#The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast
thecuriousgirl1 · 7 months
Let me take you on a flirtatious journey, and a recent experience with a sexy partner, into the heart of what ignites my passion. Think of it as a personal invitation to my sensual masterclass, where we explore every curve.  I love tossing out the routine and embracing the thrill of sexual discovery, creating a bond that's unbreakable and a desire that's unstoppable. Today HK and I are turning up the heat with a mix of mystery and vulnerability, ensuring our love life never hits a dull moment. With our endless curiosity for each other , undying lust, and a little mystery; this is how we keep things HOT. To listen to the full episode click HERE.
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koschei-the-ginger · 2 months
I knew I was gonna regret this but I was curious what was David Duchovny doing between his phd and the x files 😞. He was busy creating the term manwhore
Working Girl (1988) - five second cameo right in the first 10 minuts of the movie, thank you for saving me 2 hours of my life <3
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Ney Year's Day (1989) - first speaking role and he's already playing a guy obsessed with sex and screwing anything that moves, I'm out of words. Miloš Forman is there, somehow.
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Bad Influences (1990) - 3s background character thank you for saving me 2 hours of my life <3
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Denial (1990) - he came, wore a cowboy hat, rolled around in the mud for 10 seconds, and left.
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Julia has Two Lovers (1990) - David Duchovny manwhored long before that term even existed. That's literally the plot.
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Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's dead (1991) - they don't make homophobic gays like this anymore
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The Rapture (1991) - david plays a very excited swinger turned christian turned dead meat. there's not a single actor in the world that's worth watching a christian movie for. Not even if they give him a mullet wig.
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Ruby 1992 - another very important role, a cop receiving lap dance, is this type casting or is he picking these roles intentionally? I have so many questions
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Baby Snatcher (1992) - yes kitten, I will leave my wife and kids to marry you and be with your kids. I'll never do the same to you, I suppose <3
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Chaplin (1992) - literally the first movie where he isn't the sex-obsessed freak, this time it was RDJ's job
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Beethoven (1992) - get tied to a chair by a dog and dragged through the street, idiot
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Red Shoe Diaries (1992) - I'm gonna ignore all the soft porn and just remember this extremely homoerotic basketball sequence
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Kalifornia (1993) - it's not good but it deserves a reboot with the main protagonist being a 2020s true crime podcaster
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pynkhues · 1 year
do you mind sharing why that showrunner rubbed you the wrong way? totally get it if not, just curious as to what kind of dynamics can form in zoom workshops like that
Sure, anon, I don't mind at all!
Basically I'm in a database of emerging and developing writers that my state film body maintains, and as a part of that I sometimes get invited to apply to participate in creative and professional development opportunities. I've gotten into a few actually, which is always exciting (especially since the state film body pays for it, haha, so it's free for me if I'm accepted in) - my favourite one I ever did was with Meg LeFauve who wrote Inside Out and Captain Marvel, among many other things, and was just genuinely so wonderful and generous with her knowledge and encouragement.
This particular one though was basically a full day of back-to-back one hour sessions over Zoom, and the whole day was pretty great and stacked with Australian and overseas talent. I did (among others - these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head) a session with Prentice Penny (Insecure), Sierra Teller Ornelas (Rutherford Falls), Lucy Prebble (Succession and Secret Diary of a Call Girl), Jo Werner (Dance Academy and Surviving Summer), and Craig Mazin (Chernobyl, The Last of Us).
I'm kinda saying this to give context to the fact that the day itself was A Lot, and was really about giving a lot of different insights to a lot of different creative processes and professional writing environments, and I think one of the reasons Craig rubbed me the wrong way so much was that his approach really jarred with the other writers. In all the other workshops, the writers had emphasised the value of collaboration, supporting other writers, and expressed a really deep love of film and TV not just as an industry, but as an artform.
Craig writes alone - he wrote every episode of Chernobyl and has written every episode of The Last of Us except for two episodes he co-wrote with the creator of the game - which was a fact he emphasised a few times, and he felt really dismissive overall of any voice that wasn't his own. He hosts an entire podcast on screenwriting, which he talked about a lot, and talked about how he enjoys talking to other writers, but won't watch their work because he doesn't like watching movies and TV shows, and he basically bagged out TV as a medium outside of the work he himself was creating. He just came across as intensely arrogant to me, and while everyone else was offering advice and guidance in their sessions, Craig really just... talked about himself.
I don't know, maybe my thoughts would've been different if I'd seen his session in isolation of the others, but I've referred to my notebook from that day plenty of times since, and his is the only workshop that I took literally zero notes in. It's also - - mmm - - maybe telling of other things too? Given every other writer throughout the day was either BIPOC or a woman, I have in hindsight thought that the importance of seeing and supporting stories by diverse voices and building up your industry has very different meaning for writers that aren't straight white men like Craig, but I don't know. All I know is that I left his session with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.
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sir-inq-br · 10 months
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🌹 - ɟ
Hiii babies and dear Anons 👋🏼🤗 You know how it works by now. These are the answers to the asks Mari/Stuck sent me. And happy Valentine’s Day to you all!! 🌹🌹 Enjoy 🙃
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 A lot of people have been interested in them, dear Anon. From managers, to publicists, to sponsors, partnerships, producers, etc., etc. and no, it was never a problem between them. That’s part of their job.
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 No, dear Anon. Camila and Ashlee are best friends. Ash ships/ped Camren. She has helped them a lot of times. I know why you thought this. Just as I know it may seem that Ash takes advantage of Camila because she created a lot of videos with her, made two songs about her, and brings her up at every opportunity, but it’s not what it seems. Do you have any idea how hard it is to try to emerge as an artist in that world? Do you have any idea how many artists there are out there that you’ll never hear about because they’ll never make it to the top? Why do you know Ashlee? Thanks to 5H. Without having been their guitarist, you wouldn’t even know she existed. The fans that Juno has, are Harmonizers/Camilizers and some that she managed to make herself afterwards.
Ash is a real friend to our Mila. She has helped her more times than we could ever know, even by leaving the tour to help her friend. And Camila’s the same for her. Did you know that on June 13, 2020, in the face of the Black Lives Matter Movement she helped Ashlee sponsor a free scholarship for 20 black students to participate in the JUNO’s Guitar Bootcamp to help them create more opportunities in that field in their future? [Diana Foster, who I believe is her girlfriend or a great friend of hers anyway, also helped] Why on earth would Camila willingly help someone who ‘presumably’ would be taking advantage of her friendship? May I suggest you go watch one of the last videos they have together in Camila’s backstage? It dates back to 2019. Go watch it, dear Anon, and tell me if you don’t get an automatic smile on your lips.
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 Forgive me, Anon, with all due respect speaking, but what are you saying? “Camila has made mistakes (she has not been the best girlfriend possible)?” Are you for real? What are you talking about? Camila made her mistakes, but so did Lauren. So why are you only pointing the finger at Camila? Did you pay attention to their story? Did you hear/see what Lauren said on the podcast? Have you ever listened to their songs WELL? Because apparently, you didn’t. A couple is made up of two people and mistakes are made by two, not just by one.
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 No, dear Anon. Closer was never a song of hers in the first place, let alone one she could sell. The Chainsmokers wanted her in the song. She recorded a rough demo for them and then turned it down. I know that when she turned it down and they passed it on to Halsey, she wrote and contributed to some of the lyrics (she appears as a songwriter in the credits), so I believe she wrote those in the place of the ones Mila wrote in her version, but I’m not sure. I don’t know if Camila had the time to write her part like Ashley (Halsey) did, or if she directly recorded the demo as she did with The Middle. Until it’s leaked, we won’t have an answer.
The fact is that Closer was simply a project that was proposed to her when she was still in 5H and that she turned down because 7/27 was about to come out. Just as she declined to participate in Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood music video for them (5H). And I still wonder how the haters still consider her a bitch 🙄🙄
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 Ligas, or hair bands, or también se dice colitas, verdad? Or hair ties as I like to call them, were originally Lauren’s. Lauren had two on her wrist at X-Factor and then, magically, one ended up on Camila’s wrist. I personally think that was their first symbol, but of friendship. And no, dear Anon, they didn’t replace the rings. The rings didn’t yet exist at that time. If the rings were one of their symbols of love, the hair ties were symbols of friendship, at least in the beginning.
P.S. dear Anon, I would like that as soon as you finish reading this post, you’d type ‘garters’ on Google and click directly on images 🤣 I really, REALLY, love you for this, believe me 😉❤️
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 I watched all the interviews held in Spain in 2015 and you can see the differences, dear Anon. The two interviews with Revista Bravo and the one with Vodafone Yu are more or less normal. There’s tension between all of them because the big mess had recently happened. But in Alyson’s one with NSP PROJECTS and the one with LOS40 in which Alyson is in as well… Gosh… Your second question is my answer, dear Anon. Yes, they broke up, but that was even before they went to Europe.
As for your last question, on the one hand, I think she was single, attracted to the interviewer, and that she didn’t have to be accountable to anyone because being single, she could do whatever she wanted. But on the other hand, I think it may have been done on purpose for revenge since they’ve always played these jealousy games. I don’t think she managed to control herself though. It shows in both of those interviews, although it’s much more evident in the one with NSP PROJECTS. I don’t think she really realized the gravity of what she was doing because she was too wrapped up in Alyson and too busy in impressed her than everything else. I don’t think she noticed, at least not during the interviews, how hurt Lauren was.
I don’t want to tell you yes or no if her behavior was correct or not, simply because I don’t know if she did it because as I said she was single and didn’t have to answer to anyone, or if she did it out of revenge because she wanted Laur to be jealous. My instinctive response would be that it wasn’t corrected because of the effect it had on Laur who was also going through the dark diary period, but I don’t really know why Mila did what she did. She may have had her reasons, and maybe knowing them, my answer would be different, or the same. I don’t know because I don’t know the reasons behind this. Lauren has done a lot of things in the past that have hurt Camila, and Camila has done a lot of things in the past that have hurt Lauren. They’ve hurt each other many times. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. So I prefer to abstain because, at least in this case, I don’t feel like judging something I don’t know. Much less point the finger.
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 Hi @ camilalauren0327 😄👋🏼 yeah, writing is therapeutic for them, as it is for many other people, myself included. Dancing was for me as well. Many people find it therapeutic to play sports, others find it in various forms of art, etc., etc.
I don’t know if Camren did couples therapy 🤷🏻‍♀‍ I think if they really did it, they did it after 5H.
Doctors of all kinds, and therefore also psychologists, consultants, therapists, psychiatrists, etc. are bound by the federal law HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Many therapists themselves indeed, prefer to establish confidentiality limits even before starting therapy. For example, the fact that they’re required to maintain therapy content is established regardless, but with you, they can determine who they can contact with your written permission, or if they can’t contact anyone. If YOU client prefer it, you can also establish that outside those four walls, you’re not really in therapy and that therefore if you meet your therapist in a supermarket, for example, they’ll pretend not to know you and will not acknowledge you at all in order to protect your client-therapist confidentiality. So, at the end of the day, it really depends on you and what you establish with your therapist.
This, however, is sometimes not enough for celebrities. Those who really, but really care about privacy and don’t want to take risks, require their therapist to also sign an NDA as a backup and reinforcement plan, so that it covers everything, including sections that HIPAA doesn’t administer.
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Both, dear @camilalauren0327, and hi again 👋🏼😊 In the Consequences video and on the day of Say You Won’t Let Go she was paying tribute to Lauren and to the old Camila. For Consequences, that was one of the many symbols we find in the video that served as a clue. For Say You Won’t Let Go it was yes a tribute to Lauren and to old Camila, but it was more of a message for her. The song was for her, the bow was for her, and the rose on her pants was for her. It was like: “Hey, I’m still here. I’m still me. See the bow? See the rose? The song? It’s all for you. The title of the song already speaks for itself. Let’s try again”. That was indeed still the period of rapprochement between them. As for the other times she wore it, and I remember that she even wore it around her neck on more than one occasion, it was for style.
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 Sure thing, dear Anon 🙃 Curious is a song discarded from the album Camila, and I don’t know if you’ll like my interpretation, dear Anon, because this song is not about Lauren (for me).
Verse 1
“I lose myself when you start talkin’
There’s something riveting about you, it’s got me confused”
Camila finds this girl so fascinating, that not only does she gets lost when she talks, but it also makes her confused. Confused because she didn’t think another girl could have this effect on her while her mind was always on Lauren. And yes, girl. It’s not the first time that Camila has had to mask this in her songs.
“If we went back to your apartment
Would you be a gentleman and a bad boy too?”
She’s provocative here. She’s literally provoking and teasing the girl: “Could you be sweet and at the same time rough enough to slamming me against the wall?” If you know what I mean…
“I know you think, I’m innocent
Little do you know where my mind has been?”
When you see Camila in videos and interviews, you’re hit by her energy 80% of the time. She’s this cute and goofy and clumsy and dorky ball of bubbly energy that cracks a smile from you all the time. She’s funny with her lame jokes that however always make you laugh, and most of the time, you see her in this innocent light. And it’s true. She looks like this innocent little bean that must be protected at all costs. But we also know that she’s far from innocent. And here, that’s what she’s telling the girl: “If you knew what I’ve been thinking about you, about us, about what I want to happen, you’d understand that I’m not that innocent after all.”
“I don’t have much experience
Could you relieve me of my ignorance?”
The only sexual experience Camila had had up to that point, had been with Lauren. So unlike this girl, Camila had only had one partner, and she’s telling her just that: “I don’t have much experience as you do. Could you help me out?”
“It’s true (It’s true, it’s true)
Been wondering about you”
Here she’s basically questioning whether the expectation equals the reality.
“I’m just cu—, I’m just curious
What you do, just got the two of us
Hit me down, take me up
Can you teach me how to love?
I’m just curious”
She’s telling her that what they do in private between them, will stay between the two of them. And then… Ahem-Ahem! *Throat clearing* I’m really trying to hold back as much as possible here guys… If I hadn’t received complaints in the past about some of the answers I gave in other posts, I wouldn’t have had any kind of problem explaining exactly what she says sentence by sentence, but I’ll just limit myself by saying that she’s asking her to teach her to be more expert on the subject matter.
“Dum, dum-dum-dum
You got me feeling
Dum, dum-dum-dum
You got me feeling”
This girl makes her feel in a certain type of way that Camila herself refrains from saying what she really wants to say. Still if you know what I mean…
Verse 2
“I’m kinda nervous but I like it (Yeah)”
Because it’s a good kind of nervous. An exciting kind of nervous.
“Will you live up to the image that I got of you?”
Again. As I said before, she’s basically asking if the expectation equals the reality.
“You’re not usually my type, yeah
I think that that might be the reason that I’m here with you (Oh, oh)”
And this, speaks for itself. Who’s Camila’s type? With whom is she making the comparison? Who does she have in mind to justify her actions? She’s there with this girl because her type is who?
Before I wrap up, I want to explain to you why this song has nothing of Lauren for me. So I’m going to rewrite some pieces of the song to debunk it’s about Lauren.
“If we went back to your apartment”
Lauren didn’t have an apartment yet. She wasn’t living alone yet. 5H had two apartments that they shared together in the months of recording, and for the rest, they lived constantly in hotels. This girl (older than her) had an apartment.
“I know you think, I’m innocent”
Lauren and Camila had already had sex. Hello? Since the Like Friends Do situation. So she’s not talking about Lauren because she already knew Camila wasn’t innocent.
“I don’t have much experience”
Again. Experience she’d precisely had with Laur.
“Been wondering about you”
She had to wonder about Lauren if she had already been with her sexually? What would have been the sense?
“What you do, just got the two of us”
If she was really talking about Lauren, this would’ve been a big bullshit because there were people who knew about them. The ones closest to them for sure. Like DNA. DNA knew about them right from the start and lived their story basically along with them. Not to mention that they heard them on more than one occasion. Hell, even we heard them thanks to that takeover.
“You’re not usually my type”
Definitely not Lauren! Isn’t Lauren Camila’s type? In which universe?
“I think that that might be the reason that I’m here with you”
Exactly! This girl, whether it was physically or of character, wasn’t like Lauren.
Aaand these are the reasons why I’m 100% sure this song is not about Lauren, dear Anon.
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 Of course I can, dear Anon 😄
Cleopatra is a song discarded from the album Camila, and created during The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving. era. C ended Something’s Gotta Give in mid-March 2017 and we know it was the last song of The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving. era before the album name changed to Camila, so Cleopatra was finished before that.
“Ridin’ ‘round town in the backseat
Looking like the real deal
Looking real, real, real
Spent so long cuttin’ my teeth
Thought you were the real deal
But it wasn’t real, real, real, uh”
Camila is in the back of a car and, you know how sometimes you find yourself spacing out and thinking about something in those moments? Maybe by looking out the window but not really looking because you’re thinking about that something? It can be something trivial or something important, and in Camila’s case, in this case specifically, she’s overthinking about her relationship with Lauren. They had clearly broken up, and Camila is thinking about how she believed L was the real deal.
With ‘cuttin’ my teeth’ she used a slang to indicate that she learned something early in her life. The slang of cut my/your/her/his/their teeth was born in reference to the exit of the teeth from a baby’s gums and consequently indicates a first experience. So, here she means that she spent too much time learning the ropes believing for real that Lauren was for her, and then realize that she wasn’t.
[Don’t be discouraged and keep in mind that in this case, they were passing thoughts because she was definitely angry, bitter, and sad. We all are after a fight or a breakup with a partner. Besides, we all know that L is the love of her life. Think of songs like Never Be the Same (It’s you, babe), All These Years ('Cause after all these years, I still feel everything when you are near), Taxy (The greatest love story that’s never been told), and many others up to one of the ‘most recent’ ones: Anyone (You are the only one I’ll ever love) 😉]
“Every night it was a different fight
It was a different girl
It was a different lie, ooh-ooh
Every night it was a different fight
It was a different girl
It was a different lie, ooh”
Aaaand back at it again with their communication problems. Even if she has generalized a lot here, she still makes us understand the essence of the problem.
“I think I kinda wanna cut my hair like I’m
I’m Cleopatra”
When people move on or try to move on after a breakup, what do they usually do? They look for a change. They want to separate themselves from their past selves, of the ones they were when they were in a relationship with the person they broke up with, and they seek a change, aka self-improvement. Most of the time visual, and therefore physical. This change is seen as a new beginning, a new chapter in their life where they want to feel good again. They want to feel attractive. And this is how self-innovation begins. Some go on a diet, others change their style and wardrobe, and then there’s what many see as a rite of passage: a new haircut.
Camila in this case used Cleopatra’s cut as a metaphor for the change she wanted to make about herself. Cleopatra is one of the most famous known queens in the world. Strong, intelligent, powerful, and that radiates charm in everyone since ever. But Camila isn’t talking about Cleopatra the person. She’s talking about her haircut. Cleopatra’s cut in this case is a symbol of power and freedom for Camila. Remember how I said earlier that Camila finished Something’s Gotta Give in mid-March and that she finished this song before that? Well, although this song talks about 2015, it was made in 2017. And guess what happened in that same period? Camila cut her hair by getting bangs. To be precise, it happened on March 31, 2017 (picture + caption: “joined the bang club now”). Coincidence? Yeah, sure, I don’t think so. Plus, although she used it as a metaphor, Camila has actually always wanted a Cleopatra cut, thing that, if you think about it, she now has for real. [Oh, oh and, rumor has it that Cleopatra was bisexual as was 100% Julius Caesar🤫🤭]
“Wanna dance on cars
And forget it all after
Skip these sad love songs cause I
Need something faster and now baby
Kinda think I’m ready”
The freedom I was saying before? (Cleopatra’s cut in this case is a symbol of power and freedom for Camila) She talks about it here. She used the wanting to dance on cars and the skipping sad love songs as figurative expressions of the freedom she wanted to feel, and that she wanted to feel fast because there was gonna be no crying in the club this time. 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, dear Anon, I had to 😝 No but, seriously though. She just wanted to shed the past and move on right away because she was ready. And she was also ready for the power part I referred to earlier that she explains here:
“Needed to be all eyes on me
Baby all eyes on me, ooh
That’s what I want
Needed to be all eyes on me
Baby all eyes on me, ooh
That’s what I want, yeah”
Now. Now, now, now, now, now, now, now. We have a double interpretation here. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: Camila is a fucking genius. And being the fucking genius lyricist that she is, she used a double meaning here to let everyone interpret this part as they please. The double interpretation is so well hidden, that people who listen to this song without knowing the details, such as for example knowing something about Camila’s life or the year the song was made, would never know because they wouldn’t even notice.
The first interpretation ties into what she says about wanting to dance on cars in the chorus. That’s also a way of saying she just wants to dance thoughtlessly and have fun, but on cars? It’s a metaphor to say that she wants to do it by drawing everyone’s attention. I want you to picture something now, okay? Picture a party with a bunch of people dancing and drinking, and in the midst of the fun, someone climbs on the hood of a car or a counter or any other high surface to keep dancing. Can you picture what would happen at that moment? Can you picture how all the people there would turn to look at that person and shout, clap, and cheer them on? Now picture the same scenario with a person still climbing on something high, but to announce something. It’s the same thing. It’s the same purpose. Getting on top, getting on top of something, is to automatically draw attention. So the connection that leads us to the first interpretation is: Wanna dance on cars - Needed to be all eyes on me.
The second interpretation, on the other hand, is basically the same as regards wanting attention on her, but with another direction and another chorus sentence. Camila is a singer. She’s a performer. She LOVES to perform. She LOVES the excitement, the adrenaline rush, the anxiety, the nerves, the pressure, and the feeling of shitting herself before entering a stage. She LOVES the almost blinding stage lights, the screams, the cheers, the applause, and all the love from the fans. She LOVES mastering the stage, interacting with the audience, and delivering a show. She sings her heart out and LOVES it when the audience sings back to her. She has so much passion and she’s so fucking good at what she does. Why am I saying all this? Because with this hidden interpretation, Mila refers to her solo debut. Like I said, this song was made in 2017, remember? So the connection that leads us to the second interpretation is: Now baby, kinda think I’m ready - Needed to be all eyes on me. Ready for her debut.
Both indicate the attention and power (feeling of power) that I mentioned earlier that comes with it.
“See, see
You right to be that
You bein’, you needin’
See, see
You right to be that
You bein’, you needin'”
This part is cryptic. Since they broke up here, I think she’s just saying that it’s okay. That it’s okay for Lauren to be the way she is and that it’s okay if they’re letting each other go (Yeah, sure, Jan 🤣). No hard feelings. Or at least, that’s my interpretation.
Before concluding this post, I’d like to make amends. My friend, the same one I ‘roasted’ in my last post (📄 - ɟ), hey, hi girl 😝 literally shoved her phone in my face a few days ago to show me an ask sent to @emisonme (hi to you too if you’re reading 👋🏼😄) in which I was mentioned. I’d like to apologize to all of you because I made a mistake, although not intentionally. I didn’t know Simon was no longer one of the directors of Simco Limited. I went to check it out and immediately understood why I didn’t know. Because it happened more or less recently (on September 17, 2020) and I hadn’t done a thorough research on the piece of shit since last summer (July) when Syco integrated into Sony.
I got really mad at myself for doing one of the things I hate: giving out wrong information. Camila and Lauren are ‘free’ from Simon, and I put that in quotes because one of the clauses that are in every Simmenthal Cow contract includes not being able to speak ill of him. I’m not kidding. This is a piece of an article from many years ago that is still on the internet today that talks about X Factor contracts: “The contract, which runs for 80 pages, also reportedly states that the rules are enforceable anywhere ‘in the world and solar system’ and that artists may not be critical of the company, ‘including its personnel and, in particular, Simon Cowell’. The contract makes clear no-one can speak badly of X Factor supremo Simon.”
Supremo… Supremo? Like what, the Supreme from American Horror Story (some fans of the series like me here)? Should I start calling him Cordelia? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I could never. I’m sorry Sarah (Paulson) for even giving it the slightest thought, love. I’m deeply ashamed. Sooo, like what? A supremo Super Saiyan (Dragon Ball)? If he clenches his hands into fists and screams, does his hair turn blonde? No, huh? So like what exactly? The supremo asshole? You know what? It doesn’t matter. He’s ridiculous enough per se.
Anyway.  Camren are free I hope completely from Simon, but we don’t know yet if the contract ended along with Simon’s exit or if it’s still standing. We’ll see as soon as one of them releases a new song.
Please accept my sincere apologies, guys 🙏🏼 And thank you @emisonme for giving me a great news, albeit indirectly. You’re a real one 😊
Aaand I’m done 🙈 I hope I was helpful in this case too. As usual, I’m always available for those who have questions, so feel free to ask 🙃 And as always, I thank Mari for giving me space in her blog and for making this exchange possible, and thanks to you Anons for your asks 🥰
Be kind, to others and to yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗 I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️
P.S. who wants to be my virtual Valentine? 🌹 🌹 🌹
I have to say sorry to F again because this submission should be posted last night and I couldn’t. Thanks for the long ass post F. 
Another advice, I closed the inbox for anons as you know and I will open it again in a few days when I don’t be too busy. Save your asks for F anyway, anons!
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mikseventeen · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
My pleasure.
I am on the site and I’m planning to setup an account.
Thank you so much for the invite!
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hardstudybeing · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
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mikeandshy · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
Ill do that
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thecuriousgirl1 · 6 months
Hey there, in this cozy bed-recorded episode, I dive into the enticing world of porn! From its addictive allure to amateur porn's raw authenticity, I cover it all. Ever curious about cuckolding and cuckqueen dynamics? I share my thoughts and fantasies on these thrilling power plays. I also discuss how porn can be both educational and a playground for sexual discovery. Join me as we navigate the responsible use of porn to enhance our sexual awareness and pleasure. It’s a journey of erotic exploration you don't want to miss! To listen to the full episode click HERE.
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examinemedoctor · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
Hi Layla! Sure no problem, I'm enjoying your blog from what I've checked out so far. Thanks for the heads up on your podcast, I'll have to give it a listen. Take care, Jill
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shruthiannie-blog · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
Shall do. Will let you know once I am done
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gh199874 · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
Youre welcome. Ill be sure to check it out.
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naughtiestnatasha · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
Sure, I'll give it a listen doll! 💋
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freakinthesheetsx · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
Deffs interested 😘
- Curious Cass 😉 😂
Tumblr media
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9mm-medic · 4 years
Hi, thanks for following me! Would love it if you gave my podcast a listen. You can listen to it on iTunes, and most podcast apps, or directly on my site, thecuriousgirldiaries. com. Or you can ask Alexa to “Play The Curious Girl Diaries Podcast” -Layla 👄
You didn't finish the question
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avaantares · 4 years
replied to your post
“Which fandom(s) or fiction genres are you looking for? Meanwhile, my...”
Thanks both �� @avaantares I’m pretty eclectic in tastes and always keen to try new things ❤️
Okay! Let’s see...
If you need total brain candy, The Great British Baking Show (on Netflix) is fun to watch. Even though it’s a competition, the contestants are supportive of each other, and it’s neat to see what people make.
In kind of the same vein but by way of Edward Gorey, The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell (on Netflix; trailer here) is a Gothic crafts extravaganza with puppets, haunted houses, and a serial killer. It’s a baking show for people who don’t like baking shows.
My favorite TV show ever is Remember WENN, a sitcom about an underfunded radio station on the brink of WWII, which strikes the perfect balance between hilarious comedy and deeply-moving character arcs. It has never been released on video, but fans have been sharing the episodes P2P for more than twenty years, so it’s possible to download it via BitTorrent or file transfer sites. There’s a Facebook group for the show here.
I’ve been enjoying the YouTube series Black Girl In A Big Dress, which is about a historical reenactor combating people’s preconceptions about her race and lifestyle while trying to find love. It’s cute and funny, but highlights real issues at the same time. The episodes are about five minutes long, and there are currently two seasons out (new eps are released weekly).
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries took the internet by storm a few years ago, so you may have seen it already, but if you haven’t, it’s good light viewing. It’s a modern-day retelling of Pride and Prejudice, as viewed through Elizabeth Bennet’s vlog.
If you like podcasts and/or old-time radio, check out The Thrilling Adventure Hour. A variety of entertaining stories inspired by classic radio shows.
On that note, one of the best radio comedy series of the 2000s is Cabin Pressure, which is available from some streaming services and most public libraries. It stars (among others) Benedict Cumberbatch, and follows the slightly unqualified crew of a slightly shady air freight service on their delivery routes around the world. It is hilarious.
I’m pretty sure I followed you because you blogged Torchwood stuff, so here’s my favorite Torchwood fan video.
I’m not sure if you’re into fanfiction or if so what type, but I’m happy to rec some feel-good stories if you would like those as well. :)
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