There are checks can be made for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer, where the treatment has a greater ability to make an impact.
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Best foods for a healthy and strong heart
Good nutrition,Find out how you can protect your heart from various diseases like pressure and high cholesterol and other diseases…Eating healthy food is one of the important steps that will help you to prevent heart disease, which is the first cause of death in the world . There are many healthy foods that help you  to choose wisely .
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In order to protect yourself from heart disease, you should choose foods that contain :                       
Little fat .
Little salt .
Little cholesterol .
A few calories .
Plenty of fiber .
Dr. "Barbara Hangman" - President of the Foundation food and medicines – explained that it is not meaningful to maintain the
healthy food
that the individual give up all the foods he loves. And she has also added that it is necessary to maintain a balance between the per capita intake of
during daily meals. For example, if you dealt with in your day-saturated-fat meal, you must balance it in your day through the reduction of fat in other meals, so as to maintain a
balanced diet
Maintain that require follow-up
nutritional information
fast food
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containers such as bread , cereals, canned food, frozen, desserts, beverages, and more. you determine your body needs from fruits, vegetables, and fish .
Food Facts
Dr. "Barbara" has shown that the codes written on
food packages
give people the ability to compare the different types of foods quickly, and easily, enables them to judge any of the
safest food for heart health
, or to fill the needs of food .
She has given an example for patients with high-pressure who requires them to reduce the proportion of salt in food, they have found while shopping five different types of tomato sauce on the same shelf, easily they can by reading food information on the packaging to choose the sauce type that has the lowest ratio of salts .
High and a few other Nutrients
Most of the nutrients to be written in the
nutritional information on packages
be in the form of a percentage of the recommended daily amount to take them .And customers can use that ratio to maintain a balanced diet. They can
blink of an eye
to identify any products contain a high or less percentage of  the  nutrients . Rule of thumb states that the presence of any nutrient of 20% and above is highly concentrated, while the presence of any nutrient of 5% or less is a little focus .
Experts had recommended that it must maintain a ratio of nutrients that increase the risk of heart disease a few in food, such as :
Saturated fat
Cholesterol .
trans fat  .
small advice at restaurant There may not be a code on the packaging proportion of
unsaturated fat
, but you can determine whether the product contains a high content of saturated fat, and cholesterol. And by a comparison of products you have to choose the least proportion of fat in general .
You can also by those percentages choose products that contain a high proportion of fiber, getting those fiber from foods such as fruits, and vegetables It may help you to reduce the risk of heart disease.  
You must confirm the expressed quantity that food information, if it was one cup, and you dealt with two cups, this means that the amount of nutrients that  you dealt with has been doubled
Health requirements
Some foods carry containers such products on health requirements, and that will help the client to identify the diseases that this product may shield them from. And before placing such requirements on the product they must be powered by strong
scientific applied evidence
in numerous studies, and the only product that passed these tests is authorized to put them on his charges .
The following shows some of those requirements that you may find on some of products :
As many factors affect on the condition of the heart, the foods that contain a small                       percentage of fat may reduce the risk of injury .
Foods that contain a small percentage of salts, reduces the incidence of high blood pressure
Existing fiber foods such as "Product Name" as a part of the few foods saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease .
Examples of eating healthy eating
1. choose the cut chicken, or thin meat, you can either boil them, or bake them, or grill them .
2. during eating in the restaurant choose cooked steamed dishes, or grilled instead of the fried ones
3. Look for foods Containing a few cholesterol or saturated fat, and eat foods that are frequently out mono saturated fats, or multi-unsaturated which is existed  in fish, and vegetable oils, or walnut oil .
4. Look for potassium-rich foods , "unless your doctor advised reducing them" Potassium limit the impact of salts on high blood pressure .
5. choose foods and drinks that contain little added sugars. Read the list of nutrients to ensure that added sugars are not in the forefront of the nutrients as they are sorted by size on the added quantity, and added sugars such as sucrose, glucose, fructose .
6Finally, choose high-fiber foods such as fruitsbeans , vegetables, and grains.
I hope that we explained the types of foods that maintain the integrity of your heart, and we wish safety for all .
medical information
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Women cuddles protected her from heart diseases
If you ask any wife or girl in the world for the most important thing in the marital relationship she will answer happily cuddling !!! medical iformation Why cuddling? : Studies "alone" will answer to this women hug and embrace are useful .. to her heart, but that does not help men a lot, according to the latest US medical study. Researchers at the University of North Carolina studied the cases of both genders in the 38 couples . Cuddles leads to increase the levels of the « oxytocin hormone », which is called« hormone link » it reduces high blood pressure also , and this reduces the risk of heart disease. The researchers noticed the low pressure as a result . medical information The tests were carried out to measure the levels of «oxytocin» that appear at the children birth and when they be breastfed , levels of stress hormone and cortisol . it has been appeared that «oxytocin» rates increased in both men and women after hugs and incubation , tests refer to the increase of the hormone record with loving couples, compared to other couples. Tests refer to decline in «cortisol» hormone rates in women after incubation in addition to lower blood pressure in women Karen Groin "who led the study" said that « the husband or wife support has an effect on the increase of « oxytocin » hormone to wife or husband, however, the importance of this hormone is good effect on the women heart and her blood vessels . So cuddling is the beautiful thing that protects heart and makes human beings happy. source : Medical information web http://www.medicalindormation7.com/2015/11/women-cuddles-protected-her-from-heart.html#ixzz3sOI8Ecvn
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Laugh effects on  the heart muscle scientific research confirmed that laugh and love Strengthen heart significantly , it reduced the incidence of heart attack, and they significantly reduced pressure, because their impact is similar exercise . Laugh and love make human optimistic and thus minimizes the spread of stress hormones and help to inhale a greater amount of oxygen and expel the largest amount of carbon dioxide and help to relax . cardiac catheterization operations increased among young people at early age . the increase is due to smoking-induced stress and reliance on fast food, which contain a high content of cholesterol, which affects the arteries sclerosis so doctors advise  to exercise for the prevention of heart disease . Chest pain is due to many things, including the common cold and sometimes accompanied by vomiting heart attack , sweat and fall. These are the same cold symptoms .doctors advised not to ignore these symptoms because it can lead to a stroke, especially if there are people in the family have the same disease . Heart surgery in the world has seen great progress and become the prices became cheaper. the surgery time and patient preparing is very important for its success . source : Medical information web http://www.medicalindormation7.com/2015/11/laugh-effect-on-heart-muscle.html#ixzz3sOFE40Nu
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