run against the Democratic winner in November. The seat is currently held by state Rep. Collin Walke (D), who is retiring.
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froody · 11 months
holding in the urge to say “oh, oklahomo” when you meet someone who is gay and from Oklahoma
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sporesgalaxy · 4 months
you’re the first Oklahoman person I’ve ever seen in my life, representation
WRONG. youve seen him before ⬇️
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shawnshawcowboy · 8 months
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Oklahoma Sunset
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basilisk2000 · 5 months
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spookyblazecoffee · 11 months
Teen Wolf/Theo Raeken headcanon
- Ever since Theo was young the only constants in his life were: Tara, his hair, and a book series Tara used to read to him about a young teen superhero with Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Considering his parents were always on business trips, he and Tara had to take care of themselves from the ages of five and seven respectively. When Tara died he lost two of those things, his big sister and the book series because the Dread Doctors wouldn’t let him take the books with him. - When he was eleven he was put in a school in Wichita, Kansas, and put with “Parents” that were hired by the Dread Doctors. He knew not to get too attached to these people. However, he couldn’t help but think that the little girl they had reminded him of his big sister when she was younger. That year was when he got the two things he lost when he was nine back, the little girl who reminded him so much of Tara had taken him to a bookstore after he told her about the books he remembered so little about and she had taken some of her allowance money to buy him one of the books, the first one, he read it in a week. - When he was almost twelve he went to another bookstore, this time he was in Grove, Oklahoma. He didn’t have any money, but he had a bag that could be mistaken for a backpack. He went straight to the section of the store that would hold the books made by  ‘Jenna Geyer’ and put as many of the books as he could in his bag without it looking much bigger than it had when he entered. In the end, he got the second and third books. He saw two kids a few years younger than him with an older man right outside the bookstore when he left. The kids were a boy and a girl. The boy was blonde with freckles all over his face specifically his nose and right under his eyes which were a striking electric blue. The girl had reddish hair she had some freckles as well, not as much as the little boy though, one freckle was in the outer corner of one of her eyes which were a beautiful shade of jade green. The older man had scars under his eyes and one on his chin, he and the little girl shared an eye color. The older man had said to the kids: “Remember that your mothers are waiting back at the farm, so we have to hurry to make sure they don’t worry.” The kids had just responded with bright smiles and nods. If Theo felt a little bit jealous about their family dynamic, no he didn’t. - When he was thirteen he was put in a school in Omaha, Nebraska with another family that took care of him while he was there. The school he was going to was giving away books that weren’t checked out as much as the school library thought they would be when they first got them. The fourth and newest book in Jenna Geyer’s superhero series was one of the said books, so he got to take it “Home” and keep it. He finally read through the dedications of the books he had. The first one said: “To, mo chridhe*, my youngest son, my superhero, the inspiration of this story. Liam, I love you. Thank you for being an amazing, kind, sweet boy.” The second one said: “To, my sons, solais mo bheatha**. May you always know what it is like to have a family that loves and supports you throughout whatever you do.” The third one said: “To, my darling oldest son. Camden, may you always look after your baby brothers, no matter how far away you are or if you are with your seanair***, we can find you wherever we look. The fourth one said: “To, the fans of my books, my family, and my friends. Thank you for supporting my writing. I love all of you, and may you always know that I will be in your corner no matter what. Theo now feels a little less alone in this stupid life that he was born into. - Theo is fifteen when he hears that Jenna Geyer is making a new book, and he decides to go to the closest store he can find and get the cheapest phone he can to see the updates about said book. He has grown his hair out since the last time he got one of Jenna Geyer’s books and now has a mullet. He finds out the release date of the newest book is on October 21st, 2013, a little over a month before he turns sixteen. When he gets the book he immediately reads who it’s dedicated to. The book says: “To, my ex-husband. I hope you are happy that you hurt my sons, and I hope that you are ready to face the wrath of what happens to people like you in Dubnos****.” And Theo’s jaw just fucking DROPS to the ground because, after reading all of the updates about the latest book he could find and reading the dedications for the other books he never thought that Jenna Geyer of all people would be that harsh, but, as he knew from memories of Tara, you should never hurt someone that an over-protective sibling or parent loves with all their heart. - The next house Theo is put in his “Parents” force him to cut his hair because they don’t want to be seen with a boy who has long hair no matter if it’s a mullet or not. He cuts it, but not much, not wanting to lose the only thing that is still under his control. After he leaves that house he cuts his hair short on his own accord, not because some strangers forced him to. - When he goes back to Beacon Hills, he hasn’t yet become seventeen and he’s standing in front of his old best friends in the pouring rain, explaining why he’s back. He knows he’s being followed when he hears Stiles talking with someone who he can’t recognize the voice of. - When he gets back from Hell (for lack of a better term) he’s met with Liam and Hayden’s faces and scents, but he immediately pushes Liam against the wall, because he’s scared, but also because he feels the need to be in control of a situation for the first time in months. - After the final fight against the hunters at the hospital, he walks over to Gabe and kneels down in front of him, holding his arm and asking: “Does it hurt anymore?” Gabe had responded with a simple: “No.” Theo looked at Gabe and said: “Good.” - One day, after Theo and Liam get together, Theo is over at Liam’s after spending the night the day beforehand and they’re making breakfast for themselves and Liam’s parents when Dr. Geyer and Liam’s mom walk downstairs. Liam’s mom came downstairs first, seeing Theo and Liam singing along to We Will Rock You by Queen. “Hello, are you one of Liam’s friends?” Liam’s mom had asked when she saw Theo, having not met him before. Theo turned to her and when he saw who she was he whispered: “Putain De Merde... tu l'es... hum... Salut*****.” closing his eyes, embarrassed that he started speaking in French. Jenna just looked confused as Theo looked between her and Liam, who was wearing a matching look of confusion, while Theo continued to ramble in the languages he knows. Italian. (Liam and Jenna not understanding anything he’s saying) French. (Liam catching onto a few words, but not enough to understand what he’s talking about) German. (No fucking clue) Latin. (Again, no fucking clue) Turkish. (Liam and Jenna wearing matching looks of concern) Liam puts his hand on Theo’s shoulder and he starts to calm down. He’s still speaking in another language, but this time it’s just French. He starts to get angry with himself before mumbling: “Bon sang, Théo, Anglais. Tu parles à ton idole et tu ne peux même pas dire un putain de mot, imbécile******!” Jenna doesn’t know what he’s saying, but she knows it’s self-deprecating and she’s not having any of that under her roof. “Take your time, I don’t mind.” Jenna says, placing a hand on the shoulder Liam doesn’t have his hand on. Theo looks at her and blurts out: “I love your books!” Jenna looks pleasantly surprised at what he said while Liam looks confused because he didn’t clock Theo as the type to like superhero books. However he also didn’t clock Theo as the type to like him, so... “That’s very sweet of you to say.” Jenna replies, smiling at Theo softly, and then something dawns on him. The dedication of the first book coming back to him:  “To, mo chridhe*, my youngest son, my superhero, the inspiration of this story. Liam, I love you. Thank you for being an amazing, kind, sweet boy.“ Theo just turns to Liam, eyes wide. Liam looks at him confused. “What?” Liam asks softly, Theo stares for a little longer before he questions: “Have you never read who the first book your mom wrote was for?" Liam nods slowly before confusion turns into embarrassment, making Theo smirk widely. Jenna looks between the two before clearing her throat. Liam turns to his mom before she asks: "So... how do you two know each other exactly?" Liam blushes even more before saying to Jenna and David: "Mom, Dad, this is Theo Raeken. My boyfriend. Theo, these are my parents." Theo stretches his hand out for David to take, having already been comforted by Jenna in her own goddamned home. Jenna has a smile on her face for the rest of the day, and Theo will be embarrassed for the next month because of this ONE encounter!
*My Heart (Scottish Gaelic) Based on @waiting-to-be-lost-at-sea ‘s nickname for Liam from Jenna. **The lights of my life (Scottish Gaelic) ***Grandfather (Scottish Gaelic) ****Celtic Mythology equivalent to Hell *****Holy Shit... you are... um... Hi (French) ******Damn it, Theo, English. You're talking to your idol and you can't even say a fucking word, you idiot (French)
#Theo Raeken#Tara Raeken#Raeken Siblings#The Gayken Siblings#Nolan Holloway#Ally Raven-Martin (Original Character)#Robert Raven (Original Character)#Oklahoman Nolan Holloway#Scott McCall#Stiles Stillinski#Liam Dunbar#Hayden Romero#Gabe Valet#Jenna Geyer#Mrs. Geyer#Dr. Geyer#Dr. Geyer Teen Wolf#David Geyer#Scottish Jenna Geyer#Scottish Liam Dunbar#Lahey Brothers (but only one of them)#Thiam#That awkward moment when you're meeting your boyfriend's mom for the first time and she just so happens to be the writer of you and your 1/?#dead sister's favorite book series and the main character was your first fictional crush and just so happens to be based off of your 2/?#boyfriend who's mother (y'know the one who wrote the books) also just happens to be your idol™ so when you meet her you start to speak 3/?#five out of the many (like nine) languages you know other than English and you get angry at yourself for being tongue-tied in a language 4/?#your boyfriend and his mom can't even understand but she can tell when you're talking bad about yourself and comforts you even though 5/'?#you are in her kitchen trying to make breakfast for you your boyfriend his mother and father who hasn't said anything the entire time 6/?#he's been down here and he's just watching the whole thing unravel until you finally blurt out what you've been trying to say in English 7/?#and she's really sweet but you're really embarrassed and won't be able to think about this moment normally for the rest of your life and 8/?
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter’s application picture to Carleton College, 1959 (courtesy of Carleton College Archives).
“When I was in junior high school, I was a punk. I wanted people to love and admire me for my gentle wit, my talented music-making and my beauty of personality. Instead I was loathsome and irritating and quarrelsome and I didn’t know why people didn’t like me. But I began to think and meditate on it. Meditation is the only way the personality can be improved, and gradually I began to work things out and better myself. I like to give someone as many ‘different sheets of music paper’ as I can — behave differently toward him each time I see him. That is the only way someone can know what the real me is like. You can’t know the real me by only talking to me. I believe that you can tell more about people by the way they looking walking away from you than you can by what they say.” - Peter Tork, Seventeen, August 1967 (x)
“‘All of my early life was spent feeling out of whack. Physically I matured late and never was very athletic and always found myself on the short end of the stick. I was raised in a liberal family in the middle of the McCarthy era.’ Against those odds, Tork inevitably developed an inferiority complex that he carried into adulthood and his musical career. When he became one of four young men chosen out of 437 applicants to become what were supposed to be the ‘American Beatles,’ his self-doubt grew to mammoth proportions. ‘Half of the time I would think I didn’t deserve it and the other half I would think I was God’s gift to the children. I got my head turned around. It was the “arrogant doormat” syndrome low self-esteem combined with arrogance.’” - The Daily Oklahoman, November 7, 1983 (x)
“‘My life between then [moving from Wisconsin to Connecticut] and my senior year of high school was a total disaster,’ says Peter. ‘In fifth grade I started going downhill because I was unhappy. I was constantly trying to make friends and trying to be funny but never succeeding because I was so much younger. I did have a small circle of friends but that was at home, it didn’t have much to do with school.’ […] ‘When I was little I wanted to be an orchestra conductor. I remember a time when I was in Germany, I was about four years old, we went to a restaurant where they had an orchestra and the leader let me get up and conduct it. As I got older I began to love folk music, particularly the Weavers stuff.’ Around 1956, as rock ‘n’ roll was beginning to make its impact, Peter was pursuing rather different musical interests. Folksinger Tom Glazer […] became a friend of the family and presented fourteen-year-old Peter with a ukulele, which he mastered with disarming ease. ‘Then I took up the guitar and later I learned to play the five string banjo. Learning to play musical instruments always came easy to me. Other things I couldn’t learn no matter how hard I studied.’ Peter’s adolescence took a turn for the better around the time of high school senior year, when he was moved to the newly-opened University of Connecticut High School. ‘It was much more comfortable. The age difference ceased to matter and I finally got a chance to make some real friends. This is when I guess you could say I blossomed out. There were all kinds of amateur societies I could join, like drama and rifle shooting. I even started going to football and baseball games. […] I was very interested in drama but I was a late grower and because I was so short I never got any big romantic leads. My acting debut, at age sixteen and a half, was as a thirteen-year-old paper boy in Our Town. This was a bit degrading; it reminded me of the age problem, that had dogged me all through school.’ Peter also contributed to the school newspaper, submitting bizarre humor pieces illustrated by his younger brother Nick. Buoyed up by new confidence and security, Peter took a crash course in the French horn and was invited to join the University (not high school) of Connecticut Orchestra, as fourth chair French horn. ‘I really began to love music, just about every kind except opera. Sometimes I liked listening to classical music better than anything. My favorites were Prokofiev, Bach, Rachmaninov and Stravinsky. Pop music seemed kinda drab around that time. The hard core rock ’n’ roll era had ended and most of the excitement had gone. I was hung up on the orchestral music we played at school. About the only popular stuff I used to really listen to was Ray Charles.’” - Monkeemania (1986)
“A friend of the family, Tom Glazer, a folk singer, is the one who started it all for me. He gave me my ukulele. I had been taking piano lessons but when I got the uke, I found I could go plunk, plunk, and it was a sound I really dug. My mother wanted me to keep studying the piano, but I couldn’t make that plunk-plunk sound on it even after practicing. Knowing the piano helped a lot, though. I played other instruments too, like the French horn. I played that as a senior in high school in Connecticut and in a university band.” - Peter Tork, Seventeen, August 1967 (x)
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candy-corn-slut · 15 days
“I’ll even go to Texas!”
“Okay not Texas.”
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gumgumvibecheck · 1 month
cant believe vega punk made frackquakes
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grlquartz · 1 month
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garadinervi · 2 months
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Rita Silk-Nauni, Excerpts from Letters, «Sinister Wisdom», No. 22/23, 'A Gathering of Spirit. North American Indian Womens Issue', Edited by Michelle Cliff and Adrienne Rich, Amherst, MA, 1983, pp. 83-86 (pdf here)
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Don Tullous (photograph), Rita Silk Nauni, May 11, 1981, The «Daily Oklahoman», May 12, 1981 [The Gateway to Oklahoma History, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, OK]
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Jeff Buehner, (photograph), June 17, 1980, The «Daily Oklahoman», June 22, 1980 [The Gateway to Oklahoma History, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, OK]
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Paul Southerland (photograph), April 20, 1980, The «Daily Oklahoman», May 2, 1980 [The Gateway to Oklahoma History, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, OK]
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dragonomatopoeia · 9 months
everybody thinks of las vegas when it comes to casinos and gambling. which is fair. but again as an oklahoman i have to be like. Every Kid I Grew Up With Had at Least One Formative Memory Of Their Parents/Grandparents Taking Them On A Fun Weekend Trip To A Casino. like it was just the thing adults did. they take you to the casino to hang out and if it's an overnight trip then you'll just be bored out of your mind watching movies on the hotel tv while the adults go gamble for hours
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